Help! I need a villain

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Help! I need a villain

Unread post by Ninjafingers »

My fledgling HU campaign has survived three sessions (thus ending the first story arc) and I'm getting ready to start the second story arc, where a villain is trying to unite all of the Neo-Nazis gangs in Century Station under his control. He is starting in the Drummond district (where the PC currently reside) and will unite the gangs through violence and clashes, which will undoubtedly affect the local residents. Seeing as how one of the character's family was killed by the Blitzkrieg neo-Nazis gang (back story), this should motivate the characters to get involved.

Now, I need to create the up and coming leader who is trying to unite them all together. I'm thinking of maybe making a super-science character or one with a magical item or weapon (or maybe both), seeing as how either would fit in well with the whole Nazis theme.

Maybe a young gang member managed to steal a rare Nazis artifact from a Century Station museum recently, which transformed him into this Super Nazis. Now, he's using his new-found powers to take control of all the neo-Nazis gangs in town? Plus, I had planned on him securing an under the table deal with a person at Triton Industries for some high tech weapons. Make em a real threat instead of a nuisance.

Also, if there is a Nazis NPC already out there, I'll consider using him.

Any thoughts or suggestions?
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Re: Help! I need a villain

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Have you considered making him a demagogue type character with Divine Aura and Physical Perfection? He could claim to be the 'perfect' Aryan leading a new 4th Reich to eventual world domination and victory.

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Re: Help! I need a villain

Unread post by Rimmerdal »

Read Britania's (Spelling?) entry in Gramercary. Her entry mentions a couple of Nazi villians. a child or prodegy of one of them might be a good option.
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Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..

Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
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Re: Help! I need a villain

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What some skinhead got ahold of the Spear of Destiny? Or what if Otto Skorzeny ( )had superpowers, and was still around? What if some Nazi mages found a way to bring Hitler(in a different body.)
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Re: Help! I need a villain

Unread post by Rimmerdal »

Captain Shiva wrote:What some skinhead got ahold of the Spear of Destiny? Or what if Otto Skorzeny ( )had superpowers, and was still around? What if some Nazi mages found a way to bring Hitler(in a different body.)

oohh almost forgot about the spear. Several other artifacts were seized by the SS that could be used as well.
taalismn wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..

Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
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Re: Help! I need a villain

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Wasn't Dr. Vossen (the mad geneticist/cyborg) from Villains Unlimited one
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Re: Help! I need a villain

Unread post by AlanGunhouse »

Well, I do not think the Spear of Destiny is an HU item, it flies in the face of the No Conversion Rules.

That Being Said, consider some super soldiers as Lackeys, plus a bunch of normals with weapons and armor. A real Mastermind rarely ever meets the heroes.
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Re: Help! I need a villain

Unread post by Captain Shiva »

I don't think that crackpot ideas about the so-called Spear of Destiny are copyrighted. Now, if you stole a specific comic company's treatment of the above, that might do it. But those ideas did not originate with the comics, and might be public domain. But just in case, here is another idea: if I remember correctly, in 1923, Hitler was wounded during a march when police fired on him and several other Nazis during the Beer Hall Putsch. They were carrying a Nazi Party flag, and some of Hitler's blood got on it. I don't know what really happened to this flag, but if in your world it survived the war, maybe it could be a sort of unholy relic, enabling someone wrapped in it to channel Hitler's spirit.
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Re: Help! I need a villain

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Klaus Van Klaus
Mutant, 35. 5th level.

Mutations: Circle of eyes on his chest and none on his face. red splotches all over his body,
Powers: Illusions, Divine aura, x-ray vision.

Not a real aryan, just someone looking to profit from having a fanatical armed mob. He uses his illusions to appear like he has superhuman powers and a human (and aryan) apperance. Truly is only using his 'flock' as a means to power and not devoted to his cause. Probably would not hurt to give him 1-4 trusted lackeys who are in on the secret. may or may not be superhumans themselves.

Wilhelm Adawolf
Experiment: 7th level. 45 years old.

