what are your attributes?

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what are your attributes?

Unread post by dmart11 »

being honest with yourself. how would you rate your real life attributes?
explain your ratings if you want to.

here are mine:

I've taken an Iq test a few times,if it's math heavy based I consistantly score no higher than 110

i'm pretty good at sympathizing and empathizing with my fellow humans.however, I tend to bring out hostile traits in some people,through no direct purpose on my part.plus things I say are sometimes taken out of context.

I survived bullying (was in the rpg club and gifted program my whole school life.)plus over came NUMEROUS psychological and personal roadblocks without hitting the bottle,needle,razor blade or pipe.I'm a 30 AT LEAST!

PS: 10
I'm not the physical type but I can hold my own in carpentry,chores and yardwork.so I'll just say I'm a 10.

I'm almost a contortionist and are pretty fast.I can walk about 9 miles before even begining to show signs of fatigue.

I'm not in the shape however,my diet isn't the greatest but I can still fight off illness well enough.

I've never been without a girlfriend for a long period of time.plus I tend to get flirted with in public, :lol:

bad cardio....
Last edited by dmart11 on Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Giant2005 »

IQ: 18
Don't want to sound overly arrogant here but I am pretty intelligent having never studied a day in my life and never receiving a test score below 94%. Online IQ tests usually put me between 180 and 220 (not sure how accurate these things are however).

MA: 8 (16 when drunk :lol: )
I might not be as likable sober, tending to take satisfaction in the mental anguish of others but whenever there is a party people want me around. I tend to bring any drunken situation to life.

ME: 6
I have the world's shortest attention span. As previously stated I have never studied a day in my life - this was not because I was unwilling but because I am incredibly lazy.

PS: 15
I am on the strong side, nothing exceptional but above average.

PP: 9
I lack both flexibility and coordination.

PE: 8
I am what could be considered "extremely unfit". I won't be running any marathons any time soon because I would probably find myself dead after completing about 1/20th of it.

PB: 12
I believe myself to be slightly on the upper scale in PB but not by much.

SPD: 16
I might not be capable of surviving a marathon, but I am pretty quick off the mark.

To the above poster, no offence but I don't even know you and I find your attributes to be pretty unbelievable. In the world of Rifts, the highest a human could ever hope to achieve is an attribute score of 30... to have a ME of 30 would suggest you have more Mental Endurance than any human has ever achieved in the history of man, your PB is comparable to the Goddesses of beauty (Actually higher than some) and you have more PP than the average Juicer...
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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

IQ: 15
I don't remember what my IQ is, but it's somewhere around 145-150, IIRC.

MA: 16
I'm extremely likable.
When I try.

ME: 18
I generally don't scare, stress, startle, or anything, and I can be VERY stubborn.

PS: 14
I'm pretty sure I can lift 280 lbs, but I'm not sure about 300 lbs.

PP: 16
Above average flexibility and balance.

PE: 12
This is a weird one, because I get winded quickly when performing intense activity (combat), but I can pretty much work all day at a slower pace.

PB: 14
I tend to think that I'm above average in appearance.

spd: I really don't have any idea.
Probably 10-12. Somewhere around average.
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Unread post by dmart11 »

Giant2005 wrote:To the above poster, no offence but I don't even know you and I find your attributes to be pretty unbelievable. In the world of Rifts, the highest a human could ever hope to achieve is an attribute score of 30... to have a ME of 30 would suggest you have more Mental Endurance than any human has ever achieved in the history of man, your PB is comparable to the Goddesses of beauty (Actually higher than some) and you have more PP than the average Juicer...

noted and changed.

I personally believe the ME should be high though.I may not have spent 20 years in a prison,4 years in a death camp or locked up in an 18th century enlish orphanage. but I did figure the score is deserved given my past. :lol:
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Unread post by AllMightyRCB »

IQ 14 Tested (not the fake online tests that are 75% based on math, a normal one)

MA 22 About 70% of the people I meet either trust me, are intimidated, or both.

ME 12 Some things I can endure very well, others, not so good.

PS 22.5 if you go by- Can lift 20 times PS in weight. If lift means bench.

PP 22 I am very good at striking and parrying, but don't remember many times of trying to dodge anything.

