New to Splicers - Some Basic Questions

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New to Splicers - Some Basic Questions

Unread post by Spinachcat »

I just got my copy of Splicers and the game looks great. I played Palladium Fantasy in the ancient days of hair bands, but I am not familiar with the current Rifts system. I have a few questions for you Splicer fans :?

1) How do you make Ability rolls? Also, how do I do contested rolls?

2) If an Ability is between 3 and 16, how does it affect the character other than his choice of OCC?

3) How are Ability scores increased beyond character generation? I see that lots of text was spent on discussing bonuses for scores 17+ and 30+ and I wondering how they come into play IF the character didn't get insanely lucky with their initial 3D6 rolls.

4) How do situational modifiers work for skills? Is there an accepted +/- % depending on how easy or difficult a task?

5) What if a character doesn't have the necessary skill, but has a high intelligence or other related attribute?

6) Is there an official errata for Splicers?

7) Is there a character sheet I can download?

8) Some OCCs look much more powerful than others at first read, is this the case? Or do the individual strengths and weakness of each OCC come out during play to balance them?

Also, when you answer these questions, please let me know if the answer is based on your House Rules or something I overlooked in the Splicers book or something from another Palladium book.

Thank you!!
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Re: New to Splicers - Some Basic Questions

Unread post by NMI »

I just got my copy of Splicers and the game looks great. I played Palladium Fantasy in the ancient days of hair bands, but I am not familiar with the current Rifts system. I have a few questions for you Splicer fans :?

1) How do you make Ability rolls? Also, how do I do contested rolls?
Not sure what you mean about "how do you make ability rolls" Do you mean rolling your attributes? As to contested rolls, usually that amounts to rolling against your skill.. ie roll percentile under the percentage of your skill. If your skill for say "horsemanship" is @ 65% and you roll 01-65% then you successfully performed your skill.

2) If an Ability is between 3 and 16, how does it affect the character other than his choice of OCC?
A attribute of 3-16 technically doesnt affect your character in the way of bonuses, but its more for a role playing aspect instead of a "roll" playing. Someone with a PS of 5, is gonna be a bit weaker and probably smaller then say someone with a PS 15. A M.A. of 5 is gonna be less liked then someone with an MA of 14.

3) How are Ability scores increased beyond character generation? I see that lots of text was spent on discussing bonuses for scores 17+ and 30+ and I wondering how they come into play IF the character didn't get insanely lucky with their initial 3D6 rolls.
Physicak skills can increase your initially rolled stats. Also some OCC's, abilities, etc.. can also temporarily or even permanently raise your initial attribute.

4) How do situational modifiers work for skills? Is there an accepted +/- % depending on how easy or difficult a task?
This various charts for this scatterred throughout the books. But its really up to the GM. Character is trying to climb a rocky overhead but is being chased by robots? Well since more then likely the character is being rushed, then I would apply a penalty of like -10%, maybe -20%. Its a GM call.

5) What if a character doesn't have the necessary skill, but has a high intelligence or other related attribute?
There is no "book rule" for this. What I do is usually have the character roll either percentage dice (2x 10 sided dice or a 100 sider) and roll under a related attribute or usually I have them roll a D20 under the related attribute.

6) Is there an official errata for Splicers?
New Official Questions and Answers for all of Palladiums Games can be found here Questions specifically for Splicers here Unfortunately there is no official errata for Splicers.

7) Is there a character sheet I can download?
There are character sheets here but no official ones specifically for Splicers. Some of the posters here may have created their own.

8) Some OCCs look much more powerful than others at first read, is this the case? Or do the individual strengths and weakness of each OCC come out during play to balance them?
Yes and Yes. Remember its about "role"playing not "roll"playing. :D
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Re: New to Splicers - Some Basic Questions

Unread post by demos606 »

Spinachcat wrote:I just got my copy of Splicers and the game looks great. I played Palladium Fantasy in the ancient days of hair bands, but I am not familiar with the current Rifts system. I have a few questions for you Splicer fans :?

1) How do you make Ability rolls? Also, how do I do contested rolls?
3d6 plus d6 for 16+ plus d6 for a 6 on the first extra plus whatever modifier for OCC
2) If an Ability is between 3 and 16, how does it affect the character other than his choice of OCC?
It doesn't unless you use R:UE modifiers for unusually low stats

3) How are Ability scores increased beyond character generation? I see that lots of text was spent on discussing bonuses for scores 17+ and 30+ and I wondering how they come into play IF the character didn't get insanely lucky with their initial 3D6 rolls.

Skills can easily boost Splicer stats into the exceptional range and most OCC get stat bonuses

4) How do situational modifiers work for skills? Is there an accepted +/- % depending on how easy or difficult a task?
Situational mods are just that, situational. The mod is whatever you want it to be

5) What if a character doesn't have the necessary skill, but has a high intelligence or other related attribute?
All about house rules and judgement calls here
6) Is there an official errata for Splicers?
Check the big sticky thread at the top of the Splicers forum, anything from Carmen can be considered official errata/clarifications
7) Is there a character sheet I can download?
Same character sheet the rest of the Rifts line uses or you can search for the stickied character sheet thread for something customized. I have one there for Splicers and there are lots and lots that can be adapted
8) Some OCCs look much more powerful than others at first read, is this the case? Or do the individual strengths and weakness of each OCC come out during play to balance them?
Some OCC simply are more powerful than others and thats true thruout Palladium works. There is no artifical forced "balance" for all OCC to conform to.

