Various Dimension Book Erratta

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Various Dimension Book Erratta

Unread post by NMI »

Anything specifically wrong in any of the various Dimension books? I dont mean what you would have done differently or this sucks, etc.. I mean things like typos, wrong number values, something mentioned to be in a given book, but not in it?

Please be as precise as possible.

Keep this thread to erratta only as this is something that "The Galactus Kid" needs.

Anything not on topic will be deleted and the poster given a warning!!!

(The book Manhunter doesnt count)
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In Wormwood, apoks are sometimes erroniously called confessors.
Steven "Conan" Trustrum

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What I've found so far...

Dimension Book 1: Wormwood

General: Most classes are stated to gain M.D.C./Hit Points with experience, but the Freelancer, Knight of the Temple, and Knight of the Hospital are not, suggesting that their M.D.C. (Hit Points in S.D.C. worlds) does not increase.

Many classes also list a skill penalty for having a low I.Q., which is inconsistent with the rules for low attributes in RUE.

None of the R.C.C.s in the book seem to gain skills with experience, though this may be intentional.

Throughout the book, "traveling" is given the British spelling, "travelling."

Page 75: The alignment requirement for the Knight of the Hospital refers to healing powers that the class does not actually appear to possess.

Page 76: Additional classes are referenced from the now out-of-print Rifts
RPG main book.

Page 77: Under the current rules, the Confessor should have 8 attacks per melee, not 6.

Page 79: Under the current rules, Lazarus Vespers should have 6 attacks, not 4, and the reference to two magic attacks is invalid (ironically, it always was under the Rifts rules).

Page 82: Under the current rules, Dorsey Pentecost should have 6 attacks, not 5. The entry for attacks per melee also references bonus attacks from his O.C.C., but the Knight of the Hospital O.C.C. does not provide bonus attacks.

Page 126: The Entrancer R.C.C. has no S.D.C. listed for S.D.C. worlds. Reference to magic attacks in the combat entry is invalid under current rules.

Page 128: The Feathered Serpent has no S.D.C. listed for S.D.C. worlds.

Page 130: The Morphworm has no S.D.C. listed for S.D.C. worlds.

Page 131: The Ram-Rat R.C.C. has no S.D.C. listed for S.D.C. worlds. In the R.C.C. skill entry, the word "two" before "W.P. Axe" appears to be a typo, and the reference to W.P. Axe being the same as W.P. Blunt is invalid under the current rules.

Page 132: The Rathos R.C.C. has no S.D.C. listed for S.D.C. worlds.

Page 133: The word "does" is grammatically incorrect in the sentence
"Elementals and warlock magic, including magical fire, does full damage." I would recomment replacing it with either "do" or "inflict." Also, the Shade R.C.C. has no S.D.C. listed for S.D.C. worlds.

Page 134: The Skelter Bat has no S.D.C. listed for S.D.C. worlds.

Page 139: The Host have no S.D.C. listed for S.D.C. worlds.

Page 141: Reference to magic attacks per melee is invalid under the current rules.

Page 146: Under the current rules, Salome should have 6 attacks, not 4, and the reference to two magic attacks is invalid. Additionally, it is unclear whether or not her listed attributes include bonuses and penalties from her symbiotes.

Dimension Book 2: Phase World

Page 21: Thraxus' attribute entry mentions supernatural attributes, but doesn't specify which ones (technically, P.S. and P.E. are the only possibilities). Under the current rules, he should also have 8 attacks, not 6.

Page 22: The reference to Anshurr's magic attacks per melee is invalid under the current rules.

Page 23: Under the current rules, Trader Smythers should have 6 attacks, not 4, as well as a +1 bonus to disarm.

Page 24: Under the current rules, The Knife Master should have 8 attacks, not 5.

Page 80: The Machine People R.C.C. has no equipment listing.

Page 81: The Silhouette R.C.C. has no equipment listing. Their damage entry states that they have supernatural strength, but this is not reflected in the attributes entry.

Page 88: The Pleasurer R.C.C. has no equipment listing.

