Rifts Movie Talk
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"A slice of life" is still just a slice., i as an avid moviegoer want an immersive experience. I want to jump when other character jump. I wish to be on the dge of my seat and perhaps even cheering at the end. Perhaps thats why its taking so long. They literally have tens of thousands of pages of material to perhaps make into a movie but with the ability to go into so many directions they have come to an impasse.
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Re: the real idea
zerombr wrote:I'm going to give you the real suggestion, the real winning idea for a Rifts movie, I swear this'll be done just perfect, you know it has to....Just get Genny Tartokovsky (sp?) from the Star Wars Clone Wars animated to do it, ohh dude now THAT is awesome!
You mean Genndy Tartakovsky, the man behind Dexter's Laboratory and The Powerpuff Girls! The man ROCKS!
There's a reason...and a very good one...that I have certain people in this forum blocked both here and on Facebook.
I can see an illustration of that nearly every time I come here.
I can see an illustration of that nearly every time I come here.
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::Darkstone:: wrote:Pyrial wrote:Its too much to think about, a Rifts movie would have too much possibility.
I can see it really coming in as a CG movie (heres hoping I would have a chance to work on it, though i know that wont happen), but I fear that if it is live action there is a chance I will be disapointed.
Not in like a star wars episode 1 -2 kinda way, but a fantastic four sorta way ya know?
anyway, Im going to be getting outta school soon with a bach in animation, so if I can find a way to contribute to the movie, my life would be kind of complete....except for the whole evolving spiritually thing....and having kids thing....and uh....well, screw money, I just want to create.
Helloooo? Any updates on this...still no screenplay?
The screenplay actually is in process, on draft 3 (may be in polish now, but that was the info I got as of nov. 2006). My only worry is that the film makers aren't Rifts fans and a bit of the spirit of the game may get lost in translation.
Well, see my post in your thread for the latest I can talk about. Kevin also gave us some insights on a couple of the treatments he's received... let's just say "lost in translation" is a massive understatement.

