Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
Instead of having all the mutants divided out among 20 or so different topics (and then stickying them all), I've consolidated all the mutants into a few posts for ease of viewing. Please do not post comments in these topics, however feel free to post new mutants, advantanges, vestigial traits, animal powers, and other miscellaney.
Rali wrote:Nanoswarm: GEIST (Global Electronics Integration Swarm Technology)
Nobody knows for sure, but GEIST nanoswarms appear to have been created as universal repair systems that have gone wild since the Big Death. These swarms seem to have a mind of their own, often times inhabiting machines (usually old wrecks that haven't worked in ages) and wandering around aimlessly or once-in-a-while into towns and villages where causing mischief and/or carnage.
GEIST swarms grow to a size level of 12 after which it will split into two-dozen minuscule swarms and start anew. GEIST can grow at roughly 1 size level per month. At the GEISTs rate of growth, swarms could grow to cover entire cities, however these swarms often drop into a state of stasis or hibernation for several months or years for reasons unknown at this time.
Size Level: Small Swarm – 1; Medium Swarm – 6; Large Swarm – 12
Appearance: Nanoswarms will appear to look like a small to large swirling dark cloud of dust.
Speed: 8
Hit Points: 0 (zero)
SDC: Varies by object infested
Natural Armor: Varies by object infested
Horror Factor: Swarm 4/8/12
Psionics: Non per-se, but see Natural Abilities for equiv.
Attacks Per Melee: 1 (in swarm form)
Damage: Varies by object infested. When inhabiting many electronic devices swarm may do 1D4, 2D4, or 3D4 damage to Hit Points on physical contact, otherwise damage goes to SDC (armor or protective clothing).
Bonuses: +4 attacks when inhabiting robots, androids, vehicles or other electronic devises that would allow attacks; +4 to strike, parry and dodge; +8 to dodge while in swarm form.
Natural Abilities: Techno-Mind, Natural Mechanical Genius, Possess Device; Prowl 80%
Average Life Span: Unknown
Value: $25,000 per half-ounce
Habitat: Ruins
Notes: The size of the object infested by a swarm is in proportion to the size of the swarm—i.e. small swarms usually infest small objects like RC vehicles, lawn mowers, vacuum cleaners, PCs; medium swarms usually infest small vehicles, computer systems, and human sized robots/androids; large swarms can control very large robots or vehicles, computer networks, etc.
While the things the GEIST nanoswarms may be destroyed, the nanoswarms themselves are effectively indestructible. However, an EMP or exposure to intense heat can destroy swarms. Flamethrowers and Ion weapons are a good weapon to use against rouge GEIST swarms. Mutants with Techno-Mind can attempt to communicate with a GEIST either in swarm form or while infesting an object. It is also possible to communicate with a GEIST if it is infesting a computer system by using the Computer Operation skill.
GEISTs have been known to help out a mechanic with Techno-Mind, and may even follow him/her around for a while, but is likely to leave within a month. If a Techno-Mind mechanic is able to obtain a small amount (no more than half-an-ounce) of GEIST swarm (very rare) they may be able to raise it as a pet. However, as the GEIST grows there is an increasing chance that it will leave the mechanic (40% at size level Medium, 80% at size level Large).
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:NEW MUTANT WEAPONS
Entangling Suction
This provides an attractive force equivalent to a P.S. of 20 for a range of 20 feet (6 m). Characters caught in this suction must make a contested strength check (1D20 + P.S. attribute) or be sucked toward the mouth of the creature.
Stun Discharge
Damage: Victims must save vs non-lethal poison or suffer a -4 on initiative, and -3 to strike, parry, and dodge. Duration 1D6 melee rounds. Roll to save against each successful strike.
Paralyzing Discharge
Damage: Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge, and reduce attacks per melee round by half for 2D4 melees. A successful saving throw of 16 or higher means that the person has successfully fought off the effect and is unimpaired except loses initiative and one melee action. Roll to save against each successful strike.
