Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

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Mike Taylor

Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Back before I sold off virtually all of my Rifts stuff, I came up with a variant model of the Chromium Guardsman / Glitter Boy simply referred to as the Guardsman. (I know, real original name.) Anyway, I thought I'd share it with those of you who still play Chaos Earth. This is a cut & paste from a file on my PC, so I apologize in advance for any typographical and grammar errors that may crop up.

KLS Corporation-Armatech “Guardsman” Powered Armor

The Guardsman evolved from the test prototypes used during the creation of the Chromium Guardsman. Originally intended as an “economy model”, it was eventually modified to fulfill slightly different mission parameters that the unit that would eventually become known as the “Glitter Boy”. Visually, it looks nearly identical to its laser-resistant counterpart. While not quite offering the same level of protection as the other model, it has a more flexible range of armaments. Very few of these units, not more than 100, were delivered before the Coming of the Rifts. Half of those went to NEMA while the remaining 50 were split up between the U.S. Army, the United States Marine Corps, and the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force.

Aside from the use of a different type of armor, there were other changes to the Guardsman as well. Replacement of the very heavy RG-14 rail gun with significantly lighter armaments permitted the designers to add a much more powerful jet booster system to the legs and back, enabling the Guardsman to leap nearly twice as far as its Chromium counterpart. Another change was the diversification of its armaments. During the development of the Chromium Guardsman, there was some concern about the reliance on a single weapon. To address this, both KLS Corporation and Armatech went to work on testing several different ideas based on mission requirements set down by the militaries involved in the project. The final weapons loadout consisted of a particle beam rifle, a small anti-personnel laser, a pair of missile pods mounted just behind the shoulders, and a vibro-knife attached to each thigh.

Where it existed within NEMA, it was deployed in tandem with Chromium Guardsman and performed in virtually the same roles. In Japan, data collected from the pilots of these machines would be invaluable in the development of the various Glitter Boy models which would come later. Eventually over time, the vast majority would be scavenged for parts for the more numerous CGs and by the time of the founding of the Coalition States, none of those 100 would exist in any functional capacity (though two exist as de-milled museum pieces in one of the tech cities of Japan).
Supposedly KLS Corporation had another fifty units set for delivery, but their fate remains unknown.

Model Type: USA-G10-NR (NR stands for “non-reflective”)
Class: Armored Infantry Personnel Assault Unit
Crew: One pilot.

M.D.C. By Location:

Particle Beam Rifle-- 100
* Head-- 189
* Hands (2) -- 65
Arms (2) -- 175
Anti-Personnel Laser (1; left forearm)-- 35
Shoulder Mini-missile Pods (2)-- 90 each
Legs (2) -- 292
Vibro-knife sheaths (2; one on each leg)-- 30 each
** Main Body -- 500
Reinforced Pilot’s Compartment-- 95

* The head and hands are small and difficult target to hit. Thus, they can only be hit when a character makes a called
shot and even then the attacker is -4 to strike.

** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the Guardsman down completely, rendering it useless.

(Note: KLS Corporation did play with the idea of using a stealth-type armor plating on some of its test prototypes. Since the machines are unaccounted for, it is entirely possible that they are still out there somewhere. This armor gives a -30% penalty to detection rolls using read sensory equipment as well as a +10% to prowl.)

Running: 60 (96 km) maximum
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap up to 12 feet (3.6 m) high or across. Add 10 feet with a running start. Jet thruster assisted leaps can hurl the power armor 150 feet (45 m) up or across. If necessary, the thruster can momentarily hold the powered aloft as high as 22 feet (6.375 m) off the ground for 1D6 x 10 seconds. The thrusters are not made for flying.

Statistical Data
Height: 10 feet, 5 inches (3.1 m)
Width: 4 feet, 4 inches (1.3 m)
Length: 4 feet (1.2 m)
Weight: 1 ton
Physical Strength: Equal to a Robot P.S. of 30.
Cargo: Minimal Storage space; a foot compartment and storage for a rifle, handgun, survival knife and first-aid kit.
Power System: Nuclear; average energy life is 20 years
Black Market Cost: Exclusive property of NEMA and select military forces. Any units in non-NEMA or non-military hands were either found or stolen. Such a unit would garner 16,000,000 credits (or the equivalent in bartered goods) for a new, undamaged, fully powered unit complete with armament. 9,000,000 for a rebuilt unit or one without weapons. It could command up to twice as much in the Post Apocalypse era. If a unit is equipped with the rare stealth armor, it could command up to five times the standard price.

