A Few Host armors Etc....
Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
- Snake Eyes
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- Comment: Living in Florida, soon to be Dinosaur Swamp
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A Few Host armors Etc....
I've designed a few more Host Armors, along with a Biotic character, and a new War Mount....The other thread has the ELPHANT Host Armor.....
The Simian Armor below don't have the bonus Bio-E from the Roughneck O.C.C.
Class: Host Armor
Crew: One Human Pilot (Devlin Steele)
Level: four [4]
Total Bio-E Used: 363
Bio-E Remaining: 3
Base M.D.C. by Location:
Arms (2): 125 each
Hands (2): 60 each
Head: 135
Serpentine Lower Body: 260
Main Body: 358
Armored Eyes (2): 10 each
Casting Rifle: 70
Heat Projection Cannon: 100
Spore Launcher: 60
Running (crawl/slither): 77 mph
Digging: 20 mph (32 km) through sand or dirt, but
one quarter as fast through rock or concrete.
Swimming: 30 mph (48 km/25.9 knots)
Underwater Depth: The Host Armor can withstand
pressure up to 700 feet (213.4 m) down
Statistical Data:
Height: Can stand up to 11 feet (3.3 m) tall/high
Width: About 3.5 feet, based on the size of the pilot
Length: 14 feet added to the length of the Host Armor
Weight: 400 lbs. Added to the weight of the pilot
Cargo: None, other than what the pilot/Host Armor
can carry/strapped to the back, or slung over the shoulder.
Physical Strength: 39 (Splicer/Robotic Strength)
Operational Lifetime: 58 year life span
Bio-Regeneration: 2D6+3 M.D.C. per melee round
(or 1D6x10 M.D.C. per minute) for the main body and
1D4+2 M.D.C. per melee (or 4D6 M.D.C. per minute)
for all other body locations.
Horror Factor: 7 for humans and other intelligent life forms;
none against the machines.
Senses & Features: The Host Armor has all common Host
Armor features, plus; Armored Eyes, Forked Tongue, Heat Pits,
Acid Blood, Chameleon Skin, Super Regeneration, Ambidextrous,
Resistance (M.D.C. Heat & Cold).
Feeding: The Host Armor must eat from 20 to 30 lbs. (9 to 13.5
kg) of vegetable and/or animal matter a day.
Sleep Requirements: As an Omnivore, the suit requires 1D6 hours
of sleep/rest/inactivity per day, generally during the nighttime hours.
Penalties: Likes to hunt, stalk and kill. Hates being penned up with
Nothing to do. The pilot must make regular fresh kills and needs to
find enough food to sustain the Host Armor. The pilot may also exhibit
a tendency to be aggressive.
Bonuses: +1 attack per melee round, +3 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge,
+4 to entangle, +5 to auto dodge, +4 on initiative,
+1 to pull punch, +3 to roll with punch, W.P. Paired Weapons.
Has basic instinctive skills of Land Navigation 70%, Track (people) 65%,
Track Animals 80%, Wilderness Survival 60%, Track by Taste 76%
Identify Specific Taste 56% (76% for common tastes), Identify Common
Odors 76%, Locate/Track Taste or Odor to its Source 46% (66% for strong
Taste/odor), Track by Heat 76%
1). Medium Claws: These are non-retractable talon-like claws
on each hand.
Mega-Damage: See Hand to Hand Combat
2). Medium-Sized Teeth: Resembles large Snake Fangs
Mega-Damage: See Combat
3). Heat Projector Cannon: Mounted over right shoulder
Mega-Damage: 5D8/1D8x10+10 per blast
Range: 1800 feet (549 m)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
4). Short-Range Mega-Spore Launcher: Located on the left arm
Mega-Damage: 8D8 with a 10-foot splash radius
Range: 300 feet (91.4 m)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +1 to strike with an aimed shot
5). Casting Ultra-Rifle: Mounted on the left shoulder
Mega-Damage: 3D8+3 per shot or 1D8x10+6 per
four shot burst.
Range: 2800 feet (853 m)
Payload: 120 rounds/castings
Bonus: +2 to strike on an aimed shot (+0 for burst)
6). Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use ranged weapons,
the pilot may engage in hand to hand combat:
Restrained Punch: 1D10 M.D.
Full Strength Punch: 4D6 M.D.
Power Punch: 6D6 M.D.
