Kinetic Overdrive

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Prince Cherico
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Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2001 2:01 am
Comment: Remember also that the smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities
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Location: california

Kinetic Overdrive

Unread post by Prince Cherico »

(OOC A simple tale of war, love, superpowers OCC)

Seattle Standard March 2nd 1918
The Midwest was struck by several large meteorites yesterday some property has been damaged but so far there are no reported causalities and damage has been minimal at worst.

Seattle Standard March 12th 1918
A new virus has impacted the Americas already the people say the casualty’s may be well over 100 thousand people the government says that the virus only kills 1% of those infected but this virus has the problem of being on of the most infectious diseases humanity has ever known. There is not a city in America Canada or Mexico that has not been hit
Japan has ordered quarantine on all American goods and several European countries have followed suit. The virus has started to spread to South America and the reports of death have grown.

Seattle Standard June 3rd 1920
The Space disease as it has been called has disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. Almost everyone in America has suffered through it including this writer, Canada suffered a similar rate of illness and so has Mexico. It’s estimated that 10% of Europe’s population was infected and poor Australia suffered almost as badly as the US thanks to some unknown Typhoid Mary. Japan, east Asia and much of the middle east and much of the European colonial world was able to avoid outbreaks south America had an infection rate close to half their population. Well over a million people have died more then our involvement in the Great War. Hopefully we can close the books on this nightmare

Seattle Standard March 12th 1925
A generation of Monsters?
Albert Maxwell

The federal government and most of the state governments including our state of Washington refuse to do anything to handle the threat of this new generation of monsters that plagues America. They insist that it’s wrong to take children away from their parents and dispose of them. This writer thinks this attitude is dead wrong. The only states that are trying to handle the problem appropriately are Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi these states have ordered the sterilization of these Kinetics as the scientists call them. Mexico has shown the same level of weakness that most states have shown in this crisis and Australia has called for tolerance for these monsters.
In this crisis of monster children is the current prime minister of Canada William Lyon Mackenzie King. This man of vision has ordered that these so called children be rounded up and placed in camps in the Yukon territory and isolated parts of British Columbia. There they will be given stern discipline and will be prevented from corrupting Canada’s gene pool if only all men had the kind of vision that King shows.

Seattle Standard March 2nd 1931
Albert Maxwell
Many credit Canadian Kinetics for holding off German forces giving the French government and military and the British military time to escape from Germanys victory. But if Kinetics make such fine soldiers why weren’t they able to beat the Germans? If Kinetics were of any use why haven’t they done more? Mr. William King of Canada is thankfully backed in charge. Sadly his weak minded predecessor promised freedom for kinetics that fought for Canada. This promise has plunged Canada into chaos Mr. William King has promised a final solution that will be in both the interests of Canada and its kinetic population, we at the Standard are worried Mr. King was our hero he stood up for humanity in Canada and showed a moral courage that our leaders in the United states did not show. The Supreme Court even ordered Alabama to stop its efforts to reduce the Kinetic population!

Seattle Standard November 15th 1948
Albert Maxwell
Today is a tragic day for world history William Lyon Mackenzie King Prime Minister of Canada has been defeated and now faces trial for so called crimes against humanity as if kinetics counts as humans. Yes I said that the Seattle Standard unlike many other papers in America has an ethical code. While other papers praise Kinetics for their efforts during the war, for their efforts in science and other nonsense the Standard has the courage to state that they are not human. We refuse to compromise with these civil rights groups, we refuse to cower before the terrorists who egged my house, who throw tomatoes at my car and send hate mail to my home. It’s true that the standard has lost readership in Washington but we have gained readership through out America because we are one of the few papers in America that’s willing to confront the Kinetic threat.

Canada’s Holocaust and the rise of the KLA
Susan Wong 1980
The Kinetic Genocide was quite possibly the worst stain in Canadian history. It all started with William King’s decision to take Kinetics out of the hands of their families and place them in to several camps located in western Canada. Life in these camps was harsh and abuse was common. Camp directors often turned to greedy corporate interests and essentially exploited their charges for financial gain. The King government supported these efforts in order to cut costs for the camps. Despite the conditions the Kinetic population in western Canada grew as more children were taken from their parents and placed in the western provinces. Then came world war two, King was on the outs during the early part of the war and Richard Bedford Bennett promised freedom for the Kinetics who fought for Canada during the war. The allied forces were routed from France but not before Canada’s Kinetics held off the Germans long enough for the commonwealth forces and French government and portions of its military to escape. When the veterans returned to Canada on leave they found that King was back in office. King had no intention of keeping his predecessors promise and instead set up delousing camps. The unknowing veterans were sent into these camps where there showers would spray mustard gas. King and limited portions of his government set up delousing stations through out western Canada and killed between 40 to 50 percent of Canada’s Kinetic population. A few veterans and prisoners escaped and set up the Kinetic Liberation Army which still plagues Canada to this day. The KLA dedicated itself to freeing Kinetics from the death camps and training them to use their powers to fight back against the Canadian government. The KLA lived off the land killing any government cleanliness squads sent in to eliminate them. The KLA for its part was convinced by the allied forces to not damage the war effort which meant as soon as Japan fell all hell broke loose. The KLA started a separatist group dedicated to creating a Kinetic country out of the Yukon Territory and British Columbia. The decision to hang Prime Minster King for his crimes against humanity was not enough Canada’s Kinetic population no longer trusted the government to treat them fairly, the KLA as a guerrilla army has fought against the Canadian
Government ever since this matched with the growing succession efforts in Quebec call into question whether Canada will stay together or be ripped apart by its tragic past.

Encyclopedia Britannica 1980

Kinetic- No one really knows what caused the creation of the world’s Kinetic population but what is certain is that only people with AB+ AB- O- B- and A- blood have the Kinetic phenotype.
America, Canada and Mexico have the highest number of Kinetic population with 19% of America’s population composed of Kinetics, 18.4% of Canada’s population, and 17% of Mexico’s population. South Americas Kinetic population runs between 4 and 9% of the population. For Europe the Kinetic population is around 5% and Australia’s Kinetic population is around 18% Kinetics outside of these regions tend to be rare with Kinetics being almost non existent in the middle east outside of Israel which aggressively try’s to get Kinetics to immigrate into Israel. Kinetics posses the power of Telekinesis, the average Kinetic can move over 7000 pounds with their mind alone, at a range between 120 feet and 1800 feet, at a speed over 200 miles per hour. The Kinetic phenotype also provides enhanced intelligence with IQ over 200 being considered normal. Kinetics are also have teliketically enhanced speed agility and strength and the ability to parry projectiles with their mind though this is apparently only affective 50% of the time. Kinetics also posses what some people describe as an enhanced physical appearance.
That said the Kinetic phenotype comes with a serous disadvantage Kinetic withdraw.
The human body is apparently only able to handle the energies that Kinetics have for so long and then kicks out. Kinetics call this period a black out where their telekinetic strength becomes much weaker and they go from a flight speed over 200 mph to one around 30 MPH, range is reduced and other affects plague them.
10% of the Kinetic population will die before they reach the age of 40; this is due to what Kinetics describes as the cough of death. At 15 the Kinetic will start coughing blood during withdraw and it will get progressively worse.
Other problems that can happen during withdraw are blindness, deafness, a inability to speak, parlization of the arms, legs or full body paralization and advanced Asthma. Thankfully these withdraws only last between 1 to 4 hours. With withdraws being less common in more mentally stable Kinetics.

I rubed my temples my head always hurt after reading the standard. Tecnically the papers illegal in canada, but I was studying the Kinetic Genocide
and that ment studying the most hatefull paper in the americas.
Its not not even that canada was the only country that commited genocide
aganst Kinetics during those early days. The only reason it didnt happen
in the US was because of indecision people didnt know what to do. Mexico
was in the mists of a revolution and kinetics provided to much of a milatary
advantage to toss away. I talked to a few of the veterans of the era
before they died of old age, children sent into war it was madness, but maby it was a madness that saved their lives.
South America was just indecisive as america still while problem children
were stuffed into camps in the middle of no where there wasnt the calculated murder of thousands of thousands of inocent people.
I heard an Explosion in the distance, and the sound of police sirens
I was starting to get used to the daily acts of violence that surrounded me, Im told Quebec is almost as bad as British Columbia. Still maby thats why Im attracted to Canada its a country on the brink. The country has been on the brink of secession since the 50s and it also seems to be on the brink of peace. Thats Canada for you a country on the brink.
Maby if I had been born earlyer Id be studying Isrial, but things there have
been pretty quiet since Sarones great campain. The UN still says that
kicking the palastinians out of Isriali territory by force of arms is wrong,
they also say that forcing Jorden to grant them citazinship is wrong, But
Isrial has nukes, weapons, the favor of the US and a policy of allowing
any Kinetic who converts to Judism to move to Isrial, and Isrials been at
relative peace ever since well if you count having a giant wall with a three
Kilometer killzone peace.
So thats why Im here in Canada and not just any part of Canada the
most dangerous City of the america's Victoria.