Weapon Systems
1. PBR-500 35mm Beam Rifle (1): The PBR-500 Beam Rifle was developed specifically to be used by KLS and Armatech-designed powered armor suits, specifically the Guardsman armor and suits of its size. It is a handheld weapon that somewhat resembles an oversized LSR-250. Only about 150 of these were ever produced, none of which were discovered by the CS in the Post Apocalypse era.
Primary Purpose: Assault & Defense
Weight: 120 lbs
Mega-Damage: 1D4x10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shot only
Maximum Effective Range: 2500 feet (763 m)
Payload: Effectively unlimited, tied to the armor’s power supply.

2. Wrist-mounted 15mm Anti-personnel Laser (1): This weapon is used primarily for dealing with infantry and other “soft” targets. It is mounted in a blister on the left forearm.
Primary Purpose: Assault & Defense
Weight: 30 lbs
Mega-Damage: Setting One: 4D6 S.D.C. per single-shot. 1D6x10 S.D.C. per three-shot burst. Setting Two: 2D6 M.D. or 5D6 M.D. per three shot pulse.
Rate of Fire: Single shot or burst.
Maximum Effective Range: 500 feet (153 m)
Payload: Effectively unlimited, tied to the armor’s power supply.

3. Shoulder-mounted Short Range Missile Launchers (2): Over each shoulder is a box-shaped short range missile launcher. Initially intended for use against low-flying aerial attackers such as helicopters, they proved incredibly useful in dealing with the various flying monsters that have spilled out of the Rifts as well as quelling non mega-damage confrontations and controlling the spread of fires.

Missile Type: Any short range missile can be used.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. See payload.
Range: Up to five miles.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in a volley of two, three, or four.
Payload: 4 each; typically of the same type, with Armor Piercing (2D6x10) being standard issue. A typical anti-riot load is 1 smoke, 2 tear gas, and one knock-out gas per launcher. Fire-fighting units will typically have a minimum of 2 fire-retardant missiles per launcher.

4. Vibro-knives (2): The suit carries a pair of vibro-knives in hip-mounted storage compartments. Each knife is effectively the same size as a human-scaled vibro-sword. Though they gave the Guardsman some additional power in hand-to-hand combat, they most frequently saw use in rescue operations, cutting away fallen girders and crossbeams and the like to help get at trapped civilians and NEMA personnel.

Primary Purpose: Attack & Defense
Secondary Purpose: Engineering & Excavation Tool
Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D.

5. Hand to Hand Combat: As per the Chromium Guardsman/ Glitter Boy powered armor.

6. Sensor System: Except for the laser resistant armor, systems are identical to the Chromium Guardsman/ Glitter Boy.

Weapons Systems Note: Unlike the Chromium Guardsman, this model can not mount the RG-14 “Boom Gun” as it lacks the necessary mounting assembly as well as the anti-sway pylon systems. However, it can use the same riot-control gear (water cannon is hand-held as opposed to shoulder mounted).
Last edited by Mike Taylor on Tue Jan 20, 2004 1:31 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Not Sure if I Posted This Before, But...

Unread post by Dustin Fireblade »

Not bad at all. Someone may just uncover a few of these in my game....
Mike Taylor

Re: Not Sure if I Posted This Before, But...

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Hook, Line, & Sinker Adventures

“To Serve & Protect”
Hook: The players are part of a unit with Guardsman pilots (hopefully including at least one of the players) serving in one of the smaller communities nominally under the protection of NEMA. They have worked in this community for several months and are well-liked and respected by the community for the most part.

Line: They get called upon to assist in handling a group of bandits which have decided to make a run on the supply stores of the community.