Side effects: Constant pain, plus see below.
Powers: animate object, invisibility, Extraordinary PE. His invisibility and animate objects are linked. If he animates an object, he immeadiately turns invisible. if he leaves the range for animate object, he turns visible again, and if an animated object gets destroyed, he turns visible again. if he stops animating for a round, he turns visible again.
While wilhelm is not much to look at, he has become adept at animating Humanoid mannequins, and corpses, to the point that he can speak through either when he animates them. His favourite mannequin is the titular figurehead of his neo-nazi organisation. He has learned through misadventure to flee before his invisibility is cancelled.

25, Mystic object (uniform of Herr Schloss)

The uniform of Herr Schloss, a Nazi Occultist and SS officer, when worn in full acts as a channel for the former occultist. Provides 30 SDC, and a +3 to MA It also gives the user the powers of Hardened skin, physical perfection, and extraordinary PS

Marylin Von Christa
31. Mutant. 3rd level White hair, white skin, ice blue eyes, angelic face
Powers: physical perfection, healing factor, grant powers, lightning reflexes, extarordinary MA.
sybarite and, fanatic, she uses her beauty to and charisma to seduce others to her cause. In battle, she will lend a subordinate physical perfection and sometimes healing factor to enhance them. certainly she will take a young man to bed and grant him those same powers for the night. Impossibly thin and slender, often in a feminine SS uniform, and a cigarette with an extended holder.

Diedrich Detlef.
age unknown. Experiment. side effects, pure white skin plus see below.
Immortality, hibernation, immune to cold, Force aura.
Must spend 12 out of every 48 hours in a deep freezer, hibernating, or else his powers, and youth begin to slip away from him.
A relic of world war two, Diedrich iss a figurehead and idol to many underground neo-nazi's. he shows up to gatherings and is basically a display piece who tries to offer simple inspiration to others by some simple advice and by steadfast deeds. He's just an old soldier who feels his age. The fanatic has drained out of him slowly over the decades,and while he is still devoted to the cause, he follows mostly out of habit and loyalty rather than conviction alone.

Phew... out of ideas just for now. Perhaps if you wanted to keep with a supernatural idea, you could have a posessing entity that stays locked in a body until driven out or the body is killed (wherupon he can look for another) or perhaps vampire neo-nazis.

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Re: Help! I need a villain

Unread post by Prince Cherico »

Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Re: Help! I need a villain

Unread post by The Artist Formerly »

Dr. Heinrich Vossen, the Freakmaker (Villians Unlimited page 152) could be the off stage contact who's providing super powers to your villian. He's the odds on favorite for source of the the powers the super nazis described in Brittania's character Bio in Gramercy Island (Gramercy Island page 134). Using Vossen, your players won't have any ground to question how it is that your primary antagonist is so very powerful and why he doesn't seem to die no matter how permantly they kill him. Additionally it gives you the ability to build lesser supers for additional antagonists/subbosses or just minor powered henchmen. The power structure might flow like this.

{Vossen} Off stage, referenced only and never seen or addressed directly, the PCs can't hit something they can't find which means you can use him as often as you like. He's been concealing his presence from European courts, US police, Mossad operatives and bounty hunters. Any and perhaps all of which could have mages and psychics in the works, helping them hunt. He's dodged them all, so not getting caught is something he's freaking awesome at.

{Villian} I would propose a three stage villian with three seperate encounters. The first one where he's a normal but physically and mentally superior character. A good IQ, ME and MA. Say 14, 15, and 18, in that order. He's bright enough to grasp the psuedo-intellectual BS that made up some of the Nazi platform, mentally tough enough to shrug off the hidieousness of their acts, and he's persuasive enough to sell the idea to the disaffected. PS, PP and PE should be relitively normal say 10, 12 and 10, PB is more useful if it's higher so 13 to 15 works well and speed can be a 9. There, that represents good but not truely exceptional rolls for stats. Instead of a thug style Brown shirt, this guy invisions himself as a elite SS officer who will direct these low life brown shirts he's dealing with to the true purpose of the master race.

