Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

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Apollyon7 wrote:1. If a player was allowed by the GM to become an alchemist, would the player be allowed to start off as a Wizard, level to level 6, switch to Diabolist until level 6, then switch to Summoner until level 3, then finally start as an Alchemist? (following the OCC change in the cutting room floor of going through each apprenticeship)

Also is there any additional information on the Alchemist OCC as far as skills, xp, leveling, etc?

That specific combination is the usual path for an Alchemist; some may prefer to start as a Summoner for the greater PPE, or as a Diabolist for a stronger immediate grounding in physical magics, but any combination works.

To 1b, none yet.

2. Character 1 (C1) was given a wish and was given a Fire Dragon Hatchling which was magically linked to that character. They both adventured together until C1 was killed in battle. The dragon took his gear and added it to his collection. Over the years, the effects of the magical link has faded and what is left is the friendship they shared during that time. Character 2 (C2) is the son of C1 and is on his own quest that involves C1.

Would the dragon be willing, considering his history with C2's father, to give any of the gear to C2? The Dragon's alignment is Unprincipled.

Unprincipled, maybe. What's the species of C1? C2 might be 20 years younger than the dragon, or he might be 300. The older the dragon is than C2, and the more contact he had with him during his formative years, the more likely the dragon is to give him something... money, if nothing else. Wisdom, maybe. Some minor magics, perhaps, especially if they were the father's favorite.

3. A Simultaneous attack is when you forgo any defense to strike back at the person attacking you. With Paired Weapons, it's possible to to strike and parry at the same time. Is there any penalty to parry the attack and simultaneously attack back?

Alpha is attacking. He has two weapons, but attacks with one.
Beta defends with one of his weapons, and simultaneous strikes with the other.
Alpha can still defend with his second weapon. Neither he nor Beta take any penalties, BTB.

4. When casting Weightlessness on a person who is wearing armor and holding a weapon, is just the person's physical body become lighter, or does everything he's wearing and holding become lighter? If only his body becomes lighter, would his heavier armor and weapon keep him from floating off from the wind?

IMC, Weightlessness and Increase Weight have saves. If cast on the person, it would affect the entire character.

5. Does Fistacuffs combat have any effect or damage against someone wearing heavy armor?

BTB, yes, though remember the effect of AR. Non-striking unarmed combat (like wrestling and judo) is pretty effective, overall, however.

6. I know Recognize Weapon Quality can tell if a weapon is of a certain quality, and the official ruling is that a player won't know what kind of special effects a weapon has until it's used extensively in combat. How do you handle magical weapons, enchanted weapons, high quality dwarven/kobald weapons when a player obtains it? Do you tell them the stats then, do you make them search out alchemists or person of magic, or blacksmith to find out the stats, and do they charge for the service of examining it? Are those people likely to lie to the player to play down the worth of the weapon to get a good deal off a ignorant adventurer?

Someone with Recognize Weapon Quality will know the race of construction, and the likelihood that it is enchanted. I'd allow anyone with the WP to recognize the non-magical properties, or those that directly effect the usual function of the weapon (i.e. extra damage will be apparent when you chop the head off the pells). To find out the magical properties, they either need to research the item in a library or lore, or take it to an alchemist.

7. My PFRPG book has gone through a lot, and the edges of the paper have become dirty. Is there a safe way to clean the edges without ruining the paper or text?

Not to my knowledge.

8. Coming across a creature with a horror factor requires a save roll. While this isn't needed for the entire battle, is it required for each encounter with that race? What if the creature is fought once in a room. Moving to the next room, another one of the creatures is there. For the short period of time, do the players need to save vs horror factor?

I generally do not require a HF roll unless the creature is doing something horrifying or appears suddenly.

9. Sneak Attacks are from behind a person who doesn't know you're there. Attacks from behind are attacks against someone who knows you're there. Is there any critical bonus to either type of attack, or is the bonus solely with the enemy losing initiative and an 1 attack?

A sneak attack gives you the initiative (useful in simultaneous attacks), and allows 1 free attack. They also get no defense if unaware of you.