Sinker: If the bandits succeed, there won’t be enough food to make it through the next six months. To make matters worse, several of the bandits are former NEMA troops who have gone AWOL, including a Silver Eagle Pilot and her SAMAS, an Armored Sentinel in a somewhat battered but serviceable Mastiff, plus about a dozen militia types with
mega-damage armor and weapons. There should be no doubt that the party, with the help of the community’s own militia force, can take the invaders on. The question is how to do it with minimal loss of lives and property.

“Battling the Dragon”
Hook: It seems lately that there have been even more fire calls than usual. Not even a half-hour after putting down one blaze, several robot and power armor units have been called in to help contain a major blaze in the old downtown area of Chicago. All units, including a rare Guardsman, have been equipped with fire suppression gear.

Line: This time, Navy Pier, a former tourist attraction on the Chicago lakefront being used as an improvised shelter and hospice has been set ablaze. The fire and rescue team is trying to save as many of the occupants as possible.

Sinker: “Battling the dragon” is a phrase that has been used by firefighters to describe their job for many, many decades. In this case, that is exactly what the party finds themselves up against. The fire was set by a very malicious fire dragon hatchling. If the fire and rescue team is to complete its mission successfully, the dragon must be dealt with.

“Who Guards the Guardsman?”
Hook: Mere minutes ago, a rare stealth-armored Guardsman has been stolen from a NEMA outpost in the Midwest.

Line: The commander of the outpost has called on the PCs to try and recover this valuable asset as quickly as possible

Sinker: The very suit they are searching for has been taken by a young recruit who is desperate to get revenge on a known local monster that very recently murdered his new wife. Because of his emotional state, he is not the best shot in the world, but neither is he actively trying to kill his pursuers. He will try to use the stealth capabilities to elude them,
however. If cornered or captured and restrained, he will calm down and return peaceably. As is often the case, creatures from the Rifts can complicate this pursuit and capture at any time.
Last edited by Mike Taylor on Sat Jan 10, 2004 9:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Mike Taylor

Re: Not Sure if I Posted This Before, But...

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Dustin Fireblade wrote:Not bad at all. Someone may just uncover a few of these in my game....

Thanks. My intent was to create an interesting GB/CG variant that wasn't overly powerful. Check out the HLS's I just posted as well.
Mike Taylor

Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Questions? Comments? Flames?
Mike Taylor

Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Now I feel all warm and toasty. :)

As to the FQ thing, you and I seem to be thinking on the same wavelength. Perhaps the 50 missing Guardsmen are locked away in a lost facility in Canada? I leave that up to you creative GMs out there.
Mike Taylor

Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Shadevarr wrote:very nice. I think this is the 1st piece of fanboy PA that I've seen that didn't make me cringe from the munchkinism. I might even let one loose in my upcoming CE game.

Yeah, I tried to avoid the "kewl" factor with this one. I also wanted to get back to the feel of Rifts when it was just the main book, the sourcebook, and two worldbooks. Besides, it made sense to me that an "economy" model would exist.
Mike Taylor

Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

wolfe wrote:just to let you know anastas that suit of armor was used in our campaign recently- the GM liked it.
one is now in the hands of FQ R&D department and another is on its way to Triax.
the one that was used did decently not munchkiny or underpowered.

Let me know how it does against CS models, especially the GBK.
Mike Taylor

Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Oops... looks like I left that out in cut & paste. 1.5 tons sounds about right. It takes into account the lighter armor as well as the absence of the Boom Gun.
Mike Taylor

Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

wolfe wrote:1.5 tons yeee.
we came up with less than one ton considering the japanese point gb weighs a ton and has similar mdc but heavier weaponry.

Eek. For some reason I had it in my head that the GB was 2.1 tons instead of 1.2 tons. For the sake of simplicity, assume that it is 1 ton. The Point GB would represent a further refinement of that technology.
Mike Taylor

Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Has anyone else put this one through its paces?
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Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by The Artist Formerly »

Nice work. :ok:

I would wonder at how you came up with that market value, however. The Krome (hehehe) and the railgun/recoil supression were the most expensive parts of the Glitterboy. Your variant lacks such and, with the exception of the P-beam, uses almost entirely off the shelf technology. Wouldn't that lower the cost significantly? The GB goes for 25 mill, CS-UC in PA 103.

