Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
The Robo-Scientists - Science Masters Triumvirate
On the fouth elite segment in the Triumvirate Hierarchy are the Science Masters Triumvirate clone series. Culled from the DNA of native Tyrolians of Patrician class, these specialized Robo-scientists are the only ones among the Robotech Masters’ higher ranking triumvirates who have a full understanding of the intricate workings of protoculture applications & Robotechnology. The Science Masters (of Migeru, Migea & Migere Triumvirate clone series) are directly responsible for redeveloping the protoculture applications techniques in advanced cloning & bio-cybernetics researches, robo-mechanics manufacturing & aerospace naval productions & bio-energy power generation. These Triumvirates continue to experiment with advanced Robotechnology, as well as developing & maintaining the elite Bioroid Imperial Forces, Imperial Armada spacecrafts, & all other robotechnological maintenance.
Much like their other Triumvirate counterparts, they are not physically oriented & do not possess specific Bioroid combat training or physical aptitude. Also like their fellow techno-masters, the Science Masters view other life forms as particularly interesting in the field of scientific discovery, but clearly inferior to them & that of Robotech Masters’ Triumvirate culture. Their most often callous views toward life of other micronian species in general, compounded by their cunningness to better serve their Robotech Masters, make them extremely dangerous in the grand scheme of Robotech Empire. Science Masters only take direct orders from either Masters or Clone Masters Triumvirates, which also limiting their scientific mental approaches, either enhanced or hampered within the scope of Triumvirate mental processes. Much like Clone Masters Triumvirates, the Science Masters possessed limited mental telepathic communication abilities.
Despite being primed for scientific research & development, the Science Masters Triumvirates are not known for their ability to be independently comprehending Zor’s technical & biological advance Robotechnology, which later induced Masters to reintroduce new blood in Science Masters gene pool, with that of late Zor Derelda. The first prototypes of Zor–subclass Prime series, are an astounding failure to reduplicate the late Zor’s genius & scientific abilities (the prototypes tend to be suicidal & even remotely placid, inheriting the death trauma – owing perhaps the late Zor’s tragic death), so much so only the last surviving clone of Zor Prime series is neurally reprogrammed to become Battlelord of the Fleet Triumviroid caste (Triumviroid Field Commander) instead of replacing the Science Masters as originally intended.
It is also interesting to note, the sub-branch of Science Masters from specialized Prime series (not to be confused of the abovementioned Zor Prime) are specifically tasked to oversee the smooth running of Zentraedi clone production centers & attending to subsequent technical maintenance aboard various Robotech Automated Factory Satellites & Robotech Repair Factories that served the Zentraedi Regular Armies. However, as protoculture crises deepens in Masters Empire, by early 2009AD, these Science Masters are recalled to man several terrestrial Protoculture production centres in Masters coreworlds, leaving & abandoning these automated mobile factories to state of disrepair & eventual automatic shutdowns.
As of today, none of the fanatical Science Masters Triumvirate clone-series survived the Invid Crusade & 2nd Robotech War.
On the fouth elite segment in the Triumvirate Hierarchy are the Science Masters Triumvirate clone series. Culled from the DNA of native Tyrolians of Patrician class, these specialized Robo-scientists are the only ones among the Robotech Masters’ higher ranking triumvirates who have a full understanding of the intricate workings of protoculture applications & Robotechnology. The Science Masters (of Migeru, Migea & Migere Triumvirate clone series) are directly responsible for redeveloping the protoculture applications techniques in advanced cloning & bio-cybernetics researches, robo-mechanics manufacturing & aerospace naval productions & bio-energy power generation. These Triumvirates continue to experiment with advanced Robotechnology, as well as developing & maintaining the elite Bioroid Imperial Forces, Imperial Armada spacecrafts, & all other robotechnological maintenance.
Much like their other Triumvirate counterparts, they are not physically oriented & do not possess specific Bioroid combat training or physical aptitude. Also like their fellow techno-masters, the Science Masters view other life forms as particularly interesting in the field of scientific discovery, but clearly inferior to them & that of Robotech Masters’ Triumvirate culture. Their most often callous views toward life of other micronian species in general, compounded by their cunningness to better serve their Robotech Masters, make them extremely dangerous in the grand scheme of Robotech Empire. Science Masters only take direct orders from either Masters or Clone Masters Triumvirates, which also limiting their scientific mental approaches, either enhanced or hampered within the scope of Triumvirate mental processes. Much like Clone Masters Triumvirates, the Science Masters possessed limited mental telepathic communication abilities.
Despite being primed for scientific research & development, the Science Masters Triumvirates are not known for their ability to be independently comprehending Zor’s technical & biological advance Robotechnology, which later induced Masters to reintroduce new blood in Science Masters gene pool, with that of late Zor Derelda. The first prototypes of Zor–subclass Prime series, are an astounding failure to reduplicate the late Zor’s genius & scientific abilities (the prototypes tend to be suicidal & even remotely placid, inheriting the death trauma – owing perhaps the late Zor’s tragic death), so much so only the last surviving clone of Zor Prime series is neurally reprogrammed to become Battlelord of the Fleet Triumviroid caste (Triumviroid Field Commander) instead of replacing the Science Masters as originally intended.
It is also interesting to note, the sub-branch of Science Masters from specialized Prime series (not to be confused of the abovementioned Zor Prime) are specifically tasked to oversee the smooth running of Zentraedi clone production centers & attending to subsequent technical maintenance aboard various Robotech Automated Factory Satellites & Robotech Repair Factories that served the Zentraedi Regular Armies. However, as protoculture crises deepens in Masters Empire, by early 2009AD, these Science Masters are recalled to man several terrestrial Protoculture production centres in Masters coreworlds, leaving & abandoning these automated mobile factories to state of disrepair & eventual automatic shutdowns.
As of today, none of the fanatical Science Masters Triumvirate clone-series survived the Invid Crusade & 2nd Robotech War.
The Mistresses Of The Cosmic Harp – Muse Triumvirate
Further down the Triumvirate Hierarchy, the Muse Triumvirates clone series (of Musica, Musie & Musel clone batches) are accorded special priviledges within Triumvirate societies. Particularly important & pivotal to Masters scheme in Triumvirate political stranglehold & societal control, the Muse Triumvirates answer only to the assigned Clone Masters Triumvirates. Furthermore, only these specialized all-maiden Triumvirates are genetically encoded with specialized memory engrams detailing the myths, legends, history & development of Robotech civilization, (very much the same as that encoded into Zentraedi Domillans’ neural engrams – albeit within Zentraedi’s point of view) making the Muses as the keepers of Robotech lore.
These rare Triumvirates, usually only 12 triumvirates at only given time, are instrumental to Masters given only Robotech Muses are allowed to operate the Robotech Cosmic Harp, an audio musical device. Robotech Cosmic Harp emit light beams in which at the hands of experienced Muse, will emit a musical tone through direct contact via hand gestures upon the light beams. The repeated & sometimes intricate process will create various harmonious music tracks, usually composed from old Tyrolian psalms that will stir a soothing effect on the Triumvirate clones. The Robotech Cosmic harp unit played by expert Robotech Muses, with various melodious tunes can be used to soothe & sedate, even stimulate, motivate & direct clone activities according to Triumvirate principles & ideals.
Masters practiced this sinister societal control method in ensuring capitulation of their entire Triumvirate societies by making the integration of Robotech Cosmic Harp melodies as part of the inimitable & embedded facet of Triumvirate culture. Robotech Cosmic Harp tunes supposedly elicits calm & docileness within Triumvirate clone societies, actually function on subconscious minds of every Triumvirate clones, suppressing any primitive emotions & killing off any independent thought processes on psychological level on each Triumvirate clones. Throughout this way, the Robotech Masters, down to Clone Masters may maintain a constant, harmonious pattern of the activities of their Triumvirate clone societies, bending them to their Triumvirate Compulsion (which akin to Zentraedi’s Imperative Dogma).
Upon the absence of Muse Triumvirates from the 4th Quadrant, carted off by Masters during their exodus to Sol System, in the height of social anarchy that gripped the entire Imperium, the sudden disappearances of Robo-cosmic tunes degenerate the Triumvirate colonists on Imperial coreworlds & colonies to long-suppressed emotions. Bereft of mental stimulation, the Triumvirate clones, always pampered during the Imperial long reign over the centuries, become confused, agitated & openly hostiles towards their Triumvirate Terminator Guards on various worlds. These clones openly questioned Robotech Masters whereabouts, & from time to time mounted aggressive violent riots – partly because of Masters exodus, & that of hardships suffered due to galaxy-wide protoculture energy crises that crippled the entire Imperium.
Muse Triumvirates most often credited with higher percentage of independent thought processes on individual level than that permitted to other clones. It is suggested by recent study, should anything untoward tragic event occurs to Triumvirate political higher ups, the Muses will have the technical, political & social abilities to lead Triumvirate societies from scratch, making these rare Muse clone-series as possible replacements to both Clone Masters & Science Masters. It is also interesting to note, in the final event of 2nd Robotech War, several Robotech Muses Triumvirates conspired in leading passive rebellions amongst Masters dispossessed Triumvirate clones. Apart from the UEF 15th ATAC interference on Masters flagship (which costed one Muse casualty of Musica-Allegra-Octavia Muse Triumvirate), other Muses Triumvirates are far too crafty on their own, each Muse Triumvirates survived the destruction of their respective flagships by manipulating their way via Cosmic harp to befuddle their Terminator Guards & stolen assault crafts to make final exits during the final cataclysmic naval battle between Imperial Armada & UEF fleet.
Sufficed to note, all 12 Triumvirates of Robotech Muse (discounting one Muse death of Musica-Allegra-Octavia Muse Triumvirate) are amongst the 175,000 Triumvirate clone refugees aboard Tokugawa class carrier – UES Marcus Antonius that returned to Tyrol in 2033AD. Their eventual return is immediately embraced by 8 million former Triumvirate colonists that resettled Tiresia 2 years earlier in 2031 with Zentraedi Borderers.
Further down the Triumvirate Hierarchy, the Muse Triumvirates clone series (of Musica, Musie & Musel clone batches) are accorded special priviledges within Triumvirate societies. Particularly important & pivotal to Masters scheme in Triumvirate political stranglehold & societal control, the Muse Triumvirates answer only to the assigned Clone Masters Triumvirates. Furthermore, only these specialized all-maiden Triumvirates are genetically encoded with specialized memory engrams detailing the myths, legends, history & development of Robotech civilization, (very much the same as that encoded into Zentraedi Domillans’ neural engrams – albeit within Zentraedi’s point of view) making the Muses as the keepers of Robotech lore.
These rare Triumvirates, usually only 12 triumvirates at only given time, are instrumental to Masters given only Robotech Muses are allowed to operate the Robotech Cosmic Harp, an audio musical device. Robotech Cosmic Harp emit light beams in which at the hands of experienced Muse, will emit a musical tone through direct contact via hand gestures upon the light beams. The repeated & sometimes intricate process will create various harmonious music tracks, usually composed from old Tyrolian psalms that will stir a soothing effect on the Triumvirate clones. The Robotech Cosmic harp unit played by expert Robotech Muses, with various melodious tunes can be used to soothe & sedate, even stimulate, motivate & direct clone activities according to Triumvirate principles & ideals.
Masters practiced this sinister societal control method in ensuring capitulation of their entire Triumvirate societies by making the integration of Robotech Cosmic Harp melodies as part of the inimitable & embedded facet of Triumvirate culture. Robotech Cosmic Harp tunes supposedly elicits calm & docileness within Triumvirate clone societies, actually function on subconscious minds of every Triumvirate clones, suppressing any primitive emotions & killing off any independent thought processes on psychological level on each Triumvirate clones. Throughout this way, the Robotech Masters, down to Clone Masters may maintain a constant, harmonious pattern of the activities of their Triumvirate clone societies, bending them to their Triumvirate Compulsion (which akin to Zentraedi’s Imperative Dogma).
Upon the absence of Muse Triumvirates from the 4th Quadrant, carted off by Masters during their exodus to Sol System, in the height of social anarchy that gripped the entire Imperium, the sudden disappearances of Robo-cosmic tunes degenerate the Triumvirate colonists on Imperial coreworlds & colonies to long-suppressed emotions. Bereft of mental stimulation, the Triumvirate clones, always pampered during the Imperial long reign over the centuries, become confused, agitated & openly hostiles towards their Triumvirate Terminator Guards on various worlds. These clones openly questioned Robotech Masters whereabouts, & from time to time mounted aggressive violent riots – partly because of Masters exodus, & that of hardships suffered due to galaxy-wide protoculture energy crises that crippled the entire Imperium.
Muse Triumvirates most often credited with higher percentage of independent thought processes on individual level than that permitted to other clones. It is suggested by recent study, should anything untoward tragic event occurs to Triumvirate political higher ups, the Muses will have the technical, political & social abilities to lead Triumvirate societies from scratch, making these rare Muse clone-series as possible replacements to both Clone Masters & Science Masters. It is also interesting to note, in the final event of 2nd Robotech War, several Robotech Muses Triumvirates conspired in leading passive rebellions amongst Masters dispossessed Triumvirate clones. Apart from the UEF 15th ATAC interference on Masters flagship (which costed one Muse casualty of Musica-Allegra-Octavia Muse Triumvirate), other Muses Triumvirates are far too crafty on their own, each Muse Triumvirates survived the destruction of their respective flagships by manipulating their way via Cosmic harp to befuddle their Terminator Guards & stolen assault crafts to make final exits during the final cataclysmic naval battle between Imperial Armada & UEF fleet.
Sufficed to note, all 12 Triumvirates of Robotech Muse (discounting one Muse death of Musica-Allegra-Octavia Muse Triumvirate) are amongst the 175,000 Triumvirate clone refugees aboard Tokugawa class carrier – UES Marcus Antonius that returned to Tyrol in 2033AD. Their eventual return is immediately embraced by 8 million former Triumvirate colonists that resettled Tiresia 2 years earlier in 2031 with Zentraedi Borderers.
Addendum III:
It must also be noted that surviving Muses (apart of the Tyrol’s latest pop sensation Bowie & The Muses – Allegra & Musica) with their admittedly far larger technical background are immediately recruited into Tiresian Robotech Science Institute, at the behest of Pro-Consul Cabell amidst shrouds of secrecy upon their repatriation to Tyrol in 2033AD. New Tyrol Republic continues to keep mum over the Muses secretive involvement at the Institute from 2033 – 2040, however, recent unconfirmed report leaked over to the Tiresian press revealed that the Muses Triumvirates are pivotal personnels under Robotech Master Rem Derelda supervision that worked on Second Robotech Facsimile Project, the new Protoculture Matrix. At the point of these writings, official Republican sources merely stated the current status of these precious Muses as that of full-time academic lecturers & researchers at the Institute – which are partly true given the rapid surge of undergraduate & postgraduate intakes from 2034 onwards (admittedly, the new enrollments most often comprised of young males from native Tyrolians, naturalized Triumvirate clones, micronised Zentraedi & surprisingly, Terran migrants). Even Pro-Consul Cabell refusal to cooperate to this very issue as of the last date of this essay’s publication compounded to this unshed mystery.
Masters’ Elite Robowarriors - Triumviroids
From the extensive Zentraedi successful clone series, especially culled from the Officers clone batches, Masters experimented with the new slave-warrior class, albeit in micronised & genetically modified to further enhanced these new Robo-warriors to man the elite, all-Triumvirate Imperial Bioroid Forces. It comes as no surprises, given the Bioroid prowess & robotechnology – continued to be unsurpassed even by today’s standard & which technology continued to baffle the best scientific minds that UEEF & Sentinel Confederation could produced. From almost ‘invisible / undefeatable’ Bioroid series mecha employed solely by Masters, the Triumviroids – specialized Bioroid pilots – are created to further enforce the will of the Imperium on every Imperial coreworlds & its immediate colonies.
Bioroid Basic Pilot - First Stage Triumviroid
Perhaps the most rudimentary of Triumviroid clone series, the 1st stage Triumviroid can be aptly describe as Terran’s ‘The Living Dead’. Most often this so-called 1st stage Triumviroids are recycled from clone disposal facilities, which unused & rejected clone bodies undergone a series of surgical modification in which biological diodes & nodes are integrated within these clones’ motor nervous system. These Triumviroids later are installed with necessary neural telepathic engrams specifically needed for basic Command, Communication & Control functions – only activated upon Triumvirate Battle Masters (a sub branch of Clone Masters Triumvirate series) mental urgings.
This basic Triumviroid clones are an attempt to satisfy the basic requirements needed to create a biological link with a bioroid as the secret to this elite mecha mobility is interaction with a living creature. Without a necessary humanoid pilot to connect with it in a symbiotic linkage, the bioroid mecha is just another machine. However, when joined with a basic 1st stage Triumviroid, it can respond as an extension of that individual, with an agility that is until now impossible to recreate in successive Terran-based mecha design interfaces.
The 1st stage Triumviroid clones cannot really be called alive in a strictest sense, as these individuals will remain catatonic or vegetative state (ie clinically ‘brain-dead’) outside their respective mechas. Within their mechas, upon activated, they are controlled directly via telepathic guide from Triumvirate Battle Masters. However, upon remaining dormant, these Triumviroid undergone what Terran termed as temporary biological shutdown, until reactivated for combat or other purposes by respective Triumvirate Battle Masters. In a way, the 1st stage Triumviroid function like a living organic computer in which it recognizes, responds & reacts to telepathic inputs of the users, namely from Battle Masters. These clones are given ‘artificial souls’ via Battle Masters telepathic suggestions, as their limited brain function only solely pre-programmed to receive specific combat instructions.
The 1st Triumviroid clone series are considered the lowliest & cheapest grunts Masters can produced in unlimited quantities. This clone series are exclusively piloting the mass produced Nous’Dohl (Warrior) Bioroid series – the standard Blue Tactical Bioroid units that formed the staple of Imperial Bioroid Forces & the limited T’siendral (Sentinel) Bioroid – the rare Green Worker Bioroid series. It is pointless to provide statistical data on this Triumviroid clone series, deemed by the Masters as other cannon fodders that can be rapidly replaced like regular Zentran troopers.