Yeah, everytime I see a blazingly obvious moron walking the streets... I think, "score one for the creationists..." ~ DLDC
Warwolf is right... you can sig that. ~ TGK
I refuse to participate in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ~ Me
Warwolf is right... you can sig that. ~ TGK
I refuse to participate in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ~ Me
::Darkstone:: wrote:The screenplay actually is in process, on draft 3 (may be in polish now, but that was the info I got as of nov. 2006). My only worry is that the film makers aren't Rifts fans and a bit of the spirit of the game may get lost in translation.
The problem with using Rifts fans for writing, though, is that they will have a lot of preconcieved notions and assumptions. The Rifts film has to be able to appeal to a wider audience who will go in with no knowledge whatsoever.
Because of the vast scope and detailed background of Rifts, that's a guarentee that only the tiniest fraction of the Rifts world will be featured in a movie (we're talking a cast of 5-8 main PC types, with maybe 1-2 types of bad guys, is about all you can fit into a 1.5-2 hour timeframe).
The other issue is that the movie shouldn't feel like a Rifts game - it should feel like a movie.
View my award-winning Rifts actual play thread on RPG.Net (campaign is now complete) here
I created some documents to help introduce new players to Rifts - PM me (with your email address) if you'd like a copy.
I created some documents to help introduce new players to Rifts - PM me (with your email address) if you'd like a copy.
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::Darkstone:: wrote:The screenplay actually is in process, on draft 3 (may be in polish now, but that was the info I got as of nov. 2006). My only worry is that the film makers aren't Rifts fans and a bit of the spirit of the game may get lost in translation.
This is not consistent with the information I have been given.
There's a reason...and a very good one...that I have certain people in this forum blocked both here and on Facebook.
I can see an illustration of that nearly every time I come here.
I can see an illustration of that nearly every time I come here.
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::Darkstone:: wrote:That's really only true of a novice and /or bad writer. Even a fan of something can write for general audiences, it's just a matter of constructing a storyline that is understandable to all. The techie bits can generally be left unexplained, as well as some of the more "mystical" aspects (I dunno about you, But I didn't need a scientific explination of "The Force" in Star Wars). The key is to have characters that are relatable, and to get as much exposition out of the waay as quickly as possible.
I could easily envision a 2.5 hour Rifts movie(or trilogy) ala LoTR, but the focus needs to be on the characters themselves and not the world they inhabit. In the Treatment I wrote, I latched onto a rather obvious vehicle for pulling those unfamiliar with Rifts into the world, which was to use the Lone Star Rifts generator to pull a 21st century person (actually 2, a husband and wife, both US military personel who were working on the super-secret Rift generator themselves)into the world of Rifts. I know it sounds a little cheesy, but whether or not something works is all in execution. To have someone so unacustom to the world, who searches out explination and who discovers the abject horror of their own fallen world is something people can grasp on to and go with such personally relatable characters. Plus, it really avoids the potential "Game" quality that befell the FUBAR of a movie called "Dungeons and Dragons".
But, that was my own method. Still gonna write my script.
Yeah, definately go for it. Even if it doesn't end up how you'd like, it's good practice to get a full script written.
So far, I've written one full screenplay (a zombie movie) and a whole bunch of scenes for various screenplays I never finished.
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jgants wrote:::Darkstone:: wrote:The screenplay actually is in process, on draft 3 (may be in polish now, but that was the info I got as of nov. 2006). My only worry is that the film makers aren't Rifts fans and a bit of the spirit of the game may get lost in translation.
The problem with using Rifts fans for writing, though, is that they will have a lot of preconcieved notions and assumptions. The Rifts film has to be able to appeal to a wider audience who will go in with no knowledge whatsoever.
Because of the vast scope and detailed background of Rifts, that's a guarentee that only the tiniest fraction of the Rifts world will be featured in a movie (we're talking a cast of 5-8 main PC types, with maybe 1-2 types of bad guys, is about all you can fit into a 1.5-2 hour timeframe).
The other issue is that the movie shouldn't feel like a Rifts game - it should feel like a movie.
Yes it should feel like a Movie rather than a game sesson.
Which is where D&D feel flat. It felt like a rpg game sesson rather than a Movie.

"The best things in life are to crush your enemies, drive them before you, and hear the lamentations of their women."-Conan

"The best things in life are to crush your enemies, drive them before you, and hear the lamentations of their women."-Conan
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- TechnoGothic
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::Darkstone:: wrote:TechnoGothic wrote:RIFTS : CHAOS EARTH
All Three of the Rifts big time periods/Events covered nicely.
Sounds more like a TV mini-series to me. One of the primary components for any film to work are the characters, and people don't want a series of films in which the characters are ever-changing, you'll lose HUGE numbers that way. If there's a trilogy to be had I think LotR is a great template to look at, both in continuous story line construction and a good way to set up the world with just a couple minutes of voice over and cool visuals.
But that's just my opinion.
Come come guys...
Stop with the TV Series talk...Never happen. Look at the crap that is Flash Gorden TV Series for why...
As for 3 Movies in Three eras...
You can Keep the MAIN STAR/Group from Movie to movie very easy.
RIFTS CHAOS EARTH = NEMA Chromium Guardsman, a Kid Wizard (Pre-Ley Line Walker), and group of Nema Soldiers...or whatever. At the end of the Movie, they get RIFTED to somewhere... (Evil Dead/Army of Darkness style) Turns out it is the...
RIFTS DARK AGES = The group tries to help a Village from monsters. They encounter what used to be NEMA Forces, but before they become the Coalition of Chi-Town...Still building the Fortress City. At the End of the Movie they are Rifted again (trying to go home) and end up in...
RIFTS COALITION WAR = This could be the CS vs Tolkeen or CS vs FQ conflicts. The group discovers because them, Legends grew from their Deed. Others saught out GBs to be Heroes, others became True Ley Line Walkers, etc...Now the NEMA Chromium Guardsman must decide which force is the lesser of the two evils or fight them both as best as he can. At the End of the movie, the group decides to just settle in here in this time...to try to make it a better world as best as they can...
Then A Random RIFT opens up and DEMONS pour forth...MINION WAR

You Have to use the RIFTS for the movie to be really about RIFTS setting. Even if we only see them used at the end of the movies to set up the next movie...