Kill Discharge
Damage: Does 6D6 S.D.C. damage. A successful saving throw of 18 or higher means that the person has fought off the effect and is unimpaired except losing initiative and one melee action. Roll to save against each successful strike.
Advanced Teeth Touch
This functions identically to Advanced Touch, but the teeth are the sensing organ.
Breathing: Gills
This allows a creature to breathe underwater. It is automatic for all aquatic-dwelling mutants.
Breathing: Lungs
This allows a creature to breathe in the air. It is automatic for all land-dwelling or flying mutants.
Breathing: Dual Breathing
This allows a creature to breathe both in the air AND underwater.
Camouflage Skin Pattern
See MotY, 18
Camouflage Flaps
These flaps imitate vegetation and help conceal the mutant from observation, +10% to Prowl and +15% to Blend or Hide.
Digging Telson
This is a tail section that functions as per Digging, page 69
Electroreception, Active
This ability has all the features of Passive Electroreception, but provides a larger picture of the surrounding area; 400 feet (122m) to detect prey and objects up to Size Level 10, double for larger creatures, and can follow ships/submarines or other objects which give off a strong electrical field for up to 6 miles (9.6 km). Blindness penalties are negated within 400 feet (122m) and halved up to 800 feet (244m) away. Correspondingly, this also makes the creature using active electroreception detectable from double the normal distance.
Electroreception, Passive
Also known as Electroception, this is the ability to detect electrical fields. This allows the character to detect and follow the magnetic field of the earth as well as the flow of current in an aquatic environment, equal to a navigation skill of 80%. In addition, this ability provides a clear picture of the local environment, including objects, muscle movement in living creatures, machines, electrical conduit, and other sources of electrical fields, even in absolute darkness. This ability can be used to track prey by the electrical field they give off. Range: 200 feet (61m) underwater for prey and objects up to Size Level 10, double for larger creatures, 3 miles (4.8 km) for following ships/submarines and the earth's magnetic fields as well as aquatic currents. Blindness penalties are negated within 200 feet (61m) and halved up to 400 feet (122m) away. +30% to range for sharks, rays, skates, and other members of the Elasmobranch sub-class of fish.
Hold Breath (in air)
page 72, but applies to creatures with gills.
Limb Regeneration
Provides the ability to regenerate lost or damaged limbs within 1D4 days.
Luminescent Patch
This acts as a lure, by making the mutant appear to be another, smaller, creature. Smaller fish, upon which the mutant feeds, are attracted to the patch, mistaking it for food. Make a saving throw vs Reptile Brain for creatures to determine if they make this mistake and move closer to the mutant.
Nictating Membrane
A.R. 11 for the eyes and +5 S.D.C.
Retractable Eye-Stalks
Provides an A.R. of 9 for the eyes when retracted.
Sense Electromagnetic Radiation
The ability to sense electromagnetic activity is so acute it can detect brain activity and neural circuitry. Like a living E.E.G. and E.K.G. machine, the creature can detect signals from the brain, recognize deficiencies and aberrations and pinpoint the cause, such as blood clots, tumors, brain or spinal damage, heart problems, paralysis, physical and internal injury, fatigue, and pain. They can also detect brain implants. The ability also helps them to sense and actually see electromagnetic energy that is invisible and often undetectable by humans. This enables them to see, feel, recognize and follow energy trails in the earth like highways or roads with identifying markers to better navigate the oceans and seas even in complete darkness. Range: 30 feet (9.1m)
Sense Movement
Similar to Sensor Whiskers, but no air usage. [Lateral Line] (Can detect vibration/movement in the water and air; equal to advanced touch. Penalties for blindness are half.
