Gore Hounds and Such!!

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Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by goodhometownboy »

Ok I assume Slappy will beat me to the punch but i was wondering if anyone else has thought about it... Thought about the Pack master that is.. they seem to get nothing from this fourm.. so i was thinking about helping them out with other pack type animals they can have.. as well as varients of the Dogs and bounes... like a Massitiff get like 6D6 more mdc or something... I am also currently working on other animals such as Maybe a cat vareint ie: Puma, Lion, Tiger maybe calling them the Hell cats ( i know not original but i'm drawing a blank right now) my thought are as long as they have a pack mentality.. so a bear would not work but Lions would... anyways keep a look out for my new gore type animals! i am almost done i was just wondering what everyone's thoughts where before i post them :thwak:
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by goodhometownboy »

wow i really thought i would get more of a response... is this a stupid idea?
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by runebeo »

No, I like to see more gore beasts. I have ideas, but I want think them out more before posting them. Lets see your.
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by runebeo »

I like the idea of gore skunks, but useless against host armors and the machines. Good for riot police in town. A gore whales could be interesting. Cerberus type gore hound might be slower, but extra attacks would come in handy. Chimera-like gore beasts could have many uses, especially ones with wings.
I will be 125 living in Rio de Janeiro when the Great Cataclysm comes, I will not survive long but I will be cloned threw the Achilles project and my clones will be Achilles Neo-Humans that will start a new Jedi order in Psyscape. So You May Strike Me Down & I Will Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine. Let the Clone Wars begin!
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by goodhometownboy »

So i have to give credit to Ectoplasmic Bidet because if he didn't come up with the Bore Worm I wouldn't have no idea where to start. so thank you Ectoplasmic Bidet :-D . so here is the the first of many please tell me what you think that why my next Gore item will be better

The Gore Worms were created at the Packmaster’s Request because they felt that they had no options and were severely under powered and almost obsolete. The Gore worm was created because quit a few Packmasters Liked the Bore worms so the engineers thought to make a faster yet smaller version of the bore worms. The Gore worm is very much like its bigger cousins like in the facts it looks like a bigger version of the grubs shot out of a bore cannon and they are both worms. The Gore worm how ever does have one strange feature and that is its eye it looks like you are looking into a black whole that never ends but yet when in combat it glows red and shot out like a cannon. The worm tunnels underground very quickly and silently. They are unable to handle a rider willing digging but can bury a host armor in less then one minute. And like their cousins they can have their rear body destroyed and still live but it will take a while for it to regrow. The Gore worm how ever is not as powerful and should not be used as a frontal assault but as a trapper and scouting tool. Unlike their almost robotic minded bigger cousins they do have a personality. They are very nosy and like to see what is going on and make a lot of noise though no one knows where they whimpering and sqeeking sound comes from.

Class: Scouting and Trapping
Crew: one rider on the surface very slowly
M.D.C. by Location:
Eye: 60
Rear body**: 4D6+60
Main body*: 6D6+100 each

*Depleting the M.D.C. of the Main Body kills Gore Worm
**If the Gore worm rear half is destroyed reduce all Bonuses by Half as well as speed and weapon damage.

-Running- 8 mph. The Gore Worm can travel on the surface if necessary, but it is awkward and slow.
-Leaping- Not possible, though the War Mount can explode out of the ground at high speed and approximately 15 feet into the air.
-Digging- 80 mph through dirt, sand, and clay, but only 50 mph through rock, concrete, and large deposits of Man or Machine-made metal. The Gore Worm needs only 12-15 seconds to completely burrow beneath the surface and can achieve sub-surface depths of approximately 5,000 feet, with slight variations depending on the geography of the area.
-Swimming- Not possible, the Gore Worm sinks like a stone. A Gore Worm can survive extreme depths, down to approximately 7,500 feet and crawl along the floor of the ocean at 20 mph or choose to burrow beneath the sea floor to use a more convenient travel medium.
-Flying- Not even close to possible.
-Range- Limited only by the Packmaster need for food.

Statistical Data:
-Height: 3-4 feet of the Gore Worm is exposed above the ground
-Width: 4 feet at the main body's widest point in its non-combat form,
-Length: 5-6 feet from end to end. The main body is 18 feet long and the rear section is 14 feet long.
-Weight: 800lbs 1200lbs.
-Cargo: can only pull 800lbs at a very slow pace and only on the surface
-Physical Strength: Supernatural PS of 18 + 1D6.
-Production Cycle: 14-month gestation period, plus 1 year growth time.
-Operational Lifetime: 60 years.
-Trade Value: 10 million credits for a healthy, undamaged unit.
-Bio-Regeneration Rate: 2D6+3 M.D.C. per melee for the main body and 1D4+2 M.D.C. per melee for all other locations. The Gore Worm possesses exceptional regenerative abilities as a counter-balance to its Awkwardness in battle. The Gore Worm can regrow destroyed components in 3D8 +20 hours and even totally regenerate its entire back half, the section containing its combat form, in 6D6+12 days.
-Horror Factor: 14 against humans outside the Resistance, but none against the Machine.
-Senses & Features: Standard for Mount senses except for numbers 1, 4 and 6, as well as the Seismic Sense bio-enhancement.
-Feeding: The Gore Worm is a lithovore and "eats" from 240-360 lbs of minerals (stones, rocks, dirt, clay, etc) per day, dissolving them with it acidic mucus then slurping them up like an organic vacuum pump.
-Sleep Requirements: As an artificial organism, the Gore Worm requires only four hours of sleep/rest per day.

