Dead Boy Armor

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Re: Dead Boy Armor

Unread post by ZINO »

Col. McBride Tyson wrote:If you could have a suit of Dead Boy Armor would you be willing to buy? The suit would come with a 2 year warranty and cost $2200.00 if more then 10 people would sign on. A lot less the more that sign up. I am just curious, I would never go through with something like this without Kevin's Permission. Also what style of armor? I am going to Email Kevin and figure out the legalities of this to make sure no Copy Right Laws would be violated. I am thinking about starting an organization along the same lines as the 501st and 405th. But we would need around 50-100 starting members for me to front the money for a web site and forum to start. And if all goes well with the Rifts Movie Project I know it would really take off from there. Thank you

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Re: Dead Boy Armor

Unread post by csbioborg »

I'd highly consider it. It depends on whether I get offered a full time associate postion. I work on contract now. It would kick ass to go to the Comic Con in that is for sure.
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Re: Dead Boy Armor

Unread post by Dead Boy »

Col. McBride Tyson wrote:
Icy Anubis wrote:If I had the money, sure. But dont expect me to have that much money to spare in this life-time. Sorry man, It is an awesome idea though.

That is for the expensive Armor, I am thinking about going the Vacuum Form rout which would make the armor way cheaper

Whey you say "way cheaper", what price range you talking? You've peeked my interest, but being a full-time student, stereotypically that means I'm not flush with cash. Also, I'm kind of a big guy, so 'one size fits all' items never fit my frame, thus adding to the cost of something like this.
From the author of The RCSG, Ft. Laredo & the E. St. Louis Rift in Rifter #37, The Coalition Edge in Rifter #42, New Chillicothe & the N.C. Burbs in Rifter #54, New Toys of the Coalition States in Rifter #57, and The Black-Malice Legacy in Rifters #63, 64 & (Pt. 3, TBA)

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Re: Dead Boy Armor

Unread post by bar1scorpio »

Your biggest pain in the butt with Deadboy armor is figuring out how to make it all go together. Both eras were designed according to the Rule of Cool as opposed to any rule of practicality. The only reason why stormtrooper armor is able to be replicated is that they had existing, manufactured suits for work from. You're going to have to extrapolate the DeadBoys from 2D designs only.. there's nothing really that big or detailed to give you any help in 3D, unfortunately.
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Re: Dead Boy Armor

Unread post by Kakuma »

Col. Sir. You don't know me yet but I have the feeling that you and I will hopefully become friends
:D. You are not alone in your desire and pursuit of Coalition body armor. I myself seek to form a unit in my area. I have done much research into armor and weapons production on my own already and have several possible solutions to the many and varied problems behind fabricating items of interest. Feel free to PM me so that we might exchange ideas and such. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Last edited by Kakuma on Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dead Boy Armor

Unread post by Kakuma »

So you know that I'm on the level and not someone trying to sucker you into to a scam I present to you a couple of useful websites.

The first shows step by step how to create Stormtroopers armor from everyones' favorite scifi movies. This guy shows you how to make casting forms and a complete vacuuform table.

The second site is my personal favorite. A home built 3d printer. Commercial units cost tens of thousands of dollars but this can be built for well under $1000. And the best part is that it is an open source project by the University of Bath UK.

A little info on myself. I was/am a student machinist. I was half way thru my studies when I injured my back (note of safety never try to stop an 800lbs+ drill press from falling). After a years recovery (nearly had to go under the knife for it) I was ready to go back and finish class when I blew both head gaskets on my car. Well it took another year to save up to replace my car and now I just need to get it fully checked out then I'll be able to finish school, get a real job, and get started on my own production set up.

I hope this assures you that I'm "on the level" and not someone trying to pull your leg. I think that if we could outfit people with quality suits of CA2 and CA4 that we could drum up more interest not only for our favorite game but also kick Hollywoods rear into gear and get that movie made.
Stormtrooper Armor
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I have lots of ideas on how to use these two sites and others along with info I've gathered to make you idea and mine doable.
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Re: Dead Boy Armor

Unread post by Kakuma »

Sweet thanks for the link. :-D
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Re: Dead Boy Armor

Unread post by Dead Boy »

Col. McBride Tyson wrote:Got my clay in today. I am going to print out some pictures of the helm and start my sculpting of the face plate.

