Network Omni News

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

What can I say. :D It was to much fun!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Luckily it only last 24 hours! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Good question. We'll have to wait and watch. :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I'll post more for it later on tonight! :D Another news story!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The little humanoid dressed in the roman centurion armor walks out towards a podium. Once he arrives he shuffles some papers and begins to speak.::: "People of the Three Galaxy. We hear at MOANS would like to offer our sincere apology for unknowingly spreading Langstrome's syndrome to the bulk of the Three Galaxies. Surprisingly there were no fatalities reported during it's run of the Three Galaxies. The most import fact after reviewing what happened is that red and white checkered dresses with matching hats became the biggest fashion rage ever seen in the Three Galaxies. We have been told by the CDC that this plague can not really be stopped once started. It has to run it's course. As to the source that is unknown. That mystery is still to be solved. We have our reporters out amongest the stars looking for the source of it."
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

ROFLMAO!!! And so it begins again! :lol: :lol: :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

As long as we don't get stuck in an endless loop! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I always thought those were Chronic Hysteresus! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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Network Omni Newflash
Dateline: 05/16233211/324854576

Iron Engineer Contest KIcks Off Amidst Massive PR Blitz
-----Spaceport Stadium, Phaseworld, Auun Sector, Corkscrew Galaxy. What is hoped to become a new annual event kicked off at the newly openned Spaceport Stadium, with the first season of Iron Engineer...a competition pitting various manufacturers of spacecraft against each other as a way of showcasing the best, the most innovative, the most spectacular in spacecraft design.
The first season kicks off with Engineer Darkmaxx of the famed WZ Shipyards and El Magico of El Magico Shipyards, racing to introduce new cruiser classes to the market. With both sides already producing an impressive body of work, both in marketable products and in fully-mapped design proposals, the competition is expected to be fierce, educational, and a major shot in the arm to up-and-coming shipyards laboring in the shadow of already established giants like Naruni Enterprises and General Galaxy. Already, SpacePort Stadium is recording a record booking of vendors in its commercial spaces, as smaller spacecraft and spacecraft systems sub-contractors are rushing to get in to showcase their products and services.
"Win or lose, either El Magico or DarkMax...We will have an audience...if they produce winners, we sell accessories...if they produce crap, we sell audience members REAL good design, like Tolshoi 18,000-tonner battlesaucer!" Mogresh GoDoi of Tolshoi Free Energy Motors explained. "Competition make for plenty opportunities to promote product! You interested in buying Quantum-tap Hypermotor? No breakdown after forty thousand lightyears travel...We test hard!"
More importantly, perhaps, are the potential large commercial and military contracts...representatives form major corporations, starlines, and various military organizations have also booked viewing boxes and arranged, at their discretion, viewing and private demonstrations of he various new designs being offered up.
Betting on all levels of Center is reaching an all-time new high with the excitment generated by the Iron Engineer competition overheard, and money-changing reached a new record, with over sixty trillion credits in wagers being posted in the Phase World betting pools..
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Network Omni News

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Darkmax wrote:Yes, and we even see several full sized Prometheans coming out of their hiding places to put bets of enormous amount on either of the contestants. It is said even the richest person at Center (and possibly the Tri-Galactic Region) was seen placing a few billion credits. However, whom they place the bets on has been somewhat vague. There is even rumors that this is tearing the Prometheans into several factions.....

"Check the credits...Promethean currency is usually good, but some of the Big Baldies have been trying to pass phase-coins and phase-bucks...Sits in your hand now, falls through your pocket later..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very interesting! I had to forward your News Story to my players since they love betting on various things. Which means I'll have to show them the pics and stats of both. I have a feeling that one of both of those shipyards is going to get some business coming their way.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I know that is very true. There are groups in my Phase world setting that will buy the both ships.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

That is very true Darkmax! I'm hoping that Taalismn will write an Omni News on Friday. Otherwise it'll be after I get home before I'll post a new MOANS. :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I'm sure you are right about that. The news article could be very popular.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Being free doesn't hurt our news rags either. :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Yeah, but who is going to collect it? You or PB? As I said I'm glad it's free! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I suppose we'll have to create one for Phase World!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Maybe we could have both of these two news services start one. Just a thought.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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Just a suggestion. Oh well we have to create one for the region of space. :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by taalismn »

Darkmax wrote:Charity for the FWC.....