Sensing Hairs
Equivalent to Heightened Touch
Shell-holding Telson
This tail section is used for holding empty seashells around the mutants body. Provides protection equivalent to Superheavy Exoskeleton Body Armor. A.R. 18 S.D.C. 500
Swimming: Predator
Advanced Swimming Skill, Depth Tolerance: Unlimited. Swimming skills, Quick Turns & Stops: Can stop on a dime, Tight Circle/Turn: Tight circles and turns in an area a small as 15 feet (4.6m) in diameter. Dive: Up to 3000 feet (914m) at double normal speed.
Swimming Telson
Swimming fan; allows the character to swim backwards at ½ their normal swimming rate.
Swimming Uropods
These are swimming legs used solely for swimming, doubling swimming speed.
Toxin Resistance
Advanced Toxin Resistance, MDU, page 18
No Lungs
-5 BIO-E, cannot breathe in air. Must be purchased if Breathing: Gills is selected, not available if Breathing: Dual Breathing is selected.
No Gills
-5 BIO-E, cannot breathe in water. Must be purchased if Breathing: Lungs is selected, not available if Breathing: Dual Breathing is selected.
Diet: Vampirism
This diet requires the creature to feed on at least two pints (about one liter) of blood once every 48 hours, if not every day. The creature can try to resist the desire and fast. But, with each passing 24 hour period of abstinence, the hunger grows more powerful. Attempts to consume anything else will make the character violently ill (-3 on initiative, -2 on all other combat moves, reduce Spd by 40%).
Diet: Cannibalism
Fundamentally identical to Diet: Carnivore, but limited to meat from one’s own species.
Limited Buoyancy
The character tends to sink unless actively swimming.
Limited Respiration
The character must be moving in order to breathe.
Molting: Annual
Molting is a growth process, in which their size increased by 20%, necessitating the loss of the hard carapace (the character loses any benefits of natural body armor or exoskeleton armor and suffers a -20 to S.D.C. during the period), until a new one can be grown (a process taking 6-8 weeks). This process occurs once a year.
Molting: Semi-Annual Molting
Identical to Annual Molting, but occurs once every six months.
Molting: Quarterly Molting
Identical to Annual Molting, but occurs once every three months.
Molting: Advanced Molting
Identical to Annual Molting, but occurs once every other month.
Neutral Buoyancy
The character doesn’t sink or rise when not swimming.
Upside Down Paralysis
If a shark is inverted, it becomes catatonic for 15 minutes, essentially paralyzed and does not respond to stimulation.
Vestigial Pleopods
These are huge swimming legs that constantly get in the way, flailing wildly about and reducing swimming speed by half.
Vestigial Uropods
Identical to Vestigial Tail.
Vestigial Pereiopods & Vestigial Legs
These are extra sets of under-developed legs. They reduce walking speed by 40% for each pair of legs and are constantly bumping and knocking things over, getting snagged or hitting those around the mutant (no damage, just annoying). When used as weapons (i.e. kicking) they do, at most, one point of damage and get no bonuses to strike, parry, or dodge. Moreover the character is -10% to hide and prowl for each pair of vestigial legs.
duck-foot wrote:Arctic Package
BIO-E Cost: 10
Attributes Bonuses: As base animal plus, +2 P.S., +1 P.E.
Arctic Fur: The character is resistant to the effects of the coldest weather. Any non-magical cold based attack on the character deals 1/4 damage.
Thick Matted Fur: +15 SDC. This fur tends to make the character look very poofy.
This can be used to create any arctic animal from polar bears to mammoth.
Aquatic Package
BIO-E Cost: 10
Attributes Bonuses: +2 P.P., +4 Speed.
Hold Breath: The character can hold his breath for 2D6+6 minutes.
Advanced Swimming: Equal to the skill, +15%, maximum depth is 50 feet per P.E. point.
Advanced Swimming Speed: As the characters land speed, but add +3D6 to Speed underwater.
This can be used to make any aquatic animal from horses to rhinos.
Volcanic Package:
BIO-E Cost: 20
Attribute Bonuses: As base animal, +4 P.E.
Heat Immunity: The character is immune to the effects of the hotest weather. Any non-magical heat based attack on the character deals 1/4 damage.