PE Hmm I can't have one number on this. 30 if each point = 1 minute of being able to forcefully punch a punching bag. For running PE is 3 to run at maximum speed. Probably a 10 for resisting viruses and allergies.

PB 20 I have had over 130 decent looking females want to hook up at one time or another. (from online dating, and no, of course I didn't go with that many. Not any amount near that.)

SPD 22 15 mph on my treadmill.
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Unread post by rat_bastard »

IQ: eleventy six

MA: 6

ME: 6

PS: 16

PE: 14

PB: 2

spd: 14
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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

rat_bastard wrote:IQ: eleventy six

MA: 6

ME: 6

PS: 16

PE: 14

PB: 2

spd: 14

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Unread post by rat_bastard »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:IQ: eleventy six

MA: 6

ME: 6

PS: 16

PE: 14

PB: 2

spd: 14


my IQ is too eleventy six! I counted it myself!
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Unread post by dragon_blaze_99 »

IQ 15
ME 7
MA 15 (thats why I'm always stuck Gming)
PS: 15
PP: 9
PE 11
PB: 7 (my wife think I'm closer to a 10 but she's biased)
Spd: 8
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Hurm... here we go. Who out there hasn't had that one "hey everyone lets play OURSELVES that get (( Fill in the blank)) Super powers, transported to rifts earth, ect add infin.

IQ: 16 (( Have also taken the real IQ tests in college and even given them as a part of my Psyc degree))
ME: 18 Had a rough life but raised by a Army officer, i have alot of mental endurance and don't scare nor give in easily. This is probably one of my best traits.
MA: 12 I'm loved or hated.... which is hard to show in a number but I think more people tolerate me and like me than dont, but I fully realize that those that don't. REALLY dont.
PS: 14 I'm pretty out of shape, but kinda a big guy.
PE 7 And that's being generous.. I'm pretty out of shape
PP 12 I'd say i'm pretty agile for my size and weight but nothing what so ever to write home about. I did go to state finals in fencing in college
PB 8 I think that's being a little generous but people don't throw food at me wlaking down the street or anything, but "My face was never how I makes my livin's"
SPD 10 If that.. I only run if something the size of a tiger or larger is chasing me. other wise, I stroll.

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Unread post by TechnoGothic »

I want to play i want to play...

IQ 14 (Tested at School = 149) Recent Test (two years ago) 145.
MA 10 (Like me or Hate me, equals out. Actually most people think I'm "cool" just wierd)
ME 15 (At least. I keep my cool, but I'm hesitant to say "Exeptional 16+)
ST 11 (Lift 230 lbs. I'll round Down to a 11)
PP 12 (Naturally gifted, but not of a Trained level or near exeptional)
PE 10 (I'm overweight now, which reduces my stamina)
PB 10 (People either think i'm cute or not)
SPD 10 (I'm average speed)
PPE 12 (Adult 2d6, I'm alittle sensitive to the paranormal ;) )
ISP 12 (Adult 2d6, again sensitive to the paranormal, and have experianced "psychic" happens all the time...may be a lalent psychic ;) )


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Unread post by slade the sniper »

Wow, there is alot of self love and pride going on...

IQ 12 (smarter than an 11)
MA 10 (this has gone up a lot in the past few years)
ME 10 (being addicted to a lot of things doesn't boost this any)
ST 10 (bench 220 on a great day!)
PP 10 (usually OK, but I can sprain my ankle in a parking lot...and often do!)
PB 8 (I am ugly, deal with it)
PE 10 (I work out 4 hours a day...makes me sore, but oh well)
SPD 10 (I run at least 3 days a week, but not fast or very far)

I use the above stats as "me", and as can be seen, I am nowhere near the coolness level of anyone else here. Man, I suck!

I have no powers, no cool equipment, and my stats blow. If I was a character, I would have thrown me away a long time ago :)

Seriously though...I think a lot of people need to do some serious readjustment in the self-reflection area...self esteem you do not lack.

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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

slade the sniper wrote:ST 10 (bench 220 on a great day!)