Tail Slash: 4D6 M.D.
Tail Crush/Squeeze: 3D6+24 M.D.
Bite: 3D8 M.D.
Class: Host Armor
Crew: One Human Pilot
Level: six [6]
Total Bio-E Spent: 360
Bio-E Remaining: 0
Base M.D.C. by Location:
Arms (2): 82 each
Hands (2): 47 each
Legs (2): 162 each
Feet (2): 67 each
Head: 107
Main Body: 330
Prehensile Tail: 65
Armored Eyes (2): 10 each
Screamer Grenades [28]: 6 each
Casting Launcher: 60
Running: 100 mph (160 km)
Leaping: Can leap up to 20 feet (6.1m) high,
or 40 feet (12.2 m) across
Digging: 20 mph (32 km) through sand or dirt,
but one quarter as fast through rock or concrete.
Swimming: 30 mph (48 km/25.9 knots)
Underwater Depth: The Host Armor can withstand
pressure up to 700 feet (213.4 m) down
Statistical Data:
Height: 2 feet added to the height of the pilot, arm
reach is an extra 4 feet (1.2 m)
Width: 3 feet (0.9 m) added to the pilot
Length: Adds 2 feet (0.6 m) to the pilot
Weight: +300 lbs. (135 kg)added to the pilot's weight
Cargo: None, other than what can be strapped to the
Host Armor or carried
Physical Strength: 30 (Splicer/Robotic Strength)
Operational Lifetime: 50 year life span
Bio-Regeneration: 1D6 M.D.C. per minute
(or 6D6x10 M.D.C. per hour) for the main body,
1 M.D.C. per minute (or 1D6x10 per hour) for all
other locations.
Horror Factor: 7 for humans and other intelligent life forms;
None against the machines.
Senses & Features: The Host Armor has all common Host
Armor features, plus, Chameleon Skin, Reinforced Exoskeleton,
Armored Eyes, Enhanced Regeneration, Ambidextrous,
Resistance (cold, heat, kinetic attacks, physical attacks),
Enhanced Neurological Connections, Quick Clotting Blood,
Righting Reflex, Elongated Arms, Non-Skid Pads (feet),
Prehensile Feet, Prehensile Tail.
Feeding: The Host Armor must eat from 20 to 30 lbs.
(9 to 13.5 kg) of vegetable and/or animal matter a day.
Sleep Requirements: The suit requires 1D6 hours of
sleep/rest/inactivity per day, generally during nighttime
Combat Bonuses: +1 attack per melee, +2 to strike, +3 to
parry, +1 to pull punch, +5 to roll with punch, +1 to entangle,
+4 on initiative, +1 to disarm, +2 to automatic dodge,
W.P. Paired Weapons
1. Super Light Cells (2): mounted on the left arm
Mega-Damage: 2D10 per dual shot
Rate of Fire: Each blast or volley counts as one
melee attack.
Maximum Effective Range: 1000 feet (305 m)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +1 to attack on an aimed shot
2. Casting Launcher: mounted on the right shoulder
Mega-Damage: 3D8 per shot; 1D8x10 per four round
Maximum Effective Range: 1400 feet (427 m)
Payload: 60 castings/rounds
Bonus: +1 to strike on an aimed shot
3. Screamer Grenades:
Mega-Damage: 2D12 per grenade (20 foot blast)
Maximum Effective Range (Thrown): 100 feet (30.5 m)
Payload: 28 grenades (6 per side; 8 on the lower back;
8 on the stomach)
4. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use ranged weapons,
the pilot may engage in hand to hand combat:
Restrained Punch: 1D4 M.D.
Full Strength Punch: 1D6 M.D.
Power Punch: 2D6 M.D.
Kick: 2D4 M.D.
Leap Kick: 2D8 M.D.
Class: Enhanced/Modified Mega-Horse
Crew: One rider; two when necessary
M.D.C. by Location:
Front Legs (2): 3D10+50
Hind Legs (2): 4D10+60
Head: 5D10+70
Main Body: 4D6x10+60
Wings (2): 6D6+40
Combat Tail: 1D6x10+10
Running: 50 mph (80 km) for two hours at a time,
but needs periods of rest or slower speed.
