Morphus Attribute Charts

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The Rifter 20 has more morphus tabels than all the printed nightbane books combined!
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And in Rifter 15 are some NB/NS charts.
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Raist25m wrote:Funny thing happened last night. We were talking about how much of a fan-boy of Star Wars one of my players is. I jokingly stated that there ought to be a Fan-boy morphus chart.

Lo and behold.... there is.

The other player flips two pages in the Rifter, and hands it to me. I look down, and there it is. Fan boy morphus chart.

Ed Woodard III is tottally nuts. trust me, i've played under him
Sometimes, you're like a beacon of light in the darkness, giving me some hope for humankind. ~ Killer Cyborg

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Nightbane Morphus Index


BtS = Between the Shadows
NB = Nightbane RPG
NL = Nightlands
R## = Rifter ##

Code: Select all

(Another) New Stigmata ......................... R44 38
Alien Appendages #2 ............................ R15 52
Alien Shape .................................... NB 103
Animal Form: Armadillo ......................... R1 85
Animal Form: Bear .............................. BtS 130
Animal Form: Amphibian ......................... BtS 131
Animal Form: Arachnid .......................... NB 94
Animal Form: Avian/Bird ........................ NB 94
Animal Form: Bat ............................... NB 95
Animal Form: Canine ............................ NB 96
Animal Form: Crustacean ........................ R15 53
Animal Form: Dolphin/Whale ..................... R1 86
Animal Form: Equine/Bovine/Deer ................ NB 96
Animal Form: Feline ............................ NB 97
Animal Form: Fish .............................. R15 55
Animal Form: Griffin ........................... R1 89
Animal Form: Insectoid ......................... NB 98
Animal Form: Octopoid .......................... R15 53
Animal Form: Otter ............................. R1 90
Animal Form: Porcine ........................... R42 83
Animal Form: Reptilian ......................... NB 99
Animal Form: Rodent ............................ NB 100
Animal Form: Saurian ........................... R1 91
Animal Form: Snake ............................. NB 100
Animated Nightbane ............................. R1 84
Aura ........................................... R15 51
Biomechanical I ................................ NB 105
Biomechanical II ............................... BtS 131
Car and Motorcycle ............................. R44 34
Chimera: Body .................................. R20 41
Chimera: Coloration ............................ R20 42
Chimera: Hair & Fur ............................ R20 43
Chimera: Head & Face ........................... R20 43
Chimera: Limbs ................................. R20 40
Chimera: Skin .................................. R20 41
Chimera: Stench ................................ R20 42
Clothing #2 .................................... R20 63
Dinosaur Form: Ankylosaurids ................... R20 44
Dinosaur Form: Ceratopids ...................... R20 45
Dinosaur Form: Dromeosaurids ................... R20 46
Dinosaur Form: Hadrosaurids .................... R20 47
Dinosaur Form: Pterosaurids .................... R20 47
Dinosaur Form: Sauropods ....................... R20 48
Dinosaur Form: Stegosaurids .................... R20 48
Dinosaur Form: Tyrannosaurids .................. R20 49
Dream Job/Childhood Fantasy .................... R44 29
Enlarged Features .............................. R1 86
Equipment ...................................... R20 63
Everglades ..................................... R1 87
Fish Limbs and Attributes ...................... R15 55
Food ........................................... R15 52
Freakish Appearance ............................ R15 58
Gross Stigmata ................................. R1 89
Head ........................................... R42 84
Hobbies ........................................ R44 31
Medieval Fantasy: Dragon ....................... R20 53
Medieval Fantasy: Faerie ....................... R20 54
Medieval Fantasy: Knight ....................... R20 52
Medieval Fantasy: Ogre ......................... R20 54
Medieval Fantasy: Royalty ...................... R20 50
Medieval Fantasy: Wizard ....................... R20 51
Megalomaniac ................................... R20 65
Military Hardware Biomechanical ................ R44 36
Mineral ........................................ NL 141
Multiple Body .................................. R20 64
Oafish Appearance .............................. R15 59
Plant Life ..................................... NL 142
Science Fiction: Alien World ................... R20 55
Science Fiction: Cybernetics ................... R20 56
Science Fiction: Extraterrestrial .............. R20 57
Science Fiction: Sci-Fi Equipment .............. R20 58
Science Fiction: Space Craft ................... R20 58
Sports/Athletics ............................... R44 32
Stigmata I ..................................... NB 101
Stigmata II .................................... BtS 132
Submersible Biomech ............................ R15 56
Themed Morphus: Chosen One ..................... R20 33
Themed Morphus: Cursed ......................... R20 38
Themed Morphus: Dark Side ...................... R20 34
Themed Morphus: Fan Boy ........................ R20 39
Themed Morphus: Robot/Cyborg ................... R20 35
Themed Morphus: Spirit of Nature ............... R20 37
Themed Morphus: Victim ......................... R20 36
Toy/Gizmo Alien Features ....................... R15 59
Undead ......................................... R15 60
Unearthly Beauty ............................... NB 92
Unnatural Limbs ................................ NB 104
Unusual Blood (Stigmata/Alien) ................. R15 62
Unusual Facial Features ........................ NB 102
Weird Clothing ................................. R1 92
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Unread post by LostOne »

