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Unread post by Blight »

Love him or hate him, Steven Seagal gives an amazing look into the grace and power of Aikdo in these clips.
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Unread post by Jesterzzn »

I can't watch the video (work filters), but even his commercial movies are a great source of by the book aikido examples. No doubt about it, the guy is a true master of the art.
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Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Well, Akido DOES have one purely offensive move: Critical Flip/Throw, which can never be a defensive move. SO, one starts off trying for this, and things get flippy from there :P :lol:
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Unread post by Jesterzzn »

evilgeek wrote:He shames every Aikidoka in existance, which, is saying something because Uyeshiba was crazier than a badger with a bottle rocket up it's poop shoot.
Wow that's harsh. I don't really want to argue about his film choreography since its just a matter of taste, but shames every aikidoka? I mean the guy is a 7th Dan of Aikikai Aikido, studied under Kisshomaru Ueshiba, and was chief instructor of a japanese Aikikai before returning to America.
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Unread post by sinestus »

meh... when you have to play with film speed to make your kung fu look cool, there's a problem...
and most of the time it's not even done well..
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Unread post by wolfsgrin »

Nothing makes a "master" look better than when his students play along.
Not to take away from Master Segal, he is very skilled player, but all the guys that flop around in his movies are mostly students. Watch em all do aki break falls and use their right sides to attack with.
I stopped watching after Out for Justice. The guy named Sticks (pool hall fight) was none other than Dan Inosanto, and after watching Segal's abysmal peformance with Kali stick fighting vs Dan, kinda left a baaaaad taste in my mouth. But kudos to Segal for letting somebody who is really good, fight against him.
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Unread post by wolfsgrin »

I've noticed with a ot of them shows and demos that it seems unfair or already decided what the best effect is under controlled variables. Enlightnening to a point then you think about real world physics(with many and unknown variables) and it all goes to pot.
My teacher has had the pleasure of training with Dan on a few occassions. Says he is wonderfull person and has a lot to teach.
I have this training video of him and the dude is fast. :eek:
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