Other Data:
An unmanned Gore Worm is able to function on a Child like mentality and instincts alone, but unlike its bigger cousin it does have a personality and tends to be curious and loud. Unless properly restrained its tends to wander off. It will only follow the commands of a Packmaster capable of communicating with it using a Bio-Comm. The War Mount does differentiate between human and Machine to the point that it knows to run away unless ordered by a Packmaster or Outrider
-Alignment: The Gore Worm is generally of a good or selfish alignment.
-Gore worms Attributes: IQ: 1D4+2(average animal intelligence), ME: 1D4+6, MA: 1D4, PS: 19-24(Supernatural), PP: 8+1D4, PE: 18+3D6, Spd: See above.
-Number of Attacks/Actions: 4
-Combat Bonuses (In addition to possible attribute bonuses): +4 to strike with ranged weapons, +5 to save vs. poison & disease, and is impervious to Horror Factor & mind control (and possession).
-Equivalent (instinctive) Skills of Note: Land Navigation 68% Prowl 80%(digging slowly) 20% full speed Detect Ambush 70%, understands anyone with a bio-comm. Trap construction 60%, trap and Mine Detection 40%
-Combat Capabilities: Bore Worms Rarely Engage in Hand to Hand but when they do they are a sight to behold and be grossed out by. They usually tend to doggy pile their foes.
Body block 2d6 M.D.
Doggy Pile 3D6 M.D+ 4D6 M.D. for every worm doggy pilled
Leap attack 2D8 there is 1-70% chance to knocking the opponent as large as 12 feet off of his feet and onto is back (and a 1-40% chance the victim drops whatever he was holding) if successful the victim loses initiative and 2 melee attacks
Slime Attack – shots a the same mucus it uses on its self to cover its victim. The victim has a 30% chance of falling and losing 2 attacks every time it moves 10ft or more slowly or 80% if the victim tries to move at full speed.
Quicksand Attack: Requires at least 3 gore worms: The Gore Worm can create a quicksand like whirlpool with a 10 radius +3 feet for every worm helping out after the 3rd worm. The victim is at a -3 to attack, dodge, and parry, loses two attacks and every time it moves it will sink 1D4 ft. This attack can be used to bury victims alive.

Bore Worm Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Heat Projector Cannons
- is at the center where the “eye” should be
-Primary Purpose: Anti-Robot and Self-Defense.
-Mega-Damage: 1D8x10
-Rate of Fire: Each force blast counts as one melee attack.
-Maximum Effective Range: 1,600 feet.
-Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

2. Slime Coating: Makes it impossible to grapple with and is able to use it in an attack (see above)

All other enhancements must be added by the Packmaster.

Note: Reduce the amount the Packmaster is able to spend on the Gore Worm by 20 due to its automatic bio-weapon systems.
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Hmmm..interesting idea...of course, the devout diehard PackMasters will claim that folks who have more than 50% of non-Gorehounds as part of their pack should go by other titles, like 'GrubHandler', or 'RatWrangler', causing some dissent ranging from good natured ribbing to outright brawling between Packmasters...

Might wanna consider aquatic versions too...I recall hearing and seeing of massive swarms of migratory crabs in the Pacific or Indian Ocean...land crabs might be an idea too...
Anti-mech lemmings too...
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by goodhometownboy »

then i might have to change it to packmasters can not split between animails ie no 1 worm and 2 dogs
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by goodhometownboy »

right now i am working on a cat type like a lion (tends to be pack animals) and i am also working on varient of the dogs like each breed gets different bounses kinda like when choosing a dog boy... any other pack type animals my mind is drawing a blank
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Sorry about being late on this thread. I think it's a very cool idea. I think your creation has a great deal of merit. Thank you for sharing it. Please keep them coming!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by Premier »

goodhometownboy wrote:Ok I assume Slappy will beat me to the punch but i was wondering if anyone else has thought about it... Thought about the Pack master that is.. they seem to get nothing from this fourm.. so i was thinking about helping them out with other pack type animals they can have.. as well as varients of the Dogs and bounes... like a Massitiff get like 6D6 more mdc or something... I am also currently working on other animals such as Maybe a cat vareint ie: Puma, Lion, Tiger maybe calling them the Hell cats ( i know not original but i'm drawing a blank right now) my thought are as long as they have a pack mentality.. so a bear would not work but Lions would... anyways keep a look out for my new gore type animals! i am almost done i was just wondering what everyone's thoughts where before i post them :thwak:

Hello GoodHometownboy, Great topic and I am glad you created it! :-D

Actually Slappy and I have been working on a major gorehound concept that will be part of the upcoming project release. I totally agree with you regarding other breed influences for the gorehound functionality and mastiff breeds, LGD breeds, fighting breeds and big game hunter breeds (basically the molossers & bull & terrier crosses) will play a strong influential role in what you will soon see. Unfortunately we can not disclose their details until the material is published per request, but lets just say that we know dogs comprehensively, especially ones suited for intense combat and there will be some serious knowledge imputed into these designs and how they work.

As to the feline aspect, well we will also have something special for those who admire this route as well. Now as far as social characteristics go, even lions are not as sociable outside of their own respective pride, and even within their own pride, the reinforced hierarchy can be intense. Some of the other aspects that influence feline design is their morphology & functionality. Felines are the some of the best assassin type killers (especially in predator to prey relation), but not necessarily one of the best when it comes to actually fighting equal or comparative adversaries. Lactic acid and the instincts to retreat versus taking high risk when faced against strong opposition are very strong and well preserved in many feline designs. So while they may be very explosive and have a nice arsenal of weapons, they do tire in stamina and are more focused on prime advantaged conditions for combative prowess. So taking these relative things into account, we built something I deem very formidable for the feline representation that should not let any feline fancier down, IMHO.

As to other Gorebeast concepts well, smile, I can tell you that there is some of the strongest fighters lb for lb in the world coming to roam the oasis of Splicers from the mustelid family, just be on the lookout for the “Gluttons” and I have another idea that I haven't placed on the table yet regarding the most dangerous and adaptable of primates,(i.e. Papio anubis), "the baboons". Rival Packmasters beware, these guys will mean serious business, though they will not be called Packmasters.

Dang did I tell to much :wink: ?
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by goodhometownboy »

Hello GoodHometownboy, Great topic and I am glad you created it! :-D

Actually Slappy and I have been working on a major gorehound concept that will be part of the upcoming project release. I totally agree with you regarding other breed influences for the gorehound functionality and mastiff breeds, LGD breeds, fighting breeds and big game hunter breeds (basically the molossers & bull & terrier crosses) will play a strong influential role in what you will soon see. Unfortunately we can not disclose their details until the material is published per request, but lets just say that we know dogs comprehensively, especially ones suited for intense combat and there will be some serious knowledge imputed into these designs and how they work.

As to the feline aspect, well we will also have something special for those who admire this route as well. Now as far as social characteristics go, even lions are not as sociable outside of their own respective pride, and even within their own pride, the reinforced hierarchy can be intense. Some of the other aspects that influence feline design is their morphology & functionality. Felines are the some of the best assassin type killers (especially in predator to prey relation), but not necessarily one of the best when it comes to actually fighting equal or comparative adversaries. Lactic acid and the instincts to retreat versus taking high risk when faced against strong opposition are very strong and well preserved in many feline designs. So while they may be very explosive and have a nice arsenal of weapons, they do tire in stamina and are more focused on prime advantaged conditions for combative prowess. So taking these relative things into account, we built something I deem very formidable for the feline representation that should not let any feline fancier down, IMHO.

As to other Gorebeast concepts well, smile, I can tell you that there is some of the strongest fighters lb for lb in the world coming to roam the oasis of Splicers from the mustelid family, just be on the lookout for the “Gluttons” and I have another idea that I haven't placed on the table yet regarding the most dangerous and adaptable of primates,(i.e. Papio anubis), "the baboons". Rival Packmasters beware, these guys will mean serious business, though they will not be called Packmasters.

Dang did I tell to much :wink: ?[/quote]

Well i just hope that i don't post something and then you guys go and create something way better and on a much cooler scale!! :lol:
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by Guy_LeDouche »

Premier wrote:[Dang did I tell to much :wink: ?

Only if its going to be published; which I'm sincerely hoping for. If not, then feel free to expound some more! :D
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by Premier »

Guy_LeDouche wrote:
Premier wrote:[Dang did I tell to much :wink: ?

Only if its going to be published; which I'm sincerely hoping for. If not, then feel free to expound some more! :D

OOps :eek:
I guess I will be a little more quiet :D
I wont be giving anything away, but I am excited to see your reactions when it does come out
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by Premier »

Well i just hope that i don't post something and then you guys go and create something way better and on a much cooler scale!! :lol:

Ahhh...Dont worry, our plates are so full we are trying our best to get everything done. By all means create away. One of the cool features about Splicers is that anyone can take the same animal and put a spin on it 10+ different ways, change the aesthetic, add the alien DNA/RNA, and alter the functionality and the variations can be nearly infinite.