Wow, Tinker, is that an index you've kept on your own?
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Stickied by request.
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Unread post by Xar »

Tinker Dragoon wrote:Nightbane Morphus Index

Code: Select all

Clothing #2 .................................... R20 63

Any idea where Clothing #1 is?

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Unread post by Tinker Dragoon »

Xar wrote:
Tinker Dragoon wrote:Nightbane Morphus Index

Code: Select all

Clothing #2 .................................... R20 63

Any idea where Clothing #1 is?

Beats me. It's possible that the Weird Clothing table in Rifter #1 was the intended precursor, though it had a different author. It could also have been an unpublished submission.

Oneyus wrote:The Link in Tinkers post seems to be broken.

Ah well, it served us well these last 11 years. Here's an archived version: Morphus Tables
Last edited by Tinker Dragoon on Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by LostOne »

Looking at this table again, curiousity question:
The table lists Alien Appendages #2. Where's #1?

Also, any Rifters past 20 that have Morphus tables?
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Unread post by LostOne »

Has anyone made/posted an index of all the locations of Talents?

The morphus table above will be incredibly useful during character creation, a talent table would be useful for character creation and leveling up.
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Dave the dragon
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

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Is there a new fully collected table somewhere?
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

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*sigh* Its been (what, a decade?) and they still haven't made a consolidated list yet? The best book in the series is canceled? We waited til Hell fro0ze over, and he wonders why the book didnt sell.
And Kevin wonders why the series is dying? Im surprised the whole company isnt dying, all things considered.
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

Unread post by LostOne »

Dave the dragon wrote:The best book in the series is canceled?

If you're referring to Shadows of Light, there were financial reasons at the time. And it also seems to be hit or miss on whether people like it or feel it fits the genre.

I have not seen it, I would love to, and I think now that the financial reasons are moot, the company seems to have recovered, they should reprint it, or at least offer a PDF download of it for a nominal fee.
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Tinker Dragoon wrote:
Xar wrote:
Tinker Dragoon wrote:Nightbane Morphus Index

Code: Select all

Clothing #2 .................................... R20 63

Any idea where Clothing #1 is?

Beats me. It's possible that the Weird Clothing table in Rifter #1 was the intended precursor, though it had a different author. It could also have been an unpublished submission.

Oneyus wrote:The Link in Tinkers post seems to be broken.

Ah well, it served us well these last 11 years. Here's an archived version: Morphus Tables

The 1st clothing table is the same as in the link TD posted. It's in like R1.
Weird Clothing table. The very last on TD's list
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Sun Dec 28, 2008 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

Unread post by LostOne »

Raist25m wrote:I think it's time now to bust out with my excel skills and create a spreadsheet and random roll chart. Once I get that set up, I'll share it with anyone that asks. It may take a while though, because I'm going to want to verify locations for all of the tables.

That would be excellent. Looking at the table above, it looks like he doesn't have anything after Rifter 20. I'm assuming there has been morphus tables since then (I don't have much after 16)?
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

Unread post by LostOne »

Raist25m wrote:Are there any morphus tables people would like to see generated?

