shiiv-a wrote:and DONT give me any of those looks guys .... AND i protest over the obvious censorship of MALE GM'S only .... *sigh*
There's always a factor of the unknown when you're role playing as something different than what you are. When a white man portrays a black man, when a black man portrays an asian man, when a man portrays a woman, when a woman portrays a man. As women GM's are already women, they wouldn't necessarily approach this question the same way, because they know what it is like to be a woman. Be upset about this "obvious censorship" all you want, or step back and realize it would be no different than a woman GM asking other women GM's how they roleplay male characters.
shiiv-a wrote:its not a fact of the female being the one with the over active hormones ... 99% of hte time its the males that have it and act on it.
Well, that's a matter for Sound Off -- feel free to bring it up there if you want.
shiiv-a wrote:you should be asking 'how do i make female NPC's realistic?' from various females that visit the forums .. and NOT just assume that male GM's are the know all and be all of information.
Answered above.
shiiv-a wrote:1 - not all females wanna jump in the sack. be it with a male or a female or with a whole troop of soldiers
Covered that myself.
shiiv-a wrote:2 - not all females wanna parade about in tight clothing or talk about how their love life is going - and if they do? .. sad ...
it's sad to want to talk about your love life? Huh.
shiiv-a wrote:3 - not all females are gonna respond to 'hey baby, wanna make my night?' or some other cheesy pickup line
Well, I'd imagine they'd respond, just not in the way the player wants.
shiiv-a wrote:4 - females HAVE interests just like males
Women have interests, that doesn't mean they are just like male interests -- males don't even have the same interests. Which is why, again, I said in my original response it depends on the same situation.
shiiv-a wrote:5 - females have jobs .. like males
Well, the job is going to be dictated by the scenario most likely. If he needs a scientist, she'll be a scientist, etc.
shiiv-a wrote:6 - females have responsibilities .. just like guys
Which in an NPC role is basically none -- NPC's should be there to further the plot, not carry it.
shiiv-a wrote:7 - some females ARE interested in sports ......

Really? Man -- I thought all those professional and amateur women's sports leagues were just guys in drag.
shiiv-a wrote:yes .. they are difficult to make up so that they are balanced .. but as a female .. i'm tired of seeing the little sexpot PC's [either male or female running them] .. having the PB's maxed out .. and powerful enough to kill you without trying .. who suddenly when a guy comes about ... suddenly becomes all fingers and ooey gooey giggle pots that suddenly have NO freakin brains.
Honestly, in 15+ years I've gaming I've never seen a player male or female playing a character male or female that's had the character turn into a brainless giggle pot under any circumstance -- what kinda game was that which has multiple people doing it?