So create and enjoy
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I Know I want your book to be published! My fingers are crossed that it will see the light of day soon!
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by Premier »

Aramanthus wrote:I Know I want your book to be published! My fingers are crossed that it will see the light of day soon!

Thank You for the encouragement and support and we dont plan to let anyone down. Actually I think we are really loading this project with a ton of goodies that will showcase the realm of Splicers.
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by Premier »

goodhometownboy wrote:So i have to give credit to Ectoplasmic Bidet because if he didn't come up with the Bore Worm I wouldn't have no idea where to start. so thank you Ectoplasmic Bidet :-D . so here is the the first of many please tell me what you think that why my next Gore item will be better

The Gore Worms were created at the Packmaster’s Request because they felt that they had no options and were severely under powered and almost obsolete. The Gore worm was created because quit a few Packmasters Liked the Bore worms so the engineers thought to make a faster yet smaller version of the bore worms. The Gore worm is very much like its bigger cousins like in the facts it looks like a bigger version of the grubs shot out of a bore cannon and they are both worms. The Gore worm how ever does have one strange feature and that is its eye it looks like you are looking into a black whole that never ends but yet when in combat it glows red and shot out like a cannon. The worm tunnels underground very quickly and silently. They are unable to handle a rider willing digging but can bury a host armor in less then one minute. And like their cousins they can have their rear body destroyed and still live but it will take a while for it to regrow. The Gore worm how ever is not as powerful and should not be used as a frontal assault but as a trapper and scouting tool. Unlike their almost robotic minded bigger cousins they do have a personality. They are very nosy and like to see what is going on and make a lot of noise though no one knows where they whimpering and sqeeking sound comes from.

Class: Scouting and Trapping
Crew: one rider on the surface very slowly
M.D.C. by Location:
Eye: 60
Rear body**: 4D6+60
Main body*: 6D6+100 each

*Depleting the M.D.C. of the Main Body kills Gore Worm
**If the Gore worm rear half is destroyed reduce all Bonuses by Half as well as speed and weapon damage.

-Running- 8 mph. The Gore Worm can travel on the surface if necessary, but it is awkward and slow.
-Leaping- Not possible, though the War Mount can explode out of the ground at high speed and approximately 15 feet into the air.
-Digging- 80 mph through dirt, sand, and clay, but only 50 mph through rock, concrete, and large deposits of Man or Machine-made metal. The Gore Worm needs only 12-15 seconds to completely burrow beneath the surface and can achieve sub-surface depths of approximately 5,000 feet, with slight variations depending on the geography of the area.
-Swimming- Not possible, the Gore Worm sinks like a stone. A Gore Worm can survive extreme depths, down to approximately 7,500 feet and crawl along the floor of the ocean at 20 mph or choose to burrow beneath the sea floor to use a more convenient travel medium.
-Flying- Not even close to possible.
-Range- Limited only by the Packmaster need for food.

Statistical Data:
-Height: 3-4 feet of the Gore Worm is exposed above the ground
-Width: 4 feet at the main body's widest point in its non-combat form,
-Length: 5-6 feet from end to end. The main body is 18 feet long and the rear section is 14 feet long.
-Weight: 800lbs 1200lbs.
-Cargo: can only pull 800lbs at a very slow pace and only on the surface
-Physical Strength: Supernatural PS of 18 + 1D6.
-Production Cycle: 14-month gestation period, plus 1 year growth time.
-Operational Lifetime: 60 years.
-Trade Value: 10 million credits for a healthy, undamaged unit.
-Bio-Regeneration Rate: 2D6+3 M.D.C. per melee for the main body and 1D4+2 M.D.C. per melee for all other locations. The Gore Worm possesses exceptional regenerative abilities as a counter-balance to its Awkwardness in battle. The Gore Worm can regrow destroyed components in 3D8 +20 hours and even totally regenerate its entire back half, the section containing its combat form, in 6D6+12 days.
-Horror Factor: 14 against humans outside the Resistance, but none against the Machine.
-Senses & Features: Standard for Mount senses except for numbers 1, 4 and 6, as well as the Seismic Sense bio-enhancement.
-Feeding: The Gore Worm is a lithovore and "eats" from 240-360 lbs of minerals (stones, rocks, dirt, clay, etc) per day, dissolving them with it acidic mucus then slurping them up like an organic vacuum pump.
-Sleep Requirements: As an artificial organism, the Gore Worm requires only four hours of sleep/rest per day.