Fire Immunity: The character is 100% immune to non-magical fire based attacks.
Magma Skin: The mutants skin looks like black, cracked and cooled magma, with streaks/vines of lava running through it. This gives the mutant a Natural Armor 11, +40 SDC, or +2 AR, whichever is higher.
Fire Ball: Once per melee the charcter may shot forth a fire ball from his palms (or mouth if he has no hands). Damage: 2D6 +1D6 at levels 3, 5, 9 and 12. Range is a constant 50 feet.
This template can be used to create anything from lava dogs to lava rabbits.
Radioactive Package:
BIO-E Cost: 20
Attribute Bonuses: As base animal. +2 P.E.
Generate Radiation: The mutant "leaks" extreme amounts of radiation deadly to humans and most mutants (chimeras are immune to radiation). The area around the mutant will remain irradiated for 2D6 minutes even after he leaves. Effects a 10 foot radius. Damage: 2D6 per round of exposure to the radiation. There is a 33% chance that infected individual "catches" radiation sickness (see HU2 pg. 268).
Radioactive Glow: The mutant glows an iridescent green. This is very un-nerving and gives the mutant an HF:10. The glow also keeps the mutant from being very stealthy and gives it a -20% to prowl and hide. Also, there is no penality for fighting the mutant in the dark (he glows that brightly).
Radioactive Package:
BIO-E Cost: 20
Attribute Bonuses: As base animal. +2 P.E.
Generate Radiation: The mutant "leaks" extreme amounts of radiation deadly to humans and most mutants (chimeras are immune to radiation). The area around the mutant will remain irradiated for 2D6 minutes even after he leaves. Effects a 10 foot radius. Damage: 2D6 per round of exposure to the radiation. There is a 33% chance that infected individual "catches" radiation sickness (see HU2 pg. 268).
Radioactive Glow: The mutant glows an iridescent green. This is very un-nerving and gives the mutant an HF:10. The glow also keeps the mutant from being very stealthy and gives it a -20% to prowl and hide. Also, there is no penality for fighting the mutant in the dark (he glows that brightly).
Thyfur wrote:Here are some new Vestigial Disadvantages. It seems to me that many animals should have reduced attributes or modified to have a smaller range. While I will not do this to any of the attribute sections within my postings and instead stick to the more accepted Bonuses to XX, nor will I include this new Vestigial Disadvantages in any animal postings. So to help slove that I present some disadvantages below. If you decided to use them I would recommend having all players roll up attributes before selecting Vestigial Disadvantages as each one below is restricted by it.
Reduced Intelligence Quotient (I. Q.)
-5 BIO-E
Subtract 4 from the character’s I.Q. as a one time only penalty. Character cannot take this option if its species has Extra Intelligence Quotient or its I.Q. is 6 or less unmodified. Minimum attribute is 3.
Reduced Mental Affinity (M. A.)
-5 BIO-E
Subtract 4 from the character’s M.A. as a one time only penalty. Character cannot take this option if its species has Extra Mental Affinity or its M.A. is 6 or less unmodified. Minimum attribute is 3.
Reduced Mental Endurance (M. E.)
-5 BIO-E
Subtract 4 from the character’s M.E. as a one time only penalty. Character cannot take this option if its species has Extra Mental Endurance or its M.E. is 6 or less unmodified. Minimum attribute is 3.
Reduced Physical Strength (P. S.)
-5 BIO-E
Subtract 5 from the character’s P.S. as a one time only penalty. Character cannot take this option if its species has Brute, Beastly or Crushing Strength or its P.S. is 7 or less unmodified. Minimum attribute is 3.
Reduced Physical Endurance (P. E.)
-5 BIO-E
Subtract 3 from the character’s P.E. as a one time only penalty. Character cannot take this option if its species has Extra Physical Endurance or its P.E. is 5 or less unmodified. Minimum attribute is 3.