10. What qualifies a Palladium book for re-print status? Is it on a cycle, or based on fan requests? Are minor typos fixed in each reprint, or do they not bother because of confusion with re-print versions?[/quote]
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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

Unread post by Entiago »

Apollyon7 wrote: 1. If a player was allowed by the GM to become an alchemist, would the player be allowed to start off as a Wizard, level to level 6, switch to Diabolist until level 6, then switch to Summoner until level 3, then finally start as an Alchemist? (following the OCC change in the cutting room floor of going through each apprenticeship)

Also is there any additional information on the Alchemist OCC as far as skills, xp, leveling, etc?

I actually had a character go for this path once, even when i told him "no way in hell will you have an alchemist...but sure roll the character". He actually went the path Diabolist (1-5), Wizard (1-6), and Summoner (1-4). Unfortunatly he never got to finish out gaming as the group split....but was doing really good.

Thus far, IIRC, there are no plans to ever flesh out an Alchemist OCC. And I dont think its anywhere in the near future either.

Apollyon7 wrote:2. Character 1 (C1) was given a wish and was given a Fire Dragon Hatchling which was magically linked to that character. They both adventured together until C1 was killed in battle. The dragon took his gear and added it to his collection. Over the years, the effects of the magical link has faded and what is left is the friendship they shared during that time. Character 2 (C2) is the son of C1 and is on his own quest that involves C1.

Would the dragon be willing, considering his history with C2's father, to give any of the gear to C2? The Dragon's alignment is Unprincipled.

This would depend on a few things other than Mark mentioned. How long were C1 and the dragon together? Daring adventures? did the dragon respect C1 enough to care about his child coming along to ask for things (help, knowledge, weapons, money). Also Dragons race is important here.

Apollyon7 wrote:3. A Simultaneous attack is when you forgo any defense to strike back at the person attacking you. With Paired Weapons, it's possible to to strike and parry at the same time. Is there any penalty to parry the attack and simultaneously attack back?

As far as I know, there would be no penalties.

Apollyon7 wrote:4. When casting Weightlessness on a person who is wearing armor and holding a weapon, is just the person's physical body become lighter, or does everything he's wearing and holding become lighter? If only his body becomes lighter, would his heavier armor and weapon keep him from floating off from the wind?

The person (or objects) mass is lightened. I would say individual results very from GM to GM, but when I play it is just the person, not their armor affected by the spell. So in my case I would say his armor prevents him from floating away....

Now (as Mark said) both Weightlessness and Increase Weight have saving throws against living persons/creatures. But when targeted to an object (say a sword or aromor) the spell automatically hits.

Apollyon7 wrote:5. Does Fistacuffs combat have any effect or damage against someone wearing heavy armor?

effect- sometimes...damage, you may hurt your own hand. but it all depends on style.

Apollyon7 wrote:6. I know Recognize Weapon Quality can tell if a weapon is of a certain quality, and the official ruling is that a player won't know what kind of special effects a weapon has until it's used extensively in combat. How do you handle magical weapons, enchanted weapons, high quality dwarven/kobald weapons when a player obtains it? Do you tell them the stats then, do you make them search out alchemists or person of magic, or blacksmith to find out the stats, and do they charge for the service of examining it? Are those people likely to lie to the player to play down the worth of the weapon to get a good deal off a ignorant adventurer?

Recognize Weapon Quality can tell what race made the weapon, and what basic bonuses it may have including bonuses to strike, parry, dodge, or other special (like magic). but they cannot recognize the amount of bonuses or magic.
Also in my games the magical part would either be researched or be given to an alchemist to unlock its "full magical" potential. Most with that WP will get the basic bonuses (strike, parry, dodge, ect) will find out when they use the item after 5 or so times. I just add in the bonuses without them knowing until they unlock it.