Page 96: The Dominator R.C.C. has supernatural attributes, but which ones are unspecified.
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Unread post by Greyaxe »

Phase world Sourcebook No FTL speed for Packmaster Carrier. Recomended speed 5 light years per hour.
Sureshot wrote:Listen you young whippersnappers in my day we had to walk for 15 no 30 miles to the nearest game barefoot both ways. We had real books not PDFS and we carried them on carts we pulled ourselves that we built by hand. We had Thaco and we were happy. If we needed dice we carved ours out of wood. Petrified wood just because we could.
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Collected on page 2...
Last edited by Braden Campbell on Sun Jul 02, 2006 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Unread post by Greyaxe »

PW page 159 Lasers on Proctor. 2 lasers are listed in MDC by location and in the weapon list but damage for only one laser is listed.
Sureshot wrote:Listen you young whippersnappers in my day we had to walk for 15 no 30 miles to the nearest game barefoot both ways. We had real books not PDFS and we carried them on carts we pulled ourselves that we built by hand. We had Thaco and we were happy. If we needed dice we carved ours out of wood. Petrified wood just because we could.
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Collected on page 2...
Last edited by Braden Campbell on Sun Jul 02, 2006 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Unread post by Greyaxe »

PW Source Book PG 87 Black market cost lists the Hunder-Class destroyer as having a stealth system. Does it or does it not?
Sureshot wrote:Listen you young whippersnappers in my day we had to walk for 15 no 30 miles to the nearest game barefoot both ways. We had real books not PDFS and we carried them on carts we pulled ourselves that we built by hand. We had Thaco and we were happy. If we needed dice we carved ours out of wood. Petrified wood just because we could.
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Unread post by Greyaxe »

PW Source Book pg 66 and 67. Want weight and price for the GC55 G-Cannon and the AML-11 Auto Loading Missile launcher
Sureshot wrote:Listen you young whippersnappers in my day we had to walk for 15 no 30 miles to the nearest game barefoot both ways. We had real books not PDFS and we carried them on carts we pulled ourselves that we built by hand. We had Thaco and we were happy. If we needed dice we carved ours out of wood. Petrified wood just because we could.
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Unread post by Greyaxe »

Prices for Cruise Missiles found throuought the PW books.
Sureshot wrote:Listen you young whippersnappers in my day we had to walk for 15 no 30 miles to the nearest game barefoot both ways. We had real books not PDFS and we carried them on carts we pulled ourselves that we built by hand. We had Thaco and we were happy. If we needed dice we carved ours out of wood. Petrified wood just because we could.
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Unread post by Greyaxe »

PW source book pg 94 Gravity auto cannons are listed doing missile damage instead of rail gun damage
Sureshot wrote:Listen you young whippersnappers in my day we had to walk for 15 no 30 miles to the nearest game barefoot both ways. We had real books not PDFS and we carried them on carts we pulled ourselves that we built by hand. We had Thaco and we were happy. If we needed dice we carved ours out of wood. Petrified wood just because we could.
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Unread post by Greyaxe »

PW Source Book pg 95 Variable Force Field MD should read 18000 not 9000
Sureshot wrote:Listen you young whippersnappers in my day we had to walk for 15 no 30 miles to the nearest game barefoot both ways. We had real books not PDFS and we carried them on carts we pulled ourselves that we built by hand. We had Thaco and we were happy. If we needed dice we carved ours out of wood. Petrified wood just because we could.
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PW Source Book PG 103 No FTL capabilities listed for Doombringer Dreadnought
Sureshot wrote:Listen you young whippersnappers in my day we had to walk for 15 no 30 miles to the nearest game barefoot both ways. We had real books not PDFS and we carried them on carts we pulled ourselves that we built by hand. We had Thaco and we were happy. If we needed dice we carved ours out of wood. Petrified wood just because we could.
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Greyaxe wrote:PW Source Book PG 103 No FTL capabilities listed for Doombringer Dreadnought

This one was covered in an old FAQ ---> it is 6 light years per hour.
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Unread post by NMI »

Lets try and keep the posts together. Instead of one post per "error", lump all of the errors together. (per poster of course)
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

FROM: Rifts: Dimension Book Two: Phase World.

PAGE: 15.

At the bottom right corner of the page:

Two gateways are connected to this planet. One at the city of Worldgare which is used mostly for transdimensional trade, and another in a deep cave with a ley line nexus, in the heart of the Unholy's territory. The cave nexus is used by a number...

Wormwood has NO ley lines. This paragraph is thus in error. I'd suggest:

Two gateways are connected to this planet. One at the city of Worldgare which is used mostly for transdimensional trade, and another in a deep cave, in the heart of the Unholy's territory. The cave portal is used by a number...

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gadrin wrote:Phase World Sourcebook p39 under the Warlock Marine Magic Specialist, they left off the PPE.