Leaping: 8 feet (2.4 m) high and 20 feet (6.1 m) across
Swimming: 8 mph (12.8 km) on the water's surface only
Flying: 120 mph (192 km), with a cruising speed of 50 mph (80 km)
Statistical: Data:
Height: 8 feet (2.4 m) at the shoulders.
Length: 7 feet (2.1 m) from tip of the nose to the rump,
Plus an 8 foot (2.4 m) long tail.
Weight: 2000 lbs. (900 kg).
Cargo: 800 lbs. (360 kg) can be carried on its back, but can
pull 5000 lbs. (2250 kg).
Physical Strength: 2D8+20 (Supernatural).
Bio-Regeneration: Recovers 6D6x10 M.D.C. every hour
for the main body, and 1D6x10 every hour for the other locations.
Operational Lifetime: 30 years of service
Trade Value: 60,000 to 90,000 credits
Senses & Features: Standard for War Mounts,
(gets numbers 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6-see book for details, pg. 109 &110)
Feeding: Eats 20 to 30 lbs. (9 to 13.5 kg) of animal and/or
vegetable matter per day.
Sleep Requirements: Needs 8 hours of sleep, generally during
nighttime hours.
Rider: Bareback or traditional saddle placed just behind the shoulders
Other Data (for individual animals):
Alignment: Any, though tends to be strong willed, but otherwise
good natured similar to a regular horse or mega-horse.
Attributes: I.Q. 1d4+8 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 2D8+12
M.A. 2D6+15, P.S. 2D8+20 (Supernatural), P.P. 2D6+12
P.E. 3D6+20, P.B. 2D4+14, Spd: 74 (see speed above)
Attacks per Melee Round: four [4]
Combat Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +2
(+3 in flight) on initiative, +3 (+4 in flight) to strike with kick attacks,
+5 to automatic dodge, +2 to pull punch/kick, +2 (+3 flight) to roll,
+2 to save vs. poison and disease, +6 to save vs. Horror Factor
(and possession).
Equivalent (instinctive) Skills of Note: Begging 50%, Climb 50%/0%
Identify Plants & Fruit (stuff to eat) 80%, Land Navigation 90%,
Swim 65%, and understands languages (2) at 75%, Recognizes
robots and machines as enemies to be avoided or attacked.
Combat Capabilities: Front Leg Kick: 2D6+6 M.D.
Rear Leg Kick: 5D6+4, Stomp: 1D6, Bite: 5D4 M.D.
Head Butt or Body Bump: 2D4+2 M.D.
Tail Attack: 6D6 M.D. (4 spikes)
Dragon-Horse Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Plasma Breath:
Primary Purpose: Anti-Robot
Mega-Damage: 6D12 per fiery blast.
Rate of Fire: Once per Melee
Maximum Effective Range: 40 feet (12.2 m)
Payload: 18 blasts per 24 hours, automatically regenerates
Bonus: +4 to strike per attack
2. Short-Range Spore Discharger (2): Resembles a pair of horns
on the head.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor/Anti-Robot
Secondary Purpose: Assault/Defense
Mega-Damage: 4D8 each per blast, 8D8 per simultaneous
attack damage is inflicted to a 10 (3 m) blast radius
Duration: The spores continue to do 1D8 M.D. to any metal, including any metal that comes in contact with it,
for the next 3D4 melees as the spores complete
their life cycle and die.
Maximum Effective Range: 300 feet (91.4 m).
Rate of Fire: Each blast of spores counts as one melee attack.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; regenerated on demand
Bonus: +1 to strike
2. Tusk Spears (2): Housed along each side of the head.
Primary Purpose: Assault/Defense
Mega-Damage: 3D8 per spear
Rate of Fire: Each spear counts as one melee attack
Maximum Effective Range: 120 feet (36 m)
Payload: Four spears total; two on both sides of the face
each will grow back in three hours.
Name: Morgan Summers
Race: Human
Alignment: Anarchist
Attributes: I.Q. 20, M.E. 17, M.A. 15, P.S. 26 (Splicer strength),
P.P. 28, P.E. 30, P.B. 20, Spd 156 (106 mph)
M.D.C. (special): 300
Appearance: Coming later
Weight: 250 lbs.
