Q:for the ladies? Or guys who think they know everything?
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- dragon_blaze_99
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Q:for the ladies? Or guys who think they know everything?
What sort of effect would being 7 ½ to 8 ½ month pregnant have on combat rolls?
I was thinking ½ actions and speed, -4 strike, -6 parry and dodge, but it would be nice to have some feed back?
I was thinking ½ actions and speed, -4 strike, -6 parry and dodge, but it would be nice to have some feed back?

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Re: Q:for the ladies? Or guys who think they know everything
Alejandro wrote:dragon_blaze_99 wrote:What sort of effect would being 7 ½ to 8 ½ month pregnant have on combat rolls?
I was thinking ½ actions and speed, -4 strike, -6 parry and dodge, but it would be nice to have some feed back?
-8 to absolutely everything except "Tolerate hideous foods"
-12 to resist cravings
+10 for "detect chocolate"

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- dragon_blaze_99
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- JTwig
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dragon_blaze_99 wrote:so no one has help for me........ the PC's character is 7 1/2 month and I could really use some help over all... please
Going off of my wife's limited mobility from when she was pregnant I think you're original penalties were good. The only thing you might want to do is also increase the rate of fatigue as I know my wife got tired and winded quicker while pregnant, plus her ankles would swell up if she were to stand to long.
A mitigating factor would be the stats of the female PC before the pregnancy. Pregnant woman put on approximately the same amount of weight, which can have a drastically different effect on someone of a delicate build vs. someone more statuesque. In game terms, carting around an extra forty pounds of pregnancy weight would effect a woman with a PS of 12 and a PE of 10 a lot more than a woman with a PS of 30 and a PE of 24. For the latter, there should still be some penalty to combat skills, but not nearly as much as for the former.
- dragon_blaze_99
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Pfhreak wrote:dragon_blaze_99 wrote:so no one has help for me........ the PC's character is 7 1/2 month and I could really use some help over all... please
The session set 7 1/2 months ago in game time must have been an interesting one...
Your penalties plus the quicker fatigue and messed-up balance sound good to me. A penalty to charm because of the hormonal mood swings would also make sense.
the game is almost 18 month old now it has 8 players and is only one of two I'm running the other is 3 months on now.

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walross1978 wrote:I would assume that the balance of the pregnant character should also be reduced, including initiative, PB, and skill rolls.
It is said that a woman with child shines brighter then any other. So why reduce PB? and why reduce skill rolls?
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
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Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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- dragon_blaze_99
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it's kinda turned into a court intrigue story for about the last two month but not because of her just that's the way the story went.Macgraith wrote:A pregnant woman probably shouldn't be out adventuring. Just my thoughts. If she does there should be a big chance that the baby dies. (not saying pregnant women shouldn't get out and exercise and things, but they shouldn't be sword fighting or dodging blows and such).

The mind is the gateway to the future
Ethics are so annoying. I avoid them on principle
Macgraith wrote:A pregnant woman probably shouldn't be out adventuring. Just my thoughts. If she does there should be a big chance that the baby dies. (not saying pregnant women shouldn't get out and exercise and things, but they shouldn't be sword fighting or dodging blows and such).
But *think* of other possibilities!
A trickster god who makes The Party pregnant for an adventure or two!
Do Tolkeen refugee things, I mean, the old 'we had to deliver a baby in an elevator' thing becomes totally different when it's 'we had to deliver a baby while under fire from DMonix!'.
And, of course, the tried and true, Pregnant alien with totally wierd birthing process! Alien Nation ROCKED.
However, I do heartily discourage any of us doing any real-life experimentation on our pregnant female loved ones in order to determine what the minuses should be. They have long memories, and I'll not have PB being held liable for anyone who walks into his house, shoots a nerf crossbow at his pregnant wife and says afterwards "So honey, what do you think... you're at what, a -6 to dodge?".
I bet they'd hate that.
- cyber-yukongil v2.5
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Zazshann wrote:I'd start alignment checks for any principled character (or character who has strong leanings in that direction) who'd stand by and watch a 7 1/2 month pregnant woman get into a firefight
At this point in things, unless it's absolutely necessary I usually find an appropriate place to pause the game and skip ahead several months (untill after the child is born and given to the grandparents), or make the player roll up a new character. yes, it sounds like a dickish thing to do, but in an adventure-based role playing game (especially rifts), if at any point you have to make a roll to find a babysitter its' no longer a fun game for me.