From the extensive Zentraedi successful clone series, especially culled from the Officers clone batches, Masters experimented with the new slave-warrior class, albeit in micronised & genetically modified to further enhanced these new Robo-warriors to man the elite, all-Triumvirate Imperial Bioroid Forces. It comes as no surprises, given the Bioroid prowess & robotechnology – continued to be unsurpassed even by today’s standard & which technology continued to baffle the best scientific minds that UEEF & Sentinel Confederation could produced. From almost ‘invisible / undefeatable’ Bioroid series mecha employed solely by Masters, the Triumviroids – specialized Bioroid pilots – are created to further enforce the will of the Imperium on every Imperial coreworlds & its immediate colonies.
Bioroid Basic Pilot - First Stage Triumviroid
Perhaps the most rudimentary of Triumviroid clone series, the 1st stage Triumviroid can be aptly describe as Terran’s ‘The Living Dead’. Most often this so-called 1st stage Triumviroids are recycled from clone disposal facilities, which unused & rejected clone bodies undergone a series of surgical modification in which biological diodes & nodes are integrated within these clones’ motor nervous system. These Triumviroids later are installed with necessary neural telepathic engrams specifically needed for basic Command, Communication & Control functions – only activated upon Triumvirate Battle Masters (a sub branch of Clone Masters Triumvirate series) mental urgings.
This basic Triumviroid clones are an attempt to satisfy the basic requirements needed to create a biological link with a bioroid as the secret to this elite mecha mobility is interaction with a living creature. Without a necessary humanoid pilot to connect with it in a symbiotic linkage, the bioroid mecha is just another machine. However, when joined with a basic 1st stage Triumviroid, it can respond as an extension of that individual, with an agility that is until now impossible to recreate in successive Terran-based mecha design interfaces.
The 1st stage Triumviroid clones cannot really be called alive in a strictest sense, as these individuals will remain catatonic or vegetative state (ie clinically ‘brain-dead’) outside their respective mechas. Within their mechas, upon activated, they are controlled directly via telepathic guide from Triumvirate Battle Masters. However, upon remaining dormant, these Triumviroid undergone what Terran termed as temporary biological shutdown, until reactivated for combat or other purposes by respective Triumvirate Battle Masters. In a way, the 1st stage Triumviroid function like a living organic computer in which it recognizes, responds & reacts to telepathic inputs of the users, namely from Battle Masters. These clones are given ‘artificial souls’ via Battle Masters telepathic suggestions, as their limited brain function only solely pre-programmed to receive specific combat instructions.
The 1st Triumviroid clone series are considered the lowliest & cheapest grunts Masters can produced in unlimited quantities. This clone series are exclusively piloting the mass produced Nous’Dohl (Warrior) Bioroid series – the standard Blue Tactical Bioroid units that formed the staple of Imperial Bioroid Forces & the limited T’siendral (Sentinel) Bioroid – the rare Green Worker Bioroid series. It is pointless to provide statistical data on this Triumviroid clone series, deemed by the Masters as other cannon fodders that can be rapidly replaced like regular Zentran troopers.
Addendum IV:
If additional clone bodies cannot be manufactured quickly enough to satisfy combat needs, the Robotech Masters may use other, intelligent humanoids to be converted into Bioroid Basic pilots. The humanoid will be subjected to terrible mind wiping process known as the Zylonic Mental Probe in which erases the subject’s memory & emotion, & forcibly reprograms the empty mind with necessary Bioroid piloting engrams. Not unlike a lobotomy, as the mind is blank, except for its small area of programming, the victim is susceptible to the telepathic control of the Clone Masters. However, survival rates of humanoid specimens undergoing the Zylonic Mind Probe are extremely horrendous, & it is not even a practical solution to Masters cold calculations, unless it would sometime served as a tactical diversion as evident in 2nd Robotech War. Excerpts taken from Genesis: Second Robotech War:
“However, in 10 September 2029, the Robotech Masters launch a surprise attacks against the civilian populace of Monument City, & 200 prisoners are taken for intelligence purposes. UEG issues reports of 200 human prisoners as casualties of the surprise raid, in order not to cause more panic amongst Monument City’s residents. On Masters side, the 200 prisoners have undergone extensive neural probes in order to learn more about the primitive micronian culture. The effects of Masters unorthodox intel-gathering procedure renders the prisoners into comatose & brain-dead state, thus they are disposed as micronians proven to be useless to be re-used as Bioroid pilots.”
Frequently though, Masters would always disposed of the captured micronian specimens rather than turning them into 1ststage Triumviroid as it will consumed more time & resources available. Most often, the Science Masters would simply gather DNA samples from the specimens, & created a whole new Triumvirate clones or Triumviroids from the micronians genetic samples.
Bioroid Android Pilot - Second Stage Triumviroid
Unlike 1st stage Triumviroids, 2nd stage Triumviroids are actually living specimens, mostly come from various specific Triumviroid clone series. Specially developed to pilot more advanced Bioroid mecha series & capable of making independent tactical decisions, these elite Triumviroids are comparable to Zentraedi Officer Clone series. Much like their Zentraedi counterparts, the 2nd stage Triumviroids are genetically modified & developed from cloning vats straight into adulthood, complete with internal biological diodes & nodes built-ins needed for Bioroid interfaces, ingrained necessary Bioroid piloting skills & false memory engrams that compels these Triumviroids to fanatically obey the Triumvirate order (Triumvirate Compulsion, a derivative of Zentraedi’s Imperative Dogma).
Outside their mechas, the 2nd stage Triumviroids served as Terminator Imperial Guards, either fully armored in their Terminator Guard Armor or simply outfitted with Imperial Guard uniforms. As elites, they’re distinguishable from general Triumvirate populace, mostly doing policing & guard duties aboard city-ships or Imperial Triumvirate population centers strewn all over Imperium core-worlds & colonies. It is also interesting to note, nearly all 2nd stage Triumviroids most will voluntarily undergone biological android enhancement programmes, replacing their normal bodyparts to be augmented with android spareparts, making them quite possibly, superior in physical aspects - especially those serving with battle-hardened Terminator Imperial Guards. One way or another, 2nd stage Triumviroids are often referred as Bioroid Android Pilot series, based on their penchant to continuously upgrade their clone bodies with supplementary android parts; in bid to better serve their overlords, the Robotech Masters.
Once within their respective Bioroid mechas, the 2nd stage Triumviroid clones willingly surrender their mental function to Triumvirate Battle Masters, who will increased their effectiveness in battles by telepathic suppression of either emotion or individual thought, in which these Bioroid Android pilot’s brains are emptied from these distracting characteristics. The brains of 2nd stage Triumviroid simply reverted to pre-programmed combat modes, exclusive to these Triumviroids series only, & primed with primal killing instinct, basic actions & reactions (strike & counter strike, parry & dodge). At this point, 2nd stage Triumviroids are fully consumed with battle lusts, to kill or be killed as to fulfill the Triumvirate Compulsion – the ultimate sacrifice to the altar of Robotechnology (in this respects, 2nd stage Triumviroids reminiscently mimick their Zentraedi Regular Armies goliath warrior slaves). Any semblance of strategy & tactical abilities, teamwork cooperation & military objectives are telepathically instilled by respective Triumvirate Battle Masters. In this respects, Battle Masters acts as generals, coordinating tactical movements & battle formations of both 1st stage (expendable troops) & 2nd stage Triumviroids – of whom advanced Bioroid Android Pilots are highly valued by Battle Masters.
As note of interest as evident in late 2nd Robotech War, the Faido Triads Triumviroid series, served as the Masters top secret polizei & head of city-ships securities, are often paired up with to their Muse counterparts, as part of on-going social experimentation conducted under Clone Masters supervision. In reality, the Clone Masters slowly realized the Muse Triumvirates tend to be superficial & a tad rebellious in their Triumvirate beliefs, & by having top Triumviroid Triads as mates to Robotech Muses, these Triumviroids act as eyes & ears for Clone Masters to detect insubordination & possible cultural contamination effects on the Muses. However, this social experimentation is limited to Karno Faido Triumvirate with that of Musica-Allegra-Musica Muse Triumvirate aboard Masters flagship.
The 2nd stage Triumviroid clone series most often piloted the blue Advanced Bioroid Scout Sub Commander series known as T'sienramp (Observer). These specialized Sub-Commander mecha often indistinguishable from the mass produced Nous’Dohl (Warrior) Tactical Bioroid series, giving the Bioroid Android Pilot better survivalibility from selective targeting of their nemesis. The Tsienramp Bioroid Sub-Commander units most often had been seen escorting respective Battlelords of the Fleet in various raids & military engagements against UEDF during 2nd Robotech War.
On many Imperial worlds & colonies, Bioroid Android pilots fought courageously alongside their Borderers comrades to stem the Invid Crusade. A small number of 2nd stage Triumviroids survived the Invid massacre on Tyrol & Sentinel worlds, became active anti-Invid guerillas leading local alien & Tyrolian population against Invid occupation & planetary garrison units. As those Triumviroids that escaped alongside 8 million Triumvirate colonists to the Pirates’ Cluster, they integrated with former Tyrolian Border Fleet personnel in becoming space pirates occasionally raiding the Invid protoculture supply runs & pirating the UEEF outlying colonies. Sufficed to note, these space-pirate Triumviroids alongside the famed Borderers were adopted & drafted as New Tyrol Republic military – The Republican Guards.
Unlike 1st stage Triumviroids, 2nd stage Triumviroids are actually living specimens, mostly come from various specific Triumviroid clone series. Specially developed to pilot more advanced Bioroid mecha series & capable of making independent tactical decisions, these elite Triumviroids are comparable to Zentraedi Officer Clone series. Much like their Zentraedi counterparts, the 2nd stage Triumviroids are genetically modified & developed from cloning vats straight into adulthood, complete with internal biological diodes & nodes built-ins needed for Bioroid interfaces, ingrained necessary Bioroid piloting skills & false memory engrams that compels these Triumviroids to fanatically obey the Triumvirate order (Triumvirate Compulsion, a derivative of Zentraedi’s Imperative Dogma).
Outside their mechas, the 2nd stage Triumviroids served as Terminator Imperial Guards, either fully armored in their Terminator Guard Armor or simply outfitted with Imperial Guard uniforms. As elites, they’re distinguishable from general Triumvirate populace, mostly doing policing & guard duties aboard city-ships or Imperial Triumvirate population centers strewn all over Imperium core-worlds & colonies. It is also interesting to note, nearly all 2nd stage Triumviroids most will voluntarily undergone biological android enhancement programmes, replacing their normal bodyparts to be augmented with android spareparts, making them quite possibly, superior in physical aspects - especially those serving with battle-hardened Terminator Imperial Guards. One way or another, 2nd stage Triumviroids are often referred as Bioroid Android Pilot series, based on their penchant to continuously upgrade their clone bodies with supplementary android parts; in bid to better serve their overlords, the Robotech Masters.
Once within their respective Bioroid mechas, the 2nd stage Triumviroid clones willingly surrender their mental function to Triumvirate Battle Masters, who will increased their effectiveness in battles by telepathic suppression of either emotion or individual thought, in which these Bioroid Android pilot’s brains are emptied from these distracting characteristics. The brains of 2nd stage Triumviroid simply reverted to pre-programmed combat modes, exclusive to these Triumviroids series only, & primed with primal killing instinct, basic actions & reactions (strike & counter strike, parry & dodge). At this point, 2nd stage Triumviroids are fully consumed with battle lusts, to kill or be killed as to fulfill the Triumvirate Compulsion – the ultimate sacrifice to the altar of Robotechnology (in this respects, 2nd stage Triumviroids reminiscently mimick their Zentraedi Regular Armies goliath warrior slaves). Any semblance of strategy & tactical abilities, teamwork cooperation & military objectives are telepathically instilled by respective Triumvirate Battle Masters. In this respects, Battle Masters acts as generals, coordinating tactical movements & battle formations of both 1st stage (expendable troops) & 2nd stage Triumviroids – of whom advanced Bioroid Android Pilots are highly valued by Battle Masters.
As note of interest as evident in late 2nd Robotech War, the Faido Triads Triumviroid series, served as the Masters top secret polizei & head of city-ships securities, are often paired up with to their Muse counterparts, as part of on-going social experimentation conducted under Clone Masters supervision. In reality, the Clone Masters slowly realized the Muse Triumvirates tend to be superficial & a tad rebellious in their Triumvirate beliefs, & by having top Triumviroid Triads as mates to Robotech Muses, these Triumviroids act as eyes & ears for Clone Masters to detect insubordination & possible cultural contamination effects on the Muses. However, this social experimentation is limited to Karno Faido Triumvirate with that of Musica-Allegra-Musica Muse Triumvirate aboard Masters flagship.
The 2nd stage Triumviroid clone series most often piloted the blue Advanced Bioroid Scout Sub Commander series known as T'sienramp (Observer). These specialized Sub-Commander mecha often indistinguishable from the mass produced Nous’Dohl (Warrior) Tactical Bioroid series, giving the Bioroid Android Pilot better survivalibility from selective targeting of their nemesis. The Tsienramp Bioroid Sub-Commander units most often had been seen escorting respective Battlelords of the Fleet in various raids & military engagements against UEDF during 2nd Robotech War.
On many Imperial worlds & colonies, Bioroid Android pilots fought courageously alongside their Borderers comrades to stem the Invid Crusade. A small number of 2nd stage Triumviroids survived the Invid massacre on Tyrol & Sentinel worlds, became active anti-Invid guerillas leading local alien & Tyrolian population against Invid occupation & planetary garrison units. As those Triumviroids that escaped alongside 8 million Triumvirate colonists to the Pirates’ Cluster, they integrated with former Tyrolian Border Fleet personnel in becoming space pirates occasionally raiding the Invid protoculture supply runs & pirating the UEEF outlying colonies. Sufficed to note, these space-pirate Triumviroids alongside the famed Borderers were adopted & drafted as New Tyrol Republic military – The Republican Guards.
Invid Fighter Triumvirs – Third Stage Triumviroid
The latest development of Triumviroid clone series would be that of Invid Fighter Triumvirs. Developed late in the final stages of 2nd Robotech War, exclusively to pilot the newest Invid Fighter Bioroids, this final series of Triumviroid is known as Vada Prime. Unlike other Triumviroids, Vada Prime clone series are the at the pinnacle of Triumvirate ideology manifested on combat doctrine. They are the most advanced of the three types of Bioroid piloting entities & fully developed combatant Triumviroid clones with an active, thinking mind. Programmed with Triumvirate Compulsion somewhat like the Zentraedi, the latest Invid Fighter Triumvirs fighting alongside their triplet clone-siblings are triplicate warriors who acted with unison without fear of death & quite literally, fighting machines.
Unlike the other Bioroid pilots, the Invid Fighter Triumvirs become literally bonded with their mechas. Linked with much more superior Triumvirate mental symbiosis with Battle Masters, these newest Robotech Master's elite troopers responds with even greater speed & agility than the 2nd stage Triumviroids, truly a deadly Triumvirate foes. Developed specifically in principle to combat & offset the Invid superior numbers, this clone series excels against humanity, even briefly the Triumvirs almost replaced the invaluable red Bioroid Leader pilots. The Invid Fighter Triumvirs are basically identical to the 2nd stage Triumviroids, except that they are cloned as triplets & fight as triumvirates. During combat, the deadly Triumvirs triplets fight & act as one unit. All three will attack the same target, fire at the same time with pinpoint accuracy, & manoeuvre at the same time.
Capable of acting & carrying out the Triumvirate dogma literally on the battlefield, the conjoin Triumvirs are almost undefeatable. They are self-contained & capable of performing the three basic functions of combat: data accumulation, analysis, & response, all within milliseconds. Performed in triplicate unison, they are the embodiment of Triumvirate essence & together with the latest of Inbida T’siendel (Invid Fighter) Bioroid mecha series, almost invincible. The Triumvirs are far more fanatical towards Triumvirate Compulsion, & often find Terran individuality as blasphemous concepts & must be obliterated & extinguished at all cost. Clinging to “Three will always be as One", the Vada Prime Triumvirs draw on the essence of the Invid Fighter Bioroid systems: the transference of power, awareness, thought-Protoculture energy-back & forth among the members of each triune unit & their mechas, on a millisecond basis. This occurrence making each machines & Triumvir pilots will be triple effective in the combat theatre. Their creed to Triumvirate Compulsion was, "One for three & three for one; in thought, action, firepower, & reaction."
The latest development of Triumviroid clone series would be that of Invid Fighter Triumvirs. Developed late in the final stages of 2nd Robotech War, exclusively to pilot the newest Invid Fighter Bioroids, this final series of Triumviroid is known as Vada Prime. Unlike other Triumviroids, Vada Prime clone series are the at the pinnacle of Triumvirate ideology manifested on combat doctrine. They are the most advanced of the three types of Bioroid piloting entities & fully developed combatant Triumviroid clones with an active, thinking mind. Programmed with Triumvirate Compulsion somewhat like the Zentraedi, the latest Invid Fighter Triumvirs fighting alongside their triplet clone-siblings are triplicate warriors who acted with unison without fear of death & quite literally, fighting machines.
Unlike the other Bioroid pilots, the Invid Fighter Triumvirs become literally bonded with their mechas. Linked with much more superior Triumvirate mental symbiosis with Battle Masters, these newest Robotech Master's elite troopers responds with even greater speed & agility than the 2nd stage Triumviroids, truly a deadly Triumvirate foes. Developed specifically in principle to combat & offset the Invid superior numbers, this clone series excels against humanity, even briefly the Triumvirs almost replaced the invaluable red Bioroid Leader pilots. The Invid Fighter Triumvirs are basically identical to the 2nd stage Triumviroids, except that they are cloned as triplets & fight as triumvirates. During combat, the deadly Triumvirs triplets fight & act as one unit. All three will attack the same target, fire at the same time with pinpoint accuracy, & manoeuvre at the same time.