It was 8 o’clock in two hours the police and military would institute a curfew and that meant I had to get home soon. I put the microfiche into its compartment and walked outside. The library is a pretty safe place during the genocide the head librarian here hid Kinetics in the basement the KLA has more or less declared the library a safe zone because of that act of kindness. I stopped to read the tin inscription. “Knowledge is a refuge from barbarism.” Its one of those trite quotes that litter buildings that sheltered Kinetics in British Columbia and the Yukon.
Canadians don’t like talking about the genocide and their history books try to hide it in fine print. Maybe the liberal government in Ottawa thinks that they if they don’t talk about it then the KLA will stop trying to kick them out, and that the Quebecers will stop demanding independence. I stopped and read some Graffiti “Ottawa LIES!” apparently it hasn’t worked that well.
I walked down the street reading the Graffiti the anti government lines slowly diapered and were replaced by anti Kinetic and anti KLA lines. When I saw a copy’s of the standard being openly read I knew I was in a loyalist part of town. I walked quickly loyalists don’t like Americans but almost all of them read the Seattle Standard the irony isn’t lost on me. I walked past shop after shop with signs that said “No Dogs and No Kenny’s allowed.” Of course that sort of thing is illegal in Canada but the authorities don’t do anything about it, in fact shops like that get most of their business from people who work for the government. This makes them a prime target for the KLA.
Suddenly I heard some one behind me ask “Are you a Connie or a Liberal?” This was not good I started running as fast as I could. I’ve been in Canada long enough to know that nothing good comes out of that question especially in this part of town. I started running as fast as I could. If I was fast enough I could get away and avoid the almost enviable beating that would come.
The sun was starting to set and my lungs burned as I ran blindly through the streets I was out of shape and I knew it, finally ran out of energy and collapsed. I felt a fist slam into my back and I fell to the ground. “I asked you a simple question you stupid $#% are you a Connie or a Libby?” I looked at them crap their heads were shaved, they wore camouflage pants, their boots were steel toed dock martens and they wore white wife beaters with a maple leaf on it. I had the misfortune of being caught by five of Canada’s most notorious hate group the Mounties.
My mind flashed back to my study’s the Mounties was a Canadian fascist group. Officially the Canadian government considered them a hate group and lambasted them publicly. Unfortunately the facts on the ground were that the Mounties and the local government were strongly allied. Mounties often treat authority figures with a sickening amount of respect, and the authorities responded to this by letting them get away with various crimes as long as they were only committed against Kinetics. Quite a few Mounties go on to the police and military service which just makes the large Kinetic population hate them even more.
I felt one of them lift me and press me up against a wall. “I asked you simple questions now tell me are you a Connie or a Libby?” I was screwed I still couldn’t fake a Canadian accent to save my life and sadly that was my situation. “I’m nether I’m an American.” There eyes lit up with a predatory glee and the beating got in gear. Blows rained across my body until I heard some one yell “stop”. I smiled weakly I was lucky I had run just far enough to get into a Kinetic dominated part of Victoria. The Mounties turned around and I watched as their bodies lifted into the air.
Three women floated from the top of a light post to the ground the one in the middle smiled she was a vision of loveliness. “Do you see where you are monkey?” The lead Mounties eyes glared as he said “I’m in #$%ing Canada you stupid Kenny” He was then slammed into the ground “Wrong answer monkey, your in Kinetic territory now run off to the Zoo before they find that you’ve left.” The two other girls giggled at these words. The five Mounties were tossed a few feet away and they ran.
The lead woman floated toward me I felt my body lift up into the air “Any enemy of the Mounties is an enemy of mine but still I got to know you a Connie or a Libby?” I was stunned by her beauty jet black hair, a figure strait out of a magazine, and dressed to the nines in the gothic lotitia look that’s so popular with Canada’s Kinetic population. The two girls started giggling again and came to my senses “Um I’m neither I’m from America.” She started frowning a beautiful heart breaking frown “Are you from Seattle?” “Oh god no I’m from Oakland” She started smiling “That’s good Americas ok by us, well except for Seattle that town sucks them and the damn Standard. So why are you here?” I gulped “I’m here to study the Kinetic genocide, I work for UCLA as a researcher.” Her eyes turned cold and dark “My grandparent’s survived the camps to this day the damned Liberals in Ottawa want to bury it and pretend it didn’t happen.” “I take it you’re a conservative then?” “Damn strait the conservatives are the only honest party in Canada, they call things how they are and they want to get the damned government off our backs, and who knows maybe stop Ottawa from stealing all our damned money”
I coughed “As much as I would like to talk more about this I really need to go to the hospital.” She looked at me with those beautiful green eyes “Come to my place Ill take care of you. Um what’s your name?” I groaned with pain “My names Jackson what’s yours?” “My names Virgo.” The two other girls giggled and said “Virgo likes a monkey, Virgo likes a monkey, Virgo likes a monkey.” In a singsong tone Virgo blushed and said “Shut up!” She put her arms around me and we flew off to see Virgo’s home”

We flew upwards to one of Victoria’s high rises and onto a ledge. I hobbled my way into her place, a couple of little children ran around me, their toys floated in the air, I smiled weakly and collapsed. “Sorry about that those guys really did a number on me.” Virgo nodded “You should feel lucky at least they weren’t cybered” I looked at her in shock “I thought military grade cybernetics were illegal in Canada!” Virgo frowned “The government here over looks that sort of thing when the Mounties are involved, and cybernetics is legal for police and military personal. The laws here in BC are enforced solely for the benefit of the damned Libby’s. Now let’s take a look at you, take off your cloths.”
“What?” “Take off your cloths I cant helps you if I can’t bandage you up” I heard the giggling of Virgo’s two friends. “Oh grow up you two!” She peeled off my shirt and I sat down on a plastic table. “Hmm you’re bruised pretty badly, and you’re defiantly bleeding, but all you need is to be cleaned with some anti bacterials and bandaged up, hey you two get the bandages and the anti septic!” The children looked at me and then floated off, a bottle of clear liquid and bandages floated towards me. The kids chanted “Virgo likes some one Virgo likes some one!” Virgo then blushed in the cutest way “Shut up, he was beaten up by some Mounties I’m just fixing him up.” Then her friends giggled and one of them said “Then why are you blushing?” “Because I’m surrounded by morons!”
I got up “well I’m bandaged up I better get to my hotel” Virgo grabbed my arm and stared me in the eyes “Your not going anywhere curfews going to set soon and the police have a strict kill on sight policy your going to have to stay here for tonight.” The now familiar giggles started up again “Is he going to share your bed? Is he going to be your lover?” Two pillows floated up from the couch and slammed into their giggling faces. Virgo then turned to me “You’re um going to have to sleep on the couch.” I nodded my head there was no sense in arguing with a woman who could rip me apart with her mind.

I woke up to the sound of a tea kettle whistling. My body still hurt from the beating but I was feeling better Virgo walked into the room. “Look I really appreciate what you’ve done for me, can I buy you guy’s breakfast, and you know to pay you back.” Virgo blushed and her two friends giggled one of them said “Come on Virgo, we will take care of the kids you go have some breakfast.” Virgo smiled “Well I guess it will just be the two of us so where are we going?” “There’s a Mexican food restaurant near here where all the reporters and academics hang out, their breakfast burritos are to die for.” “What part of town is it in? Is it in a Connie part of town or is it Libby territory?” “You do realize I’m not from here right?” “Sorry force of habit, can you tell me what other restaurants are near it?” “It’s right across from an Applebee’s.” “Connie territory deep Connie territory that’s good.” “Ok ever since I got here people have been talking about Connie’s and Libby’s what’s up with that?” With those words Virgo laughed it was a beautiful tinkling sound. “You really aren’t from around here are you Jackson? A Connie is slang for Canada’s conservative party most kinetics are conservatives because well because the damn liberals tried to kill us all. They have been the minority party for quite some time. Libby is short for Liberal their the A-holes who currently control Canada there are other party’s but they tend to be small. Quebec has a separatist party that’s illegal just like how we have a separatist party that’s illegal.” “The KLA” “There not such bad people they make an effort to only kill Libby thugs, there not going to go after you well on purpose at least.”
“That doesn’t feel me with confidence being accidentally killed isn’t much better then being killed on purpose” “As long as you don’t go out after curfew you’ll be fine, that’s when most the fighting goes on. You probably should also stay out of Connie territory.” “I kind of have to go through those neaborhoods; I need access to the library for my research.” “Well then you’re going to have to learn how to run faster Jackson.” “Your not exactly the most sympathetic of people are you Virgo?” “It’s just a fact of life, birds got to fly, swim got to swim, and Mounties got to beat up cute academics.” “Did you just call me cute?” Her friends giggled and Virgo blushed again “We should get going, and try those burritos you keep talking about.”

I nervously stepped towards the ledge Virgo put her hand on my shoulder “Don’t worry I wont let you die.” With those words I felt my body lift into the air as we flew down to the city streets. A looked around “I hope you don’t mind if we walk there, you learn a lot about a city from its Graffiti.” Virgo looked at me and sighed “I’m pretty close to a crash anyways.” That grabbed my attention “So what happens to you when your abilities um black out?” Virgo sighed “I’m one of the lucky ones I just lose the ability to see for a couple hours, when that happens I’m going to need you to be my eyes.” “It’s the least I can do.” With that we walked down the street I saw a mural with a man standing among a field of corpses there was a speech bubble above his head that said none is too many. Below the picture of the man surrounded by corspes were the words never forget never forgive. I knew who he was almost emidiatly Frederick Charles Blair born 1874 in Carlisle, Ontario, he became the assistant deputy minister of immigration for Canada in 1924 and was appointed director of the Immigration Branch of the Department of Mines and Resources from 1930 to 1940.
Of course what the public wasn’t told about was what the Department of Mines and Reasources extra curicular activitys. The department was also incharge of Canada’s Kinetic population. Blair was the man who created, led, and organized canada’s death camps. We still don’t know how many inocent people died at his hands. Blair was also tried for crimes aganst humanity but he managed to avoid being hung until a liberal government could pardon him and the other death camp workers in the late 50s. Some of the buildings in Victoria still have burns from the month of rioting that followed.
We continued to walk down the streets when I saw something that shocked me to my very core. The each of the lamposts on the street had a dead Canadian soliger hung from them. Their bodys were wraped with glowing crismas tree lights, their necks were hung with razor wire in such a way that blood trickled down to the city streets I quickly counted the dead bodys there were around six of them. Virgo smiled with dark aproval small children were playing amongst the dead bodys a few threw rocks at them. As we walked through the street Virgo got behind one of the children. She got on her knees and looked on of the kids “Do you know what your doing wrong.” The child stoped throwing rocks and looked at her with puppy eyes. “I’m sorry I wont throw rocks at soligers anymore?” Virgo laughed “I didn’t say that kid all I’m saying is that you should have aimed for the balls now get out of here you scamps.” She gave the kid a pat on the head and sent him on his way. I don’t know why the sight of dead bodys made her so happy and in truth I didn’t want to know, what I do know is that I had a beataful woman next to me who humed a happy tune the rest of the trip to the resturant.

