New Name Game?

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Re: New Name Game?

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Name: Chad Stevens
Alias: The Virtual Man

The Blurb: Chad, a sickly and ill formed child, was publicly schooled for the majority of his life. His overprotective parents, both strong fundamentalist Christians, did not trust the Public school system, and instead reared him themselves in what they considered to be a tru education.
Little Chad found life without standardised education a drag as he grew into adulthood. Poor socialisation and a lack of redeemable skills left him with few career options upon his dubious graduation, and so, drifting from one thankless job to another, he made his way to big city to seek a life that could truly be his own.
One night, while transporting waste product in the dead of night, (just another one of his more menial jobs), a deer ran across his road. never the best driver, he swerved and tipped his truck over, spilling him with waste, and changing his life forever.

The change: Chad is no longer recognisable. His skin has taken a uniform ash white tone, his eyes are large and pupiless and his other facial features have simply atrophied. His employers, who fell under harsh scrutiny when it was discovered that they truck toxic waste under cover of darkness, are looking for him, but the change in appearance, and his street level existence, have caused him to slide right off the radar.
In addition to his new apperance, which he loathes, he has also developed the superpowers of cloaking and illusions.

Modus operandi: Chad has a swelling reputation as 'the virtual man' a man who can deliver any sensation you may need. Ostensibly this is drugs, and he will move narcotics from time to time. But in reallity, the head rushes he gives resemble skydiving without a parachute, surfing a 1000 metre wave or being massaged by a whorde of cheerleaders. Chad operates out of an old garage. when expecting company he will make the place appeara absolutely palatial from the inside. For a nominal fee, one can rent a back room, and have any nature of delight served. He never appears the same way twice, except to select or favourable customers.

Attributes and skills: Effectively street skilled, though mid level (about 6th). His attributes mostly hover in the middle range, with a notable low ME (low self esteme and a general sense of self loathing over his appearance), and good PE (tough enough to survive some lean years sleeping in gutters). He has decent combat training (basic) but no weapons skills.

Resources: One disused garage. the front section is used as an office, while the back is usually subdivided into a number of small rooms for clients. It's tidy, but not sanitary. He keeps 1-3 guys around as security, but has a secretary called Camile who takes his calls (his voice cannot be picked up by phone) and keeps track of clients. He keeps dope and other easy to snag narcotics on hand, no great store just a little to lower inhibitions (and saving throws). He has a police tactical vest that he swiped some time in the past, as well as a small assortment of handguns and a shot gun for 'personal use' He has a lot of low life clients, but will clear the books for some of his better payers.

Personality and motivation. Miscreant alignment. Chad is bitter about his life, from a crappy childhood, to his current face. He's fastidious about being the best and hates to lose. He cares nothing about the people he hurts as long as he can keep the smooth running of his operation. He doesn't play sides, but will do jobs for money, as long as the job doesn't interfere with his business. He has started to experiment with lighter drugs, and has an established whiskey addiction.

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Re: New Name Game?

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You forgot to drop a name.
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Re: New Name Game?

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I thought I'd wait to see if there were any other takers.

How about.... Bandito

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Re: New Name Game?

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Experiment: Transfixing Gaze, Multiple Beings/Selves, Heightened Sense of Touch, Adhesion

Background: Jonathan Valenzuela lost his home and family due to a gambling addiction gone wrong. Spending 3 years as a transient, he never really had a lucky break. That changed one day when someone offered him a new life if he would follow them. He ended up in the lab of the Freak Master himself, Heinrich Vossen. Next thing he knew, his skin was on fire with sensation, he was stuck to his lab chair with out any restraints and worst of all, there were 3 copies of himself on three other lab tables around him. He was kept in captivity for 2 years, monitored in a rotating cubed room to see how well he could stick to things, and put in rooms with the rest of the Freak Master's creations to see how his last given power to hold others in place with just his stare would help his chances of survival. At the end of 2 years, he was given the option to continue being experimented on or to be let out into the world to bring Heinrich ill gotten funds. He agreed and has been using his powers to steal ever since. His signature move is to have one of his copies transfix a civilian, and another reach into the person's pocket to take their wallet.

How about...
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Re: New Name Game?

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WARNING: Not all that familiar with HU.

Powers: Super Consumption (Saw it in rifter 1), Alter metabolism

Glut was a strange kid growing up. He could always eat anything it didn't matter what it was. The kids in the neighborhood would always dare him to eat wierd things, rocks, bugs tree branches, dead rats, anything at all. Each time it would get weirder and weirder. He later took to winning the local eating contests and always won by a huge margin. Eventually he turned to crime and used his powers to steal gems jewelry and anything that was worth alot of mone. Using his ability to alter his metabolism he would slow down his system so that the item wouldn't get damaged then regurgitate it and fence it.
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Re: New Name Game?

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Marcethus wrote:WARNING: Not all that familiar with HU.

Powers: Super Consumption (Saw it in rifter 1), Alter metabolism

Glut was a strange kid growing up. He could always eat anything it didn't matter what it was. The kids in the neighborhood would always dare him to eat wierd things, rocks, bugs tree branches, dead rats, anything at all. Each time it would get weirder and weirder. He later took to winning the local eating contests and always won by a huge margin. Eventually he turned to crime and used his powers to steal gems jewelry and anything that was worth alot of mone. Using his ability to alter his metabolism he would slow down his system so that the item wouldn't get damaged then regurgitate it and fence it.
you forgot to drop a name for the next challenge.
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Re: New Name Game?

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Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Marcethus wrote:WARNING: Not all that familiar with HU.

Powers: Super Consumption (Saw it in rifter 1), Alter metabolism

Glut was a strange kid growing up. He could always eat anything it didn't matter what it was. The kids in the neighborhood would always dare him to eat wierd things, rocks, bugs tree branches, dead rats, anything at all. Each time it would get weirder and weirder. He later took to winning the local eating contests and always won by a huge margin. Eventually he turned to crime and used his powers to steal gems jewelry and anything that was worth alot of mone. Using his ability to alter his metabolism he would slow down his system so that the item wouldn't get damaged then regurgitate it and fence it.
you forgot to drop a name for the next challenge.

Whoops: Slayer the Unkind.
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Re: New Name Game?

Unread post by R Ditto »

Goodie, a creative exercise...
Unfortunately, the only thing that comes to mind for the name is a bit on the dark side.
I hope it isn't to dark...

Warning: Long post (I need to remember the terms 'short' and 'simple' one of these days...)

Slayer the Unkind.
Human Mutant, Male.
5ft 9in, short brown hair (usually looks like it's in need of combing), light blue eyes, medium build.
Powers: Extraordinary M.E., Cloaking, Natural Combat Ability
Skills of note, general athletics, swimming, prowl, streetwise, assorted rogue skills, escape artist.

Born Evan Henderson, he grew up an orphan, and as a trouble kid as he never could stay with a foster family for very long. He was adopted into one such family when he was a teenager, where he felt unloved because his foster parents had pictures of everyone else but him, and excuses that they couldn't get the camera to work when trying to take his photo. To make matters worse, bullies always picked on him at school, and he got into his own fair share of small brawls. Somehow, he endured it all, and soon put several bullies, including the quaterback of the school football team, in their place, usually with unerving adeptness at fighting skills if they tried to get physical with him.

He started to be shunned when it was discovered that, after high school photos were taken, he did not exactly show up in any of them, causing an unnerving effect as one of the class clowns was leaning on him during a group photo.
Things went from bad to worse when SHOCK showed up in town, when he was 'noticed' to be visible, but not show up on a digital zoom capable camera they were using to take 'pictures' of 'suspicious' people.
SHOCK tracked him down to his home, and brutally assault his parents, but left them barely alive only when a background check showed they had adopted Evan, and were not his biological parents.

