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by Qev
Wed Aug 17, 2005 12:08 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Just drew this scout ship.
Replies: 18
Views: 3246

Sorry to hear that dude. Sounds like this 'Alex' goob wasn't being professional at any point in the process... or at the very least you got some bad information from that 'regular.' I've been told that a good way to protect yourself is by mailing yourself a copy of your artwork in a sealed envelope...
by Qev
Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:56 am
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Opinions on armor name
Replies: 30
Views: 2275

Janus wrote:Why not crow. A large numbe of them is called a murder.

You, sir, are my hero. :)

Or you could call it the Raven... a large number of which is called a 'parliament', which is probably more hated and fear-inspiring than even a murderer. :D
by Qev
Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:55 am
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Thoughts on a damage reduction system instead of MDC
Replies: 14
Views: 1693

Thoughts on a damage reduction system instead of MDC

I was just thinking about this, for the heck of it, and came up with two (and a half) different ways of implementing such a thing. Both, of course, would require a lot of converting. One : In order to damage an armored target, you would need to do enough damage in one shot to exceed the target's dam...
by Qev
Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:38 am
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Nuclear Reactors
Replies: 27
Views: 2114

What I want to know is how does a nuclear generator of any kind power rockets and jets without any jet fuel? IE a SAMAS. Is there any possible way? It's probably just a nuclear jet. Turbines suck in air, it gets super-heated by the nuclear reactor (maybe even to plasma temperatures, but I doubt it)...
by Qev
Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:35 am
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Opinions on armor name
Replies: 30
Views: 2275

The Starling? :D
by Qev
Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:34 am
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?
Replies: 241
Views: 20821

Re: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?

No...levels 1-3 are the bottom levels. Remeber the quote you posted from the RMB? Chi-Town works like any other type of a high rise office building, ground level is level 1, level 2/floor 2 is next up, etc. Why... you're absolutely correct! I guess I had that bass-ackwards. Of course, levels 1-3 ar...
by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 10:45 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Nuclear Reactors
Replies: 27
Views: 2114

The description above . . . Does not seem to have anything to do with MHD processes . . . Oh, sorry... I guess I was kind sloppy. Yeah, thermionic conversion has nothing to do with MHD. I was under the impression that there were going to be problems attempting to artificially sustain a reaction lik...
by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 10:39 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Opinions on armor name
Replies: 30
Views: 2275

How about Shrike? They're interestingly-gruesome small predatory birds. :)
by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 10:35 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?
Replies: 241
Views: 20821

Re: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?

Ok, go to the next page where it says levels 1-3 are the high security government levels. How does one get from those levels to level 4? Also might want to check out page 206 of the original RMB, under visitor papers. (Yes there really is a Dog Pack at every city gate) Yay! Dog Pack! Er... ahem. I'...
by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 10:14 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Rifts In Your Own Image
Replies: 31
Views: 4138

gaby wrote:1)No Xiticix hive land,instead Manitoba is home to a Anti-Magic D-Bees call the Maloza.

I mis-read that as "Mazola" and thought, "D-Bees based on MW (Margerine-Wizardry) technology? OMG!" Oh well... :D
by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:37 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Nuclear Reactors
Replies: 27
Views: 2114

Maybe they're using some sort of thermionic converter, or possibly using the fusion plasma as some sort of MHD generator? That is also one I hadn't heard of. Ok, I admit this is only one source, but from [url=]here[/b], it says 7 W/sq cm @ 2000K. I g...
by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 3:44 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?
Replies: 241
Views: 20821

demos606 wrote:Lazlo exists for the same reasons Tolkein doesn't anymore - that's the way Kev wants it. I wouldnt be surprised if Lazlo were where all the CS mages went after the first altercation that made the CS anti-magic.

Curse you and your pragmatism, Demos! :D
by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 3:41 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?
Replies: 241
Views: 20821

It may not make much sense, but you can't read too much into it. If you do, you'll end up hating rifts for things that just can't be techniqually possible. I know, I just like arguing for arguments' sake. It's called sophistry. For example: Cardboard is stronger than chromium (The stuff Glitterboys...
by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 3:31 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?
Replies: 241
Views: 20821

Re: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?

And trying to access even a minimum security area would almost guarante the spy being caught. Then brainwashed into giving false coordinates and released to return back to his "masters" and lure them into a trap. I never said anything about any level of secure area. The lowest levels of Chi-Town's ...
by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 1:50 am
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Stacking Magical Armor
Replies: 384
Views: 23644

If 'armor' spells can't stack, why would 'aura' spells be allowed to stack? oO
by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 1:48 am
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: How many people here play evil characters?
Replies: 19
Views: 1124

Nxla666 wrote:Depends on the theme of the game usually, but the nicest I have ever played is scrupulous and the most evil was Aberrant.

You hit me on the head! You must be Diabolic! :D
by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 1:44 am
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Drug usage in CS territory
Replies: 41
Views: 3780

Also criminal law tends to lump all illicit drugs as narcotics. A peculiar quirk of US drug legislation, oddly enough, is that if any substance generates similar effects in its users as a known, Scheduled substance, that substance is also automatically scheduled. So technically, under their own law...
by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 1:35 am
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Has anyone seen this?
Replies: 18
Views: 1502

by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 1:32 am
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Why do YOU hate the CS?
Replies: 102
Views: 4187

None of the above. If there's anything I hate about the CS it's the fact that they waste their time and energy fighting tolkeen and killing harmless D-bees when there are baby eating demons running around unopposed. The CS should be going after the demon kingdom of calgary, the FoM and the Xiticix....
by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 1:29 am
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Nuclear Reactors
Replies: 27
Views: 2114

Maybe they're using some sort of thermionic converter, or possibly using the fusion plasma as some sort of MHD generator?
by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 1:00 am
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Rifts In Your Own Image
Replies: 31
Views: 4138

Nxla666 wrote:
I'd make the Coalition base everything around a fluffy-bunny motif, instead of the skull thing. No, really!

