Diamond_J wrote:Thinyser wrote:NB like PF does not allow MD they are SD only dimensions.
I don't know if you're saying; NB is an SDC environment and as such has no native MDC or All MDC weapons and armor becomes SDC in this setting.
If it's the latter not the former that's a confusing statement. Technolodgy is technolodgy regardless of were you go. An ion beem in another reality still does MDC damage. Unless of course the physics of the Universe works differently, but I think the group would find that hard to swallow.
Still this may be my only option to preserve balance.
Palladium eventually decided that there are MDC Dimensions and SDC Dimensions, and if you take MDC stuff into an SDC dimension, it gets converted to SDC.
Personally, I don't like that explanation; I think it's weak.
Here's how I handle things:
-IF I want to nerf things (as I did for an extended tour in PFRPG universe), I blamed it on the Rift that the party went through. It wasn't that PFRPG universe couldn't sustain mega-damage; it was that the rift altered the molecular structure of everything going through it, turning it into SDC.
-Usually, instead of nerfing things, I set up the story so that the PCs can't take MDC gear with them. Again, I tend to use Rifts for this. Once the rift destroyed any Mega-Damage gear, another time the rift repelled any metal, so the PCs couldn't take any of their good gear with them.
(I realize that this one wouldn't work with your Borg)
-I just play things as they lie. The PCs get to take their mega-damage gear into an SDC world, and go with it.
Supernatural creatures would be SDC, because the magic level would be too low to (in most dimensions), but tech is tech is tech.
Just make sure they don't have nuclear power supplies or other endless sources of ammunition. Mega-Damage weapons in an SDC environment are usually as big of a penalty as anything else.
Armor's more of a problem than weapons, if it's EBA (non-EBA could be given an Armor Rating), so that's what you have to worry about.
One way to do that is to control
how the party gets to that other dimension. Give the Rift a weight allowance that will let the PCs through, but not take much gear with them (just small and light stuff). Or have the Rift located someplace where the PCs can't get to unless they squeeze through (armor's too bulky to go, and they don't have time to widen the cave/tunnel/airshaft/whatever). Or pull a Terminator, where "nothing dead will go" through the rift, except actual bionics or other things that are part of a person.