Evan snapped, he was tired of bullies and bigots, and even though he felt unloved, was outraged by the attack on the only people who even bothered to at least try to give him a home, and royally ticked off that someone scared the crap out of his adoptive little sister.
He ran away from home when he found out the people were after him, but he became unsure of what to do, slipping into a life of petty crime since security camera's could not detect him, but he became more and more angry at the lack of kindness in the world, and of criminals getting away with so much.

His true calling came when SHOCK again showed up, he spotted one of them, one who had attacked his foster parents. The SHOCK member was 'out of uniform' and paying money gang members and asking them to cause trouble for some pro-mutant people. Evans had enough. Evan approached the gang, warning them of what they were getting into, but it seems that money was the only thing they understood.

He found his calling as he came back to his senses, he stood there, looking at the bloody knife in his hand, no less than a dozen gangers lay on the ground, wounded, knocked out, or cowering behind a dumpster and looking at him in fear. He only remembered them rushing him, one pulled out a knife and tried to stab him, he somehow stopped the attack and ended up with the knife, and things went blurry, as if he was running on autopilot for the entire battle.
He spotted the SHOCK person again, and with knife in hand, he went to solve what he saw as a problem, he felt it was a problem that had to be stopped dead in its tracks. He became a killer of the unkind, a predator that preyed on other predators, so he decided to call himself Slayer.

He stopped crime, with brutal and lethal efficiency when it came to violent criminals, leaving a wake of injured and dead criminals in his wake when they fought back, and criminals who were found tied and gagged if they did not fight back or were not violent criminals. Of victims he saved, many were surprised and even shocked that their thanks and vows of repaying him fell on apparently deaf ears and a cold heart. He soon became known as Slayer the Unkind. He is wanted by the police, but the fact he never shows up in photos or on security tapes forces them to resort to artist sketches. SHOCK secretly has a 10,000 dollar reward for info leading to his capture, or 50,000 dollars for him dead or 100,000 captured alive.

His lair is where he makes it, usually squatting in different places, never staying in one place for long, and usually hanging out with others that are unwanted, such as the homeless. He gets extremely violent when someone threatens the health or safety of any child or homeless person, and it is said that children are the only ones spared from the effects of his apparently cold and dark heart, and that he likes to 'scare strait' teenagers that often get into trouble or that choose to try and join a gang.
He does secretly take money from some criminals, such as members of SHOCK, and then donate it to homeless shelters, orphanages, and public programs meant to keep kids off the streets and out of trouble.

Item of note:
Mr. Ruffles, an old teddy bear, which seems to always be present in an area Evan stays in, it used to belong to a little girl Evan saved once, but he is never actually seen 'carrying' it, it simply seems to be near where he stays. It is one thing that disturbs him, as a small note sewn into its chest says "forget me not" along with a small plastic flower, but he cannot remember much about the little girl, only that he saved her, and he has failed to find any leads on what happened to her. He only knows that he gets the odd feeling that he has seen her recently, just that he cannot remember when or where.
He does think the teddy bear belonged to the girl, and he recalls the name of it was Mr. Ruffles, and that he was supposed to remember something because of it, but he cannot quite remember 'what' he was supposed to remember. He does remember that Mr. Ruffles sometimes shows up with some bits of food or other useful item next to it. It drives him nuts that he can be sitting there staring at it one minute, space out a moment while doing something, and suddenly notice food or some other item next to it, and get the vague feeling he just 'missed' or forgot something, like 'why' and 'how' the food or item got there, when he was staring at the teddy bear the whole time.
He also gets the odd feeling the teddy bear has something to do with a pen pal he sometimes writes to, someone named Maggie, although he never remembers mailing the letters or getting them, the letters he writes seem to just be 'gone' before he can mail them, and sooner or later, a 'reply' shows up, usually near Mr. Ruffles, without postal stamps, just mention of a P.O. Box. The post office doesn't recall who 'owns' the key to the Post Office box, just that it was registered to someone at some time, and that 'someone' seems to make payments on time for it, even though no one seemingly remembers it being paid, just a copy of a reciept and the money just being there, usually right after the door bell chimes from the door opening.

As one person recalled Evans once saying, in a deep yet almost emotionless tone: "If one has no love or mercy for those around them, they shall recieve no mercy and be sparred no quarter from me. My heart has been forged as black as the night and as cold as the winter by those around me... it is time for me to repay the favor unto the unkind... and for those that do show kindness upon others... I sometimes feel as if I have forgotten something of great importance..."

perhaps this is enough before it turns into a full story... :D
That and I need sleep. :sleep:

next name.

Lady Loco

(note, loco can mean not just crazy, but also this, "in the register as written —used as a direction in music"... or loco as in locomotive? I know I feel loco right now, need sleep...)
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Re: New Name Game?

Unread post by Stattick »

Lady Loca
15th level Immortal - Avatar of a God.
Powers: Transferal/Possession, Control Others, Illusions, Divine Aura, Invisibility, Intangibility
Attys (bonuses from skills not added in): IQ 24, ME 23, MA 36, PS 27, PP 19, PE 17, PB 20, Spd 29

Down through the ages she's walked, spreading mayhem and chaos in her wake, sometimes openly, but often from the shadows of the powerful. She's been mistaken for angel, demon, witch, goddess, and prophet. None of these lables are true, but they are all close. No one, not even the woman herself, knows what her true name, not that it matters any.

In recent years, the Hispanics in Century City have taken to calling the beautiful, enigmatic, and quite insane girl Seniorita Loca, or Lady Loca. It's a name that has been picked up by the media and law enforcement. She's as likely to help you as she is to kill you - perhaps even doing one after the other. Expert psychologists debate what her exact insanities are, but she is known to be occationally violent with anti-social tendencies. She views others as her playthings. She shows occational signs of paranoia and a disconnect from reality that some believe to a sign of schitophrenia, yet at other times, she is frighteningly lucid, often with deep penetrating insights, and a knowledge of surprising secrets.

The truth is that this woman has an entirely shattered mind that can never be mended. She has over a dozen different personalities; all of them are evil, and have at least one additional insanity. All of them have full access to her super powers as well. The truth of her origin is even more terrifying. In 168 B.C. at the end of the Third Macedonian War between Rome and Greece, the Greek goddess Mania, goddess of the insane, created a powerful avatar to harass the Roman conquerors. She pressed the personalities of a dozen different insane woman into one body. Over time, Mania eventually forgot of her avatar that has been dubbed Lady Loca on the nightly news. Nevertheless, she and her "family" of loyal followers are among the most wanted felons in Century City. Despite that, she has never been caught or arrested even a single time.

Skills of Note: Most rogue and espionage skills. Seduction, gymnastics, psychology, philosophy, mythology, history, dancing (professional), singing (professional), writing (professional), and most ancient WP's. Most of her personalities prefer ancient weapons to modern ones.

Role Playing Notes: Sometimes she likes to follow people around while invisible and intangible, just to whisper maddening things in their ears. Other times, she'll possess people simply to make them do something amusing. Money is never an issue, as she can just command people to give her their money or car. Imagine her as a cross between Tyler Durden from Fight Club, The Joker, a nymphomaniac, Hannible Lecter, Charles Manson, and some additional mad personalities to boot. She can literally be interrogated with the most powerful psionics, and still truthfully declare that she knows nothing of her master plan depending on which personality is at the forefront.

She's a gorgeous woman that appears to be in her early 20's, with long straight black hair, dark eyes, and a slightly swarthy complexion that is sometimes confused for a light skinned hispanic complexion. She speaks over a dozen languages, although some of those languages are considered dead.

Next Name:
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Re: New Name Game?