Height: 6 feet 4 inches
Age: 27, Sex: Female
Experience Level: 4th level Biotic
Skills: Bio-Comms (76%), Cook (76%), Dance (61%),
Begging (55%), Sewing (76%), First Aid (81%), Forced March, Running, Detect Ambush(51%), Detect Concealment (46%), Intelligence (50%), Prowl (48%), Hunting, Land Navigation (54%), Wilderness Survival (56%), ID Plants & Fruits (51%), Skin & Prepare Animal Hides (56%), Track & Trap Animals (46%/56%), Camouflage (51%), Swim (71%), Outdoorsmanship, Physical Labor, W.P. Light Bio-Weapons, W.P. Heavy Bio-Weapons, W.P. Whip, W.P. Paired Weapons, W.P. Battle Axe
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert
Attacks Per Melee: Six [6]
Combat Bonuses: +10 to strike, +10 to parry, +11 to dodge,
+11 to damage, +2 to disarm, +4 to pull punch, +1 on initiative,
+2 to roll with punch, +40% to save vs. coma/death, +10 vs. poison/toxins,
+2 to save vs. horror factor, +1 to save vs. insanity
Other Combat Info: Punch: 2D4+11 (1D6 M.D.), Kick: 2D6+11 (2D4 M.D.),
Power Punch: 4D4+11 (2D6 M.D.) (uses up two attacks)
Misc. Bonuses: 50% to charm and/or impress
Special Biotic Enhancements:
Centaur Lower Body (420 M.D.C.)
Horse Legs (4) (118 M.D.C. each)
Advanced Eyes (see Splicers book pg. 78 for details)
Advanced Senses (see book for details)
Bio-Force Field (220 M.D.C.)
Quick Clotting Blood
Biotic Bio-Weapons:
1. Short-Range Spore Dischargers (4): Two are mounted on each forearm
Mega-Damage: 4D8 each per shot (8D8 per dual blast)
damage is inflicted to a 10 foot (3 m) splash radius
Rate of Fire: Each single or dual blast counts as one melee attack
Maximum Effective Range: 300 feet (91.4 m)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +1 to strike
The Simian Armor below don't have the bonus Bio-E from the Roughneck O.C.C.
Class: Host Armor
Crew: One Human Pilot (Devlin Steele)
Level: four [4]
Total Bio-E Used: 363
Bio-E Remaining: 3
Base M.D.C. by Location:
Arms (2): 125 each
Hands (2): 60 each
Head: 135
Serpentine Lower Body: 260
Main Body: 358
Armored Eyes (2): 10 each
Casting Rifle: 70
Heat Projection Cannon: 100
Spore Launcher: 60
Running (crawl/slither): 77 mph
Digging: 20 mph (32 km) through sand or dirt, but
one quarter as fast through rock or concrete.
Swimming: 30 mph (48 km/25.9 knots)
Underwater Depth: The Host Armor can withstand
pressure up to 700 feet (213.4 m) down
Statistical Data:
Height: Can stand up to 11 feet (3.3 m) tall/high
Width: About 3.5 feet, based on the size of the pilot
Length: 14 feet added to the length of the Host Armor
Weight: 400 lbs. Added to the weight of the pilot
Cargo: None, other than what the pilot/Host Armor
can carry/strapped to the back, or slung over the shoulder.
Physical Strength: 39 (Splicer/Robotic Strength)
Operational Lifetime: 58 year life span
Bio-Regeneration: 2D6+3 M.D.C. per melee round
(or 1D6x10 M.D.C. per minute) for the main body and
1D4+2 M.D.C. per melee (or 4D6 M.D.C. per minute)
for all other body locations.
Horror Factor: 7 for humans and other intelligent life forms;
none against the machines.
Senses & Features: The Host Armor has all common Host
Armor features, plus; Armored Eyes, Forked Tongue, Heat Pits,
Acid Blood, Chameleon Skin, Super Regeneration, Ambidextrous,
Resistance (M.D.C. Heat & Cold).
Feeding: The Host Armor must eat from 20 to 30 lbs. (9 to 13.5
kg) of vegetable and/or animal matter a day.
Sleep Requirements: As an Omnivore, the suit requires 1D6 hours
of sleep/rest/inactivity per day, generally during the nighttime hours.
Penalties: Likes to hunt, stalk and kill. Hates being penned up with
Nothing to do. The pilot must make regular fresh kills and needs to
find enough food to sustain the Host Armor. The pilot may also exhibit
a tendency to be aggressive.