As for flames, how about this?

*Lights Mattbaby on fire*


Better? I think so...
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Mike Taylor

Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

I reduced the the cost by the same percentage that I reduced the MDC of the Guardsman, just for the sake of simplicity. However, if you are referring to the PA era, one of the reasons for that sort of market price is the mystique surrounding "Golden Age" technology and the fact that there just aren't that many of them that were made in the first place. Now the FQ produced ones mentioned elsewhere would fall more into line with the Chaos Earth-era prices because Free Quebec can produce the needed components or substitute a currently existing equivalent.
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Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

Hey, Mike Taylor, I've got two words for you: The Rifter.

I suggest you submit that.

I think I'm going to use that once my order of all three (thus far) Chaos Earth books come in.
Mike Taylor

Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

THE Josh wrote:Hey, Mike Taylor, I've got two words for you: The Rifter.

I suggest you submit that.

I think I'm going to use that once my order of all three (thus far) Chaos Earth books come in.

I might do that.

Oh, as a further variation on the weapon, swap out the current missile payload with a pair of mini-missile drums for situations that require less firepower. I suggest a payload of 12 per launcher, but keep the same rate of fire.
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Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

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Mike Taylor wrote:Has anyone else put this one through its paces?

I plan on including a unit or two of this in a upcoming adventure. I'll let you know how it does.
Mike Taylor

Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Since this one got a pretty strong showing in MattBaby's poll, I thought it would be kind of cool to see what short of alternate weapon loadouts you guys can come up with. :) Don't get too crazy with the damage levels, but use your imaginations to think up new mission profiles.
Mike Taylor

Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Nice. I had considered a guided mortar, but was afraid it might draw comparisons to Heavy Gear, especially the Grizzly and the King Cobra Gears. The indierect fire option afforded by this variant adds a new level of strategy to Guardsman units.
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Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by NoJack »

Ahh heavy gear... for the love of self guided mortars...

Nice touch.

OK I've always wanted to see the Pylons off the GB used as a hand to hand stabbing weapon. Consequently I was never allowed to play any GB variants in our campaigns... Yeah well anyway, try looking at the Grapeshot cannon from the Warlords of Russia worldbook. Something similar might be a neat idea.

Something I was reading earlyer about laser propelled flight made me think of turning air into plasma at a range... have to check that one out.
Mike Taylor

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Nice. Very nice. :) Maybe the M-229 was adapted for use with other NEMA and U.S. Army equipment?
Mike Taylor

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Just curious what the end result was for those of you who have used the Guardsman in your Chaos EArth and regular Rifts games.
Mike Taylor

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

I see no reason not to make the mod. Who knows, perhaps production schematics of the forearm vibroblade were the inspiration for the Rimouski Weapon Package on the Free Quebec GBs which would come later? The reason I went with hand-held vibroblades was mostly personal taste.
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Resurrected for new posters to enjoy.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Thanks for sharing this data with us!
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Mike Taylor

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Been sharing it for the last two years. I just blew the dust off of it for the folks who haven't seen it yet.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

I'm always happy to see things like that. I'm always wiling to integrate new things into it! :)
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Unread post by Xar »

Yeah, good stuff, this.

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Unread post by asajosh »

Just read the Guardsman power armor, and truly solid!
I think its going to be augmenting the police force and army of my home-brewed city state in Kentucky. Thanks very much for this and keep the ideas coming :D
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Unread post by NMI »

Hmm, didnt see this before. Must have been during my "view only the HU forum" phase. anyways, looks good, fairly well balanced. I likes.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

I'll tell you these little nuggets seem to slip by once in awhile!
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Post it! We'll give it a good look. I know I will. I always love reading the tech stuff!
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Unread post by taalismn »

Don't forget possible variants on other NEMA designs...Way I see it, a lot of the 'standard' systems that show up on post-Rifts cyborgs and Northern Gun power armors and the like, were based on commonplace systems used by NEMA, and survived by virtue of their robustness...
So having a variant model of the GunBuster powered armor with a pair of rapid-fire machine guns, similar to those that would wind up on cyborgs, in place of the mini-missile launcher, might be entirely possible...or other 'one-off' designs being field-tested by local companies, and pressed into service during the Calamity....
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