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I'd be more than happy to contribute, but the files I need are lost.
I had compiled a printable master list of all the Major & Minor Powers, Psionics (including the ones from AtB2), Spells, & quick-roll tables, but when my D-drive had to be partitioned off, I lost the access to those files, & I think I already threw out the printed pages when I had that leak a few weeks ago. :(

If I gave a copy to anyone, please let me know. If there's a site that I can use to reconstruct my files (I really don't want to comb EVERY book I have to remake the files), PM me a link please.
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Re: New Name Game?

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Real name...errr Slag. (Actually it's Wilbur Whaley, but he's never been called that)

Age: 15
Power Category: Mutant

The Blurb: Slag Knows too little of his origins. He was too young to see the horrified look on the maternity ward staff as he was born. He was too young to see the look of revulsion on his parents faces.
He does know he was loved and cared for by Halley and Brad, and he had the best parents he could ever have been traded to. And his life was wonderful. Halley, with her strong limbs and keen senses would keep the nest and taught him to scrounge for food in the sewers. Brad would teach him hunting, and how to be a man, even if he wasn't strictly a man.
Yes, among Mutants, Slag led a contented life.
Six SCRET Team members ruined the whole thing, in a night of gunfire and flashing laser bolts. Slag watched from a hiding place as every member of his small mutant community was shredded or burnt, while he helplesly watched.
It was only Later, amidst the ashes of his old life, did Slag come into his true power.

Appearance: Slag is a little over six feet tall and built stocky. He is Hairless and has only three fingers and toes. His eyes are black, but his irises are bright orange. When his powers maniffest he experiences odd growth spurts and swellings that further deform him.
His powers include Alter physical structure of limb (His head: Magma) Adrenaline surge, earth empowerment and animal abilities: Pachyderm.

Modus operandi: Slag wants revenge. Pure and simple. In his mind the armoured agents of SCRET are directly responsible for the death of his family, but his hate extends to all uniforms and costumes. Slag likes to find big enclosed area's (a bank, a school, a police station) and start throwing fire around. He knows enough to keep his feet on the ground when engaging an opponent in melee. He's not dumb per se, but is eager to execute humans, and so tends to be careless and easilly provoked. He will tag along with any activity that involves hurting humans, but want's to be part of the team, and get's really angry and aggressive if he feels he is being used as a patsy or a fall guy. He has a small circle of 'friends' all fellow mutants and outcasts and in a way he genuinely cares for their safety and if he's doing anything with them, he will ensure they have an adequate exit strategy. (Miscreant, but forges tight family bonds)

Attributes and skills: Street schooled with an emphasis on survival in the sewers. he's low level (around 3). High range of physical attributes and a PS around 40 or so (superhuman from AA: pachyderm). Mid range IQ but low ME. Proficient in Blunt weapons (he will use lumps of timber to augment his damage ability)

Resources: Disused sewer junction. It has three routes of escape. His sismic sense allows him to detect intruders. The place is wired up to city power. The place is divided into three sections. A Map room, where tourist maps of New york city are pinned to the walls, so he can plan his next offensive, a sleeping area, nothing more than some old sheets and mattresses, piled together like a nest, and a small living area consisting of some wooden crate furniture and a fridge. each of the three junctions are walled off by curtains or sheet strung up from the rest of the pipes. He keeps trophies of his hunts, but not where he sleeps. In stead he keeps them at the site of his parent's massacre.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Re: New Name Game?

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How about.......Wow

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Re: New Name Game?

Unread post by R Ditto »

Big Abominable Terrastrial Transport Specialist

Name: Harold McDonald
26 years old, 5ft 4in, 110 pounds, sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, lean but well toned build.

Sanitation Engineer (janitor): Level 7
Combat Engineer (right name? basically training with Army Corp of Engineers) Level 2

Human Experiment: (Chemical and Radiation, Unexpected side effect of an experiment, funded by private industry)

Super Powers: Growth, CEF Earth, Ext PS
Side Effects: Must Physically Transform (grows 3ft in height, adds 70 pounds, skin turns light grey, +30 SDC, +7 PS)

Attributes are average all around, with a high PP and PE.
Skills of note, General Repair/Maintenance, Basic Mechanics, Automotive Mechanics, Basic Electronics, Body Building and Weight Lifting, General Athletics, Cooking (Pro, southern and tex-mex styles are his best areas)

Harold was, of all things, accidentally part of a secret project by the military to create specialized soldiers who would be excellent in detecting things such as land mines, location of underground instillations, etc. One of the companies involved was a small research facility attempting to induce psychic powers within people, attempted to create psychics that could sense 'unnatural' materials, such as processed materials.
Most of the tests had dismal results, and a major scandal broke out when it was discovered some of the 'test subjects' who developed 'unexpected' psychic powers were already latent psychics in the first place. The 'latent psychics' were simply introduced quietly so the research team could falsify test results to continue funding.

Harold was a janitor at the research lab, he rarely got to see what went on in the labs, he only got to clean them late at night when everything was shut down and all papers were locked away. It was the love of his life, he liked doing work with his own two hands, even if it was just cleaning up, it was him doing it, and not some computer or machine, with the exception of the floor polisher, just can't wax many floors by hand in a single night.

One night, a few researchers were working late on a special syrum that they had mixed with a special radioactive isotope that was meant to act as a catalyst. The scientists entered one of the labs were Harold was waxing the floors, and they failed to notice the "Slippery When Wet" signs sitting on the floor. As one of the scientists preppared to inject the new sample into a testing device, another scientist went to usher Harold out of the room. The scientist with the sample ended up slipping on the waxed floor, and the second scientist tried to catch him, but the attempt didn't work, and Harold tried to help. Harold barely kept one of the scientists from hitting their head on the edge of the counter, but he noticed the sharp pain in his lower leg, the injection device was burried into his leg and had been triggered.

Harold found himself rushed to a special medical room as the room seemed to turn and twist about him, he couldn't tell which way was up, and at one point, he felt as if he was laying on the ceiling staring down at lights on the floor.

Harold was in quarantine for a full week, and he found himself put through a few tests, but nothing was ever discovered, all he knew was some of the scientists were talking about "Another Failure".

A few weeks later, Harold found himself called into one of the labs, the scientists needed an extra pair of arms to help move some heavy equipment around. As a large piece of diagnostic equipment was being carried, one of the scientists lost their grip, and Harold suddenly found himself trying to bear most of the weight himself. Within a few moments, the load seemed to get lighter and get lifted up again. He went to thank the other scientists for the quick help, but he noticed they were staring at him, and he suddenly realized the scientists, if not everything in the room, suddenly seemed shorter.

Harold again found himself rushed off to a special medical room, this time escorted by a dozen very anxious and very well armed and armored security guards, and everything seemed to be back to normal size again. More tests were run, and it seemed only when 'strained' did his unusual transformation occur, which included a major jump in his effective strength.

Harold found himself moved to a remote location, a small testing facility located out next to an old abandoned quarry, where the rock lined walls proved suitible for some tests not suitible for 'indoors'. Harold found himself to be more or less a prisoner, but he didn't mind, as he again found himself doing work as a janitor, in addition to occasionally using his ability to transform to help move around heavy items and unload or load transport trucks. During some of his breaks, Harold came to notice he could somewhat 'feel' the ground beneath him and around him, as if he was aware of the dirt under his feet as much as he was able to see that there were trees on a nearby hill.

The scientists seemed to be ecstatic when he reported this to them, and he found himself undergoing many weeks of gruling tests, but nothing turned up, he couldn't sense anything specific beyond the fact he could 'feel' the ground with some sort of sixth sense. A few days afterward, Harold found himself sitting on a rock, he was trying to focus on the ground ahead of him, trying to figure out 'what' it was he was 'feeling', and he noticed that as he focused, he could not only 'feel' the ground more, but he could also notice that he had transformed, even though he was not exerting himself physically.

