who knew?

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Unread post by TechnoGothic »


Old news dude.

Pre-1989 world was East vs West
(USA, Europe (britan) vs Russia and China)

So to those of us who remember how things were pre-1989 in the World, this is OLD news...


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Unread post by slade the sniper »

Gee, thanks, now I feel real old. I remember that the entire pretext of a large portion of my childhood was the inevitibility of war against the USSR.

I much prefer the Global Civil War postulated in Robotech over the one in Rifts (although there is a hundred year difference in the timelines)...although it might as well be called the Global War on Terrorism...a bunch of "well to do" nations and their third world proxies against the nationalistic/ethnic chaos that seems to just be bubbling up from the poorest nations in the world.

The conflicts are the same though...rich vs poor, order vs chaos, us vs them....

sorry for the philosophical rant, although that I have noticed that the gaming industry as a whole is much more accurate in their predictions of near term future trends/technology than the so called "futurists" that make their living on their postulates.

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Unread post by Grell »

Can KS see the future?


The rifts are coming, man!! :shock:

Seriously, my childhood was stunted because of the whole "nuclear christmas" scenario. I'm pretty desensitized to it now.

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

I think he can read the world situation pretty well in advance of most people. Of course maybe he has a crystal ball for tell the future. Could be mine, since mine is missing! ;)
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Re: who knew?

Unread post by Talavar »

duck-foot wrote:so can KS see the future i just read this and many articles saying that Russia will be the next super power http://www.gasandoil.com/goc/news/ntr61045.htm
i see a second soviet union on the rise
not just that. but, also India, China and the EU as super powers.
can you imagine it a world with 4 super powers
America and the EU on one end
China and Russia on the other (i know india, but, i have a hard time seeing india has a superpower) this will create a world divided. not by north and south. but, by east and west. China and Russia will become the Central Powers (along with India, Tibet and other asian countries) the US and EU will becomd the west headed by the United States and Germany. Creating a second cold war. or am i paranoid?

How do you have trouble seeing India as a super-power? They've got more than a billion people and nuclear weapons. India & China are going to be far more important to future international politics than Russia because of their massively growing economies. I also don't believe China & Russia are really capable of getting along well enough to form some sort of Central Power - they rarely could when both were communist.
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Unread post by teulisch »

hmm? he cant see into the future. he just happens to be from the future. he fell through a rift, and sells us tales of the future he called home. of course, with alternate timelines you never know which future you actualy get.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Now if KS would just apply some of that forecasting ability...there are trends and innovations out there in weaponry and technology that have yet to be stated into RPG format, while we're still messing around with ideas that were old decades ago.....Where's the civilian hovercars in the Golden Age?
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Re: who knew?

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

duck-foot wrote:so can KS see the future i just read this and many articles saying that Russia will be the next super power http://www.gasandoil.com/goc/news/ntr61045.htm
i see a second soviet union on the rise
not just that. but, also India, China and the EU as super powers.
can you imagine it a world with 4 super powers
America and the EU on one end
China and Russia on the other (i know india, but, i have a hard time seeing india has a superpower) this will create a world divided. not by north and south. but, by east and west. China and Russia will become the Central Powers (along with India, Tibet and other asian countries) the US and EU will becomd the west headed by the United States and Germany. Creating a second cold war. or am i paranoid?

Uh... Since when has Russia reverted back to a communist state and our enemy? China is somewhat friendly with us and India very much so. Why does there have to be sides? Some of those articles also state that "Super Powers" is a concept of the past due to the global marketplace that has risen. It would be stupid for any state to challenge another, especially those that could be considered super powers, whoever starts it would in effect be causing their own collapse. First because their market would get destabalized and second because everyone would be against them because their markets would get destabalized as well.
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Morrowcale wrote:Can KS see the future?


The rifts are coming, man!! :shock:

Seriously, my childhood was stunted because of the whole "nuclear christmas" scenario. I'm pretty desensitized to it now.


Is that to the tune of "I'm dreaming... of a nuclear winter"?
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Unread post by Grell »

That OR "Christmas at zero"... :D (look it up, great tune)
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Unread post by AllMightyRCB »

India is allied with the USA. They even get their nuclear technology for electricity and weapons from the USA because of a treaty. It was just being discussed yesterday on either MSNBC or Fox News. I could see the USA being on not so friendly terms with China though. Due to China sending over kids toys and babies bibs with lead paint, contaminated tooth paste, the huge import/export difference that alot of Americans are complaining about, and when earlier this year China signed a deal to get alot of nuclear produced electricity from Iran. Which the USA opposes Iran having nuclear technology.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

And you have to remember Vladamir Putin was a communist. He has a goal of rebuilding Russia to its former glory. He's been very busy helping modernize their military. They have started placing weapons capable of (they said) shooting down stealth aircraft and ballistic missiles. Luckily with Global Security you can see the military news as it happens world wide.