This was already corrected in the latest printing.
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Ok... here are all my Phase World errata collected in one place.

- May we please have an official weight and separate cost for the Silverhawk Multi-Rifle?

- The Packmaster should also have some force fields... I recommend 8000 MDC per side.

- The FTL speed of the Packmaster and the Doombringer Dreadnought should be included. Both are 6 light-years per hour.

- The cargo capacity of a "standard can" (Three Galaxies) is incorrect. Using real-world figures, it should be able to hold 26 tons, not 12.

- The capacity of a "Giant Can" (Three Galaxies) should be increased to 250 tons, using the same formula.

- I've done the math: the CAF Assault Shuttle's Cargo should be upped to 1,500 tons. Otherwise, it can't move all the troops it says it can.

- Again with the math: the TGE Rain of Death Transport should have a Cargo stat of 10,000 tons, or else it cannot possibly hold/carry a Doomsday Machine.

- The Consortium has something called a Shield Bearer Missile Tank, which is mentioned twice, but has yet to appear. If you want to wait, I'll make sure to write it up for Thundercloud Galaxy....
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Unread post by shadrak »

Write it up NOW!!!! I command you!!!!

Or just when you get around to it....I would appreciate it bunches, thanks :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Unread post by Greyaxe »

Cosmo Knight should be revisited. Specifically setup a slower than light speed in space i recomend level x2 in mach and a more clear definition of the FTL travel. Is it a rift drive effect meaning instantanious travel or more of a gravatonic drive system where the Knight flies through the galaxie at ftl speeds. Is the FTL speed 1 light yer per hour per level or does it go back to the Jump drive theory where every ten min the knight can jump 1 light year per level. Some clarity on this please.
Sureshot wrote:Listen you young whippersnappers in my day we had to walk for 15 no 30 miles to the nearest game barefoot both ways. We had real books not PDFS and we carried them on carts we pulled ourselves that we built by hand. We had Thaco and we were happy. If we needed dice we carved ours out of wood. Petrified wood just because we could.
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Unread post by Nikoli »

The 100 Random cargos is not internally consistent with the next section, the enumeration and definition of standardized cargo containers. It would better suit GM's to list what type of can the listed cargos are used. And If they are non-standard for some reason, please give dimensions that make sense according to the standardized sets.
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gadrin wrote:Silhouette RCC in DB2 is mentioned as "having several magic and psionic abilities" but it never mentions any more about the psionics.

This is repeated again in DB5 p27 with the general description of the Silhouette RCC "renowed for their magic & psychic abilities..."

Despite these references to the Silhouette's psionic prowess, the current printing gives them the standard chance of psionics, as found in the RMB/RUE.
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el magico -- darklorddc wrote:In Anvil Galaxy, the alignment for space minotaurs is listed as evil, despite the fact that they are considered brave and courageous members of the Warlock Marines.

who says evil people can't be brave and couragous?
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el magico -- darklorddc wrote:In Anvil Galaxy, the alignment for space minotaurs is listed as evil, despite the fact that they are considered brave and courageous members of the Warlock Marines.

That book is just totally messed up.
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Dr. Doom III wrote:That book is just totally messed up.

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Re: Various Dimension Book Erratta

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The Deific NMI wrote:(The book Manhunter doesnt count)

I understand that Kev doesn't hold the copyright for this, but is that the only reason that errata cannot be posted? It is, as far as I know, an officialy Dimension Book.
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Re: Various Dimension Book Erratta

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Rayven wrote:
The Deific NMI wrote:(The book Manhunter doesnt count)

I understand that Kev doesn't hold the copyright for this, but is that the only reason that errata cannot be posted? It is, as far as I know, an officialy Dimension Book.

It is not an official dimension book. it cannot be without either a Copyright or a Licence, of which palladiumbooks possesses nither. ;)
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Re: Various Dimension Book Erratta

Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Rayven wrote:
The Deific NMI wrote:(The book Manhunter doesnt count)

I understand that Kev doesn't hold the copyright for this, but is that the only reason that errata cannot be posted? It is, as far as I know, an officialy Dimension Book.

It is not an official dimension book. it cannot be without either a Copyright or a Licence, of which palladiumbooks possesses nither. ;)

Plus, it is kind of hard for Palladium to Errata a book (as per the purpose of this thread) that they will never print again.