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Petty tyrants thrive when they have authority backed by vague regulations. ~some unnamed joker
- shiiv-a
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i guess it comes down to 'when the baby's due' ... mine was the early summer.
so the winter didn't seem so bad, just a bit tricky when it got icy .. personally, i was almost 3-4 months along when i met up with my cousin. his words to me when he opened the door ' OMG ... you're ENORMOUS' ... it seems i appeared to be about a good 6-7 months .. and looking to be carrying twins.
the spring .. was harder to manage. those 14 steps gradually became mount everest for me. it seems to have effected my mobility of getting down on the knees to garden as well.
by the time summer rolled about, getting on the public transportation was a riot. people would vacate seats for me. nursing students would state 'you know .. IF you go into labour .. we'll help you. we're student nurses'
lots of fun. the heat nearly killed me. standing up hurt .. doing normal chores was difficult .. clothes didn't fit anymore and you usually feel very frumpy and out of sorts. the cravings hit you at certain times and not all the time. its usually only when the 'bump' needs a dose of some vitamin or nutrient that the mom just gets really picky and the 'cravings' start. they don't last that long either.
i put on more than 60 pounds when i was carrying my one and only kid.
then of course you get to the far end of the process .. the birthing process itself. there would most likely be no real way for a female to stay 'silent' during the whole process.
the contractions .. you can walk thru or attempt to do things to occupy the mind from the spasming as the body starts to demand you pay attention and get some help cause you're gonna need it.
* ahh .. gotta love the drugs at times to kill the pain and get you higher than a kite*
then the actual birting .. unless someone in the group has MORE than first aid ... they are gonna be NO use when it comes to assisting the mom to be. the cord could be about the neck [as was the case for mine] and need to react fast and not with a tone of panic. the baby could be a 'blue baby'. or one of many other medical issues that mar the healthy from the ill.
then of course, the baby will need an immediate check out to ensure all the parts work on the inside. [mine had a pin hole in a lung and was in ICU for about 2 days]
those are the facts. the physical facts from one that had a 10 pounder. MOST babies are 7-8 pounds.
they are gonna worry about 'bump'. they should know that ANY injury to mom COULD result in a terminated 'bump' .. [[ yes .. i did call mine 'bump' as well .. =p ]]
now .. for a female to be up and about fighting and such? .. NOT likely at 7 1/2 months. MAYBE at 3 months .. but not likely at that late a time. ANY big shock could cause a premature baby. those have a lower chance at surviving.
so .. besides having the grace of a stranded whale .. looking like a watermelon with toothpicks for arms and legs .. unable to do up shoelaces, let alone seeing them while standing up .. they fatigue a bit faster than some people.
so .. you would be looking at a negative factor of at least -15% on MOST physical skills.
speed would be about half.
dodges .. most likely impossible or at least at a -1 per month [1/2 rounded up].
strikes .. most likely would be about a -5, as you need to be light on the feet to get close.
parries .. probably about a -5 - -8
balance .. would most likely be off by up to -5 per month after the 3rd month. so the char would be about -25% on balance checks now. NOT as bad as a -40%
now .. the person that asked the question wanted to have some information NOT known by the males as they most likely don't walk about with about 40 pounds of potatoes hanging in a snugglie [like a backpack for infants that hangs in the front so they KNOW that someone is nearby when they look up] on them morning, noon and night.
its a tough call .. some females are more active than others. like i said, i gained over 60 pounds with mine. and i still haven't gotten back to what i was .. others just seem to deflate totally and return to what they were.
so .. its up to the player .. along with the GM's approval of what could happen and what won't happen. so .. good luck dude, and hope the game goes well and i hope i've answered a few of the questions you had.
got any other questions? .. i'll try to help.
so the winter didn't seem so bad, just a bit tricky when it got icy .. personally, i was almost 3-4 months along when i met up with my cousin. his words to me when he opened the door ' OMG ... you're ENORMOUS' ... it seems i appeared to be about a good 6-7 months .. and looking to be carrying twins.
the spring .. was harder to manage. those 14 steps gradually became mount everest for me. it seems to have effected my mobility of getting down on the knees to garden as well.
by the time summer rolled about, getting on the public transportation was a riot. people would vacate seats for me. nursing students would state 'you know .. IF you go into labour .. we'll help you. we're student nurses'
lots of fun. the heat nearly killed me. standing up hurt .. doing normal chores was difficult .. clothes didn't fit anymore and you usually feel very frumpy and out of sorts. the cravings hit you at certain times and not all the time. its usually only when the 'bump' needs a dose of some vitamin or nutrient that the mom just gets really picky and the 'cravings' start. they don't last that long either.
i put on more than 60 pounds when i was carrying my one and only kid.
then of course you get to the far end of the process .. the birthing process itself. there would most likely be no real way for a female to stay 'silent' during the whole process.
the contractions .. you can walk thru or attempt to do things to occupy the mind from the spasming as the body starts to demand you pay attention and get some help cause you're gonna need it.
* ahh .. gotta love the drugs at times to kill the pain and get you higher than a kite*
then the actual birting .. unless someone in the group has MORE than first aid ... they are gonna be NO use when it comes to assisting the mom to be. the cord could be about the neck [as was the case for mine] and need to react fast and not with a tone of panic. the baby could be a 'blue baby'. or one of many other medical issues that mar the healthy from the ill.
then of course, the baby will need an immediate check out to ensure all the parts work on the inside. [mine had a pin hole in a lung and was in ICU for about 2 days]
