Kill the munchkin

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Kill the munchkin

Unread post by Prince Cherico »

Your challege if you chose to acept it is to kill one dual class
munchkin charater. Your tools are a five man team all of them
third level
One Hunter Vigiliante
One hardware charater of choice
One Stage Magician
One Super Sleuth
One Physical Training charater

I want to hear a plasable idea of how this team of five men can
kill this munchkin charater.

The Enemy
Alignment- Diabolic
OCC Super soldier Endoskeleton /Empowered
Average level-3

IQ= 20
ME= 16
PP= 16
PE= 17
SPD= 45
Natural AR 14
Hit points=43
ISP= none

Skills=Military Specialist

Basic Military Program +26
Hand to hand Expert
Climbing 81%
Military Etiquette 76%
Radio basic 86%
WP rifle

Espionage program +26
Hand to hand martial arts
Detect ambush 71%
Intelligence 70%
Wilderness survival 71%
Detect Concealment 66%
Escape Artist 71%

Espionage program +26
Forgery 61%
Pick locks 71%
Tracking 66%

WP modern program
WP- Semi automatic pistol
WP-Automatic rifles
WP- submachine gun

Etiquette program +16%
Diplomatic Etiquette 66%
High class Etiquette 66%
Mafia Etiquette 66%
Business Etiquette 66%

Rouge Skills +16%
Prowl 56%
Find Contraband 54%
Streetwise 48%
Concealment 48%

Five secondary skills of choice +6%
Cooking 56%
Dancing 51%
Play Piano 56%
Tailoring 71%

Powers Major
Gravity manipulation
Gravity Waves

Powers Minor
Extraordinary PB
Wingless Flight

Powers Super Soldier
Attempted to make the Character Invulnerable
Mind and body are more attuned
Internal robotic medical system
Brain boost

Cybernetic Senses-
Enhanced sense of smell and taste
Instantly recognize scents 75%
Recognize a person by sent 45%
Tract by smell alone 55%

Cyber ears-
Ear microphone, radio receiver and transmitter
(Can pick up a relay radio transmitting just like a hand held radio
This is the only way he can talk. Range 3 miles)

Cyber eyes-
20/20 color vision
Has passive night vision 600 feet in darkness
Telescopic vision range1500 feet.

Initiative= +11
To strike= +8
Parry= +10
Dodge= +12
Roll with impact= +5
Heals 1d4 SDC per minute
Save vs. HF= +6
Attacks per melee 7
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Unread post by RockJock »

Is it a direct combat situation, or can the group plan it out?

For example, would the Detective be able to do some research and hacking on the guy's background? Possible helping the hardware guy develop a jamming device of some sort that would temporarily interfere with the cybernetic senses. The Stage Magician could slip up on the guy and plant the jammer, with the Hunter helping to locate him. In the end the guy is blind and deaf, and faces the group.
RockJock, holder of the mighty Rune Rock Hammer!
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Prince Cherico
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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

RockJock wrote:Is it a direct combat situation, or can the group plan it out?

For example, would the Detective be able to do some research and hacking on the guy's background? Possible helping the hardware guy develop a jamming device of some sort that would temporarily interfere with the cybernetic senses. The Stage Magician could slip up on the guy and plant the jammer, with the Hunter helping to locate him. In the end the guy is blind and deaf, and faces the group.

the goal is to kill him weather you do it in combat or plan it out is
your perogative
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Unread post by RockJock »

I think that a group of non powered types are going to need to plan this out quite a bit. Unless they are carrying a huge amount of equipment and weapons they are going to have a tough time going head to head in combat with a guy like this. The Hunter and PT are no slouch in combat, but the baddie is faster and more resilient then they are.
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Unread post by DtMK »

Perhaps the Hardware can be Analytical Genius, possibly Weapon Master as well. All he'd have to do is create a chemical laser(which the military DOES have IRL as of a few years ago, using the lased stream to act as a channel for a highly acidic chemical particle payload), only make a nanotech payload that will attack the character's neural connections, effectively paralyzing him. Heck, with a remote relay, it's even possible to control the character. Anyone for a Diabolic aligned VR puppet?
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Unread post by Iczer »

I'm sorry. I saw this thread and thought we were actually killing munchkins. Not munchkin characters.