I see the pup needs a reminder who his master is. :thwak:

*yelp!* Master? You mean the Fluffy Bunny, right? :D

Oooh! A point-based character system, that's a great idea, Mindcrime!
by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 12:28 am
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?
Replies: 241
Views: 20821

The strongest nukes written in the game are wimpy. Not going to do much at only 5D6X10 MDC past the 0 to 1000ft mark where it actually does decent damage. The CS, and the CS ALONE, are stated in Canon to have the old-fashioned, super-dirty, Earth's Crust-cracking HyperNukes of the Golden Age. THOSE...
by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 12:08 am
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?
Replies: 241
Views: 20821

Clairvoyance goes off, somewhere, on floor B, in the next 6 hours, a nuke will be detonated. Psi-Battalion A goes into clairvoyance procedure 1. half of the 640 pyschic soldiers ( I think thats the size of a batallion), practice clairvoyance for the next 3 hours, while the other half walk around se...
by Qev
Tue Aug 16, 2005 12:07 am
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?
Replies: 241
Views: 20821

Re: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?

everything in Chi-Town is dead from acute neutron radiation exposure. Just to nit-pick... GAMMA Radiation is what what makes Nukes so deadly afterwords... Neutron Bombs...release a quick burst of Neurton Radition, and ALL organics are atomized, leaving the building intact and ready to use. No leang...
by Qev
Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:49 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: How many people here play evil characters?
Replies: 19
Views: 1124

I'm a damn goody-two-shoes. You may commence hating me now. :)
by Qev
Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:47 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Rifts In Your Own Image
Replies: 31
Views: 4138

Umm... I'd put the rules in some kind of sensible order, instead of the dog's-breakfast they currently are. I'd get rid of a LOT of extraneous stuff, like the plethora of different saving-throw types, and the six billion different combat bonuses that may-or-may-not apply, depending on the phase of t...
by Qev
Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:29 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Why do YOU hate the CS?
Replies: 102
Views: 4187

I hate them because they're beautiful. :(

No, really.

Okay, I'm lying. They're wanna-be Nazis. Their uniforms aren't even as snappy as real Nazi ones, and the Nazis sucked despite the uniforms. So, yeah... the Nazi thing.

by Qev
Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:26 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Which is your favorite Pc you have created?
Replies: 9
Views: 1880

I think my favorite Rifts character was probably Mad Molly, my strange Dog Boy (er... Dog Girl) renegade. She had some almost suicidal habits (one of which was that she generally travelled about on her motorcycle without wearing any sort of MD armor, figuring a red leather jacket (with tassles!) was...
by Qev
Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:20 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?
Replies: 241
Views: 20821

Re: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?

How is it so easy to gain access to vulnerable areas of Chi-Town? Where does this so-called regular human being, get their access to even a minimum security area? Aw, come on... everybody has spies spying on everyone else. It's the nature of states to do this. I'm talking about non-security areas, ...
by Qev
Mon Aug 15, 2005 10:59 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?
Replies: 241
Views: 20821

My friend, there are some corpses that should not be exhumed. You know those horror films that start with the idealistic young explorer opening the skull-motif door to the dark tomb? You're in one. Say, what's behind this strange door here, all covered in scary warning-looking runes, and sealed wit...
by Qev
Mon Aug 15, 2005 10:57 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Just An Honest Question
Replies: 23
Views: 2184

Alignments are a useful framework for defining the core behavior of a character, though personally I don't like Palladium's alignment system all that much. Better would be a system where you choose one or two 'core attributes' of the character's personality, and then a set of secondary (ie. less inf...
by Qev
Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:45 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?
Replies: 241
Views: 20821

Slag wrote:Before this thread goes where I know it will, let me be the first to refer everyone to MY sig! :D :P

Hey, I'm new here, I'm allowed to drag up old, dead, stinky, decomposing thread topics.

Er... aren't I? :D
by Qev
Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:44 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?
Replies: 241
Views: 20821

i really dont see a change in how the coaltion would act, like i always say most of coaltion anti-dbees laws are straight from Free Quebec. only different a non-prosek coalition would have not psi stalkers and no dogboys I don't know... without Chi-Town to keep the others in line (and act as a cent...
by Qev
Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:41 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?
Replies: 241
Views: 20821

Heh, I guess I just can't understand the writers' justifications. I mean, just using the core rulebook, and one 20th century technology, in two minutes I came up with an effectively unstoppable means of destroying the (any!) city. If Tolkeen or whomever were feeling really dedicated, I'm sure they c...
by Qev
Mon Aug 15, 2005 12:30 am
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?
Replies: 241
Views: 20821

Chi-Town destroyed during Siege of Tolkeen?

Can someone please explain to me how Chi-Town could have possibly survived the war with Tolkeen? I'm sure this has been discussed to death, but, all it would take is three people, and one ER nuclear device, and Chi-Town is a radioactive grease-stain on the map. First person: A regular human being, a...
by Qev
Sun Aug 14, 2005 7:50 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: hi there everyone
Replies: 13
Views: 914

And the Special Interest Lobbiest OCC. :)

Shouldn't the Politician be an RCC? I certainly don't want to identify myself as the same species as they... :D
by Qev
Sat Aug 13, 2005 3:09 pm
Forum: Rifts®
Topic: most dangerous/lethal occ/rcc in rifts
Replies: 101
Views: 10348

I'd have to say...

Game Master OCC. ;)

Of course, if you're allowing Heros Unlimited Conversions, I once made a character with metalform, immune to magic, and extremely resistant to psionics... that gets hard to beat. :)

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