Hey...the FWC probably has one of the best public relations engines, using expatriates working in the CCW and other free territories, drumming up support and soliciting donations, especially from corporations and well-to-do individuals who don't want to be publicly known to be supporting an armed insurrection...
"Those also serve who attend cocktail parties and schmoose with the rich and powerful."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I guess that would be a great reason to actually have those sort of charity auctions! Events could be influenced very easily by the application of money in the right hands. Of course those charity auctions could become the targets of TGE covert strike teams.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Bless you! Sounds like a sneeze! Now that would be an interesting press conference in the Kreeghor embassy. The Kreeghor ambassador sneezes and suddenly they are war with everyone until they get that messed cleaned up. :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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Probably only with the smaller star systems around the edges of the their empire. And then they might sneeze a lot more then once. Maybe they sneeze in series, that way they can grab many systems at once.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

ROFLMAO!!! That would be one heck of a way for the TGE to expand it's influence. :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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Nope. My dad had the family record of something like 15 times in a row. :-( Can't help but miss him!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Yep. You are right DM! I need to write up a news story later on today. Too late at this time. :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The little humanoid appears as the Tri-D vid changes over for this newscast. He shuffles several papers and then looks into the monitor.::: Yesterday in the funniest attempt at a show of force the planet known as Nainari, located in Corlscrew galaxy at the coordinates of 300:125:275 in the Nasirep Cluster. They carried this show of force to attempt to scare several of their cluster neighbors the CCW and the TGE. The show of force carried out over a weeks activities with the geriatric equipment they utilise for their militaries. They launched a dozen new destroyers from their shipyard. On the outside these ships look very nice and seem to be fully equiped. We hear at MOANS have been informed that these destroyers are not capable of travel more than a few hours past their only moon. It seems some designer botched up the AI's and their nesting complex won't let it leave the planet."
"This of course was the first problem with their week long excercise. The next one was the launching of their supposed super missile which will have more destrustive capabilities then even the new specialized cruise milliles used by the CAF and the TGE militaries. We have footage of this launch." :::The fuzzy image shows missiles launchers pointed at the sky. Suddenly you see this huge rocket blast appear out of the rear end of the launcher, this last for several minutes without any launch of a missile. Suddenly the rocket flies out of the launcher, but it travels for maybe a football fields length before it falls back to the planet. As it plumetts towards the obvious control bunker for their weaponi testing area. Their is a massive explosion and the camera ends it's show.::: "And so we see that their command crew at this site got their secret desires of becoming astronauts."
"We have more fun information on this little party these Nainari's can show us, but we are going to bring it too you as soon as we stop laughing at the silliness these people are doing over there."
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The camera focuses on the little humanoid in the centurion armor.::: "We continue with our story of the hour. The tiny planet who tried to roar and failed miserably! We continue to talking about Nainari and their quest to make the big boys to fear them. I think the biggest fear the CCw and the TGE have to worry about are trying to avoid the debris field this nation has keep throwing out anytime they test their new weapon systems."