Reduced Physical Prowess (P.P.)
-5 BIO-E
Subtract 3 from the character’s P.P. and one from attack per melee round as a one time only penalty. Character cannot take this option if its species has Extra Physical Prowess or its P.P. is 5 or less unmodified. Minimum attribute is 3.
Reduced Physical Beauty (P. B.)
-5 BIO-E
Subtract 6 from the character’s P.B. as a one time only penalty. Character cannot take this option if its species has Extra Physical Beauty or its P.B. is 7 or less unmodified. Minimum attribute is 1.
Reduced Speed (Spd.)
-5 BIO-E
Subtract 4 from the character’s Spd. as a one time only penalty. Character cannot take this option if its species has Extraordinary Speed or its Spd. is 6 or less unmodified. Minimum attribute is 3.
Thyfur wrote:As I get ready to post some Insects I figured I would get animals powers and disadvantages up first as this will be a series of long posts. Note that many of the below powers are very similiar or the same to Mutants In Orbit. This was done on purpose, changes that were made was mainly to BIO-E Cost, mostly to round it to a power of five, and in a few cases to combine powers. It seems to me that Mutants In Orbit insects are more fitting for NPCs, those that I will post I hope will be the power scale down a notch for player use if desired.
New Animal Powers:
Many insects and even a few other species have antennae (specialized limbs) that perform many of their primary sense tasks such as smell, touch, and motion sensors. All optional animal powers that use the antennae use the same limbs all nicely packaged and bundled. While it is possible to have more than one pair of antennae, species do not unless stated otherwise. Each power has been grouped into Smell, Touch or Hearing as each species typically will have all the abilities of one group if they have any at all. Characters that do not take any antennae power lack antennae complete if Partial, Full or Perfect looks are taken, and have only antennae knobs for Looks None.
Tracking Smell: The antennae can distinguish small through feelers and/or openings in the antennae. Tracking by smell is 50%+5% per level, however cannot detect extremes of emotions as insects are unfamiliar with the scents and generally lack them. Chemical secretions like pheromones and chemical alarms can be detected. Can detect scents by the same species up to 4000 feet, and chemical alarms up to four miles automatically. Tracking Smell and Tracking Sound can be combined to track a target by using both skills to narrow direction, distance and time since passing, but they do not add to each other skill. BIO-E Cost: 5.
Identify Chemical Smells: The character can detect and identify chemical smells. For those of the same species this is automatic, for other insect species it is 65%+5% per level. If the character is not an insect, such as a Arachnid (spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites) or Crustacean (crabs, lobsters, shrimp, barnacles) then substitute Insect for type. BIO-E Cost: 5.
Advance Identify Chemical Smells: This work the same as Identify Chemical Smells with the exception that the character can now identify all other pheromones from arachnids, crustaceans and even mammals for those creatures that use them. The first number is for own type (insect, arachnid, crustacean, mammal) and the second number if for other types. 65%/45%+5% per level. Characters with this ability already have Identify Chemical Smell. BIO-E Cost: 10.
Barometer: The species has an innate sense for coming rain or forest and grass fires. In truth they smell the chemical interactions in the air and sense the changing atmospheric pressure and temperatures that indicate a rain storm or a nearby forest fire. 35%+5% per level. If the character misses the roll then either they failed to detect the changes for a rain storm, or misjudge the direction of a fire. Characters with both Barometer and Thermometer gets a +15% to Barometer for detecting rain only. Characters with both Barometer and Windsock gets a +15% to Barometer for detecting fire only. BIO-E Cost: 5.
Special Smell: Characters that purchase all available smell (tracking, identify chemical smells, barometer) antennae powers (that are open to their species) pay only 15 BIO-E.
Identify Substances: The species can use the antennae for specialized touch/taste to identify various substances and objects. The first number is for common or known substances, the second number if for substances that are not normally found in the native region. 45%/5%+5% per level. BIO-E Cost: 5.
