Ninja mutant creatures unite. Here's the place to do it.

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Big Red wrote:Human: Air-Based
Description: Longer, thinner, lighter, they have even developed a great membrane, a loose fold of skin between the arms and the body. Holding out their arms, this gives them the ability to glide without assistance. Although most still live in the floating cities, the young seem to prefer mountain tops and the tops of dead, isolated trees.
Size Level: 8
Length: to 6-7 feet tall
Weight: to 150 pounds
Build: Long

Total BIO-E: 15
Attribute Bonuses: +2 I.Q., +2 M.E., +2 P.B.

Hands: Automatically Full
Biped: Automatically Full
Speech: Automatically Full
Looks: Automatically Full. Tall, skinny humans with thin features and a membrane of skin between the arms and body.

Natural Weapons: None.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Glide.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision.
10 BIO-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Affinity
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
10 BIO-E for Physical Beauty

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-5 BIO-E for Nearsightedness
-10 BIO-E for Webbed Hands.
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey

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Big Red wrote:Human: Aquatic
Description: Except for tree chopping and recovery expeditions, these humans no longer leave their watery homes. They seem to have developed the ability to stay underwater for a half hour or more, and their fingers and toes have retractable webbing.
Size Level: 10 on average, but anywhere from SL 7 to 13
Length: 5 feet to 6’4” tall on average
Weight: to 200 pounds on average
Build: Medium

Total BIO-E: 0
Attribute Bonuses: +2 I.Q., +2 M.E., +3 P.S., Brute Strength, +3 P.E.

Hands: Automatically Full
Biped: Automatically Full
Speech: Automatically Full
Looks: Automatically Full. Thick bodied, powerfully built humans with large hands and feet, and buck teeth.

Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D6 damage Teeth.
10 BIO-E for 2D6 damage Gnawing Teeth (Special). Can inflict full damage and chew through tree roots, branches, tree trunks, any kind of hardwood, clay and crumbling stone, rubber, and similar materials at the rate of about an inch (2.5 cm) per melee round (15 seconds). Hard plastic, ceramic materials, concrete, and brick mortar (not the brick itself unless deteriorated and crumbling to be- gin with) can be chewed through at about half an inch every minute (4 melee rounds). Moreover, the mutant beaver's bite will do half damage to metal, Kevlar, ceramic and other types of body armor without injury to its teeth, jaw or mouth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Retractable Webbing (Special). The character has retractable webbing between their fingers and toes. Provides a +10% to any swimming skill.
10 BIO-E for Swimming equal to Advanced Swimming skill (+15% skill bonus).
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Touch.
10 BIO-E for Natural instinct for Building & Construction (Special!) How to construct buildings, wails, and especially dams, just comes naturally to the Aquatic Human character. The character, if equipped with Gnawing Teeth, or a few simple tools (axe, shovel, hammer), and access to any kind of trees, can put together all kinds of buildings, dams, walls or fortifications, at a rate of 10 S.D.C. per melee round. The character will have a natural +10% in skills like Mechanical Engineering, Carpentry, Masonry, and others involving building and construction.
10 BIO-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Affinity
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
15 BIO-E for Crushing Strength.
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess

Vestigial Disadvantages:-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-5 BIO-E for Nearsightedness
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Teeth
-10 BIO-E for Webbed Hands and Feet
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey

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Big Red wrote:Human: Arboreal

Description: These people are now tiny versions of their former selves, roughly Size Level 5 or 6. They now live inside the trees and rarely leave anything artificial in plain sight. They still delight in aerial acrobatics, but they now have a phobia about the ground and avoid it at all costs.
Size Level: 5
Length: to 3 feet tall
Weight: to 40 pounds
Build: Medium

Total BIO-E: 30
Attribute Bonuses: +2 I.Q., +2 M.E., +4 P.P.

Hands: Automatically Full
Biped: Automatically Full
Speech: Automatically Full
Looks: Automatically Full. Short, thin humans with long fingers and limbs.

Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D4 damage Climbing Claws.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision.
10 BIO-E for Nightvision.
10 BIO-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Affinity
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
10 BIO-E for Physical Beauty
5 BIO-E for Prehensile Feet; use as partial hands.
10 BIO-E for Leaping: Rodent.
20 BIO-E for Leaping: Feline.
10 BIO-E for Righting Reflex.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Diet: Herbivore.
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-5 BIO-E for Nearsightedness
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey

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Big Red wrote:Human: Night Hunter
Description: Night Hunters are humans that have taken a frightening evolutionary path. They are designed for killing, and prey upon the other species of humans in their world. They do not attack hastily or carelessly. They always wait until the second night for the attack because they use the first night to search and probe. While most have abandoned the old technologies, the Night Hunters still maintain devices that allow them to de-energize energy weapons and fuse gunpowder devices from a distance. They will de-energize all powered lighting and use tractor beam weapons to snuff out flames. However, they move in unarmed for the kill, preferring to use claws and teeth to take out their prey. They also enjoy toying with their prey, taking out a single target at a time, allowing themselves to prolong the torture and anxiety.
Size Level: 9
Length: to 6 feet tall
Weight: to 175 pounds
Build: Medium

Total BIO-E: 5
Attribute Bonuses: +4 I.Q., +2 M.E., +6 P.S., Beastly Strength, +3 P.E.

Hands: Automatically Full
Biped: Automatically Full
Speech: Automatically Full
Looks: Automatically Full. Lean, powerful humans with large, cat-like eyes and thick fingers.

Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 2D4 damage Retractable Claws.
10 BIO-E for 4D6 damage Retractable Claws.
5 BIO-E for 2D6 damage Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision.
10 BIO-E for Nightvision.
10 BIO-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Affinity
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
10 BIO-E for Crushing Strength.
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
10 BIO-E for Leaping: Rodent.
20 BIO-E for Leaping: Feline.
15 BIO-E for Predator Burst.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-5 BIO-E for Nearsightedness
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-25 BIO-E for Diet: Cannibalism. Eats only human flesh.
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator

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Big Red wrote:Human: Plains
Description: Where they were once large, these humans are now huge, Size Level 18 to 19. Their feet are now hooflike and they move slowly through the world, constantly watching the horizon as they eat their grass.
Size Level: 19
Length: to 10 feet tall
Weight: to 1,500 pounds
Build: Medium

Total BIO-E: 0
Attribute Bonuses: +1 I.Q., +2 M.E., +10 P.S., Crushing Strength

Hands: Automatically Full
Biped: Automatically Partial, 5 BIO-E for Full
Speech: Automatically Full
Looks: Automatically Full. Massive, ten foot-tall humans with powerful limbs, long arms, and thick, blocky feet.

Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 3D6 damage Club Feet. While not true hooves, the Plains Human’s feet are thick and hard, and capable of delivering a devastating kick.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision.
5 BIO-E for Internal Compass.
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Affinity
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for taking Color Blindness.
-10 BIO-E for taking Nearsightedness.
-5 BIO-E for taking Diet: Herbivore.
-10 BIO-E for taking Reptile Brain: Prey.
Note: Remember, a Giant Animal can sell I.Q. & M.E. and/or P.P. & Speed attribute points for extra BIO-E points without sacrificing Size Levels. See the Giant Animals Section in After the Bomb® under Growth Steps on page 23.

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Big Red wrote:Human: Running
Description: Living throughout the land, and eating grass, leaves and ther plants, these humans are generally unapproachable by player characters. They run on their toes using a new system of muscle and bone for propulsion. They can easily run 30 mph (48kmph) for extended periods, and for short bursts of about 60 mph (96 kmph) in bursts lasting 3D4 minutes. From a distance they seem to be a bit larger, but mainly leaner and more muscular.
Size Level: 11
Length: to 8 feet tall
Weight: to 250 pounds
Build: Long

Total BIO-E: 0
Attribute Bonuses: +1 M.A., +2 M.E., +60 Spd.

Hands: Automatically Full
Biped: Automatically Full
Speech: Automatically Full
Looks: Automatically Full. Tall, lean humans with thin, oddly shaped legs.

Natural Weapons: None, although all kicks do double damage.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision.
10 BIO-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Affinity
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
5 BIO-E for Extraordinary Speed.
5 BIO-E for Leaping: Feline.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for taking Color Blindness.
-10 BIO-E for taking Nearsightedness.
-5 BIO-E for taking Diet: Herbivore.
-10 BIO-E for taking Reptile Brain: Prey.