"After our look at their previous two weapons systems. Which turned out to be huge flops. (Film of the destroyers who were afraid to leave the planet and the missiles which launched the command bunker into orbit are shown.) We are covering their newly equipped special forces. We are going to show their special forces attempt to camouflague themsleves from observation. First you have to understand that most of their testing areas fall into a desert area. Desert areas are arid and lack living things. You tell me are these well hidden troops." :::The screen changes to an image of a desert. The camera pans around until it stops on this regular shape of forest green sitting on top of a hill. Around it several beings are obvious to any blind person as the ghilly suit they are wearing seems to be makde of long green grasses and the men are observed moving quickly across the arid scene.::: "Now as far as we are concerned you are not supoposed to be seen when in camouflaged. We have still more information to bring to our audience as this huge joke continues." :::The scene returns the TriD vid to their shows.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The little humanoid in the centurion armor appears again before the everyone's TriD Video. He is shuffling his papers.::: "Today citizens of the Three Galaxies. We continue our coverage of the people called the Nainari's. These people have been carrying out a week long military excercises. But these excercises have come with nothing but almost total chaos. Today they attenmpted to launch their so called missiles that everyone needs to fear. We have footage from their attempt today." :::The camera shows a launching platform in an arid area. You can see the mobile command bunker hidden behind multiple lines of sandbags and an over hanging cliff. The launcher is pointed towards a drone flying nearby. The missile launches and immediately reverses course and impacts with the cliff above the mobile command bunker. Almost in slow motion the cliff face crumbs and collapses on top of the bunker.::: "And that is today's wonderful activaties. We promise to bring more as this entertainment last. We'll see you all too soon."
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The little humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor appears.::: "Greeting beings of the Three Galaxies. We here at MOANS have another news story for your enjoyment. I was allowed to observe another round of weapons testing of the Nainari's this past weekend. I have to tell you I was not impressed. It was like watching militaries using equipment that was just out of the iron age weapons. I had the pleasure of watching them launch their missiles at targets. And these missiles failed to hit there targets. I was of course escorted to the space port and escorted on to the MOANS ship when I laughed at their latest rounds of weapons testing. They made the unfortumate comments of saying they could stop both the TGE and the CAF and I fell over laughing. I think they would be hard pressed to stop the forces of New Caledonia. We'll be back with more news soon enough! Good night to all of you our viewers!"
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The little humanoid in the roman centurion armor appears before you all.::: "Greeting fellow phase world beings! Today we are covering a news story different than the previous ones we have followed. Today we are covering the planet Derrader in the anvil galaxy at the coordinates of 285 X 122 X 90. This planet and it's population has been allowed to join the CCW. It has waited it probationary period. Even upon their entry into the CCW they have been allowed to maintain some of their quite substanial military, the rest will be joining the CAF to booster it's ranks. The indepentent force will leave them will be abke to handle them local problems. I have been informed that they will be allowed to keep all two of their 4 battleships, 1 of their 3 fleet carriers, 3 of their 12 battlecruisers, 10 of their 25 cruisers and 35 of their 100 destroyers. Their neck of the galaxy is especially known for pirates. We wish them well holding the edge of civilazation as we know it. That concludes this news story for this time." :::The scene reverts back to the previous show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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Any Omni News stories Taalismn? I've been holding this one up for awhile by myself. I hope you come back sometime soon.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The little humanoid appears as the TriVid show fades to black.::: "Greetings fellow beings. We have been trying to reach our erstwhile competitors and they have yet to respond. We are hoping that the competition between our two networks haven't driven them out of business. But in the mean time we are winning the ratings game! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" :::And the scene fades back to the prerivious show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The little humanoid dressed in the centurion armor appears on the Trivid system between programs. He shuffles his papers and then he smiles.::: "Today in the CCW the CAF finished testing the latest version of the cruise missile. This cruise missile has the ability to loiter in an area for hours if not needed waiting for a signal from forces needing a strike. This is a response from the CAF after the Nainari's statement last weeks military operations."
"Also today we here at MOANS managed to be on Hand for the commisioning of several of the latest new ships for the CAF. The Goliath class Dreadnaught CAFS Titan was commisioned today. It had finished it's official working up last week. The Titan is the twenty-sixth ship of the class. The CAF also commisioned the 75th Champion class Heavy cruiser the CAFS Lancelot. We also heard a rumor of some sort of super secret class of ships the CAF is working on. Our source indicated that the CAF is working on some sort of super class of ships. We have examined the officially published budgets for the CAF. We have noticed certain names mentioned in the budgets, and they are paying enough for these projects to reach fruition. We'll have to keep our eyes and ears open for any solid leads. Although we can not confirm anything about this class. We promise to bring any further news that reaches us from our sources. That is all from us at this time." :::The screen returns to the next show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I need to bump this back to the top. At least until someone can post a new News story!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The little humanoid in the roman centurion armor appears before you the audience. He shuffles some papers and then looks into the camera.::: "Greeting fellow three galaxies viewers. Today we have been informed that the Earth 2 Defence Force commisioned their latest Battleship, the EDS "Prince of Wales". :::There is an image of a heavily armed and armored giant sliding away from the Starship yard. It bristles with many weapons. It has a rather strange bow with a double squarish. This devices are highlighted by the camera as it pans over the ship.::: "We weere lucky enough to get some nice camera footage of some kind of secret weapon these ships have. We have several rumors of the TGE having several Doombringers severly damaged by this weapon. We actually have several shot taken secretly from a secret location in the TGE after one of these battles several years ago showing tremendous damage. Our informer informed us that their ship managed to get away with some truly terrifying damage. Have a look at it." :::A grainy shot of two TGE Doombringer Dreadnaughts sitting side by side at a space dock. One is in perfect condition and then the camera pans over to it's sister ship. The other one had something monstrous smash into it. The horn cannons were both shearwed off by something. It is a smooth almost like it was cut off by something very powerful. The armor platting has been hit in multiple areas and shattered by the impacting shots. And then the camera passes down the centerline and you can see the other side of the ship. This side looks like it took another impact of the monstrous weapon system as there is a major section of the ship that had been sheared off. The camera then begins showing the hanger area. Something decimated the numbers of fighters carried by this particular DoomBringer, and there is extensive damage inside. Something fired something like a cruise missile into the hanger bay as extensive as the damage is.::: "What you just witnessed was the first ship from the TGE that tried to intimidate the Earth 2 Defense Force. They have not attempted such foolishness since the first attack."
"And on another note today is birthday of the President of the CCW. We'd like to wish you a happy one Mr. President!"
:::And with that the TriDee Vid goes back to the show that is scheduled.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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Network Omni Newsflash