Capable of acting & carrying out the Triumvirate dogma literally on the battlefield, the conjoin Triumvirs are almost undefeatable. They are self-contained & capable of performing the three basic functions of combat: data accumulation, analysis, & response, all within milliseconds. Performed in triplicate unison, they are the embodiment of Triumvirate essence & together with the latest of Inbida T’siendel (Invid Fighter) Bioroid mecha series, almost invincible. The Triumvirs are far more fanatical towards Triumvirate Compulsion, & often find Terran individuality as blasphemous concepts & must be obliterated & extinguished at all cost. Clinging to “Three will always be as One", the Vada Prime Triumvirs draw on the essence of the Invid Fighter Bioroid systems: the transference of power, awareness, thought-Protoculture energy-back & forth among the members of each triune unit & their mechas, on a millisecond basis. This occurrence making each machines & Triumvir pilots will be triple effective in the combat theatre. Their creed to Triumvirate Compulsion was, "One for three & three for one; in thought, action, firepower, & reaction."
Bioroid Leader Pilot – Battle Lords of the Fleet
The most elite of the Triumviroid clone series would be that of Bioroid Leader pilots. Culled from the successful Zentraedi Fleet Commander clone series databank, the Bioroid Leader Triumviroid series can be equated as the best of the best, whose tactical abilities & battle prowess on par or exceeded the Zentraedi - Meltran Ace Officer clone series (specialized Quadrono CO units). The Bioroid Leader pilots often leading massed Bioroid mecha battle formations & become captains aboard Roil Tiluvo Bioroid Assault carriers. These exceptional Triumviroid series, would often become self-designated Battle Lord of The Fleet within Imperial Bioroid Forces. The Bioroid Leader Triumviroids are easily known from their ‘Prime’ & ‘Khane’ name series. These elite Triumviroid series only exclusively present aboard the Imperial Armada, as Masters retain exclusive rights in retaining the brightest & deadliest Triumviroids to lead the Imperial Bioroid Forces.
Within each Bioroid Leader Triumviroids, their Triumvirate Compulsion are far stronger & thus making them as staunch believers of Triumvirarate Dogma. Their ranks are equal to Battle Masters Triumvirate (sub-branch of Clone Masters series), but unlike the Battle Masters series that often safely sound from battlefield, controlling 1st & 2nd stage Triumviroids with telepathic tactical command within the bridge of an Assaul Carrier or Taul Detrel Destroyer vessels. The Bioroid Leader Triumviroids thrived on battlefield, either in space or surface engagements, reminiscent of their progenitors, the Zentraedi Field Officers. Unlike the 1st stage Triumviroids that basically ‘living zombies’ or 2nd stage Triumviroids who’re under direct control & supervision of Battle Masters during battlefield engagements, the Bioroid Leader Triumviroids are of independent minded individuals, competed against each other for competency, battlefield promotions, tactical abilities, battle endurance prowess & garnering fanatical followings amongst their 2nd stage Triumviroids subordinates.
The most successful Bioroid Leader Pilots will ultimately be promoted to become Imperial Fleet Officers, commanding their own Taul Detrel System Destroyers. Rivalries amongst these Imperial Fleet Officers & their Battle Lords Triumviroids are almost as intense as that of Zentraedi Battlefield Commanders & Zentraedi Fleet Commanders. Frequent bickerings, outright insubordinations are common amongst Bioroid Leader Triumviroids; encouraged by Clone Masters; ultimately on how to better served to the glory of the Imperium. Bioroid Leader Triumviroids are well-versed in art of war, ingrained within their neural engrams with advanced Diwgadras’U (Zentraedi Martial Art) trainings, master of tactical cunnings & battlefield trickery.
Glorified heroes amongst their Triumvirate societies, Bioroid Leader Triumviroids lived on far generous lifestyle & greater comforts provided by Clone Masters. The elite Triumviroids often have their own set of 2nd stage Triumviroid Terminator Imperial Guards in tow, escorting them as battlefield subordinates. The Bioroid Leader Triumviroids often given far advanced Red Bioroid Leader mecha series known as Gister’Dohl (Warlord). The Red Bioroids piloted by these Triumviroids proved to be far deadlier against any nemesis they encountered, given their survivability matched those of resilient & tougher Zentraedi Field Commanders & Meltran Ace clone series. A Red Bioroid Leader with its flanking Bioroid Sub-Commander escorts often cut large swath of destruction within any enemy mecha formations & often seemingly leading a suicidal & fanatical charge against enemy troops. However, it is their tactical cunningness, penchant for destruction, warmaking abilities that set them apart from the lesser Triumviroids. However, the Bioroid Leader Triumviroids were sidelined after the introduction of Vada Prime, a Triumviroid clone series dedicated to piloting the Invid Fighter Bioroids. Despite this minor setback, the Bioroid Leader Triumviroids finally retain their commands, leading hordes of Invid Fighter Bioroids at their helm in the final campaigns against UEDF on Earth.
Not many Bioroid Leader Triumviroids survived the Imperial Armada’s demise at the end of 2nd Robotech War. Atleast one Battle Lord of the Fleet, Dalmeric Khane leads significant Bioroid raiders in a series of devastating & bloody insurgency campaign against UEF survivors & Terran settlements (reminiscent of Khyron Kravshera & Zeraal Braedur malcontentism). His renegade forces was finally destroyed during a joint-op surgical strike by UEF 15th ATAC & the famed EF spec-for Wolfe Pack on his headquarters. With the death of Dalmeric Khane, the terrestrial mop-up campaign by UEF against surviving pockets of renegade Bioroid forces marked the end of 2nd Robotech War in 2031AD.
The most elite of the Triumviroid clone series would be that of Bioroid Leader pilots. Culled from the successful Zentraedi Fleet Commander clone series databank, the Bioroid Leader Triumviroid series can be equated as the best of the best, whose tactical abilities & battle prowess on par or exceeded the Zentraedi - Meltran Ace Officer clone series (specialized Quadrono CO units). The Bioroid Leader pilots often leading massed Bioroid mecha battle formations & become captains aboard Roil Tiluvo Bioroid Assault carriers. These exceptional Triumviroid series, would often become self-designated Battle Lord of The Fleet within Imperial Bioroid Forces. The Bioroid Leader Triumviroids are easily known from their ‘Prime’ & ‘Khane’ name series. These elite Triumviroid series only exclusively present aboard the Imperial Armada, as Masters retain exclusive rights in retaining the brightest & deadliest Triumviroids to lead the Imperial Bioroid Forces.
Within each Bioroid Leader Triumviroids, their Triumvirate Compulsion are far stronger & thus making them as staunch believers of Triumvirarate Dogma. Their ranks are equal to Battle Masters Triumvirate (sub-branch of Clone Masters series), but unlike the Battle Masters series that often safely sound from battlefield, controlling 1st & 2nd stage Triumviroids with telepathic tactical command within the bridge of an Assaul Carrier or Taul Detrel Destroyer vessels. The Bioroid Leader Triumviroids thrived on battlefield, either in space or surface engagements, reminiscent of their progenitors, the Zentraedi Field Officers. Unlike the 1st stage Triumviroids that basically ‘living zombies’ or 2nd stage Triumviroids who’re under direct control & supervision of Battle Masters during battlefield engagements, the Bioroid Leader Triumviroids are of independent minded individuals, competed against each other for competency, battlefield promotions, tactical abilities, battle endurance prowess & garnering fanatical followings amongst their 2nd stage Triumviroids subordinates.
The most successful Bioroid Leader Pilots will ultimately be promoted to become Imperial Fleet Officers, commanding their own Taul Detrel System Destroyers. Rivalries amongst these Imperial Fleet Officers & their Battle Lords Triumviroids are almost as intense as that of Zentraedi Battlefield Commanders & Zentraedi Fleet Commanders. Frequent bickerings, outright insubordinations are common amongst Bioroid Leader Triumviroids; encouraged by Clone Masters; ultimately on how to better served to the glory of the Imperium. Bioroid Leader Triumviroids are well-versed in art of war, ingrained within their neural engrams with advanced Diwgadras’U (Zentraedi Martial Art) trainings, master of tactical cunnings & battlefield trickery.
Glorified heroes amongst their Triumvirate societies, Bioroid Leader Triumviroids lived on far generous lifestyle & greater comforts provided by Clone Masters. The elite Triumviroids often have their own set of 2nd stage Triumviroid Terminator Imperial Guards in tow, escorting them as battlefield subordinates. The Bioroid Leader Triumviroids often given far advanced Red Bioroid Leader mecha series known as Gister’Dohl (Warlord). The Red Bioroids piloted by these Triumviroids proved to be far deadlier against any nemesis they encountered, given their survivability matched those of resilient & tougher Zentraedi Field Commanders & Meltran Ace clone series. A Red Bioroid Leader with its flanking Bioroid Sub-Commander escorts often cut large swath of destruction within any enemy mecha formations & often seemingly leading a suicidal & fanatical charge against enemy troops. However, it is their tactical cunningness, penchant for destruction, warmaking abilities that set them apart from the lesser Triumviroids. However, the Bioroid Leader Triumviroids were sidelined after the introduction of Vada Prime, a Triumviroid clone series dedicated to piloting the Invid Fighter Bioroids. Despite this minor setback, the Bioroid Leader Triumviroids finally retain their commands, leading hordes of Invid Fighter Bioroids at their helm in the final campaigns against UEDF on Earth.
Not many Bioroid Leader Triumviroids survived the Imperial Armada’s demise at the end of 2nd Robotech War. Atleast one Battle Lord of the Fleet, Dalmeric Khane leads significant Bioroid raiders in a series of devastating & bloody insurgency campaign against UEF survivors & Terran settlements (reminiscent of Khyron Kravshera & Zeraal Braedur malcontentism). His renegade forces was finally destroyed during a joint-op surgical strike by UEF 15th ATAC & the famed EF spec-for Wolfe Pack on his headquarters. With the death of Dalmeric Khane, the terrestrial mop-up campaign by UEF against surviving pockets of renegade Bioroid forces marked the end of 2nd Robotech War in 2031AD.
Addendum V:
The most famous of them all, perhaps the greatest Battle Lord of the Imperial Armada would be Zor Prime. He was an exception, given he was the only surviving clone of Zor–subclass Prime series, whose clone units destined to become new Science Masters series. The progaramme was besets with failure as the prototypes Zor-clones inherited death trauma of late Zor Derelda, suicidal & suffering extreme depression bordering towards self destruction. The entire clone series terminated, only the last surviving & functional Zor-clone is neurally reprogrammed to become Battlelord of the Fleet Triumviroid caste (Triumviroid Field Commander); becoming the most cunning, the most devious, the most feared of all Battle Lords of the Fleet. However, as history has shown, this Zor-clone finally submerged with his progenitor’s memories after prolonged contact with Micronians (specifically UEDF’s 15th ATAC) during his stint as Masters’ spy in mid 2nd Robotech War. Consumed with vengeance, it is with certainty that Zor Prime was the individual responsible in assassinating the Robotech Masters in late 2030AD. Despite his effort to redress his progenitor’s past mistakes, he was also the catalyst whose selfless sacrifice to destroy the last surviving protoculture matrix inevitably lead to dispersing of Flower of Life spores all over North America, awaiting the Invid invasion of Earth in 2031AD.
Special mention needed to describe a new sub-species of Triumviroids, known as the Triumvir Borderers of the autonomous Tyrolian Border Fleet that answered directly under Robotech Masters. The Triumvir Borderers make up of nearly 30% of this elite Imperium Taskforce, most often served in far-flung of Imperium frontiers. These Triumvirs are far more fanatical in their devotion to the Triumvirate Compulsion, practically each one of these Borderers are specialized Triumviroid clones that are far tougher with advanced altered DNA structures to increase their survival. These are the latest advanced bio-androids, in which already become new Triumviroid sub species, far more superior than average Triumviroid clones, & on individual basis, the Borderers are on equal term with any average Bioroid Leader Pilot Triumviroid series. The Triumvir Borderers served & lead the Zentraedi Borderer comrades, become the elite Bioroid pilots serving the Tyrolian Border Forces (which is separated from Masters’ Imperial Bioroid Forces or Dolza’s Zentraedi Regular Armies). The Triumvir Borderers are at the pinnacle of Triumviroid artificial evolution, & these new breeds of Triumviroid also given far advanced & specialised elite Biorod series, the Tzensi’Dohl (Noble Warrior) & Szatchi’Dohl (Warlock) for their mecha complement.
Not only that, specially selected trained units of Triumvir Borderers are also specialized in infiltration, sabotage & assassination missions, known as Nous-Grandiel units - which are equivalent to Terran’s World War II Nazi Gestapo or SS units - that are feared by every Triumvirate higher ups (from Triumvirate civillians to even Clone Masters). The Nous Grandiel units will most often infiltrated the Triumvirate societies ranks to weed out any subversive clones that shown discontent to their Triumvirate conditioning or shown any abnormal emotions usually associated with early signs of cultural contamination, & any higher ranking Clone Masters & even advanced Triumviroid warriors that harbors outright rebellion against the Triumvirate Compulsion. Periodical purges done by Nous Grandiel units against higher ranking Triumvirates (Clone Masters / Science Masters / Bioroid Leader Triumviroids) suspected of outright rebellions (terminated via assassinations) or disappearance of an entire Bioroid Infantry Corps suspected of cultural contamination (involved outright massacre in remote border of the Imperium) put fear even the hearts of the most staunch Triumvirates.
Only the veterans of Zentraedi Borderers can matched the tenacity, ferocity & fervour of the Triumvir Borderers, whom deeply respected by their Zentraedi Borderers subordinates. In any major operations spearheaded by the Tyrolian Border Fleet, these Triumvirs are the head of operations of many military campaigns, as they are independent from the control of Battle Masters. Independent decision making & their tactical abilities matched those Zentraedi Fleet Commanders & Zentraedi Field Officers, with the cunningness inherited from their Bioroid Leader Triumviroids cousins.
It must also be known that the development of Triumvir Borderers are the next phase in Masters development of biological bioroid warriors – to correct any flaws evident in average Triumviroid series. Not only that, the Borderers also served as Imperium last line of defence against any possible foe, which also factors in eliminating possible rebellious Triumvirate societies or selected insubordinate Triumviroid Bioroid infantry corps if need be. Although the Borderers do not enjoyed the numerical superiority in both mechas & naval vessels that are evident with Imperial Bioroid Forces, its their far more quality mechas & advanced naval vessels (each equipped with Reflex cannons) plus all the best Triumviroid qualities available in their reengineered DNA structures that give the Borderers the qualitative edge over the average Triumviroid overwhelming quantitative factors.
The last guardians of the Empire, the Triumvir Borderers fought their last stand leading formations of their Zentraedi Borderers units in many Imperium coreworlds & colonies to stem the Invid tide. Despite being besets with extreme protoculture shortages, the Borderers ferocities & tenacities in defending the Imperium often turn Invid advances to bloody bloodbaths, yielding horrendous casualties against Invid piloted mechanized forces. However, outgunned, overrunned & finally outmanouvered by Invid hordes, tales of epic struggle of the Triumvir Borderers & their Zentraedi Borderers units in defending every last inch of Imperium against Invid crusade resonated even to Tyrol & entire 4th Quadrant until this day. Their exploits in the latter days of the Imperium become stuffs of legends that influence contributes to insurgency campaign mounted by Sentinels miltias & Tyrolian rebels against the Invid occupation forces.
Special mention needed to describe a new sub-species of Triumviroids, known as the Triumvir Borderers of the autonomous Tyrolian Border Fleet that answered directly under Robotech Masters. The Triumvir Borderers make up of nearly 30% of this elite Imperium Taskforce, most often served in far-flung of Imperium frontiers. These Triumvirs are far more fanatical in their devotion to the Triumvirate Compulsion, practically each one of these Borderers are specialized Triumviroid clones that are far tougher with advanced altered DNA structures to increase their survival. These are the latest advanced bio-androids, in which already become new Triumviroid sub species, far more superior than average Triumviroid clones, & on individual basis, the Borderers are on equal term with any average Bioroid Leader Pilot Triumviroid series. The Triumvir Borderers served & lead the Zentraedi Borderer comrades, become the elite Bioroid pilots serving the Tyrolian Border Forces (which is separated from Masters’ Imperial Bioroid Forces or Dolza’s Zentraedi Regular Armies). The Triumvir Borderers are at the pinnacle of Triumviroid artificial evolution, & these new breeds of Triumviroid also given far advanced & specialised elite Biorod series, the Tzensi’Dohl (Noble Warrior) & Szatchi’Dohl (Warlock) for their mecha complement.
Not only that, specially selected trained units of Triumvir Borderers are also specialized in infiltration, sabotage & assassination missions, known as Nous-Grandiel units - which are equivalent to Terran’s World War II Nazi Gestapo or SS units - that are feared by every Triumvirate higher ups (from Triumvirate civillians to even Clone Masters). The Nous Grandiel units will most often infiltrated the Triumvirate societies ranks to weed out any subversive clones that shown discontent to their Triumvirate conditioning or shown any abnormal emotions usually associated with early signs of cultural contamination, & any higher ranking Clone Masters & even advanced Triumviroid warriors that harbors outright rebellion against the Triumvirate Compulsion. Periodical purges done by Nous Grandiel units against higher ranking Triumvirates (Clone Masters / Science Masters / Bioroid Leader Triumviroids) suspected of outright rebellions (terminated via assassinations) or disappearance of an entire Bioroid Infantry Corps suspected of cultural contamination (involved outright massacre in remote border of the Imperium) put fear even the hearts of the most staunch Triumvirates.