Thermometer: The species has the ability to accurately detect the surrounding temperature within a few degrees. They can also detect to a degree the best direction for warmer or colder temperatures. 55%+5% per level. Characters with both Barometer and Thermometer gets a +15% to Barometer for detecting rain only. BIO-E Cost: 5.
Windsock: The species can detect, even faint, wind direction. 55%+5% per level. Characters with both Barometer and Windsock gets a +15% to Barometer for detecting fire only. BIO-E Cost: 5.
Special Touch: Characters that purchase all available touch (identify substances, thermometer, windsock) antennae powers (that are open to their species) pay only 10 BIO-E.
Tracking Sound: The species has a strong vibration and motion sense to track by sound vibrations out to 1000 feet. 35%+5% per level. Tracking Smell and Tracking Sound can be combined to track a target by using both skills to narrow direction, distance and time since passing, but they do not add to each other skill. BIO-E Cost: 5.
Motion Detection: The insect can sense predator and prey from air vibrations. Skill is 25%+5% per level. Motion Detection receives -15% penalty against characters that are stationary and silent. If for some reason (supernatural) the creature does not disturb the surrounding environment including air then motion detection has no effect and will not detect the creature. Strong vibrations can be detect up to six miles away like that of large vehicles, giant animals or giant bots. Smaller creatures and slow moving flyers up to 2000 feet away. Large or fast flyers like Jets, and Petradons up to 4000 feet away. Slight movement or very small creatures only up to 500 feet. BIO-E Cost: 5.
Ultrasonic Hearing: Can hear in the ultrasonic range. Many mammals also posses this with their keen ears. Creatures with this ability can generally also produce ultrasonic sounds, for insects this will most often be with various limbs. BIO-E Cost: 5.
Special Hearing: Characters that purchase all available touch (tracking, motion detection, ultrasonic hearing) antennae powers (that are open to their species) pay only 10 BIO-E.
Note: Characters that have all of the above abilities receive +2 initiative, +1 strike, +1 parry, and +1 dodge. If the species restricts some of the antennae powers, then the character receives the bonuses if the have all of the possible power available to that species.
Heightened Senses (New)
Polarized Sight gives the ability to tell direction by the position of the sun and direction of the sunlight. Sight is not adversely affected by bright light or glare.
Simple Compound Eye is a multi-faceted lens eye that offers shapes, shadows and limited color range. Cannot read or see details and would not be able to use a computer. It does offer two advantages of +1 to dodge due to size and spacing, and hard shell 50 S.D.C. Cannot take Prey Eyes with Simple Compound Eye as these eyes are larger and close to the side of the face.
Advanced Compound Eye is a much improved compound eye with greater detail given to sight. The character cannot be surprised from behind and gets an automatic parry or dodge. Other advantages includes +1 to parry and dodge, and hard shell 50 S.D.C. Cannot take Prey Eyes with Advanced Compound Eye as these eyes are larger and close to the side of the face. Characters with this ability already have Compound Eye.
Complex Compound Eye is an improved advanced compound eye. The character cannot be surprised from behind and gets an automatic parry or dodge. Other advantages includes +2 to initiative, +1 parry, +1 dodge and +1 strike, and hard shell 50 S.D.C. Cannot take Prey Eyes with Comlex Compound Eye as these eyes are larger and close to the side of the face. Characters with this ability already have Advanced Compound Eye.
Ultrasonic Hearing: Can hear in the ultrasonic range. Creatures with this ability can generally also produce ultrasonic sounds, canines cannot but dolphins can.
