Transdimensional TMNT and the AtB Timeline

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Transdimensional TMNT and the AtB Timeline

Unread post by Yendor »

Has anyone ever elaborated in one of their games on the stuff found in Transdimensional, about how if PCs keep skipping forward, they find out the Empire left earth, etc., etc.?
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

Awhile back, some of us had a discussion about the timeline. But that discussion was more of a debate about what year the AtB world takes place.

As far as a campaign that used the Transdimensional TMNT timelines and so forth...I remember using it in a campaign that started in the regular TMNT & OS setting, but it wasn't central to the theme.
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Re: Transdimensional

Unread post by Rali »

ArmySyko wrote:It would break down into a "Sliders" type of scenario for a while or maybe not if they found somewhere they wanted to stay.

This would be a great way to introduce the players to all of the various Palladium megaverse settings and/or GM variations there of.
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Unread post by Yendor »

Well, it's more of a "Has anyone fleshed out details behind the events that happen later in the coil line?" inquiry. Reading about the machines taking over, then the war, etc., etc., curious if anyone fleshed that out.

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