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Big Red wrote:Human: Underground
Description: These people have gotten smaller, down to Size Level 6 or 7. They have a phobia about the outside world and will never move more than an arm's length away from one of their holes. On each of their hands and feet there are now two specialized digits. The two outside fingers and toes are long and muscular, tipped with massive pointed nails, just right for digging. Where once their homes were dimly lit, they now seem to see in total darkness.
Size Level: 7
Length: to 4 feet tall
Weight: to 100 pounds
Build: Short

Total BIO-E: 20
Attribute Bonuses: +2 M.E., +5 P.S., Brute Strength, +4 P.E.

Hands: Automatically Full
Biped: Automatically Full
Speech: Automatically Full
Looks: Automatically Full. Short, stubby human with thick arms and tiny eyes.

Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 2D4 damage Digging Claws
10 BIO-E for 3D6 damage Digging Claws

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell.
5 BIO-E for Normal Vision. Otherwise, must take Color Blindness and Nearsightedness.
10 BIO-E for Nightvision.
10 BIO-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Affinity
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
10 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
15 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
5 BIO-E for Digging
10 BIO-E for Tunelling
15 BIO-E for Excavation

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-10 BIO-E for Nearsightedness
-5 BIO-E for taking Diet: Herbivore.
-10 BIO-E for taking Reptile Brain: Prey.
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Description: A relatively small, for dinosaurs anyway, grazing animal. These man-sized bipeds (which slightly resemble an allosaurus) relied on speed for defense; not hopping like kangaroos, but with full scale running using the balls of their feet and using their long tails for balance and as a lever when running.
Size Level: 9
Length: to 7 feet long with tail (the tail being about 5 feet long)
Weight: to 175 lbs.
Build: Medium.

Total BIO-E: 40
Attribute Bonuses: Spd. +6
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 for Full
Biped: Full Automatic
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: None. Narrow, birdlike head with a beaklike mouth, large eyes on the sides, and holes for ears and nostrils. Overall, the body is slim, with large hips, and a long tail that is fully the length of the rest of the body. Short, powerful arms, and strong, well-proportioned legs.
5 BIO-E for Partial. Triangular head with sharp, pointed snout and hard mouth. Eyes inset under bone ridges. Long, flexible neck, merging with a body that gradually flares out to a rounded belly and wide hips. Muscular arms and legs. Thick tail, as long as the legs.
10 BIO-E for Full. Bony facial features and a narrow face. Somewhat elongated neck, ahtletic body, and proportional arms and legs.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1d6 Beak
5 BIO-E for 1d6 Claws
5 BIO-E for 1d8 Running Claws
Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Stiffened Tail. The character's tail, slightly longer than the body length, is muscular at the base and rigid on the end. By levering the tail, the character can turn or twist with lightning speed. Allows ability to perform rapid turns while running. +6 Dodge while running, and in hand to hand combat allows +1 to strike, +1 to parry, and +4 to dodge.
10 BIO-E for Extra Speed (runner).
15 BIO-E for Light Natural Body Armor; AR. 8 and SDC +20
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess

Vestigial Disadvantages
10 BIO-E for Diet: Herbivore
10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey
5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
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Unknown_Nobody wrote:Has anyone seen a bass or pirana around here? If not, I guess I gotta try and submit my own. :|

Duck-foot posted a Piranha. Unfortunately, I cant find the posting with a search. Luckly I have a copy of it on my blog:
AtB Warehouse Blog (New Animals, Adventures, Bestiary, and More)

That's REAL LIFE. I'm talking PALLADIUM. Confuse the two at your own peril :)
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Thyfur wrote:Bird: Swallow
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Swallows are small birds with long, narrow wings and a long forked tail. Their flight is very agile and fast, with a high stalling speed: they cannot hover of fly slowly and if they land on the ground they have problems becoming airborne again. Their plumage is mostly blue-black, with a pinkish breast. They construct nests of dried mud, usually built under the eaves of houses. This also includes swifts and house-martins which are similar.
Size Level: 1
Length: 5-7 inches
Weight: Under 1 pound
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes and Costs
Total BIO-E: 90
Attribute Bonuses: M.A. +1, P.P, +1, Spd. +6
Human Features
Wings: Remember, the mutant bird automatically has wings, but they do NOT function (can NOT glide or fly) unless the character has the power of Glide or Flight. Hands grow on the wings, unless Extra Limbs (arms and hands) are purchased. See the note about wings at the beginning of the Bird Section in ATB2, Page 81.
Hands: 15 BIO-E for Extra Limbs: Pair of Human Arms and Hands (full; may still have Talons)
5 BIO-E for partial, on the wings (not available if Extra Limbs is taken)
10 BIO-E for full, on the wings (not available if Extra Limbs is taken)
Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: None. Small beak, small beady eyes on either side of head, no neck, dark feathers cover slim but elegant body, long tail-feathers, thin legs with bird-like feet.
5 BIO-E for Partial. Round head, small mouth, thick neck, slim body, forked tail-feathers, large feet.
10 BIO-E for Full. Feathers replace hair, beady eyes, thin legs, slim elegant body.
Natural Weapons
5 BIO-E for 1D4 Talons (feet only)
Mutant Animal Powers
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
10 BIO-E for Internal Compass
10 BIO-E for Glide
15 BIO-E for Basic Flight
20 BIO-E for Acrobatic Flight
15 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Beauty
Vestigial Disadvantages
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Wings that do not work (not available with Flight or Glide). All mutant birds of this type have wings even if they are useless