For several days, during his breaks, he sat on the rock, trying to get some sort of results. One day, he had just finished reading the latest issue of a comic book, when he couldn't help but think of how one character described how their telekinetic powers 'worked'. He figured there was nothing to loose, so he tried to 'feel' the section of ground in front of him, and he felt something different. At first, he felt something, but saw no results. The next day, he had the odd idea the ground had moved in some imperceptible way. By the third week, as he stared at the ground, he decided to not simply 'try' to move the ground, but instead try to 'envision' it. To his surprise, he saw a few grains of dirt shift a small amount. When he stood up, he turned around to see a scientist with their jaw dropped, as there was a mound of dirt that had built up behind where he was sitting.

For the next few days, he had scientists, guards, and others, quietly watching watching as they realized the ground around his sitting rock had been moving, as Harold slowly fine tuned his 'feeling' of the ground and got his 'bearings' with the new sense. He had to get used to the battery of cameras and other sensors and onlooking scientists that watched, noted and recorded every move for weeks on end. He had gone from moving small mounds of dirt, to being able to creating larger mounts, creating small crevices in the ground, etc.

One day, he suddenly found he was being treated less like a prisoner, and more like royalty. He found himself being given large VIP quarters, and even his own personal 'maid' and 'butler'. He was only allowed to continue to do menial labor because he liked doing it, he was always a hard worker. He couldn't figure out what was going on, when he finally got his answer during a routine test. He was transformed and he had been waiting for results of a blood test, when he barely caught one scientist say in the background on the phone "No sir, even the latest batch doesn't come anywhere close to the latest test group... yes sir, an exact duplicate down to the isotope ratio... no sir, we tried 'accidental' to see if pain and andrenaline was a factor, but still no results... the only thing conclusive is that, by all rights, the primary subject should not have experienced the changes either, yet he changed anyways..."

Harold had his answer, they couldn't duplicate the results. He was facing the possibility of being stuck a test subject, but one of the scientists got 'creative' and decided to apply Harold's appeal towards doing work with his own hands. Harold found himself shipped off to a different location, where the company was working on a new construction project. Harold was given a 'crash course' in excavation and the basics of architecture and structural engineering. He was put to work moving earth and dirt around, so the company could save costs on not having to hire additional personal and vehicles to do the job.

Another discovery came to pass, as he tried to move large amounts of dirt, he suddenly found himself actually getting larger and stronger, but he soon learned how to control it, and tried not to exert himself so much as to trigger it unexpectedly, especially since some scientists were concearned it would be 'harder' to hide him if he could become large enough to be easily spotted from a large distance away. One test done in a large garage showed Harold could get upwards of 18ft tall before he would hit his head on the ceiling supports, although Harold suspects he could likely grow larger if he had to, but he usually had no reason to.

As one person, the Foreman, was heard commenting "He's got to have bats in the belfry to actually like doing this kind of work" and once also saying "He's totally batty, not to mention one big abominable fellow when transformed... but still, he's got to be crazy to love working so much... I tell him to do something, and he does it, no complaints, no overextending his breaks... heck, his lunch breaks are short, he starts, and as soon as he's done, he's back to work before his lunch hour is even up... that boy has a head full of bats..."

As scientists and others were trying to figure out what to call him, one eventual nickname stuff "That big abominable dirt moving guy" due to large size and powers, which soon was given a bit of a spin by Harold, who changed it to "Big Aboominable Terrestrial Transport Specialist." For lack of any better terms or names, it became his official designation, and he acquired the nickname Batts, not surprisingly, from the Foreman, who kept calling him batty for loving his work so much.

Although the company did fail miserably in creating someone capable of sensing artificial stuff in or under the ground, they did have the success that was Harold. Although Harold had no love for fighting, he did find himself offered training by the US Military, where he studied for a few years to become a member of the Army Corp of Engineers.

He presently is part of the military Reserves, in peace time he helps out with assorted projects, primarily in areas where heavy equipment either cannot get to or has been delayed for some time, or if the US Military needs to get some major earth moving done but wants to do so without having to move in heavy equipment and alerting everyone to the fact they are doing so, such when trying to create secret bunkers or simply to dig up or move dirt and rock, as a 9ft tall man is easier to transport and hide than a half dozen large construction and earth moving machines and their crew and support teams.

Harold is still closely affiliated with the company he used to work as a janitor for, in matter of fact, he still does janitorial work at the main research lab when he is not out doing contract work for the US Government or Military. He presently earns his usualy $12 an hour for janitorial work, plus all of his room and board for his large living quarters (and large fancy hotel rooms when travelling) are paid for by the company. When he gets an earth moving job, he usually sees figures of hundreds of dollars per hour, sometimes with bonuses since he can get a lot of work done at times or otherwise save money by not neeing to hire extra crew and lease assorted earth moving vehicles. He also gets paid well for military work, often making ten thousand a day, more if hazard pay is involved due to being in or near a combat zone.

Surprsingly, he has gotten into a relationship, something thatn ever happened in the past when he was 'just' a janitor. His girlfriend is basically a brown haired lab rat/geek named Sally, who is actually a little taller than Harold when he is not transformed, and she happens to specialize in metallurgy and geology, and she likes cooking also, so they have a few shared interests, and she also provides moral support for him. She works at the main facility where Harold is usually at when not out on a contract job or doing some other urgent mission or relief/reconstruction work. He has come to learn to willingly control his transformaton and also his growth, but to date, the largest he has grown is 21ft tall, when he had to do major work with a 'shovel' made from a dozer blade and an I beam.

Special Power Trick: Reverse Quicksand.
Harold has adapted a 'reversed' quicksand, instead of stuff sinking into the ground, it is expelled from the ground, but he has to be focused the entire time to do it.

Items of note:
The "Excavator", a large heavy duty shovel made of titanium and high tensile strength steel, this 'shovel' looks like a very large snow shovel or a half sized snow plow, Harold uses it to shovel large amounts of dirt. (it is roughly 50% bigger than a large snow shovel)
An oversized 'wheelbarrel' that has three larger than normal wheels inline and 4 'legs', it can hold as much dirt as the back of a standard pickuptruck.
He has a few other 'oversized' tools, including shovels, spades, hammers, picks, prybars, etc. (as 'weapons', their large size and heavy weight mean they do three times as much damage as their standard counterparts).

And that is that... getting to tired to think of much more.

next name.

Jericho Jammer.
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Re: New Name Game?

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Batts is my name..I was pushing 'Wow' for the name game.

My bad, I can see how that happened though.

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Re: New Name Game?

Unread post by R Ditto »

Iczer wrote:LOL.....

Batts is my name..I was pushing 'Wow' for the name game.

My bad, I can see how that happened though.


Oops, my bad also, that's what I get for working on stuff when tired. :lol:

I guess that means you now have a super human sanitation engineer and part time laborer/combat engineer named after you. :P
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Re: New Name Game?

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Real name: Yuri Castellos

Age: 27
Power Category: Empowered

The Blurb: The original Aegis was a charismatic, but ageing supersoldier during the vietnam Era, and, among his many duties, took a lot of time in his golden years to visit the sick to bring them hope and comfort. A shining yellow costumed Knight in a confusing age, Aegis took his optimism and sunny disposition, as wellas his trademark Entropium Shield everywhere he went. In 1996 he was in the childrens ward giving a rousing speech to the children interred within about the power of positive belief and the spirit of adventure.
The windows shattered upon the arrival. A fellow vietnamese supersoldier with extensive cybernetic reconstruction. The heroes duked it out in the childrens ward for nearly five minutes before Aegis's spine was snapped over a chrome bionic Knee. His body cast aside to die from wounds while the embittered Cyborg absconded with Aegis's precious trademark. And as aegis lay dying on the floor, he reached out to the nearest young Yuri Castellos, a young man who's ability to walk had been stolen years before by an abnormal growth in his spine.
At that moment, alittle piece of innocence was lost.....but the seeds for a new hero were laid.