Only the veterans of Zentraedi Borderers can matched the tenacity, ferocity & fervour of the Triumvir Borderers, whom deeply respected by their Zentraedi Borderers subordinates. In any major operations spearheaded by the Tyrolian Border Fleet, these Triumvirs are the head of operations of many military campaigns, as they are independent from the control of Battle Masters. Independent decision making & their tactical abilities matched those Zentraedi Fleet Commanders & Zentraedi Field Officers, with the cunningness inherited from their Bioroid Leader Triumviroids cousins.
It must also be known that the development of Triumvir Borderers are the next phase in Masters development of biological bioroid warriors – to correct any flaws evident in average Triumviroid series. Not only that, the Borderers also served as Imperium last line of defence against any possible foe, which also factors in eliminating possible rebellious Triumvirate societies or selected insubordinate Triumviroid Bioroid infantry corps if need be. Although the Borderers do not enjoyed the numerical superiority in both mechas & naval vessels that are evident with Imperial Bioroid Forces, its their far more quality mechas & advanced naval vessels (each equipped with Reflex cannons) plus all the best Triumviroid qualities available in their reengineered DNA structures that give the Borderers the qualitative edge over the average Triumviroid overwhelming quantitative factors.
The last guardians of the Empire, the Triumvir Borderers fought their last stand leading formations of their Zentraedi Borderers units in many Imperium coreworlds & colonies to stem the Invid tide. Despite being besets with extreme protoculture shortages, the Borderers ferocities & tenacities in defending the Imperium often turn Invid advances to bloody bloodbaths, yielding horrendous casualties against Invid piloted mechanized forces. However, outgunned, overrunned & finally outmanouvered by Invid hordes, tales of epic struggle of the Triumvir Borderers & their Zentraedi Borderers units in defending every last inch of Imperium against Invid crusade resonated even to Tyrol & entire 4th Quadrant until this day. Their exploits in the latter days of the Imperium become stuffs of legends that influence contributes to insurgency campaign mounted by Sentinels miltias & Tyrolian rebels against the Invid occupation forces.
Addendum VI:
The selfless & heroic deeds of the last surviving 125,000 Borderers that initiated the evacuations of 8 million Triumvirate colonists from two fringe worlds to isolated asteroid star system (known as Pirate’s Cluster) marked their integrity to the highest degree. The level of cooperation between the Triumvirs & their Zentraedi comrades within this vaunted Tyrolian Border Fleet contrasted greatly with the disdain slave-overlordship between Masters & the Zentraedi Regular Armies. The surviving Borderers, Zentraedi & Triumvirs alike overcome their Imperative Dogmas & Triumvirate Compulsion conditionings by switching their undying loyalties no longer to Masters, but to 8 million Triumvirate refugees wards. The Triumvir Borderers take to pirating alongside their now micronised Zentraedi Borderers brethrens, & they become equals as space pirates, further blurring the lines between these two distantly artificially related Tyrolian derived sub-species.
At the end of their pirating careers, after the heavy naval battle engagements between the space pirates & elements of EF Pioneer Mission in Pirate’s Cluster, the Borderers finally capitulated to age-old emotions after being bombarded by Lynn Minmay’s music, engineered by EF Fleet Admiral, Breetai Kridanik. The Triumvirs, longed for the lost Muse harmonic stirrings were the first to fall prey to the cultural contamination alongside their Triumvirate refugees, & pressured their Zentraedi Borderers brethrens to gave up their arms. The outcome is the alliance with EF & become the impetus that finally brought EF to Valivarre star-system. Shortly after Tyrol’s liberation from the Invid in 2031, the entire 125,00 former Borderers & reformed space pirates become Tyrolian Republican Guard, again taken the mantle to protect Tyrol from any aggression.
Triumvirate history is full of false history. From the once proud & mighty Triumvirate Robotech civilization that ruled a large part of the galaxy, later to be reduced to survivors clueless & stranded on alien Earth planet & while the rest trying to resist the Invid crusade, the Triumvirate as a people, as a distinct culture, shoud not be forgotten. It is interesting to note Triumvirate cultural heritage within surviving Triumvirate refugees (the 8 million Triumvirate colonists of Pirate’s Cluster & 175,000 Triumvirate survivors of 2nd Robotech War) embracing humanity has become slowly disappearing over less than two decades, as these former Triumvirates identify themselves as larger part of humanity, no longer wanted anything to do with their Triumvirate past. The deaths of nearly all higher ranking Triumvirates (except the crafty Muse Triumvirates & the ingenious Clone Masters Triumvirate Governors of Sentinel worlds) the end of the Triumvirate culture, signaling that Triumvirate society as a race & a culture will faded indefinitely.
It took a special breed of Triumvirate to carry on with atleast a vestige of Triumvirate racial identity & proudly protects some aspect of Triumvirate cultural heritage – these are the Triumvir Borderers – the last of vestiges of the Empire, & ironically also its liberator. With the help of New Tyrolian Republic, finally the Triumvirs & their 8 million Triumvirate colonists gained a homeland in Tettelian sector & thrived as free & liberated individuals. Special thanks to Robotech Master Cabell, Pro Consul of New Tyrolian Republic; Mr Bowie Grant, Mistresses Musica & Octavia of Bowie & The Muses; finally Senator Lantas Prime (a boisterous, generous & delightful host - the author might add - formerly of Tyrolian Imperial Triumvirate Governor pre Invid Invasion, later de-facto leader of Tyrolian anti-Invid guerilla units post Invid Invasion) of New Forasi Protectorate in Tettelia sector, Tyrol for their gracious assistance & cooperation extended to the author during the extensive research done for this endeavors.
However, to mark the end of these remarkable chapters, one needs to mention of past Robotech Civil War. Ironically enough, despite Disciples of Zor defeats at the hands of loyalist Zentraedi Regular Armies, Tyrolian Border Fleet & Imperial Bioroid Forces, the long ideological war theoretically actually won by Disciples of Zor, as successive generation of liberated Triumvirate survivors, Triumvirs & Zentraedi Borderers alikes adopted the Republic system of governance & Tyrolian Republican Guards - now Tyrol’s military – was a designation adopted by Robotech rebels units. At long last, Robotech Masters & their Triumvirate dogma lose out the ideological Holy War, beaten not by their rivals, but by their own Triumviroid warriors & their Triumvirate subjects, who are finally adopted & recognized as equals by their Tyrolian natives cousins.
This author would like to end this article with an ode composed by Mistress Musica following the destruction of Masters Triumvirate civilization at the end of 2nd Robotech War:
“Now our slaves, the Robotech Masters, are passed away
Now all our Protoculture balefires burn low
Now the Shapings turn; we surrender the stage to Invid and Human
Our cold light leaves the Universe
We see at the last that
Those who remain behind know no fear of the darkness
And we ourselves learn
What it is to weep”
- Death Song of Robotech Elders.
Triumvirate history is full of false history. From the once proud & mighty Triumvirate Robotech civilization that ruled a large part of the galaxy, later to be reduced to survivors clueless & stranded on alien Earth planet & while the rest trying to resist the Invid crusade, the Triumvirate as a people, as a distinct culture, shoud not be forgotten. It is interesting to note Triumvirate cultural heritage within surviving Triumvirate refugees (the 8 million Triumvirate colonists of Pirate’s Cluster & 175,000 Triumvirate survivors of 2nd Robotech War) embracing humanity has become slowly disappearing over less than two decades, as these former Triumvirates identify themselves as larger part of humanity, no longer wanted anything to do with their Triumvirate past. The deaths of nearly all higher ranking Triumvirates (except the crafty Muse Triumvirates & the ingenious Clone Masters Triumvirate Governors of Sentinel worlds) the end of the Triumvirate culture, signaling that Triumvirate society as a race & a culture will faded indefinitely.
It took a special breed of Triumvirate to carry on with atleast a vestige of Triumvirate racial identity & proudly protects some aspect of Triumvirate cultural heritage – these are the Triumvir Borderers – the last of vestiges of the Empire, & ironically also its liberator. With the help of New Tyrolian Republic, finally the Triumvirs & their 8 million Triumvirate colonists gained a homeland in Tettelian sector & thrived as free & liberated individuals. Special thanks to Robotech Master Cabell, Pro Consul of New Tyrolian Republic; Mr Bowie Grant, Mistresses Musica & Octavia of Bowie & The Muses; finally Senator Lantas Prime (a boisterous, generous & delightful host - the author might add - formerly of Tyrolian Imperial Triumvirate Governor pre Invid Invasion, later de-facto leader of Tyrolian anti-Invid guerilla units post Invid Invasion) of New Forasi Protectorate in Tettelia sector, Tyrol for their gracious assistance & cooperation extended to the author during the extensive research done for this endeavors.
However, to mark the end of these remarkable chapters, one needs to mention of past Robotech Civil War. Ironically enough, despite Disciples of Zor defeats at the hands of loyalist Zentraedi Regular Armies, Tyrolian Border Fleet & Imperial Bioroid Forces, the long ideological war theoretically actually won by Disciples of Zor, as successive generation of liberated Triumvirate survivors, Triumvirs & Zentraedi Borderers alikes adopted the Republic system of governance & Tyrolian Republican Guards - now Tyrol’s military – was a designation adopted by Robotech rebels units. At long last, Robotech Masters & their Triumvirate dogma lose out the ideological Holy War, beaten not by their rivals, but by their own Triumviroid warriors & their Triumvirate subjects, who are finally adopted & recognized as equals by their Tyrolian natives cousins.
This author would like to end this article with an ode composed by Mistress Musica following the destruction of Masters Triumvirate civilization at the end of 2nd Robotech War:
“Now our slaves, the Robotech Masters, are passed away
Now all our Protoculture balefires burn low
Now the Shapings turn; we surrender the stage to Invid and Human
Our cold light leaves the Universe
We see at the last that
Those who remain behind know no fear of the darkness
And we ourselves learn
What it is to weep”
- Death Song of Robotech Elders.
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The Original Robotech Masters
Unlike that of Robotech Masters Triumvirate, the original Robotech Masters are those crowned by former Stellar Republican Senate, each one of them pioneering the field of Robotechnology & protoculture research. The individuals are:
- The First Robotech Master; Lord Zor Derelda of Philosopher class who is responsible for the discovery of Invid Flower of Life & subsequent pioneering protoculture bio-energy research & development for advancement of Stellar Republic. He is credited as father of Robotechnology & held the current commercial patent of protoculture applications in wide ranging industries. He was also credited as the ‘spiritual leader’ by the Robotech Rebel faction (influenced by his pro-Republican & anti-Triumvirate tracts) that declared Holy War against Masters’ faction. Frustrated by Elders & Masters excesses, he destroyed all records regarding protoculture production researches & committed the sensitive information to memory, immediately making Masters dependent upon him for new protoculture production. He secretly supplied the Imperium with sterile seeds & introduced sterile mutant Flower of Life, while secretly stashing the original fertile species & the last viable protoculture matrix aboard his customized Makross battlefortress. The aging & older Zor who shunned his last life extension treatment (recorded as late of 1922 CE according to EVE records) as part of his final defiant against Masters, finally met his doom in 1999 AD, after his reseeding mission with Borderers escorts were ambushed by Invid forces, but his battlefortress with its pre-programmed AI folded to parts unknown. Zor delivered his final blow against the Empire by taking protoculture secrets to his death.
- The Second Robotech Master; Lord Vard of Patrician class. Credited alongside Zor as part of Azstraph technovoyager crew that found Optera & subsequent contact with Invid civilization. Appointed as Stellar Republic’s Ambassador to lead First Contact expeditions to various worlds. A staunch Republican, he was put under house arrest alongside Zor for penning various anti-Imperium tracts. An exo-archeologist by profession, he helped throughout Zor’s expeditions in identifying new worlds for reseeding missions, & avid chronicler of various Sentinels & other species the expedition encountered during sporadic deep-space missions. He also quietly supported Zor’s passive rebellion in the final days of the Imperium post Robotech Civil War, both he & Zor were inseparable & close confidants until their olden age (both Robotech Masters boycotted their last life extension treatment session & vowed to age old gracefully, after centuries of youthful immortality). True to be loyal friend to the core, he perished alongside Zor Derelda during the Invid ambush of their last mission together.
- The Third Robotech Master; Lord Nimuul of Merchant class. Pioneer of protoculture applications in heavy industries & manufacturing sectors for advancement of Stellar Republic. Founder of Robotech Consortium. Self appointed leader of the shadowy Triumvirate movement & father of Triumvirate Dogma. Alongside his triplet brethrens, established Robotech Mercantile Empire by force. (Please refer to the Robotech Elder’s section of this article).
- The Fourth Robotech Master; Lord Fallagar of Merchant class. Pioneer of protoculture applications in military technology, specifically the development of advanced mechas & combat spacecrafts for advancement of Stellar Republic. Co-founders of Robotech Consortium. One of self appointed leaders of the shadowy Triumvirate movent & father of Triumvirate Dogma. Alongside his triplet brethrens, established Robotech Mercantile Empire by force. (Please refer to the Robotech Elder’s section of this article).
- The Fifth Robotech Master; Lord Hepsis of Merchant class. Pioneer of protoculture applications in bio-technology, specifically the development of Zentraedi slaves as cheap offworld laborers for advancement of Stellar Republic. Co-founders of Robotech Consortium. One of self appointed leaders of the shadowy Triumvirate movent & father of Triumvirate Dogma. Alongside his triplet brethrens, established Robotech Mercantile Empire by force. (Please refer to the Robotech Elder’s section of this article).
- The Sixth Robotech Master; Lord Cabell of Senatorial class. A former Zor Derelda’s student (many current chroniclers mistook him as Zor’s teacher, while the reverse is true), he spend his early years studying under Zor’s tutelage since he was 5 years old - Terran estimates. A talented young genius & already an able bio-scientist, he was awarded the Robotech Master title by the late Stellar Government, the youngest ever recipient for such title (from his own words, he was 15 years old - Terran estimates) for his outstanding achievement in bio-genetic research for agro-industry applications within Stellar Republic. Unlike Zor Derelda & Vard, both staunch Republican, Cabell parted ways with them & become staunch Robotech Imperium loyalist. He remained an Imperium loyalist during the Robotech Civil War but grew disenchanted with later Masters repressive regime & Masters’ discriminations towards non-clones & other Sentinels races. Mended ties with Zor & Vard, he later joined them by refusing the life extension treatment session on Tyrol in the quiet rebellion against Masters. Unlike Vard, Cabell was not a close confidant of Zor & thus not privy to Zor’s plans. Upon Zor’s death however, Cabell avoided all contacts by self imposed exile to Tiresia. Unbeknownst to Masters, Cabell had been closing into Zor’s long-held secrets after centuries of research, based on Zor’s lecture notes centuries ago. He reared a Zor-Clone, Rem Derelda (from surviving oldest Zor’s DNA organic sample taken centuries earlier as a token, a hair strand to be exact) from childhood, to redress his previous estrangement with the original Zor over the centuries due to ideological differences.
The only surviving, perhaps the oldest living native Tyrolian from Stellar Age, now Pro-Consul Cabell is also the surviving original Robotech Masters, the last of the rare breed. He survived the Invid Occupation of Tyrol, living on the run while continued his protoculture research, finally instrumental in replicating the new protoculture matrix, a technology long lost with the death of original Zor. Pro-Consul Cabell alongside his colleague Rem Derelda (the newly appointed Robotech Master by New Tyrolian Republic) finally able to unlock the secrets to make mutant sterile Flower of Life to be able to produce fertile seeds by introducing genetically modified cha-chas (a Tyrolian domesticated trahls) to become the pollinators for the mutant FoL varieties, immediately introduced what were later known as 2nd generation protoculture strain that revolutionized entire UEEF & Sentinel Confederation in mid 2030s.
Unlike that of Robotech Masters Triumvirate, the original Robotech Masters are those crowned by former Stellar Republican Senate, each one of them pioneering the field of Robotechnology & protoculture research. The individuals are:
- The First Robotech Master; Lord Zor Derelda of Philosopher class who is responsible for the discovery of Invid Flower of Life & subsequent pioneering protoculture bio-energy research & development for advancement of Stellar Republic. He is credited as father of Robotechnology & held the current commercial patent of protoculture applications in wide ranging industries. He was also credited as the ‘spiritual leader’ by the Robotech Rebel faction (influenced by his pro-Republican & anti-Triumvirate tracts) that declared Holy War against Masters’ faction. Frustrated by Elders & Masters excesses, he destroyed all records regarding protoculture production researches & committed the sensitive information to memory, immediately making Masters dependent upon him for new protoculture production. He secretly supplied the Imperium with sterile seeds & introduced sterile mutant Flower of Life, while secretly stashing the original fertile species & the last viable protoculture matrix aboard his customized Makross battlefortress. The aging & older Zor who shunned his last life extension treatment (recorded as late of 1922 CE according to EVE records) as part of his final defiant against Masters, finally met his doom in 1999 AD, after his reseeding mission with Borderers escorts were ambushed by Invid forces, but his battlefortress with its pre-programmed AI folded to parts unknown. Zor delivered his final blow against the Empire by taking protoculture secrets to his death.
- The Second Robotech Master; Lord Vard of Patrician class. Credited alongside Zor as part of Azstraph technovoyager crew that found Optera & subsequent contact with Invid civilization. Appointed as Stellar Republic’s Ambassador to lead First Contact expeditions to various worlds. A staunch Republican, he was put under house arrest alongside Zor for penning various anti-Imperium tracts. An exo-archeologist by profession, he helped throughout Zor’s expeditions in identifying new worlds for reseeding missions, & avid chronicler of various Sentinels & other species the expedition encountered during sporadic deep-space missions. He also quietly supported Zor’s passive rebellion in the final days of the Imperium post Robotech Civil War, both he & Zor were inseparable & close confidants until their olden age (both Robotech Masters boycotted their last life extension treatment session & vowed to age old gracefully, after centuries of youthful immortality). True to be loyal friend to the core, he perished alongside Zor Derelda during the Invid ambush of their last mission together.