** please remember forum rules. Can't do anything that is a "conversion", etc...

A table that emulates powers from HU. Not necessarily the uber-powerful ones, just appearances and lesser-powerful ones.
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Dave the dragon
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

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Maybe add in some of the mutation tables from Rifts, too.
When you do make one, please let me know. I dont play much anymore, but thats more from lack of gamers in the area than anything else, and I love to kjeep these works for others that ask. (with proper credit to them, of course)
"What Darwin was too polite to say, my friends, is that we came to rule the earth not because we were the smartest, or even the meanest, but because we have always been the craziest, most murderous ****** in the jungle."
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

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LostOne wrote:
Raist25m wrote:I think it's time now to bust out with my excel skills and create a spreadsheet and random roll chart. Once I get that set up, I'll share it with anyone that asks. It may take a while though, because I'm going to want to verify locations for all of the tables.

That would be excellent. Looking at the table above, it looks like he doesn't have anything after Rifter 20. I'm assuming there has been morphus tables since then (I don't have much after 16)?

I am missing Rifter issues 34-37. Of the issues I do have, no new Morphus tables appeared between issues 20 and 42. I'll update the list to include issues 42 and 44.
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Re: Re:

Unread post by LostOne »

Tyciol wrote:The main thing I think would be useful is a table that references all the sourcebooks and all the Rifters which supplement Morphus tables (and GMs rerolling whenever they get a result they don't want to use). The Rifter supplements usually came with tables but only referencing their own additions and not those in other Rifters.

That's because that would be a page or three in every Rifter that is incomplete as soon as another Rifter with Morphus tables comes out. Same with HU Powers, etc. By not posting and reposting those tables in every issue of the Rifter, they save pages and keep costs down.

Instead, there needs to be official randomizing tables on the website that get updated everytime new Morphus tables and HU powers are published, downloadable as FREE PDFs.
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

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will the new book have a semi-complete listing? Or will it be the same hacked up cut%paste that drove so many ways
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

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I suppose that is TECHNICALLY a horrible monster...but not in the way the game intended...
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

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Re: Nightbanes in the Heroes Unlimited 2 setting

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greenclowd99 wrote:If a nightbane is forced into a fight w/ a being that has the Negate Superpower ability. Will there talents be negated in battle??

No, because talents arn't superpowers. They're talents.

No, Anti-magic cloud and similar anti-magic stuff won't work either. They arn't magic. They are a completely unique force, utterly unrelated to anything else in palladium. And no, there is no way to negate them either.
Sometimes, you're like a beacon of light in the darkness, giving me some hope for humankind. ~ Killer Cyborg

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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

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I'm pretty sure if you pump enough bullets fast enough into a Nightbane that will negate their ability to use their talents....

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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

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Why? A save vs pain to continue, and that marvelous healing factor, and things are still going fine, right up till he uses his supernatural strength to throw a car at you :D

Of course, it depends on the gameworld. Heroes is fine for that; Rifts is a nightmare (figuring damage for a thrown SAMAS was fun, though) and the other games where it isnt possible reduce the craziness. Except N&SS; a NB with Tai Chi, where he can pump his chi into raising his strength even higher can get really scary, really fast :mrgreen:
"What Darwin was too polite to say, my friends, is that we came to rule the earth not because we were the smartest, or even the meanest, but because we have always been the craziest, most murderous ****** in the jungle."
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

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I think Dan meant that a Nightbane's death would negate their talents.

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Re: Nightbanes in the Heroes Unlimited 2 setting

Unread post by LostOne »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:No, Anti-magic cloud and similar anti-magic stuff won't work either. They arn't magic. They are a completely unique force, utterly unrelated to anything else in palladium. And no, there is no way to negate them either.

I consider them magical so in my games anti-magic cloud and similar stuff would stop them. If you know of somewhere in the books that says otherwise, I'd love to know where so I can read that I'm doing this wrong.

Xar wrote:I think Dan meant that a Nightbane's death would negate their talents.