Other Data:
An unmanned Gore Worm is able to function on a Child like mentality and instincts alone, but unlike its bigger cousin it does have a personality and tends to be curious and loud. Unless properly restrained its tends to wander off. It will only follow the commands of a Packmaster capable of communicating with it using a Bio-Comm. The War Mount does differentiate between human and Machine to the point that it knows to run away unless ordered by a Packmaster or Outrider
-Alignment: The Gore Worm is generally of a good or selfish alignment.
-Gore worms Attributes: IQ: 1D4+2(average animal intelligence), ME: 1D4+6, MA: 1D4, PS: 19-24(Supernatural), PP: 8+1D4, PE: 18+3D6, Spd: See above.
-Number of Attacks/Actions: 4
-Combat Bonuses (In addition to possible attribute bonuses): +4 to strike with ranged weapons, +5 to save vs. poison & disease, and is impervious to Horror Factor & mind control (and possession).
-Equivalent (instinctive) Skills of Note: Land Navigation 68% Prowl 80%(digging slowly) 20% full speed Detect Ambush 70%, understands anyone with a bio-comm. Trap construction 60%, trap and Mine Detection 40%
-Combat Capabilities: Bore Worms Rarely Engage in Hand to Hand but when they do they are a sight to behold and be grossed out by. They usually tend to doggy pile their foes.
Body block 2d6 M.D.
Doggy Pile 3D6 M.D+ 4D6 M.D. for every worm doggy pilled
Leap attack 2D8 there is 1-70% chance to knocking the opponent as large as 12 feet off of his feet and onto is back (and a 1-40% chance the victim drops whatever he was holding) if successful the victim loses initiative and 2 melee attacks
Slime Attack – shots a the same mucus it uses on its self to cover its victim. The victim has a 30% chance of falling and losing 2 attacks every time it moves 10ft or more slowly or 80% if the victim tries to move at full speed.
Quicksand Attack: Requires at least 3 gore worms: The Gore Worm can create a quicksand like whirlpool with a 10 radius +3 feet for every worm helping out after the 3rd worm. The victim is at a -3 to attack, dodge, and parry, loses two attacks and every time it moves it will sink 1D4 ft. This attack can be used to bury victims alive.

Bore Worm Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Heat Projector Cannons
- is at the center where the “eye” should be
-Primary Purpose: Anti-Robot and Self-Defense.
-Mega-Damage: 1D8x10
-Rate of Fire: Each force blast counts as one melee attack.
-Maximum Effective Range: 1,600 feet.
-Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

2. Slime Coating: Makes it impossible to grapple with and is able to use it in an attack (see above)

All other enhancements must be added by the Packmaster.

Note: Reduce the amount the Packmaster is able to spend on the Gore Worm by 20 due to its automatic bio-weapon systems.

getting back to the topic at hand, the Gore worm is a nice concept and I just have a few questions if I may:

1.) How long does it take for the 3+ Gore worms to generate the quickslime pool?
2.) Can the Gore worms secrete enough of this slime while tunneling creating slime filled tunnels, in which the Worm Wrangler can traverse through?
3.) Are their any specific attributes that the Worm Wrangler obtains for having these Gore Worms?
4.) Are their any chemical responses to the slime such as being flammatory, acidic, hardeneing, etc.
5.) Does the slime dissolve after a certain period of time (we would hate for the Machines to use the slime trails as a means to track Worm Wranglers)?

Food for thought
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by Spinachcat »

Great ideas! I love the idea of giving Packmasters a variety of beasties to choose from. However, I would want to keep them in line with the gore hounds and not make those creatures obsolete.

As for the feline variants, I could see them as awesome additions for Packmasters whose job is much more focused on stealth, speed and assassination than frontline conflict. Also, as a GM, I am much more interested in House vs. House conflicts than dealing with the robots. I would happily run a Splicers game post-bots where the Dune-like House rivalries were the biggest issues so the more toys for me to create unique Houses, the better.

Is the Splicers book a possibility for 2009?

I hope the game can garner some new fans because 5 years between the corebook and the first supplement is unfortunate. Maybe the release of a corebook will spark some new interest. Hopefully!
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by Premier »

Great ideas! I love the idea of giving Packmasters a variety of beasties to choose from. However, I would want to keep them in line with the gore hounds and not make those creatures obsolete.

I am not so sure the idea of mixing gore species is such a good idea in the end scheme of things. When developing a Packmaster or Gore-Wrangler it often involves the idea of OCC balance. When we disrupt this balance with intermixing interspecies things can easily supercede that balance if not carefully done.

For example; Current day field researchers have estimated that a single lioness is equal to 3 adult spotted hyenas in a interspecific fight. Well, what happens when a person who has a pack of (3-4) Gore hyenas says, well instead of starting off with all Gore hyenas, I wanted 2 gore lions and only 1 Gore-Hyena? Or 2 Gore hyenas and instead of having my last 1-2 last choices being Gore Hyenas, I want to exchange them for 3-4 gore hounds instead. See the balance is thrown off and it is kind of hard & or meticulous to define parameters that prohibit/restrict the unbalancing of a pack, and this gets even more difficult every time a new gore species is introduced for the choosing. This would mean defining a certain appointed value to each gore species beastie and how they relate to one another and to the entire pack for effective balancing. Hope that makes since.

