Which book had it?

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Which book had it?

Unread post by Steve Dubya »

I remember reading in one of the myriad of TMNT books I had a real basic way of figuring out how to "convert" real animals to "mutate-able" ones - like, how to work Bio-E with all the possible bonuses and abilities that the animal might have available to it - where the heck WAS this???
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TMNT Main Book
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Unread post by Steve Dubya »

That's where I thought that it was, but then I started second guessing myself...

[edit] Does AtB have something similar (if not pretty much the same)?
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Unread post by Rali »

There was an article in a Rifter a couple years back. I forget which issue, but maybe someone else has that number handy.
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

Quinn Mieron wrote:TMNT Main Book

I have to look, but I think it only appeared in the first few printings prior to the revised TMNT.
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Unread post by dulsi »

gordyzx9r wrote:
Quinn Mieron wrote:TMNT Main Book

I have to look, but I think it only appeared in the first few printings prior to the revised TMNT.

At least one printing of the revised TMNT has it since that is the book I have. Never looked at what printing it is.
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Unread post by Marrowlight »

Were they good rules though?
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Unread post by Rali »

Mephisto wrote:I only remember reading the rules only once, but basically you had to figure out the size of the animal (Erick used the Emperor Penguin as an example) to get the base BIO-E, and he subtracted BIO-E because the penguin gained Biped Full (he deducted 10 BIO-E). Size Level Six is the base because that is the level that the character gets no attribute bonuses or penalties. At least that is what I remember of the rules.

The Emperor Penguin was used as an example in the Rifter article, the animal used as an example in the Main TMNT&OS was a Kangaroo.

Also, keep in mind that the rules in TMNT&OS did not take Vestigial Disadvantages into acount as they did not exist at that time.
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Unread post by dulsi »

Rali wrote:The Emperor Penguin was used as an example in the Rifter article, the animal used as an example in the Main TMNT&OS was a Kangaroo.

Also, keep in mind that the rules in TMNT&OS did not take Vestigial Disadvantages into acount as they did not exist at that time.

I've seen this mentioned before. A quick search undercovered the following from a post by Rali:

The Penguin stats can be found in "The Rifter" #18, Page 16 & 17, in the Q&A colomn. It also reprints Erick's rules on how to create NEW mutant animal templates. These rules originally appeared in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(r) RPG.

Guess I'll have to order a copy of that now.
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Unread post by Rali »

dulsi wrote:I've seen this mentioned before. A quick search undercovered the following from a post by Rali:

The Penguin stats can be found in "The Rifter" #18, Page 16 & 17, in the Q&A colomn. It also reprints Erick's rules on how to create NEW mutant animal templates. These rules originally appeared in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(r) RPG.

Guess I'll have to order a copy of that now.

:lol: Well, gee! I knew I had posted something about that before... Guess I could have run a search too, but am too lazy. :thwak:

And the issue is still in the online store: Issue #18
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Unread post by dulsi »

Any other Rifters have any hidden information for AtB? I've already got the Mesozoic Land and additional animals.

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