Out of curiosity, which style have you decided on? The Original CA-2, the newer CWC's CA-4, or the Special Forces CA-7?
From the author of The RCSG, Ft. Laredo & the E. St. Louis Rift in Rifter #37, The Coalition Edge in Rifter #42, New Chillicothe & the N.C. Burbs in Rifter #54, New Toys of the Coalition States in Rifter #57, and The Black-Malice Legacy in Rifters #63, 64 & (Pt. 3, TBA)

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Re: Dead Boy Armor

Unread post by ApocalypseZero »

You know, all of a sudden I'm finding access to costumes that I've always wanted, and yet need to wrroy about how I'm going to pay for them. :D

I'm tentative as a yes for this. Only 2 things: Will it fit me (and you know I'm a giant) and do I have to cut my hair for the CS military? :lol:
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Re: Dead Boy Armor

Unread post by MrMom »

To get the best look you might have to go with some type of light weight titanium mesh painted black with the bits of armor attached every where except the joints. Like the knees and elbows, ect,ect,ect.
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Re: Dead Boy Armor

Unread post by Kakuma »

My first step is to build the RepRap and vacuuform table and set up a 3d laser scanner.

Next scan myself and then build a 3d model of the armor on top of the scan.

Use the RepRap with a Dremel on it to carve the positive molds out of layers of the blue/pink dense insulation foam used to insulate a house.

Lacquer (to strengthen/harden the foam) the molds.

And then start "Pulling" the parts in plastic.

Trim, assemble and there you go. Quality armor to wow the noobs and entice more people into the Palladium family. :eek: :wink:

Your biggest pain in the **** with Deadboy armor is figuring out how to make it all go together.You're going to have to extrapolate the DeadBoys from 2D designs only.. there's nothing really that big or detailed to give you any help in 3D, unfortunately.

Not really. When you think about it everything around you these days from your tennis shoe to your computer up to your car all started out as a series of 2d drawings at one point or another. As to how it goes together...figuring that out is half the fun. :lol:
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Re: Dead Boy Armor

Unread post by romanwarrior »

This sounds like something I would partake in! I cant wait to see the results! I've thougth about putting something together in the past, but my artistic ability (or lack there of :D )has really held me back! When are you going to put a Samas together??
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Re: Dead Boy Armor

Unread post by Kakuma »

Col. McBride Tyson wrote:
Kakuma wrote:My first step is to build the RepRap and vacuuform table and set up a 3d laser scanner.

Next scan myself and then build a 3d model of the armor on top of the scan.

Use the RepRap with a Dremel on it to carve the positive molds out of layers of the blue/pink dense insulation foam used to insulate a house.

Lacquer (to strengthen/harden the foam) the molds.

And then start "Pulling" the parts in plastic.

Trim, assemble and there you go. Quality armor to wow the noobs and entice more people into the Palladium family. :eek: :wink:

Your biggest pain in the **** with Deadboy armor is figuring out how to make it all go together.You're going to have to extrapolate the DeadBoys from 2D designs only.. there's nothing really that big or detailed to give you any help in 3D, unfortunately.

Not really. When you think about it everything around you these days from your tennis shoe to your computer up to your car all started out as a series of 2d drawings at one point or another. As to how it goes together...figuring that out is half the fun. :lol:

The only problem I see with that, is I do not think the laser scanner can take a 2d drawing on a flat piece of paper and turn it into a 3d image. Other then that, thats a sound idea

Oh poo! Sorry about that. Seems I forgot a step or two. I'm used to thinking a couple things as a single operation when in fact it can be two or more.

After scanning myself I'd import the scans into a 3d CAD/CAM program and using a collection of the 2d drawings, design the armor tailored to me personally. 8) From there it goes to the RepRap. You don't need to print/carve your body just the "positives" of the armor that you use to pull your armor blanks/pieces on the vacuuform table.

A couple of interesting and cool side notes. I found a company in Florida that sells automotive paint to private shops/individuals. The effects they generate are awesome! They actually have a Chrome effect in a spray can!!! Can anyone say Glitter boy!!!

Here's the link for a classic mirrored look ... chrome.htm . And check this cool effect ... chrome.htm .

The other thing is something I need help to find again. While researching different plastics companies I found an electrically reactive plastic that changed color from black to white when a small current was passed through it. It was advertised for use in a hotel sign. Black background with white lettering. Flip the switch and the black field in front of "vacancy" suddenly has a white "no". It would be perfect for a suit of CA-3 or 4 for the "bone" areas(if the power needs were low enough i.e. battery level. I believe it is.). I lost all info on this in a hard drive crash :cry: so if anyone has any info on it or finds it in their own research please let me know. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Dead Boy Armor

Unread post by Kakuma »

I should soon be coming into ownership of a CNC router frame. When I kit it out with the electronics I'll be able to cut out the positive molds for vacu-forming weapons and armor. 8)

Oh hey Col. McBride Tyson how goes your helmet?
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Re: Dead Boy Armor

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

i'd love too, but i'll never be able to get the money.

besides, i'm not a big fan of the CS. a Triax suit maybe. i've been considering an urban warrior based suit for a bit, but i'm unlikely to get the funds anytime soon.
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