New Vestigial Disadvantages
Reptile Brain: Insect
-15 BIO-E
The character still behaves in many ways like their smaller cousins. He lacks emotions in any recognized form, love, hate, joy, sadness and often even fear are foreign concepts despite his intelligence. Rational and irrational choices based on emotions are impossible. Your personal survival is paramount over that of friends, community and even family and offspring. This does not mean that the character will run away at first danger, just that if the danger does not directly affect the character they will avoid it. Social insects of ants, bees, termites and hive wasps will defend their hive and queen above even their own survival. Once the queen and hive are safe then they will look to their own survival. While it is possible to be of any alignment your priorities are list above and come first. To fight your primitive nature Roll vs. Panic (using M.E. bonus) where the character needs to roll 12 or better to ignore your instincts and make an emotional decision. This means if the character wishes to defend an innocent where its own survival might be at risk, he must make the Roll vs. Panic. Same goes with resisting eating anything edible living, sentient or otherwise when hungry.
Temperature Intolerance
-10 BIO-E
Some animals can not tolerate extremes of temperature. While often the climate or temperature will not kill the animal it will drive them to hibernate or migrate to a better climate. Temperature Intolerance can be of either Warm or Cold climates. Warm extremes are often above 80’ F (26.7’ C) but can vary with each species. Cold extremes are most often below 40’ F (4.4’ C). How this effects each species can and does differ. For many birds, reptiles and insects, temperature can affect gender or prevent reproduction. Often for mammals, amphibians and reptiles it will force them into hibernation. In most cases this Disadvantage is not necessary will not game effect or is covered under Hibernation. For others it is a strong discomfort: -1 Strike, Parry and Dodge, 1D6 Damage per day while condition lasts in addition to any other normal effects. Can not heal this damage until back into normal comfort zones.
duck-foot wrote:Plant Package
BIO-E Cost: 30
Attribute Bonuses: +2 P.S., +3 P.E., -4 Speed
Automatically gets 1D4 forearm spikes
Automatically gets Plant Senses. Sense location of sun and moon at 90%, tell the exact time of day (within 15 to 20 minutes), can survive for one day per P.E. point without sunlight or water before the character begins to starve to death.
Automatically gets Water Dowsing. The ability to find water 2D6+4 feet (roll once at character creation) under the ground at a range of 2 miles.
Automatically gets Plant Breathing: The mutant animal now breaths carbon-dioxide throughout the entire body and it cannot be smothered.
Automatically gets Photosynthesis. The mutant animal now subsists mainly on sugar created by water, soil and a chemical process that takes place in the animals body. This effectively feeds the character, negating the need for physical food. However, the mutant will begin to starve after 3 days of no natural sun light.
Automaticaly gets Increased Healing. The mutant heals like a plant healing SDC and Hit Points three times faster than an a normal animal or human. The mutant can re-grow lost limbs in a matter of days (2D4), character dies if head and torso are severed.
Automatically gets Allergy: Defoilents. APD-12 and other such defoilents have a severe reaction on the character (even more so than regular plants). They deal double the damage and have twice the duration and effects. The mutant is -2 to save vs such poisons.
These are a few of the mutant plants I created for my Garden of Evil game.
Description: These small willow trees, planted around the gardens only pond, have been engineered to emit specially engineered pollen to act as a mild sedative. The gardens designer used these threes to stun and capture interloping who might stop at the pond for a drink. Anyone coming within 100 feet of the trees or pond must save against non-lethal poison or be rendered unconscious.
Description: This bio-engineered plant was designed to produce a natural toxin for medical research. After decades of exposure to the gardens mutagens it now produces a lethal toxin. Anyone who eats one of these fruits must save against its lethal poison. NOTE: Mice, Rats, Rabbits and Squirrels never pass Stage 2 symptoms.
Stage 1: No Symptoms for 1D6 hours
Stage 2: Fever, dizziness, nausea for 1D4x10 hours
Stage 3: Remission for 2D12 hours
Stage 4: Coma for 1D4+3 days; usually followed by death (save vs. death)
Description: This plant’s berries, like a normal doll’s eye, bear a strong resemblance to an eye – white body with a black spot at the end. The difference being that the berries on this plant will actually follow any movement within 60 feet, and that it has a special bred psioinc power (Hypnotic Suggestion) which it uses to get any creature – sentient or wild – that examines it to eat the berries. The plants creator found this to be an amusing way for the plant to spread its seeds. Any character that examines the plant must save against the psionic attack. Reptiles are somehow immune to the plant’s psionic power.