We walked a long ways until Virgo slumped against the wall. “I’m going to need your help for the next few hours; my eyes have gone shot on me.” I grabbed Virgos arm and she leaned her head against my shoulder, my heart started beating faster and faster. “So Jackson is there anyone special in your life?” “Just you” It took a few minutes for my brain to catch up to my mouth I was about to issue an apology but Virgo laughed that beautiful tinkling laugh. “Well that’s certainly good news.” “I sorry if I insulted you, it just came out.” Virgo laughed even harder “You don’t interact much with people do you? There’s more to life then the books, reports, and newsletters.” “That’s not fair I also record survivor testimony for my research project.” Virgo’s head tilted up her eyes were unfocused “So what are you going to do with this information?” I coughed uncomfiterably “I will probably submit a potential textbook if I get enough information, if I don’t get published that way then I will try a regular publisher, if that fails I will make sure the information is still sent back to the university.” “So how many countries do you think your book will be published in?” “Well if It becomes a text book then it will defiantly be in available in the US and Mexico, and maybe Europe, if I’m really lucky then it will be published in South Korea and India. It probably won’t be available in Canada though the genocide is something the government doesn’t like talking about.” Virgo tilted her head into my arm and used her left arm to force my head near her’s. My heart thudded like a jackhammer. “It may not be available in Canada but your book will sell millions in Cascadia.” Suddenly I felt a sense of dread fill rush through my body. Virgo wasn’t just a Kinetic who hated the central government that was normal in Victoria; even expected Virgo was a separatist cheerleader at best or a member of the KLA at worst. No one else dared talk about a republic of Cascadia in the open. My colleges back home had warned me about that, and then something overwhelmed my sense of fear and foreboding, something that was much stronger then my instincts to stay away. I smelled Virgos hair, it was a light breezy smell a intoxicating one. Then I remembered another thing my colleges told me about how if you hit the books too hard you’ll miss out on life. So despite my better judgment I walked on with a beautiful woman on my arm into Zapata’s the only Mexican food restaurant in Victoria.

Zapata’s was the place where all the news hounds in Victoria hung out, it was filled with journalists from the papers, the blogs, and the various news channels, occasionally a academic on assignment came here too. For the most part the locals avoided Zapata’s. Loyalists ate in Canadian chains, and separatists ate in small café’s and Apple Bees. I slowly walked up the stares. The first floor is always too crowded for my tastes and looked at an empty booth. “So do you want to sit across from me or beside me?” “Beside you, I prefer to have something to grab onto when my eyes shut down on me.” “How much longer until you can see again?” “It varies it can take between 1 to 4 hours. It’s not something I like but its much better then my mom’s conditition.”
We sat down at a table and I grabbed two of the cards in the baskets. Zapata’s is a busy restaurant a really busy restaurant awhile ago the manager shrank the menu and put it on bubble in cards. You have a choice of having Burritos, Nacho’s, Tacos, or a Chimichanga. Then you bubble in the ingredients you want in your meal and after that you bubble in your drink order on the back. After that you place your filled out card on the table, your expected to pay in cash and clip the money to the back of the card. A total of seven different currencies are acceptable as payment. I personally use dollars, its actually cheaper in dollars the loony is pretty unstable and Zapata’s grants its customers a break in exchange for stable currency. Like many of the things that goes on in Victoria its quasi-illegal but it still happens.
“So Virgo what do you want to eat?” “I’ve never had Mexican food before so I will trust your judgment.” I filled in two cards I kept it simple, the waiter picked up the cards and rushed downstairs. I relaxed as Virgo nuzzled next to me, if this wasn’t happiness it was something very close to it. Then I looked over and saw them, my two friends in the news business Dong Yeon, and Jesus. Jose was from Mexico and worked a Mexican news paper in the capital, Dong Yeon worked as a camera man for Korean news station. It was their job to tally the daily deaths in Victoria for the entertainment of the folks back home. They were nice jocular guys who drank to much, partied too much, and slept with to many women. The major difference between them was that Jose drank more then Dong Yeon, and Dong Yeon slept with more women. I have very strong suspicions there’s already one half Korean child somewhere in British Columbia because of his efforts. I sighed as they naturally sat across from me and Virgo.
They both filled out their cards clipped the money and then Dong Yeon started talking. “Wow Jackson finally brings an actual girl to Zapata’s, I can’t tell you how much that makes me happy. I was beginning to suspect you were gay.” “Dong I’m not gay I like women it’s just that I spend a lot of my time working.” Dong smiled “of course your not gay if you were gay you would have naturally hit on me already. There isn’t a woman or gay man alive who can resist my sexiness. By the way what’s her name?” “My name is Virgo normally people have enough manners to directly ask some one for their name.” Dong smiled and was about to give a snappy retort when Jose put his hand on Dongs shoulder “The two of you are a very cute couple, Dong here was about to say the same thing but he has problems with the drink, we wish your two the best of luck we will be leaving now.” “But we just ordered our” with those words Jose smacked Dong in the back of the head the two of them sat down in another booth.
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Prince Cherico
Posts: 1134
Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2001 2:01 am
Comment: Remember also that the smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities
Ayn Rand
Location: california

Unread post by Prince Cherico »

The food came quickly along with knives and forks. “It smells good Jackson.” “It tastes even better.” “You do realize I can see the food right? My eyes are still burned out on me.” I became very nervous, this was my first date in well years; I didn’t remember the you should do. I decided to wing it and prayed to god I was right. “I guess I will have to feed you then. That’s when Virgo laughed “It took you awhile to think of that, your not used to this are you?” “Used to what?” “Dating of course, my advice is just to relax and take things as they come, that’s the only thing you can do in this crazy world.” I cut her burrito into a bite sized chunk and said “Open wide.” She opened up her mouth and took a bite swallowed her food and licked her lips. Slowly bit by bit I feed her everything on her plate. And then I ate my own meal. “So what do you think of Cascadia?” I gulped “Aren’t you afraid of what will happen if people here you saying that too loudly?” “Life is short, I watched my mother die when I was my teacher, I lost two of my brothers to the gun toting thugs in charge of Victoria, and my little sister was killed by Mounties when she was depowered. I learned the hard way that bullets kill cowards just as quickly as they kill the brave. I’ve learned that I’m happiest when I trust my instincts.” “Why did you save me?” “Well obviously I hate Mounties with a passion, that was defiantly a factor, I also don’t like unfair fights and five against one is defiantly unfair, you are kind of cute I wont deny that, but the big reason was it was a gut instinct and I always follow my instincts.” “You don’t think about things first you could have been killed.” “Like I said I follow my instincts like a tigress in the wild.” Virgo then smiled a predatory kind of smile on me unfortunately she had sour cream running down her chin so I grabbed a napkin put it in some water and cleaned her face. “So why are you doing that?” “You face had food on it so I cleaned it. “How very logical, so you weren’t trying to take advantage of a poor little blind girl.” “I would never do that.” “I know that Jackson if you were the bad sort I would have sensed it, you’re a nice guy.” She said nice guy in a deep sexy voice and then laughed that beautiful tinkling laugh. Then nature called “I have to go for awhile I’ll be right back.” “So you need to use the restroom.” “Well yes how did you know?” “Instinct always Instinct.”
I went into the restroom and Jose taped my shoulder “we need to talk.” “Can I use the restroom first?” I went into the stall and heard Jose say “She’s a cute one Jackson.” “I know she is cute.” “She’s also hiding a lot of pain, girls like that always are Jackson, she’s beautiful but at the end of the day she’s fragile.” “Why are you giving me this talk Jose?” “This is the first time you’ve brought a girl to our place, you never date any one you always have your head in a book. You’re very smart but you’ve never been wise.” “Ok so my social skills are a little shot.” “That isn’t the point, Jackson you live in a war zone and this girl you’re dating grew up in a war zone, just because the KLA isn’t here in force doesn’t mean that’s not the case.” “So what’s your point?” “I want you to be responsible Jackson, you’ve always been a decent man much more so then Dong. This girl you’re dating she’s on the brink, I can tell.” “So what does that mean to me Jose?” “It means this, after today you have a choice you can say to this girl go away and live as a single man or you can continue to play the white knight and stay by your side. The first option is the smart one, it’s the safe one this woman your dating is dangerous just having her in your life is dangerous.” “What if I like her? What If I’ve never felt this way before?” “There are three ways to think with your heart, with your Brain, and with the balls. The balls are stupid they are always wrong, all they will do is get you into trouble and maybe even killed Dong thinks with them. He pays for child support in three different countries and cant ever go back to Korea because he slept with another mans wife. Me I think with my brain. I married a rich woman and when I go back to Mexico I will go back to living in a nice big house with my maids, my butlers, and my two beautiful children. Now is she a looker, well no she’s ugly but I have a good imagination and she is easy enough to live with. I used my brain, now I want you to think seriously about this my friend, because today is an important day in your life. You can ether continue with your normal life or risk it all.” I flushed and left the restroom. I washed my hands and walked back to Virgo. We walked back to her place in silence, I kept thinking about my life, the risks and what Jose told me as we rode up the elevator I got out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote on it. When the bell dings we walked to her room and I put a piece of paper into her hand. “This is my phone number when you get your sight back tonight call me.” After this I walked away, I started raining, its like this in Victoria it rains, I looked up into the sky. Jose told me that men think in three ways with your head, with your balls, and with your heart. Normally I think with my head its how I get by, but today I thought with my heart and I knew my life would never be the same.
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
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Prince Cherico
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I walked away from Virgos apartment and towards the library the rain continued to pour down. I was honestly glad that it was raining it made another attack less likely. Then I heard the loud thumping noise, I saw a huge crowd of people, I hid behind a near bye
Housing entrance. I saw a throng of people carrying coffins. I knew emidatly I was watching a military funeral. Suddenly with out warning I heard electric guitars scream in pain, and the loud thudding sound of electronic music. The crowd yelled out in unison “O Canada!
Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command!” The crowd sounded like some dark army of daemons, you could feel the hate and malice as they sang. “With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!” With these words the guitars screamed once again, I almost every head in the crowd was shaved even the women, their dress was militaristic, their black boots glistened as they stomped through the rain as they sang “From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.” I could make out the red armbands on their fax black uniforms. The violent angry singing became a cry for vengeance as the enraged mob yelled “God keep our land glorious and free!O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.” Then their singing became more muted like that of a group of conspirators as they sang the last line with a frenzied menace “O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.” With those words a few people in the mob brought out loaded guns and fired into the air. With that the frenzied mob faded into the distance. I moved slowly and with great purpose to my ultimate destination the library.
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
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Great idea,Canada gos evil!