Apollyon7 wrote:7. My PFRPG book has gone through a lot, and the edges of the paper have become dirty. Is there a safe way to clean the edges without ruining the paper or text?

the safest way I found is to just buy a second copy :p

Apollyon7 wrote:8. Coming across a creature with a horror factor requires a save roll. While this isn't needed for the entire battle, is it required for each encounter with that race? What if the creature is fought once in a room. Moving to the next room, another one of the creatures is there. For the short period of time, do the players need to save vs horror factor?

The way i usually run HF depends on the creatures. Basic creatures (goblins, orcs, kobolds, ogres, trolls, wolven, coyals) first time encounter is basic HF, second encounter is HF -2, third encounter is -6 HF. if all passed rolls then the character is aware of the creature type and no further HF roll is needed unless horrific enough (like eating a human or something horrid).
Other creatures are all in their own right and get different treatment as I see fit (which is usually by the book).

Apollyon7 wrote:9. Sneak Attacks are from behind a person who doesn't know you're there. Attacks from behind are attacks against someone who knows you're there. Is there any critical bonus to either type of attack, or is the bonus solely with the enemy losing initiative and an 1 attack?

Depending on OCC and skills.
In general Sneak Attack gives the attacker a free attack (the Sneak Attack) and 1st initiative for the rest of the round.
Attacks from behind generally are given a chance to parry IF the defender knows your there and has an action/parry/oppertunity to defend.

Apollyon7 wrote:10. What qualifies a Palladium book for re-print status? Is it on a cycle, or based on fan requests? Are minor typos fixed in each reprint, or do they not bother because of confusion with re-print versions?

It is generally based on demand from fans. There has to be a large enough demand for it as there is a minimum number of books that can be re-printed (not sure on exact number). With re-prints it is as stated a re-print, so in general all typos in the original will also be in the re-print.
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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

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Apollyon7 wrote:Thanks for the answers. In reference to Question 2, as mentioned in the OP, it was a Fire Dragon Hatchling and had known Character 1 for a many hundreds of years. The Fire Dragon has spent about 20 years with Character 2 during which was taught how to be a Wizard.

You left out the hundreds of years, just including "Over the years", which could mean 2. I think the dragon, in this case, is likely to provide some support to C2, though probably not the full inventory. After all, the dragon was there when the items were gained, giving it claim on them, too.

11. Considering many dragons love to accumulate wealth and magical items, what do you think a dragon would do with a dragon slaying weapon? Is it like playing with a loaded gun and would try to get rid of it/destroy it?

Stick it in the bottom of their hoard, or someplace not easily accessible, but where they can admire themselves for owning it.

12. I found a netbook online with all the skills from every Palladium book condensed along with the author's personal additions. I'm curious if anyone came across this or would know if there is such a thing as "Hand to Hand: Magic"? The idea behind it seems logical, but the style in which it was written leads me to believe it's not official. (Maybe it'll be in MoM if it's not official yet :wink: )

There is no Hand to Hand Magic in official books (or manuscripts that I know of). I had an abortive attempt at creating several many years ago (back in the 90s), but it can wind up pretty powerful, especially when combined. My alternate combat system includes a Combat Training: Spellcaster, but that's not really a HtH for using spells, so much as a style that focuses on defense and concentration.
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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

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Apollyon7 wrote:13. When do you reward experience to a character? Tallying during the scenario as they play and level them up as soon as they hit their level, or wait until the end of the night/day to award xp and level up then? To switch OCCs, you must switch immediately after leveling. I'm not sure if that means a single act levels you, or before your next gaming session you must switch.

I tend to award XP at the end of a session. I interpret "as soon as you level" as meaning "When you are awarded XP and see that you should level" not "The very instant your XP total would increase your level."
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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

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Shadowmagic wrote:Close to a Beavis and Butthead quote: "I'm not casting it on his ____, I'm casting it AROUND his ____!" Either you know what I mean or you really don't. ;)

This is for Entiago. Things like armor and weapons CAN have a save if GM believes that personal effects and gear should be subject to the individual's save. I think this came up because it was way to easy to avoid saves by targeting armor instead of the person, and was really a cheapshot at a hole in the rules.

