Falling vs Jumping

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Unread post by lather »

Roll with fall or impact. Adjust as you deep appropriate.
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Unread post by shiiv-a »

i agree with the capt rory here.

i had one char that was on the 5th floor of a tower, and the floors sorta fell out from under her. made use of what physical skills i had, and used my acrobatics to start the *bounces off this to that to slow down the momentum of the long drop*

it worked, but at the third floor there was not much left to bounce or push off from. with weapons in hand , it made it harder. good thing i had a little ISP left and then used my TK as a 'retro engine'.

didn't do a lot to slow down, but it did allow me to evade the shards and long sliverings of hte broken floor boards. i suffered about 11 points of damage for the whole incident, but hey, i guess i kinda used my head a little there.

wow ... a little used skill actually in use and it worked. kinda remember somewhere on here someone saying that no one uses acrobatics. not sure who, but i guess i broke that mold of thinking too. 8-)
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Unread post by lather »

Falling can be controlled, to an extent. And it can be trained for in real life and in Palladium games. That is the point of rolling with fall or impact. If you jump you might have an easier time controlling the landing than if you are falling, but you still have a chance if you are trained. Like I said, you can bonus or penalise as necessary to fit the situation in which the character has jumped or fallen. I have leaped off chairs and off ledges thousands of times practicing not hurting myself falling on my back, rolling with the momentum, and, of course, it came in handy when someone hip threw me.
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Unread post by lather »

Beatleguise wrote:I always use Acrobatics. Its part of my characters combat style, even if it does force extra rolls that I can flub. Acrobatics is great for a theatrical character.

I love the Adventures on High Seas acrobat, especially when the acrobat is a goblin with a bola, net, and hammer. Normally I would not think troll on goblin action would be worth watching.
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Unread post by elecgraystone »

Personally I'd use a acrobatics/gymnastics (backflip or balance, dealers pick) roll to see if they could land correctly with no damage. If not roll with impact. This all assumes the character is awake and not hindered (ties up, webbed, ect. ).
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Don't torture puppies!
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