I planing to do something similar with mutants,I have it start in 1916.
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Prince Cherico
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I moved quickly and silently towards the library, I was only when the city’s graffiti started bashing the capital that I knew I was safe. I let out a sigh of relief until I saw a man collapsed on the ground in the rain. He stumbled around in the rain as if he was a puppet on a string. I tried to walk past him then I felt his hand on my shoulder. I could smell the stink of various forms of alcohol. “Hey fella what are you doing ere? No one comes ere. This is my private drinking spot it is.” I sighed “You do realize its raining right?” “Oh golly your right it is raining I better get under cover before I catch a cold, me mom she’s always warning me about catching my death from a cold and ere I am in the rain.” My head turned slightly and I saw his uniform. He was a member of the Canadian military. From the looks of him one of the many grunts drafted into holding Canada’s western provinces. He followed me into the Library “So why are you ere?” “I’m a researcher I’m here to study the Kinetic genocide.” The man shook his head “Bad business that, King was a freaking moron. He goes around and groups up the people in camps and then he tries to off them. Kenny’s been trying to kill us ever since my granddaddy fought them, my daddy fought them and now I fight them. All because I don’t have the money to bribe my way out. I didn’t put them into the camps, my family didn’t even know about it. Were just poor Newfie fishermen were not responsible for what happened it’s not our fault Ottawa went psycho.” His eyes looked into mine like a lost puppy. “It’s not my job to judge, I’m a historian I just record the facts it’s not my job to assign blame.” The drunken soldier’s spirit lifted “So where you from?” “I’m from America.” The solider shrugged “I’ve got nothing against you guys, wish we played it smart like you guys, your Kenny’s aren’t in arms like ours are.” “We just lucked out, the American systems built to slow down decision making, it’s very inefficient but it limits bad policy. The Canadian parliamentary system didn’t have the built in brakes the American one does and well it lead to disaster.” He then laughed “So you guys just got lucky eh?” “Well yes.” “My Names Roy and I need to drink.”
I went into the library’s elevator and Roy followed the library started playing some light music it was 9 o’clock and the city librarians played music during the day to stave off boredom. Roy started crying hysterically. “I hate this song, it’s a horrible song.”
“What’s the problem?” “Tonight was the problem; I and my squad were patrolling the Kenny part of town. Some one left a juke box out in the open and it kept playing this song.” With those words Roy got a far away look in his eyes, the song started playing again when the city librarian’s take a liking to a song they can play it over and over again. Roy started Singing along “Well, I know it’s kind of late I hope I didnt wake you. But what I got to say cant wait I know youd understandcause every time I tried to tell you the words just came out wrong so ill have to say I love you in a song.” Then he Screamed “That’s when the guy to my flanks head was crushed like a freaking grape, that’s when the bullets started flying. Bang Bang Bang like those lame war movies about the Sino Indian war.” He laughed as tears ran down his face as he sang “Yeah, I know its kind of strange But every time Im near youI just run out of things to say I know youd understand cause every time I tried to tell you the words just came out wrong so Ill have to say I love you in a song.” Then he yelled “One by one we were cut down like animals like freaking animals, then some of us started lifting into the air. Kenny was close and if Kennys close then your dead. I was scared man, Im just a Newfe I didn’t want to die in this godawful town so I ran and hid in a dumpster.” Then he cried as he sang “Yeah, I know its kind of late I hope I didnt wake you
but theres something that I just got to say. I know youd understand cause every time I tried to tell you the words just came out wrong So ill have to say I love you in a song”
Roy collasped on the ground as he said “I could hear them scream as they died as I hid like a coward. I hid in that smelly dumpster for hours. Hours of just waiting hoping Kenny wouldent find me. Then finally when I couldent take it any more I went out and I saw all my comrades glowing like a christmas tree. Kenny didn’t want to just kill us he wanted to wrap us up like a pretty toy, for Ottawa. That’s all we are just playthings when Kenny isnt playing with us, frenche is, when frenche is playing with us Ottawa is.” With those words Roy collasped.
That’s when the elevator finally got to my floor, candean elevators are often very slow expecially in Victoria. I dragged Roy’s drunken body next to a heater. Hopefully he would dry out, at the very least he would be warm. I went to the micro fice and thought about my week. I have been asaulted, rescued by a beataful woman, watched as that same woman instructed a child on how to throw rocks at dead corspes, ate breakfast with her, barely advoided a angry mob, and got acosted by what appeared to be the lone survivors of the squad I saw strung up with chrismas tree lights. Its days like these that convince me that Im the buttmonky of the universe.

OCC the lastest addition to Kinetic overdrive, OCC
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
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Prince Cherico
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Kinetic’s pawn’s of Empire
Reginald Savoy

World War 2 was the first war were kinetics were key participants. The Nazi government rose to power by blaming the rise of Kinetics on a Jewish plot that said although they were ambivalent towards their kinetic population they were not above using them in their war machine. The Soviet Union was deeply uncomfiterable with their relatively small kinetic population and shoved most of them into the recesses of Russia’s interior where they wouldn’t be a threat to the communist state. Sweden embraced their Kinetic population and saw them as a potential ace up their sleeve. Norway exiled their Kinetic population out of fear and Finland forced their kinetic population into the military. Poland took a wait and see attitude that would eventually be the key to their liberation. Turkey in what many consider bad luck had a large Kinetic population unfortunately most of them were Armenians. The Turkish government had placed most of them in quarantine zones were the space virus was common. When Turkey joined the Nazi’s anti communist coalition this policy would come to haunt them.
The war was a long and bloody one. Sweden joined late in the war; they successfully liberated Norway and defeated Finland. To Norway’s horror and Finland’s relief the Swedish military was an army of conquest and not one of liberation. The specter of communist rule kept the peace; Swedish rule was preferable to Russian domination. For Turkey though the war was an unmitigated disaster. The Russian military conquered their land. Resistance was fierce and unyielding. Fortunately the countries Armenian provided the Russians with a solution for their conquest of Anatolia.
The land was given to the Armenians and a campaign of ethnic cleansing began. Soviet Kinetics was suddenly discovered to be of Armenian ancestry and was exiled to Armenia. The current Armenian state is a puppet state. It’s a place for the Russian navy to dock, a place to put the communist worlds unwanted Kinetic population, and a source of super powered troops that could be used as denighable assets throughout the world. For Poland their kinetic population was key to holding Poland’s northern ports
Open long enough for western forces to come in. The Polish revolt guaranteed northern Poland’s independence from Russian control. The second polish revolt backed by the threat of American nuke clear arms freed the rest of Poland from communist rule and flanked East Germany with capitalist states. East Germany managed through a mixture of polish fear of a united Germany, Russian support, and the ability to hold Berlin hostage.
During the Korean War superior technology, and large numbers of kinetics proved to be the edge that united the Korean peninsular, and during the Sino Indian war Kinetics helped to tilt the balance and kept India out of Communist hands. Israel’s Kinetic conversion policy gave them an edge against their Arab foes. In the future the world’s kinetic population will still be used as Pawns in the game of international statecraft.

The paper was badly written overly simplistic and was in general a piece of crap, just the sort of thing you should expect from a high school student. Still it was important it gave me a sense of how history was taught in Canada and that would be very crucial in my studies of Canada’s act of Genocide. At least that’s the excuse I use to read these old history papers. The truth is I read them to give myself a cheap laugh, I prefer to start my day with something less painful then the accounts of death and destruction. Teenagers see the world in black and white. It’s a relief to read about the world as if there was some clear cut line between good and evil. Unfortunately we live in a world of grey were evil is banal and horrible acts are committed by scared and frightened people, or done out of ignorance. I sighed fun time was over I was time to suffer through more issues of the Standard.
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
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I'll help out with editing in a short while. A touch of REal Life (tm) is occupying my attention at the moment.
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really cool Prince Cherico but you should have started you time line in 1812
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Prince Cherico
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dragon_blaze_99 wrote:really cool Prince Cherico but you should have started you time line in 1812

I Put the time line where it is for a reason I wanted the space
virus as a replacement for the spanish influenza.
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Prince Cherico wrote:
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:really cool Prince Cherico but you should have started you time line in 1812

I Put the time line where it is for a reason I wanted the space
virus as a replacement for the spanish influenza.
it was a joke PC thats all it looks great
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BookWyrm wrote:I'll help out with editing in a short while. A touch of REal Life (tm) is occupying my attention at the moment.
Thank you!!!
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Re: Kinetic Overdrive

Unread post by BookWyrm »

Re-edited at the request of Cherico. I'll get to the rest later.

Prince Cherico wrote:(OOC A simple tale of war, love, superpowers OCC)

From Seattle Standard, March 2nd 1918
The Midwest was struck by several large meteorites yesterday, some property has been damaged but so far there are no reported causalities and damage has been minimal at worst.

From Seattle Standard, March 12th 1918
A new virus has impacted the Americas! Already the people say the casualties may be well over 100,000 people; the government says that the virus only kills 1% of those infected but this virus has the problem of being on of the most infectious diseases humanity has ever known. There is not a city in America, Canada or Mexico that has not been hit. Japan has ordered quarantine on all American goods and several European countries have followed suit. The virus has started to spread to South America and the reports of death have grown.

From Seattle Standard, June 3rd 1920
'The Space Disease', as it has been called, has disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. Almost everyone in America has suffered through it including this writer. Canada suffered a similar rate of illness and so has Mexico. It’s estimated that 10% of Europe’s population was infected and poor Australia suffered almost as badly as the U.S., thanks to some unknown Typhoid Mary. Japan, East Asia, much of the Middle East and much of the European colonial world was able to avoid outbreaks. South America had an infection rate close to half their population. Well over a million people have died more than our involvement in the Great War. Hopefully we can close the books on this nightmare.