those are the facts. the physical facts from one that had a 10 pounder. MOST babies are 7-8 pounds.
they are gonna worry about 'bump'. they should know that ANY injury to mom COULD result in a terminated 'bump' .. [[ yes .. i did call mine 'bump' as well .. =p ]]
now .. for a female to be up and about fighting and such? .. NOT likely at 7 1/2 months. MAYBE at 3 months .. but not likely at that late a time. ANY big shock could cause a premature baby. those have a lower chance at surviving.
so .. besides having the grace of a stranded whale .. looking like a watermelon with toothpicks for arms and legs .. unable to do up shoelaces, let alone seeing them while standing up .. they fatigue a bit faster than some people.
so .. you would be looking at a negative factor of at least -15% on MOST physical skills.
speed would be about half.
dodges .. most likely impossible or at least at a -1 per month [1/2 rounded up].
strikes .. most likely would be about a -5, as you need to be light on the feet to get close.
parries .. probably about a -5 - -8
balance .. would most likely be off by up to -5 per month after the 3rd month. so the char would be about -25% on balance checks now. NOT as bad as a -40%
now .. the person that asked the question wanted to have some information NOT known by the males as they most likely don't walk about with about 40 pounds of potatoes hanging in a snugglie [like a backpack for infants that hangs in the front so they KNOW that someone is nearby when they look up] on them morning, noon and night.
its a tough call .. some females are more active than others. like i said, i gained over 60 pounds with mine. and i still haven't gotten back to what i was .. others just seem to deflate totally and return to what they were.
so .. its up to the player .. along with the GM's approval of what could happen and what won't happen. so .. good luck dude, and hope the game goes well and i hope i've answered a few of the questions you had.
got any other questions? .. i'll try to help.
Creator of the Chi grenade. Used in game by Kevarin [GM] and self as Mai - Civilian Martial artist that got amped via experiment. Ghost weapons and shirts rule.
Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.
Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.
- dragon_blaze_99
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shiiv-a wrote:i guess it comes down to 'when the baby's due' ... mine was the early summer.
so the winter didn't seem so bad, just a bit tricky when it got icy .. personally, i was almost 3-4 months along when i met up with my cousin. his words to me when he opened the door ' OMG ... you're ENORMOUS' ... it seems i appeared to be about a good 6-7 months .. and looking to be carrying twins.
the spring .. was harder to manage. those 14 steps gradually became mount everest for me. it seems to have effected my mobility of getting down on the knees to garden as well.
by the time summer rolled about, getting on the public transportation was a riot. people would vacate seats for me. nursing students would state 'you know .. IF you go into labour .. we'll help you. we're student nurses'
lots of fun. the heat nearly killed me. standing up hurt .. doing normal chores was difficult .. clothes didn't fit anymore and you usually feel very frumpy and out of sorts. the cravings hit you at certain times and not all the time. its usually only when the 'bump' needs a dose of some vitamin or nutrient that the mom just gets really picky and the 'cravings' start. they don't last that long either.
i put on more than 60 pounds when i was carrying my one and only kid.
then of course you get to the far end of the process .. the birthing process itself. there would most likely be no real way for a female to stay 'silent' during the whole process.
the contractions .. you can walk thru or attempt to do things to occupy the mind from the spasming as the body starts to demand you pay attention and get some help cause you're gonna need it.
* ahh .. gotta love the drugs at times to kill the pain and get you higher than a kite*
then the actual birting .. unless someone in the group has MORE than first aid ... they are gonna be NO use when it comes to assisting the mom to be. the cord could be about the neck [as was the case for mine] and need to react fast and not with a tone of panic. the baby could be a 'blue baby'. or one of many other medical issues that mar the healthy from the ill.
then of course, the baby will need an immediate check out to ensure all the parts work on the inside. [mine had a pin hole in a lung and was in ICU for about 2 days]
those are the facts. the physical facts from one that had a 10 pounder. MOST babies are 7-8 pounds.
they are gonna worry about 'bump'. they should know that ANY injury to mom COULD result in a terminated 'bump' .. [[ yes .. i did call mine 'bump' as well .. =p ]]
now .. for a female to be up and about fighting and such? .. NOT likely at 7 1/2 months. MAYBE at 3 months .. but not likely at that late a time. ANY big shock could cause a premature baby. those have a lower chance at surviving.
so .. besides having the grace of a stranded whale .. looking like a watermelon with toothpicks for arms and legs .. unable to do up shoelaces, let alone seeing them while standing up .. they fatigue a bit faster than some people.
so .. you would be looking at a negative factor of at least -15% on MOST physical skills.
speed would be about half.
dodges .. most likely impossible or at least at a -1 per month [1/2 rounded up].
strikes .. most likely would be about a -5, as you need to be light on the feet to get close.
parries .. probably about a -5 - -8
balance .. would most likely be off by up to -5 per month after the 3rd month. so the char would be about -25% on balance checks now. NOT as bad as a -40%
now .. the person that asked the question wanted to have some information NOT known by the males as they most likely don't walk about with about 40 pounds of potatoes hanging in a snugglie [like a backpack for infants that hangs in the front so they KNOW that someone is nearby when they look up] on them morning, noon and night.
its a tough call .. some females are more active than others. like i said, i gained over 60 pounds with mine. and i still haven't gotten back to what i was .. others just seem to deflate totally and return to what they were.
so .. its up to the player .. along with the GM's approval of what could happen and what won't happen. so .. good luck dude, and hope the game goes well and i hope i've answered a few of the questions you had.
got any other questions? .. i'll try to help.
thanks that was a lot of help