Well, it's not how much you can bench, it's how much you can "lift".
So go around picking your friends up off the ground, then asking how much they weigh.
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Ah, but that's part of the problem...I like going with the "bench press" because everyone knows what it is, it is able to be repeated and has an actual movement associated with it. "lifting" my friends (I have few, my MA is way too low) is rather...odd. Lift them an inch...lift them over my head? The "lift" is too vague for my taste, thus for me...bench press is the ticket.

Imagine how weak everyone would seem if we went with Power Cleans as the default "lift"?

I love the Socratic Method. I still think people have way too high an opinion of themselves.

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Unread post by dark brandon »

IQ 69
MA 69
ME 69
PS 666
PE I hated this class
PP All over my leg
PB with jelly
SPD 0010010111000001010101010101010110101010101101\

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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

slade the sniper wrote:Ah, but that's part of the problem...I like going with the "bench press" because everyone knows what it is, it is able to be repeated and has an actual movement associated with it. "lifting" my friends (I have few, my MA is way too low) is rather...odd. Lift them an inch...lift them over my head? The "lift" is too vague for my taste, thus for me...bench press is the ticket.

Imagine how weak everyone would seem if we went with Power Cleans as the default "lift"?

How often has bench pressing come up in the context of a game?
How often does lifting heavy weight just high enough to move it?

In my group, we've never had to bench press anything, but we've often had to pick stuff up and move it.

I love the Socratic Method. I still think people have way too high an opinion of themselves.


They do.
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Unread post by Dead Boy »

IQ: 15 (scored a 148 on the last MENSA test I took, but I'm not a member.)

ME: 19 (I don't scare easy and I have a steel reinforced will; [i.e., too suborn for my own good].)

MA: 15 (I've got charisma, damn it! ... that is unless I'm talking to a member of the opposite sex, and then I have to drop that score by six or eight points)

PS: 21 (Believe it or not I can bench 420 lbs. No kidding.)

PP: 16/7 (I have great hand/eye coordination and manual dexterity, but that doesn't apply to my feet. Walking semi-upright is about the most nimble thing that I do in that regard. :P)

PE: 10 (Average there. Nothing to crow about or be ashamed of there)

PB: 14/7 (In person I'm actually a somewhat ruggedly handsome specimen of man-meat. However I can't prove that over the net because my face doesn't translate well into pictures. Seriously. People look at a photo of me and then my face and say, "this isn't you".)

Spd: 5 (maybe 6 on a good day)
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Unread post by SkyeFyre »

IQ: 15 (My average IQ from all of the tests I've taken is about 145. Scored above 150 in some cases but I'll just take the average as it's probably more accurate)
ME: 14
MA: 12
PS: Somewhere between 15 and 16. Closer to 16
PP: 13
PE: 12
PB: 12
Spd: 8 (I'm slow)

Me and my group had rated everyone else in the group. I should try and find the attributes they came up with for me. I'm scared of putting any exceptional stats down just because I don't like to appear to be arrogant or showing off even though I know I very well may actually have those attributes.
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Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Mephisto wrote:Has anyone actually tried lifting their maximum weight, running at maximum speed for maximum minutes to actually properly gauge their P.S., Spd. and P.E. attributes?

EDIT: I guarantee that would knock a lot of the scores down considerably.

PS is the Easiest to figure up.
PS = Deadlift
PE = How long you can carry your PS is a great way to measure PE.

The metals are alittle too vague to gaudge well to be honest except for IQ.

PP and PB are hard to Test.
Example, I'm a crack shot with a Guns in general. Better than alot of Pros (Cops, Hunters around here). But I'm not limber, never have been. I can not throw a baseball onto a target everytime either...

Spd is easy to Test though


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Unread post by verdilak »

Mephisto wrote:Has anyone actually tried lifting their maximum weight, running at maximum speed for maximum minutes to actually properly gauge their P.S., Spd. and P.E. attributes?

EDIT: I guarantee that would knock a lot of the scores down considerably.

Yea, you should be able to carry your maximum weight (PS) for PE x 4 minutes.

Also, the bench press amounts for determining PS would be wrong, since it states "Lifting weight is a little different than carrying weight. You may have noticed, yourself, that you can usually lift up a heavier amount than you can carry. I'm not talking about weight-lighting in the body building sense, nor lifting a heavy weight above the chest. Simply the ability to bend iover and lift something that weighs more than you can carry."
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Unread post by TechnoGothic »

verdilak wrote:
Mephisto wrote:Has anyone actually tried lifting their maximum weight, running at maximum speed for maximum minutes to actually properly gauge their P.S., Spd. and P.E. attributes?