Bonuses: +1 attack per melee round, +3 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge,
+4 to entangle, +5 to auto dodge, +4 on initiative,
+1 to pull punch, +3 to roll with punch, W.P. Paired Weapons.
Has basic instinctive skills of Land Navigation 70%, Track (people) 65%,
Track Animals 80%, Wilderness Survival 60%, Track by Taste 76%
Identify Specific Taste 56% (76% for common tastes), Identify Common
Odors 76%, Locate/Track Taste or Odor to its Source 46% (66% for strong
Taste/odor), Track by Heat 76%
1). Medium Claws: These are non-retractable talon-like claws
on each hand.
Mega-Damage: See Hand to Hand Combat
2). Medium-Sized Teeth: Resembles large Snake Fangs
Mega-Damage: See Combat
3). Heat Projector Cannon: Mounted over right shoulder
Mega-Damage: 5D8/1D8x10+10 per blast
Range: 1800 feet (549 m)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
4). Short-Range Mega-Spore Launcher: Located on the left arm
Mega-Damage: 8D8 with a 10-foot splash radius
Range: 300 feet (91.4 m)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +1 to strike with an aimed shot
5). Casting Ultra-Rifle: Mounted on the left shoulder
Mega-Damage: 3D8+3 per shot or 1D8x10+6 per
four shot burst.
Range: 2800 feet (853 m)
Payload: 120 rounds/castings
Bonus: +2 to strike on an aimed shot (+0 for burst)
6). Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use ranged weapons,
the pilot may engage in hand to hand combat:
Restrained Punch: 1D10 M.D.
Full Strength Punch: 4D6 M.D.
Power Punch: 6D6 M.D.
Tail Slash: 4D6 M.D.
Tail Crush/Squeeze: 3D6+24 M.D.
Bite: 3D8 M.D.
Class: Host Armor
Crew: One Human Pilot
Level: six [6]
Total Bio-E Spent: 360
Bio-E Remaining: 0
Base M.D.C. by Location:
Arms (2): 82 each
Hands (2): 47 each
Legs (2): 162 each
Feet (2): 67 each
Head: 107
Main Body: 330
Prehensile Tail: 65
Armored Eyes (2): 10 each
Screamer Grenades [28]: 6 each
Casting Launcher: 60
Running: 100 mph (160 km)
Leaping: Can leap up to 20 feet (6.1m) high,
or 40 feet (12.2 m) across
Digging: 20 mph (32 km) through sand or dirt,
but one quarter as fast through rock or concrete.
Swimming: 30 mph (48 km/25.9 knots)
Underwater Depth: The Host Armor can withstand
pressure up to 700 feet (213.4 m) down
Statistical Data:
Height: 2 feet added to the height of the pilot, arm
reach is an extra 4 feet (1.2 m)
Width: 3 feet (0.9 m) added to the pilot
Length: Adds 2 feet (0.6 m) to the pilot
Weight: +300 lbs. (135 kg)added to the pilot's weight
Cargo: None, other than what can be strapped to the
Host Armor or carried
Physical Strength: 30 (Splicer/Robotic Strength)
Operational Lifetime: 50 year life span
Bio-Regeneration: 1D6 M.D.C. per minute
(or 6D6x10 M.D.C. per hour) for the main body,
1 M.D.C. per minute (or 1D6x10 per hour) for all
other locations.
Horror Factor: 7 for humans and other intelligent life forms;
None against the machines.
Senses & Features: The Host Armor has all common Host
Armor features, plus, Chameleon Skin, Reinforced Exoskeleton,
Armored Eyes, Enhanced Regeneration, Ambidextrous,
Resistance (cold, heat, kinetic attacks, physical attacks),
Enhanced Neurological Connections, Quick Clotting Blood,
Righting Reflex, Elongated Arms, Non-Skid Pads (feet),
Prehensile Feet, Prehensile Tail.
Feeding: The Host Armor must eat from 20 to 30 lbs.
(9 to 13.5 kg) of vegetable and/or animal matter a day.
Sleep Requirements: The suit requires 1D6 hours of
sleep/rest/inactivity per day, generally during nighttime
Combat Bonuses: +1 attack per melee, +2 to strike, +3 to
parry, +1 to pull punch, +5 to roll with punch, +1 to entangle,
+4 on initiative, +1 to disarm, +2 to automatic dodge,
W.P. Paired Weapons
1. Super Light Cells (2): mounted on the left arm
Mega-Damage: 2D10 per dual shot
Rate of Fire: Each blast or volley counts as one
melee attack.