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duck-foot wrote:id give her fierce penalities on movement, endurance and combat. not only that but M.A. as well. because some, though not all women beome ***** when pregnant. then thier are ofcourse the weight gain and, pains, cramps and swelling. not shure what the penality should be, but i'd put it at least reduce speed by 75%, +20 to 40 lbs of weight, -50% to all combat rolls.
I'd have to disagree about the MA penalty, instead having to argue for a small MA boost (+1 or +2). While some pregnant women do experience mood swings, it tends to strike those hardest who had them before pregnancy (in other words a *****y women will become *****er when pregnant).
I think we've been conditioned to treat pregnant women different than non-pregnant women; people are more apt to open doors for them, help them lift things, etc. I think its a combination of respect and awe (and sometimes compassion for their discomfort) at the fact they are creating and carrying a new life.
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Re: Q:for the ladies? Or guys who think they know everything
Alejandro wrote:dragon_blaze_99 wrote:What sort of effect would being 7 ½ to 8 ½ month pregnant have on combat rolls?
I was thinking ½ actions and speed, -4 strike, -6 parry and dodge, but it would be nice to have some feed back?
-8 to absolutely everything except "Tolerate hideous foods"
-12 to resist cravings
+10 for "detect chocolate"
Don't forget -30% to Hold Bladder and the random rolls on the mood-swing chart.