That makes a lot of sense Taalismn!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

Mike Taylor

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

myheadhurts wrote:I love the idea of a lighter CG espically in a chaos earth game. So this may end up in the game i am going to be doing a one off game of. but my only problem with it is the speed. the CG fully armed and ect weighs in at 2400 pounds (1.2 tons) and this version weighs 2000 pounds (1 ton) that is a 400 pound difference. I would think that it would get a bonus to its speed due to the weight difference.

but over all i love the version you created.

i have had a idea flying around my head for a while but i have not worked on it really. its just an idea. A close range hand to hand type version. this has inspired me to create my version now. coming soon

One way you could explain this is that perhaps the Guardsman has a governor which limits how fast the machine can go. Why is it there? Perhaps there was a problem with the leg motors and suspension trying to maintain significantly higher speeds? After all, the machine shares much of its internal workings with the Chromium Guardsman, which isn't designed to go faster than 60 mph. Maybe if things hadn't unfolded the way they did, later models would have seen improved performance? The Point GB, mentioned above, is a perfect example of where Japanese development went with Glitter Boys as it had a top speed of 90 mph.
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Unread post by Lucas »

okay jut play tested a squad of these using the designs noted and had a fun time, out of 12 suits 9 survived everything i could think of in one night and that is sad on my part that i could not kill them, used lots of different demons, rogue soldiers, and aliens and still only killed very very nice design
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Unread post by Rimmerdal »

Mike Taylor wrote:
myheadhurts wrote:I love the idea of a lighter CG espically in a chaos earth game. So this may end up in the game i am going to be doing a one off game of. but my only problem with it is the speed. the CG fully armed and ect weighs in at 2400 pounds (1.2 tons) and this version weighs 2000 pounds (1 ton) that is a 400 pound difference. I would think that it would get a bonus to its speed due to the weight difference.

but over all i love the version you created.

i have had a idea flying around my head for a while but i have not worked on it really. its just an idea. A close range hand to hand type version. this has inspired me to create my version now. coming soon

One way you could explain this is that perhaps the Guardsman has a governor which limits how fast the machine can go. Why is it there? Perhaps there was a problem with the leg motors and suspension trying to maintain significantly higher speeds? After all, the machine shares much of its internal workings with the Chromium Guardsman, which isn't designed to go faster than 60 mph. Maybe if things hadn't unfolded the way they did, later models would have seen improved performance? The Point GB, mentioned above, is a perfect example of where Japanese development went with Glitter Boys as it had a top speed of 90 mph.

Dude these would fit nicely in my DNW where Nema did get loose. No Sploogies took out the New Republic so Archie let them out before he booted out out Maryland by aliens that wiped the base out. worry not the base was retaken. But no Archie....
taalismn wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..

Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

That is an interesting alternate universe. But what happened to Archie? Did he get vaporized?
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by ZINO »

Mike Taylor wrote:Back before I sold off virtually all of my Rifts stuff, I came up with a variant model of the Chromium Guardsman / Glitter Boy simply referred to as the Guardsman. (I know, real original name.) Anyway, I thought I'd share it with those of you who still play Chaos Earth. This is a cut & paste from a file on my PC, so I apologize in advance for any typographical and grammar errors that may crop up.

KLS Corporation-Armatech “Guardsman” Powered Armor

The Guardsman evolved from the test prototypes used during the creation of the Chromium Guardsman. Originally intended as an “economy model”, it was eventually modified to fulfill slightly different mission parameters that the unit that would eventually become known as the “Glitter Boy”. Visually, it looks nearly identical to its laser-resistant counterpart. While not quite offering the same level of protection as the other model, it has a more flexible range of armaments. Very few of these units, not more than 100, were delivered before the Coming of the Rifts. Half of those went to NEMA while the remaining 50 were split up between the U.S. Army, the United States Marine Corps, and the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force.