From Seattle Standard, March 12th 1925
A generation of Monsters? by Albert Maxwell
The federal government, and most of the state governments including our state of Washington, refuse to do anything to handle the threat of this new generation of monsters that plagues America. They insist that it’s wrong to take children away from their parents and dispose of them. This writer thinks this attitude is dead wrong. The only states that are trying to handle the problem appropriately are Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi; these states have ordered the sterilization of these 'Kinetics' as the scientists call them. Mexico has shown the same level of weakness that most states have shown in this crisis and Australia has called for tolerance for these monsters.
In this crisis of monster-children is the current prime minister of Canada, William Lyon Mackenzie King. This man of vision has ordered that these so called children be rounded up and placed in camps in the Yukon territory and isolated parts of British Columbia. There they will be given stern discipline and will be prevented from corrupting Canada’s gene pool! If only all men had the kind of vision that King shows!

From Seattle Standard March 2nd 1931, Albert Maxwell
Many credit the Canadian Kinetics for holding off German forces giving the French government and military and the British military time to escape from Germanys victory. But if Kinetics make such fine soldiers, why weren’t they able to beat the Germans? If Kinetics were of any use why haven’t they done more? Mr. William King of Canada is thankfully backed in charge. Sadly his weak minded predecessor promised freedom for Kinetics that fought for Canada. This promise has plunged Canada into chaos! Mr. William King has promised a final solution that will be in both the interests of Canada and its Kinetic population. We at the Standard are worried; Mr. King was our hero, he stood up for humanity in Canada and showed a moral courage that our leaders in the United states did not show. The Supreme Court even ordered Alabama to stop its efforts to reduce the Kinetic population!

Seattle Standard November 15th 1948 , Albert Maxwell
Today is a tragic day for world history: William Lyon Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada, has been defeated and now faces trial for so called 'crimes against humanity', as if kinetics counts as humans. Yes, I said that the Seattle Standard, unlike many other papers in America, has an ethical code. While other papers praise Kinetics for their efforts during the war, for their efforts in science and other nonsense, the Standard has the courage to state that they are not human. We refuse to compromise with these civil rights groups, we refuse to cower before the terrorists who egged my house, who throw tomatoes at my car and send hate mail to my home. It’s true that the Standard has lost readership in Washington, but we have gained readership through out America because we are one of the few papers in America that’s willing to confront the Kinetic threat!

Canada’s Holocaust and the rise of the KLA, Susan Wong, 1980
The Kinetic Genocide was quite possibly the worst stain in Canadian history. It all started with William King’s decision to take Kinetics out of the hands of their families and place them in to several camps located in western Canada. Life in these camps was harsh and abuse was common. Camp directors often turned to greedy corporate interests and essentially exploited their charges for financial gain. The King government supported these efforts in order to cut costs for the camps. Despite the conditions, the Kinetic population in western Canada grew as more children were taken from their parents and placed in the western provinces. Then came World War Two; King was on the outs during the early part of the war and Richard Bedford Bennett promised freedom for the Kinetics who fought for Canada during the war. The Allied Forces were routed from France but not before Canada’s Kinetics held off the Germans long enough for the Commonwealth forces, French government and portions of its military to escape. When the veterans returned to Canada on leave they found that King was back in office! King had no intention of keeping his predecessors promise and instead set up delousing camps. The unknowing veterans were sent into these camps where there showers would spray mustard gas. King and limited portions of his government set up delousing stations through out western Canada and killed between 40 to 50% of Canada’s Kinetic population. A few veterans and prisoners escaped and set up the Kinetic Liberation Army which still plagues Canada to this day. The KLA dedicated itself to freeing Kinetics from the death-camps and training them to use their powers to fight back against the Canadian government. The KLA lived off the land killing any government cleanliness squads sent in to eliminate them. The KLA, for it's part, was convinced by the Allied Forces to not damage the war effort, which meant as soon as Japan fell, all hell broke loose. The KLA started a separatist group dedicated to creating a Kinetic country out of the Yukon Territory and British Columbia. The decision to hang Prime Minster King for his crimes against humanity was not enough Canada’s Kinetic population. No longer trusted by the government to treat them fairly, the KLA, as a guerrilla army, has fought against the Canadian Government. Ever since this, matched with the growing succession efforts in Quebec, calling into question whether Canada will stay together or be ripped apart by its tragic past.

Entry from The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1980 edition
Kinetic- No one really knows what caused the creation of the world’s Kinetic population, but what is certain is that only people with AB+, AB-, O-, B- and A- blood have the Kinetic phenotype.
America, Canada and Mexico have the highest number of Kinetic population with 19% of America’s population composed of Kinetics, 18.4% of Canada’s population, and 17% of Mexico’s population. South America's Kinetic population runs between 4 and 9%. For Europe, the Kinetic population is around 5% and Australia’s Kinetic population is around 18%. Kinetics outside of these regions tend to be rare, with Kinetics being almost non-existent in the Middle-East; outside of Israel, which aggressively attempts to get Kinetics to immigrate into Israel. Kinetics posses the power of Telekinesis; the average Kinetic can move over 7000 lbs. with their mind alone, at a range between 120 feet and 1800 feet, at a speed over 200 miles per hour. The Kinetic phenotype also provides enhanced intelligence with an IQ rating over 200 being considered normal. Kinetics are also known to have telekinetically- enhanced speed, agility and strength, including the ability to parry projectiles with their mind; though this is apparently only effective 50% of the time. Kinetics also possess what some people describe as an 'enhanced physical appearance'.
That said, the Kinetic phenotype comes with a serous disadvantage: Kinetic Withdrawl.
The human body is apparently only able to handle the massive energies that Kinetics have for so long, and then shuts down. Kinetics call this period a 'Black-Out', where their telekinetic strength becomes much weaker and they go from a flight speed over 200 mph to one around 30 MPH. The range is reduced and other affects plague them.
10% of the Kinetic population will die before they reach the age of 40; this is due to what Kinetics describes as the "Cough of Death". At 15 the Kinetic will start coughing blood during withdrawl; and it will get progressively worse.
Other problems that can happen during withdrawl are blindness, deafness, a inability to speak, paralization of the arms, legs or full body; and advanced Asthma. Thankfully these withdrawls only last between 1 to 4 hours, with withdrawls being less common in more mentally-stable Kinetics.

I rubbed my temples; my head always hurt after reading The Standard. Technically the paper's illegal in Canada, but I was studying the Kinetic Genocide, and that meant studying the most hatefull paper in the Americas.
Its not even that Canada was the only country that commited genocide against Kinetics during those early days. The only reason it didn't happen
in the U.S. was because of indecision. People did'nt know what to do. Mexico was in the mists of a revolution and kinetics provided too much of a military advantage to toss away. I talked to a few of the veterans of the era before they died of old age; children sent into was madness, but maybe it was a madness that saved their lives.
South America was just indecisive as North America still, while problem children were stuffed into camps in the middle of nowhere. There wasn't the calculated murder of thousands of thousands of innocent people.

I heard an explosion in the distance, and the sound of police sirens followed.
I was starting to get used to the daily acts of violence that surrounded me. I'm told Quebec is almost as bad as British Columbia. Still maybe thats why I'm attracted to Canada; its a country on the brink. The country has been on the brink of secession since the 1950's and it also seems to be on the brink of peace. That's Canada for you: a country on the brink.
Maybe if I had been born earlier I'd be studying in Isriel, but things there have
been pretty quiet since Sarones great campain. The UN still says that
kicking the Palestinians out of Israeli territory by force of arms is wrong,
they also say that forcing Jordan to grant them citizenship is wrong. But
Israel has nukes, weapons, the favor of the U.S. and a policy of allowing
any Kinetic who converts to Judism to move to Israel, and Israel's been at relative peace ever since....well if you count having a giant wall with a three kilometer kill-zone "peace".
So that's why I'm here in Canada, and not just any part of Canada...the
most dangerous city of the america's--Victoria.