I'll go away and cry now. :)


(because the world needs less munchkins)
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Unread post by Yukon »

i think they prefer to be called "little people".. and prefer not to be killed... i think...
Tyciol wrote:In fact, many of these powers seem pretty useless except for neat ways of thinking of killing civilians.
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Unread post by Kalinda »

You know, I really regret that they didn't take a stand and put alignment restrictions on the empowered class. It's obvious from every bit of text about them that empowered characters are suppose to be good aligned HEROS, empowered by their force of will and desire for justice, yet all it says is a non-committal 'well, they really should be good, but...'

Anyway, back on topic: The sleuth and the hunter tail the bad guy with high tech help from the hardware:electronics guy, when he goes to a restaurant, the stage magician disguises himself as a waiter and slips Iocane powder into his drink. :-P
Personally, I think that we have a duty as role-players to try to anchor each other to reality a bit. To keep other gamers from being complete freaks and weirdos, or even psychopaths, if we can. Killer Cyborg
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Unread post by TJ_1976 »

I would have the weapons master as the mech man design some kind of a attachment for what i would pick as the pt character,a ancient master's,spear with a eletric discharge type of consturct their by making his staff a giant taser,build flame throwers for hiself and the hunter to get past the ar, stage magician distract to him,and the superslueth with a high powered sniper rifle with armor piercing rounds and a silencer so he wont be able to tell where the shots are coming from. complete with some homemade napalm which just about everyone should know how to make so all the fire stays lit.
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Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

Iczer wrote:
I'm sorry. I saw this thread and thought we were actually killing munchkins. Not munchkin characters.

I'll go away and cry now.

(because the world needs less munchkins)

They prefer to be called moraly impaired.
Damn ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol! Damn everyone who won’t damn ICE/BCP/Border Patrol!! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning CE/BCP/BorderPatrol!!!
If you support ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol at this point, you would have called the Gestapo on the people surreptitiously moving into your neighbor's attic and huffed that you were only following the law.
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Unread post by The Beast »

This is how I would take care of him.
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Unread post by RockJock »

Look at his powers and the Super Soldier upgrades. It is going to be hard to just gun this guy down. You are going to have to think it through before hand, or improvise. Nail him with a super adhesive that works like a Carpet of Adhesion. Use flahsbang, smoke, tear gas, knock out gas, and whatever other disorienting grenades you can throw at him, THEN start trying to actually take him out.

His gravity powers make him pretty nasty on their own. The Radar sense and Wingless Flight make him hard to hit and to tie down. Add in the durability from the SS options and he is nasty. I still suggest planning it out and trying to drug him, or fry his cybernetics before going head to head with him.

If he getst the jump on the group they are going to have serious trouble taking him down before he incapacitates them. The PT has a chance, but the others that are totally non-powered are very, very susceptable to the gravity powers. If you are going to snipe him, make sure you take him out the first time before he flys away at 200mph, or starts pinning you to the ground as the blood rushes down to your boots.
RockJock, holder of the mighty Rune Rock Hammer!
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Unread post by R Ditto »

For the Hardware character, I would go with the Weapons Expert, with a 0.50 caliber GELCO Vulcan loaded with APCR rounds with depleted uranium for the core (basically the DU core rounds).
Second, a 15mm "Anti-Material Rifle", plus a high powered thermal imaging system. Even a .50 caliber/12.7mm round will punch through engine blocks and take down targets through brick walls, the 15mm AMR is even deadlier... probably why I cannot seem to find any canon info on the weapon...

Unless the munchkin's skull can stop rounds that will shoot through an engine block, then a .50 caliber/12.7mm sniper rifle will do the job just as well. the standard military round (full metal jacket, some sort of 'filler' and a solid steel core) is going to be lethal with a head shot.
I don't care how many HP someone has, you're not going to be doing well when the contents of their skull are no longer in the skull... especially with almost 2 ounces of metal going around mach 3... just distract the target a moment so

A net gun using weights with super glue on the weights, perhaps kept 'not-sticky' via a casing with something that falls off or vaporizes with air contact so the glue is only exposed after the net is launched. The net itself could be made of cables of steel and kevlar woven together. Perhaps even adhesive on the net itself... Just get them seriously distracted and net them...