Description: This weed looks, smells & tastes better than regular catnip and is usually found growing in patches as large as thirty square feet. Anyone with Catnip Addiction will be drawn irresistibly toward it from as far as 300 feet (100 meters). Other felines must save against an 8 or better to resist its lure. All felines who come into contact with the psilocata grass must save against harmful drug (-6 if addicted to Catnip).
Symptoms: In addition to the normal affects of catnip, victims will experience anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations within minutes and can last up to 2D4 hours from when they leave, or are removed from the patch – which can be considerably difficult.
Description: These small willow trees, planted around the gardens only pond, have been engineered to emit specially engineered pollen to act as a mild sedative. The gardens designer used these threes to stun and capture interloping who might stop at the pond for a drink. Anyone coming within 100 feet of the trees or pond must save against non-lethal poison or be rendered unconscious.
Description: This bio-engineered plant was designed to produce a natural toxin for medical research. After decades of exposure to the gardens mutagens it now produces a lethal toxin. Anyone who eats one of these fruits must save against its lethal poison. NOTE: Mice, Rats, Rabbits and Squirrels never pass Stage 2 symptoms.
Stage 1: No Symptoms for 1D6 hours
Stage 2: Fever, dizziness, nausea for 1D4x10 hours
Stage 3: Remission for 2D12 hours
Stage 4: Coma for 1D4+3 days; usually followed by death (save vs. death)
Description: This plant’s berries, like a normal doll’s eye, bear a strong resemblance to an eye – white body with a black spot at the end. The difference being that the berries on this plant will actually follow any movement within 60 feet, and that it has a special bred psioinc power (Hypnotic Suggestion) which it uses to get any creature – sentient or wild – that examines it to eat the berries. The plants creator found this to be an amusing way for the plant to spread its seeds. Any character that examines the plant must save against the psionic attack. Reptiles are somehow immune to the plant’s psionic power.
Description: This weed looks, smells & tastes better than regular catnip and is usually found growing in patches as large as thirty square feet. Anyone with Catnip Addiction will be drawn irresistibly toward it from as far as 300 feet (100 meters). Other felines must save against an 8 or better to resist its lure. All felines who come into contact with the psilocata grass must save against harmful drug (-6 if addicted to Catnip).
Symptoms: In addition to the normal affects of catnip, victims will experience anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations within minutes and can last up to 2D4 hours from when they leave, or are removed from the patch – which can be considerably difficult.
AtB Warehouse Blog (New Animals, Adventures, Bestiary, and More)
That's REAL LIFE. I'm talking PALLADIUM. Confuse the two at your own peril![Smile :)](./images/smilies/smile.gif)
~Nekira Sudacne
That's REAL LIFE. I'm talking PALLADIUM. Confuse the two at your own peril
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/smile.gif)
~Nekira Sudacne
new feature: wings
you basically grow usable wings (note: not available if the creature already has wings in it's base description as it already can get them!)
you basically grow usable wings (note: not available if the creature already has wings in it's base description as it already can get them!)
howdey folks!!!!!!!!
abe wrote:new feature: wings
you basically grow usable wings (note: not available if the creature already has wings in it's base description as it already can get them!)
not available if the creature already has wings...*
*Unless you want to create a multi-winged creature like this guy: Angemon
**Angemon used for reference and is not intended as an unlicensed crossover proposal.
AtB Warehouse Blog (New Animals, Adventures, Bestiary, and More)
That's REAL LIFE. I'm talking PALLADIUM. Confuse the two at your own peril![Smile :)](./images/smilies/smile.gif)
~Nekira Sudacne
That's REAL LIFE. I'm talking PALLADIUM. Confuse the two at your own peril
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/smile.gif)
~Nekira Sudacne