I also think that the key to design is functionality and purpose. The Packmaster’s purpose might be different than that of a specific Wrangler’s and that makes for the devotion to the choices we make and commitment to that character. Rounding out designed functionality begins to take away some of the spice for each specific Packmaster or Gore Wrangler type. No longer would it be this Packmaster type of Gore-Wrangler type it might eventually lead to being simply what new variations of gore beast are available to chose from in this supplement, totally overlooking and or undermining the initial character, their specific Body Armor that coincides with that Gore species and their distinct purposes and attributes. I think a Packmaster is well rounded for what it does and that each variation should be as well for their appointed task as it pertains to the militia of that House. Intermixing various species also doesn’t take into account for the behavioral, physical differences and limitations of each gore species and how it may effect the overall performance of the OCC and gameplay.

Examples: a Gore-worm might not be able to keep up with a pack of Gore-hounds, or a Gore feline might be explosive in a sprint but may be quickly winded and not keep up with a coursing gore hound pack (we all know that NO feline can run with the steadfast stamina like a pack of wolves or African Wild Dogs) and may require the players to have to wait for their gore feline(s) to recover or for the gore worm(s) to catch up. Or perhaps a Falconer might not have any need for a cumbersome Gorehound in his field of expertise with all the high altitude climbing and such. What happens when a Gore-Crab Wrangler goes into the ocean, but that player chose a Gore hound to have as well? Doe he/she leave it to do whatever it must for the total duration of gameplay while they are away playing in the depths and is the GM to keep track of it for such duration? Then there is the difference in temperaments when dealing with realistic animal characteristics. Some animals work best as loaners while others are sociable animals and may take to interspecific interactions far easier than others, let alone individual animals’ wills and pecking orders being established and naturally reinforced within a pack.

These factors are just my 2 cents of course and I know every GM/Player has his/her own way of doing things that best suit their campaigns.

Also, as a GM, I am much more interested in House vs. House conflicts than dealing with the robots. I would happily run a Splicers game post-bots where the Dune-like House rivalries were the biggest issues so the more toys for me to create unique Houses, the better.

I can easily understand that and found myself caught up in the rival House blood feuds because of all the goodies I could conjure up for a House as well, and that caused me to take another look back into the Machines of NEXUS to grasp why they kept falling secondary in my drive and how I could capitalize on making them number one again as they are undoubtedly the biggest threat overall. This was one of the biggest reasons why Slappy and I decided to do our project as it brings things into a deadly perspective as to how big of a threat such robots can really be, even with the warring Houses going at it. When it is all said and done and a House has been thoroughly designed and built, it has to then survive its requirements and the tribulations that face its existence. Politics, Resources, safety and refuge, militia, philosophy and ways of life are all but a facet of the major issues when placed in the co-habitat of the Machines. The machines can easily change the way of an entire House simply by tampering with the major fresh water resources that the House relies on.

Is the Splicers book a possibility for 2009?

Great question and I understand your concern in asking. We can’t make any promises, public commitments or reveal anything as that is what the big man makes as the final call on, but I don’t plan to have anyone waiting for too long.

I hope the game can garner some new fans because 5 years between the corebook and the first supplement is unfortunate. Maybe the release of a corebook will spark some new interest. Hopefully!

I think the game will definitely garner new fans, old fans as well as stirring up the consistent current fans as to the style and aesthetic gameplay that Splicers provides that really makes it stand out as one of the best RPG settings there is. With Slappy’s sterling writing and plotting I am confident that you won’t be disappointed.
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by goodhometownboy »

Premier wrote:getting back to the topic at hand, the Gore worm is a nice concept and I just have a few questions if I may:

1.) How long does it take for the 3+ Gore worms to generate the quickslime pool?
2.) Can the Gore worms secrete enough of this slime while tunneling creating slime filled tunnels, in which the Worm Wrangler can traverse through?
3.) Are their any specific attributes that the Worm Wrangler obtains for having these Gore Worms?
4.) Are their any chemical responses to the slime such as being flammatory, acidic, hardeneing, etc.
5.) Does the slime dissolve after a certain period of time (we would hate for the Machines to use the slime trails as a means to track Worm Wranglers)?

Food for thought

wow i didn't even think about those items.. umm lets see

#1. i would say the gore worms could create the pool in about 1D4 rounds

#2. they could but only for the wrangler and only for a distance of 60ft +10 ft per lv of exp. because the worm is not equiped with enough slime to go any further if they do there is a chance 1-80% that the worm could become dried up and stuck in the dirt its self

#3. the wranglers get the sesmic sense ablity that way they always know where there worms are and at a base percent of 75%+5% per level

#4. there is a minor affect to the slime such as a harding which gives the victim a -1 to attack and dodge untill scaped off (think if it like dried super glue its more annoying then anything and there is a -2 attack and dodge if the slim gets in they eyes or covers the sensers.