EDIT: I guarantee that would knock a lot of the scores down considerably.

Yea, you should be able to carry your maximum weight (PS) for PE x 4 minutes.

Also, the bench press amounts for determining PS would be wrong, since it states "Lifting weight is a little different than carrying weight. You may have noticed, yourself, that you can usually lift up a heavier amount than you can carry. I'm not talking about weight-lighting in the body building sense, nor lifting a heavy weight above the chest. Simply the ability to bend iover and lift something that weighs more than you can carry."


Deadlifting is just bending over and lifting the weight off the ground.

Clean-Jerk is Lifting the Weight to your Chest level.
Clean-Jerk-Press is lifting the weight to your chest then pressing it over your head.

Rifts STx10 Lifting = Max Carrying Weight (usually).
Rifts STx20 Lifting = Max Deadlift Weight (usually).

Rifts PE = Carry Weight x 4 minutes.

I can carry 110 lbs for around 40 minutes. Hence My PE 10 ;)

Is it bad my group tested ourselves on the testable things ??


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Unread post by rat_bastard »

I used a fake Number for IQ because while I know I'm unusually smart, I don't have a good comparison. Ma and ME are based on how easily I am flustered and awkward in social situations and how easily I give in (I probablt low-balled ME.

PB 2 was probably a little High, but I did not e-mail Hippie mama or some other board woman who has seen me...

PS and PE are a bit high because I am an Ironworker

PP is low because I am unusually clumsy

spd is low because I don't likje running, I could have raised it a little.
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Unread post by verdilak »

Mephisto wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:
verdilak wrote:
Mephisto wrote:Has anyone actually tried lifting their maximum weight, running at maximum speed for maximum minutes to actually properly gauge their P.S., Spd. and P.E. attributes?

EDIT: I guarantee that would knock a lot of the scores down considerably.

Yea, you should be able to carry your maximum weight (PS) for PE x 4 minutes.

Also, the bench press amounts for determining PS would be wrong, since it states "Lifting weight is a little different than carrying weight. You may have noticed, yourself, that you can usually lift up a heavier amount than you can carry. I'm not talking about weight-lighting in the body building sense, nor lifting a heavy weight above the chest. Simply the ability to bend iover and lift something that weighs more than you can carry."

I can carry 110 lbs for around 40 minutes. Hence My PE 10 ;)

Is it bad my group tested ourselves on the testable things ??

You can carry 110 pounds for 40 minutes at what speed?

Speed of how fast you can carry your max weight for the max length of time doesnt factor into it.
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Unread post by verdilak »

I.Q.: 18 (the best I have scored on a recent IQ test. Though my highest score, 190, was when I tested for the Gifted classes)
M.E.: I would have to say exceptional due to what I have lived through, though if you just go by recently, I freak out easily whenever one of my children are hurt, so if in that regard, it would be a split attribute, 3 when dealing with my children or my wife, and 16+ when dealing with anything else.
M.A.: 20+ (Nearly everyone I meet Trust me, though that doesnt mean they listen to the advice I give :( )
P.S.: Heres a tricky one, I can lift a good amount of weight, I can lift off the ground a good 500 lb object (at least, my end of it), and I know I cannot carry around 250 lbs.... the most I would say i can carry is about 120 lbs for any length of time (i.e. walking speed), so another split stat, 12/25 (I can shell out a good amount of damage in fights)
P.P.: For my weight, I would have to say that I can dodge,m parry, and strike pretty well, but prolly not that well, so maybe a 10
P.E.: Prolly a 10 (since I know I have had to carry 100+ lb objects while renovating cabins on my parents resort, and at times had to hold them off the ground while something dried... too bad there isnt a "watch Paint Dry" attribute, heh.)
P.B.: Dear gods, hello vanity or lack thereof. When I was younger, it would have been higher, but right now with a mug only my wife could love, prolly a 5
Spd: No question about it, I can walk a mile in 8-10 minutes, so that would make my speed... what, a 3?
PPE: 2d6 at least
ISP: 2d6 at least
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Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Mephisto wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:
verdilak wrote:
Mephisto wrote:Has anyone actually tried lifting their maximum weight, running at maximum speed for maximum minutes to actually properly gauge their P.S., Spd. and P.E. attributes?

