Megaversal system templates

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Megaversal system templates

Unread post by highpriestrsw2 »

I was wondering if there are "templates" for the Palladium system? (both MDC and SCD)
For example:
What would all undead generally have in common in the Palladium system? What are the basic "building blocks" for an undead creature in the system?
If anyone that is good with the system could chime in here on different templates for other creature types I would gladly appreciate it.
I'm trying to find an easy way to make my own creatures and wondered if this idea were valid in the system.
I'll admit that the idea is from countless hours of watching a group at my local gaming club make up their own monsters using the D&D 3E system while waiting for the DM and other players to show. (I hope it doesn't violate any forum rules to ask this question.) This IS NOT a thread looking for D&D monster conversions. I'm looking for ways to better understand the system and ways to make it easier on myself (and maybe others) who don't have time to spend writing out adventures and just want a way to make quick and dirty off the cuff things for their games. (Templates just sound like they'd make it easier.)

Thanks for the help guys!

(also posted in Q&A, Rifts and GM forums.)
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Re: Megaversal system templates

Unread post by Natasha »

I use the general stuff of daylight, running water, magic, and silver doing damage to the undead for my template.

After that, the devil's in the details.
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Re: Megaversal system templates

Unread post by Entiago »

Basically a good idea would be to pick up the RIFTS Conversion book and go from there. Especially for making a "Megaversal" Creature.

For me, since I basically run just PF, it is pretty easy to make things along. Once in a while I do run a BtS game, and sometimes I even look into BtS, Nightbane, and PF for some cretaures. Even going from those using a "ataple" of "rules" to go by to create my own. But for those systems it is a bit easy because I only need SDC.

I do believe, IIRC, MDC=5xSDC. that may help. After that just study the basics of creatures you want one to be "modeled" after, and your almost home free.
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Re: Megaversal system templates

Unread post by Northern Ranger »

One of the things that Palladium likes to do is to create different levels of Undead. For example, their vampires. There are three distinct different power levels, wild, secondary and master. Then there's the mummies. For the most part, they have the same vulnerabilities and powers, but their bonuses and HP/SDC levels are vastly different. So, I guess, as with most things in this system.... if it works for you, go for it! There are no real creation rules for stuff like that in Palladium, which is one of the things I've always liked about it. You can pretty much create what you want, how you want it. As weak or as powerful as you want it. It just depends on your GM. But if you're looking for some good monsters, get with Reagren Wright. He's been posting some doozies here on the forums. One thread in particular. But PM him, he's a good guy so I know he'd share them with you if you wanted.

I've got a few things as well that might interest you, so just let me know.
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Re: Megaversal system templates

Unread post by Northern Ranger »

Thrain13 wrote:
highpriestrsw2 wrote:I was wondering if there are "templates" for the Palladium system? (both MDC and SCD)
For example:
What would all undead generally have in common in the Palladium system? What are the basic "building blocks" for an undead creature in the system?
If anyone that is good with the system could chime in here on different templates for other creature types I would gladly appreciate it.
I'm trying to find an easy way to make my own creatures and wondered if this idea were valid in the system.
I'll admit that the idea is from countless hours of watching a group at my local gaming club make up their own monsters using the D&D 3E system while waiting for the DM and other players to show. (I hope it doesn't violate any forum rules to ask this question.) This IS NOT a thread looking for D&D monster conversions. I'm looking for ways to better understand the system and ways to make it easier on myself (and maybe others) who don't have time to spend writing out adventures and just want a way to make quick and dirty off the cuff things for their games. (Templates just sound like they'd make it easier.)

Thanks for the help guys!

(also posted in Q&A, Rifts and GM forums.)

You probably have your answer by now but I'm an.... Obsessive :demon: ... fan of Undeath (in all its forms).
And seeing as how I've been a part of this little community for an entire 2hrs or so, I feel maybe I can help.

I've seen plenty of Zombie stats and the like, so I assume your looking for more Powerful and/or Intelligent specimens. In Heros Unlimited Revised 2nd Edition, Mega-Hero catagory, Mega-Powers table 91%-00% gives the closest thing to an undead template I've seen in any Palladium book. If you want S.D.C. it needs no adjustment. If you're using M.D.C. you can either use the Vampire S.D.C./H.P. effects, or just convert S.D.C./H.P. to M.D.C. point for point, or whatever seems appropriate. You may have already done this, but I suggest you look through Rifts: Africa, Nightbane (most books), Rifter #8, Vampire Kingdoms (obviously), and mabye Wormwood & Paladium Fantasy. I'm sure I'm forgeting some sources but for this system thats all I know for official materials. I hope this helps, if anyone wants to talk/argue :thwak: with me feel free to E-mail.

Hey, welcome to the forums. It's nice to see a fellow fan of the undead. I'm something of a vampire freak, having used them in just about every major campaign I've run to some capacity or other. I get a lot of PM's asking for my opinions on them, as well. Again... welcome to the forums. Look forward to picking your brain in the future.
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"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

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Re: Megaversal system templates

Unread post by sasha »

Picking your brain.

I get it :lol:
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