New enhancements?

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New enhancements?

Unread post by MethosDarkblade »

I was wondering, what would you guys do for enhancements f a typical Rifts party was stranded in splicers. Say the nanobot plague killed an elven Line Walker, a human Mind Melter, A Mutant with APS Metal (just for kicks), a Wolven Head Hunter, and a pair of Juicers. What type of enhancements could come from these new DNA markers (and let's say it's not from the house Shiva).
Methos Darkblade

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Unread post by 9voltkilowatt »

APS: Metal changes the character into a being composed entirely of metal. Add that to the fact that your not a machine and it becomes virtually impossible for the "Machine" to take control. Now if you also consider that the "Machine" can't actually control whether you transform or not it becomes impossible for "her" to take control.

...APS Metal Grendals anyone?

Oh, and lets not forget the *Organi-comp wearing Wolfen Biotic slave race!

*Biological equivalent of the bio-comp the juicers wear; produces and distributes mega doses of natural hormones to simulate its effects.
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

just to point out, APS Metal is NOt likely to eb affected by Nanoplague, is moleculary different, a form of organic emtal that simply is not in the pattern known to the nanomachines yet, at worst it will caus e some peeling formt he external layer of skin. Remeber these are not like Cyborgs who still hav esome organic parts, APS metal means that all your PHYSICAL STRUCTURE(bones, muslces, cells) are changed into a different state. The DNA, you ever manage to derive it from the donor, will be useless, at least to the Splicers, only High super genetic enegineers, like few genius on HU earth, the TRUE Gene Splicers or the Kreeghor Empire Managed to succesfully imprint genetically APS power.
The others will give minimal genetic advantages. Nothing that the Splicers already have.
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Unread post by 9voltkilowatt »

Quote from the book, page 13; "Crossing Dimensions'

"Likewise, intelligent beings who are not mammalian or similar organic life forms - i.e., silicon/rock or plant/vegetation beings - do not trigger the plague reaction and can use metal devices and salvaged metal weapons and parts. All others, however, including Deevils, demons, dragons, Faerie Folk, Lizard Men, Dog Boys, and most other flesh and blood beings will trigger the hostile responce of the nanobot plague."
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Unread post by MethosDarkblade »

I was mearly thinking that the APS Metal mutant gene could be extracted, then you have biotics who can transform into powerhouses who can use the machine's own weapons against them.

Now, if you take an entire HU mutant/Experiement group into Splicers, kill them, and then have a house take those genetic markers and extract them, that house could potentially become the most powerful house in Splicers earth.

While magic and psychic abilities are reduced, nothing is said about mutant abilities. Imagine a pack of Gorehounds with bio-armor, a Biotic who can transform into water, a Dreadguard with a cloaked host armor (Cloaking, invisible to machines), an outrider with a Grendal who could fire enhanced energy blasts from their hands (Super energy expulsion) and an Archangel with Megawing-Wing pack.

My only question much bio-e would all those new enhancements cost?
Methos Darkblade

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Unread post by 9voltkilowatt »

I'd personally make them cost an outrageous amount of Bio-E each, my reasoning being this; these powers work for "free", they have no inherent drawbacks.

An example would be the Bio-Energy Rifle, not useable by mega damage level beings, requires a nutrient bath about twice a week and can damn near kill its user if used without caution, all for 4D8 damage and theoretically infinite ammo.


Energy Expulsion: Energy, unlimited ammo, no physiological requirements (other then having the mutant gene), an ever increasing damage potential and can even be used for duel attacks ...all for the single drawback of a limited range of 600 feet.

If you intend to allow the use of mutant genes just make sure you really crank the Bio-E cost up, other wise you'll have every one wanting to skip all the setting based weaponry in favor of an Immortal Host Armor that can shoot Lightning from it's pinky.

Or some other random crap like that.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Steeler49er wrote:WOW... I've never had a problem with allowing Splicers to get ahold of Mutant DNA and make a killing at (assuming such a being ever found their way through the cosmos and dimension to get there), Nor do I deny such changes wouldn't be heka bio-e costly, but...

9voltkilowatt just got me thinking, In Rifts Supers do and are MDC in power... But are they (and Nightspawn fer that matter) MDC level in Splicers?

Nightspawn, because they're supernatural in nature, I imagine, would find themselves MDC in toughness, but their other abilities would be so inhibited, and their souls so overwhelmed by an environment even more psychicly poisoned than the Nightlands, their souls would be crushed...
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

I think the line of thought has a great deal of merit.

Why are you "R" saying delete? What is going on here is perfectly fine. No one is arguing. So chill dude!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

I think the delete is referring to its own post. I ignore any post with one word on it :)
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Hmmm That is strange. But I guess that works! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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