Yuri is an expression of contrasts now. The trauma of seeing the death of a much lauded hero haunted him for years. He developed nightmares that came and went and played havoc with his studies and his love life. He alternated between brooding over his crippled existence and celebrating it. Many trips to the psychiatrist later had him diagnosed as bipolar, and saw him medicated to even out his moods. As a student of natural medicinces, he turned to self help books and lifestyle coaches and tossed his prescription in the trash. It was one such book, an old inspirational piece written by the original Aegis, one uncovered at an old preloved bookstore that changed his life.

Appearance: Yuri, if he could stand would be about 5 foot 9 Inches. he is slender, with well developed arms and upper body (years of wheelchair use) and stringy black hair that he cuts short. He has pale skin (he is not an outdoors kind of person) and grey eyes. His work at a natural medicine clinic has left him with a habit of wearing soft pastel shirts and dark slacks. As The New Aegis, he looks the same, but with the obvious additional ability to walk, and surrounded by a soft shimmering golden glow. The new aegis wears a gold spandex outfit that covers everything except the area aourn his mouth and nose, criss crossed with tribal tattoo style black markings, and a Black Cape.

Modus operandi: As the New Aegis he sprouts catchphrases from New age, but out of date self help books. A firm believer in mind over matter he encourages others to try their best and get the most out of life. He is a defender and an inspirier, and certainly not a combative expert, and uses his powers to defend and rescue others.
Powers: As Aegis he can will a protective field around himself that allows him to walk. This shield protects him from harm if he concentrates, and completely protects him if he stays absolutely still. He can even extend this field to others. The downside is of course the subtle white/yellow glow he emits, and the fanit trace of Ozone. (Personal Force field, Energy Shield, Hyperdensity and Indestructible.)
NB: If hiis Personal force field is Down AND his SDC has been halved, then the glow fades and he succumbs to paralysis until his force field can re-engage. there is a 40% chance when this happens that he drops into his depressive state (see attributes and skills)

Attributes and skills: Decent PS attribute, but the rest are pretty bad. His Spd is 3 normally (11 in a wheel chair) but becomes 14 when empowered. His ME and MA are very High ( probably low to mid 20's). as he is very charismatic and persuasive, and full of self confidence. When sufering his downside swings, his ME and MA drop to 7 each. He becomes moody and self pitying. Yuri is a practising homeopath (specialises in hypnotherepy and meditation) who truely beleives in what he sells (after all, in his mind, it is the power of will that allows him to make nonfunctioning limbs work). Probably trained in biology, meditation, holistic medicince, first aid, and cooking. as he is a superhero, he has some rudimentary combat training (Basic). he has the prowl skill, but his glowing aura means that he's pretty abysmal at it.

Resources: As Aegis he has a small following, and his high MA have allowe dhim to become modestly popular. He's not a rich man but makes a decent living at the practise in which he works, and he has a talent for sales and a real passion for his vocation that engenders him to his bosses. he would be paid more, except he's too honest to push things he knows (or believes) are not really helpful. As aegis he has no powers that grant him travel, so he uses a motorcycle. The city of detroit gave him his own motorcycle (styled black and gold) to use when 'on the clock' in gratitude for his dedicated service. He has also accumulated a few awards and gifts over the years. The city has loaned him the use of part of a fire station for him to stow his gear (the fire station is still in use but was downsized in staff in 2004). His identity is a secret, but a few local law enforcement people have pieced it together.


Next up: Uniform.
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Re: New Name Game?

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Name: James Caruthers Kennelly

Alias: Uniform

Level: 10th

Team: MilSpec

IQ 16
MA 19 (sort of misleading, since he has no personality)
ME 21
PB 12
PS 13
PP 11
PE 14
Spd 14

Age: 27

Hair: light brown due to sun bleaching...normally dark brown
Eyes: blue
Race: Caucasian
Skin: tanned, he spends a lot of time between 10 degrees north latitude and 10 degrees south latitude

Height: 6 foot, 1 inch
Weight: 198 pounds

James was born a normal child, and had a fairly normal childhood, with one rather small difference. James had difficulty in understanding "why" other people did things. They always seemed to do things for reasons other than logic, good sense or based on the situation at hand.

James did not have those problems. James reacted and acted on every situation based solely on logic, rectitude and his goals. Of course, this quickly led to problems with others when small things like "normality", "feelings" and "tradition" were never taken into account by James. It was not as if he didn't want to be normal, he was simply incapable of it. His brain structure just wasn't quite right, but he excelled at school, sports and eventually gained a scholarship to a prestigious college. He studied until he learned what he was supposed to learn, he worked out until his goals were met, he pursued his interests until he mastered them...then discarded them, they were no longer necessary and it would be a waste of time to expend time and effort on something that was no longer wanted...

Due to his peculiar mindset, he found that he enjoyed doing things where that drive was commended, thus he found himself in the military. He did outstanding, as everyone said the same thing about him. "He is a great soldier, he's just a crappy Human Being". He went to Basic Training, then OCS, then to Infantry Officer Basic Training...

He had no friends, as his subordinates considered him to be a "careerist", his peers considered him a martinet, but his superiors loved him.

Until the day he was pinned down in a dirty little street in Mosul. His platoon had ended up in a big ambush and he had several wounded soldiers, a freaked out squad leader and all eyes were on him, and he remembered thinking "Why can't they all just DO what I TELL THEM!"

And he felt that they would...he had somehow tied all their minds and bodies to himself psionically...they were nothing more than platforms that he could use to fire and manuever with...simply pawns. It gave him fantastic situational awareness, excellent ability to flank his attackers and could act with insane speed...there was no lag time for communications or perhaps a misunderstanding...

His remaining soldiers fought exactly as he directed mentally and won the battle. They could only remember things as if it were a dream, but his troops understood innately that LT Kennelly had saved them. He was rewarded and received a Bronze Star.

Throughout the rest of his tour, he would sometimes take control of his soldiers and use them that way when it became necessary...and eventually, it just got easier. They were like meat puppets to be used.

He returned to the US, but some of the accounts of the battle had leaked back and wound up on the desk of GEN (ret.) Joseph Colton who was the Civilian Advisor for MilSpec. He thought that perhaps young Captain Kennelly would be an excellent addition to the team.

They brought him in and tested his ability, and were very pleased to discover that yes, he would be an excellent addition to the team, but...

In order to Uniform's power to work, he has to have chess pieces to use, and none of the other members of MilSpec were willing to be a pawn of their newest member. He was also not going to be given the team, since other members of MilSpec were Colonels and Lieutenant Colonels, and they were NOT about to let some mutie Captain start giving them orders...

A solution was quickly found...enemy troops worked just as well...therefore Uniform is often sent in ahead as part of the recon party. Once in position, and under cover, he starts taking control of enemy soldiers and using them to do recon work and add to the team's firepower when the shooting starts.

Many other members of MilSpec do not like Uniform in the least, they think that his absolute disregard for others (even enemy troops that he controls) is abominable. Many of their missions are clandestine, thus no witnesses, so Uniform usually has his puppets commit suicide, or jump off cliffs, or set themselves on fire...Uniform, for his part has no feelings either way. Feelings are a waste of energy...

Powers: Control Others, Transferral/Possession...Uniform can control perfectly up to 5 other beings...if he has from 5 to 10 other beings they all start to be a bit more similar (they all have to be standing up, or all walking or all in the prone, etc.)...from 11 to 15 possessed beings, they are basically copies of each other. Not to useful for recon work, but for a good support by fire position...Uniform can have 15 machinegunners all engage the exact same target at the exact same time...hence his name...Uniform

(note, I don't have any books with me, so going off memory here...)