Actually I thought the USA opposes Iran "Nuclear Weapons" program. The Iranians have been build ing facilities that could contain uranium enhancing technolgy. They have a fair number of facilities dedicated to apparnetly nuclear weapons technology. If the Iranians moved away from the military applications of nuclear power then the situation would be over with.
Last edited by Aramanthus on Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

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Unread post by AllMightyRCB »

You are correct. The USA opposes the weapons part, and Iran keeps trying to enrich the uranium enough to make weapons. They already have it good enough to use it for electric. The part where there could be conflict between USA and China out of this, is that the USA will eventually attack Iran if Iran keeps enriching uranium enough for weapons. Then China will no longer be able to get that much needed electricity from Iran. Which they need for their rapidly growing industry. So China would probably be mad at the USA for causing the electricity to stop flowing their way as a side effect, but the USA will have no choice, because we can't allow Iran to have the Nuclear weapons.
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Unread post by dragon_blaze_99 »

of course KS can see the future thats why the Minion wars books are being release so close to Marvels Dr.Strange DVD movie :demon:
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Unread post by Crazy Lou »

duck-foot wrote:
Aramanthus wrote:And you have to remember Vladamir Putin was a communist. He has a goal of rebuilding Russia to its former glory. He's been very busy helping modernize their military. They have started placing weapons capable of (they said) shooting down stealth aircraft and ballistic missiles. Luckily with Global Security you can see the military news as it happens world wide.

Correct Aramanthus
oh i forgot to add russia has the second largest military (and gowing in size and technology), and largest natural gas deposits in the world. on top of the fact that they are the seond largest supplier of oil and gas.

and then ofcourse theres the fact that his body guards tried to undermine our economy with fake 100 dollar bills without Putin's knowledge.

has i said Russia will most likly be a superpower. China will be has well due their production capabilities. and germany is economically the strongest coutry in europe making them a superpower by proxy, once the EU overtakes the western economy. a world with 4 superpowers (5 counting india) can only lead to very bad consequances. has eveyone takes sides, creating a second coldwar.

Um, did you read Zero's post even? If not, here you go:

Zer0 Kay wrote:Uh... Since when has Russia reverted back to a communist state and our enemy? China is somewhat friendly with us and India very much so. Why does there have to be sides? Some of those articles also state that "Super Powers" is a concept of the past due to the global marketplace that has risen. It would be stupid for any state to challenge another, especially those that could be considered super powers, whoever starts it would in effect be causing their own collapse. First because their market would get destabalized and second because everyone would be against them because their markets would get destabalized as well.

yeah.... uh no huge fears of a gynormous nuclear war b/c that'd be stupid for whoever started it. They'd not only destroy themselves by doing so, but cause a chain reaction of destruction as well. I don't think that even most highly radical terrorists would like to sacrifice not just themselves but their whole country to get rid of the US. They couldn't win then. Like Zero also said, an all out economic attack wouldn't be terribly great an idea either... Also, doesn't China kinda hate Russia (I'm not sure, but most of the people I know from China say that it does).
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Unread post by Colt47 »

Mr. A could give Emperor Prosek nightmares.
Norbu the Enchanter: Hello friends! What brings you to my shop today?

Big Joe: We need some things enchanted to take a beating...

Norbu: Perhaps you want your weapons enchanted? Or maybe a shield or sword? I can even enchant armor!

Big Joe: We need you to enchant this Liver, this heart, and these kidneys.

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Re: who knew?

Unread post by Talavar »

duck-foot wrote:
Talavar wrote:
duck-foot wrote:so can KS see the future i just read this and many articles saying that Russia will be the next super power http://www.gasandoil.com/goc/news/ntr61045.htm
i see a second soviet union on the rise
not just that. but, also India, China and the EU as super powers.
can you imagine it a world with 4 super powers
America and the EU on one end
China and Russia on the other (i know india, but, i have a hard time seeing india has a superpower) this will create a world divided. not by north and south. but, by east and west. China and Russia will become the Central Powers (along with India, Tibet and other asian countries) the US and EU will becomd the west headed by the United States and Germany. Creating a second cold war. or am i paranoid?

How do you have trouble seeing India as a super-power? They've got more than a billion people and nuclear weapons. India & China are going to be far more important to future international politics than Russia because of their massively growing economies. I also don't believe China & Russia are really capable of getting along well enough to form some sort of Central Power - they rarely could when both were communist.

Actually Russaia is the SECOND leading supplier of oil and gaoline, to the world. in a world where OIL AND GASOLINE rule the economy of the world; how is it you do not see Russia has a superpower again? They have the second fastest gowing economy right now after China.

Actually, people rule the economy of the world, and the standard of living of those people. If oil & gasoline ruled the world economy, Saudi Arabia would have the largest economy in the world. It doesn't. While Saudi Arabia and the price of oil can have a very large effect on other economies, that doesn't change things. The USA has the biggest economy in the world right now, because they have a combination of the largest population with the highest standard of living. Each individual in the USA has more buying power than most countries, plus the US has a fairly high population. Before the US, Britain had the largest world economy for the same reason, not because of oil or gasoline.

As the standard of living rises in China and India, and each individual gets an increased buying power, they will rapidly surpass the USA as leaders of the world economy. Since they each have so many more people than the US, they won't even have to have a standard of living as high as that in the USA to surpass it in total economic value. Russia can certainly rise in the standings; they have a large population, and can certainly stand to increase the individual standard of living in most of the country, but natural resources alone have never allowed a country to become globally dominant.
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Unread post by Crazy Lou »

This doesn't seem to belong in the rifts forum anymore.... :)
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Unread post by Grell »

I concur!
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Unread post by Grell »

First off, how can you have too many cyborgs? :P

KS from the future? What a grim place it has to be!
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Unread post by Crazy Lou »

My point in saying that it no longer belonged in the Rifts section was that we'd wandered so far off of the original topic that it didn't still pertain to the post two above this.
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