EDIT: I guarantee that would knock a lot of the scores down considerably.

Yea, you should be able to carry your maximum weight (PS) for PE x 4 minutes.

Also, the bench press amounts for determining PS would be wrong, since it states "Lifting weight is a little different than carrying weight. You may have noticed, yourself, that you can usually lift up a heavier amount than you can carry. I'm not talking about weight-lighting in the body building sense, nor lifting a heavy weight above the chest. Simply the ability to bend iover and lift something that weighs more than you can carry."

I can carry 110 lbs for around 40 minutes. Hence My PE 10 ;)

Is it bad my group tested ourselves on the testable things ??

You can carry 110 pounds for 40 minutes at what speed?

While the actual Speed does not matter in the game...

...I can Walk with that much weight. Walking Speed. Specially if the Weight is in a Backpack or on my back period. Carrying the weight in my arms, I can do walking speed, but I will be slowed down because I have a habit of my hands tiring and hurting, so I keep changing its position every few minutes.

110 lbs of gear is not that big of a deal in the short term. But after 40 minutes or so...dang ;)


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Unread post by verdilak »

TechnoGothic wrote:
While the actual Speed does not matter in the game...

...I can Walk with that much weight. Walking Speed. Specially if the Weight is in a Backpack or on my back period. Carrying the weight in my arms, I can do walking speed, but I will be slowed down because I have a habit of my hands tiring and hurting, so I keep changing its position every few minutes.

110 lbs of gear is not that big of a deal in the short term. But after 40 minutes or so...dang ;)

Yea, I hear ya.
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Unread post by Mech-Viper Prime »

IQ way above average
ME 30
MA 30
PS 60(SN)
PP 70
PE 100
PB 15
SPD 10x100x30
PPE 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Psionics powers
Super Abilities
Martial Arts abilities
#ATTs 100000000
+Strike 1000000000000000000
+Pull/roll 20000000000
+dodge 20000000000000
+auto dodge 3000000000000000000000000000000
+parry 200000000000000
+initivate 30000
+damage 2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 MDC

I Win :lol:
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dark brandon wrote:IQ 69
MA 69
ME 69
PS 666
PE I hated this class
PP All over my leg
PB with jelly
SPD 0010010111000001010101010101010110101010101101\


best answer yet :lol:
Ravenwing wrote:"Killing Dbee's isn't murder, they aren't human, it's pest control!"

Zardoz wrote:You have been raised up from Brutality, to kill the Brutals who multiply, and are legion. To this end, Zardoz your God gave you the gift of the Gun. The Gun is good!
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slade the sniper wrote:Ah, but that's part of the problem...I like going with the "bench press" because everyone knows what it is, it is able to be repeated and has an actual movement associated with it. "lifting" my friends (I have few, my MA is way too low) is rather...odd. Lift them an inch...lift them over my head? The "lift" is too vague for my taste, thus for me...bench press is the ticket.

Imagine how weak everyone would seem if we went with Power Cleans as the default "lift"?

I love the Socratic Method. I still think people have way too high an opinion of themselves.

the definition of lift is for the dead lift...PE can also be measured through this method (you can hold your max lift for a # seconds equal to your PE.)
DM is correct by the way. - Ninjabunny
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Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

IQ: 14. I havn't taken an IQ test since elementary school and I got a 133 then. I have no idea what i'd make now. And yet I've met Mensa people who say they think i'm bright. That's good enough for me. Although I Don't really see myself that way.
ME: 8 I can be really stubborn, but my will to fight has been slipping lately
MA: 20. Most people I know like and trust me without much trouble. I never have trouble getting people to help me and have managed to attain a small cult status right here on these forums without really trying. Good enough of a sign for me.
PS: 7 or 8. Seriously. I ain't strong, and I don't try to be.
PE: 10. I can work at a steady pace for the majority of the day, but don't have much endurance for strong bursts.
PP: 19. Seriously. I am fairly agile and graceful, back when I used to spar I'd have a slight natural edge over anyone not significantly more experianced than I.
PB: 16. People tell me i'm pretty, I know I ain't ugly. Good enough for me.
Spd: 6. I'm slow and I know it :lol:
Sometimes, you're like a beacon of light in the darkness, giving me some hope for humankind. ~ Killer Cyborg