Maximum Effective Range: 1000 feet (305 m)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +1 to attack on an aimed shot
2. Casting Launcher: mounted on the right shoulder
Mega-Damage: 3D8 per shot; 1D8x10 per four round
Maximum Effective Range: 1400 feet (427 m)
Payload: 60 castings/rounds
Bonus: +1 to strike on an aimed shot
3. Screamer Grenades:
Mega-Damage: 2D12 per grenade (20 foot blast)
Maximum Effective Range (Thrown): 100 feet (30.5 m)
Payload: 28 grenades (6 per side; 8 on the lower back;
8 on the stomach)
4. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use ranged weapons,
the pilot may engage in hand to hand combat:
Restrained Punch: 1D4 M.D.
Full Strength Punch: 1D6 M.D.
Power Punch: 2D6 M.D.
Kick: 2D4 M.D.
Leap Kick: 2D8 M.D.
Class: Enhanced/Modified Mega-Horse
Crew: One rider; two when necessary
M.D.C. by Location:
Front Legs (2): 3D10+50
Hind Legs (2): 4D10+60
Head: 5D10+70
Main Body: 4D6x10+60
Wings (2): 6D6+40
Combat Tail: 1D6x10+10
Running: 50 mph (80 km) for two hours at a time,
but needs periods of rest or slower speed.
Leaping: 8 feet (2.4 m) high and 20 feet (6.1 m) across
Swimming: 8 mph (12.8 km) on the water's surface only
Flying: 120 mph (192 km), with a cruising speed of 50 mph (80 km)
Statistical: Data:
Height: 8 feet (2.4 m) at the shoulders.
Length: 7 feet (2.1 m) from tip of the nose to the rump,
Plus an 8 foot (2.4 m) long tail.
Weight: 2000 lbs. (900 kg).
Cargo: 800 lbs. (360 kg) can be carried on its back, but can
pull 5000 lbs. (2250 kg).
Physical Strength: 2D8+20 (Supernatural).
Bio-Regeneration: Recovers 6D6x10 M.D.C. every hour
for the main body, and 1D6x10 every hour for the other locations.
Operational Lifetime: 30 years of service
Trade Value: 60,000 to 90,000 credits
Senses & Features: Standard for War Mounts,
(gets numbers 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6-see book for details, pg. 109 &110)
Feeding: Eats 20 to 30 lbs. (9 to 13.5 kg) of animal and/or
vegetable matter per day.
Sleep Requirements: Needs 8 hours of sleep, generally during
nighttime hours.
Rider: Bareback or traditional saddle placed just behind the shoulders
Other Data (for individual animals):
Alignment: Any, though tends to be strong willed, but otherwise
good natured similar to a regular horse or mega-horse.
Attributes: I.Q. 1d4+8 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 2D8+12
M.A. 2D6+15, P.S. 2D8+20 (Supernatural), P.P. 2D6+12
P.E. 3D6+20, P.B. 2D4+14, Spd: 74 (see speed above)
Attacks per Melee Round: four [4]
Combat Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +2
(+3 in flight) on initiative, +3 (+4 in flight) to strike with kick attacks,
+5 to automatic dodge, +2 to pull punch/kick, +2 (+3 flight) to roll,
+2 to save vs. poison and disease, +6 to save vs. Horror Factor
(and possession).
Equivalent (instinctive) Skills of Note: Begging 50%, Climb 50%/0%
Identify Plants & Fruit (stuff to eat) 80%, Land Navigation 90%,
Swim 65%, and understands languages (2) at 75%, Recognizes
robots and machines as enemies to be avoided or attacked.
Combat Capabilities: Front Leg Kick: 2D6+6 M.D.
Rear Leg Kick: 5D6+4, Stomp: 1D6, Bite: 5D4 M.D.
Head Butt or Body Bump: 2D4+2 M.D.
Tail Attack: 6D6 M.D. (4 spikes)
Dragon-Horse Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Plasma Breath:
Primary Purpose: Anti-Robot
Mega-Damage: 6D12 per fiery blast.