While that is true (that it would be a cheapshot and abused) it is up to individual GMs as how they interprut, or deal with, the rules. armor and weapons are objects and by basic rules get no saves. But each group and GM have their own rules on the rules...

In my groups mostly I allow what is given in the rules, there is give way here and there- but when abuse is about (like the rule above) I always remind the players (one of my house rules) that "What is done unto thine enemy, can also be done unto you." Basically if they choose to abuse a certain ruling (such as above) then the same will be done to them.
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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

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1---- *does not touch even with a 20' pole*
2: (O) The dragon might loan the gear out, but the dragon might also just go along with C2 for the fun of it/to protecting his stuff.
3: (BTR) If the person being attacked by a simo attack and had only used one weapon to attack, then yes the attacked could parry a simo attack.
4: (O) If the mage is only targeting the person in the stuff then only the person, if the mage is targeting the person and his warn stuff as a whole then everything. But the min weight would be multiplied by the number of major items the target is wearing.
5: (BTR) yes, if their roll above the armor's AR. (O) the attacker would probibly take 1/4 damage to himself when he missed the role vs AR.
6(magic): They need to have the magical/enchanted items examined by a mage/alchamist to learn their powers. Yes, they do charge consulting fees.
6(mundain): would need a good blacksmith to find out the cost/pricing/worth of a blade. They might charge you for their time.
7: You rub a little bit of green printed paper or some colored plastic over each page and low and behold your book is like new.
8: If you are fighting a group/nest of monster XXXXXX then you'd roll full vs HF for the 1st encounter then as the GM decrees, a low number each time till it get to HF 4. this is the lowest a HF can get.
9: Only if the h2h form you are using says they are crit strikes.
10: a: the last printing is sold out. b: see a c: yes, sometimes minor typos are fixed and sometimes text changes.

7(b): there are ways to clean books w/o ruining them but they would ruin your pocket book.
7: (explained) go bye a new one and your PF2 book will look like new.
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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

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posted the above w/o looking @ what others posted

11: Evil dragon-into hoard, good dragon-- destroy it, selfish dragon--ether way
12: There might be one in one of the Rifters. I'm thinking 'not' but its been a while since I read through them all.
13: End of the session, after the pc has done the math to figure out the char has leveled.
14:haven't run in that area of the game
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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

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15 It would be "what would my char do?"
16 a few of the nightspawn talents could be adapted to shadow magic, but not many. Otherwise R20 and LoB are the only published books I can think of that has Shadow Magic. (other then a few Rifts books and splicers I have all the books)

A while back, just after Bill finished LotD III there was talk of it containing Shadow Magic, but since the content of LotD II didn not mash with Kevin's concept of what things should be like, the book as completed was not published. Kevin said he would do a rewrite of the book, but with in a year of so was the crisis happened and Kevin has been too busiy keeping the company afloat to do the rewrite of LotD III.
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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

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17 to realted skills yes, to 2ndary skill only IQ
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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

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Apollyon7 wrote:11. Considering many dragons love to accumulate wealth and magical items, what do you think a dragon would do with a dragon slaying weapon? Is it like playing with a loaded gun and would try to get rid of it/destroy it?

Most dragons (i would think) would try to have it destroyed. Although.... Some may keep it around to "reward" a party with if they go kill and "evil dragon". But in disguise form give it to the PCs wrapped in a box. Good or evil dragons would be willing to have the weapon used on thier enemy and just have a plan to get it back for next time.

Apollyon7 wrote:12. I found a netbook online with all the skills from every Palladium book condensed along with the author's personal additions. I'm curious if anyone came across this or would know if there is such a thing as "Hand to Hand: Magic"? The idea behind it seems logical, but the style in which it was written leads me to believe it's not official. (Maybe it'll be in MoM if it's not official yet )

Not quite sure what MoM will have in it (damned user agreement) but for some optional Magic stuff-like combat and such, check out RIFTER #30.