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Unread post by Dead Boy »

Mech-Viper Prime wrote:PPE 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

For the love of Pete, dude! Save a little space and just write
PPE: 1x10^112
ISP: 2x10^112 :P
From the author of The RCSG, Ft. Laredo & the E. St. Louis Rift in Rifter #37, The Coalition Edge in Rifter #42, New Chillicothe & the N.C. Burbs in Rifter #54, New Toys of the Coalition States in Rifter #57, and The Black-Malice Legacy in Rifters #63, 64 & (Pt. 3, TBA)

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Unread post by Mech-Viper Prime »

Dead Boy wrote:
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:PPE 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

For the love of Pete, dude! Save a little space and just write
PPE: 1x10^112
ISP: 2x10^112 :P
as a supporter of the Humans of the Coalition States all i had to say is :P
Ravenwing wrote:"Killing Dbee's isn't murder, they aren't human, it's pest control!"

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Unread post by TechnoGothic »

duck-foot wrote:well my iq IS 142 SO MY iq IS 14. MY ps IS 20 because i bench 200lbs. (i think i might have that PS wrong, but im not sure i havnt played in awhile). my PE is high prob a 16, because i made it through the Crucible (ask a marine what that is) my speed and other attributes are normal.

Use DEADLIFT not Bench Press.

Besides a bench Press of 200 lbs your way is PS 10 (PSx20 Lifting, Psx10 Carry). Your Average man ;) :D
Dont feel bad I only have an 11 (still average).

Your a Marine...
How much weight can you carry ?
Pack, Vest, Gun, ammo, and various gear...

When my (late) brother got back from National guard training he had me try the pack hike here at home. He went out and bought all the gear. Boy he hated how well I did. He may have Strong (bench press/arms) but I have leg and back strength. I blew him away back then.

Remember to use Deadlift (Lift off the ground and hold) not bench pressing.


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Unread post by Shadyslug »

IQ - 14-16 depending on the test
ME - 14
MA - 15
PS - 20 (I'm surprised that Zebs didn't give himself more credit...)
PE - 12
PP - 14
PB - 14
Spd - 30

My physical stats have dropped in the last few years...but I'm still strong and fast...not quite as agile though...
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Unread post by Mech-Viper Prime »

Apollo wrote:I'll repeat what I said before: these Palladium character stats do not work for real people. They over-simplify reality in order to make the game easier to play.
agreed :ok: but the way
my stats are
PS 60(SN)
PP 70
PE 100
Ravenwing wrote:"Killing Dbee's isn't murder, they aren't human, it's pest control!"

Zardoz wrote:You have been raised up from Brutality, to kill the Brutals who multiply, and are legion. To this end, Zardoz your God gave you the gift of the Gun. The Gun is good!
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Unread post by shiiv-a »

well .. if everyone was totally honest .. i'm surprised that some of you don't have a job in the white house or the house of parliment of where ever else the government works out of.

you would be able to sell flood insurance to the desert folk in arabia or where ever water is a precious commodity.

most people will have an inflated image of themselves and figure that they are a gift from god for whatever reason.

now, MY stats on a PB type scale would be about
iq - 11,
me - 9,
ma - 9,
ps - now? .. closer to about an 8. it would have been about a 10 once,
pp - hmm .. never had to actually fight and was horrible in sports and always picked last .. so i would say about 7,
pe - 6,
pb - in the eyes of the fashion world i'ld register as a 6 trying to be a 12 .. personally? .. i'ld say i'd be about a 10 .. well .. i guess maybe an 8 or a 9
and speed? .. well lets get serious here .. at my age and with my knees? .. i'ld be lucky to be counted as a 5.

so .. there you have it. every one is entitled to be pecurliar about their own beliefs, but few actually can sit back and really go thru the process of self discovery and figure out a real set of stats.

now .. if you want to talk 'pain tolerance' ... i think that any female that's given birth is allowed to fib about how much pain they can withstand. me? .. i had one. and that was it. my pain tolerance is NOT something to brag about. i stub my toe and i whimper and whine. but hey .. i've earned the right to whine about a little pain.

