Ionic Magnetic Pulse (IMP) Weapon Question?

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Ionic Magnetic Pulse (IMP) Weapon Question?

Unread post by bigbobsr6000 »

One of my players, who is going to GM Rifts for the 1st time for us asked:

"Would it be unreasonable to create an IMP? Ionic Magnetic Pulse. "

I explained there are Ion weapons (pistols, blasters, rifles, etc.) these do Xd damage SDC and/or MDC and that the Magnetic pulse would not harm hardened systems against EMP.

But, I do not know the effect of the combined Ionic and Magnetic pulse released as one.

I need some of you wiz kids to let me know the effect if any.

I need some of you GM/Gamers who may have had this question before fill me in on what y'all did.

Respectfully request :? for this issue. Thanks for any and all info in advance.

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Re: Ionic Magnetic Pulse (IMP) Weapon Question?

Unread post by bigbobsr6000 »

gadrin wrote:I've never heard of the combo. Just what's it's supposed to do ? Produce a charge and short-out at the same time ?

That's the question I do not know what the combo would do, just asking what might be the effect if any. Ion pulse damage plus a save vs magnetic pulse? Percent chance will fry hardened systems? Open a rift? Cause it to rain? What? :-D

What's your oppinion?

Thanks, Big Bob...................... :D
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Unread post by Rahmota »

But, I do not know the effect of the combined Ionic and Magnetic pulse released as one.

Soudns like someone has been watching Empire Strikes Back again.

Heres my take on it. The ionization charge overloads the protective circuits and finds or creates a pathway through the shielding to allow the focused electromagnetic pulse to get inside and do its happy dance and shut things down or blow them up or whatever is most dramatic....

I like the idea of a limited recharge time and a short range as well for a man portable (or D-Bee portable) version of this.
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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

"ionizing pulse" is Bremsstrahlung, or "breaking radiation"

discovered by Tesla 1888, it's when high energy particles are slowed down by hitting metal, and generate radiation. the result is basically gamma radiation.

it's easy to prevent with a layer of non-metal on the outer surface of the armor. like plastic, wood, water, wax...

EMP is just a high strength burst of magnetic field. tends to disrupt electrical pathways. easy to block using a Faraday cage, or avoided entirely by using optical systems like fiber optics for things that cannot be shielded easily, like computer links.

all of this is stuff you'd expect military vehicles to be hardend against already.
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Unread post by bigbobsr6000 »

glitterboy2098 wrote:"ionizing pulse" is Bremsstrahlung, or "breaking radiation"

discovered by Tesla 1888, it's when high energy particles are slowed down by hitting metal, and generate radiation. the result is basically gamma radiation.

it's easy to prevent with a layer of non-metal on the outer surface of the armor. like plastic, wood, water, wax...

EMP is just a high strength burst of magnetic field. tends to disrupt electrical pathways. easy to block using a Faraday cage, or avoided entirely by using optical systems like fiber optics for things that cannot be shielded easily, like computer links.

all of this is stuff you'd expect military vehicles to be hardend against already.

So, the effect of the two combined in a weapon that struck a target is:

gamma radiation released + EMP at the same time = radiation damage and electrical systems burn out. Only if target was not protected form these effects. Is this correct?
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Unread post by bigbobsr6000 »

Could someone come up with hard damage #'s and actual effect on targets? Like Xd damage and electronic failure stuff? Or target is bathed in gamma rays and must make a save vs radiation sickness as electrical systems frys around him in his power armor?

Just want some ideas along this line now, Thanks, Big Bob................ :D
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Side Effects

Unread post by Daikuma »

Plus, I would add a 25% chance (non cumulative) each time it was fired that the weilder (if man portable) or the crew (if vehicle mounted) takes a sever dose of radiation and / or a magnetic pulse so powerful that it interferes with BIOLOGICAL neural pathways and short circuits their nervous system, stopping their heart and requiring an immediate save vs. coma/death.

Sounds like something that the CS would have dog boy troops test. Good plot device, but ultimately, it must fail.

If he's looking for a short haul version of a Universal Annhilator, he should only add it to gameplay if he fully understands the potential ramifications of such a weapon. :frust:
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Unread post by bigbobsr6000 »

Thanks all for your help. :D
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Unread post by bigbobsr6000 »

Thank you, Quercus :D
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Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Well in Robotech they do have mecha that use disrupter missiles (no damage, but temporary effects on mecha systems found in "Strike Force"). There are also some enviromental encounters found in the Factory tunnels (either the "REF Field Guide" or "Return of the Masters") that could be used as a basis.

If you do not have access to those RT books, one could fake it by using the critical hit tables found in RUE p.353-4 in addition or in place of damage. With the effects rolled temporary for a short amount of time, maybe based the time on the "damage" roll.

Some of the effects might not make sense, so you might have to adapt them to fit the situation.
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