Aside from the use of a different type of armor, there were other changes to the Guardsman as well. Replacement of the very heavy RG-14 rail gun with significantly lighter armaments permitted the designers to add a much more powerful jet booster system to the legs and back, enabling the Guardsman to leap nearly twice as far as its Chromium counterpart. Another change was the diversification of its armaments. During the development of the Chromium Guardsman, there was some concern about the reliance on a single weapon. To address this, both KLS Corporation and Armatech went to work on testing several different ideas based on mission requirements set down by the militaries involved in the project. The final weapons loadout consisted of a particle beam rifle, a small anti-personnel laser, a pair of missile pods mounted just behind the shoulders, and a vibro-knife attached to each thigh.

Where it existed within NEMA, it was deployed in tandem with Chromium Guardsman and performed in virtually the same roles. In Japan, data collected from the pilots of these machines would be invaluable in the development of the various Glitter Boy models which would come later. Eventually over time, the vast majority would be scavenged for parts for the more numerous CGs and by the time of the founding of the Coalition States, none of those 100 would exist in any functional capacity (though two exist as de-milled museum pieces in one of the tech cities of Japan).
Supposedly KLS Corporation had another fifty units set for delivery, but their fate remains unknown.

Model Type: USA-G10-NR (NR stands for “non-reflective”)
Class: Armored Infantry Personnel Assault Unit
Crew: One pilot.

M.D.C. By Location:

Particle Beam Rifle-- 100
* Head-- 189
* Hands (2) -- 65
Arms (2) -- 175
Anti-Personnel Laser (1; left forearm)-- 35
Shoulder Mini-missile Pods (2)-- 90 each
Legs (2) -- 292
Vibro-knife sheaths (2; one on each leg)-- 30 each
** Main Body -- 500
Reinforced Pilot’s Compartment-- 95

* The head and hands are small and difficult target to hit. Thus, they can only be hit when a character makes a called
shot and even then the attacker is -4 to strike.

** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the Guardsman down completely, rendering it useless.

(Note: KLS Corporation did play with the idea of using a stealth-type armor plating on some of its test prototypes. Since the machines are unaccounted for, it is entirely possible that they are still out there somewhere. This armor gives a -30% penalty to detection rolls using read sensory equipment as well as a +10% to prowl.)

Running: 60 (96 km) maximum
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap up to 12 feet (3.6 m) high or across. Add 10 feet with a running start. Jet thruster assisted leaps can hurl the power armor 150 feet (45 m) up or across. If necessary, the thruster can momentarily hold the powered aloft as high as 22 feet (6.375 m) off the ground for 1D6 x 10 seconds. The thrusters are not made for flying.

Statistical Data
Height: 10 feet, 5 inches (3.1 m)
Width: 4 feet, 4 inches (1.3 m)
Length: 4 feet (1.2 m)
Weight: 1 ton
Physical Strength: Equal to a Robot P.S. of 30.
Cargo: Minimal Storage space; a foot compartment and storage for a rifle, handgun, survival knife and first-aid kit.
Power System: Nuclear; average energy life is 20 years
Black Market Cost: Exclusive property of NEMA and select military forces. Any units in non-NEMA or non-military hands were either found or stolen. Such a unit would garner 16,000,000 credits (or the equivalent in bartered goods) for a new, undamaged, fully powered unit complete with armament. 9,000,000 for a rebuilt unit or one without weapons. It could command up to twice as much in the Post Apocalypse era. If a unit is equipped with the rare stealth armor, it could command up to five times the standard price.

Weapon Systems
1. PBR-500 35mm Beam Rifle (1): The PBR-500 Beam Rifle was developed specifically to be used by KLS and Armatech-designed powered armor suits, specifically the Guardsman armor and suits of its size. It is a handheld weapon that somewhat resembles an oversized LSR-250. Only about 150 of these were ever produced, none of which were discovered by the CS in the Post Apocalypse era.
Primary Purpose: Assault & Defense
Weight: 120 lbs
Mega-Damage: 1D4x10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shot only
Maximum Effective Range: 2500 feet (763 m)
Payload: Effectively unlimited, tied to the armor’s power supply.