:D .. so there you have it. i may be 'smart' .. but my smarts are life related .. and NOT included on these so called IQ tests. ANYONE can ace those things. just need to have an awesome memory and read about hte test first and remember all the answers and yer a prodigy with an IQ of over 180 ..

sad huh? *shrugs and wanders away to look at another forum topic*
Last edited by shiiv-a on Tue Sep 04, 2007 12:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Creator of the Chi grenade. Used in game by Kevarin [GM] and self as Mai - Civilian Martial artist that got amped via experiment. Ghost weapons and shirts rule.

Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.
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Unread post by verdilak »

Just so you know, the IQ tests that I was referring to, the answers and questions are always different. So there is no, "Memorize the test and get a good score."
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Unread post by Fyrpower »

I.Q. 14 (I'm pretty smart..most of the time)
M.E. 12 (I can handle most situations but I could say it's slowly deteriorating, used to be 15/16 due to life experiences and circumstances)
M.A. 18 (I pretty popular and get on with a lot of people plus I am very persuasive)
P.S. 14 (I work out at the gym, cardio not weights)
P.P. 16 (Ditto, plus I play badminton)
P.E. 18 (Stamina is one of my strong points I rarely get ill)
P.B. 14 (I'm a good looking guy)
Spd. 20 (I'm a good runner and a pretty fast sprinter)

I have job earning £40K ($80K) so I reckon it's a fair comparison.
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Unread post by Rockwolf66 »

IQ: 15 as estimated by other people with more psychological experience than I do.
ME: 20 when I make up my mind it stays made up barring an act of the gods.
MA: 17 I'm charming but I'm no polititian
PS: 25 I'm known to move small vehicles by myself
PP: 18 I am very fast reacting
PE: 24 I can hike for hours straight
PB: 14 women find me cute for some reason
SPD: 27 or at least according to an El Camino that was paceing me.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Describe my own stats?
Please...Palladium doesn't go that low....
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Unread post by DhAkael »

Horror factor of 12 first thing in the morning.
I.Q.; um.....can not be quantified.
M.E.; most stable person in my peer-group and I know I'm a raving loon
M.A.; 40 or -4 depending on my mood (seriously).
P.P.; about a 9 or 10
P.S.; ugh....9 when I've had a few days to get back into shape. One which isn't pear shaped
P.E.; 6 for most things
P.B.; 12 on a good day and shaven..if not, see first line of post :D
Spd.; is there a pack of Hells Angels after me? If so, then MUCH faster than you'd think.
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

IQ12 Im well educated and do Ok in my classes but Im not a genus

ME-9 im about average

MA-5 Im socially inept, my love lifes nonexistant, and people in general
can only stand me in small doses,
PP-9 about average

PS-5 Im pathatically weak Ive been bested in feats of strength by little
girls little freaking girls

PB-12 people tell me im cute but its not high enough to compensate
for my personality

PE-8 Im not very athletic but im only a little below average when
it comes to endurance

SPD-10 I was able to make the track team in high school I was the
second worst person on the team but I made it.
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Unread post by dragon_blaze_99 »

duck-foot wrote:my real attributes

1Q:30 (i invented the space/time continuem)
ME:30 (i have excellent patience)
MA:30 (women find me extremely charming)
PS:30 (the hulk is invious of me)
PP:30 (i once did some acrobatics for a famous circus back in 67)
PB:30 (women find me irresistable)
SPD:30 (i won the marathon race back in 05)

these are all true :-D
you missed PE oh great one :D
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Unread post by shiiv-a »

aww .. leave the dude alone.

at least his responses got a chuckle outta me, even if i know them to be too low. its 35+ for the guy ...

anyways .. it is interesting to see how some choose to fluff over small things to be better. i'm envious of anyone that can do sports, cause I can't and wont ever do them. my exercise is a 20 minute walk to and from work.

i dread the winter coming up with the blustering wind trying to find a home inside the bone marrow. north winds really hurt at times when they race down river to freeze your breath as you walk.
Creator of the Chi grenade. Used in game by Kevarin [GM] and self as Mai - Civilian Martial artist that got amped via experiment. Ghost weapons and shirts rule.

Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.
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Unread post by Display-Name-Alpha »

IQ - 13-14 im a twit most of the time but I can solve problems
ME - 24ish... im a very very strong willed individual It would take some serious psychological trauma to break my mind.
MA - 3 if im trying to impress you... 10 if im not.
PS - Anywhere from a 14-18 im a big guy and I can occasionally throw my meight around (though right now I suffer a -9 for being injured)
PP - 6 I am not quick... nor do I ever plan to be
PE - 6 once again im a big guy I dont exert that long
PB - 12 im average
SPD - 6-12... I can move like the dickens for my size when I need to.
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Unread post by dark brandon »

Alejandro wrote:
Lord_Coake wrote:PB: 11 I'll be nice to myself and put it a little above the curve. Otherwise I'm average.

Dude, haven't you been reading the rest of the thread?

Apparently all it takes to reach extraordinary PB is for someone to call you cute.

Unfortunatly, few realize the word "cute" is a cop-out for women. Cute means you don't make them throw up in their mouth, or that you're comperable to someone with downs syndrome. Cute means "friend". Hansome is what you should be looking for and EVERY man here should feel offended when a girl calls him cute. WHat are you a freaking bunny? No, you're a MAN.
"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.
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Unread post by dark brandon »

Alejandro wrote:
dark brandon wrote:
Alejandro wrote:
Lord_Coake wrote:PB: 11 I'll be nice to myself and put it a little above the curve. Otherwise I'm average.

Dude, haven't you been reading the rest of the thread?

Apparently all it takes to reach extraordinary PB is for someone to call you cute.

Unfortunatly, few realize the word "cute" is a cop-out for women. Cute means you don't make them throw up in their mouth, or that you're comperable to someone with downs syndrome. Cute means "friend". Hansome is what you should be looking for and EVERY man here should feel offended when a girl calls him cute. WHat are you a freaking bunny? No, you're a MAN.

I'm referring to female posters who seem to think that because a guy called them cute that they believe that somehow that means they're supermodel equivalents.

As for dudes....c'mon. Almost no guy on Earth would ever acknowledge in public just how attractive he really is; that's something that's always overinflated. Like the 360lb 67% bodyfat guy who claims he's just overweight or it's dense muscle under the fat. Rare is the person who'd come out and say "Yeah, I'm morbidly obese and will probably die before I hit 32....but that won't stop me from eating this entire Cheeto factory."

I'm Morbidly obese and proud of it! not a big cheetos fan though, but I will take down any Doritos factory that dares enter within the reach of my hover-round....
"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.
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Unread post by dark brandon »

Alejandro wrote:I just got this hilarious vision of Mojo assaulting a Doritos factory and going toe-to-toe with the Blob as they fight amidst a backdrop a Buffalo flavored chips.

Mmmm....Buffalo flavor.....

Buffalo is for the weak. The strong (AKA morbidly obese) go for the buffalo/ranch combo bag.

"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.
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Unread post by Crazy Lou »

IQ: 13/14 -- Last test was a 135, but it's varied both ways so...

ME. 13 -- Somewhat above average, I can be stubborn on some points, and I took a lot of teasing when I was younger, but I can still be swayed w/o too much trouble by the right people/with the right kind of arguments

MA. 7/8 -- this is one of my weaker points because I'm too introverted for my own good. I'll talk your arm off if I've got something to say on a subject, but otherwise I'm just that quiet guy alone in the corner.

PS. 11 -- I can dead lift 220 w/o too much difficulty

PE. 7/10 -- This is an odd one because if I'm running I'll hardly last anytime at all, but like KC said, I can work steadily for a really long time

PB. 8 -- I'll go w/ a bit below average here, others might say + or - 2 there depending but I wouldn't know for sure. This is probably one of the hardest ones to figure objectively.

Spd. 10 -- I can only go that fast for a bit though as stated above... I don't run much
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Unread post by Giant2005 »

Karandor wrote:apparently this forum is filled with Superheros. Self-reflection is not a strong point of today's society.

Thats a very pessimistic way of looking at things! The glass is half full, lets just choose to believe this forum really is full of superheroes.

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