UWW Marines Affect Daring Black Hole Rescue!
-Alfheim, Deleph Sector, United Worlds of Watlock, Corkscrew Galaxy. UWW authorities are not disclosing many details, but they ARE admitting to the rescue of renegade biogeneticist Callia Rand last year in an unprecedented operation that snatched the woman from certain death just as she was about to be executed by micro-black hole, in the Tadean Alliance.
Callia Rand(insert file footage of a young distinguished-looking human woman) was accused, tried, and found guilty of illegal genetic tampering and the creation of bioweapons in a very public trial in the normally reclusive Tade Alliance home system last year. She was subsequently sentenced to death by being thrown into the core of a micro-black hole power station and gravitically reduced to energy, despite repeated efforts by outsystem advocates and acquaintances of the geneticist to appeal the conviction or at least commute sentence to life imprisonment. The sentence was carried out a year ago, and documented by station surveillance instruments. However, the United Worlds of Warlock has admitted that Callia Rand is in fact alive and well, though they cannot, for reasons of security, reveal her whereabouts, suffice it to provide time-stamped correspondances and gene-coded messages indisputably from the supposedly dead scientist. Callia, a known critic of the syndicate-run Tade Alliance government, and of its poor management of bioremediation efforts on the Alliance's dangerously polluted homeworld, had, on several occasions, publicly embarrassed the Alliance and its scientific community, leading to the suspicion of outside observers that her arrest on bio-terrorism was a frame.
The UWW has not revealed how they affected the rescue; most sources postulate that the UWW switched her before she could be taken to the heavily fortified and secured black hole facility, but there have been no evidence of any sort of subversion of the well-known unbribable Tadean security apparatus responsible for handling capital punishment prisoners. Other sources seem to indicate that the rescue actually took place INSIDE the singularity plant, in the scant seconds before Callian could be crushed to nonexistance by the micro-singularity, but that indicates the ability to penetrate the defenses and shielding of a five hundred -million ton power generation station and somehow catch a falling body in the half-kilometer space between the containment structure and the intense gravitic tides of a naked black hole, substitute an equal mass to trigger a gamma-shine event horizon event, survive the radiation shock, and get out completely unnoticed. Impossible in the minds of almost all security and special operations experts consulted by NON. However, several did speculate that Temporal or Spacial Magery may have been involved. At least one source has said that such a feat might be possible but would require the assistance of beings familiar with, and capable of surviving, the convoluted space/time in the proximity of a collapsar....beings not currently known to be allied with the UWW.
The UWW Warlock Marines would not comment further on the revelation, citing 'national security'. The Tadean Alliance government would also not comment, as they have severed all diplomatic relations with the UWW some four months past. However, several unofficial sources inside the Alliance have called the UWW announcement a 'fabrication, meant to throw doubt on Tadean justice', and further calls the UWW statements 'inflammatory, and a breach of UWW neutrality, in ANY event'.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Network Omni News