2. Wrist-mounted 15mm Anti-personnel Laser (1): This weapon is used primarily for dealing with infantry and other “soft” targets. It is mounted in a blister on the left forearm.
Primary Purpose: Assault & Defense
Weight: 30 lbs
Mega-Damage: Setting One: 4D6 S.D.C. per single-shot. 1D6x10 S.D.C. per three-shot burst. Setting Two: 2D6 M.D. or 5D6 M.D. per three shot pulse.
Rate of Fire: Single shot or burst.
Maximum Effective Range: 500 feet (153 m)
Payload: Effectively unlimited, tied to the armor’s power supply.

3. Shoulder-mounted Short Range Missile Launchers (2): Over each shoulder is a box-shaped short range missile launcher. Initially intended for use against low-flying aerial attackers such as helicopters, they proved incredibly useful in dealing with the various flying monsters that have spilled out of the Rifts as well as quelling non mega-damage confrontations and controlling the spread of fires.

Missile Type: Any short range missile can be used.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. See payload.
Range: Up to five miles.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in a volley of two, three, or four.
Payload: 4 each; typically of the same type, with Armor Piercing (2D6x10) being standard issue. A typical anti-riot load is 1 smoke, 2 tear gas, and one knock-out gas per launcher. Fire-fighting units will typically have a minimum of 2 fire-retardant missiles per launcher.

4. Vibro-knives (2): The suit carries a pair of vibro-knives in hip-mounted storage compartments. Each knife is effectively the same size as a human-scaled vibro-sword. Though they gave the Guardsman some additional power in hand-to-hand combat, they most frequently saw use in rescue operations, cutting away fallen girders and crossbeams and the like to help get at trapped civilians and NEMA personnel.

Primary Purpose: Attack & Defense
Secondary Purpose: Engineering & Excavation Tool
Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D.

5. Hand to Hand Combat: As per the Chromium Guardsman/ Glitter Boy powered armor.

6. Sensor System: Except for the laser resistant armor, systems are identical to the Chromium Guardsman/ Glitter Boy.

Weapons Systems Note: Unlike the Chromium Guardsman, this model can not mount the RG-14 “Boom Gun” as it lacks the necessary mounting assembly as well as the anti-sway pylon systems. However, it can use the same riot-control gear (water cannon is hand-held as opposed to shoulder mounted).

this is awesome and need an artist too!!!!
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Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by ZINO »

WildWalker wrote:Here is my variant:

The Chaos Earth Canadian “Tin” Guardsman
This is a version of Chromium Guardsman that was made in the Canadian factory approximately two years after the Fall. It was designed to use the same tooling as the standard Glitterboy but inferior material to preserve as much Glitter plate as possible for repairing front line machines. The controls of a "Tin" Guardsman are similar enough to standard Chromium Guardsman controls that Chromium Guardsman Pilots can pilot them with no penalties. Due to the inferior materials and the fact the it has no pylon system a standard Boom Gun can not be attached. Also there is no reinforced pilot’s compartment as the inferior materials and the ability to rapidly replace the power-plant required extra internal bracing to compensate for the lack of advanced materials.
Crew: One pilot.
M.D.C. by Location: Armor is not laser resistant!
Dual Gun Pod—100
* Head —115
* Hands (2)— 30
Arms (2) —100
Legs (2) —180
Power Plant—50
** Main Body —300
* A single asterisk indicates a small and difficult target to strike, requiring the attacker to make a "called shot," but even then the assailant is -4 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the power armor down completely, rendering it useless.
Running: 60 mph (96 km) maximum. Note that the act of running does tire its operator, but only at 10% of the usual fatigue rate.
Leaping: The robot legs can leap up to 12 feet (3.6 m) high or across. Add 10 feet (3 m) with a running start. The "Tin" Guardsman does not have jet thruster like a standard Chromium Guardsman.
Underwater Capabilities:
The "Tin" Guardsman has no thrusters but can walk along the bottom of an ocean or lake bed at about 25% of its normal walking/running speed.
Maximum Depth: 150 ft.
Statistical Data
Height: 10 feet, 5 inches (3.1 m)
Width: 4 feet, 4 inches (1.3 m)
Length: 4 feet (1.2m)
Weight: 1.2 tons fully loaded.
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. of 40
Cargo: Minimal storage space; a foot compartment and storage
for a rifle, handgun, survival knife and first-aid kit.
Power System: 50% nuclear/50% High Energy Batteries.
Nuclear ones have average lifespan of 7 years. The power-plant is inferior to the traditional power-plant to save resources and because the expected lifespan of the power armor is no longer “almost forever”. Also since the armament was not designed to be a railgun or energy weapon (again to save materials) the power plants were designed so the discharge rate was lower allowing for a less expensive power-plant design to be used.
The High Energy Battery version has batteries the will last approximately 2 weeks under normal operational parameters (half that under conditions of continuous heavy combat). The batteries can be recharge in 8 hours by any other nuclear power-plant so the standard operation procedure is to pair a nuclear one with a battery powered one in the field. If the nuclear one of the pair is destroyed but the power-plant is not it can be transferred by a competent mechanic relatively quickly.