That's how I took it.
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

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Sorry, missed the "snark" tags. It was supposeed to be funny.
But then, that whole save vs dying might finally come in handy for once :mrgreen: Usually, ya just throw a car at the problem and its solved. (Big problems may require a buss)
"What Darwin was too polite to say, my friends, is that we came to rule the earth not because we were the smartest, or even the meanest, but because we have always been the craziest, most murderous ****** in the jungle."
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

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If Brute Force isn't working you're not using enough?

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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

Unread post by Xar »

Daniel Stoker wrote:If Brute Force isn't working you're not using enough?

Daniel Stoker

Didn't there used to be a poster who went by the name "Brute Force"?

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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

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Xar wrote:
Daniel Stoker wrote:If Brute Force isn't working you're not using enough?

Daniel Stoker

Didn't there used to be a poster who went by the name "Brute Force"?

Several, actually. What timespan are you referring to?

One thing I love about being a professional lurker: no matter how many times my "date joined" gets rebooted for various reasons :oops: It doesnt change the fact that Ive been here in one name or another since 1996, back when there were only a handful of us deadboys posting :mrgreen:
(bonus points if anyone can guess which one I was :lol: )

I posted on the PDF, and I will here too: I was surprised at the price of the Shadows of Light price on Drive Thru. Most companies that sell OOP/dropped books that wont be coming back usually slash the price to under $3 (Mongoose usually sells for 50cents) Does this mean that SoL is going to be reworked and brought back? or is this just standard PB pricing for all books at DT?
"What Darwin was too polite to say, my friends, is that we came to rule the earth not because we were the smartest, or even the meanest, but because we have always been the craziest, most murderous ****** in the jungle."
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

Unread post by Xar »

Dave the dragon wrote:
Xar wrote:
Daniel Stoker wrote:If Brute Force isn't working you're not using enough?

Daniel Stoker

Didn't there used to be a poster who went by the name "Brute Force"?

Several, actually. What timespan are you referring to?

One thing I love about being a professional lurker: no matter how many times my "date joined" gets rebooted for various reasons :oops: It doesnt change the fact that Ive been here in one name or another since 1996, back when there were only a handful of us deadboys posting :mrgreen:
(bonus points if anyone can guess which one I was :lol: )

It would have been pre 2001...back at the old threaded boards. If I remember now, he went by BruteForce, no space; internal capitalization.

If I had to guess to a former login name, I would consider a guess that you used to post by the initials C.M.

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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

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The NB-SG complies the Offical Tables in NB, NB-NL, NB-BtS, and NB-SG together.
It does not include the Rifter Tables though.

The Fanboy Table was Cool.
I use it for a NB to gain the Exact Appearance, Cloths, Weapons, Voice of Whatever they are a Fanboy Of. Then use the other Tables to build the NB-Features it would have anyways.


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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Dave the dragon wrote:I posted on the PDF, and I will here too: I was surprised at the price of the Shadows of Light price on Drive Thru. Most companies that sell OOP/dropped books that wont be coming back usually slash the price to under $3 (Mongoose usually sells for 50cents) Does this mean that SoL is going to be reworked and brought back? or is this just standard PB pricing for all books at DT?

Standard pricing.
Sometimes, you're like a beacon of light in the darkness, giving me some hope for humankind. ~ Killer Cyborg

You can have something done good, fast and cheap. If you want it done good and fast, it's not going to be cheap. If you want it done fast and cheap it won't be good. If you want something done good and cheap it won't be done fast. ~ Dark Brandon
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

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if its a "dead" book, shouldnt it be discounted?

Just sayin, why pay that much for a book that the publisher and author both called "crap" (they may have politely called it crap, but thats the designation none the less)
"What Darwin was too polite to say, my friends, is that we came to rule the earth not because we were the smartest, or even the meanest, but because we have always been the craziest, most murderous ****** in the jungle."
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

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Because palladium dosn't actually understand the online PDF business.

I take that back. What they were not is using it to the best extent possible.

They're still very much a print-minded publisher. That's why no new titles are avaible on PDF.

basically, people have been telling them for years "PDF's are great, you should use them", but they're worried about piracy and perfer books.

So basically what it is, is they're taking books they never had intention of publishing again, and putting it on there because it dosn't cost them anything to do it.

