moab wrote:ok... i am a newbish GM. (gaming for a while but still new to GMing)
a guy i know keeps playing temprel wizard. he is level 4. he meta-games...
example, he casts a spell that lets him store PPE in a small ball of energy for 2 hrs. ok whatever i said. he sits at a lay line for a whole day collecting PPE in this ball. while he keeps recasting this ball and simply transfering the PPE over to the new one.
now he has unlimited PPE... and knows a **** load of spells. i want him to die now... GM is mad because he keeps taking over my game... how do i kill him legally. no rule 0 is needed in said process.
by the way, he got a hold of a spell book and he knows YES spells... and invulnerability.
im not one to restrict classes at all, and i ALWAYS let people roll 1D4 to decide on there starting level. I will not change that at all. but i do want a bag of tricks to kill meta-gamers.
by the way, when i say meta-gamer, i mean boarder line power-gamer! ITS ALMOST CHEATING THE WAY THIS DUDE DOES ALL THIS CRAP AND ITS ALL LEGAL! I CHECKED (X_X)
I'm not sure that his use of Energy Sphere (assuming that's what he's using) is legit. It costs 120 PPE to cast; how fast does he regain PPE?
In any case, the first thing I'd toss at him, if I was pissed and wanted to screw with the character or kill it, would be a ley line storm.