Has this been done? Would it work?

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Has this been done? Would it work?

Unread post by zor_prime1 »

Here is an idea that I have, but I'm not sure whether or not it has been done before:

With metal attacking flesh and distorting itself in order to do so, would it be possible to have an armor generate a projectile that was a sticky flesh? The flesh would be launched onto a robot made of metal. When the metal from the robot's armor attacks the flesh, a weak point could be generated for a small period of time. During this time the hole created by the attacking metal:
-a weapon could be fired at that specific place on the robot
-a bit of acid could ooze out of the flesh and seep into the weak point
-some other type of destructive force could hurt the lowered armor rating.

Anyway, I have another idea that I have for a Splicers article and I'm thinking of including this idea into the article. I'm wondering if anyone has already thought of the above technique.
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Unread post by Stormseed »

The book says that the nanites don't affect functioning robots.
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Unread post by Dustin Fireblade »

Stormseed wrote:The book says that the nanites don't affect functioning robots.

Yeah it says this on page 10 in the description of the plague, but then on page 11 under "Exposure to Complex Powered Items" it lists robots, power armor and vehicles as items that trigger the plague.

It's a good idea though zor. Could make it a sticky bomb - it sticks to the robot and as it reacts to the flesh the rear of the missile is loaded with Migs bio-explosives, causing more damage to the weak point.

The only problem is will it work based on the two pages noted above?
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Unread post by Stormseed »

Dustin Fireblade wrote:Yeah it says this on page 10 in the description of the plague, but then on page 11 under "Exposure to Complex Powered Items" it lists robots, power armor and vehicles as items that trigger the plague.

I'm pretty sure that means robots brought from "elsewhere."
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Unread post by Spinachcat »

What if this sticky bomb caused the bot to temporarily lose its immunity to the nano-plague? Some kind of biological corruption of the "ID Tag" that protects the Machine from its own plague.
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Unread post by bar1scorpio »

The page 11 references are in discussion of non-intelligent robots & robot vehicles coming through rifts. The nanobot plague response typically being tthat Nexus is able to hack into a glitter boy, or UAR-1, etc.
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Unread post by Dustin Fireblade »

I don't see anything that says it applies to off-world stuff only. Humans on the Splicer's world at one time had robot vehicle's and power armor.
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Unread post by sHaka »

Dustin Fireblade wrote:I don't see anything that says it applies to off-world stuff only. Humans on the Splicer's world at one time had robot vehicle's and power armor.

It's refering to non-NEXUS Power Armour/'bots. NEXUS controlled machines aren't "allergic" to mammilian contact until deactivated.
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Unread post by zor_prime1 »

Thanks everyone. I found that information in the book. Looks like I need to reread it.

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Unread post by Roscoe Del'Tane »

Or maybe have a sticky bomb that acts a homing beacon for other missiles? Gives all other missiles fired a +3 to hit the targeted area or something in that vein. Probably would have to make a new launcher for it...

Got it.

Homing beacon: 35 Points
This weapon fires a sticky blob of gunk at the target. The gunk sends out a signal a specifically tuned BIO-Com frequency that attracts all organic rockets fired by the same host armour, or those that have the signal transmitted to them by the original pillot.

This beacon launcher can only be placed on the shoulder, and looks vavaegleyike an elongated nose.

The Bebeaconauncher only has four shots (two per nostril) but can fire at a range or up to 2 miles! It has it's own long range sensor that the pilot looks though to fire. The pilot uses half their attacks to aim and fire this weapon, due to the exextremeange involved, and having to make adjustments to correct the flight path of the projectile. UnUnfortunatelyit takes a full memeleeo build up the pressure required to fire another beacon.

The beacon will transmit for 5 minutes after it hits, before the power in the snot like substance runs out and it dries up.

The launcher has 1D6X10+20 M.D.C.
The Homing beacon Launcher does NO DAMAGE.
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Unread post by Spinachcat »

Thumbs up for the Booger Launcher! I could see the Homing Snot becoming essential for siege attacks and very powerful against any kind of stationary defenses.

As for the OP, I think we can create a device that adheres to canon. Since Nexus bots are fully affected by the nano-plague upon deactivation, it is logical to assume that an active Nexus bot gives off some kind of signal that pacifies the nanites. If a genetic variety of Booger Snot could be created that temporarily (fully or partially) interfered with that signal, the nanoplague would turn on a Nexus bot. Of course, the nanites would just swiftly remake the bot but it would buy our heroes some time.
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Unread post by Roscoe Del'Tane »

:x Not Booger Launcher, Homing Beacon! :x

:lol: , but i can see you're point Spinachcat. Maybe a different version of the spore Discharger? Or a step up from it... ooh! Or combines the spore dischager with the viral imobilizer! Just think, you could stop the robots in their tracks and deal damage to them while they're stuck. Nifty idea, not sure how the points would work on it though.
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Unread post by taalismn »

hmmm...a rapid-growth slime-mold that acts like a quick-set epoxy, thickening when warmed/physically manipulated, and sending rhizones burrowing into metallic objects it comes in contact with?
Just keeps growing until either destroyed or it consumes all the metal in its immediate vicinity?
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Unread post by Roscoe Del'Tane »

Hmm, maybe have the immobilizer be the primary agent, and have the spore launcher deal half damage for while the coating is alive, or deal damage every other melee or something. Still, it's a nifty idea, and one we could use anyways, just buy both of them separately, and fire as a one-two punch combo!

And I think that it would act more like and acid bath before being incased in concrete, Taalismn
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