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Awesome news story! Glad to see your back here once in awhile. I wonder if the UWW Warlock Marines were using the new warlock marine raider armor of Kitsunes. It'd probably be able to carry out that sort of mission.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The little humanoid walks out after the scene changes from your favorite shows. He shuffles his papers and then looks into the TriVid camera.::: "Greeting fellow humanoids of the Three Galaxies! Today we bring sad news of the passsing of the Grecksnaw of gattal. Gattal is located in the Corkscrew Galaxy at the coordinates of 345X125X13. This system falls outside of the major power blocks. Generally this area is also isolated because it falls into an area just outside the stellar arm. Grecksnaw is famous for writting the largest collection of total garbage in the entire Three Galaxies. He lived a total of 40 standard years. During his life he wrote almost 200,000 novel sized works. Of course most critics called all of his work as fecal matter, but it sold more copies for unknown reasons. Some believe Gercksnaw's writting was evil and cursed. For those who haven't read it, please don't. It has been said that Vogon poetry is better than this material. For those souls who would like to be tortured, the novels follow the life of a character named spritzee. Spritzee is a character who does not develope at any point of the entire collection. Each novel contains a day out of Spritzee's life! This is the only book I would ever recommend stationing it in your water closet, and not as reading material if your get my meaning. So tonight we are having a 60 second pause in rememberance for Grecksnaw!" :::There is silence for almost 60 seconds until the sound of some water moving under a pressure sounds in the background. Then the TriVid returns to your favorite show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Alpha 11
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Re: Network Omni News

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:lol: Still always a good read! :lol:
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Re: Network Omni News

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I'm glad people still read it! Taalismn and I are still working on some funny and serious news stories.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The little humanoid dressed in the roman centurion armor appears in front of the tri-vid cameras. He walks across the stage to a pdoium. Once there he shuffles some papers and the he looks into the camera.::: "And now for something completely different!" :::The camera focuses on his mouth as it quickly becomes a very broad and toothy grin! A grin one might call insane.:::

:::The scene changes as a commercial starts off. It a brief one following these three very colorful people in red running around. The characters in red end up in a house with another woman and man. They begin talking about a comfy chair and the rack. The woman sits in the comfy chair and is wisked away as the level of comfort it provides blows her mind.::: "Don't forget to buy you own comfy chair! Come to the Spanish Inquistion Furniture store! We'll put you on the rack of comfort if you buy a chair from us! You'll learn that there is no where you can hide to avoid our sales." :::The commercial ends.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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Well congradulations guys. You've offically surpassed the Teleport thread :D
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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The little humanoid in roman centurion armor walks out as an audience cheers. He arrives at the podium. He smiles as he shuffles some papers.::: "We hear at MOANS are more than happy to accept the awards on behalf of OMNI news and staff! Thank you Nekira for presenting it to us! And as I said we are accepting because they are tied up at this time with other things." :::Unseen but over at the OMNI news network everyone there has been place into a deep sleep due to something in the air.:::