#5. the slime does dissolve if not placed on anything on purpose in 1D8 rounds (no trace what so ever it just flakes away.

well i hope that helps when i get a chance i will add it to the above post keep the questions i want to make the best gore animals i can and these questions help me on every other beast i am creating.
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

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I think a few kinds of Gore-Whales could be excellent if used as a sub or for heavy bombardment of the coastline against the Machine. Gore Dolphins & Seals could really add some versatility to the Splicer Navy. How about a Gore Mammoths, bet the art would be really cool. What kind of weaponry could be put into the tusks? I'm thinking a liquid nitrogen sprayers and maybe retractable harpoons. Finally the Mammoths can be on the other side of the hunt.
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

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Pack masters are about the only reason I'd want to play Splicers. If I knew someone was running a game... I'd play. And, yeah I'd like more gore animals.
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

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As much fun as pack masters are, my interest is in Scarecrows and Angels. More options for pets would make pack masters more attractive though.
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by goodhometownboy »

i will take a look into dinosaurs- right now i am looking into cat like gores but the problem is finding animals that have a pack mentality (don't need any pack masters being malled ya know)
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

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Check out Slappy's creations for the hivemaster if you want insects Geronimo :)
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by 89er »

So, I listed some ideas you guys had and I agree, they would all be great:

Gore bats
Gore skunks
Gore whales
Cerberus type gore hound
Chimera-like gore beasts
Gore Lemmings
Gore Crabs
Gore Dolphins
Gore Seals
Gore Mammoths
Gore Ants
Gore Dolphins

I'm also thinking of Gore Dragonflys, Gore Frilled Lizards, Gore Ospreys, and Gore Lobsters.
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

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need more ideas check out the "1001" at http://iririv.deviantart.com/gallery/
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

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I've being thinking somehting like this. but don't know if I could post stuff in others thread.
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by runebeo »

Gore Mammoths, T-Rex, Triceratops, Raptors, squids and octopus could make for interesting mounts. I was thinking maybe one of the new Splicer books could have a tables for making new gore beasts and warmounts. I know I sure love making host armor and if they use a Bio-E system I think each creature could be quite specialized for the needs of the rider or Pack Master.
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by 89er »

abtex wrote:need more ideas check out the "1001" at http://iririv.deviantart.com/gallery/

After seeing his stuff, my head is going through a phase of exploding and reforming from the ideas.

Yes, its going to be a pain to get gray matter out of my keyboard.
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

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So below some idea i'm thinking right now. Lack some background story

he fenrir is a something between a warmount and a gorehoud. To put it simply they are essentially giant wolf . Albeit they are quite something more than this. They are often used By Packmaster as a favored mount, And sometimes by outriders too. Albeit is kind too lightweight for their taste. The Fenrir is not just an "heavy hitter", as it does have strong Alpha-wolf attitude, that make it an effective second in command for packmasters, albeit this means it will "friendly" challenge the packamster once while for the control of the pack.

Class: Close combat and troop support
Crew: one comfortable, another passenger is possible squeezing a bit, but the Fenrir is quite picky and accept only its packmaster as rider
M.D.C. by Location:
Front Legs (2): 4d8+56
Hind Legs (2): 4d8+78
*Head: 4d10+120
**Main Body: 4d10+ 210 +PE attribute
Shoulder Spikes(2): 80 each

* depleting the head will kill the fenrir
** Depleting the main body will will kill the fenrir but seel below under extra features

Running: 125 mph, but cruising speed is only 50 mph, Fatigue at only 1/25 of normal human. Can run at full speed for 6 hours with 1d8x5+10 minutes of rest betaween eahc rush, but can go indefinitively minutes of minutes of rest between each.
Leaping: 20 feet high and 25 ft across, double with running start
Digging: 20 mph, half through rock, concrete or stone
Swimming: 40 mph, dog paddle, maximum depths is 500 ft
Flying: not possible...unless you pay for a set of wings

Statistical Data:
Height: 6ft at the shoulder, 8ft at the top of the head
Width: 5 feet at the main body's widest point
Length: 10-12 feet from end to end. The tail add another 3ft of lenght
Weight: 1000+ 2d6x100lbs.
Cargo: can pull 2500lbs, and carry 1000lbs
Physical Strength: Supernatural PS of 20+1d8.
Production Cycle: 6 months gestational period, plus 1 year growth time.
Operational Lifetime: 50 years(special a mutant strain cause 30% of fenrir to live twice as that, provided they are not killed).
Trade Value: 15 million credits for a healthy, undamaged unit.
Bio-Regeneration: 1d4 MDC per 10 minutes
Horror Factor: 14 against humans outside the Resistance(is a big F. wolf), but none against the Machine (is unfair in my opinion).
Senses & Features: Same as Gorehounds plus the Fenrir can feel its Pack members, included the packamaster, in a range of 2 miles and had an extraordinary sense of smell that allow it to track by smell at 65%
Feeding: Omnivore but prefer meat...possibly still bleeding. Eat 50-70 pound of organic matter per day.
Sleep Requirements: As an artificial organism( but still ALIVE dislike machines. I am going to remind this every time i post on Splicer Board), the Fenrir requires only four hours of sleep/rest per day.