Rate of Fire: Once per Melee
Maximum Effective Range: 40 feet (12.2 m)
Payload: 18 blasts per 24 hours, automatically regenerates
Bonus: +4 to strike per attack
2. Short-Range Spore Discharger (2): Resembles a pair of horns
on the head.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor/Anti-Robot
Secondary Purpose: Assault/Defense
Mega-Damage: 4D8 each per blast, 8D8 per simultaneous
attack damage is inflicted to a 10 (3 m) blast radius
Duration: The spores continue to do 1D8 M.D. to any metal, including any metal that comes in contact with it,
for the next 3D4 melees as the spores complete
their life cycle and die.
Maximum Effective Range: 300 feet (91.4 m).
Rate of Fire: Each blast of spores counts as one melee attack.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; regenerated on demand
Bonus: +1 to strike
2. Tusk Spears (2): Housed along each side of the head.
Primary Purpose: Assault/Defense
Mega-Damage: 3D8 per spear
Rate of Fire: Each spear counts as one melee attack
Maximum Effective Range: 120 feet (36 m)
Payload: Four spears total; two on both sides of the face
each will grow back in three hours.
Name: Morgan Summers
Race: Human
Alignment: Anarchist
Attributes: I.Q. 20, M.E. 17, M.A. 15, P.S. 26 (Splicer strength),
P.P. 28, P.E. 30, P.B. 20, Spd 156 (106 mph)
M.D.C. (special): 300
Appearance: Coming later
Weight: 250 lbs.
Height: 6 feet 4 inches
Age: 27, Sex: Female
Experience Level: 4th level Biotic
Skills: Bio-Comms (76%), Cook (76%), Dance (61%),
Begging (55%), Sewing (76%), First Aid (81%), Forced March, Running, Detect Ambush(51%), Detect Concealment (46%), Intelligence (50%), Prowl (48%), Hunting, Land Navigation (54%), Wilderness Survival (56%), ID Plants & Fruits (51%), Skin & Prepare Animal Hides (56%), Track & Trap Animals (46%/56%), Camouflage (51%), Swim (71%), Outdoorsmanship, Physical Labor, W.P. Light Bio-Weapons, W.P. Heavy Bio-Weapons, W.P. Whip, W.P. Paired Weapons, W.P. Battle Axe
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert
Attacks Per Melee: Six [6]
Combat Bonuses: +10 to strike, +10 to parry, +11 to dodge,
+11 to damage, +2 to disarm, +4 to pull punch, +1 on initiative,
+2 to roll with punch, +40% to save vs. coma/death, +10 vs. poison/toxins,
+2 to save vs. horror factor, +1 to save vs. insanity
Other Combat Info: Punch: 2D4+11 (1D6 M.D.), Kick: 2D6+11 (2D4 M.D.),
Power Punch: 4D4+11 (2D6 M.D.) (uses up two attacks)
Misc. Bonuses: 50% to charm and/or impress
Special Biotic Enhancements:
Centaur Lower Body (420 M.D.C.)
Horse Legs (4) (118 M.D.C. each)
Advanced Eyes (see Splicers book pg. 78 for details)
Advanced Senses (see book for details)
Bio-Force Field (220 M.D.C.)
Quick Clotting Blood
Biotic Bio-Weapons:
1. Short-Range Spore Dischargers (4): Two are mounted on each forearm
Mega-Damage: 4D8 each per shot (8D8 per dual blast)
damage is inflicted to a 10 foot (3 m) splash radius
Rate of Fire: Each single or dual blast counts as one melee attack
Maximum Effective Range: 300 feet (91.4 m)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +1 to strike
- Guy_LeDouche
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- taalismn
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Hmmm...I wonder if you could somehow fit a Megahorse with something similar to the head/neck 'fans' used by some lizards to appear larger and more imposing...only in this case to provide more armor coverage/protection to the riders?
Just had an ugly thought of creating Biotics and Warmounts similar in appearance to the ARCHIE-3 Shemarrians and Monst-Rex...however, in this case...FIGHTING the Machine....
Just had an ugly thought of creating Biotics and Warmounts similar in appearance to the ARCHIE-3 Shemarrians and Monst-Rex...however, in this case...FIGHTING the Machine....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- Snake Eyes
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- Comment: Living in Florida, soon to be Dinosaur Swamp
- Location: Mary Esther, Florida
Guy_LeDouche wrote:I really like the last one, the "Biotic Centaur". Especially the P.B. of 20.![]()
That is one sexy Biotic, legs and all!