They are not marketing it, persay, so much as making it avaible because people told them they should.
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

Unread post by MorbidGorilla »

I don't know if this helps anyone but it seems to be a rather complete chart I found. It's a little aqward to roll on with conventional dice but the link below the list seems to fit the bill for rolls.
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

Unread post by MurderCityDisciple »

MorbidGorilla wrote:I don't know if this helps anyone but it seems to be a rather complete chart I found. It's a little aqward to roll on with conventional dice but the link below the list seems to fit the bill for rolls.

Nice find MG....thanks for posting.
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Unread post by robertbc73 »

Tinker Dragoon wrote:Nightbane Morphus Index


BtS = Between the Shadows
NB = Nightbane RPG
NL = Nightlands
R## = Rifter ##

Code: Select all

(Another) New Stigmata ......................... R44 38
Alien Appendages #2 ............................ R15 52
Alien Shape .................................... NB 103
Animal Form: Armadillo ......................... R1 85
Animal Form: Bear .............................. BtS 130
Animal Form: Amphibian ......................... BtS 131
Animal Form: Arachnid .......................... NB 94
Animal Form: Avian/Bird ........................ NB 94
Animal Form: Bat ............................... NB 95
Animal Form: Canine ............................ NB 96
Animal Form: Crustacean ........................ R15 53
Animal Form: Dolphin/Whale ..................... R1 86
Animal Form: Equine/Bovine/Deer ................ NB 96
Animal Form: Feline ............................ NB 97
Animal Form: Fish .............................. R15 55
Animal Form: Griffin ........................... R1 89
Animal Form: Insectoid ......................... NB 98
Animal Form: Octopoid .......................... R15 53
Animal Form: Otter ............................. R1 90
Animal Form: Porcine ........................... R42 83
Animal Form: Reptilian ......................... NB 99
Animal Form: Rodent ............................ NB 100
Animal Form: Saurian ........................... R1 91
Animal Form: Snake ............................. NB 100
Animated Nightbane ............................. R1 84
Aura ........................................... R15 51
Biomechanical I ................................ NB 105
Biomechanical II ............................... BtS 131
Car and Motorcycle ............................. R44 34
Chimera: Body .................................. R20 41
Chimera: Coloration ............................ R20 42
Chimera: Hair & Fur ............................ R20 43
Chimera: Head & Face ........................... R20 43
Chimera: Limbs ................................. R20 40
Chimera: Skin .................................. R20 41
Chimera: Stench ................................ R20 42
Clothing #2 .................................... R20 63
Dinosaur Form: Ankylosaurids ................... R20 44
Dinosaur Form: Ceratopids ...................... R20 45
Dinosaur Form: Dromeosaurids ................... R20 46
Dinosaur Form: Hadrosaurids .................... R20 47
Dinosaur Form: Pterosaurids .................... R20 47
Dinosaur Form: Sauropods ....................... R20 48
Dinosaur Form: Stegosaurids .................... R20 48
Dinosaur Form: Tyrannosaurids .................. R20 49
Dream Job/Childhood Fantasy .................... R44 29
Enlarged Features .............................. R1 86
Equipment ...................................... R20 63
Everglades ..................................... R1 87
Fish Limbs and Attributes ...................... R15 55
Food ........................................... R15 52
Freakish Appearance ............................ R15 58
Gross Stigmata ................................. R1 89
Head ........................................... R42 84
Hobbies ........................................ R44 31
Medieval Fantasy: Dragon ....................... R20 53
Medieval Fantasy: Faerie ....................... R20 54
Medieval Fantasy: Knight ....................... R20 52
Medieval Fantasy: Ogre ......................... R20 54
Medieval Fantasy: Royalty ...................... R20 50
Medieval Fantasy: Wizard ....................... R20 51
Megalomaniac ................................... R20 65
Military Hardware Biomechanical ................ R44 36
Mineral ........................................ NL 141
Multiple Body .................................. R20 64
Oafish Appearance .............................. R15 59
Plant Life ..................................... NL 142
Science Fiction: Alien World ................... R20 55
Science Fiction: Cybernetics ................... R20 56
Science Fiction: Extraterrestrial .............. R20 57
Science Fiction: Sci-Fi Equipment .............. R20 58
Science Fiction: Space Craft ................... R20 58
Sports/Athletics ............................... R44 32
Stigmata I ..................................... NB 101
Stigmata II .................................... BtS 132
Submersible Biomech ............................ R15 56
Themed Morphus: Chosen One ..................... R20 33
Themed Morphus: Cursed ......................... R20 38
Themed Morphus: Dark Side ...................... R20 34
Themed Morphus: Fan Boy ........................ R20 39
Themed Morphus: Robot/Cyborg ................... R20 35
Themed Morphus: Spirit of Nature ............... R20 37
Themed Morphus: Victim ......................... R20 36
Toy/Gizmo Alien Features ....................... R15 59
Undead ......................................... R15 60
Unearthly Beauty ............................... NB 92
Unnatural Limbs ................................ NB 104
Unusual Blood (Stigmata/Alien) ................. R15 62
Unusual Facial Features ........................ NB 102
Weird Clothing ................................. R1 92

