A few quick questions...

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Lt. Holmes
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A few quick questions...

Unread post by Lt. Holmes »

1) The Resistance to Lasers says that the Host Armour is covered in little salt crystals that glitter and reflect light (and lasers). Is this concealed by Chameleon Skin and a Stealth Field?

2) Do natural PP bonuses add to ranged attacks?

3) The Organic Rockets entry says that they have a bonus to strike and dodge, and yet only has one attack per round. Is this a misprint or can the missle either attack or dodge?

4) Do the Host Armours need to be returned to a nutrient pool/Engineer, or are they totally sustained by the metabolism itself?

Thanks a lot in advance.
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Unread post by demos606 »

1) Yes.
2) Only if the weapons are built into Host Armors.
3) The missiles are marginally intelligent and, if attacked in an attempt to destroy them in flight, get a dodge bonus.
4) Host Armors need to be nutrient bathed every um.... I forget how often exactly but they do need baths.
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Unread post by NMI »

Host Armor doesnt need to "bathe". Their Metabolisms keep them going. It is seperatoe Bio-Tech that needs to "bathe".
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Lt. Holmes
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Unread post by Lt. Holmes »

demos606 wrote:3) The missiles are marginally intelligent and, if attacked in an attempt to destroy them in flight, get a dodge bonus.

So they still get a single attack per melee, regardless of whether or not they're shot at?
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Unread post by maasenstodt »

Lt. Holmes wrote:2) Do natural PP bonuses add to ranged attacks?
demos606 wrote:2) Only if the weapons are built into Host Armors.

Actually, demos is at best only half right about this. Your question is a good one because the issue is ambiguous. Splicers says different things about this at different points in the book (see W.P. Modern Weapons on page 204), and no official errata has addressed it.

Myself, I find it easier, more realistic, and more enjoyable if P.P. bonuses to strike apply across the board, and I can vouch that no balance issues have arisen in my games from playing it this way. I'd recommend it. However you decide to go, however, just make it clear with your players from the start. Have fun!
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Unread post by demos606 »

WP Modern is an extremely rare specialty case and can effectively be ignored for purposes of his question. The only characters that should realisticly be using modern weapons anyway are Technojackers and they're better off stealing something from a "disabled" robot more often than not.

I will admit I overlooked Biotics in my answer though and they would get PP bonuses to any weapons that are built into their body.

The missile attack effectively only exists for purposes of dodging attempts to destroy it in flight. The +1 to strike is added to the characters attack roll. They explode on impact so no dice on repeated attacks every round from the same missile.
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The Wolfe

Re: A few quick questions...

Unread post by The Wolfe »

Do the Host Armours need to be returned to a nutrient pool/Engineer, or are they totally sustained by the metabolism itself?

The only Host Armour that need the nutrient pool is the Proto-host. It doesn't have its on metabolism.
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