We are picking, packing and shipping Christmas Grab Bags as fast as they come in. As demanding as the Grab Bags are, we all enjoy doing them. I also make a point of reading ALL the comments people include with their order. Some are funny, some are odd, some are lists, some are rather demanding, some are suggestions, some are well wishes, and many are warm, sweet and touching. All are a joy to read. Thank you everyone. I wish I had the time to answer each and every one of you. That’s impossible, but at least gaming conventions and gatherings like the Palladium Open House are wonderful opportunities for me and the Palladium crew (staff and freelancers) to meet and share our thoughts and time with you.
Writing is going slower than I’d like, but at least it’s going, and it's darn good stuff, if I do say so myself. Oh my gosh, and the covers and interior artwork being produced for the new books . . . fantastic!
Just not enough hours in the day. I’m still not all caught up with everything and I’m not writing as much as I need to be, but we’re plugging along and have huge plans for next year. You can read all about them in the Press Release going up on Wednesday, December 6.
You can also read about Jeff Hansen’s involvement in something pretty amazing and it’s the real reason why Warpath: Urban Jungle had to be rescheduled for Spring or Summer 2007. Only at Palladium could something like this happen.

December is ticking down fast and is the LAST MONTH you have a chance at getting your name selected for becoming a published Palladium character. (See the Heroes of the Megaverse print for details).
It's gotten cold and snowy here in Michigan. Too cold, too soon. Oh, well, we've had our share of mild winters these past few years and Spring will be here before we know it.
That’s it. Gotta wrap some Christmas presents and hit the sack so I can get up early and work, work, work.
Thanks for stopping by to read my thoughts and murmurs.
Kevin Siembieda
President, Writer, Artists and Surrogate Santa
© December 5, 2006