Two years of College is a good place to start for education. Enough time to learn something and start to reject those he meet there, Jews (sorry Daniel), Blacks (sorry DL) and anyone who didn't look like him, while giving him sufficent skills to be a real meance. I like the science program for one of his skill packages. Chemistry/Analit will let him cook up IEDs while Anthropology will allow him to continue one of the Nazi's greatest lies by twisting science to their own ends. You could also sub in Medical Investigation (criminal Science/Forensics could really pay off for jamming up CSI/Century Station and cooking up some wicked tricks) or Medical Assistant (Improved medical skills for dealing with injuries) for similar effect. The business program would be my second choice. A good grasp of law and business will allow him to help maximize profits from whatever illict activites his brown shirt legions are into. This will help him seem to the lowlifes even smarter then he is.

Ten secondary skills should be spent on rounding the character out a bit. HtH expert is a good place to start, Radio basic, Running, athletics and body building and WP Pistol. Spend the other three as you like. Rouge skills could help though. HtH Expert is a decent fighting style, literally middle of the charts, the other physical skills will help toughen him up a bit. Now for a little smoke and mirrors. Gramercy Island's criminal trio of super inventers the Workshop (GI page 108) will sell to anyone. A M-Flex body suit (Archimedes design, GI page 114) will provide apparent superhuman levels of endurence, helping keep the Brownshirts in awe of their new leader. Plus it should help keep the PC's off balances a bit too when dealing with this guy. Too that we add a a Cyberwire exoskeleton, makes him a bit more menacing without going over the top.

For some offensive punch we add a Gyropistol from Maddog's arsenel. If your PCs aren't up to that kind of punishment, you can tone it down to a Rotopistol.

The first question that jumps to mind is how did he get this stuff? We're talking about gear in the neighborhood of two million dollars. If he's from wealth or had a really succesful score off stage, he could have bought it before they went inside. If not, he could have found it stashed away in some proper supervillian's stash left in some bolt hole under the city. Or hell, just don't explain it at all. Some questions are better left unanswered.

And there is his frame work for your first story arc. Easy enough to bend to whatever you have in mind and should be tough enough to survive whatever the PCs can throw at him before they defeat him.

If you like this, I have more ideas, let me know.
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Re: Help! I need a villain

Unread post by Ninjafingers »

Once again you guys come through for me and thanks for all of the ideas. I actually like aspects of several ideas posted. I really like the Dr. Vossen suggestion and hadn't thought about having a mastermind behind my little neo-nazis character. I also like the Spear of Destiny and Britannia ideas as well. Here's my thinking now.

Dr. Vossen sent my guy to steal the Spear of Destiny from a Century Station museum. He was shot during the burglary, his blood landed on the spear and "poof" - Super Nazis (Magic: Enchanted Object). Now goes by the name Spearhead and is working for Vossen to organize all of the neo-Nazis gangs in town under his leadership. I can also work in Britannia and maybe The Workshop (some of their items are really neat).

Spearhead's weapon is, duh a spear with the following powers - Mystic Shield, Create Darkness, Invisible: Superior, Portal of Fear, Cloud of Smoke and Fever Touch. His Major Super Power is Supernatural Strength.

Quick question. The spear does 6d6 and his punching damage is 2d4x10. Would I add these together when using the spear? Thanks.
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Re: Help! I need a villain

Unread post by NMI »

Ninjafingers wrote:Quick question. The spear does 6d6 and his punching damage is 2d4x10. Would I add these together when using the spear? Thanks.

Yes you would.
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Re: Help! I need a villain

Unread post by Ninjafingers »

Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Ninjafingers wrote:Quick question. The spear does 6d6 and his punching damage is 2d4x10. Would I add these together when using the spear? Thanks.

Yes you would.