It begs to be asked: African or European? :D
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Cool Beetle mutants, Thyfur. All I can say is: BeetleJuice, BeetleJuice, BeetleJuice. :D :D :D

Rathorc Lemenger.
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I noticed a couple of prehistoric animals and futuristic hominids. Is this post meant to contain all the animals from Transdimensional TMNT in there AtB2 revised states or should I look elsewhere for them.

Also. Fantabulous Work All!!!
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Mephisto wrote:
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:I noticed a couple of prehistoric animals and futuristic hominids. Is this post meant to contain all the animals from Transdimensional TMNT in there AtB2 revised states or should I look elsewhere for them.

Also. Fantabulous Work All!!!

I'm going to get around to converting Transdimensional TMNT one of these days. It's a book I more enjoy reading than playing to be honest.

:D :D Is it "one of these days" yet? :D :D If it's not, could it be soon? TDTMNT was/is one of my favorite books. While I never did a lot of the time/dimensional travel parts of the game, I was a big supporter of the mutant dinosaurs. My mutant Styracosaurus vs The Vatican in the 1600's was a fun but particularly gruesome campaign. Whipping up a new mutant dinosaur with the revised AtB2 rules would be a treat I think (but not a purebred, those things are retarded. If I'm gonna make a PC let ME decide on its mutations :badbad: )

Thanks for being Awesome Mephiso
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
Mephisto wrote:
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:I noticed a couple of prehistoric animals and futuristic hominids. Is this post meant to contain all the animals from Transdimensional TMNT in there AtB2 revised states or should I look elsewhere for them.

Also. Fantabulous Work All!!!

I'm going to get around to converting Transdimensional TMNT one of these days. It's a book I more enjoy reading than playing to be honest.

:D :D Is it "one of these days" yet? :D :D If it's not, could it be soon? TDTMNT was/is one of my favorite books. While I never did a lot of the time/dimensional travel parts of the game, I was a big supporter of the mutant dinosaurs. My mutant Styracosaurus vs The Vatican in the 1600's was a fun but particularly gruesome campaign. Whipping up a new mutant dinosaur with the revised AtB2 rules would be a treat I think (but not a purebred, those things are retarded. If I'm gonna make a PC let ME decide on its mutations :badbad: )

Thanks for being Awesome Mephiso

dinosaurs in ATB2 are covered fairly well in Rifter #23's Mesozoicland article. the only real changes that would need made to use them in a TDTMNT game is fluff descriptions to add feathers to half of them, in accordance with current paleontological understanding.

it's the other prehistoric animals from TDTMNT that are still in need of update.
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The Oh So Amazing Nate
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glitterboy2098 wrote:dinosaurs in ATB2 are covered fairly well in Rifter #23's Mesozoicland article. the only real changes that would need made to use them in a TDTMNT game is fluff descriptions to add feathers to half of them, in accordance with current paleontological understanding.

it's the other prehistoric animals from TDTMNT that are still in need of update.

Feathers..BAH! I feel about feathered dinosaurs the same way I feel about Ugg boots on hot chicks. Having them makes you look retarded and I am therefore no longer interested. I could give a crap how warm they keep you or cute they make you look.

I prefer my Dinosaurs scaly/leathery and my hot chicks sans eskimo footwear (unless of course they happen to be actual Eskimo girls and the temperature can be measured in negative degree's).
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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