It was 8 o’clock: in two hours the police and military would institute a curfew and that meant I had to get home soon. I put the microfiche into it's compartment and walked outside. The library is a pretty safe place during the genocide, the head librarian here hid Kinetics in the basement. The KLA has more or less declared the library a safe-zone because of that act of kindness. I stopped to read the tin inscription. “Knowledge is a refuge from barbarism.” Its one of those trite quotes that litter buildings that sheltered Kinetics in British Columbia and the Yukon.
Canadians don’t like talking about the genocide and their history books try to hide it in fine print. Maybe the liberal government in Ottawa thinks that they if they don’t talk about it then the KLA will stop trying to kick them out, and that the Quebec'ers will stop demanding independence. I stopped and read some Graffiti: “Ottawa LIES!” Apparently it hasn’t worked that well.
I walked down the street reading the Graffiti, the anti-government lines slowly disappered and were replaced by anti-Kinetic and anti-KLA lines. When I saw a copy of The Standard being openly read I knew I was in a loyalist part of town. I walked quickly: loyalists don’t like Americans but almost all of them read the Seattle Standard. The irony isn’t lost on me. I walked past shop after shop with signs that said “No Dogs and No Kenny’s allowed.” Of course that sort of thing is illegal in Canada, but the authorities don’t do anything about it, in fact shops like that get most of their business from people who work for the government. This makes them a prime target for the KLA.
Suddenly I heard some one behind me ask “Are you a Connie or a Liberal?” This was not good: I started running as fast as I could. I’ve been in Canada long enough to know that nothing good comes out of that question especially in this part of town. I started running as fast as I could. If I was fast enough I could get away and avoid the almost enviable beating that would come.
The sun was starting to set and my lungs burned as I ran blindly through the streets. I was out of shape and I knew it, finally I ran out of energy and collapsed. I felt a fist slam into my back and I fell to the ground. “I asked you a simple question you stupid $#%! Are you a Connie or a Libby?” I looked at them...crap, their heads were shaved, they wore camouflage pants, their boots were steel-toed Doc Martens, and they wore white wife-beaters with a maple leaf on it. I had the misfortune of being caught by five of Canada’s most notorious hate group, the Mounties.
My mind flashed back to my studies: the Mounties was a Canadian fascist group. Officially the Canadian government considered them a hate group and lambasted them publicly. Unfortunately the facts on the ground were that the Mounties and the local government were strongly allied. Mounties often treat authority figures with a sickening amount of respect, and the authorities responded to this by letting them get away with various crimes as long as they were only committed against Kinetics. Quite a few Mounties go on to the police and military service which just makes the large Kinetic population hate them even more.
I felt one of them lift me and press me up against a wall. “I asked you simple questions now tell me are you a Connie or a Libby?” I was screwed I still couldn’t fake a Canadian accent to save my life and sadly that was my situation. “I’m nether, I’m an American.” Their eyes lit up with a predatory glee and the beating got in gear. Blows rained across my body until I heard some one yell “stop”. I smiled weakly.... I was lucky I had run just far enough to get into a Kinetic dominated part of Victoria. The Mounties turned around and I watched as their bodies lifted into the air.
Three women floated from the top of a light post to the ground; the one in the middle smiled, she was a vision of loveliness. “Do you see where you are monkey?” The lead Mounties eyes glared as he said “I’m in #$%ing Canada you stupid Kenny” He was then slammed into the ground. “Wrong answer monkey, your in Kinetic territory! Now run off to the Zoo before they find that you’ve left.” The two other girls giggled at these words. The five Mounties were tossed a few feet away and they ran.
The lead woman floated toward me I felt my body lift up into the air “Any enemy of the Mounties is an enemy of mine, but still I got to know you a Connie or a Libby?” I was stunned by her beauty: jet-black hair, a figure straight out of a magazine, and dressed to the nines in the Gothic-Lolitia look that’s so popular with Canada’s Kinetic population. The two girls started giggling again and I came to my senses.
“Um I’m neither, I’m from America.” She started frowning a beautiful heart breaking frown. “Are you from Seattle?”
“Oh god, no, I’m from Oakland.”
She started smiling. “That’s good. America's okay by us...well, except for Seattle. That town sucks, them and the damn Standard. So why are you here?”
I gulped. “I’m here to study the Kinetic genocide, I work for UCLA as a researcher.” Her eyes turned cold and dark “My grandparent’s survived the camps. To this day the damned Liberals in Ottawa want to bury it and pretend it didn’t happen.”
“I take it you’re a conservative then?”
“Damn straight! The conservatives are the only honest party in Canada, they call things how they are and they want to get the damned government off our backs, and who knows maybe stop Ottawa from stealing all our damned money!”
I coughed again. “As much as I would like to talk more about this, I really need to go to the hospital.”
She looked at me with those beautiful green eyes. “Come to my place, I'll take care of you. Um, what’s your name?”
I groaned with pain. “My name's Jackson, what’s yours?”
“My names Virgo.” The two other girls giggled and said, “Virgo likes a monkey, Virgo likes a monkey, Virgo likes a monkey,” in a singsong tone. Virgo blushed and said “Shut up!” She put her arms around me and we flew off to see Virgo’s home.

We flew upwards to one of Victoria’s high rises and onto a ledge. I hobbled my way into her place, a couple of little children ran around me, their toys floated in the air, I smiled weakly and collapsed.
“Sorry about that, those guys really did a number on me.”
Virgo nodded. “You should feel lucky, at least they weren’t cybered.”
I looked at her in shock “I thought military-grade cybernetics were illegal in Canada!”
Virgo frowned “The government here overlooks that sort of thing when the Mounties are involved, and cybernetics are legal for police and military personal. The laws here in BC are enforced solely for the benefit of the damned Libby’s. Now let’s take a look at you: take off your clothes.”
“What?” I yelped in surprise.
“Take off your clothes! I cant helps you if I can’t bandage you up.”
I heard the giggling of Virgo’s two friends. “Oh grow up, you two!” She peeled off my shirt and I sat down on a plastic table. “Hmm, you’re bruised pretty badly, and you’re defiantly bleeding, but all you need is to be cleaned with some anti-bacterials and bandaged up. Hey you two, get the bandages and the antiseptic!”
The children looked at me and then floated off, a bottle of clear liquid and bandages floated towards me. The kids chanted “Virgo likes someone, Virgo likes some one!”
Virgo then blushed in the cutest way. “Shut up, he was beaten up by some Mounties! I’m just fixing him up.” Then her friends giggled and one of them said “Then why are you blushing?”
“Because I’m surrounded by morons!”
I struggled to get up. “Well, I’m bandaged up, I better get to my hotel.”
Virgo grabbed my arm and stared me in the eyes. “You're not going anywhere. Curfew's going to set soon and the police have a strict kill-on-sight policy. You're going to have to stay here for tonight.”
The now familiar giggles started up again. “Is he going to share your bed? Is he going to be your lover?” the two teasers questioned. Two pillows floated up from the couch and slammed into their giggling faces. Virgo then turned to me. “You’re, um, going to have to sleep on the couch.”
I nodded my head. There was no sense in arguing with a woman who could rip me apart with her mind.

I woke up to the sound of a tea-kettle whistling. My body still hurt from the beating but I was feeling better. Virgo walked into the room. “Look I really appreciate what you’ve done for me," I weaky told her. "Can I buy you guy’s breakfast? You know, to pay you back.” Virgo blushed and her two friends giggled: one of them said, “Come on Virgo, we will take care of the kids you go have some breakfast.”
Virgo smiled. “Well I guess it will just be the two of us. So, where are we going?”
“There’s a Mexican food restaurant near here where all the reporters and academics hang out, their breakfast burritos are to die for.”
“What part of town is it in? Is it in a Connie part of town or is it Libby territory?”
“You do realize I’m not from here right?” I asked her.
“Sorry, force of habit. Can you tell me what other restaurants are near it?”
“It’s right across from an Applebee’s.”
“Connie territory....deep Connie territory, that’s good.”
My face got stern for a moment. “Okay, ever since I got here, people have been talking about Connie’s and Libby’s--what’s up with that?”
With those words Virgo laughed it was a beautiful tinkling sound. “You really aren’t from around here, are you Jackson? A Connie is slang for Canada’s conservative party. Most kinetics are conservatives because, well, because the damn liberals tried to kill us all. They've been the minority party for quite some time. Libby is short for Liberal; their the A-holes who currently control Canada. There are other parties but they tend to be small. Quebec has a Separatist party that’s illegal, just like how we have a separatist party that’s legal.”
“The KLA?”
“There not such bad people...they make an effort to only kill Libby thugs, they're not going to go after you...well, on purpose, at least.”
“That doesn’t feel me with confidence, being accidentally killed isn’t much better then being killed on purpose!”
“As long as you don’t go out after curfew, you’ll be fine. That’s when most of the fighting goes on. You probably should also stay out of Connie territory.”
“I kind of have to go through those neighborhoods; I need access to the library for my research.”
“Well then, you’re going to have to learn how to run faster, Jackson.”
“Your not exactly the most sympathetic of people, are you Virgo?”
“It’s just a fact of life: birds got to fly, fish got to swim, and Mounties got to beat up cute academics.”
My eyes went wide in surprise. “Did you just call me cute?”
Her friends giggled in the background, and Virgo blushed again. “We should get going, and try those burritos you keep talking about.”

I nervously stepped towards the ledge: Virgo put her hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry, I wont let you die.”
With those words I felt my body lift into the air as we flew down to the city streets. I looked around. “I hope you don’t mind if we walk there, you learn a lot about a city from its Graffiti.”
Virgo looked at me and sighed. “I’m pretty close to a crash anyways.”
That grabbed my attention. “So what happens to you when your abilities, um, black-out?”
Virgo sighed again. “I’m one of the lucky ones. I just lose the ability to see for a couple hours; when that happens I’m going to need you to be my eyes.”
“It’s the least I can do.” With that we walked down the street. I saw a mural with a man standing among a field of corpses...there was a speech bubble above his head that said "None Is Too Many'. Below the picture of the man surrounded by corspes were the words "Never Forget, Never Forgive".
I knew who he was almost immediately: Frederick Charles Blair, born 1874 in Carlisle, Ontario: he became the Assistant Deputy Minister of Immigration for Canada in 1924 and was appointed Director of the Immigration Branch of the Department of Mines and Resources from 1930 to 1940.
Of course, what the public wasn’t told about wasthe Department of Mines and Resources 'extra-curicular activities'. The department was also in charge of Canada’s Kinetic population. Blair was the man who created, led, and organized canada’s death-camps. We still don’t know how many inocent people died at his hands. Blair was also tried for crimes aganst humanity but he managed to avoid being hung until a liberal government could pardon him and the other death camp workers in the late 1950's. Some of the buildings in Victoria still have burns from the month of rioting that followed.
We continued to walk down the streets, when I saw something that shocked me to my very core. Each of the lamposts on the street had a dead Canadian soldier hung from them. Their bodies were wraped with glowing Christmas treelights, their necks were hung with razor-wire in such a way that blood trickled down to the city streets. I quickly counted the dead bodies: there were around six of them. Virgo smiled with dark approval. Small children were playing amongst the dead bodies, a few threw rocks at them. As we walked through the street Virgo got behind one of the children. She got on her knees and looked on of the kids.
“Do you know what your doing wrong?” The child stoped throwing rocks and looked at her with puppy eyes. “I’m sorry, I won't throw rocks at soldiers anymore?”
Virgo laughed. “I didn’t say that, kid, all I’m saying is that you should have aimed for the balls! Now get out of here, you scamps.” She gave the kid a pat on the head and sent him on his way. I don’t know why the sight of dead bodies made her so happy, and in truth I didn’t want to know. What I do know is that I had a beautiful woman next to me who hummed a happy tune the rest of the trip to the resturant.