Apollyon7 wrote:13. When do you reward experience to a character? Tallying during the scenario as they play and level them up as soon as they hit their level, or wait until the end of the night/day to award xp and level up then? To switch OCCs, you must switch immediately after leveling. I'm not sure if that means a single act levels you, or before your next gaming session you must switch.

I wait till the end of an adventure (or end of the gaming night) to reward XP. Although I keep track of it thruout the night in case of an emergency- to level up at the begining of a big fight or extreme circumstances. To switch the OCCs is up to the GM how they wish to do it. With me, it would more than likely be at the begining (or end) of the gaming session.

Apollyon7 wrote:14. How do you handle The Old Kingdom for characters traveling from Eastern Territory or Timiro Kingdom to Western Empire? Is it a land with orcs, trolls, ogres and giants across every bend. Are there any elvish or human cities along the way? Is it a rocky type desert of an area, or more like Timiro, only controlled by monster races? Since there's no World Book, be interesting to know how other GMs describe the place.

A tricky area for sure. Most of my groups wanting to go from West to East or vice-versa, always took to the open seas. Boating provides so many oppertunities for adventure, not to mention gave less work for me to do in planning travel across the Old Kingdoms.

But what I do gather for the most part the Old Kingdom Lowlands is grassy (some areas would be rocky desert like), the Highlands are of course, Mountains and rocky. Most races populating these areas would be Orcs, Ogres, Trolls, Kobolds, and Goblins...not to mention Giants. There are "towns" and cities, much like the rest of the world, but opperate in different structure of government and opperations. I have placed a city or 2 that a group had to visit with the OK, but for the most part left that area of the world uncharted for purpose of waiting for the books...over 10 years now.

For closer look of the Old Kingdoms check out Mount Nimero and Island at the Edge of the World sourcebooks. Also Library of Blethard contains a bit of info on the OK as does the main book.

Apollyon7 wrote:15. Is it annoying for players to be chess players when role playing? I tend to take each action very seriously and weigh our my options of what I'm about to do. This usually applies to combat, but just about every time I play as a PC. Should I be limited to the first thought that crosses my mind as that would be what my character would do, or "GM Preference"?

There are players on all sides of the fence on this one. I once had a scrupleous player take his actions more like an anarchist, as in his actions were more of the anarchist alignment. With his first, I reminded him of his alignment, after the third time I warned said player if he were to continue his alignment would change- in the end that is what hapened. I mostly never had problems as a GM with this one though- most of my players played how their characters were.

Apollyon7 wrote:16. I know there's Shadow Magic in LoB, and Rifter 20something. Any other Shadow magic, from other systems even would be helpful?

I used to have a list of all the places, books, and page numbers- but alas its all lost :(. There are some in RIFTS. Check out the big Book of Magic (a good buy even for PF use).

Apollyon7 wrote:17. As you level up, do you still get the bonus to picking additional OCC Related skills?

yes, but only for the Related skills.
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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

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Apollyon7 wrote:Necro bump for new questions. I didn't feel like creating a new topic for the same form of thread.

18. Under weapons of PFRPG, it says that giant sized weapons include Wolfen. Does this include bows and crossbows? If that is true, does it require extra large bolts or arrows to be used to inflict the extra die of damage, or any ammo will do?

19. Under Rune weapons of PFRPG, it lists the difference between a lesser and greater rune weapon. I can't seem to find any information on what sets apart a greatest rune weapon from the others.

18) Yes. You can't get the full benefit of a bow without an arrow large enough for it. A 9' tall wolfen can handle a nine-foot bow. However, if he can't draw it all the way back (because he has too small of an arrow), he can't make use of that.

19) Generally, it's overall concentration of powers PLUS soul drinking.
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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

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Apollyon7 wrote:20. If you have paired weapons both high quality to offer +1 to parry each, and the character attempts to parry an attack, does he get +1 or +2 to parry?

A +1. If you're trying a double parry, you can get +1 to both attacks, however.
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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

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Apollyon7 wrote:21. Kind of a Munchkin question, but the Attribute booster rings allow to increase your P.S. to a max of 10. Is it possible to wear PS booster rings on each of your fingers, provided you had an incredibly large fortune to spend? That would give the character a +100 P.S. :eek: I can't remember if the rules said anything about the number of rings you can wear.