I thought so, but wanted to make sure. Now, he's going to be a serious threat to my group. Thanks.
Juicers are so hopped up on drugs that their reflexes are hyper-fast and the rest of the world around them seems to be moving in slow motion. Which means that they are likely the only ones to be able to keep up with the Palladium rule changes... - Killer Cyborg
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Re: Help! I need a villain

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

I have created full NPCs descriptions for the two surviving Nazi super criminals described in GI
under Britannia entry here on the board on the 2nd edition conversion section above. I believe
they are on page 11 or 12. Don't forget about using the Brotherhood of Armageddon from
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Re: Help! I need a villain

Unread post by Stattick »

Character Bio
Simon had it rough as a kid. His father was a career army officer, and was gone more often then not. His mom was an abusive alcoholic. It was a tumultuous home to raise a child in, but things only got worse when Simon was 11 and his parents divorced. His mom was granted sole custody by the Oregon courts, while his dad went off to fight in some unacknowledged war.

At fourteen, Simon got so fed up with his mom’s abuse, that he ran away from home. He hitchhiked across the country, and located his father. His father couldn’t take him in, but he didn’t want to send him back to his mother either. The old soldier fought for and was granted sole custody of Simon in North Carolina… The old soldier sent the young man to live with an aunt that Simon had never met. It didn’t work out too well though. Simon was too angry and defiant to get along with his aunt. Less then six months later, Simon was packed up again, and this time he was sent off to a military school. The only thing was this though: it wasn’t a typical military school. It was a school that was secretly funded by and deeply connected to the White Power movement. Simon was the perfect sort of angry student for indoctrination. Simon’s racist father was very proud of his racist son…

Straight out of military school, Simon enlisted in the Army, just like his father had. Simon spent 22 years in the Army, and most of that time was spent in the Special Forces. However, at 40 years old and just starting to slip past his prime, Simon was finally forced into retirement. Although it hadn’t been substantially proven and there was no actual court marshal, it was strongly suspected by the brass that Simon was a closet racist and white supremacist. They were right.

Cut free from the only life that he’d ever known, Simon was aimless for some time after retirement. All he knew was how to be was a soldier. Eventually, Simon started going with his father to some Klan rallies just for something to do. It was only a matter of time before Simon hooked up with one of the racist separatist militias in Montana, hoping to teach those idiots a thing or two about guerilla warfare. Soon enough, Simon was attending national White Power meetings, being invited into strategy sessions, planning sessions, and even participating in operations so secret that no one outside of the inner circle would ever hear of them. Months turned to years, and soon enough Simon Schaefer’s name became so well known in the fracticious White Power community that he was a go-to man whenever the various factions had to meet. See, Simon had a vision. He wanted to unify and build all the small organizations into one large, powerful organization, like it had been back in the good old days of the Klan. Simon had developed contacts in every single major racist organization on the content.

At one time, politicians dared not to act in defiance of the Klan – police forces dared not to act in defiance, and there were even prominent members of Congress and Presidential candidates that were Klan members. Simon wasn’t just working on bringing that back. He was succeeding more then any other nationally recognized member had in decades. He’d secretly brought in funding from some of the old money sources, and things were building…

At 45 years old, Simon was still going strong. Sure, he’d slowed down some. He couldn’t lift as much iron, and some of the old war wounds would ache something fierce when it was cold and humid. But he ate right, exercised, and could still outfight most men half of his age. But he could still see the slow decline of age as the only thing in front of him. Then something extraordinary happened. Simon was approached by a supporter, a medical researcher. The researched had been working for decades on various government sponsored super soldier projects. Secretly though, he had his own side project. He believed that he had found a way to re-sequence a man’s DNA to create the ultimate Aryan. It would cost millions of dollars to pursuit, and it could turn out to be a dead-end…

Three years later, Simon was the first one to undergo the process. Simon was a resounding success. He looked and felt years younger. And he could fight like the devil himself. Even in his prime he’d never had reflexes or strength like this. He was indeed a model of perfection for all of his race. There was only one thing left to do – he was going to unify all of the white power organizations, whether they wanted it, or not.