- The Third Robotech Master; Lord Nimuul of Merchant class. Pioneer of protoculture applications in heavy industries & manufacturing sectors for advancement of Stellar Republic. Founder of Robotech Consortium. Self appointed leader of the shadowy Triumvirate movement & father of Triumvirate Dogma. Alongside his triplet brethrens, established Robotech Mercantile Empire by force. (Please refer to the Robotech Elder’s section of this article).
- The Fourth Robotech Master; Lord Fallagar of Merchant class. Pioneer of protoculture applications in military technology, specifically the development of advanced mechas & combat spacecrafts for advancement of Stellar Republic. Co-founders of Robotech Consortium. One of self appointed leaders of the shadowy Triumvirate movent & father of Triumvirate Dogma. Alongside his triplet brethrens, established Robotech Mercantile Empire by force. (Please refer to the Robotech Elder’s section of this article).
- The Fifth Robotech Master; Lord Hepsis of Merchant class. Pioneer of protoculture applications in bio-technology, specifically the development of Zentraedi slaves as cheap offworld laborers for advancement of Stellar Republic. Co-founders of Robotech Consortium. One of self appointed leaders of the shadowy Triumvirate movent & father of Triumvirate Dogma. Alongside his triplet brethrens, established Robotech Mercantile Empire by force. (Please refer to the Robotech Elder’s section of this article).
- The Sixth Robotech Master; Lord Cabell of Senatorial class. A former Zor Derelda’s student (many current chroniclers mistook him as Zor’s teacher, while the reverse is true), he spend his early years studying under Zor’s tutelage since he was 5 years old - Terran estimates. A talented young genius & already an able bio-scientist, he was awarded the Robotech Master title by the late Stellar Government, the youngest ever recipient for such title (from his own words, he was 15 years old - Terran estimates) for his outstanding achievement in bio-genetic research for agro-industry applications within Stellar Republic. Unlike Zor Derelda & Vard, both staunch Republican, Cabell parted ways with them & become staunch Robotech Imperium loyalist. He remained an Imperium loyalist during the Robotech Civil War but grew disenchanted with later Masters repressive regime & Masters’ discriminations towards non-clones & other Sentinels races. Mended ties with Zor & Vard, he later joined them by refusing the life extension treatment session on Tyrol in the quiet rebellion against Masters. Unlike Vard, Cabell was not a close confidant of Zor & thus not privy to Zor’s plans. Upon Zor’s death however, Cabell avoided all contacts by self imposed exile to Tiresia. Unbeknownst to Masters, Cabell had been closing into Zor’s long-held secrets after centuries of research, based on Zor’s lecture notes centuries ago. He reared a Zor-Clone, Rem Derelda (from surviving oldest Zor’s DNA organic sample taken centuries earlier as a token, a hair strand to be exact) from childhood, to redress his previous estrangement with the original Zor over the centuries due to ideological differences.
The only surviving, perhaps the oldest living native Tyrolian from Stellar Age, now Pro-Consul Cabell is also the surviving original Robotech Masters, the last of the rare breed. He survived the Invid Occupation of Tyrol, living on the run while continued his protoculture research, finally instrumental in replicating the new protoculture matrix, a technology long lost with the death of original Zor. Pro-Consul Cabell alongside his colleague Rem Derelda (the newly appointed Robotech Master by New Tyrolian Republic) finally able to unlock the secrets to make mutant sterile Flower of Life to be able to produce fertile seeds by introducing genetically modified cha-chas (a Tyrolian domesticated trahls) to become the pollinators for the mutant FoL varieties, immediately introduced what were later known as 2nd generation protoculture strain that revolutionized entire UEEF & Sentinel Confederation in mid 2030s.
AL: Aeon Lanack
I.C: Imperium Calendar
BCE: Before Christ Era
CE: Christ Era
12100 B.C.E (Archaic Age)
Humans (Homo Sapien Sapiens) are transplanted to Praxis & Tyrol by enigmatic Settlers (Haydon?).
11800 B.C.E (Archaic Age)
'Settlers' vanish. Tyrolians scatter over the planet, some carrying agriculture with them, others adopting pastoralism. Advent of hunter-gatherer societies.
11630 B.C.E (Archaic Age)
Traditional date for the birth of Zor'de, first incarnation of the Tyrolian deity Fanto, who drove away the enslaving P'tok demons, according to the Tyrolian epic Zor'deroma.
6500 B.C.E (Ancient Age)
First appearance of walled city-states, in De'ver river valley.
5970 B.C.E (Ancient Age)
Traditional date for the birth of Lanack, third incarnation of the Tyrolian deity Fanto, who defeated the armies of the evil god-king Moltok & taught the Dev'erians the art of civilization, according to the ancient Tyrolian epic Lanack Estdo're. (1 A.L.)
5800 B.C.E (Ancient Age)
Writing developed in the Dev'er river valley civilization. (c. 30 A.L.)
4700 B.C.E (Ancient Age)
Earliest versions of the myths contained in the Lanack Estdo're & Zor'deroma are likely written down. (c. 225 A.L.)
2340 B.C.E (Ancient Age)
Oldest extant fragments of the Lanack Estdo're & Zor'deroma are composed (642 A.L.)
1200 B.C.E (Ancient Age)
De’ver city states overrun by Tettelian desert & steppe barbarians. Establishment of Tettelian Empire, adopting Dev’er culture in the process.
721 B.C.E (Antiquity Age)
Ein'liba Empire reaches its furthest extent, overrunning Forasi city-states & competing with Tettelian successive dynasties. (928 A.L.)
301 B.C.E. (Late Antiquity Age)
Ein'liba Empire collapses due to internal strife. Start of world-wide Ranaath epidemic that consumed more than 2/3rd of the entire Tyrolian populations. (1002 A.L.)
360 C.E. (Medieval Age)
Tiresians emerge as a powerful nation. (1119 A.L.)
450 – 550 C.E (Colonial Age)
Industrial revolution begins in Su'tone region. (1135 A.L.)
Su’tonean states (including Tiresia & Rylac) launch aggressive colonisation expansions towards Tettelian region & Paerana continent.
570 – 660 C.E (Modern Age)
Rapid modernization of all Tyrolian nation-states. The start of three consecutive Tyrolian World Wars, pitting the Republican states & Monarchists factions. The usage of nuclear weaponry by both Rylac-Tiresia Republican alliance ending the 3rd World War.
Rapid growth in both technology & population.
652 C.E (Modern Age)
Tyrolians launch first satellite into Tyrolian orbit. (1171 A.L.)
668 C.E. (Modern Age)
Tyrolian mathematician & physicist Rogelo Turbin formulates a Superstring Theory of Everything, uniting all four fundamental forces. This result is used to derive a classical General Relativity, & predicts the existence of a six-dimensional hyperspace in addition to four dimensional space-time. Fold drives become a theoretical possibility. (1174 A.L.)
816 C.E. (Space Age)
Explorer Tovaal Lureq leads Tyrol's first attempt at colonization of the other moons. Their ships, lacking power, cannot escape Fantoma's gravity to explore other planets. (1200 A.L.)
850 – 950 C.E (Space Age)
Establishment of in-system colonies, with Tyrolians expanded from their moons to other planets within Valivarre System.
992 C.E. (Space Age)
Monopoles are isolated in Fantoma's rings, paving the way for the first fold-drives. (1231 A.L.)
1036 C.E. (Stellar Age)
Tyrolian civilization develops first fold-capable ship. Extensive exploration efforts by Tyrolian space voyagers to discover new worlds outer Valivarre system for colonisation. (1238 A.L.)
Massive off-world colonisation efforts carried out by Tyrolian merchant trade blocs.
1116 C.E. (Stellar Age)
Karbarrans first contacted, initiating first contact between two races. (1252 A.L.)
1131 C.E (Stellar Age)
The largest off-world colony colonised, mainly by Tyrolians of Rylacian origin. (1255 A.L.)
1166 C.E (Stellar Age)
Tyrol unites into the Stellar Republic. Modern Tiresia founded on Tyrol near the site of the old city. (0 I.C., 1261 A.L.)
As Stellar Republic absorbs many Tyrolian off world colonies, other independent colonies banded together with the largest Rylac colony to form autonomous Tyrolian Colonies Republic.
1172 C.E (Stellar Age)
Comprehensive Karbarran-Tyrolian trade pact signed, benefited both parties. Joint space exploration by Karbarran Hegemony & Stellar Republic. (1262 A.L.)
1274 -1306 C.E (Stellar Age)
V'loxian War between Karbarra-Tyrol alliance against V’loxian sauroids. Republican troops released bio-agent (modified Ranaath virus) to V’loxian homeworld, ensuring the extinction of the sauroid race. (1280-1285 A.L.)
1308 – 1315 C.E (Stellar Age)
A small V’loxian sauroid refugees of 55,000 survivors are given safe haven on Peryton. Stellar Republic launch pre-emptive strike to subjugate Peryton, stopped short after Karbarra issued dire warning of economic & dire political sanctions if the sauroid refugees are harmed. Tyrolian Stellar Republican troops establish permanent military garrison on Peryton with large Tyrolians colonists migrated there, displacing other Perytonian natives & recent alien migrants.
Half a dozen minor wars between Stellar troops & Emaan migrants to control Perytonian surface erupted occasionally.
1331 C.E (Stellar Age)
Peryton properly annexed into Stellar Republic. Karbarra Hegemony – Stellar Republic relationship worsens.
1339 C.E (Stellar Age)
Karbarra severs ties with Tyrol, & gives preferred trading status to autonomous Tyrolian Colonies Republic. Stellar Republic slowly suffers from economic loss & eventual energy crises with Sekitan ores no longer available. Stellar Republic launches several techno-voyager research & survey teams to deep space to find viable energy source.
1343 C.E (Stellar Age)
Tyrolian deep space survey ship - Azstraph enters Tzuptum system, discovers Optera & Zor Derelda discovery of Invid Flower of Life & derives Protoculture from it. (1293 A.L.)
1343-1360 C.E (The Great Transition)
Cloning technologies accelerate at a great pace, thanks to discoveries associated with Protoculture. Zor Derelda become 1st Robotech Master, & wins Protoculture-associated patents while his colleagues set up Robotech consortium. (1293-1296 A.L.)
1351 C.E (The Great Transition)
Fold drives perfected. (1294 A.L.)
1355 C.E (The Great Transition)
Zentraedi are created under Republican Senate’s behest as source of free off-world laborers. (1295 A.L.)
Robotech consortium secretly establishes bases on Fantoman moons, Stonol & Falcaro, over-produced the number of Zentraedi as supply outgrows demands.
Robotech consortium wins a contract to become military contractor in supplying Zentraedi in charge of security to Stellar Republic’s monopole mining facilities throughout Stellar vast territories.
1361 C.E (Imperial Age)
Robotech Elders overthrow the Tyrolian Stellar Republic & install the Triumvirate system of Government. Establishment & eventual subjugation of former Stellar colonies into Robotech Tyrolian Mercantile Empire. (139212 I.C., 1296 A.L.)
1379-1382 C.E (Imperial Age)
Karbarra invaded & conquered by the Zentraedi Regular Armies. (152000-154100 I.C.)
1393 C.E (Imperial Age)
Zentraedi ordered to defoliate Optera. Robotech Mercantile Empire starts to expand its influence over the Tyrolian colonies & other worlds. (161000 I.C.)
1382 - 1450 C.E (Imperial Age)
Eventual subjugation of entire Local Group worlds by Zentraedi under Imperium orders.
Elders & Masters retire to their motherships & live in their new triumvirate clone-society, abandoning Tyrol's surface. Invid begin a fold-guerrilla campaign of terror against the Masters' outermost worlds. (202000 I.C.)
1450 C.E (Imperial Age)
Zentraedi Punitive Fleet arrive near Optera & proceeds to bombard the entire planet, but majority of Invid forces already escaped to parts unknown. Punitive Fleet continues with savage & brutal Opteran terrestrial campaign, wiping out the surviving Invid & irradiated Optera surface.
1481-1502 C.E (Imperial Age)
Zor retires briefly to Tyrolian Colonies Republic to continue his researches & collaborate with colonial colleagues. While there, he pseudonymously pens a series of political & philosophical tracts favoring federalist republicanism over the current Imperium. Zor is recalled by the Elders & is severely reprimanded, but his writings strike a chord in the Tyrolian Colonies Republic’s populace & in the old patrician families on Tyrol & elsewhere. Republican nationalism blossoms. (224000-239000 I.C.)
1509 – 1519 C.E (Imperial Age)
The chorus for Republicanism grow strong & infiltrate every corners of the Imperium. Karbarra & Peryton, alongside Tyrolian Colonies Republic lead the pack in favoring Republican system over Triumvirate system of governance.
1519 – 1520 C.E (Imperial Age)
The ideological crisis begins. The Robotech Masters demand Tyrolian Colonies Republic surrender its sovereignty & that of its independent colonies to the Robotech Empire. Tyrolian Colonies Republic balks, & a major fleet of Zentraedi warships – Supervision Army is sent as a threat. The Zentraedi become contaminated by & enamored with rebel colonists culture, & eventually refuse to carry out their orders. When word arrives that an example is to be made of them, a third of the planet's population is hurriedly evacuated by their new Zentraedi allies, just as the Grand Fleet arrives to destroy the rebel colony. In all, 500 million rebel colonists & 1.7 billion rebel Zentraedi of Supervision Army escape into the vastness of space. (250700-251900 I.C.)
1562 C.E (Imperial Age)
The rebellious Tyrolian Colonies Republic, their independent colonies & many Tyrolian aristocratic sympathizers & rogue Zentraedi Supervision Army, known collectively to the Elders & the Masters as "Zor's Disciples", declare Holy War on the Robotech Mercantile Empire. The Masters dramatically increase the numbers of loyal Zentraedi Regular Armies to counter the threat. (281412 I.C.)
1590-1790 C.E (Imperial Age)
Caught between the Robotech Civil War on one front, & the attrition against outlying territories by the Invid, the Imperium begins to show signs of collapse. (301000-450000 I.C.)
1792 C.E (Imperial Age)
The Robotech Rebel fleet arrives on Tyrol & launches a massive offensive against the Robotech Empire. The Tyrolian patricians, long stifled by the Triumvirates, throw their lot in with the "Disciples of Zor". The Zentraedi Regular Armies units loyal to the Empire are insufficient to defend the homeworld, & the Elders & Masters are forced to bring out their elite Imperial Bioroid Forces & newly created Tyrolian Border Fleet armies. The Robotech Rebels are driven back, but at great cost. The Tyrolian patricians go into exile among the retreating Disciples of Zor. (445000 I.C.)
1800 C.E (Renaissance Age)
Elders' empire is broken. Robotech Masters seize reins of power from Elders, who remain on as figureheads. Though the foundations are weakened, an Imperial renaissance begins. (450000 I.C.)
Massive recolonization efforts to repopulate the entire Imperium with new Triumvirate clone societies begin in earnest.
1850 C.E (Renaissance Age)
Invid military campaign intensifies, taking advantage of the chaos caused by the Robotech Civil War. (486000 I.C.)
1922 C.E (Renaissance Age)
3 non-triumvirate original Robotech Masters; Zor, Vard & Cabell refuse the last life extension programme on Tyrol in pacifist rebellion against Masters’ excesses. From that moment onwards, the rebellious Robotech Masters vowed to age normally, avoiding youthful immortality that usually came with subservient Compulsion engrams to the Imperium.
1940 C.E (Renaissance Age)
Loyal Zentraedi Regular Armies (of 101st Assault Combine Fleet – Breetai Kridanik Command) crush the rebels & all loyal Zentraedi are reprogrammed to remember the danger of contact with micronian races. The final Disciples of Zor stronghold is annihilated by the Zentraedi Borderers Taskforce & 101st Assault Combine Fleet of Zentraedi Regular Armies. Remaining rebel fleet limps away into the darkness, led by surviving Disciples of Zor. Protoculture supplies are dangerously low & Imperial renaissance nearly founders because of the imminent power crisis. (545000 I.C.)
1947 C.E (Renaissance Age)
Adoclass Imperial Fleet under Dolza’s personal command locates Invid hideout in Large Magellanic Cloud, initiating the largest military expedition against the Invid entrenched on their adopted homeworld. 8 million Zentraedi locked in brutal mortal combat with 20 million Invid in Tawkhan campaign, which nearly become a stalemate, but a surgical strike led by joint Quadrono unit under Zentraedi ace, Miriya Paarino & commando raid by Breetai Kridanik against central Invid Hive marked the Zentraedi Regular Armies success against their ancient foes.
1950 – 1998 C.E (Renaissance Age)
Zor sent to seed other worlds with Flower of Life under watchful eyes of Zentraedi Border Forces. Unbeknownst to them & Robotech Masters, Zor introduces only sterile mutant varieties instead of the fertile original batch on alien worlds he visited. (553000 I.C.)
Feb, 1999 C.E (Renaissance Age)
Zor & his companion, Vard are killed by an Invid ambush on a seeding mission. His battlefortress, a Border Fleet vessel - Makross class monitor is sent to Earth. Invid steadily but surely closing on Imperial core systems. (574300 I.C.)
July, 1999 C.E (Renaissance Age)
Zor's battlefortress arrives & crashes on Earth.
Sep, 1999 C.E (Renaissance Age)
Robotech Masters authorize Dolza to use 'any means necessary' to recapture Zor's Fortress. (574800 I.C.)
April 19, 2011 C.E (Renaissance Age)
A peace agreement is reached between SDF-1 Macross & Breetai Kridanik's 1 million strong ships of Adoclass Imperial Fleet. Dolza's Grand Fleet (Gorg BoDolza) arrives in the solar system, leaving the entire Imperium virtually undefended. Dolza's fleet is annihilated.
Oct, 2014 C.E
Robotech Masters & Imperial Armada depart Tyrol for Earth. Border Fleet units are recalled to defend the Imperium core systems from possible Invid incursions.