I would rule no as the game balance what be screwed too much.
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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

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Apollyon7 wrote:20. If you have paired weapons both high quality to offer +1 to parry each, and the character attempts to parry an attack, does he get +1 or +2 to parry?

Bonuses from weapon quality are only applicable when rolling on an action with the specific weapon in question. In your example, you would have +1 when parrying with either weapon, but never +2, as the bonuses from the weapons do not apply to each other.

If using a paired weapons consisting of one +1 high quality weapon, and one standard weapon, you would have +1 to parry only when parrying with the high quality weapon, and no bonus with the standard. It's not a magic aura that makes you better, it's simply that the specific weapon has superior weight and balance properties.

Apollyon7 wrote:21. Kind of a Munchkin question, but the Attribute booster rings allow to increase your P.S. to a max of 10. Is it possible to wear PS booster rings on each of your fingers, provided you had an incredibly large fortune to spend? That would give the character a +100 P.S. :eek: I can't remember if the rules said anything about the number of rings you can wear.


The rule is specified in the alchemist section, in the rings, bracelets, and charms subsection. It states though regardless of how many you have, multiple items with the same effect are not cumulative. Highest single bonus from the group only.

There is not a limitation, however, on how many different rings and other charms you can wear.
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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

Unread post by Goliath Strongarm »

Apollyon7 wrote:Ohh there it is. I was looking in the wrong place. :oops: Thanks for the quick answers :ok:

Wow.. I don't think anyone gave the easiest (that I've found) solution for number 7...

Take a pencil eraser... hold the book closed, and erases over the edges.. they don't become spotless, but they usually do cleanup nicely. Put a little pressure, but not too much. Ensure you're holding closed the area you're working on (erase against the grain of paper)
Galadriel in leather! Yayayayayayaya!

Well, hang on to your seats boys and girls, but I agree with GS-Veknironth

[Goliath baiting]Hey, according to my copy of Yin-Sloth Jungles, they came out in 1995. Didn't you get your copies?[/Golaith baiting]-MrNexx, regarding the OK books

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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Apollyon7 wrote:22. Do Dwarves' weapons (weapons that a dwarf would wield, not a dwarven made weapon) suffer the same dmg penalty as gnome sized weapons?

No, Dwarves are larger than Gnomes and strong enough to use heavier blades.

23. A high P.E. gives a save vs. magic. Is this against all forms of magic (spell, circle, ward, charm, fumes, rituals, etc)?

Yes. Those others are just for specalizied bonus's aginst just one of them.

24. What is the base save for Disease, Magic charms, and Magic powders?

Disease is 14, Magic charms and powders is the same as a standard spell.
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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

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1. If a player was allowed by the GM to become an alchemist, would the player be allowed to start off as a Wizard, level to level 6, switch to Diabolist until level 6, then switch to Summoner until level 3, then finally start as an Alchemist? (following the OCC change in the cutting room floor of going through each apprenticeship)

Also is there any additional information on the Alchemist OCC as far as skills, xp, leveling, etc?

The character would have to go through the level advancement in each class and then finally spend a bit of time studying under an alchemist before becoming an first level alchemist. The level of magic would be frozen at the levels they attained under the various classes until he attained a higher level in alchemy then the earlier OCCs then they would continue to go forward as normal. (Given this is a house ruling and there are no official rules on doing this. So it's entirely up to the GM.)

2. Character 1 (C1) was given a wish and was given a Fire Dragon Hatchling which was magically linked to that character. They both adventured together until C1 was killed in battle. The dragon took his gear and added it to his collection. Over the years, the effects of the magical link has faded and what is left is the friendship they shared during that time. Character 2 (C2) is the son of C1 and is on his own quest that involves C1.

Would the dragon be willing, considering his history with C2's father, to give any of the gear to C2? The Dragon's alignment is Unprincipled.

