Heres the 01% to 50% list
01%:You get a leg cramp. You drop your weapons and fall to the gound in pain lose 2 actions
02%:Your weapon over loads, explodes, crippling that hand, requireing 1D4 months to be useable again.
03%:Your blade falls off the hilt, might want to think about punching and kicking this fight. you current attack completely misses.
04%:Joint lock, players joint (any location where 2 or more bones meet) locks in place and needs a painfull snap back in place to work proberly, 1 point damage, limb usless untill fixed, loose actions nessacary.
05%Sneeze! one of those random uncontrolable reactions to who knows what. loose current action and minus to dodge or parry opponates next action.
06%:The D-Bee water parasites that have been incubating in the lining of your urethra for the past two weeks suddenly hatch. Immediately lose all actions and become helpless due to blinding pain for the next 2d6 minutes as the newborns make their way to freedom.(Ha Ha I love that one)
07%:its a clear day out side you pull you gun up to fire and you are stuck by lightning. (if player ask questions stike him again), (contiue until he stops or character is dead)
08%:Throw your weapon over or past your opponent. 50% chance that the weapon will embed for maximum damage into a target in that direction. (It could be a party member, enemy, your vehicle, etc.) It will take at 1d6 actions to pull the deeply embeded object free, once the player can get to it.
09%:The PC has a wardrobe malfunction. A sensitive part of the body that the character wouldn't want to get damaged has become exposed. It takes 1d4 rounds to fix the malfunction. 1d6 rounds if someone else tries to help. GM's choice - there's a possibility that the enemy might need to roll against HF, start laughing, or become very friendly.
PC cannot attack while fixing the problem. -4 to parry (w/ a less sensitive part of the body). -6 to dodge.
10%:You tripped over your own two feet and Fall on your face. you lose one attack and initiative.
11%:You punched the wall (or similar solid object) and broke 3 knuckles.
-3 strike and parry
12%:You realize that you accidently grabbed your display weapon, not your real one that morning. The weapon is useless and has a 60% chance of breaking and inflicting 1d6 damage to you.
13%:You hyperextend your joint during your attack and it's going to be sore something fierce for a while, reduce damage by 1d4, strike & parry bonus by -2. Negatives last for 3 days. Better get some ice
14%:You badly miss, and are so off balance, that your opponent gets a free attack at +4 to hit. You cannot block, parry, or dodge.
15%:Shoot yourself in the foot, 50/50 chance for right or left. Don't have feet? Shoot yourself in the face!
16%:%:Your fists of fury are anything but... Your opponent has caught your hand and can either 1) Body/Flip Throw or 2) Joint Lock (Gm's Choice) without a roll
17%: You miss your intended target, but you strike is so off target that you hit the next closest ally doing double damage.
18%: you can strike, your opponent hits you in the head, temporarily blinding you. This can either be from your helmet spinning to the side, damage to your helmet that prevents you from seeing out of the visor, damaged optics, or from a nasty cut that is bleeding into your eyes. Only 1d6 damage, and repairable in 1d4 actions.
19%:bent the blade! the blade no curves off to a 90* direction. half you strike due to the ockwardness, and half damage due to that you bent your blade!
20%: Curled the blade (axes and maces things like that are immune, roll again) insted of your weapon being a nice straight instroment of destruction, it bent 5*-105* backwards (roll percentile +5) and treat that as combat penaltys as well.
21%: hand wrapping is unthreding, every swingincreses the change of it slipping from your hand. 10%+10% a swing, if it rolls under the weapon is launched 1d6+2 yards away, but also likly to hit anyone in the way at -5 damage.
22%: Your opponent does a hard parry. ie, he parrys your HAND, ARM, or SHOULDER. Take normal damage from his weapon. There's a possibility if the damage is high enough that the effected limb is disabled or severed. (GM's call)
23%: Disarmed! You strike and inflict normal damage by accidentaly throwing your weapon. You are disarmed. If your opponent is still standing your weapon is lying at his feet. (Go ahead and use this one for a ranged weapon if you're feeling goofy)
24%: Scope bite! Your dominant eye compulsively clenches closed for 1d6 rounds, imposing -4 to hit. (Only applicable to aimed shot with a rifle or similar weapon)
25%: A Heavenly Voice beckens from above and says "Bob...bob are you there?" Compeled to answer you reply, "No, oh lord, it is I (characters name)" and the voice replies "Oh" and then is gone. Lose one Attack.
26%: You remembered you Left the Iron on. Lose one action.
27%:As you Go to attack a hidden reporter in a large trench coat takes a picture of your fight with a very bright flash. the Supernatural brightness percies even EBA lose one action and -4 to parry and dodge.