Actually, her P.B. was slightly toned down, it was a 25.....
Hmmm...I wonder if you could somehow fit a Megahorse with something similar to the head/neck 'fans' used by some lizards to appear larger and more imposing...only in this case to provide more armor coverage/protection to the riders?
Just had an ugly thought of creating Biotics and Warmounts similar in appearance to the ARCHIE-3 Shemarrians and Monst-Rex...however, in this case...FIGHTING the Machine....
that would be a good idea, cosmetic additions along with, maybe, Horn Defense.......
I have a couple ore Biotic ideas, one with a Serpent lower body, and the devil/gargoyle one that i had mentioned in my other thread.
- Snake Eyes
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- Joined: Tue Jan 27, 2004 12:34 am
- Comment: Living in Florida, soon to be Dinosaur Swamp
- Location: Mary Esther, Florida
- Premier
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Re: A Few Host armors Etc....
Hey Snake Eyes,
First off, I love the track your own and the expansion of wonderful steps in biotech in the realm of Splicers!
My Favorite that I would love to see manifest is your ”Dragon horse” Warmount.
This reminds me of the “Kirin” and I think it would be a very impressive and visually appealing concept that is really inspirational. This one I would love to illustrate one day
. Man, that idea is one of those that I wish I had come up with, but I am more excited that there are other creative innovative minds such as yours that generate such potent concepts to keep the Waters flowing. The Spice must flow…
Also once again, great minds think alike! The Simian & Gorgon Host Armors both seem very impressive, and once again, We (Slappy & I) have a primate Host Armor concept though ours is geared for being a comparable Packmaster Armor type & O.C.C. only it uses baboons, said too much again I think. As to the other similarity, “Gorgon” Host Armor concept, I was wondering have you been able to take a look at the most recent Rifters Swimsuit issue? It has the Gorgon Host armor and Senator Tiegs write up & illustration that Slappy & I did. Though once again, visually and functionally I think they are different than what you designed for yours. It goes to show that even though an idea or name may be the source of the inspiration, the direction in which creative minds take it can make things all the more intriguing and vast in this setting.
I would love to see you write more via descriptions on your ideas to help define them more so a swell. You have awesome ideas and I think everyone would love to learn more about them and what they do, how they perform or suggestions on use and a more definitive visual description so we capture the very essence of what you are striving for us to imagine.
By all means, keep up the great works!
First off, I love the track your own and the expansion of wonderful steps in biotech in the realm of Splicers!

My Favorite that I would love to see manifest is your ”Dragon horse” Warmount.



Also once again, great minds think alike! The Simian & Gorgon Host Armors both seem very impressive, and once again, We (Slappy & I) have a primate Host Armor concept though ours is geared for being a comparable Packmaster Armor type & O.C.C. only it uses baboons, said too much again I think. As to the other similarity, “Gorgon” Host Armor concept, I was wondering have you been able to take a look at the most recent Rifters Swimsuit issue? It has the Gorgon Host armor and Senator Tiegs write up & illustration that Slappy & I did. Though once again, visually and functionally I think they are different than what you designed for yours. It goes to show that even though an idea or name may be the source of the inspiration, the direction in which creative minds take it can make things all the more intriguing and vast in this setting.
I would love to see you write more via descriptions on your ideas to help define them more so a swell. You have awesome ideas and I think everyone would love to learn more about them and what they do, how they perform or suggestions on use and a more definitive visual description so we capture the very essence of what you are striving for us to imagine.
By all means, keep up the great works!
- Snake Eyes
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- Posts: 1025
- Joined: Tue Jan 27, 2004 12:34 am
- Comment: Living in Florida, soon to be Dinosaur Swamp
- Location: Mary Esther, Florida
Re: A Few Host armors Etc....
Well, the Gorgon was to be pilot specific, though i may be able to make a standard one (level 1)
No, i haven't seen the latest Swimsuit Rifter yet.....I has a "Gorgon" HA? cool, may have to check that out
No, i haven't seen the latest Swimsuit Rifter yet.....I has a "Gorgon" HA? cool, may have to check that out

The Dragon Has Spoken
- Aramanthus
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Re: A Few Host armors Etc....
Another nice host armor. Please keep them coming!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."