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Re: Various Dimension Book Erratta

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Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Rayven wrote:
The Deific NMI wrote:(The book Manhunter doesnt count)

I understand that Kev doesn't hold the copyright for this, but is that the only reason that errata cannot be posted? It is, as far as I know, an officialy Dimension Book.

It is not an official dimension book. it cannot be without either a Copyright or a Licence, of which palladiumbooks possesses nither. ;)

Plus, it is kind of hard for Palladium to Errata a book (as per the purpose of this thread) that they will never print again.

~ Josh

They have "official" errata on the cutting room floor of tha main site...I didn't know if they were putting stuff there or re-printing.

Plus, I'd still like to see a reprint of that book...I'm sure Myrmidon isn't using the copyright anymore....
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Re: Various Dimension Book Erratta

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Rayven wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Rayven wrote:
The Deific NMI wrote:(The book Manhunter doesnt count)

I understand that Kev doesn't hold the copyright for this, but is that the only reason that errata cannot be posted? It is, as far as I know, an officialy Dimension Book.

It is not an official dimension book. it cannot be without either a Copyright or a Licence, of which palladiumbooks possesses nither. ;)

Plus, it is kind of hard for Palladium to Errata a book (as per the purpose of this thread) that they will never print again.

~ Josh

They have "official" errata on the cutting room floor of tha main site...

No...they have no errata for it on the cutting room floor whatsoever.
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Re: Various Dimension Book Erratta

Unread post by Rayven »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Rayven wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Rayven wrote:
The Deific NMI wrote:(The book Manhunter doesnt count)

I understand that Kev doesn't hold the copyright for this, but is that the only reason that errata cannot be posted? It is, as far as I know, an officialy Dimension Book.

It is not an official dimension book. it cannot be without either a Copyright or a Licence, of which palladiumbooks possesses nither. ;)

Plus, it is kind of hard for Palladium to Errata a book (as per the purpose of this thread) that they will never print again.

~ Josh

They have "official" errata on the cutting room floor of tha main site...

No...they have no errata for it on the cutting room floor whatsoever.

They used to. Didn't they?
My Sig Box wrote:Welcome to my pants.~JM_Zen
Prepare to die, rebel scum.~Prettz
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Re: Various Dimension Book Erratta

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Rayven wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Rayven wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Rayven wrote:
The Deific NMI wrote:(The book Manhunter doesnt count)

I understand that Kev doesn't hold the copyright for this, but is that the only reason that errata cannot be posted? It is, as far as I know, an officialy Dimension Book.

It is not an official dimension book. it cannot be without either a Copyright or a Licence, of which palladiumbooks possesses nither. ;)

Plus, it is kind of hard for Palladium to Errata a book (as per the purpose of this thread) that they will never print again.

~ Josh

They have "official" errata on the cutting room floor of tha main site...

No...they have no errata for it on the cutting room floor whatsoever.

They used to. Didn't they?

Not to my knowlage.
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Unread post by devillin »

I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but some of the various ship dimensions are off. Most particularly is the Warshield. The height and width at best should be reversed, and even with that, the figures given may be off when you compare those two dimensions with its stated length.

My friend and I are going through the various books, and he pointed that one out. Also making the list is that many ships are missing listings for their individual components, especially the Nexus Battleship that has most of its systems listed except for its weapons turrets.
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Naruni Wave 2

I have sent three pages of errata/problems to Brandon Aten, who is doing the book's clean up.
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Unread post by Borast »

Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:FROM: Rifts: Dimension Book Two: Phase World.

PAGE: 15.

At the bottom right corner of the page:

Two gateways are connected to this planet. One at the city of Worldgare which is used mostly for transdimensional trade, and another in a deep cave with a ley line nexus, in the heart of the Unholy's territory. The cave nexus is used by a number...

Wormwood has NO ley lines. This paragraph is thus in error. I'd suggest:

~ Josh

I vaguely remember a mention somewhere about all of Wormwood's Ley Lines are underground.

gadrin wrote:In Dimension Book 2 I think the Cosmo-Knight at least needs to have Nightvision so they can see in space.

Same with the Silhouette.

Or was this corrected in later versions ?