"The best things in life are to crush your enemies, drive them before you, and hear the lamentations of their women."-Conan

"The best things in life are to crush your enemies, drive them before you, and hear the lamentations of their women."-Conan
evilgeek wrote:Evil Psychologist wrote:Making a movie based on RIFTS could turn out to be excellent or a horrible black mark on Palladium if done poorly.
Don't focus on eye candy at the expense of a compelling plot and cast of characters. I would hate to see something like this follow in the footsteps of George Lucas with a bunch of colorful whistles and farts underscored by cheesy puns from forgettable personalities.
It's not the personalities and ideas that are easily forgettable that are the problem, it's the personalities you couldn't scrap out out of your brain pan with a jagged, metal, red hot poker that are the problem with lucas.
Emo Vader, Jar Jar...
Thankfully, George Lucas isn't writing this screenplay.
Good grief, it was not that bad.
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im thinking of the dungeon and dragon movies, the one i saw in the big screen with the crazy black man thief, he was funny but the overall movie was completely retarded, i hate to say it but im afraid thats what will happen with rifts as a movie. the game is too open ended to revolve around one setting. im afraid of what will happen, i pray the movie makers make something gold

{"DROP YOUR WEAPONS OR WE KILL YOUR COMMANDER!", i raised my rocket launcher and fired a volley of 4 missiles at them. well actualy i targeted the LT......} at this point the GM looks at me "are you serious", "yes, im shooting the LT. the best way to solve a hostage situation is to eliminate the hostage"
Diabolic RULES!!!!
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Zuari wrote:Who is working on the screenplay if anyone, is it going to be one the Rifts staff or will they go out of house to someone that is experienced in that field.
It was announced Rawson Marshall will be working on it as soon as the strike is over.
New Movie News
Re: about movie
Skylos wrote:Hi, I don't want to **** off any flamers, But i am wondering what is going on about the Rifts movie. Last time i checked was back in 03. If anyone can explain or post the link to the last updated announcement would be great.
Well just before the writers strike started Bruckheimer announced the new writer. But of course nothing could be done as long as the writers were on strike. Now that it looks like that may be over the movie will hopefully move forward. Up until now an acceptable script hasn't been able to be produced
Snoopy and Charlie Brown are (c) Peanuts Worldwide.
"Besser ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende." ( A frightening end is better than an endless fright) -- Nelly
You called down the thunder, well now you got it!
Oh what A tangled web we weave ...

"Besser ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende." ( A frightening end is better than an endless fright) -- Nelly
You called down the thunder, well now you got it!
Oh what A tangled web we weave ...

I'm glad to hear it. I was afraid the writers strike might have killed the project before it really got going.
"But you can't make an omelet without ruthlessly crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning to others." -Order of the Stick #760
draco_argentum wrote:Rifts MMO... Rifts MMO... Rifts MMO...
There was a thread about it a while back. A fan with programming experience was going to try his hand at it. I have no idea what happened with the project.
While I'd like to see a well done one, I can see PVP balancing being a nightmare on an epic scale.
Let's balance Glitterboys with a 2 mile sniping range with juicers, dragon hatchlings, and that lone unaugmented CS Grunt and his dogboy companion...
Plus there are too many factions for random PVP like you see in WoW (where it's just alliance vs horde).
You'd have CS vs Fed of Magic vs Psyscape vs Quebec vs whoever else.

