This is a place for G.M.s and GM wannabes to share ideas and their own methods of play. It is not a locked forum so be aware your players may be watching!

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Unread post by SkyeFyre »

Hey, I'm not sure if this is the proper place to post this (If not, please move it to the right one). Anyways. Lately because of job changes and getting married and you know, all that wonderful stuff my time for gaming has gone right down. So while once and a while me and my group get to game in person for only about 4-5 hours. So in addition to that I was thinking about starting up a pay by post... I mean... err... a play by post :D .

I'm not sure how most people have that set up. Basically the way I have it currently set up (Still preparing) is that each person gets their own forum which I can restrict access to only myself and them if they want it private or to make it a public viewable forum that only me and them can submit posts to but everyone can read. Anyone have any tips to make my PBP game a little more streamlined and organized? Tips? Anything?

Now on top of that, what kind of advice would you give me? How much of a difference is there that you've found? Does one combat session take like a month? What if you want multiple people to be in the same game, how do you keep them all in sync with the game clock? Absolutely any information or help you could provide would be most appreciated. Actually if anyone even has a guide I could look at, it'd be great :).
"If your party is doing anything but running like hell trying not to get vaporized, the GM is not running the Mechanoids correctly." -Geronimo 2.0
"Coming Summer 1994... Mechanoid Space!"
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Dustin Fireblade
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Unread post by Dustin Fireblade »

You may find these articles usefull.

I don't see any reason myself to give each player a forum. Usually just a single play thread and then a few "out of character" threads. But I also don't see a big problem with it.

Sounds like you got a forum set up, but if not you can always come to Nexus Nine and we can host games there.
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Unread post by shiiv-a »

it helps to have the 'forum' type of typing for the speaking and action bits ...

it also helps to have [tag - *name/any*] at the end, so people know you 'finished' the post. if you state the name, then THAT person will or should respond ...

thats about it from me .. sorry
Creator of the Chi grenade. Used in game by Kevarin [GM] and self as Mai - Civilian Martial artist that got amped via experiment. Ghost weapons and shirts rule.

Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.

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