Don't know, but Nightvision wouldn't be really needed in space . there is lots of light, there just isn't as much dust to disperse it. Besides, considering their ability to travel at superliminal velocities, their "Galactic Awareness" would include an awareness of where things (like ships, people in power armour, satelites, etc) are. Otherwise, they would be continuously slamming into such things when flying. :D

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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Unread post by Borast »

I believe I posted this elsewhere (and in *much* greater detail...), but how can a ship that is incapable of entering into an atmoshpere be capable of threatening cities on a planetary surface (as per the flavour text in the ship & weapon descriptions) when the (energy) weapon can only travel 10 miles (or less) through atmosphere, and the average atmosphere of an habitable planet is 100 miles deep... ;) (Phase World & supplements mainly.)

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

That is the reason I use the Kitsune Rules supplement! It addresses that small pronlem.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

I agree with the groups determination about the space minotaurs. I wonder if Carls going to mention them in the book he is writting for the 3Gs?
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

That sounds great to hear! I can't wait to see Carl's books!
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Unread post by Carl Gleba »

Aramanthus wrote:I agree with the groups determination about the space minotaurs. I wonder if Carls going to mention them in the book he is writting for the 3Gs?

Nope! I used a few things from Anvil Galaxy, but as a whole the book doesn't thrill me. Since I read all the Phase World books back to back when researching for Dimensional Outbreak I found Anvil had a lot of repeated material from the main Phase World Book. I also don't like making the Elves and Dwarves M.D.C.! Not every race has to be a Mega-Damage Creature. Don't get me wrong the book has some good stuff, its just not my favorite.

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Unread post by DhAkael »

Carl Gleba wrote:
Aramanthus wrote:I agree with the groups determination about the space minotaurs. I wonder if Carls going to mention them in the book he is writting for the 3Gs?

Nope! I used a few things from Anvil Galaxy, but as a whole the book doesn't thrill me. Since I read all the Phase World books back to back when researching for Dimensional Outbreak I found Anvil had a lot of repeated material from the main Phase World Book. I also don't like making the Elves and Dwarves M.D.C.! Not every race has to be a Mega-Damage Creature. Don't get me wrong the book has some good stuff, its just not my favorite.


I dunno, having a VERY minor population of Elven kin and Dwarf kind (genetic mutation that bred true..or hell, go with the Asgardin link) sounds like it'd work. To make it resonable though, I'd have them as 0.001% of the total galactic population of either race. And like Elves & Humans (or Dwarf & Human) they wouldn't be able to cross-breed with their SDC cousins. Star Elf o' steel, Tree Elf of tissue paper
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Unread post by DhAkael »

Darkmax wrote:Wormwood has no ley lines... I think.

No visible ley-lines.
It is described as a "very faint PPE haze under the surface"
Think of a burried stream that gets blocked up; eventually it will seep through cracks in the rock & soil, saturating it, but it will also be diffuse and very hard to access.
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

DhAkael wrote:
Darkmax wrote:Wormwood has no ley lines... I think.

No visible ley-lines.
It is described as a "very faint PPE haze under the surface"
Think of a burried stream that gets blocked up; eventually it will seep through cracks in the rock & soil, saturating it, but it will also be diffuse and very hard to access.

Wormwood has no ley lines. Period.

It has places of power that are like ley lines.

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Unread post by DhAkael »

Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
DhAkael wrote:
Darkmax wrote:Wormwood has no ley lines... I think.

No visible ley-lines.
It is described as a "very faint PPE haze under the surface"
Think of a burried stream that gets blocked up; eventually it will seep through cracks in the rock & soil, saturating it, but it will also be diffuse and very hard to access.

Wormwood has no ley lines. Period.

It has places of power that are like ley lines.


You have your theroies..I have mine.. :D
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Unread post by devillin »

No sensor ranges for any of the fighters. Missing a list of standard equipment onboard a space fighter.
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Unread post by Braden Campbell »

devillin wrote:No sensor ranges for any of the fighters. Missing a list of standard equipment onboard a space fighter.

Starships too.

This should be addressed/corrected in the upcoming Phase World Spacecraft.
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

That sounds very promising Braden! Another reason to look forward to your book! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

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Unread post by devillin »

Braden Campbell wrote:
devillin wrote:No sensor ranges for any of the fighters. Missing a list of standard equipment onboard a space fighter.

Starships too.

This should be addressed/corrected in the upcoming Phase World Spacecraft.

Starships are mentioned as having ranges of 100,000 miles. Unless you were referring to the standard equipment list. :-?
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Hmmm I don't think I ever noticed that little misprint. :shock: I guess its a good thing I'm stuck with glasses.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Ouch!!!! Gadrin I just cringed from the amount of damage you mentioned!!! :eek: :shock: :? :( :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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