Role-Playing Notes:
Simon's now a very charismatic leader, able to sway a crowd with ease. He's intelligent, crafty, a master tactician, and an expert in guerilla warfare. He's careful to make sure that there's virtually no way for the violent acts that he subtly encourages and sometimes even plans out to lead back to him. He's been being carefully watched by the FBI for over five years, and has been brought in for questioning numerous times. Dispite this, he's managed to keep his hands clean, at least for the time being. He not only has numerous contacts in the White Power movement, but also in the Black Market; he now has branches of his organization involved in the illegal arms trade, and trafficing in drugs. There have been a number of bloody wars between Simon's organization, and some notable outlaw biker gangs as the two clash over the control of distributing the Ice and Meth coming up out of Mexico. As far as Simon's concerned, there's a race war coming, and he intends to be on the front lines, leading his men into battle.

Super Soldier Process Notes:
Simon was the only outright success in the program. Three other were outright killed with the same process; Simon's been known to joke that they must not have been as purely Aryan as they claimed. Two were mutated by the process. One grew long blue fur, while the other became a horribly disfigured and hunchbacked monster. Both of them were quickly and quietly euthanized before they were even given a chance to wake up. Obviously, such flawed beings had no place in the organization. There was one other partial success though... Wayne Baker's mind was shattered by the process; he's now an impulsive and relatively stupid man. But he did develop powers, and he's now one of Simon's fanatic followers and trusted body guards. Wayne has the following enhancements: Increased Physical Agility and Dexterity, Attempted to Make the Character Invulnerable, Skeletal Plating, Phenomenal Balance. He has the following Powers: Physical Perfection, Teleportation, and Regen: Ultima Divine Healing. When going into battle, Wayne typically uses: a mini-missle launcher and minigun, or for close quarters fighting, twin sub-machineguns and twin laser swords. What Wayne lacks in intelligence, he makes up for with shear visciousness and cruelty. He's also obsessed with death, and the moments immediately preceeding death, so he'll often toy with and taunt a victim for hours before killing him or her (awww... the poor PC's being tortured, and the guy doing it isn't even asking any question).

Character Stats
Simon Schaefer;
Known aliases: Super Soldier, SS, Seer, Prophet, The Orator
Super Soldier, Aberrant, 8th level

IQ 23, ME 20, MA 23, PS 34(xtrdnry), PP 25, PE 18, PB 28, Spd 55 (37.5 mph)

AR: 14, HP: 73, SDC: 293
Age: 52 (appears to be 27), Height: 6’2, Weight: 310 lbs (looks 230 lbs), Appearance: Caucasian, blond hair, blue eyes, very muscular, extremely attractive.
75% trust/intimidate. 86% charm/impress

Created by a Neo-Nazi organization for criminal motives. Started as a normal, healthy specimen before the procedure.

Super Soldier Enhancements:
Increased Physical Agility and Dexterity, Attempted to Make the Character Invulnerable, Physical Transformation, Phenomenal Balance

Super Powers, one major and two minor powers:
Divine Aura: Awe/Hor Factor 14, 8 followers, Can issue a command every 45 sec. Save vs psi to resist. Commands give followers (only): +1 att, in, strike, parry, dodge. Deep, booming, amplified voice. Can appear twice as big as he really is, +2 Awe/Hor Factor.
Lightning Reflexes: Fast reflexes, but tends to be fidgety, has trouble sleeping, and cocky.
Physical Perfection: Appears physically perfect and 4 levels higher then actual level.

Pilot Automobile: 90% ... Mathematics: Basic: 94% ... Language: English: 98% ... Literacy: English: 98%

Military Program (Basic):
Running ... Climbing 98% ... Military Etiquette 98% ... Radio: Basic 98%

Military Program:
Find Contraband & Illegal Weapons 87% ... Recognize Weapon Quality 94% ... Camouflage 89% ... Strategy/Tactics 98%

Espionage Program (Basic):
Detect Ambush 94% ... Intelligence 88% ... Wilderness Survival 94% ... Escape Artist 98% ... Interrogation 98%

Physical Program:
Acrobatics: 98% ... Gymnastics: 98% ... Body Building & Weight Lifting ... Boxing