2014 - 2015 C.E
Protoculture crises hits the entire Imperium, anarchy & violent riots erupted in every major Imperium worlds. Tyrolian Border Fleet units forced to depart from their nearly powerless ships & establish permanent terrestrial bases under orders from Triumvirate planetary Governors.
2015 – 2022 C.E
Earth launches Expeditionary Fleet to pave the way for Gloval Initiative Plan 2014 – large scale deep space colonisation mission & to locate Masters’ homeworld.
2016 - 2021 C.E
Invid formally declares Crusade against Robotech Imperium, swiftly reoccupying Optera. Invid forces launch all out assault against well entrench Tyrolian & Zentraedi Borderers they encounters on every Imperium coreworlds & colonies.
Imperium coreworlds & outlying colonies sever commo links for fear of Invid reprisals. Invid crusade intensifies, cutting large swath of destruction through out the Imperium & Invid initiate large scale massacre against any surviving Triumvirate colonists.
Atleast two minor outlying Imperium colonies escaped Invid detection, the desperate 8 million Triumvirate colonists & 125,000 Border Fleet personnels relocate to an abandon Disciples of Zor’s military base deep in an asteroid star system (known as Pirate’s Cluster) outside Imperium borders now controlled by the Invid.
2022 C.E
The overly spent Invid horde finally invades Tyrol, conquering it swiftly. Only 280 million Tyrolian natives survived the initial invasion. Planetary wide massacre by Invid Regent forces stopped cold as internal rift between Invid Supreme Monarchs deepens. Invid Scientist Tesla appointed to become Invid Occupation Governor on Invid-occupied Tyrol.
Regent, deprived of 2/3rds of Invid piloted mechanized forces loyal to Regess, embarks on Inorganic terror units development to supplement his depleted manpower following the losses suffered during Invid crusades against Robotech Empire.
Eventual separation of the two halves of entire Invid forces, those loyal to Regess (Invid Scientific community, 2/3rd of Invid piloted mechanized forces & entire Invid Royalists castes) & those loyal to Regent (Invid Fleet Commanders & entire fledgling Invid Armada, independent Invid Brains & their Inorganic garrisons, third tier Invid Scientists & independent Invid Field Commanders alongside their mechanized forces).
Triumvirate colonists & their Borderers hiding out at Pirate’s Cluster take to space pirating in order to survive, striking against Invid protoculture supply runs. These space pirates also raiding abandoned Zentraedi bases in outlying sectors for supplies.
SDF-3 launches with her complement of 6 Valivarre-class escort vessels (mimicking Tyrolian Border Forces’s Task Force) from Earth & join the Expeditionary fleet already engaged in the search of Tyrol, marking the beginning of Pioneer Mission.
2023 – 2029 C.E
Regent proceeds to conquer the Sentinels worlds, in the opposite order with which they are liberated, with the last being Karbarra. Establishment of Invid garrison on major Sentinels’ worlds.
Space pirates begin forcibly conscripted Zentraedi stragglers & Zentraedi rogues - who escaped from Dolza’s fleet destruction on Sol System - whom they encountered during long-forays raids. These space pirates learn of Humanity existence & begin daringly conducting raids to Terran off-world colonies, even reaching Sol-system on several raiding occasions.
EF established anti-piracy taskforce with infamous EF Special Forces unit, Wolfe Pack & UES Valivarre commanded by Captain Kazianna Hesh to deal with space pirate’s threats.
Pioneer Mission searches the Galaxy for the Robotech Masters' empire. En route they encounter a number of adversaries, all humanoid / Tyroloid in origin, such as micronized Zentraedi, pirates, & report these encounters back to the United Earth Government via Space Station Liberty, explaining why in the early part of the 2nd Robotech War, the United Earth Defence Forces alternately mistakes the Masters for all of the above.
Expeditionary Fleet discovers more abandoned Robotech automated factories & Robotech Repair Satellites, alongside Imperium fringe colonies which yields only Imperium ruins. Efforts are made to colonise these worlds & turning abandoned automated factories into EF colonies & logistical bases. Still more children born in this period on the EF fleet, number of Terran & micronised Zentraedi colonists slowly growing on EF colony-worlds & deep space installations.
2029 C.E
Robotech Masters & Imperial Armada arrived in Sol-System & immediately cut off contact with Space Station Liberty, proceeds to attack Earth. 2nd Robotech War begins. EF lost contact with UEF in Sol-system soon after.
EF, engaged with remnants of the space pirates (Zentraedi Borderers), notices the loss of signal & Adam Rheinhardt, commander of Pioneer Mission sends Carpenter's Tokugawa-class carrier ship, UES Hannibal to investigate.
UEDF on besieged Earth reestablishes contact with Liberty, & sends distress call to EF. UES Hannibal arrives at Earth & is destroyed.
EF locates Pirate’s Cluster asteroid star system. Plenipoteniary Council approved Col. Thomas Riley Edwards & his Ghostrider Taskforce to strike deep into the pirate’s den & destroy the space pirates. The space pirates ambushed the EF strike force which almost nearly annihilated before Pioneer Mission flotilla arrived in-system for assistance. EF Fleet Admiral, Supreme Cmmdr Breetai Kridanik initiates ‘Mynmay Operation’ & successfully contaminated the space pirates (Zentraedi Borderers & Triumvirate colonists refugees). EF Zentraedi Minister of Affairs, Exedore Formo brokered peace treaties with the reformed space pirates.
Invid Tesla promoted as Regent’s Supreme Scientist, departs Tyrol & collected Sentinels specimens along his jaunt across the 4th Quadrant sector for Invid scientific & evolutionary research. Invid Obsim becomes new Invid Occupation Governor on Tyrol.
Regess & her loyalists Invid faction, departs from 4th Quadrant to parts unknown. In retaliation, Regent elects new mate, an Invid sub-queen as his new Regess.
2030 C.E
Pioneer Mission (SDF-3 & 6 Valivarre class-escorts) is supplemented by former Borderers units (Makross class Monitor & 6 Seron Thoun escorts). Furnished with Tyrol coordinates, the combined Pioneer Mission & Borderer fleet folds there, immediately engaged in hostile contact with unidentified hostile aliens there.
Message arrives on Tyrol requesting help from the EF to fight the Masters. The Plenipotentiary Council orders a relief expedition to be sent as soon as possible.
Additional EF fleet reinforcement arrived in Valivarre system & begins to liberate Tyrol from the Invid. EF receives Liberty's distress call, but is unable to return because of its heavy naval commitment at Tyrol. EF achieves space supremacy, freeing up ships to send back to Earth. Two waves of vessels including Transport 85 Squadron & the infamous Wolff Pack are sent.
United Earth Forces embattled fleet links up with vessels from EF reinforcement for the final two naval battles for Earth. 2nd Robotech War ends as Imperial Armada soundly defeated in phyrric victory by UEF. Invid Sensor Nebula in Sol-System detected protoculture emission from Earth & FoL spores which are spreading across Earth surface.
Invid are finally identified as the enemy entrenched on Tyrol, UEG on Earth is notified via Liberty. Aware of the Invid threat now, Earth authorizes the EF to fight the Invid, hoping to keep them from going to Earth.
2031 C.E
Sentinels captives stages mutiny aboard Tesla’s ship, captures him as hostage & taken over the ship command. Establishment of Sentinels militia & eventual arrival at Tyrol. Hasty alliances are made between EF High Command, Sentinel & Zentraedi Borderers to address the Invid threat still entreched in Tyrol.
EF lands troops on Tyrol, terrestrial & surface military campaign to liberate Tyrol begins. Pioneer Mission Commander, Col. Adam Rheinhardt dies during liberation of Tiresia. GhostRider Taskforce under Gen. TR Edwards captured Invid Brain in secret operation. Mop up operations will take 3 Earth Standard months in Tyrol eventual liberation from Invid units. Eventual surrender of Invid Obsim, former Invid Governor of Tyrol to EF High Command
Tiresia Base is completed & staffed by EF troops. Massive relief effort for the Tyrolian citizenry begins. Plenipotentiary Council & EF are asked by Tyrol's citizenry to administrate their world.
Regent sends Invid reinforcement to Tyrol but after heavy engagement, the Invid support fleet is defeated but SDF-3 is damaged in the fight & is left unable to fold.
Early in this period, the Regess arrives at & conquers Earth. Survivors & refugees from the Invid Invasion escaped from Earth to deep space in mass evacuation oversees by EF & SCA personnels. Liberty is folded out from Sol-System shortly thereafter.
Resettlement of the 8 million Triumvirate colonists refugees to Tyrol & reestablishment of Tyrolian Border Fleet personnel of 125,000 men as Tyrolian Republican Guard. New Tyrol Republic is established.
New Zarkopolis City is established at Rylac region on Tyrol by former Zentraedi Borderers. Many Zentraedi émigrés, both EF micronised Zentraedi personnels & colonists relocate there in order to reconnect to Zentraedi way of life.
New Tyrol Republic holds its first world-wide election, & former Robotech Master Cabell becomes its first Pro-Consul.
2032 – 2038 C.E
Expeditionary Council replaces Plenipoteniary Council, & make Tyrol as its base of operations. Expeditionary Force officially renamed as United Earth Expeditionary Forces & undergone internal reorganization.
Point K is established by EF & SCA survivors, & Expeditionary Council learns for certain that the Invid hold Earth. Intermittent contact continues between Point K on Earth & UEEF Mars colony but cease altogether from 2038 onwards.
Sentinels War begins. Sentinels' worlds are liberated in the opposite order in which they are captured, to free the most industrialized & least entrenched worlds first. Sentinels War adopts policy 'UEEF In Air & Space, Sentinels on Surface' during the star-systems hopping missions to liberate Sentinel worlds.
Arrival of UES Marcus Antonius in Valivarre system, loaded with 175,000 Triumvirate clones refugees from 2nd Robotech War. New Tyrol Republic repatriates the clones as its new citizens.
Regent's forces, out of protoculture & over-extended, begin to lose grip on major Sentinels worlds.
Regent sends his emissary in his likeness to Tyrol to negotiate possible peace treaty with EF High Command. Expeditionary Council nearly accepts the offer until the Invid emissary is assassinated by unknown third party.
2035 C.E
New Tyrol Republic becomes Sentinel Confederation signatories.
2038 – 2040 C.E
UEEF High Command split because of schism between Edwards' & Hunter's factions. Under pressure from Edwards faction, Expeditonary Council approves reconnaissance mission to Earth to be undertaken.
Reconnaissance missions to Earth begin. The United Earth Expeditionary Force launches its first large scale assault on Reflex Point. The attack fails miserably, resulting in heavy losses for the UEEF 10th Mars Division of First Earth Reclaimation Mission in 2038AD. UEEF High Command learns about the existence of another Invid Monarch, the Regess.
Sentinels War nearly draws to a close. Joint Mop-Up operations begin to clear the Regent's Invid from 4th Quadrant. Tesla links up with remaining Invid faction & starts Invid Civil War on Optera. Regent escaped with his loyal troops.
2041 C.E
Gen. TR Edwards openly accuse Expeditionary Council for favoritism towards its Sentinels allies rather than the fate of Earth’s humanity under Invid occupation.
Edwards stages a coup on Tyrol & holds the Expeditionary Council & UEEF General Staffs as hostage. The entire GhostRider Taskforce units pledged their loyalty to Edwards’ cause. GhostRider units set up combat positions all around Tiresia & declare martial law all over Tyrol.
UEEF Civil War begins on Tyrol between Edwards & Hunter's faction. Tiresia is heavily devastated during the Invid Inorganics rampage (controlled by Edwards). The Tyrolian Orbital Yard in Tyrol’s orbit is gutted by Edwards’ faction. The Sentinels Expedition return to Tyrol & the combined loyalists rout Edwards' forces.
Regent's flagship arrive in Tyrol orbit & help Edwards escape Valivarre system after crippling the SDF-3. Reinforced with TR Edwards, Regent re-occupy Optera & Tesla flees to parts unknown.
2042 C.E
Tiresia cityscape is under heavy reconstruction. Expeditionary Council relocates from Tyrol to Space Station Liberty.
The 21st Mars Division arrives at Earth as part of the Second Earth Reclamation Force. The fleet is intercepted before its troops can begin their atmospheric insertion, and is quickly destroyed by the Invid.
The newly refit UES Tokugawa under Captain Grant is ordered to track wayward Edward. The hunt for the UEEF traitor begins.
The heavily damaged Tyrolian Orbital Yard is declared unsalvageable, thus production of new UEEF starships will only resumed after reactivation & refurbishment of new naval production center aboard Robotech Factory Satellite, which will take considerable precious resources.
Sentinels faction pledges to help rebuild UEEF fleet in order for the Final Earth Reclaimation Mission. Haydonite provide assistance in installing Shadow Technology to EF mechas & warships.
2043 C.E
UES Tokugawa locates Optera, after massive assault, the ship is destroyed. Both Regent & Breetai die as a result of TR Edward's treachery. Edwards controlled remaining Invid forces on Optera.
Admiral Hunter is on tour aboard Liberty, overseeing the final preparation for Earth Reclaimation Mission. He later launches the final mission to subjugate Edwards & rogue Invid on Optera with recommissioned SDF-3. Edwards dies & remaining Invid threat is wiped out from Optera after extensive UEEF ground operation.
Efforts are now underway for the Earth's liberation against Regess occupation. Support from Mars & other Sol-System colonies paved the way in rebuilding ALuCE Moon Base in preparation for the Reclaimation Mission.
2044 C.E
Neutron S missiles incorporated into UEEF fleet. SDF-3 & UES Deukalion fold to Omicron Sector to conduct the top secret missile test.
Remainder of UEEF fleet returns to Earth. SDF-3 fails to join the fleet & considered MIA.
Battle of Reflex Point.
AL: Aeon Lanack
I.C: Imperium Calendar
BCE: Before Christ Era
CE: Christ Era
Special Note:
Given that UEEF connection to Tyrol, thus Terrans exploits during early EF & Pioneer Mission, including later development of UEEF recent history is also included in this chronology.
12100 B.C.E (Archaic Age)
Humans (Homo Sapien Sapiens) are transplanted to Praxis & Tyrol by enigmatic Settlers (Haydon?).
11800 B.C.E (Archaic Age)
'Settlers' vanish. Tyrolians scatter over the planet, some carrying agriculture with them, others adopting pastoralism. Advent of hunter-gatherer societies.
11630 B.C.E (Archaic Age)
Traditional date for the birth of Zor'de, first incarnation of the Tyrolian deity Fanto, who drove away the enslaving P'tok demons, according to the Tyrolian epic Zor'deroma.
6500 B.C.E (Ancient Age)
First appearance of walled city-states, in De'ver river valley.
5970 B.C.E (Ancient Age)
Traditional date for the birth of Lanack, third incarnation of the Tyrolian deity Fanto, who defeated the armies of the evil god-king Moltok & taught the Dev'erians the art of civilization, according to the ancient Tyrolian epic Lanack Estdo're. (1 A.L.)
5800 B.C.E (Ancient Age)
Writing developed in the Dev'er river valley civilization. (c. 30 A.L.)
4700 B.C.E (Ancient Age)
Earliest versions of the myths contained in the Lanack Estdo're & Zor'deroma are likely written down. (c. 225 A.L.)
2340 B.C.E (Ancient Age)
Oldest extant fragments of the Lanack Estdo're & Zor'deroma are composed (642 A.L.)
1200 B.C.E (Ancient Age)
De’ver city states overrun by Tettelian desert & steppe barbarians. Establishment of Tettelian Empire, adopting Dev’er culture in the process.
721 B.C.E (Antiquity Age)
Ein'liba Empire reaches its furthest extent, overrunning Forasi city-states & competing with Tettelian successive dynasties. (928 A.L.)
301 B.C.E. (Late Antiquity Age)
Ein'liba Empire collapses due to internal strife. Start of world-wide Ranaath epidemic that consumed more than 2/3rd of the entire Tyrolian populations. (1002 A.L.)
360 C.E. (Medieval Age)
Tiresians emerge as a powerful nation. (1119 A.L.)
450 – 550 C.E (Colonial Age)
Industrial revolution begins in Su'tone region. (1135 A.L.)
Su’tonean states (including Tiresia & Rylac) launch aggressive colonisation expansions towards Tettelian region & Paerana continent.
570 – 660 C.E (Modern Age)
Rapid modernization of all Tyrolian nation-states. The start of three consecutive Tyrolian World Wars, pitting the Republican states & Monarchists factions. The usage of nuclear weaponry by both Rylac-Tiresia Republican alliance ending the 3rd World War.
Rapid growth in both technology & population.
652 C.E (Modern Age)
Tyrolians launch first satellite into Tyrolian orbit. (1171 A.L.)
668 C.E. (Modern Age)
Tyrolian mathematician & physicist Rogelo Turbin formulates a Superstring Theory of Everything, uniting all four fundamental forces. This result is used to derive a classical General Relativity, & predicts the existence of a six-dimensional hyperspace in addition to four dimensional space-time. Fold drives become a theoretical possibility. (1174 A.L.)
816 C.E. (Space Age)
Explorer Tovaal Lureq leads Tyrol's first attempt at colonization of the other moons. Their ships, lacking power, cannot escape Fantoma's gravity to explore other planets. (1200 A.L.)
850 – 950 C.E (Space Age)
Establishment of in-system colonies, with Tyrolians expanded from their moons to other planets within Valivarre System.
992 C.E. (Space Age)
Monopoles are isolated in Fantoma's rings, paving the way for the first fold-drives. (1231 A.L.)
1036 C.E. (Stellar Age)
Tyrolian civilization develops first fold-capable ship. Extensive exploration efforts by Tyrolian space voyagers to discover new worlds outer Valivarre system for colonisation. (1238 A.L.)
Massive off-world colonisation efforts carried out by Tyrolian merchant trade blocs.
1116 C.E. (Stellar Age)
Karbarrans first contacted, initiating first contact between two races. (1252 A.L.)