Nice. Thank you.

Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

Unread post by robertbc73 »

Raist25m wrote:Are there any morphus tables people would like to see generated?

** please remember forum rules. Can't do anything that is a "conversion", etc...

Shark animal table.

Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

Unread post by robertbc73 »

Maelstrom wrote:Im a great fan of NIGHTBANE setting

I still called it Nightspawn. Always will.
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

Unread post by abe »

how about a skunk table or a second toy table?
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

Unread post by MrHydeSerum »

Has anyone created an updated Appearance Chart?

I know some of the morphus tables aren't even in the NBSG. Like Food, Aura, Fan-Boy, Porcine, Blood, etc.

Is there anyone who has made an appearance chart that includes these?
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

Unread post by Stattick »

Hey, Stattick's Famous Morphus Table isn't on there. It should totally be on there. It's famous. ... =6&t=58003
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

Unread post by abe »

anybody ever do a famous movie monster table yet?
howdey folks!!!!!!!!
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

I'm pretty sure you come construct a Kaiju morphus by using the current tables and writing out the char morphus description to make it look like the kaiju of you want.

To make a 'Zilla' morphus: t-rex body and stegasorus plates from the dino tables and breath weapon from the dragon table (all R20).
And just write up the descriptive text so he/she looks like a 'Zilla'.
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

Unread post by TechnicDragon »

Based on Tinker's list...

Code: Select all

Nightbane Morphus Index

BtS = Between the Shadows
NB = Nightbane RPG
NL = Nightlands
SG = Nightbane Survival Guide
R## = Ritter ##

Unearthly Beauty - NB, p92
Animal Form: Arachnid - NB, p94
Animal Form: Avian/Bird - NB, p94
Animal Form: Bat - NB, p95
Animal Form: Canine - NB, p96
Animal Form: Equine/Bovine/ Deer - NB, p96
Animal Form: Feline - NB, p97
Animal Form: Insectoid - NB, p98
Animal Form: Reptilian - NB, p99
Animal Form: Rodent - NB, p100
Animal Form: Snake - NB, p100
Stigmata I - NB, p101
Unusual Facial Features - NB, p102
Alien Shape - NB, p103
Unnatural Limbs - NB, p104
Biomechanical - NB, p105

Animal Form: Bear - BtS, p130
Animal Form: Amphibian - BtS, p131
Biomechanical II - BtS, p131
Stigmata II - BtS, p132

Mineral - NL, p141
Plant Life - NL, p142

Alien Shape II - SG, p72
Angelic - SG, p73
Aquatic Animal Forms - SG, p75
Crustacean - SG, p75
Dolphin/Whale - SG, p76
Fish - SG, p77
Octopus/Squid - SG, p78
Shark - SG, p79
Artificial Appearance - SG, p80
Biomechanical: Aquatic - SG, p82
Biomechanical III - SG, p83
Dinosaur Form - SG, p85
Disproportion - SG, p87
Head - SG, p87
Arms/Hands - SG, p88
Legs/Feet - SG, p88
Torso - SG, p88
Extraterrestrial - SG, p89
Fantasy - SG, p90
Infernal - SG, p91
Mineral II - SG, p93
Stigmata III - SG, p95
Undead - SG, p96
Unnatural Appendages Limbs - SG, p97
Unusual Facial Features II - SG, p98
Victim - SG, p99