I have nothing but the utmost respect for pregnant women (that take care of their papoose). Like a comedian once said, if guys were the ones to carry the children this race would be extinct.

Yeah, everytime I see a blazingly obvious moron walking the streets... I think, "score one for the creationists..." ~ DLDC
Warwolf is right... you can sig that. ~ TGK
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Warwolf is right... you can sig that. ~ TGK
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- dragon_blaze_99
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30 to 60 % over normal cost. more if itr has cute cartoon characters on it 40 - 80 %Mouser13 wrote:shiiv-a wrote:clothes didn't fit anymore and you usually feel very frumpy and out of sorts.
Wonder how much a M.D.C. armor would cost. And if possible a exoskelton.

The mind is the gateway to the future
Ethics are so annoying. I avoid them on principle
- shiiv-a
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oh dear ... then of course you may always have the 'fashion sensitive' types
'oh .. i'm expecting a little girl in about 4-8 weeks' *waddles into the nearest garage and drops lightly to the ground from a big power armour type* 'so .. i was wondering if you could do a new paint job for me? .. i want it redone in shades of pink and some minty greens. just so she knows she's a girl .. and the green just cause its spring ... '
would HATE to be the GM on that one. oh the horrors that would bring about. a shocking pink .. glitterboy? .. or a mountaineer vehicle undergoing the same kinda paint job?
'oh .. i'm expecting a little girl in about 4-8 weeks' *waddles into the nearest garage and drops lightly to the ground from a big power armour type* 'so .. i was wondering if you could do a new paint job for me? .. i want it redone in shades of pink and some minty greens. just so she knows she's a girl .. and the green just cause its spring ... '
would HATE to be the GM on that one. oh the horrors that would bring about. a shocking pink .. glitterboy? .. or a mountaineer vehicle undergoing the same kinda paint job?
Creator of the Chi grenade. Used in game by Kevarin [GM] and self as Mai - Civilian Martial artist that got amped via experiment. Ghost weapons and shirts rule.
Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.
Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.
- dragon_blaze_99
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i have had players do strange things to gear but not a pink GB, red,blue and sea green but not pink *shudders*shiiv-a wrote:oh dear ... then of course you may always have the 'fashion sensitive' types
'oh .. i'm expecting a little girl in about 4-8 weeks' *waddles into the nearest garage and drops lightly to the ground from a big power armour type* 'so .. i was wondering if you could do a new paint job for me? .. i want it redone in shades of pink and some minty greens. just so she knows she's a girl .. and the green just cause its spring ... '
would HATE to be the GM on that one. oh the horrors that would bring about. a shocking pink .. glitterboy? .. or a mountaineer vehicle undergoing the same kinda paint job?

The mind is the gateway to the future
Ethics are so annoying. I avoid them on principle
- shiiv-a
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well .... i guess they are almost 'power ranger' colors ....
*shudders and flees*
*shudders and flees*
Creator of the Chi grenade. Used in game by Kevarin [GM] and self as Mai - Civilian Martial artist that got amped via experiment. Ghost weapons and shirts rule.
Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.
Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.
- dragon_blaze_99
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Mephisto wrote:I tend to think this question was answered, in the most detailed and analytical tone possible, and also the most plausible. Kudos to shiiv-a for a great ruleset, I was quite impressed.
yeah I agree with you it was really well answered
thats all

The mind is the gateway to the future
Ethics are so annoying. I avoid them on principle
- shiiv-a
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if you'ld like .. i could track down a co-player to add what she went thru when she was pregnant as well. not everyone is the same.
take one person that visits from time to time. she's stated she LOVES to be pregnant. mind you she's being a surrogate mother for other couples, but still, i found out it wasn't what i thought or wanted to be. so it only happened once.
i'll go send her an IM now, so you can get another person's opinion that's gone thru the 'beachball' phase, so you can get a second opinion
take one person that visits from time to time. she's stated she LOVES to be pregnant. mind you she's being a surrogate mother for other couples, but still, i found out it wasn't what i thought or wanted to be. so it only happened once.
i'll go send her an IM now, so you can get another person's opinion that's gone thru the 'beachball' phase, so you can get a second opinion
Creator of the Chi grenade. Used in game by Kevarin [GM] and self as Mai - Civilian Martial artist that got amped via experiment. Ghost weapons and shirts rule.
Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.
Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.
- dragon_blaze_99
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coolshiiv-a wrote:if you'ld like .. i could track down a co-player to add what she went thru when she was pregnant as well. not everyone is the same.
take one person that visits from time to time. she's stated she LOVES to be pregnant. mind you she's being a surrogate mother for other couples, but still, i found out it wasn't what i thought or wanted to be. so it only happened once.
i'll go send her an IM now, so you can get another person's opinion that's gone thru the 'beachball' phase, so you can get a second opinion

