Host Armor and a Pregnant Pilot

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Host Armor and a Pregnant Pilot

Unread post by LostOne »

I don't remember seeing anything that makes me think that women aren't treated equally (despite it being a more feudal society).

So...I got to thinking, what, if any, changes would be seen in a Host Armor whose pilot was pregnant? Obviously the pilot would still have to use the Host Armor at least a few times a week to keep it fed (depending on the metabolism), so if there's any kind of hormone sharing going on, the armor would be affected.

Also, since the Host Armor and Pilot are so closely linked, what, if any, effects could this have on the fetus?
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Unread post by 9voltkilowatt »

Hadn't really stopped to even think about that! This looks to be a rather complex problem indeed.

(Can't speculate just know ...stupid job)
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The Baron of chaos
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

hmm This is double edged thing. At first women are precious to perpetuate the human species but on the other hand humankind cannot be too picky and if you can hold a weapon or wear an host armor you have to do so.
Being pregnant on other hand is like being pregnang in military or any job. YOu take some free time , you won't be allowed on field till things are over. With the bio and medical knowledge of SPlciers , the entire pregnancy is much faster and without much consequences I suppose. The female pilots are alos adviced that going in battle while pregnant could be dnagerous, as the kid could mutate, essentially giving birth to a little biotic, if things don't go on even worst way, exist so many problematic that can arise .
As for after the birth. Well the pilots of host armor are not that many, and the pilot wil be pressed and very often desire herslef to come back at job. The little kid is then given to some parents to grow. The best choice to bring him to a retro-village. Primitive as they are, they are nonetheless a realtively safer place than a Great House to grow a kid(between the risk to be slaughtered by machines or the feudal wars, I doubt anyone wil disagree with me ) Is sad, but hey is Splicer here, SADDEST PLACE IN MEGAVERSE. Compared to this dimension, Wormwood is the club med, Nightlands a joyfull place filled wiht unicorns and rainbows.
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Unread post by LostOne »

BOOM_DOOMER wrote:Wow, the thought hit me like a brick wall, then I thought about it and shook me head. There shouldn't be a problem guys. We are genetically engineering these suits, so why not have the suit emulate being pregnant when in contact with the operator if the pilot is female? Each suit is genetically engineered for the wearer, to ensure that no-one else can use it, I don't see why there can't be something added to help prevent pregnancy, then again cloning isn't a huge issue and surrigate wombs shouldn't be a big issue iether. There are a rather large number of ways available for each individual house to address this issue on their own.

Just thought I'de chuck in my two cents worth...

Built-in birth control...interesting...but flawed. If a woman misses a single pill in her month of birth control (or even takes it a few hours early or late) it is less effective. So the pilot couldn't go a day or two not wearing the armor.

As for the engineering the armor to help a suits have genders? If not, I'm not sure how they could biologically have it help the pregnancy. If they do...I'd hate to think of a male armor that gets could take someones head off with that thing! "Hey, is that a resin ejector or are you happy to see me?"

I think previous posts probably hit it on the head. They'd be pulled from active duty until the baby is born, the baby would either be given to the care of a community daycare/foster home type place for pilot children in the Great House, or anonymously to a foster parent in a retro village. The pilot would only get in the host armor long enough to keep it fed and exercised (if they need exercise?), if needed (if it's photosynthetic it would be parked in a sunlit area).
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

And god help anyone get in the way of a pregnant female wearing her host armor! I pity the machines who get in her way! Of course I pity anyone getting between her and her child! :eek: :shock: :?
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