Also, when you answer these questions, please let me know if the answer is based on your House Rules or something I overlooked in the Splicers book or something from another Palladium book.
Mine are all from either Splicers (character creation *is* there, check about the 4th chapter or so where the Host Armors start appearing) or the other Rifts core books (GMG, RMB, R:UE)

Thank you!!
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Unread post by Spinachcat »

I guess I wasn't clear. Here's what I meant:

How do you use your attribute scores during the game to do stuff? Here's an examples:

A female wants to use her looks to get the attention of a guard so her buddies can sneak past. If she has a PB of 16, what does the player roll to make this happen?

Is it D20 under her PB or is D100 under PB or some other equation? If she had a PB of 24, how would that work?

As for contested rolls, I meant stuff like this:

A guard is listening for movement and the enemy scout is trying to sneak past. If the Guard has Listen 30% and the Scout has Sneak 70% and both make their rolls, what happens?
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Unread post by sHaka »

Spinachcat wrote:I guess I wasn't clear. Here's what I meant:

How do you use your attribute scores during the game to do stuff? Here's an examples:

A female wants to use her looks to get the attention of a guard so her buddies can sneak past. If she has a PB of 16, what does the player roll to make this happen?

Is it D20 under her PB or is D100 under PB or some other equation? If she had a PB of 24, how would that work?

I'd get her to roll play it - depending on her performance i'd add or subtract from her team mate's Prowl skill. [EDIT - I do seem to remember a seduction skill somewhere......not sure where though]]

Spinachcat wrote:As for contested rolls, I meant stuff like this:

A guard is listening for movement and the enemy scout is trying to sneak past. If the Guard has Listen 30% and the Scout has Sneak 70% and both make their rolls, what happens?

Well, just get your player to make his roll first. If he fails, roll for the guard's listen.

The Palladium system is full of little conundrums such as these - welcome to the Megaverse! :-D

(By the way, SPLICER's is awesome and well worth the effort, good choice!)
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Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Spinachcat wrote:I guess I wasn't clear. Here's what I meant:

How do you use your attribute scores during the game to do stuff? Here's an examples:

A female wants to use her looks to get the attention of a guard so her buddies can sneak past. If she has a PB of 16, what does the player roll to make this happen?

Grab your book, look at Splicers page 170. Attribute Bonus Chart.
Look at PB's Charm/impress...
16 isnt on the chart, Look at 17-30 you will see a pattern.
PB 16 would have a 30% to Charm/Impress someone based on looks alone.

IQ has bonuses to Skills
ME has Save vs Psychic Attacks/Insanity
MA has Trust/Intimidate
PS has HtH Damage Bonus
PP has Parry, Dodge, Strike bonus
PE Save vs Coma/Death, and Save vs Poison/Magic
PB has Charm/Impress
Spd raw natural ability to run

Is it D20 under her PB or is D100 under PB or some other equation? If she had a PB of 24, how would that work?

NO. Its % based on the bonus provided by the attribute number on the chart i pointed out.

PB 24 would have a 70% chance to impress/Charm someone.
Example. Rogue Barmaid is trying to attract the attention of a guard so her froends can slip by. She steps out and whistle at the guard. Guard turns and sees her. She rolls % and scores a 68%, Its under her 70%, so she wins. Her Great Looks distracts the guard enough, her friends walk right by the guard and he doesnt notices them as he is paying attention to Her. A Wagon driver not paying attention to what he is doing hits another wagon ( :D ). The Woman in Red from Matrix hum ??

As for contested rolls, I meant stuff like this:

A guard is listening for movement and the enemy scout is trying to sneak past. If the Guard has Listen 30% and the Scout has Sneak 70% and both make their rolls, what happens?

Ok, stop thinking in D&D terms ;)
Guard rolls Perception (not in Splicers, but is in RUE, BtS, and Nightbane).
Take your IQ #, Look under the ME bonuses for that #. IF you high enough IQ you will get a bonus. Otheriwise its a straight roll.

Beyond the Supernatural, page 170 wrote:Perception Table by Difficulty

4 or Better : An Easy, Situation Circumstance.
Hearinging a Loud noise, finding a bright-colored object against a white background, finding something hastily and/or poorly hidden..
8 and Better : Moderate
Looking for something or somebody in a well-lit area, hearing a slight noise, finding something hidden without great thought...
14 & Better : Challenging.
Looking for something in poor light, fog, in murky water, or under desprate circumstances ( it's an emergency or the seeker is impaired ), hearing something in a noisy background or moving or sneaking quietly; Finding something carefully concealed, camouflaged or masked and so on...
17 & Better : Difficult.
Finding something in the dark, or masterfully hidden/concealed, hearing something over a loud din or moving silient as the wind (like a snake over carpet), noticing an enemy (or friend) or somebody that doesnt belong amongst great confusion, debris, or a large crowd or much activity...

Guard rolls Percpetion ( d20 ), after the wagon crashes into the other (17 & Better ). Guard rolls 16, nope he doesnt notice the barmades friends as he was distracted by her, then by the wagon confusion.

Beyond the Supernatural, and Rifts Ultimate Edition gives each OCC a Bonus to Perception instead of the Nightbane version of IQ#, look under the ME bonuses (if IQ is 17+ only though).
I perfer BtS/RUE's Perception bonus method myself.


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Unread post by Spinachcat »

Thanks for the great help!

I am going to run Splicers at ConQuest SF in September so I want to get a grip on the system issues. I will probably focus on Biotics and Roughnecks as PCs since those will be easier for newbies to grasp and then throw in other OCCs as NPC flavor.
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Unread post by demos606 »

My advice is to avoid Scarecrows completely and to limit Outrider mount selections at first. You may also want to condiser some Archangels in your initial mix because they really do offer some very interesting options to their groups.
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