Other Data: The Fenrir Is quite peculiar in that it is sensibly smarter than average gorehounds and can perfectly work alone as well as packleader. This come for a price, as the Fenrir is no very likely to obey to anyone but its packmaster, and even that, if the pakcmaster has a weak personality(low MA) or show sign of weakness(low ME), the fenrir will challenge him for control of the pack. this involve a duel where one of the two will admit the defeat. THis is not to death, but losing mean losing contorl of the pack, who will now follow the Fenrir. Of coruse most Pakcmaster know this and avoid to show themselves too weak, at least in front of their pack.(and again a pakcmaster with low MA or ME is not likely to be a good packmaster)
Alignment: Aberrant. They are more concerned about their pack, and as extension of it their Great House, but very little concerned about humankind in general.
Attirbutes: IQ: 1d6+6 (high animal intelligence) ME: 15+1d6, MA 2d6+12, + 50% toward canines, PS: 21-28 supernatural, PP 1d6+15, PE: 2d6+16, PB 1d6+12, Spd 132(see speed above)
Number of Attacks per Melee: 5
Combat bonuses:( in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +6 on initiative, +4 automatic dodge, +5 to pull punch/Bite, +3 roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 to disarm, +5 to save vs. HF, +3 to save vs. posion toxins and their effects, duration and damage are only one third than normal
Special - Alpha Wolf- When commanding a pack of 3-6 canines, the entire pack, included the fenrir itself, enjoy the following bonuses. +10% to all skill rolls, +1 to initiative, +2 to strike and +1d6 to damage
Equivalent(instinctive) Skills of note: Climb 50%, Detect Ambush 70%, Detect Concealment 70%, Identify Plants and fruits 80%, Land Navigation 80%, Prowl 65%, Swim 80%, Hunting(does not include preparing food) 60%, Track(human, animals and robot) 75%, understand human language and know well that machines are bad thigns to be destroyed

Combat Capabilities: Close combat is where these "puppy" excel
Restrained Head Butt*: 1d6+4 SDC
Full Strenght Head butt*: 1d6+2 MDC
Claw Strike: 3d6 MDC - but see below for Bio-WEapon system
Shoulders Spikes: 2d6 MDC damage
Biting Attack: 3d6 MDC
Power Bite: cost two attack per melee, 5d6 MDC - see below for bio-weapon modification
Leap Attack: 3d6 MDC, and due bigger mass has 90% to knock off 12 feet tall opponents and 60% to knock off bigger opponents
Running Leap Attack: 6d6 MDC and is 95% to knock off its feet any opponets 30 ft tall or smaller count as two attack per melee

Bio-Weapons Systems - This are extra bio modifications common to Fenrir
1. Modified Glands - Acid enzymes: glands in the paws and in the mouth oft he fenrir allow for the production of devasting acid enzymes. These enzymes inflict an additional 1d6 damage to claw and bite plus 1d6 for 1d4 additional melee round. Also these enzymes are somehow adaptable, as they proven to be lethal for both metal and flesh(mostly because is not an actual acid but more mutated bacterial life that attack everything they do not identify, smashing it at molecular level). As side effect the Fenrir foam and sweat is crimson red.
2. Protective Shoulder Spikes: Other than be usefull for a riding attack these spikes are long enough to offer protection to fenrir and eventual rider. In short they add a sort of AR. Any roll to strike of 14 or lesser, aimed to the head of the Fenrir or rider, will hit the spikes instead
3. Super Sonic Howling: this is an effective weapon and good as beacon signal. The larynx of th Fenrir can emit high frequency super intense blast, wiht devasting effect:
Mega-Damage: 2d10 per melee round for as long as fenrir is howling, plus character with heightened form of hearing must roll vs. 12 or becoming stunned
Range: 80 ft radius
Duration: the fenrir can howl for 2d4 melee before needing to take a breath, also howling can be mad eonly from static position and require all action per melee. But a fenrir can stop howling at any time.
Note: The frequency of the howl vary slightly by individual fenrir, much like a vocie in never exactly the same, so from an howling an expert pakcmaster coudl identify the fenrir, or at least pinpoint what great house spawned it.
4. Keep on growing: The Fenrir continute to grow, till they die. Each 5 years of age add 1d4 feet to height, width and lenght, +30 MDC and +1d6 to speed and streght and increase amount of food to eat of 10 pounds. Every 15 years add +1d8+1(roll once) to HTH combat
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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by Kryzbyn »

Gore mantis for close quarters fighters....

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Re: Gore Hounds and Such!!

Unread post by Aramanthus »

That is an awesome new war mount Baron! Thank you for posting it.
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