The mind is the gateway to the future
Ethics are so annoying. I avoid them on principle
- shiiv-a
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- Comment: I see people as people first, anything else is secondary
- Location: BC, Canada
DocS wrote:
However, I do heartily discourage any of us doing any real-life experimentation on our pregnant female loved ones in order to determine what the minuses should be. They have long memories, and I'll not have PB being held liable for anyone who walks into his house, shoots a nerf crossbow at his pregnant wife and says afterwards "So honey, what do you think... you're at what, a -6 to dodge?".
I bet they'd hate that.
my ex did that once to me.
one big difference, it was his compound crossbow.
when i first spotted him with it, it had the bolt and it was aiming at me.
i darted about a corner and came out the other end of the hallway .. and ran right into the unloaded thing .. which at that point .. went 'thwap' .. trust me ... you DON'T ever wanna do that to anyone.
all i can say was IF i was carrying at that moment, i would have spontaneously aborted from shear fright.
he was laughing. thought it was the funniest thing in the world. right .. ha ha .. so funny i forgot to laugh about it for about 5 years ....
Creator of the Chi grenade. Used in game by Kevarin [GM] and self as Mai - Civilian Martial artist that got amped via experiment. Ghost weapons and shirts rule.
Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.
Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.
- Braden Campbell
- Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
- Posts: 3744
- Joined: Sat Oct 14, 2000 1:01 am
- Location: The Free City of Worldgate
Re: Q:for the ladies? Or guys who think they know everything
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:What sort of effect would being 7 ½ to 8 ½ month pregnant have on combat rolls?
Without reading any further down the page to see what others have said, let em tell you all that my daughter id about to turn 4. I can still, vividly remember the way my wife acted when she was as pregnant as the question above. Which makes me answer: you simply don't fight.
I bought Holly-Ann a pair of giant slippers around that time, big lambs wearing pajamas and nightcaps. I bought them not because they were cute (which they were) but so she could see where her feet were again. I did this after she tried to mop our kitchen floor, and fell down doing it.
She had trouble lifting laundry baskets. She didn't walk, she waddled. Her back was constantly killing her, she was low on sleep, and she had to pee every 30 minutes or so (the baby is standing on the bladder, for those who don't know).
Now... when I try to think of the pregnant wife, in the Rifts setting, engaging in combat... it's laughable. Firing a gun, maybe. Ducking, dodging, and weaving, while throwing knife strikes at a band of robbers. No. Not a chance.
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.
If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
- dragon_blaze_99
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- Joined: Wed Dec 08, 2004 11:01 am
- Location: Kreelock via Wetaskiwin Alberta,Canada
Re: Q:for the ladies? Or guys who think they know everything
totally no fighting but her character gets to pop this month,Braden Campbell wrote:dragon_blaze_99 wrote:What sort of effect would being 7 ½ to 8 ½ month pregnant have on combat rolls?
Without reading any further down the page to see what others have said, let em tell you all that my daughter id about to turn 4. I can still, vividly remember the way my wife acted when she was as pregnant as the question above. Which makes me answer: you simply don't fight.
I bought Holly-Ann a pair of giant slippers around that time, big lambs wearing pajamas and nightcaps. I bought them not because they were cute (which they were) but so she could see where her feet were again. I did this after she tried to mop our kitchen floor, and fell down doing it.
She had trouble lifting laundry baskets. She didn't walk, she waddled. Her back was constantly killing her, she was low on sleep, and she had to pee every 30 minutes or so (the baby is standing on the bladder, for those who don't know).
Now... when I try to think of the pregnant wife, in the Rifts setting, engaging in combat... it's laughable. Firing a gun, maybe. Ducking, dodging, and weaving, while throwing knife strikes at a band of robbers. No. Not a chance.

The mind is the gateway to the future
Ethics are so annoying. I avoid them on principle
- shiiv-a
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- Comment: I see people as people first, anything else is secondary
- Location: BC, Canada
a lot IF you have an older brother who tells you [when you are the impressionable age of 6] that they are FROGs EGGs ...
i still can't eat the blasted stuff .. i can IF its in a fruit berry pie .. but NOT if its by itself
once your brain says 'EW YUCKIES .. ' yer stuck with the problem for years .. good luck identifying it. most times you NEVER will find out the root of some fear or food dislike that is NOT an alergy based
i still can't eat the blasted stuff .. i can IF its in a fruit berry pie .. but NOT if its by itself
once your brain says 'EW YUCKIES .. ' yer stuck with the problem for years .. good luck identifying it. most times you NEVER will find out the root of some fear or food dislike that is NOT an alergy based
Creator of the Chi grenade. Used in game by Kevarin [GM] and self as Mai - Civilian Martial artist that got amped via experiment. Ghost weapons and shirts rule.
Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.
Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.
- dragon_blaze_99
- Hero
- Posts: 902
- Joined: Wed Dec 08, 2004 11:01 am
- Location: Kreelock via Wetaskiwin Alberta,Canada