We walked a long ways until Virgo slumped against the wall. “I’m going to need your help for the next few hours; my eyes have gone shot on me.”
I grabbed Virgo's arm and she leaned her head against my shoulder, my heart started beating faster and faster.
“So, Jackson, is there anyone special in your life?”
“Just you.” It took a few minutes for my brain to catch up to my mouth; I was about to issue an appology but Virgo laughed that beautiful tinkling laugh.
“Well that’s certainly good news.”
“I sorry if I insulted you, it just came out.”
Virgo laughed even harder. “You don’t interact much with people do you? There’s more to life then the books, reports, and newsletters.”
“That’s not fair! I also record survivor testimony for my research project.”
Virgo’s head tilted up but her eyes were unfocused. “So what are you going to do with this information?”
I coughed uncomfiterably. “I will probably submit a potential textbook, if I get enough information. If I don’t get published that way, then I will try a regular publisher. If that fails, I will make sure the information is still sent back to the university.”
“So how many countries do you think your book will be published in?”
“Well if It becomes a textbook, then it will definitly be available in the U.S. and Mexico, maybe Europe. If I’m really lucky, then it will be published in South Korea and India. It probably won’t be available in Canada though, the genocide is something the government doesn’t like talking about.” Virgo tilted her head into my arm and used her left arm to force my head near her’s. My heart thudded like a jackhammer.
“It may not be available in Canada but your book will sell millions in Cascadia.” Suddenly I felt a sense of dread rush through my body. Virgo wasn’t just a Kinetic who hated the central government, that was normal in Victoria; even expected Virgo was a separatist cheerleader at best or a member of the KLA at worst. No one else dared talk about a republic of Cascadia in the open. My colleagues back home had warned me about that, and then something overwhelmed my sense of fear and foreboding, something that was much stronger then my instincts to stay away. I smelled Virgo's hair; it was a light breezy smell, a intoxicating one. Then I remembered another thing my colleagues told me about, how if you hit the books too hard, you’ll miss out on life. So despite my better judgment, I walked on with a beautiful woman on my arm into Zapata’s, the only Mexican food restaurant in Victoria.

Zapata’s was the place where all the news-hounds in Victoria hung out. It was filled with journalists from the papers, the blogs, and the various news channels, occasionally a academic on assignment came here too. For the most part the locals avoided Zapata’s. Loyalists ate in Canadian chains, and Separatists ate in small café’s and AppleBee's. I slowly walked up the stairs. The first floor is always too crowded for my tastes and looked at an empty booth. “So, do you want to sit across from me or beside me?”
“Beside you. I prefer to have something to grab onto when my eyes shut down on me.”
“How much longer until you can see again?”
“It varies it can take between 1 to 4 hours. It’s not something I like, but it's much better then my mom’s conditition.”
We sat down at a table and I grabbed two of the cards in the baskets. Zapata’s is a busy restaurant--a really busy restaurant. A while ago the manager shrank the menu and put it on bubble-in cards. You have a choice of having Burritos, Nacho’s, Tacos, or a Chimichanga. Then you bubble-in the ingredients you want in your meal, and after that you bubble-in your drink order on the back. After that, you place your filled out card on the table; you're expected to pay in cash and clip the money to the back of the card. A total of seven different currencies are acceptable as payment. I personally use Dollars; its actually cheaper in Dollars and the 'Loony' is pretty unstable and Zapata’s grants it's customers a break in exchange for stable currency. Like many of the things that goes on in Victoria, its quasi-illegal but it still happens.
“So Virgo what do you want to eat?”
“I’ve never had Mexican food before so I will trust your judgment.”
I filled in two cards. I kept it simple. The waiter picked up the cards and rushed downstairs. I relaxed as Virgo nuzzled next to me; if this wasn’t happiness it was something very close to it. Then I looked over and saw them, my two friends in the news business--Dong Yeon, and Jose. Jose was from Mexico and worked a Mexican news paper in the capital; Dong Yeon worked as a camera man for Korean news station. It was their job to tally the daily deaths in Victoria for the entertainment of the folks back home. They were nice jocular guys who drank to much, partied too much, and slept with too many women. The major difference between them was that Jose drank more then Dong Yeon, and Dong Yeon slept with more women. I have very strong suspicions there’s already one half Korean child somewhere in British Columbia because of his efforts. I sighed as they naturally sat across from me and Virgo.
They both filled out their cards clipped the money and then Dong Yeon started talking. “Wow Jackson finally brings an actual girl to Zapata’s, I can’t tell you how much that makes me happy. I was beginning to suspect you were gay.”
I shook my head. “Dong, I’m not gay, I like women. It’s just that I spend a lot of my time working.”
Dong smiled. “Of course your not gay! If you were gay you would have naturally hit on me already. There isn’t a woman or gay man alive who can resist my sexiness. By the way, what’s her name?”
“My name is Virgo," she chimed in. "Normally people have enough manners to directly ask someone for their name.”
Dong smiled and was about to give a snappy retort when Jose put his hand on Dong's shoulder. “The two of you are a very cute couple. Dong here was about to say the same thing, but he has problems with the drink. We wish your two the best of luck and we will be leaving now.”
“But we just ordered our---” with those words, Jose smacked Dong in the back of the head and the two of them sat down in another booth.
"Yes, I know I'm going to hell; I'm bringing marshmallows."
BookWyrm aka The Horn'd One
Str-8 male Dom/Top;
Honourable but not gullible;
a Hero of the Megaverse. :D
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Prince Cherico
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I spent hours trying to find something relevant to my study’s and failed. The microfiche just wasn’t panning out the way I wanted. Then I heard some loud mooning, Roy was up. Roy staggered across the room and asked “Whereas the restroom?” I pointed him in the right direction. He promptly rushed there and removed the contents of his stomach. He eventually returned “Um can you tell me where I am?” I tiled my head “Sure Roy you’re in Victoria’s largest library.” “How did you know my name?” “The same way I found out you hid in a dumpster last night you told me.” Roy got a panicked scared look on his face “Please don’t tell anyone about that. They kill people for cowardice in the military.”
“My job is to conduct research not turn in wet solders. Anyways you have a bigger problem.” Roy put his hands in the air “How can things possibly get worse?” “Well the library is located in a Kinetic part of town, night will come soon, and you will have to walk through hostile territory with out armor, guns, while wearing a uniform that clearly shows that you’re a member of the hated occupation forces. I would consider that a much bigger problem.”
Roy kicked a nearby garbage can. “Crap! I am so screwed, I am so unbelievably screwed. If im lucky the military will kill me for being a coward and if I’m unlucky Kenny will kill me first, and Kenny’s very good at killing people. Once I saw one of my comrades get killed by an eraser tip a freaking easer tip.” I closed one of the texts on my desk “Yes I head about that, telekinetic sniping. A small object is charged with telekinetic force and is then launched toward a target. One of the girls in my high school used to do it for fun.” “Are you a Kinetic?” I looked him square in the face “No but you have to keep in mind America never segregated its normal and kinetic population like Canada has. Sure its normal for Kinetic’s to skip a few grades but other then that there pretty much integrated into the American way of life, Australia and Latin America has a similar system. The Communist world tends to ship their kinetics to Armenia. Europe and Israel tend to think of their kinetics as a military resource and the other countries have such a small kinetic population that their response isn’t worth mentioning.
“I don’t need a freaking history lecture I need to know how to get through this!” “I’m a researcher history lecture’s are what I do best.” “Ok I need to think how do I get out of this? If I leave this library I’m screwed.” “Why do you need to leave right now?” “Because you cant live in a library!” I sighed “That’s not necessarily true, at least in the short term, come with me I know a place where you can think things over during the night. When the morning comes then you can do whatever you need to do. Be it returning to the military or something more drastic.” I got out of my chair, and lead him down the hall and into the elevator. “So were we going?” “To the secret rooms, back during the Kinetic genocide this library was used as a safe haven for Kinetics. Over 300 people were saved in this library. The basement and sub basement levels were overhauled, and fitted with showers restrooms, the works. The Naval yard around here left a lot of junk lying around during the war years and that junk got scavenged. There are hiding spots scattered from the genocide scattered throughout Victoria, but the library is the biggest, and best outfitted.” “How did the librarians here get away with doing that?” I presses the sub basement level button again. “The government during the King administration took people’s children away from them. Do you honestly think parents are just going to fork their kids over to the cops? Especially when they haven’t hurt anyone. The appearance of kinetics appeared across all lines, racial, economic, and social, and quite a few people of wealth and power were willing to shelter kinetics if it meant the survival of their own children. Of course some people helped for financial gain, others just to help their fellow human beings and some people just didn’t like being told what to do. The head Liberian during that time was the latter. He was a stogy angry man who never forgave the state government for screwing him on a property deal. Thousands of lives were saved because of one mans pettiness. Hmm where here.”
The door dinged open I searched the wall and found a hole. I pulled out a small piece of wire and stuck it in and then moved the near bye bookcase. The book case reveled a large dusty room with several cots. Roy’s eyes opened in surprise “Wow that’s amazing, I didn’t know there was anything like that here in Victoria, how did you know it was here?” “I wrote my Doctoral thesis on the library and other hiding spots in British Columbia. For awhile they talked about turning the library into a museum but the Canadian government just wanted to sweep the whole thing under the rug. They really thought if they just didn’t talk about it then all the hate and resentment would go away. Instead it just made things even worse.” “And now Kenny wants to kill all the normal.” “Actually that’s completely untrue just because all loyalists are human doesn’t make everyone in the KLA a Kinetic.”
Roy stared at me in Shock “you’ve got to be kidding me why would human beings want to join the KLA?” “The KLA has always included normal humans, like I said the government took peoples kids away from them. Do you honestly believe that some of them weren’t going to try to get revenge and then there are the people who fought along side Canada’s Kinetic force during the war who didn’t like how the government was slaughtering their friends. Also you have to remember that the KLA clothes itself as a conservative libertarian rebellion. Canada has one of the highest tax rates in the western world and very little of it goes back to the western provinces. There’s a variety of other reasons why some one would join up. Then again I do tend to ramble on, there’s a vending machine on the third floor, I think the showers and restrooms still work, other then that you should be fine for tonight.” “Thanks um what’s your name?” “My name is Jackson, but that’s not important figuring out what your going to do is.”
With those words I went up the elevator and into the night. It was time to go home.
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Prince Cherico wrote:
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:really cool Prince Cherico but you should have started you time line in 1812

I Put the time line where it is for a reason I wanted the space
virus as a replacement for the spanish influenza.