Alternative Hardware choice
A Mechanical Genius with an armored vehicle armed to the teeth, and if possible, some sort of energy weapon... or a tank... a real tank, not the nerfed stuff... 16 pounds/8kg of depleted, 37mm diameter and a half meter long, travelling at 5,000ft/1500m per second, is going to hurt... so will 10 pounds of explosives in a high explosive or high explosive anti tank round... if the plastic/gelatin stuff does 1D4x10 per 2 ounces, then 10 pounds is going to do 8D4x100 damage...

"Hey, Munchkin, meet mister anti-tank gun, you evil munchy jerk!"
Not recommended for urban areas, but with no innocents around, see just how well they can dodge shrapnel...

For the Physical Training, Focus on Agility and Speed, with Defensive and Fast Combat. The speed and bonuses will be handy for a few things...
With the right Hardware character, then crazy glue and explosives can also come into play... distract the munchkin with the others, and slap a few bombs to them.

Other tactics.

Lure the bugger into traps, get him really mad and see if he makes mistakes.
Put him in an environment (bait/lure them there somehow) that would make it tricky for him to use his gravity powers safely, or where they can be used against him.
"Gee, it looks like your attempt to redirect that barrage up into the air has you levitating an entire pile of bricks of that building you're standing next to... we can aim to compensate for it, but if you reverse gravity or cancel your power, then the whole mess will come crashing down on top of you, and we'll just pump a lot of firepower into the area while you're dodging bricks and choking on a dust cloud..."

CO2 fire extinguishers, a lot of them... perhaps rigged up as bombs... heck, also use smoke bombs, the not to good for breathing in types...
Heck, go with thermobaric explosives, I'd like to see them dodge the blast of one of those...
heck, do as RockJock brought up, flash bangs and tear gas and smoke, and toss in a lot of pepper spray (perhaps the big ones, rigged up to a small explosive), on top of other things, like liquid stink or 'skunk juice', simply overwhelm their senses in general, then follow up with tazers, that industrial strength crazy string goop that will stop most people in their tracks, etc.

Or even better, have the Hardware character be someone good with high tech (Electrical or Analytical Genius IIRC) toss in that one annoying sonic weapon system (LRAD, Long Range Acoustic Device) that is actually in use today... between the flash bangs, gasses, smoke, other smells, tazers, sticky goop, the mind numbing sonic projections will really be effective... also toss in a laser or other strobe system to have sustained affects against their hearing and vision, and with the other 'smell's, their senses will be messed up, and probably be suffering from sensory overload.

for a trap...
Get them someplace.
1: Stink factor, perhaps via fresh skunk stink, or liquid stink, which will be nasty with that good sense of smell and taste, and with the skunk stuff, it will cause other unpleasant effects.
While they are distracted by the smell of a little black and white critter, let rip with the LRAD system, directed laser strobe type system, and then even some flash bangs and tear gas (or pepper spray bombs) for added effect.
They are going to be so far out of it they'll be up to their neck in penalties.
Then hammer them hard, blow them up with a bomb crazy glued to their head,

Although, catching them off guard in the first place with the sonic system cranked up high will probably drop them on the spot, probably be trying to rip their own ears out... then put a .50 cal sniper round in their head...

The other alternative, negative propaganda, see what happens if Project Tyche or SHOCK show up thinking there is an inhuman alien running loose... :demon:
Let someone else do the dirty work, take out two birds with one stone...
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Unread post by csyphrett »

One of my players has been using miasma to take down big guns. A hardware equivalent wouldnt be that hard to build. Then it's lights out while he's puking his guts.
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Unread post by RockJock »

So your hero is going to shoot the bad guy in the head with a heavy caliber sniper rifle from a mile away? Hard to hand him over to the authorities after that.

The glue net, stink, CO2, etc could help with immobilizing the bad guy long enough to take him out. An ambush is still the best solution no matter what tactic you are using. If that isn't an option, say the team is having to take him down while he is robbing a bank or has hostages or something you are going to need to improvise, which gets dangerous for everyone.
RockJock, holder of the mighty Rune Rock Hammer!
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