Next up: Big Iron :bandit:

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Re: New Name Game?

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Big Iron

AKA: Norn Skalbann
Power Category: Superinvention

The Blurb: Norn, A swedish Immigrant, is a family man. His wife of 32 years has since passed, but he gains great joy from his children and his grandchildren. He likes american baseball, Hotdogs and apple pie. He operates a garage, one that his children have inherited and one day he hopes his grandchildren will take over the business.
Yes Norn was Happy. But some part of him was not...Content.
Drugs, crime, violence, Gangwars. these things bothered Norn, bothered him deep in his soul. Raised as a boy to be a 'man's man' he felt the primal stirrings to protect his family.
and Thus Big Iron was born.

Appearance: Norn is a 60 year old father of three and grandfather of 2. he has straggly, thinning white hair, thick horn rimmed glasses and a generally 'eccentric' apperance. He is heavilly Calloused from years of work as an engineer. Big Iron is a 11 foot tall robotic suit of armour that looks like the steam age threw it up, with a vast array of moving cogs and steam vents. Big Iron armour: Battle suit. Powers: Giant, Impact resistance, X-PS and enhanced leaping, and the conventional additions of Loudspeaker, search light, winch and cable, smoke screen, ejection seat, siren and streo system. a compartment in the back holds a trunk tool kit worth of gear. On the left arm is a shotgun, loaded with bean bag rounds, while an industrial saw is tucked away in a riight arm sheath. Norn continuously tinkers with Big Iron.

Modus Operandi: The Big Iron Unit typically goies out at night and patrolls the suburb where Norn resides. The unit is used to frighten off squads of gang members rather than destroy, but the in built saw is used to destroy motorcyles and hoon cars belonging to gang members. Norn Is not really into crime fighting, he's more into acting as a detrerrant to crime. Big Iron is privately endorsed by some local cops and a lot of locals, but overall is considered a menace. Norn is pretty much nonviolent, and has only really had to use force on a couple of occasions (Once to stop a supervillain known as hustle, the other to assist in a small local alien incursion).

Attributes and skills: Norn is a fit but frail old man. he is in adequate shape for his age. The suit grants him a PS of over 30 easilly, but the suit is clunky and fatiguing to use. He's a hardware: vehicles character with a moderately good IQ and a very high ME (good conviction).

Resources: Norn Uses his Garage for repairs and maintenence of the Big Iron unit. His entire familly works in the shop with his daughter on the counter and his sons working the floor. His sons are both eager to take over the operation of Big Iron, and both would make for a more athletic hero (Werner and Strauss enjoys higher personal attributes). His daughter is secretly working on her own crimefighting career (she has limited, machine based psionic powers, and her child seems to have inherited them as well).
Big Iron has starred in a few local commercials, and has the support of the superhumans he joined with to thwart the aforementioned alien invasion. His relative poularity has meant that no local law enforcement agencies are looking to investigate the Big Iron's pilot though Thomas Greenslade, a SCRET investigator is attempting to uncover the details.


Next Up: Heliophobe
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Re: New Name Game?

Unread post by AlanGunhouse »

Name: Heliophobe
Identity: James St. Lawrence

Background: Once an ordinary young man who entered the Army just out of High School to make money for college, and wound up sent to Iraq 2 months before he was supposed to muster out, and remained stuck there and not allowed to muster out for 4 years.
Finally he was in a truck that ran into an IED and was in a coma for several weeks. It appeared he would be in a coma for the rest of his life, but someone intervened. He was Given a treatment intended to create a Super Soldier, which was also designed to increase his healing abilities. It worked and he awoke completely healed and endowed with superhuman powers.
Ironicly, he has no idea who gave him his abilities, the records are apparently so highly classified nobody can find them.

Appearance: A tall, handsome, clean-cut young man woth dark hair and eyes which seem to be all pupil. He carries any number of throwing weapons on his belt.

Powers: Supersoldier Night Vision (light sensitive), Uncanny Targetting and Throwing, Internal Robot Medical System, Physical Transformation. 2 Minor Powers Shadow Meld, Charge Object with explosive energy

Mode of operations: Attacks from the shadows with thrown objects which may or may not explode on impact.

Next Name: Smoke
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Re: New Name Game?

Unread post by Prince Cherico »

AKA James Mc Carthy

James or smoke is one of Century citys
finest detectives a sluth beyond compare
he uses his cunning and minor psychic powers
to fight crime and get himself the ocasional

Next Name
Dr. Noir
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Re: New Name Game?

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MY FILES ARE BACK! :D I was able to get them back, somehow (I'll not question it, Thank You Fornits!!!!) & Here's my take on---

Dr. Noir
William Rivvers is a BIG fan of the classic 'pulp' style of fiction, from the novels of daring spy-smashing everyman heroes to hard-boiled street-savvy detectives to the black & white films from the 1930's, 40's and early 50's. But as time mached on, it seemed like the genre took a back-seat to the age of atomic monsters & other more 'popular' media. But his love for the style never faded.
After getting his PhD in Psychology, Dr. Rivvers set up shop in the more unsavory part of town to try to help those less fortunate. But, after months of frustratingly trying to help his fellow man, he embarked on a far more effective adopting a new persona, Dr. Noir.

Dr. Noir
5th level Natural Genius
Alignment--Scupulous with unprincipled leanings.
Abilities: Analytical Mind, Clinical Outlook, Find Weakness, Odds Assessment & Unnatural Perception
Dr. Noir, when on his 'pulp hero' bend, dresses in an all-black 3-piece suit (ALL black, which menans his shirt, tie, socks & even underwear are black) with a stylish fedora & face-concealing mask. He has several degrees in the martial arts, so he can take care of himself.

Next up is: The Delicacy
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Re: New Name Game?

Unread post by Prince Cherico »

The Delicacy is a superhero who weilds
a large magic spork as a weapon, yes a
magic weapon user who has a magic spork.

Using his spork of Justic the Delicacy brings
justice to the citys underprivaleged by taking
down corrupt landlords, and gang bangers
his spork of justice does
5d6 damage
and gives him the power of
eyes of thoth
super strength
and sheilds

Next Name
Captian 13
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Re: New Name Game?

Unread post by dragon_blaze_99 »

Prince Cherico wrote:The Delicacy is a superhero who weilds
a large magic spork as a weapon, yes a
magic weapon user who has a magic spork.

Using his spork of Justic the Delicacy brings
justice to the citys underprivaleged by taking
down corrupt landlords, and gang bangers
his spork of justice does
5d6 damage
and gives him the power of
eyes of thoth
super strength
and sheilds

Next Name
Captian 13

lovely a gaint spork :D 10 geek points for Prince Cherico
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Re: New Name Game?

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Prince Cherico wrote:The Delicacy is a superhero who weilds
a large magic spork as a weapon, yes a
magic weapon user who has a magic spork.

Using his spork of Justic the Delicacy brings
justice to the citys underprivaleged by taking
down corrupt landlords, and gang bangers
his spork of justice does
5d6 damage
and gives him the power of
eyes of thoth
super strength
and sheilds

Next Name
Captian 13

I want to meet the mage that made a magic spork
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Re: New Name Game?

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Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Prince Cherico wrote:The Delicacy is a superhero who weilds
a large magic spork as a weapon, yes a
magic weapon user who has a magic spork.

Using his spork of Justic the Delicacy brings
justice to the citys underprivaleged by taking
down corrupt landlords, and gang bangers
his spork of justice does
5d6 damage
and gives him the power of
eyes of thoth
super strength
and sheilds

Next Name
Captian 13

I want to meet the mage that made a magic spork

It's probably the same mage from Aqua Teen Hunger Force that made the double beer hat.
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Re: New Name Game?