Animated Nightbane - R1, p84
Animal Form: Armadillo - R1, p85
Animal Form: Dolphin/ Whale - R1, p86
Enlarged Features - R1, p86
Everglades - R1, p87
Animal Form: Griffin - R1, p89
Gross Stigmata - R1, p89
Animal Form: Otter - R1, p90
Animal Form: Saurian - R1, p91
Weird Clothing - R1, p92

Aura - R15, p51
Alien Appendages #2 - R15, p52
Food - R15, p52
Animal Form: Crustacean - R15, p53
Animal Form: Octopoid - R15, p53
Animal Form: Fish - R15, p55
Fish Limbs and Attributes - R15, p55
Submersible Biomech - R15, p56
Freakish Appearance - R15, p58
Oafish Appearance - R15, p59
Toy/Gizmo Alien Features - R15, p59
Undead - R15, p60
Unusual Blood (Stigmata/ Alien) - R15, p62

Themed Morphus: Chosen One - R20, p33
Themed Morphus: Dark Side - R20, p34
Themed Morphus: Robot/Cyborg - R20, p35
Themed Morphus: Victim - R20, p36
Themed Morphus: Spirit of Nature - R20, p37
Themed Morphus: Cursed - R20, p38
Themed Morphus: Fan Boy - R20, p39
Chimera: Limbs - R20, p40
Chimera: Body - R20, p41
Chimera: Skin - R20, p41
Chimera: Coloration - R20, p42
Chimera: Stench - R20, p42
Chimera: Hair & Fur - R20, p43
Chimera: Head & Face - R20, p43
Dinosaur Form: Ankylosaurids - R20, p44
Dinosaur Form: Ceratopids - R20, p45
Dinosaur Form: Dromeosaurids - R20, p46
Dinosaur Form: Hadrosaurids - R20, p47
Dinosaur Form: Pterosaurids - R20, p47
Dinosaur Form: Sauropods - R20, p48
Dinosaur Form: Stegosaurids - R20, p48
Dinosaur Form: Tyrannosaurids - R20, p49
Medieval Fantasy: Royalty - R20, p50
Medieval Fantasy: Wizard - R20, p51
Medieval Fantasy: Knight - R20, p52
Medieval Fantasy: Dragon - R20, p53
Medieval Fantasy: Faerie - R20, p54
Medieval Fantasy: Ogre - R20, p54
Science Fiction: Alien World - R20, p55
Science Fiction: Cybernetics - R20, p56
Science Fiction: Extraterrestrial - R20, p57
Science Fiction: Sci-Fi Equipment - R20, p58
Science Fiction: Space Craft - R20, p58
Clothing #2 - R20, p63
Equipment - R20, p63
Multiple Body - R20, p64
Megalomaniac - R20, p65

Animal Form: Porcine - R42, p83
Head - R42, p84

Dream Job/Childhood Fantasy - R44, p29
Hobbies - R44, p31
Sports/ Athletics - R44, p32
Car and Motorcycle - R44, p34
Military Hardware Biomechanical - R44, p36
(Another) New Stigmata - R44, p38
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Re: Nightbanes in the Heroes Unlimited 2 setting

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:
greenclowd99 wrote:If a nightbane is forced into a fight w/ a being that has the Negate Superpower ability. Will there talents be negated in battle??

No, because talents arn't superpowers. They're talents.

No, Anti-magic cloud and similar anti-magic stuff won't work either. They arn't magic. They are a completely unique force, utterly unrelated to anything else in palladium. And no, there is no way to negate them either.
Except I had a GM that tried to do so by saying demons could do it. It made me shy away from Nightbane for a long time.
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Re: Morphus Attribute Charts

Unread post by Yamato »

I've done a random roll set of tables for determining Morphus for my own game. It includes everything that TechnicDragon listed above as well as those from Dark Designs & the Net. If anybody would be interested in them drop me an email at fhf4152@yahoo & I can give you the list.
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