I'm not saying it couldn't be done, I just think it would take an absolute creative genius with lots of experience in MMO design who is also a true Rifts fan to pull it off. Not sure one of those exists that isn't already getting paid 10x more by Blizzard than he would a startup company to handle a Rifts MMO.
"But you can't make an omelet without ruthlessly crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning to others." -Order of the Stick #760
TheyCallMeTrevor wrote:Last word out was the movie has a writer who is doing a draft. Knowing writers who work on scripts, I can tell you this process usually takes a while, during which you will not hear much. Most movies have dozens of drafts as it takes a while for everyone to settle on the one they like, then fine tune it. My guess is you won't hear much till this summer.
Plus the writers strike delayed this process too I'd wager.
"But you can't make an omelet without ruthlessly crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning to others." -Order of the Stick #760
I'd imagine that a studio as big as Jerry Bruckheimers would only work with people with experience in movies. Unionized extras, new actors with agents known in the industry, etc. People that know what is acceptable and how things are run on a set. Not people who will be stalking the big name actors for autographs, etc.
So short answer, you don't, unless you already have an "in" with the industry, or can get a job with some company that would work on the project, like a special effects studio.
I'm not so sure on the extras bit, but they might use local population for that. So if you're lucky enough to live where they end up filming on location, rather than a set, then you might get in as an extra. However, a movie like Rifts will probably have so much green screen filming that it'll all be on a set. The only filming on location would be a film crew to get background shots to replace the green screen. No local extras needed there.
So short answer, you don't, unless you already have an "in" with the industry, or can get a job with some company that would work on the project, like a special effects studio.
I'm not so sure on the extras bit, but they might use local population for that. So if you're lucky enough to live where they end up filming on location, rather than a set, then you might get in as an extra. However, a movie like Rifts will probably have so much green screen filming that it'll all be on a set. The only filming on location would be a film crew to get background shots to replace the green screen. No local extras needed there.
"But you can't make an omelet without ruthlessly crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning to others." -Order of the Stick #760
Re: Re:
ash_wednesday wrote:The new writer was suppose to start the script after the strike.
So hopefully he/she is neck deep in quality script drafting.
"But you can't make an omelet without ruthlessly crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning to others." -Order of the Stick #760
Re: Re:
TheyCallMeTrevor wrote:ash_wednesday wrote:LostOne wrote:ash_wednesday wrote:The new writer was suppose to start the script after the strike.
So hopefully he/she is neck deep in quality script drafting.
Well since it's been awhile since the strike ended, I should hope so....
He probably has started it. Even So, I wouldn't expect that draft to be done until early summer. The people I know who do script writing take about 1 to 2 months to work out a script the length necessary for a movie. And as I said, this will be just one draft of many.
When it's this early in the project, you have to be patient.
As long as there is a Juicer and or a Crazy in it I'm all good . I wouldent mind see'ing inside the hollowed walls of Chi-Town or even the mean streets of Atlantis even either

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Lenwen wrote:Seriously does anyone know anything or heard anything about this future Blockbuster ?
I know a little bit of good news, but I can't share it due to the NDA. I would recommend a quick PM to Alex or Kev to see if one will write a murmur or put the latest in the next press release. Just do so politely, and only once (if at all). They are still neck deep in book production, so they might not have the time to address it right this second.

Yeah, everytime I see a blazingly obvious moron walking the streets... I think, "score one for the creationists..." ~ DLDC
Warwolf is right... you can sig that. ~ TGK
I refuse to participate in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ~ Me
Warwolf is right... you can sig that. ~ TGK
I refuse to participate in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ~ Me
Re: Re:
Warwolf wrote:I know a little bit of good news, but I can't share it due to the NDA.

I hate you. Just knowing that there is something to know that is protected by NDA...you suck for peaking my curiosity.

"But you can't make an omelet without ruthlessly crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning to others." -Order of the Stick #760
- Warwolf
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Re: Re:
LostOne wrote:I hate you. Just knowing that there is something to know that is protected by NDA...you suck for peaking my curiosity.
Well here you go then:
Kevin wrote:There is none that I’m aware of.
Wait, what?