1131 C.E (Stellar Age)
The largest off-world colony colonised, mainly by Tyrolians of Rylacian origin. (1255 A.L.)
1166 C.E (Stellar Age)
Tyrol unites into the Stellar Republic. Modern Tiresia founded on Tyrol near the site of the old city. (0 I.C., 1261 A.L.)
As Stellar Republic absorbs many Tyrolian off world colonies, other independent colonies banded together with the largest Rylac colony to form autonomous Tyrolian Colonies Republic.
1172 C.E (Stellar Age)
Comprehensive Karbarran-Tyrolian trade pact signed, benefited both parties. Joint space exploration by Karbarran Hegemony & Stellar Republic. (1262 A.L.)
1274 -1306 C.E (Stellar Age)
V'loxian War between Karbarra-Tyrol alliance against V’loxian sauroids. Republican troops released bio-agent (modified Ranaath virus) to V’loxian homeworld, ensuring the extinction of the sauroid race. (1280-1285 A.L.)
1308 – 1315 C.E (Stellar Age)
A small V’loxian sauroid refugees of 55,000 survivors are given safe haven on Peryton. Stellar Republic launch pre-emptive strike to subjugate Peryton, stopped short after Karbarra issued dire warning of economic & dire political sanctions if the sauroid refugees are harmed. Tyrolian Stellar Republican troops establish permanent military garrison on Peryton with large Tyrolians colonists migrated there, displacing other Perytonian natives & recent alien migrants.
Half a dozen minor wars between Stellar troops & Emaan migrants to control Perytonian surface erupted occasionally.
1331 C.E (Stellar Age)
Peryton properly annexed into Stellar Republic. Karbarra Hegemony – Stellar Republic relationship worsens.
1339 C.E (Stellar Age)
Karbarra severs ties with Tyrol, & gives preferred trading status to autonomous Tyrolian Colonies Republic. Stellar Republic slowly suffers from economic loss & eventual energy crises with Sekitan ores no longer available. Stellar Republic launches several techno-voyager research & survey teams to deep space to find viable energy source.
1343 C.E (Stellar Age)
Tyrolian deep space survey ship - Azstraph enters Tzuptum system, discovers Optera & Zor Derelda discovery of Invid Flower of Life & derives Protoculture from it. (1293 A.L.)
1343-1360 C.E (The Great Transition)
Cloning technologies accelerate at a great pace, thanks to discoveries associated with Protoculture. Zor Derelda become 1st Robotech Master, & wins Protoculture-associated patents while his colleagues set up Robotech consortium. (1293-1296 A.L.)
1351 C.E (The Great Transition)
Fold drives perfected. (1294 A.L.)
1355 C.E (The Great Transition)
Zentraedi are created under Republican Senate’s behest as source of free off-world laborers. (1295 A.L.)
Robotech consortium secretly establishes bases on Fantoman moons, Stonol & Falcaro, over-produced the number of Zentraedi as supply outgrows demands.
Robotech consortium wins a contract to become military contractor in supplying Zentraedi in charge of security to Stellar Republic’s monopole mining facilities throughout Stellar vast territories.
1361 C.E (Imperial Age)
Robotech Elders overthrow the Tyrolian Stellar Republic & install the Triumvirate system of Government. Establishment & eventual subjugation of former Stellar colonies into Robotech Tyrolian Mercantile Empire. (139212 I.C., 1296 A.L.)
1379-1382 C.E (Imperial Age)
Karbarra invaded & conquered by the Zentraedi Regular Armies. (152000-154100 I.C.)
1393 C.E (Imperial Age)
Zentraedi ordered to defoliate Optera. Robotech Mercantile Empire starts to expand its influence over the Tyrolian colonies & other worlds. (161000 I.C.)
1382 - 1450 C.E (Imperial Age)
Eventual subjugation of entire Local Group worlds by Zentraedi under Imperium orders.
Elders & Masters retire to their motherships & live in their new triumvirate clone-society, abandoning Tyrol's surface. Invid begin a fold-guerrilla campaign of terror against the Masters' outermost worlds. (202000 I.C.)
1450 C.E (Imperial Age)
Zentraedi Punitive Fleet arrive near Optera & proceeds to bombard the entire planet, but majority of Invid forces already escaped to parts unknown. Punitive Fleet continues with savage & brutal Opteran terrestrial campaign, wiping out the surviving Invid & irradiated Optera surface.
1481-1502 C.E (Imperial Age)
Zor retires briefly to Tyrolian Colonies Republic to continue his researches & collaborate with colonial colleagues. While there, he pseudonymously pens a series of political & philosophical tracts favoring federalist republicanism over the current Imperium. Zor is recalled by the Elders & is severely reprimanded, but his writings strike a chord in the Tyrolian Colonies Republic’s populace & in the old patrician families on Tyrol & elsewhere. Republican nationalism blossoms. (224000-239000 I.C.)
1509 – 1519 C.E (Imperial Age)
The chorus for Republicanism grow strong & infiltrate every corners of the Imperium. Karbarra & Peryton, alongside Tyrolian Colonies Republic lead the pack in favoring Republican system over Triumvirate system of governance.
1519 – 1520 C.E (Imperial Age)
The ideological crisis begins. The Robotech Masters demand Tyrolian Colonies Republic surrender its sovereignty & that of its independent colonies to the Robotech Empire. Tyrolian Colonies Republic balks, & a major fleet of Zentraedi warships – Supervision Army is sent as a threat. The Zentraedi become contaminated by & enamored with rebel colonists culture, & eventually refuse to carry out their orders. When word arrives that an example is to be made of them, a third of the planet's population is hurriedly evacuated by their new Zentraedi allies, just as the Grand Fleet arrives to destroy the rebel colony. In all, 500 million rebel colonists & 1.7 billion rebel Zentraedi of Supervision Army escape into the vastness of space. (250700-251900 I.C.)
1562 C.E (Imperial Age)
The rebellious Tyrolian Colonies Republic, their independent colonies & many Tyrolian aristocratic sympathizers & rogue Zentraedi Supervision Army, known collectively to the Elders & the Masters as "Zor's Disciples", declare Holy War on the Robotech Mercantile Empire. The Masters dramatically increase the numbers of loyal Zentraedi Regular Armies to counter the threat. (281412 I.C.)
1590-1790 C.E (Imperial Age)
Caught between the Robotech Civil War on one front, & the attrition against outlying territories by the Invid, the Imperium begins to show signs of collapse. (301000-450000 I.C.)
1792 C.E (Imperial Age)
The Robotech Rebel fleet arrives on Tyrol & launches a massive offensive against the Robotech Empire. The Tyrolian patricians, long stifled by the Triumvirates, throw their lot in with the "Disciples of Zor". The Zentraedi Regular Armies units loyal to the Empire are insufficient to defend the homeworld, & the Elders & Masters are forced to bring out their elite Imperial Bioroid Forces & newly created Tyrolian Border Fleet armies. The Robotech Rebels are driven back, but at great cost. The Tyrolian patricians go into exile among the retreating Disciples of Zor. (445000 I.C.)
1800 C.E (Renaissance Age)
Elders' empire is broken. Robotech Masters seize reins of power from Elders, who remain on as figureheads. Though the foundations are weakened, an Imperial renaissance begins. (450000 I.C.)
Massive recolonization efforts to repopulate the entire Imperium with new Triumvirate clone societies begin in earnest.
1850 C.E (Renaissance Age)
Invid military campaign intensifies, taking advantage of the chaos caused by the Robotech Civil War. (486000 I.C.)
1922 C.E (Renaissance Age)
3 non-triumvirate original Robotech Masters; Zor, Vard & Cabell refuse the last life extension programme on Tyrol in pacifist rebellion against Masters’ excesses. From that moment onwards, the rebellious Robotech Masters vowed to age normally, avoiding youthful immortality that usually came with subservient Compulsion engrams to the Imperium.
1940 C.E (Renaissance Age)
Loyal Zentraedi Regular Armies (of 101st Assault Combine Fleet – Breetai Kridanik Command) crush the rebels & all loyal Zentraedi are reprogrammed to remember the danger of contact with micronian races. The final Disciples of Zor stronghold is annihilated by the Zentraedi Borderers Taskforce & 101st Assault Combine Fleet of Zentraedi Regular Armies. Remaining rebel fleet limps away into the darkness, led by surviving Disciples of Zor. Protoculture supplies are dangerously low & Imperial renaissance nearly founders because of the imminent power crisis. (545000 I.C.)
1947 C.E (Renaissance Age)
Adoclass Imperial Fleet under Dolza’s personal command locates Invid hideout in Large Magellanic Cloud, initiating the largest military expedition against the Invid entrenched on their adopted homeworld. 8 million Zentraedi locked in brutal mortal combat with 20 million Invid in Tawkhan campaign, which nearly become a stalemate, but a surgical strike led by joint Quadrono unit under Zentraedi ace, Miriya Paarino & commando raid by Breetai Kridanik against central Invid Hive marked the Zentraedi Regular Armies success against their ancient foes.
1950 – 1998 C.E (Renaissance Age)
Zor sent to seed other worlds with Flower of Life under watchful eyes of Zentraedi Border Forces. Unbeknownst to them & Robotech Masters, Zor introduces only sterile mutant varieties instead of the fertile original batch on alien worlds he visited. (553000 I.C.)
Feb, 1999 C.E (Renaissance Age)
Zor & his companion, Vard are killed by an Invid ambush on a seeding mission. His battlefortress, a Border Fleet vessel - Makross class monitor is sent to Earth. Invid steadily but surely closing on Imperial core systems. (574300 I.C.)
July, 1999 C.E (Renaissance Age)
Zor's battlefortress arrives & crashes on Earth.
Sep, 1999 C.E (Renaissance Age)
Robotech Masters authorize Dolza to use 'any means necessary' to recapture Zor's Fortress. (574800 I.C.)
April 19, 2011 C.E (Renaissance Age)
A peace agreement is reached between SDF-1 Macross & Breetai Kridanik's 1 million strong ships of Adoclass Imperial Fleet. Dolza's Grand Fleet (Gorg BoDolza) arrives in the solar system, leaving the entire Imperium virtually undefended. Dolza's fleet is annihilated.
Oct, 2014 C.E
Robotech Masters & Imperial Armada depart Tyrol for Earth. Border Fleet units are recalled to defend the Imperium core systems from possible Invid incursions.
2014 - 2015 C.E
Protoculture crises hits the entire Imperium, anarchy & violent riots erupted in every major Imperium worlds. Tyrolian Border Fleet units forced to depart from their nearly powerless ships & establish permanent terrestrial bases under orders from Triumvirate planetary Governors.
2015 – 2022 C.E
Earth launches Expeditionary Fleet to pave the way for Gloval Initiative Plan 2014 – large scale deep space colonisation mission & to locate Masters’ homeworld.
2016 - 2021 C.E
Invid formally declares Crusade against Robotech Imperium, swiftly reoccupying Optera. Invid forces launch all out assault against well entrench Tyrolian & Zentraedi Borderers they encounters on every Imperium coreworlds & colonies.
Imperium coreworlds & outlying colonies sever commo links for fear of Invid reprisals. Invid crusade intensifies, cutting large swath of destruction through out the Imperium & Invid initiate large scale massacre against any surviving Triumvirate colonists.
Atleast two minor outlying Imperium colonies escaped Invid detection, the desperate 8 million Triumvirate colonists & 125,000 Border Fleet personnels relocate to an abandon Disciples of Zor’s military base deep in an asteroid star system (known as Pirate’s Cluster) outside Imperium borders now controlled by the Invid.
2022 C.E
The overly spent Invid horde finally invades Tyrol, conquering it swiftly. Only 280 million Tyrolian natives survived the initial invasion. Planetary wide massacre by Invid Regent forces stopped cold as internal rift between Invid Supreme Monarchs deepens. Invid Scientist Tesla appointed to become Invid Occupation Governor on Invid-occupied Tyrol.
Regent, deprived of 2/3rds of Invid piloted mechanized forces loyal to Regess, embarks on Inorganic terror units development to supplement his depleted manpower following the losses suffered during Invid crusades against Robotech Empire.
Eventual separation of the two halves of entire Invid forces, those loyal to Regess (Invid Scientific community, 2/3rd of Invid piloted mechanized forces & entire Invid Royalists castes) & those loyal to Regent (Invid Fleet Commanders & entire fledgling Invid Armada, independent Invid Brains & their Inorganic garrisons, third tier Invid Scientists & independent Invid Field Commanders alongside their mechanized forces).
Triumvirate colonists & their Borderers hiding out at Pirate’s Cluster take to space pirating in order to survive, striking against Invid protoculture supply runs. These space pirates also raiding abandoned Zentraedi bases in outlying sectors for supplies.
SDF-3 launches with her complement of 6 Valivarre-class escort vessels (mimicking Tyrolian Border Forces’s Task Force) from Earth & join the Expeditionary fleet already engaged in the search of Tyrol, marking the beginning of Pioneer Mission.
2023 – 2029 C.E
Regent proceeds to conquer the Sentinels worlds, in the opposite order with which they are liberated, with the last being Karbarra. Establishment of Invid garrison on major Sentinels’ worlds.
Space pirates begin forcibly conscripted Zentraedi stragglers & Zentraedi rogues - who escaped from Dolza’s fleet destruction on Sol System - whom they encountered during long-forays raids. These space pirates learn of Humanity existence & begin daringly conducting raids to Terran off-world colonies, even reaching Sol-system on several raiding occasions.
EF established anti-piracy taskforce with infamous EF Special Forces unit, Wolfe Pack & UES Valivarre commanded by Captain Kazianna Hesh to deal with space pirate’s threats.
Pioneer Mission searches the Galaxy for the Robotech Masters' empire. En route they encounter a number of adversaries, all humanoid / Tyroloid in origin, such as micronized Zentraedi, pirates, & report these encounters back to the United Earth Government via Space Station Liberty, explaining why in the early part of the 2nd Robotech War, the United Earth Defence Forces alternately mistakes the Masters for all of the above.
Expeditionary Fleet discovers more abandoned Robotech automated factories & Robotech Repair Satellites, alongside Imperium fringe colonies which yields only Imperium ruins. Efforts are made to colonise these worlds & turning abandoned automated factories into EF colonies & logistical bases. Still more children born in this period on the EF fleet, number of Terran & micronised Zentraedi colonists slowly growing on EF colony-worlds & deep space installations.
2029 C.E
Robotech Masters & Imperial Armada arrived in Sol-System & immediately cut off contact with Space Station Liberty, proceeds to attack Earth. 2nd Robotech War begins. EF lost contact with UEF in Sol-system soon after.
EF, engaged with remnants of the space pirates (Zentraedi Borderers), notices the loss of signal & Adam Rheinhardt, commander of Pioneer Mission sends Carpenter's Tokugawa-class carrier ship, UES Hannibal to investigate.
UEDF on besieged Earth reestablishes contact with Liberty, & sends distress call to EF. UES Hannibal arrives at Earth & is destroyed.
EF locates Pirate’s Cluster asteroid star system. Plenipoteniary Council approved Col. Thomas Riley Edwards & his Ghostrider Taskforce to strike deep into the pirate’s den & destroy the space pirates. The space pirates ambushed the EF strike force which almost nearly annihilated before Pioneer Mission flotilla arrived in-system for assistance. EF Fleet Admiral, Supreme Cmmdr Breetai Kridanik initiates ‘Mynmay Operation’ & successfully contaminated the space pirates (Zentraedi Borderers & Triumvirate colonists refugees). EF Zentraedi Minister of Affairs, Exedore Formo brokered peace treaties with the reformed space pirates.
Invid Tesla promoted as Regent’s Supreme Scientist, departs Tyrol & collected Sentinels specimens along his jaunt across the 4th Quadrant sector for Invid scientific & evolutionary research. Invid Obsim becomes new Invid Occupation Governor on Tyrol.
Regess & her loyalists Invid faction, departs from 4th Quadrant to parts unknown. In retaliation, Regent elects new mate, an Invid sub-queen as his new Regess.
2030 C.E
Pioneer Mission (SDF-3 & 6 Valivarre class-escorts) is supplemented by former Borderers units (Makross class Monitor & 6 Seron Thoun escorts). Furnished with Tyrol coordinates, the combined Pioneer Mission & Borderer fleet folds there, immediately engaged in hostile contact with unidentified hostile aliens there.
Message arrives on Tyrol requesting help from the EF to fight the Masters. The Plenipotentiary Council orders a relief expedition to be sent as soon as possible.
Additional EF fleet reinforcement arrived in Valivarre system & begins to liberate Tyrol from the Invid. EF receives Liberty's distress call, but is unable to return because of its heavy naval commitment at Tyrol. EF achieves space supremacy, freeing up ships to send back to Earth. Two waves of vessels including Transport 85 Squadron & the infamous Wolff Pack are sent.
United Earth Forces embattled fleet links up with vessels from EF reinforcement for the final two naval battles for Earth. 2nd Robotech War ends as Imperial Armada soundly defeated in phyrric victory by UEF. Invid Sensor Nebula in Sol-System detected protoculture emission from Earth & FoL spores which are spreading across Earth surface.
Invid are finally identified as the enemy entrenched on Tyrol, UEG on Earth is notified via Liberty. Aware of the Invid threat now, Earth authorizes the EF to fight the Invid, hoping to keep them from going to Earth.
2031 C.E
Sentinels captives stages mutiny aboard Tesla’s ship, captures him as hostage & taken over the ship command. Establishment of Sentinels militia & eventual arrival at Tyrol. Hasty alliances are made between EF High Command, Sentinel & Zentraedi Borderers to address the Invid threat still entreched in Tyrol.
EF lands troops on Tyrol, terrestrial & surface military campaign to liberate Tyrol begins. Pioneer Mission Commander, Col. Adam Rheinhardt dies during liberation of Tiresia. GhostRider Taskforce under Gen. TR Edwards captured Invid Brain in secret operation. Mop up operations will take 3 Earth Standard months in Tyrol eventual liberation from Invid units. Eventual surrender of Invid Obsim, former Invid Governor of Tyrol to EF High Command
Tiresia Base is completed & staffed by EF troops. Massive relief effort for the Tyrolian citizenry begins. Plenipotentiary Council & EF are asked by Tyrol's citizenry to administrate their world.
