Changeling Vampires

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Unread post by cornholioprime »

Schwarz wrote:No, changelings are considered to be creatures of magic and connot be turned into vampires. Same goes for supernatural creatures and borgs
Changelings are neither Creatures of Magic nor True Supernatural creatures (they're actually one of those 'Grey Area' RCCs like Brodkil). It is implied that the Old Ones, back in their Genetics Engineering days in the Palladium dimension, created these beings from (genetic) scratch.

However, remember that when you become a Vampire, your original 'template' gets wiped clean and you drop your old stats for those of a Vampire.

There are canon instances of one creature retaining most of its 'old' powers and gaining Vampiric ones -Vald Tegor and Kingu the Chosen One, to name two -but in both cases these were instances of the entire Vampire Intelligence merging with the Supernatural Creature in question (unwillingly in at least one case).
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Odd, isn't there a vampire changeling in the Old Ones book? It's not with me at the moment, so I can't check.
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It doesn't matter anyway; all vampires have the same stats and abilities, regardless of their race of origin.
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gadrin wrote:
Schwarz wrote:Palladium Fantasy Roleplaying 2nd Edition first printing, page 308 line 8 under changelings: "Changelings are creatures of magic with a history ...."

all right, the CB1 never mentions that.

I'll have to look over the Uteni, Auto-G and Pleasurer RCCs see how those work or not.

I think the revised version has it in there.

Unread post by Lenwen »

According to thier Vampire Power : Slow kill creation of more vampires . Any Intelligent Mortal Race can be turned . They prefure to turn humans or as close to human as possible i.e. Elf's Humans Altara Warrior women , Auto-G's , ANY mortal Intelligent Race what so ever can be turned. Thier "other" powers as it were are forever frozen at which level they were turned at . Meaning if they were turned at level 4 , all thier old powers/abilities are thusly frozen in accordance as well . That is the book definition . My personal opinion is everything gets wiped in favor of the vampiric template . I.E. Auto-G's that were turned do not get to retain thier morphing powers exept for the morphing powers of those of the Vampire/Intelligence has .Thats just how I play them tho .

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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

My take on vampires is largely the same as Lenwens, with one notable exception, and that's with a primary villain in one of my campaigns. He was a Necromancer who became a Master Vampire, and through the transformation, instead of his powers freezing at their current level, they were augmented. I had it all explained in good detail within my campaign notes, but basically it was that his new undead nature played well with the death magic he used in life, granting him kind of a new understanding of Necromancy and thus making him an even more powerful death mage than he already was, which was saying something.

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