Kevin wrote:Rawson Thurber, the screenwriter, and I have exchanged a number of emails, I sent him a stack of Rifts books he requested for research purposes (no, I’m not going to tell you which titles), and that’s about it for the present. I love his enthusiasm and commitment to the project, and I’m excited about what he might turn out, but no news on that front.
Except that I considered it good news to hear that he and Kev had been in contact and how excited he was to be working on the project. I figured you all would like to hear that.

Perhaps it isn't much (but I did say a "little bit"), but I thought it was awesome anyway.

Yeah, everytime I see a blazingly obvious moron walking the streets... I think, "score one for the creationists..." ~ DLDC
Warwolf is right... you can sig that. ~ TGK
I refuse to participate in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ~ Me
Warwolf is right... you can sig that. ~ TGK
I refuse to participate in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ~ Me
Re: Re:
Warwolf wrote:Kevin wrote:Rawson Thurber, the screenwriter, and I have exchanged a number of emails, I sent him a stack of Rifts books he requested for research purposes (no, I’m not going to tell you which titles), and that’s about it for the present. I love his enthusiasm and commitment to the project, and I’m excited about what he might turn out, but no news on that front.
Except that I considered it good news to hear that he and Kev had been in contact and how excited he was to be working on the project. I figured you all would like to hear that.![]()
That is good that he's excited about it. Although ideally it would have been nice if the screenwriter had been previously familiar with the setting due to already being a fan.

But beggars can't be choosers, and we fans have been begging to see Rifts on the big screen for a long time.
"But you can't make an omelet without ruthlessly crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning to others." -Order of the Stick #760
- Warwolf
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...and this is the beginning of your end. - Location: South of the Devil's Gate (St. Louis, MO)
Re: Re:
LostOne wrote:That is good that he's excited about it. Although ideally it would have been nice if the screenwriter had been previously familiar with the setting due to already being a fan.
But beggars can't be choosers, and we fans have been begging to see Rifts on the big screen for a long time.
Huh? He is a long-time fan. He's even GMed Rifts.

Yeah, everytime I see a blazingly obvious moron walking the streets... I think, "score one for the creationists..." ~ DLDC
Warwolf is right... you can sig that. ~ TGK
I refuse to participate in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ~ Me
Warwolf is right... you can sig that. ~ TGK
I refuse to participate in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ~ Me
Re: Re:
Warwolf wrote:Huh? He is a long-time fan. He's even GMed Rifts.
Sorry, I didn't get that impression from your previous post.
Glad to hear it!
"But you can't make an omelet without ruthlessly crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning to others." -Order of the Stick #760
- Warwolf
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...The First of The Last...
...and this is the beginning of your end. - Location: South of the Devil's Gate (St. Louis, MO)
Re: Re:
LostOne wrote:Sorry, I didn't get that impression from your previous post.
Glad to hear it!
My apologies, I thought you'd caught the previous info where Kev and Alex mentioned that he had played Rifts in high school or middle school (can't remember which). But yeah, he has prior experience with Rifts.

Yeah, everytime I see a blazingly obvious moron walking the streets... I think, "score one for the creationists..." ~ DLDC
Warwolf is right... you can sig that. ~ TGK
I refuse to participate in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ~ Me
Warwolf is right... you can sig that. ~ TGK
I refuse to participate in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ~ Me
Re: Rifts Movie Talk
Sorry, my memory sucks, I don't necessarily remember the entirety of a thread that was started nearly 5 years ago. 