I have a hard time believing that 100,000 p eople get infected in just 10 days. Maybe you could make it a month or 3?
Damn ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol! Damn everyone who won’t damn ICE/BCP/Border Patrol!! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning CE/BCP/BorderPatrol!!!
If you support ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol at this point, you would have called the Gestapo on the people surreptitiously moving into your neighbor's attic and huffed that you were only following the law.
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BookWyrm wrote:I'll help out with editing in a short while. A touch of REal Life (tm) is occupying my attention at the moment.

Gotta keep those subs in line?
Damn ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol! Damn everyone who won’t damn ICE/BCP/Border Patrol!! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning CE/BCP/BorderPatrol!!!
If you support ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol at this point, you would have called the Gestapo on the people surreptitiously moving into your neighbor's attic and huffed that you were only following the law.
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Prince Cherico
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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

Sir_Spirit wrote:
Prince Cherico wrote:
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:really cool Prince Cherico but you should have started you time line in 1812

I Put the time line where it is for a reason I wanted the space
virus as a replacement for the spanish influenza.

I have a hard time believing that 100,000 p eople get infected in just 10 days. Maybe you could make it a month or 3?

1918 to 1920 is plently of time for a disease to spread
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Unread post by NMI »

Prince Cherico wrote:
Sir_Spirit wrote:
Prince Cherico wrote:
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:really cool Prince Cherico but you should have started you time line in 1812

I Put the time line where it is for a reason I wanted the space
virus as a replacement for the spanish influenza.

I have a hard time believing that 100,000 p eople get infected in just 10 days. Maybe you could make it a month or 3?

1918 to 1920 is plently of time for a disease to spread
that is not what is shown in the reading though.
the meteorites appear March 2nd, 1918. By March 12th 1918 (10 days later)
Seattle Standard March 12th 1918
A new virus has impacted the Americas already the people say the casualty’s may be well over 100 thousand people
"Freedom is the recognition that no single person, no single authority or government has a monopoly on the truth, but that every individual life is infinitely precious, that every one of us put on this world has been put there for a reason and has something to offer."
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Prince Cherico
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Comment: Remember also that the smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities
Ayn Rand
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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Prince Cherico wrote:
Sir_Spirit wrote:
Prince Cherico wrote:
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:really cool Prince Cherico but you should have started you time line in 1812

I Put the time line where it is for a reason I wanted the space
virus as a replacement for the spanish influenza.

I have a hard time believing that 100,000 p eople get infected in just 10 days. Maybe you could make it a month or 3?

1918 to 1920 is plently of time for a disease to spread
that is not what is shown in the reading though.
the meteorites appear March 2nd, 1918. By March 12th 1918 (10 days later)
Seattle Standard March 12th 1918
A new virus has impacted the Americas already the people say the casualty’s may be well over 100 thousand people

The Standard tends to exagerate, and there was a panic
it will get mentioned in the story because its an important plot point
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Sir_Spirit wrote:
BookWyrm wrote:I'll help out with editing in a short while. A touch of Real Life (tm) is occupying my attention at the moment.

Gotta keep those subs in line?

LOL, I wish. Sometimes I don't know how some other Doms do it.
"Yes, I know I'm going to hell; I'm bringing marshmallows."
BookWyrm aka The Horn'd One
Str-8 male Dom/Top;
Honourable but not gullible;
a Hero of the Megaverse. :D
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Prince Cherico
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Comment: Remember also that the smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities
Ayn Rand
Location: california

Unread post by Prince Cherico »

I walked slowly and tried to stay in the shadows. The rain had stopped and that meant that I was no longer safe. I had 3 hours until curfew and that meant three hours until the almost evitable violence would break out. I heard some gunfire in the distance apparently some one was a little over eager about the coming violence. Then I heard the howl of helicopter blades. I looked up into the sky, and knew emidatly I was looking at a helicopter gunship. The Canadian government was bringing in the heavy weapons and that was unusual. Normally government forces tried to avoid bringing in things that cause collateral damage. Some thing big was coming and I had no idea what it was.
I sighed with relief as I entered the safe zone of town, well safe for me at least. My cell phone started ringing “It’s getting late are you still in the library?” I smiled “No I’m near your place I’m walking to my hotel; want to get some dinner before curfew? I think there’s a family place where I can treat your folks.” She laughed “The only family I have left is my grandmother, everyone else is dead. The kids you saw were from the neaborhood, we look after one another here its how we survive. That said I will go out with you.” “It’s nice to know you trust me.” “Trust really isn’t a problem, if you try anything I don’t want any part of then I can more or less kill you six times over before you hit the ground.” “So I guess I will take things slow then.” “I’ve found that if you take things too slow you live a life of regret.” I didn’t have a witty retort to give her and I walked in silence for a few minutes “Is there a problem Jackson?” “I think you broke my brain.” She then laughed that beautiful tinkling laugh “Wow, the great academic is finally silenced.” “What can I say you have that effect on me? So I will see you in a few minutes Ok?” I continued walking down the street as I closed my cell phone. Then I saw Jose “So Jackson what have you chosen to think with?” I looked at him “My heart.” “Then you are a fool, a fool in love but still a fool. Would you at least listen to my background report on your little girl?” “Of course.” “Virgo Smith, astrological sign Cancer, she’s younger then you, by about 7 years but she’s legal. She has an AA degree, and is a trained auto mechanic who dresses to the nines when she’s off work. She had three brothers and one sister. All three of them are confirmed KLA members. Two of them are confirmed to be dead they never found the body of her younger brother and she has one little sister who is also deceased. Her mother died from the cough of death when she was 10. She was raised by her father until he was murdered by trigger happy military forces. Poor guy was killed while carrying some bread for his family. Her grandfather died of a heart attack the only surviving member of her emidiate family is her grandmother a survivor of the death camps. In short the girls past are pure drama. There is no way in hell she isn’t loco not with that background. So there it is your dating a crazy auto mechanic who has ties to the KLA.” “Well that’s very interesting but I have a date to get to.” “Did you not listen to what I told you?” “You said she’s a Cancer, I’m a Pieces you keep telling me to keep an open mind about Astrology I think Ill take your advice.” “You’re making a mistake Jackson.” “Then I guess I will pay the price.” “What do you owe her?” “Only my life.” With those words I walked away I had a date get to.
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Unread post by Nelly »

Prince Cherico wrote:
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Prince Cherico wrote:
Sir_Spirit wrote:
Prince Cherico wrote:
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:really cool Prince Cherico but you should have started you time line in 1812

I Put the time line where it is for a reason I wanted the space
virus as a replacement for the spanish influenza.

I have a hard time believing that 100,000 p eople get infected in just 10 days. Maybe you could make it a month or 3?

1918 to 1920 is plently of time for a disease to spread
that is not what is shown in the reading though.
the meteorites appear March 2nd, 1918. By March 12th 1918 (10 days later)
Seattle Standard March 12th 1918
A new virus has impacted the Americas already the people say the casualty’s may be well over 100 thousand people

The Standard tends to exagerate, and there was a panic
it will get mentioned in the story because its an important plot point

Chico, if it would happen today... yes, but at that time? No!
That's a little over the top. But today, not a problem. With our transportation system it could easily happen that 100 000 people would be infected in a couple of days. But in the past?

Make some research on the spanish flu, it'll fit your needs perfectly :)
Happy birrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-dbath to you!
Happy birrrrrrrrrrrrrr-ch tree to you!
Happy birrrrrrrrrrrrrr-th-right dear Nelly...
Happy birrrrrrrrrrrrr-thstone to you!
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Prince Cherico
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Comment: Remember also that the smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities
Ayn Rand
Location: california

Unread post by Prince Cherico »

It was getting dark by the time I got to Virgos place; suddenly one of her two friends came out of a nearby alleyway. “So you came back she’s expecting you.” Her friend frowned at me. “She’s a good girl, and she’s been through a lot we all have. So my question is this is what are your intentions? What do you want?” I gulped. “I can’t really answer that we have only known each other for a day or so but I do want to find out more.” Virgos friend smiled a menacing grin “Thing’s move fast in Victoria, really fast. I’m going to give you a week, one to decide what to do. Any longer and Virgo will get too attached to you. If after that week you decide to keep things going you’re going to have to be as faithful as a dog. If there are any other women in your life abandon them, because I swear to god if you cheat on Virgo they will never find your body.” I looked up into the sky “So she likes me that much?” Virgo’s friend relaxed “Yes for what ever reason she likes you Mr. Academic, if your in this for the long haul then I’m not going to get in the way but if your just looking for a one night stand well there are lots of places to hide your corpse. So take this week and have fun you have six days to decide where you stand.” I sighed “I understand so where is she?” “Currently she’s getting clean working on cars is a dirty business.” “So this is not only a threat but a way to stall for time.” “It does kill two birds with one stone.” “So what’s your name?” “My names Rebecca.” Her cell phone started to ring.
“She’s ready for you.” Rebecca stepped sideways as Virgo floated down to earth. “Hey Virgo lets go get dinner my treat.” Virgo grabbed my arm and we walked towards my place. The hotel international built during the 1950s. It’s a place where journalists, academics and other strangers go to live. Some times I think every major city in the world has a place like this. You pay upfront to live in a cold dank place for a few months. Then you pay even more. The one thing it has going for it is a small food court on the first floor and complementary breakfast for those who paid for a meal plan. Its there to make even more money off of the foreigner’s who live there. It also gives us a place to eat after curfew. I sat down at a table.
“So what do you feel like Indian food, burgers, Chinese food, or Italian food?” “I think I will have Italian food.” With that we went into the Italian food restaurant. In the back the Russians were drinking vodka singing drinking songs. They were probably here to sell smuggled Russian fire arms and to buy western goods to smuggle into Russia. Black marketers were some of the most respected criminals in Victoria; they had a sense of semi respectability to them which is why the police left them alone. The rest were tired reporters, business men, and a few crazed tourists. In other words it was the perfect place for a romantic date.
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Comment: The German Princess
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Unread post by Nelly »

"Perfect place for a romantic date!"

LOVE IT! :lol:
Happy birrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-dbath to you!
Happy birrrrrrrrrrrrrr-ch tree to you!
Happy birrrrrrrrrrrrrr-th-right dear Nelly...
Happy birrrrrrrrrrrrr-thstone to you!
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