Robot Combat Bonuses

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Nekira Sudacne
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Re: Robot Combat Bonuses

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

whipped4073 wrote:OK, I lost my old copy of the RMB, but I have RUE, and was hoping to be able to adapt some of it for use with Robotech.

The problem I'm running into, however, is that the bonuses for Robot Combat Elite (& RC Basic) have significantly changed from the original.

I know that Elite training gave you 2 additional AT/melee @ 1st level, and 1 additional AT/melee at two later points. Basic training started you off with 1 additional attack, plus the two later additional ATs. Also, IIRC, Power Armor Elite had a +2 dodge (+5 for flight-capable). Unfortunately, that's it.

So, is my only option to try and find another used copy of the RMB (very difficult to do, as I've looked off & on over the past few months)? Is Palladium willing to release the info (or at least permit its posting), given that a) RMB is apparently out of print & replaced by RUE, and b) those bonuses were superseded by the RUE versions anyway? Or am I pretty much SOL?

Those bonuses are Superceeded by RUE
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Unread post by Mouser13 »

Sounds like he wants to still play the old rules.
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Unread post by MDGiest »

Well, you really cant say that the RUE superceeds the old rules of Robotech in this aspect. The mecha of Robotech are incredibly different (especially all Veritech type mecha) and therefor you cant apply the same Robot Combat rules to them. For example, the Alpha fighter along with a few other mecha get 3 (three) additional attacks starting at level 1. Also, the Cyclone in battloid mode gets a +3 auto dodge. How many suits of power armor in Rifts get auto dodge? :-? Its the whole Protoculture symbiotic relationship/machine mind meld thing that gives Robotech mecha much higher bonuses in general.

My suggestion for you would be to try looking in used book stores as that is where I found a complete set of the old Robotech books and I have seen a few of the main books here and there from time to time as well.
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