"But you can't make an omelet without ruthlessly crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning to others." -Order of the Stick #760
Re: Rifts Movie Talk
Apparently the people over at icv2 spoke with Kevin at GenCon. Apparently Kevin mentioned that a new draft is being written and a decision to go ahead or not will be made soon. Too bad it wasn't mentioned in the GenCon murmers as it would have been nice to hear.
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Re: Rifts Movie Talk
I really think it should *not* be about the CS, as least not the CS as good guys.
If so, it just turns into yet another stereotypical grunts vs the bugs/demons type movie.
However, if it's about exploring the conflict from a point of view that displays the d-bees and psychics and mages as intelligent emotional beings trying to escape persecution by the CS, it seems like it could have more depth and not just be seen as another Starship Troopers.
If so, it just turns into yet another stereotypical grunts vs the bugs/demons type movie.
However, if it's about exploring the conflict from a point of view that displays the d-bees and psychics and mages as intelligent emotional beings trying to escape persecution by the CS, it seems like it could have more depth and not just be seen as another Starship Troopers.
"But you can't make an omelet without ruthlessly crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning to others." -Order of the Stick #760
Re: Rifts Movie Talk
Torngesis wrote:Its been 9 years uhm when is this thing happening ?
Nine years? Really? Cuz in my world it's 2009 and the post you quoted is 2003.
Just gotta be patient, the rights are still optioned, so there is still hope.
"But you can't make an omelet without ruthlessly crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning to others." -Order of the Stick #760
Re: Rifts Movie Talk
LostOne wrote:Torngesis wrote:Its been 9 years uhm when is this thing happening ?
Nine years? Really? Cuz in my world it's 2009 and the post you quoted is 2003.
Just gotta be patient, the rights are still optioned, so there is still hope.
It would still be nice to at least see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Re: Rifts Movie Talk
Alpha 11 wrote:LostOne wrote:Torngesis wrote:Its been 9 years uhm when is this thing happening ?
Nine years? Really? Cuz in my world it's 2009 and the post you quoted is 2003.
Just gotta be patient, the rights are still optioned, so there is still hope.
It would still be nice to at least see the light at the end of the tunnel.
It actually took more than 10 years for lord of the rings to see the light of day and as long as JB Films still wants to do this I still hold out hope that it will happen soon.
Snoopy and Charlie Brown are (c) Peanuts Worldwide.
"Besser ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende." ( A frightening end is better than an endless fright) -- Nelly
You called down the thunder, well now you got it!
Oh what A tangled web we weave ...

"Besser ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende." ( A frightening end is better than an endless fright) -- Nelly
You called down the thunder, well now you got it!
Oh what A tangled web we weave ...

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Re: Rifts Movie Talk
Twinkiman89 wrote:Maryann wrote:Alpha 11 wrote:LostOne wrote:Torngesis wrote:Its been 9 years uhm when is this thing happening ?
Nine years? Really? Cuz in my world it's 2009 and the post you quoted is 2003.
Just gotta be patient, the rights are still optioned, so there is still hope.
It would still be nice to at least see the light at the end of the tunnel.
It actually took more than 10 years for lord of the rings to see the light of day and as long as JB Films still wants to do this I still hold out hope that it will happen soon.
Same here, but some update information about this movie would be nice... Unless there isn't.
I sure hope that we will hear something positive in the not too distant future.

I pledge allegiance to this flag, if that bothers you well that's too bad!!!
Re: Rifts Movie Talk
The fact that we're not hearing anything means two things to me:
1. nothing is happening so there is nothing to report.
or hopefully:
2. Big things are happening, but they're being very quiet to avoid breaching a non-disclosure agreement.
1. nothing is happening so there is nothing to report.
or hopefully:
2. Big things are happening, but they're being very quiet to avoid breaching a non-disclosure agreement.
"But you can't make an omelet without ruthlessly crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning to others." -Order of the Stick #760
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- Location: The Arm Pit of America-Ohio
Re: Rifts Movie Talk
Thoughtful1 wrote:LostOne wrote:The fact that we're not hearing anything means two things to me:
1. nothing is happening so there is nothing to report.
or hopefully:
2. Big things are happening, but they're being very quiet to avoid breaching a non-disclosure agreement.
3. Small things are happening, slowly. These small things may or may not result (directly, or indirectly) in a Rifts feature film being produced. Development, especially in a big budget movie with the blockbuster potential Rifts has, can take a dozen writers a decade to write. When there's news worth hearing, we'll hear it. Waiting on the edge of your seat for every little bit of news will only make your backside sore.

