The product log jam is about to break
Work on the Robotech® The Shadows Chronicle Deluxe Edition, the 8½ x 11 hardcover, is almost done. The new art and text are finished, we expect changes and approvals on text Monday or Tuesday and then it's paste it up and take it in to the printer and wait for it to come back in time for a Gen Con release in August. Yeah, it takes that long to get a hardcover book printed. They are a pain in the . . . I mean they are wonderful but take time. I think people will really enjoy some of the little tweaks, extra artwork, additions and improvements.
Meanwhile, work has already begun on the Macross and Masters Saga sourcebooks. Boy, we are excited about Robotech®.
With any luck, I’ll finish the editing and rewrites on the short stories for the Rifts® Anthology book soon. Good stuff.
We’re also working simultaneously on The Rifter® #43 (looking awesome, though Wayne and I didn’t get a chance to send the freelance writers the art to stat out yet; grrr), prepping some other projects, working on new T-shirt designs, online download products, the secret project (looking good), doing preliminary work and cooridination on Warpath: Urban Jungle RPG and Dead Reign RPG, and putting the finishing touches on the office and warehouse. After the Robotech books, it's back to Dyval and Outbreak. (Could Dyval be out in time for Gen Con? Or am I insane? Don't answer that.) We've even begun thinking and talking about the May 2009 Palladium Open House. It will be three days of gaming events and a Thursday V.I.P. Night.
I have to admit, all of this has made me feel very tired and a little scattered and burnt out. Yesterday felt awful, even though I got a great deal accomplished. Today was much better. A more upbeat, quiet and manageable day with a lot accomplished (and only 13 hours of work). I hope things get easier when Jason Marker goes full time in July and we are able to add Josh Hilden to the Palladium Staff as warehouse guy, writer, helper, and idea guy.
The latest Collectibles Auction is up
Alex and I have also thrown up another selection of cool, rare and weird collectibles from the collections of me, Erick Wujcik and the Palladium Archives. I didn’t have time to locate, sort and select the artwork and many Erick Wujcik items I wanted to offer fans and collectors, but there are some truly unique items in this auciton. I’ll get to a bunch of Erick Wujcik items and artwork next auction. Meanwhile, check this one out. Btw, I think this is pretty much it for the old dice bags, unless I run across some more unpacking.
The unpacking continues
There is still 7-10% of the place that remains unpacked and in boxes shoved in corners that need to be unpacked, sorted and straightened out. With 50 volunteers, some of the packing was not the most organized, and many boxes are mislabled, contain items not on the label, or missing a label entirely. As much fun as opening up a “mystery box” can be, we don’t have time to fool around with it all. Must admit, I finally found my missing dresser drawer (need it for the apartment) and hung paintings up in my office, making it feel homey and inspiring. They are a combination of Alex Ross, Keith Parkinson and Kevin Long. Perfect. But there still remains scary places of chaos and mystery boxes in the warehouse as well as paperwork that needs to be unboxed, sorted and filed. Need to hang artwork in the halls and warehouse too.
We’re working long, hard hours to get this all together and start unleashing a wave of product that will thrill, surprise and present you with hours of gaming enjoyment.
Always a juggling act
Work is constantly a juggling act, which means if writing and production is getting done, something else has to give. This past week or two that has meant no social life, not getting contracts done, and not answering all my Private Messages and e-mails. My apologies. I’ll try to get to all that in the next week.
It’s 9:00 PM Saturday. I’ve been here since 8:00 AM and I’m calling it a night. Alex and Wayne popped in for several hours too. Thanks, boys.
Keep the faith.
Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Artist and Creative Maniac
© Copyright May 31, 2008 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.
Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Palladium Books®, Phase World®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Megaverse®, Nightbane®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars® and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. Heroes Unlimited, Beyond the Supernatural, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.
Robotech® and Robotech® The Shadow Chronicles® are Registered Trademarks of Harmony Gold USA, Inc.
The product log jam is about to break
The latest thoughts and ramblings from the Palladium Books staff.
Moderator: AlexM
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