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Name: Captain 13
Type: Physical Human Gestalt hero
Identity: Which one? He has 12 of them.
Powers: Combined Physical Might
Formation: Individual choice
Range: Close
Contol: Mind of it's own (which makes him the 13th member of the group)

Captain 13 was formed when a dying alien crashed onto a high school football field during practice, turning the 11 members of the team plus their coach into a single mighty hero who had to fight the enemy of the alien (who was tracking the alien energy) immediately after forming. Speculation among the team has it that the Alien's mind is the basis of the personality of the hero.

Next Name: Steel Scorpion
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Re: New Name Game?

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Steel Scorpion

Only one person holds a steely grip on the crime gangs of Little Asia; that's the legendary Steel Scorpion.
Tales & myths tell of a young immegrant kid who faced nothing but hardship when he came to this country (the exact year varies from teller to teller), having been raised on a 'honest work' ethic. His parents died from poor medical care, his sibling (either a twin sister or younger brother) from being beaten to death by cops, mistakeing that person for a theif; with a ruthless determination & a literally cut-throat business regimen, the entity that would be call The Steel Scorpion rules the shadows of LIttle Asia with absolute authority; from illegal gambling halls to drug-dens to prostitution to unauthorised street races, he gets a cut of EVERY venture......or those responsible get cut (usually into tiny near-untracable pieces).

No one knows what the Steel Scorpion looks like. If you're lucky, you never will. Those that deal with the Scorpion usually meet through intermediaries, trusted lieutenants or (in rare instances) a scrambled video-link---his face obscured by a steel-colored featureless face-mask with a jeweled scorpion on the forehead, & the voice distored enough that no usable print can be used. Every time the cops or heroes get even two steps close enough, he's gone like a whisp of smoke.

The truth is, the latest Steel Scorpion isn't a man. The 7th generation decendant of the original Steel Scorpion, a woman named Xi Yan, she's learned from her 'illustrious' forebears the family business & keeps up the pretense. Only two people closest to her know the truth; her grandmother who is teetering on the edge of elderly insanity & her twin sister, who is just as ruthless as she is. Neither would do harm to the other for any reason; that would be dishonorable & destroy the family legacy that they both worked far too hard to earn.

Steel Scorpion
7th level Ancient Master (Physical Training)--both woman appear in their mid-20's but are actually in their late 50's.
Alignment: Diabolic (with a healthy & unbreakable sence of duty & family)
When in public, only one will pretend to be the woman Xi Yan (shee-yahn), a Chinese American business woman who helps run her family's tea shop while persuing a business career. The other will oversee the criminal enterprises as The Steel Scorpion. Both keep the other well-informed of any pertinent information about their day(s). The bond between them is almost psychic (without being an actual power).

And now, it's; Mr. Mutiny
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Re: New Name Game?

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With Halloween coming up soon, I'll find my Halloween Name-Game thread & repost it separately.

Here's the original
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Re: New Name Game?

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What, no love for Mr. Mutiny?
"Yes, I know I'm going to hell; I'm bringing marshmallows."
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Re: New Name Game?

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Been too busy to work on a projective empath who turns people against their allies (if the power would even work for that...I have not even had a chance to look it up).
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Re: New Name Game?

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Nice work, Baron!
"Yes, I know I'm going to hell; I'm bringing marshmallows."
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Re: New Name Game?

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AKA Robert Tadewi

Spin: [From the journal of Robert Tadewi] ' three. Willem and David think they have killed me. But they are wrong. I skimmed money from the top for years and no one was ever the wiser. I did the extra work, I deserve the extra pay. My son needs a better education, he needs to get out of this dump, and live a better life than me. I'm not sorry for the path I have taken in this life. Coyote, he understands that a good man can do bad things. Willem and David think that they have killed me. Fools. All they have done is shoot me and roll me in this ditch. Day three with a bullet wound and a broken leg. In the end though...It's the sun that is going to kill me. Tell my son i love him' [Found in the memory of of a mobile phone in the desert in southern New mexico. No sign of the authour.]
Twist: Robert Tadewi did not die that night. A young strong man of Indian descent, he was a rabble rouser and malcontent that hung around with a bad crowd. Violence, and petty crime whetted his appetite at first, but as he grew more refined he moved into bigger scams. Including fraud and high stakes fraud at that. Eventually his partners caught him with his hand in the till and took him into the desert to silence him. Contrary to the information on his discarded mobile phone, neither his wounds nor the sun killed him. In the end it was a thing from space, a half complete creature that needed a host. any old host would do. Robert Did die soon after. And wasteland was born.

MO: Wasteland is pretty much a vagabond, and wandering the desert. When the mood strikes him he will wander into a town and scavenge for food. He skulks when he is around people, but is aggressive. most people run when they come across him, so he has little need to exert himself. If confronted directly, a person has very few seconds before wasteland attacks. Wasteland would be pretty low key if not for his predilictions. He is a canibal of sorts, and he will linger over a kill if he has the time, and that does bring down a lot of heat, particularilly as he has killed a few cops in his time.
Wasteland sticks to the desert. On his son's birthday he makes it to the Capoche Ranch in New Mexico to visit him. On the Anniversary of his death he goes back to town to visit 'david' and 'Willem'. Both these palces are dust and rubble, but he is too animal to notice.

Breakdown: Wasteland is a symbiote character, the core creature landed here In New Mexico. The former bearer lies in the desert in it's escape pod (the corpse has withered and mummified). It resembles a thorny black network of vines that wind through him and his organs, even erupting from one eye socket to grow along his head. Twice a year it flowers, producing pale green blooms that last about 2 months. It's intelligence is of a high intelligenec animal, and its roots lie coiled inside wasteland's boated stomach.
The symbiote has increased his paranoia (Stealthy) and innured him against the desert sun (resistant to fire and heat) as well as expanded his life span (Added 60 years).
Powers: Feral, Control elemental force: earth, Zombie flesh.
Attributes: IQ 7, ME 8 MA 6. PB 4. PE and PS are high, probably looking at 25-30PS (superhuman). He hungers all the time, the symbite puts a drain on wasteland's metabolism. He hunts rabbits mostly, but will pick off any corpses in his wake.


Next Up: Two-Tone
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Re: New Name Game?

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Animal Gestalt Composed of houseflies.
Human Folley (Once Human Essence).
Level: 7
Powers: Dissipation and Reformation
Wingless Flight
Mass Increase
Hubert was never popular and never fond of bathing. The two kind of went hand in hand. He never showed the typical revulsion most people have for insects. Sometiems he was quite literally crawling with flies.

He got a job as a city sanitation engineer driving a garbage truck. One day he got a little too careless with an eccentirc scientist's glowing green trash and was exposed to some kind of weird radioactive substance. The combination of the radioactivity and Hubert's fly problems led to the creation of Fly-By, a creature with Hubert's mind and a body composed of lots of little flies.

Next name:
Fluffy, Destroyer of Worlds
Last edited by khyron1144 on Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
This is indeed a disturbing universe.

First there is a mountain. Then there is no mountain. Then there is.

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Re: New Name Game?

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khyron1144 wrote: Fluffy, Destroyer of Worlds

Are you serious?

AKA Desmond Lucius Ebeneezer Kane
AKA: Fluffy: Destroyer of Worlds.

Spin: Bank account wiped clean one day, and back another? Fluffy did it. Lost your 53rd level Druidking in Planet of Battlecraft? Fluffy did it. Your telephone bill has exactly $5 for the last 3 months. Fluffy did it.
Fluffy, the Destroyer of worlds, is a hacker. He lives for computers, and lives virtually in computers. He has 2 to 3 dozen aliasas in chatrooms across the world, from cooking Chatrooms to Comic book chatrooms to anything he can get a hold of. roblem is he's a rabble rouser. a Troll. He lacks nettiquette, which is a problem becuase he's still one of the worlds best hackers.