Most likely not. Dragons are still greedy and the items most likely hold some sentimental value to the Dragon. Considering the relation the Dragon might consider relating tales and stories about the time he/she spent with C1. But just GIVING things away wouldn't be done.. C2 might be able to win the favor of the dragon, but most likely after a long quest which required the retrieval of something the dragon was unable to attain on it's own. But it would NEVER freely just give anything away.

3. A Simultaneous attack is when you forgo any defense to strike back at the person attacking you. With Paired Weapons, it's possible to to strike and parry at the same time. Is there any penalty to parry the attack and simultaneously attack back?

It's two separate rolls. One for parry and one to strike. All applicable bonuses are added in. There are no specific penalties for doing this.

4. When casting Weightlessness on a person who is wearing armor and holding a weapon, is just the person's physical body become lighter, or does everything he's wearing and holding become lighter? If only his body becomes lighter, would his heavier armor and weapon keep him from floating off from the wind?

It's the character and possessions.

5. Does Fistacuffs combat have any effect or damage against someone wearing heavy armor?

Go punch something made out of steel and see the results.. Unless you've got some supernatural strength, sharp claws or some other viable way to actually damage the armor your not going to be doing damage to it.

6. I know Recognize Weapon Quality can tell if a weapon is of a certain quality, and the official ruling is that a player won't know what kind of special effects a weapon has until it's used extensively in combat. How do you handle magical weapons, enchanted weapons, high quality dwarven/kobald weapons when a player obtains it? Do you tell them the stats then, do you make them search out alchemists or person of magic, or blacksmith to find out the stats, and do they charge for the service of examining it? Are those people likely to lie to the player to play down the worth of the weapon to get a good deal off a ignorant adventurer?

They will realize the quality of the weapon if they have the WP. A character who practices with it will be able to determine the quality. (IE As you shadow box with the sword you realize it's amazingly well balanced and is easy to wield. This must have been made by a very masterful smith indeed.) Then tell them the bonuses..

Taking the item to a blacksmith might be useful in revealing the origins of it.. (Oh thats a dwarven made weapon. I can tell by the etching the smith made at the base on the flat of the blade.. Dwarves always mark their work with a signature mark. etc.)

7. My PFRPG book has gone through a lot, and the edges of the paper have become dirty. Is there a safe way to clean the edges without ruining the paper or text?

The cleanse spell. 8)

8. Coming across a creature with a horror factor requires a save roll. While this isn't needed for the entire battle, is it required for each encounter with that race? What if the creature is fought once in a room. Moving to the next room, another one of the creatures is there. For the short period of time, do the players need to save vs horror factor?

The first time a player encounters one a roll is required. After that any time your surprised by one or facing overwhelming numbers or an army of them would be appropriate.

If a player kills an orc in an old castle reputed to be a hide out of an orc clan he's not going to need to save vs HF again when he goes into another room and discovered more orcs.

9. Sneak Attacks are from behind a person who doesn't know you're there. Attacks from behind are attacks against someone who knows you're there. Is there any critical bonus to either type of attack, or is the bonus solely with the enemy losing initiative and an 1 attack?

The bonus is that you can't defend attacks that come from behind. (Unless the OCC allows it) Any successful attack does damage.

10. What qualifies a Palladium book for re-print status? Is it on a cycle, or based on fan requests? Are minor typos fixed in each reprint, or do they not bother because of confusion with re-print versions?

There is no rhyme or reason as near as I can figure.. Everything is just sort of up in the air.. Some things get fixed but often they don't.
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Re: Return of the Great Apollyon Question Thread

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Apollyon7 wrote:New question!

25. Concerning Soul Drinking rune weapons, to be clear after blood is drawn by the weapon and assuming the victim fails their roll to save, does that person die immediately regardless of how many HP they have left?

Not neccesarily. Most Rune Weapons do additional damage from a soul drinking attack. Reference being Deathkiss. After she draws a victims blood, if they fail to save, they take another 2d6 damage if I remember right. Not sure of any instant kills from failing a soul drinking save. haven't seen any personally.
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
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