Weapon Systems
Dual Heavy Machine Gun Pod: The standard main armament for the close support version of the "Tin" Guardsman is a pair of heavy machine guns mounted on the shoulder in an over and under configuration. The controls are set up so that operationally they feel like a Boomgun to an operator right up until they fire.
2 Round Dual Single Shot Armor Piercing Penetrators: 1d8
20 Round Dual Short Burst Armor Piercing Penetrators: 2d8
50 Round Dual Long Burst Armor Piercing Penetrators: 2d20
2 Round Dual Single Shot High Explosive Rounds: 2d8
20 Round Dual Short Burst High Explosive Rounds: 4d8
50 Round Dual Long Burst High Explosive Rounds: 4d20
Rate of Fire: Standard, see Modern Weapon Proficiency Section.
Effective Range: 1600 feet (488 km).
Payload: 2000 rounds. (that is 1000 dual shots, 100 short bursts or 40 long bursts).
NEMA GLR-540 “Thunderer” Grenade Launcher: Most "Tin" Guardsman pilots working for NEMA carry a “Thunderer” as a backup.
Vibro Axe: Most "Tin" Guardsman carry a ‘borg sized Vibro Axe.
Mega-Damage: 3d6
"Tin" Guardsman Powered Armors also have the following features.
1. Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited fuel capacity and power source but it is inferior. Average life: 7 years. It cannot generate energy fast enough to power an energy weapon or a railgun although it can slowly recharge energy clips if a clip charger is installed.
2. Radar: Slightly inferior to the standard radar for powered armors it can identify and track up to 10 targets simultaneously at a range of 10 miles (16 km).
3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the head-up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the targeting computer.
4. Targeting Computer: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. Ten mile range (16 km).
5. Radio communication: Long range, directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short range radio. Range is 5 miles (8 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
6. Complete environmental battle armor: Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including under water (150 foot max. depth) and space. The following features are included.
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Eight hour oxygen supply.
• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.


love it
needs an artist
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Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by ZINO »

WildWalker wrote:
ZINO wrote: <snip>
love it
needs an artist

Thanks! Glad you like it! I agree I'd like to see it drawn. I created the armor level originally because some people have an issue with GB Pilot Characters having full power Glitterboys. The original weapon suite was a light railgun quad but I thought a Heavy Machine Gun for this made more sense now that there are MDC explosive rounds.


hey get an artist in
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Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by taalismn »

Love the Tin Guardsman...shows the downslope of pre-Rifts techhnology as the last of the old civilization fights to stay alive with dwindling resources. :bandit:
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Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by Tyranneix »

WildWalker wrote:
taalismn wrote:Love the Tin Guardsman...shows the downslope of pre-Rifts techhnology as the last of the old civilization fights to stay alive with dwindling resources. :bandit:

Thanks! I was trying to keep the weapons suite low tech and as simple as the original design.


Nice job Windwalker. I have to agree with Taalismn. I like the down slide of the tech. shows how hard up they were to defend themselves that they would use whatever was lying around.
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Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

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hey any more ideas like this man?????
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Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

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ok i didn't see this coming !!!N1
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Re: Guardsman Variant Powered Armor (retitled thread)

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Nice newer additions. Please keep them coing.
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"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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