Keep the Faith all.

I pledge allegiance to this flag, if that bothers you well that's too bad!!!
- Silas
- D-Bee
- Posts: 43
- Joined: Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:09 am
- Comment: Never underestimate a player who likes options.
- Location: Somewhere between a Skull Walker and a Splugorth.
Re: Rifts Movie Talk
My backside is sore already from waiting on the egde of my seat for other movies to come out. The long-rumored Marshal Law movie went totally bust after the Watchmen release. Critics can be so ignorant sometimes. Then there's the extra-long wait for the LFG animated movie, which was supposed to come out in late 2008, and has had a few teasers already.
I'm crossing fingers, toes, and any other appendages I can in hopes this movie gets made, and made properly. The RIFTS movie could really shine if it took one small cue from the original Star Wars ideas: show views from the Coalition and the Dee-Bees, both. That would allow a POV from both sides, with neither being 100% evil or good. A more gritty and dynamic character type would make for a better antagonist and protagonist. Developed characters are easier to root for or against. How many people actually cheered when Kaiser Soze got away? I know I did.
So we can only hope this writer decides to create well-rounded characters for his script, and doesn't focus on only action and special effects. Okay, so the movie wouldn't be RIFTS without SFX, but there still has to be cake with the frosting, so to speak. Just my two bits.
I'm crossing fingers, toes, and any other appendages I can in hopes this movie gets made, and made properly. The RIFTS movie could really shine if it took one small cue from the original Star Wars ideas: show views from the Coalition and the Dee-Bees, both. That would allow a POV from both sides, with neither being 100% evil or good. A more gritty and dynamic character type would make for a better antagonist and protagonist. Developed characters are easier to root for or against. How many people actually cheered when Kaiser Soze got away? I know I did.

So we can only hope this writer decides to create well-rounded characters for his script, and doesn't focus on only action and special effects. Okay, so the movie wouldn't be RIFTS without SFX, but there still has to be cake with the frosting, so to speak. Just my two bits.

Rogue Scholar, speaking over the grave of a black marketeer: "In the Great House and in the House of Fire, on that Great Day when all the days and years are numbered, oh let my name be given back to me."
Juicer, having killed said black marketeer: Oh %@$# this! His name is Dirtnap! Can we go now?!
Juicer, having killed said black marketeer: Oh %@$# this! His name is Dirtnap! Can we go now?!
- Silas
- D-Bee
- Posts: 43
- Joined: Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:09 am
- Comment: Never underestimate a player who likes options.
- Location: Somewhere between a Skull Walker and a Splugorth.
Re: Rifts Movie Talk
Regardless of the script this writer is writing right now, what's really important in terms of figuring out what kind of movie RIFTS would be is the choice of director. After all, a script is never really finished even when the movie is being filmed. Nothing has or will be decided in terms of the creative direction of this movie until it gets a director.
We can always hope for Guillermo Del Toro (Hellboy movies), Peter Jackson (LOTR), or Zach Snyder (Watchmen).
Personally, I know how hard it can be to write something that is both interesting, and has great character development, having worked on three different novels for the past *mumble* years. Dialogue and character interaction are perhaps the most difficult aspects of writing, seeing as how you have to follow true to multiple character personalities, as well as any motivations and agendas. Add to that the need to keep the storyline moving at a decent pace, having enough depth and description to keep viewers/readers up to speed, and keeping an eye out for continuity, and you have a recipie for ulcers or hair loss.
I wish the current writer well, and sincerely hope he can put the real flavor of RIFTS into his final script.
But I'm still getting sore here on the edge of my seat.

Rogue Scholar, speaking over the grave of a black marketeer: "In the Great House and in the House of Fire, on that Great Day when all the days and years are numbered, oh let my name be given back to me."
Juicer, having killed said black marketeer: Oh %@$# this! His name is Dirtnap! Can we go now?!
Juicer, having killed said black marketeer: Oh %@$# this! His name is Dirtnap! Can we go now?!