Bonus Rogue or Communication Skills:
Concealment 68% ... Prowl 98% ... Public Speaking 81% ... Seduction 71% ... Streetwise 71%

WP’s: +5 aimed / +3 burst / +5 wild
Pistol, Rifle, Heavy Weapons, Heavy Energy, Paired Weapons

Secondary Skills:
Computer Operation 84% ... Swimming 98% ... SCUBA 98% ... Athletics ... Business & Finance 84% ... First Aid 84% ... Pilot: Motorcycle: 98% ... Language: German 69% ... Literacy: German 49%

Combat Data
HtH: Martial Arts, Number of Attacks: 8, Initiative: +7, Strike: +7, Parry: +11, Dodge: +13, Roll: +14, Pull: +6, Disarm: +5, HtH bonus damage: +19, AR: 14, Auto-dodge: +8, All Kick Attacks, Leap Attack (critical strike), Crit: 18-20

Saving Throw Bonuses:
+11% vs Death/Coma, +3 vs Psi, +3 vs Insanity, +2 vs Magic, +2 vs Poison

Notable Equipment:
Powered Punch Gauntlets: adds 4d6 dmg to punches. Can also be fired as if they were energy weapons. Range: 200’. Difficult to aim: -2 to hit unless target is within 50 feet. Damage as a blaster: 4d6. Both gauntlets can be fired simultaneously at the same target for double damage with a single attack. Payload: each shot fired counts the same as a punch. 40 punches per hour for each gauntlet. Self recharging.
Rocket Jump Boots: Allows user to jump up to 60’ vertical, and up to 15’ in any direction from a stand still, as one action. Can be used to dodge with an additional bonus of +2.

EDIT: Fixed a typo on Simon's IQ. Adjusted the major power on his body guard - it's Divine Healing now instead of Regen: Ultima.
Last edited by Stattick on Sat Sep 27, 2008 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Help! I need a villain

Unread post by The Artist Formerly »

Mephisto wrote:
Reagren Wright wrote:I have created full NPCs descriptions for the two surviving Nazi super criminals described in GI
under Britannia entry here on the board on the 2nd edition conversion section above. I believe
they are on page 11 or 12. Don't forget about using the Brotherhood of Armageddon from

The idea of the Brotherhood of Armageddon knowing about Vossen but protecting his identity is one that is very intriguing to contemplate. It could also help explain how he has eluded European forces for so long.

Not so fast, recall that Vossen's fortune is made of up stolen Nazi gold, the old Odessa crew might want to have a chat with the not so good doctor about that. The neo-nazi movement would likely be more attached to the Odessa operatives then some guy who's been off the radar for sixty years.
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Re: Help! I need a villain

Unread post by The Artist Formerly »

Mephisto wrote:
The Artist Formerly wrote:
Mephisto wrote:
Reagren Wright wrote:I have created full NPCs descriptions for the two surviving Nazi super criminals described in GI
under Britannia entry here on the board on the 2nd edition conversion section above. I believe
they are on page 11 or 12. Don't forget about using the Brotherhood of Armageddon from

The idea of the Brotherhood of Armageddon knowing about Vossen but protecting his identity is one that is very intriguing to contemplate. It could also help explain how he has eluded European forces for so long.

Not so fast, recall that Vossen's fortune is made of up stolen Nazi gold, the old Odessa crew might want to have a chat with the not so good doctor about that. The neo-nazi movement would likely be more attached to the Odessa operatives then some guy who's been off the radar for sixty years.

And if Vossen told them that the stolen gold was for the propagation of Nazi ideals...and had results to back it up...?

Trickey to pull of, the BoA has psychics to check that. I don't think that Vossen ever cared about the master race or Hitler's dream, he just wanted to follow his obession. I guess as long as he follows the party line, they wouldn't be too hard on him, provided he proved that he was now loyal to the cause.
When I look in the dictionary and see the word Cool...I see Taffy's picture...-Shady Slug
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. -Abraham Lincoln
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