Twist: Fluffy, or Desmond, has a a house in every city in the world. He robs banks by skimming cents from daily transactions, investing it, and then skewing the investments to inflate profits. He has a keen finacial mind for a very good reason. He's a bank manager. 64 years old and living mainly on the East coast of the USA. He got 'into' computers when his grandkids started to show him how. He has displayed a natural talent and a hyde like persona when Online. Now, he runs his bank remotely (a little branch in Tuscon) while travelling from home to home, mostly by rail (He has a fondness for the railway).

M.O. Fluffy will take the train. outwardly, he is a creature of habit, making the same three week journey, over and over and over. He starts in tuscon, makes a stop for a night in a home (under an assumed identity), he then targets his favorite haunts, and then he moves onward. When he hits Maine, he spends a night free from computers, at the Crystal Springs resort under his real name, before reversing the journey. His personal Laptop is a marvel of engineering and he is constantly updating it (he will hack and surf via train)

Breakdown. He's a hardware electrical character, so there is not a lot to say. He's smart, but old and so declining physically. Some of his schemes involve getting some physical work done, so he will orchestrate it with proxies, and never himself (of course he pays via electronic debiting). as a result he has no physical or combat skills.
His prize posessions are a high powered portable laptop, with augmented processing power in a Fanny pack. Each of his homes (he has 11) sports room sized computer systems hardwired into the house, along with security systems to match (some with lethal countermeasures). lastly he has developed a personal EMP device, a grenade like device that produces an EMP wave out to 60 feet before burning out. He has these deliverd to sites, usually by mail. These packages are triggered by exposure to light. He's anarchist, subject to revision. He is polite, charming and helpful to people, neighbours and customers, as long as he is face to face. Online, he's mean, spiteful and obnoxious. a vandal and a bully.

Next: Dr Chicago.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Re: New Name Game?

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Sorry Mephisto, it looked different the last time I looked.
Last edited by BookWyrm on Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Name Game?

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Mephisto wrote: Desecrator.

AKA Jacinta Noble

Spin: Jacinta. Noble by name but hardly by nature. Born to affluent parebnts in Southern Africa, she was reared across the world as her famed idle rich/explorer family toured the world. Raised with privilage, a keen intellect and clear cut case of common household greed and ambition, she grew into an unholy terror. Treasure hunter, pirate, graverobber, and ghoul. she has been described as such by many of her collegues and associates. a pretty face in public, but the soul of a barbarian in private.
On her 31st birthday, her workers uncovered a tomb under a tomb, buried deep in the congo. a pretechnological, yet strangely advanced precursor civilisation lying dormant. Impatient and impulsive, she just had to check it out.

Twist: Jacinta's greed has given her both power and access to secrets that have been buried since the first meteors crashed to earth, wiping dinosaurs from existance. The tomb she found, was a crashed spaceship, which arrived before mammals had truley formed, and whose radiation may have contributed to man's evolution. Obviously worshiped in early times, succesive millenia have covered it, and eventually, a tomb like structure was built over the top. Buried and capped off, it faded into myth.

M.O. Jacinta has access now to the power of the gods. Depending on her state of mind, she views the ship as Lucifer, having descended from the sky like a falling star, an alien vessel, the chariot of the gods, or Prometheus. in any event, she draws a number of mythical parralells. She has shifted all her collections to the craft, and has a small town built on top of the site. He rcollection consistes of any unnusual and arcane artefacts she can uncover. some she acquires through legitimate means, but she is a spoilt lass and a poor egotiator. if she does not get a prize piece on her first attempt, subtlety flies out the window and she uses the Power of desecrator to do the job.

Build. 6-7th level, Mystically bestowed, with Matter expulsion: Bone and a number of spells, typically those dealing with necromancy, and probably soemthing to give some mobility. (teleport is probably ideal). she has a number of arcane artefacts in her posession, and a feaing alien spaceship made of stone and powered by a small pyramid in the reactor room. she doesn't have the saavy or the knowledge to work out how it all works thougyh, a thought which vexes her. She is otherwise affluent, and has excellent mortal resources, enough to jet around the world. She has a host of contacts with museums and archaeologists, at leats half of which regard her badly. she also has a small merceneary group to use as backup, and f course she is the titular ruler of a small town over the ship.


Next: Entourage
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Re: New Name Game?

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Iczer wrote:
khyron1144 wrote: Fluffy, Destroyer of Worlds

Are you serious?

Always. Even at my most sublimely ridiculous.

And I like what you did with the Fluffy. Very fun.
This is indeed a disturbing universe.

First there is a mountain. Then there is no mountain. Then there is.

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Re: New Name Game?

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AKA D'Kunni Hh Runn

Spin: 'Madness...twisted and sublime...turned inside out, events folding and unfolding. Like a scrapbook of timelines and alternate worlds. I can't stop flicking through the pages..I don't even know how long it's been doing it. My hand has been reaching for the power disconect for a while now...How long though? A century? a millenia? Time spirals inwards compressing infinitely..and My only hope is that somewhere, somehow...the generator gets shut down from outside....'

Twist: Timetwister is of course, not from our own time. He's not even a native of this galaxy, or any galaxy that existed for that matter. On a mission for his home planet, one that has been written out of continuity, He was part of a crew of a Slideship, in search of a way to save hsi homeworld. Hh Runn (Huh-Roon) was a D' of Clan Kunni. A maintenence engineer. a Janitor. When the ship strayed too close to Paramorphic Vortex it lost primary and secondary protections and began to plumet into the surface of a world nearby. The ship was lost, and buried over time, but Hh Runn was performing emergency maintenence on the engine core, a gravity vertex, and was pulled into the event horizon. Where he fell forever.
Or not, as the case may be. When wandering tomb plunderer and opportunit Jacinta Noble (AKA the Desecrator) stumbled upon the ship, the power inetruption caused by blasting through the hull activated the safety's on the reactor, and it was pocketed into a nanoverse. leaving a very confused Hh-Runn alone in a millenia old slideship.

M.O. Time twister escaped the ship, easilly avoiding the 'alien savages' that penetrated his home (he was, far more familiar with the conduits and maintenence hatches, and slipped away into the congo. Hh-Ruun has wandered his way through the world, remaining on it's fringes and learning it's languages and cultures. This world has so little magic, it has resorted to science, and oh, what science it has. After spending the better part of the decade shunning the limelight, he exposed himself to the superhuman community during the invasion of the molepeople in Chicago. He only barely considers himself a superhuman, but with his abilities and unnusual background, he has formed with a small group of like minded 'paranormal arcaeologists'.

Build: Time Twister is a mineral alien, from a low gravity world, of a species that predates human existence on earth. He has passing familiarity with earth and it's culture, and so far is fascinated with soap operas, Goldfish, and Ann Bishop novels. He is roughly 5 foot 4 inches and resembles a glossy, smooth skinned humanoid statue, with a mouth, but no other apparent facial features. His skin is blue/black which lightens the longer he goes without any PPE, and darkens near a source of magic. genrally speaking he can live on the background PPE of earth, but feels fuller and more nourished when near a ley line or nexus.
He has a generalist education and average Mental attributes.
Too simple to work in applied magical sciences, or theoretical mana-mathmatics, or any number of sciences common in his day, he flunked his prep training and got reformatted as a labourer, much to his parental structure's annoyance. He does have a rudimentary knoweldge of how magic works, in the same way that high school students have a rudimentary grasp of physics and engineering. Incomplete but functional. He understands leylines, and a fair bit of magical theory.
His physical stats remain good to high commensurate with his racial and environmental modifiers with a notable excellent PE.
His exposure to the core of the slideship has also gifted him with the powers of Slow time, stretch time, danger sense and heightened sense of timing.


Next up: Paratrooper
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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