Thank you for pointing that out Nekira! We really haven't been paying attention!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The little humanoid in roman centurion armor walks across the stage and stands behind a podium. He shuffles a small stack of papers and looks into the camera.::: "Greetings fellow beings. I have a couple of small announcements to make. The First one is that at 9:30am Earth 2 time former President LoQuasis of the CCW passed away quistly in a distinguished hospital located on Earth 2. President LoQuasis was a man known for his reforms. He managed to keep the CAF budget under control. Although he never cut it as badly as some administrations did. He was also know for his friendly parties after getting legisation thru parliment. He was also a personal friend! I miss my friend!" :::The little humanoid wipes a hand across his face. After a moment of silence he looks up and back at the camera.::: "On a more serious note the planet Hambrasas in Anvil galaxy at the coordinates 125X165X-25 has officially changed everyone's uniform on this planet. The men have to wear mini skirts and the women have to wear golf shorts. And visitors to the planet aren't allowed to wear anything." :::There is a noise of movement and a paper is shoved into the little humanoids hands.::: "I Have a correction here on the last story. Apparently the men wear the golf shorts and the women are wearing the mini skirts. And there have been no movement on the visitors alloted clothing. Visitors to this planet are still being forced to go natural. This is so the natives don't get blinded by hawiian floral shirts and bermuda shorts, which were banned after they were found to cause eye cancer to the natives. That is the news today!" :::The camera returns to the previous program.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The little humanoid in centurion armor walks across the stage towards a podium. He shuffles a series of pages. He then looks up at the tri-vid camera.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. I bring you a breaking new story. Of course we have managed to get this story out before our competitors. This story is about a new sport sweeping the Three Galaxies. It started here on center a few months ago and quickly speard across the galaxies. This sport called Lupining involves coating your body with the blood and guts of various sea going creatures. You then get into the water. And it is recommended that you have some other means of propulsion. Because some really big predators usually start to show up and they are hungry. Now this sport isn't for everyone. We here at MOANS only recommend the truly dumb participate in this sport. That way the gene pool is cleaned out a little more often. And No we here at MOANS did not start this rumor to clean out the gene pool! That is the news for this moment."
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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Always glad to see someone reading the Omni News thread! We're always happy people enjoy them. I'l come out with more news from Marvin later on. :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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Cool! I'll keep trying to get Taalismn back over here too.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The little humanoid walks across the stage towards a podium. He shuffles his stack of papers and them looks into the camera.::: "Greetings fellow Phase Worlders! We have several breaking news stories. The first ones involves a specialized military unit from the CCW. This unit is part of the 25th Marine division, 10th regiment, 13th company, 1st platoon. This unit has the reputation of retaking ships captured from pirates. This unit recieved a unit citation for their latest action. This unit is know as the "Pirate shredders". The managed to secretly get aboard a ship which had been captured by a dispicable group of pirates know only as the Planet pirates. The pirates were exterminated to a man without lossing either a marine or a ships crewman. This brings their success against this group of pirates at eight ships rescued. We have heard that this marine force has been put on a hit list from various pirates. We asked the marines if they were worried and their reaction was to laugh at the threat. I'm not sure if they should be worried or not. I personally hope these pirate hunters keep saving those ships from whatever lurks out in the dark."
:::He shuffles his papers after moving one to the top.::: "Our second story is about these pirates. The Planet Pirates have been lurking the dark at various points in each of the three galaxy. They generally shy away from heavy capitol ship engagements. Although it is known that these dastardly pirates have managed to acquire several capitol ships including several battleships. They are believed to have between 3 and 6 battleship/ dreadnaughts. They have numerous battlecruisers and heavy and light cruisers. They even have several carriers in their overall fleet. Many attempts have been made to kill them by various powers of the three galaxies, but without success. The Planet Pirates have clashed with ever major and most minor powers of the Three galaxies, including the Tri-Galactic Merc, The Megaversal Legion and the Spectral Winds. So far as has been revealed the Planet Pirates have gotten the worse of each conflict. They usually withdraw when they detect major enemy forces. We have tried to ask our more secretive connections and they have not been able to answer our questions at this time. We are going to continue looking into these pirates and try and find you our audience answers you would like to know."
"Our third story is about a sad story about a little known planet at the galactic coordinates 350:200:-100 in the Thundercloud galaxy. A planet known as Quo'Troni'las. This poor planet which is pictured here. :::A picture is shown os a desert world.::: This little world was a desert world and was seeking help for their hydrospheric levels being so low. Well this problem was solved when some unknown stranged opened a rift to the water elemental plane. This was not closed for over 12 months. The world looks like this at this present time. :::Showing a world with very little dry water showing. Maybe a few islands the size of greenland.::: These people are not sure who opened the rift, but it is assumed that it might have been a leprochan. Many species went extinct do to the over abundance of water. They also have the problem of having many unknown species which have been added to the ecology. Many of which are dangerous. At this time the planetary government is seeking out water treatments to both remove the pollution before it enters the environment and a desalination plant to keep them in drinking water. They have several major investors interested in creating a fisherman's paradise. We wish them well! And that is all the news for this moment in time! We'll be back with more news soon enough." :::The scene returns to the previously interupted show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Alpha 11
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Re: Network Omni News

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Still around after all this time, wow.
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