What do you think of Super-heroes vs the Bugs?

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What do you think of Super-heroes vs the Bugs?

Unread post by gaby »

I am having System failure happed in the same Earth as Heroes Unlimited.

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Unread post by Roscoe Del'Tane »

Some of the heroes will be able to quite simply, clean the bugs clocks! Those guys who are brimming with cosmic energy, heal absurdly fast, or have other doo-dads to help them out will msot likely have gigantic bulls-eyes painted on their heads. Meanwhile, the bugs will be rounding up some of the 'weaker' heroes and villains, and bugging them to use on their fellows. Whats the phrase, "Fighting fire with fire?" After all, super powers are a double edged sword, what one group can have, so can the others.

Just look at that domestic dispute storyline that one marvelous company put out. If would be like that, only with alien invaders instead of G-men and Freelancers. Each superhero would have to rounded up and verified by a government psychic, and most likely would have to either be trained up to be effective aginst this new threat (and be able to work with the soldiers), or put in 'protective custody' until they capitulate with the NORAD goons.

I would think that most of the energy expellers/manipulators would either bite the big bazooka fairly quickly, get bugged, or taken to some secure areas (oh, like NORAD), and turned into military backed bug-stomping machines. That would certainly tip things to humanities favor, and with all that raw 'muscle' and power, they would most likely be able to field a few more military outposts on the surface (after all, they would hardly be able to contain all this talent inside a mountain). With enough psychics, they could scan everybody coming and going, and maybe even have the juice to keep the Bugs from zapping into the wires (my thoughts on this is that its possible, but the military just doens't have the manpower to do it in the cannon storyline).

And you can always use kittenstomps tables on genetics, to decide whether or not any children they have posses the powers too. That can add a whole new degree to this discussion. Two or three males with SEE, a whole bunch of female soldiers/technitians/civilians offered monatary compensations, and a decades of training can go a long way to raising the future saviors of our race...
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Unread post by LostOne »

Seems ok to me as long as you avoid mega heroes.

NORAD Splicers have super powers already.
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Re: What do you think of Super-heroes vs the Bugs?

Unread post by RockJock »

The Masters of Speed would be great! I never ran Supers in Splicers, but I HAVE run a manageable invasion by the bugs into our standard HU world. This was epic on the level of what both big comic companies did with alien invasions over the years. In the end the earth won, but there are now bits of Organitech, and Bug Spliced government experiments popping up here and there, for years to come.

It is a great campaign to run in HU because some powerful characters were whipped up on by bugs while the group's Mystic Study just cleaned house. It isn't our normal game type, but it can be fun to have an enemy you can just let loose and wail on every once in awhile.
RockJock, holder of the mighty Rune Rock Hammer!
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Unread post by Glistam »

RAZON wrote:energy based supers would be quickly annihilated.

Help me to understand this. Everyone seems to be in general agreement, but I read through the section on the bugs and I didn't find anything that would support this. Even the conversion notes in the back of the book don't mention this issue. So why would super beings swith energy based powers be screwed?
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Re: Re:

Unread post by Roscoe Del'Tane »

Glistam wrote:
RAZON wrote:energy based supers would be quickly annihilated.

Help me to understand this. Everyone seems to be in general agreement, but I read through the section on the bugs and I didn't find anything that would support this. Even the conversion notes in the back of the book don't mention this issue. So why would super beings swith energy based powers be screwed?

Basically, since the energy-expellers can hurt the Bugs, whatever form they take, they would be right at the top of the Bugs hit list, right up there with psionicly gifted individuals. Think about it, in a war situtation, you eliminatate or incapacitate those who are able to do you the most harm. Since they would be so overwhelmed in combat against the bugs, my guess is that they would simply be buried under waves of army ants, or knocked out and bugged.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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