28%:Someone in your family insulted Chuck Norris. Character and all family/friends are slain instantly by a roundhouse kick, plus city of birth and/or residence is annihilated, leaving a leg-shaped crater.
29%:Slugger Shock! you hit your opponate so hard and with not enough grit your weapons vibatartes so much and so hard it hurts. loose intitutive, -2 parry next round.
30%:dusty wind. all of a sudden the wind rushes up blowing dust in your face forcing you to close your eyes because of the dust and sand in them. basicly your off balance and blinded and lasts 2d6+3 rounds.
31%:kink in the cannon. your gun barrel has something in it, weither it be water or dirt it is sending your shot in a 1d12 (like the face of a clock, 12 would be straight up in the air, 6 would be down into the ground)ramdom direction untill swabbed out.
32%:Cheap peace. got to pull the trigger and the clip falls out and lands on your little toe. take a -1 to dodge and have to reload your gun.
33%:gun starts smoking, every time you pull the trigger it smoked a little more, pull the trigger 10 times it catches a blaze, drop or throw it or wait long enough, it explodes.
34%:screws come loose, basicly if you keep useing it with out repair in 1d10 uses (meaning pull the trigger, sling it, coldcock someone ect.) it is goin gto fall apart in the field or in your hands.
35%:You get boxed in the ear but good. Stunned for one round. You can't hear out of that ear at all for 1d6x10 minutes, and it rings for 1d4 days. Possible nerve damage or busted eardrum 25%
36%:Your giving all your effort trying to kill your foe, giving so much power to your blows your power now controls itself... you shart (a fart with some of natures materal waste) your underbritches! get a critcal with your current hit, but now you have some gootchie in da tooshie. take -1 to all combative rools there after untill cleaned, not to mention... you stink.
37%:weapon weekness, you go to pull the trigger and you high dollar gun putts and lets out the meekest blast ever only dooing a single point of damage.
38%:swinging away with you sword or whatever in the fury of battle, you fail to retain proper form and when you strike your foe, is twists your wrist in the worst of fassions, not broken, but you wish it were. your current attack counts as nothing, and your wrist is so painfull you take 1d4 pain damage a round and 1d4x2 everytime you try and use it for something even as simple as picking up a pencile! sometimes the pain is so sharp it will bring you to your knees!(1-33% chance per action any action) and this lasts for 3 days! and reoccures every 3 months! and bracing your wrist reduces everything by half damage and duration. surgery is not available! but doing a cybernetic supplement will cure you of the problem.
39%:same as above but with one's ankle.
40%:The PC swallows wrong, or otherwise chokes on something small, like a hair or small peice of dirt. The PC has a short bought of spasmatic coughing. The PC looses 1d4 actions, and is -4 to parry, dodge, or roll while coughing.
41%:Ahh man where did that farie come from. You miss so badly a farie in a high vantage paint began to laugh at you. As it begins to point and dance you need to make a saving throw.
42%:Before you can strike, your opponent hits you in the stomache (or equivelent), knocking the air out of your lungs. You miss, and are -2 to all combat actions or -10% to skills until you can regain your breath. Your breath is regained once you roll below half your PE stat on a 20 sided. You can attempt this at the end of each round.
43%:Divine Intervention! The PC's perfectly aimed blow stops an inch short of the target. The PC hears a divine voice in his head telling him that his target must survive this battle. All other strikes against that target must be non-lethal, or they will be stopped short. If the PC persists in trying to kill his opponent, then he'll be struck by lightening.
44%:things are not what they appier and you step in a sink hole. your let is sunk up to the knee in mud (or equivilent) and you need 3 successfull PS rolls on a d20, untill then you are stuck in one place and -1d4 to strike and dodging is -2d6
45%:Bird poop. Or some other likeness blinds the character by covering the visor or eye piece. if no helmet is equiped you just got bird poo in the eye. And that will make for one interesting story.
46%:Your character falls asleep. He collapses on the ground and wakes up 8 hours later, unless a buddy kicks you awake.
47%:A seagull lays an egg in mid flight for 150ft. in the air. It hits you square on the head, You lose 2 actions for the suprize and you take 2d6 sdc. (if player checks egg its hard boiled)
48%:You go to shoot and you get hit with an intense urge to go #2. You get stomach cramps and have to go Now!!!
49%:This time the character is hit by the entire bird (mabye it had a heart attack or something like that)(or mabye Chaney happened)
but the character takes 3d6 SDC and loses 2 actions.
50%:You miss Ha