Regent sends Invid reinforcement to Tyrol but after heavy engagement, the Invid support fleet is defeated but SDF-3 is damaged in the fight & is left unable to fold.
Early in this period, the Regess arrives at & conquers Earth. Survivors & refugees from the Invid Invasion escaped from Earth to deep space in mass evacuation oversees by EF & SCA personnels. Liberty is folded out from Sol-System shortly thereafter.
Resettlement of the 8 million Triumvirate colonists refugees to Tyrol & reestablishment of Tyrolian Border Fleet personnel of 125,000 men as Tyrolian Republican Guard. New Tyrol Republic is established.
New Zarkopolis City is established at Rylac region on Tyrol by former Zentraedi Borderers. Many Zentraedi émigrés, both EF micronised Zentraedi personnels & colonists relocate there in order to reconnect to Zentraedi way of life.
New Tyrol Republic holds its first world-wide election, & former Robotech Master Cabell becomes its first Pro-Consul.
2032 – 2038 C.E
Expeditionary Council replaces Plenipoteniary Council, & make Tyrol as its base of operations. Expeditionary Force officially renamed as United Earth Expeditionary Forces & undergone internal reorganization.
Point K is established by EF & SCA survivors, & Expeditionary Council learns for certain that the Invid hold Earth. Intermittent contact continues between Point K on Earth & UEEF Mars colony but cease altogether from 2038 onwards.
Sentinels War begins. Sentinels' worlds are liberated in the opposite order in which they are captured, to free the most industrialized & least entrenched worlds first. Sentinels War adopts policy 'UEEF In Air & Space, Sentinels on Surface' during the star-systems hopping missions to liberate Sentinel worlds.
Arrival of UES Marcus Antonius in Valivarre system, loaded with 175,000 Triumvirate clones refugees from 2nd Robotech War. New Tyrol Republic repatriates the clones as its new citizens.
Regent's forces, out of protoculture & over-extended, begin to lose grip on major Sentinels worlds.
Regent sends his emissary in his likeness to Tyrol to negotiate possible peace treaty with EF High Command. Expeditionary Council nearly accepts the offer until the Invid emissary is assassinated by unknown third party.
2035 C.E
New Tyrol Republic becomes Sentinel Confederation signatories.
2038 – 2040 C.E
UEEF High Command split because of schism between Edwards' & Hunter's factions. Under pressure from Edwards faction, Expeditonary Council approves reconnaissance mission to Earth to be undertaken.
Reconnaissance missions to Earth begin. The United Earth Expeditionary Force launches its first large scale assault on Reflex Point. The attack fails miserably, resulting in heavy losses for the UEEF 10th Mars Division of First Earth Reclaimation Mission in 2038AD. UEEF High Command learns about the existence of another Invid Monarch, the Regess.
Sentinels War nearly draws to a close. Joint Mop-Up operations begin to clear the Regent's Invid from 4th Quadrant. Tesla links up with remaining Invid faction & starts Invid Civil War on Optera. Regent escaped with his loyal troops.
2041 C.E
Gen. TR Edwards openly accuse Expeditionary Council for favoritism towards its Sentinels allies rather than the fate of Earth’s humanity under Invid occupation.
Edwards stages a coup on Tyrol & holds the Expeditionary Council & UEEF General Staffs as hostage. The entire GhostRider Taskforce units pledged their loyalty to Edwards’ cause. GhostRider units set up combat positions all around Tiresia & declare martial law all over Tyrol.
UEEF Civil War begins on Tyrol between Edwards & Hunter's faction. Tiresia is heavily devastated during the Invid Inorganics rampage (controlled by Edwards). The Tyrolian Orbital Yard in Tyrol’s orbit is gutted by Edwards’ faction. The Sentinels Expedition return to Tyrol & the combined loyalists rout Edwards' forces.
Regent's flagship arrive in Tyrol orbit & help Edwards escape Valivarre system after crippling the SDF-3. Reinforced with TR Edwards, Regent re-occupy Optera & Tesla flees to parts unknown.
2042 C.E
Tiresia cityscape is under heavy reconstruction. Expeditionary Council relocates from Tyrol to Space Station Liberty.
The 21st Mars Division arrives at Earth as part of the Second Earth Reclamation Force. The fleet is intercepted before its troops can begin their atmospheric insertion, and is quickly destroyed by the Invid.
The newly refit UES Tokugawa under Captain Grant is ordered to track wayward Edward. The hunt for the UEEF traitor begins.
The heavily damaged Tyrolian Orbital Yard is declared unsalvageable, thus production of new UEEF starships will only resumed after reactivation & refurbishment of new naval production center aboard Robotech Factory Satellite, which will take considerable precious resources.
Sentinels faction pledges to help rebuild UEEF fleet in order for the Final Earth Reclaimation Mission. Haydonite provide assistance in installing Shadow Technology to EF mechas & warships.
2043 C.E
UES Tokugawa locates Optera, after massive assault, the ship is destroyed. Both Regent & Breetai die as a result of TR Edward's treachery. Edwards controlled remaining Invid forces on Optera.
Admiral Hunter is on tour aboard Liberty, overseeing the final preparation for Earth Reclaimation Mission. He later launches the final mission to subjugate Edwards & rogue Invid on Optera with recommissioned SDF-3. Edwards dies & remaining Invid threat is wiped out from Optera after extensive UEEF ground operation.
Efforts are now underway for the Earth's liberation against Regess occupation. Support from Mars & other Sol-System colonies paved the way in rebuilding ALuCE Moon Base in preparation for the Reclaimation Mission.
2044 C.E
Neutron S missiles incorporated into UEEF fleet. SDF-3 & UES Deukalion fold to Omicron Sector to conduct the top secret missile test.
Remainder of UEEF fleet returns to Earth. SDF-3 fails to join the fleet & considered MIA.
Battle of Reflex Point.
- Jefffar
- Supreme Being
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You've been busy . . .
Official Hero of the Megaverse
Co-Holder with Ice Dragon of the "Lando Calrissian" award for Smooth. - Novastar
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Dead Boy wrote:All hail Jefffar... King of the Mods
Co-Holder with Ice Dragon of the "Lando Calrissian" award for Smooth. - Novastar
Palladium Forums of the Megaverse Rules
If you need to contact Palladium Books for any reason, click here.
Jefffar wrote:You've been busy . . .
You got that right ....
Now I wanna crawled under my bed, after countless available free hours spent on poring every nook of McKinney's novelizations, RT Art III, RT RPG, & even the OSM materials buried on my harddisc for the freaking research of the Masters history. Re-editing ..... DARN IT, I hate that word! Oooh, my lost precious time!

taalismn wrote:Nice....addresses the mystery of a 'common origin' of Terrans and Tirolians
I can just see some geneticists trying to extrapolate from comparisons of Terran and Torolian DNA what was the common ancestor and closest related groups on Earth...
A holdover from uRRG's original, unedited essay.
The matter has been debated to death in Hardcore forum years back, from logical extrapolation, humans & Tyrolians (to a certain extent, Praxians) shared a common biological lineage. I just choose the Homo sapiens part, when prehistoric humanity is just crawling as cave dwellers & ofcourse, let Haydon herded the primitives as slave laborers to Tyrol & Praxis.
I'm being vague on Haydon part, because well, Haydon is sorta like the original 'Protoculture' in SDF:M, however, unlike SDF:M's Protoculture engineered native life on Earth (& Zola) to create sub species of Protocultures; Haydon engineered native species or tinkered with ecological balance on various worlds in 4th Quadrant, on their visit to Earth, the primitive humans are carted off for further experimentation on foreign worlds.
- taalismn
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- Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:19 pm
- Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England
Good god almighty...aside from fractured syntax(which can be excused by sleep deprivation incurred while typing this all up), this is the most definitive fanwork on the Robotech Masters and their history I have ever seen...

"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
Nine Hands wrote:Pretty interesting stuff...I've downloaded them and printed them out. Hopefully I'll get a chance to read and provide some feedback.
Thanks, your feedback are deeply appreciated. Opinions, views, constructive criticism, just shoot 'em up ......
- avollant
- Wanderer
- Posts: 87
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- Comment: "Governments don't make mistakes; they encounter delays and setbacks!
- Location: St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec, Canada
I've noticed that you retain my idea the Kabarran didn't have fold drive until they met the Tirolian... Or was it just a coincidence?
Also, When will you start working on the New Generation Arc?
Also, When will you start working on the New Generation Arc?
I've noticed that you retain my idea the Kabarran didn't have fold drive until they met the Tirolian... Or was it just a coincidence?
Actually, that idea came from uRRG's Dr Peter Walker & Aubry Thonon. As I reiterated before, the Tyrolian History & Description essay (but RT Masters, Triumvirate & Triumviroid essay is my brainchild) is the original work of those guys, I only reedited & re-expanded the original essay, where the quoted addendum are my additions to the original work.
When will you start working on the New Generation Arc?
After I finished the Sentinel related essays .... which could be months from now. But I try my best to speed things up!
- avollant
- Wanderer
- Posts: 87
- Joined: Thu May 15, 2008 6:29 pm
- Comment: "Governments don't make mistakes; they encounter delays and setbacks!
- Location: St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec, Canada
The first real blow to unification campaign occurs in September 2001 CE. Al-Qaeda, an international terrorist group hijacks several passenger planes & launches suicide missions by strategically crashing the planes into World Trade Center in New York & US military nerve center in Pentagon, marking the second successful surgical strike on US soil by foreign aggressor following Pearl Harbor incident in World War II. The American answer is swift, effectively declaring a state of war against global terrorism. Coalition forces, swiftly overrun Afghanistan that long a hotbed for terrorist training centers. Unfortunately, US conveniently ignore the Middle East crisis that undermines the unification process, & situation is fast becoming toxic between Palestinians & Israelis.
There's a small mistake here... the world trade center is still showing in the Robotech Episode 82 "the big Apple"... Wich mean that most of New York survived the Zentraedi rain of Death.
Now my next question is How? could it be possible that New York managed to build a full city wide barrier before the Zentraedi attack?
Another mystery of Robotech.
- Jefffar
- Supreme Being
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- Comment: Being a moderator doesn't mean I speak for Palladium Books. It just makes me the lifeguard at their pool.
- Location: Unreality
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Maybe it got rebuilt . . .
Official Hero of the Megaverse
Co-Holder with Ice Dragon of the "Lando Calrissian" award for Smooth. - Novastar
Palladium Forums of the Megaverse Rules
If you need to contact Palladium Books for any reason, click here.
Dead Boy wrote:All hail Jefffar... King of the Mods
Co-Holder with Ice Dragon of the "Lando Calrissian" award for Smooth. - Novastar
Palladium Forums of the Megaverse Rules
If you need to contact Palladium Books for any reason, click here.
- avollant
- Wanderer
- Posts: 87
- Joined: Thu May 15, 2008 6:29 pm
- Comment: "Governments don't make mistakes; they encounter delays and setbacks!
- Location: St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec, Canada
That would be the simplest way to explain it however, given the time and resources to build the WTC, this seem unlikely. Just look at it today: work on the new Trade Center started in 2006 and won't be expected to fininsh until 2013...
In Robotech, add the Reconstruction of the SDF-1 then, the First Robotech War... Somehow, I don't think the resources will be there to rebuild the World Trade Center if it was destroyed.
Just my 2 cents
In Robotech, add the Reconstruction of the SDF-1 then, the First Robotech War... Somehow, I don't think the resources will be there to rebuild the World Trade Center if it was destroyed.
Just my 2 cents
- taalismn
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- Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England
Perhaps the towers seen were actually little more than fascades....monument towers made of the new megadamage materials but lacking in interior office and residency floors(maybe an observation platform or two), but their real purpose, aside from being monuments, is as radio transmission antennae(and part of the UEG civil preparedness network) the time of the Invid Invasion, however, they've become little more than glorified pigeon roosts...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
taalismn wrote:Perhaps the towers seen were actually little more than fascades....monument towers made of the new megadamage materials but lacking in interior office and residency floors(maybe an observation platform or two), but their real purpose, aside from being monuments, is as radio transmission antennae(and part of the UEG civil preparedness network) the time of the Invid Invasion, however, they've become little more than glorified pigeon roosts...
That makes sense...
They can't see me...Right!?
- taalismn
- Priest
- Posts: 49005
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- Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England
Of don't worry about it....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
The real question is why we are trying force history, especially post 1999, into the Robotech timeline? An alien spacecraft crashing to Earth would change the priorities of many, many things. In fact, I’d suggest forcing much past the 1980s into the RT timeline is somewhat suspicious. A major global war would most certainly alter the timeline from our contemporary one.
Well, look at it this way, these essays supposed to be fanfics, hardly official in any way, only to enrich the RPG rolegaming play. Heck, even the infamous Unofficial Robotech Reference Guide, formerly of Robotech Technical Files was developed in mid 1990s as an RT RPG supplement by Peter Walker, Pieter Thomassen & Rob Morgenstern!
Much of my addition of real-world events pre 1999 & parallelling the current War of Terrorism to RT-verse complementary to Global Civil War & Anti-Unification crises merely just to enrich gamers already familiar of current world events to be able to adapt to similar situation in RT-verse (specially after HG retconning pre-1999 events to mimic that of real world, in official & canonised RT WS comics).
CavScout wrote:Ok, but that didn't really answer the question and I doubt the uRRG was meant to be a RPG supplement.
HG new stance is that the so-called Global Civil War is now a smaller series of conflicts erupted all over the world, kinda very close of real world events in 1990s. In fact, events depicted in WS RT comics strays quite a bit from previous Global Civil War interpretation in various RT resources.
Kinda surprise eh regarding uRRG true origin? Back in mid 1990s, when the prototype of Robotech Technical Files is merely a collection of made up mecha & naval vessels stats for RT RPG, by both Pieter Thomassen & Peter Walker. It grew outta proportion as both guys consulted heavily on OSM, then they decided to come up with Robotech Technical Files in 1995 / 1996, that evolved to unOfficial Robotech Reference Guide back in 2000 / 2001.
Actually, to me, they smack of laziness and unoriginality. Prior to the 1999 crash of the SDF1, the Robotech timeline had drifted significantly apart from our own to have a global war going on. This alone would disrupt the causes for other events that occured in our own timeline.
The event pre 1999 & post SDF-1 crashed are not fairly documented in RT-verse, & old versions such as the original Robotech Graphic Novel published by Comico had become non-canon. As such, I myself do not have ample material to work with in constructing Global Civil War era, so I rely on real world events with made up conflicts to explain the Earth history from 1980s - early 2009 period. BTW, I lived in Malaysia, where we don't even have many Robotech sources to begin with, & heck, my 1st language isn't even English. So I worked within my limitations.
I don't intend to be original. Laziness, hardly. If I was really that lazy, I won't bother posting lengthy essays regarding RT-verse. I've real working life, part time studies & yet I able to find precious time to produce the fanfics, to share 'em with RT fans. In certain cases where I adapted someone else works, I acknowledged them as the true authors, not taking the credit for myself alone.
Fanworks are meant to be shared with fans, right?

BTW Cav, thanks for the constructive criticism.
- taalismn
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- Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:19 pm
- Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England
When you look at the various devlopment histories of the aircraft and other vehicles, you see hints that the conflict was shaping up before the 1990s...what with the Dragon II being the result of Swedish/American cooperation(these programs don't happen overnight)...
As far as the rest of it?
It's fanfiction...People can think what they can believe in the slow build-up or the sudden flare-up...real history is full of examples of both types of changes altering the course of world events...
I personally believe the Bavarian Illuminati are behind the whole thing...
As far as the rest of it?
It's fanfiction...People can think what they can believe in the slow build-up or the sudden flare-up...real history is full of examples of both types of changes altering the course of world events...
I personally believe the Bavarian Illuminati are behind the whole thing...

"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
CavScout wrote:
This seems to be the new throw-away excuses for anything someone questions. “Hey look, it’s HG’s fault!” Heck, even Palladium has taken up the mantra with that “letter to the fans” that KS put out.
Call it excuses if you want, but hey, that's how I interpreted HG retconning events eversince the new canonical comics (Wildstorm) were published. I could've followed either the McKinney variant of Global Civil War or the Comico comic version, but given both sources were relegated to secondary status, I kinda hesitated for a bit (maybe because of that RT purist streak in me). So I went the Universalist route, drawing from both canonical & non-canonical sources, & realigning with real world events. Besides, my essays are fanfics in nature, never meant to be official in any way, hardly ever canon in RT-verse.
Nothing in our 1990s comes close to the described global war of Robotech. Such a global war followed by the crash landing of an alien vessel would dramatically alter the timeline. Anyone thinking that after a global war and an alien space craft crashing to Earth that the timeline would move on pretty much the same as ours has is being incredibly short-sighted.
Well, as I said, I worked within my limitations. The Genesis series were generally my first attempt to write the fanfic in form of historical essays as I am inspired from uRRG works, & at first meant to be for my personal collection. Then I decided to share 'em with fans after reading Jeffar's EBSIS essays & Col Taffy's essays on this very forum back in 2006.
Genesis Global Civil War is my first essay, so I do expect flaws practically evident. Of course, having you to actually questioned & even criticised my fanfic is somewhat an honour, I welcomed 'em!
Like I said, the uRRG isn’t and wasn’t aimed to be a RPG resource. The complete and utter lack of RPG stats should be the first and most important clue to everyone.
That because when it become Robotech Technical Guide & evolved to UnOfficial Robotech Reference Guide. During its early prototype or early incarnation, Peter Walker & Pieter Thomassen in their early biographies (in 1997 if I'm not mistaken) mentioned the early incarnation of Robotech Technical Files as a collection of made up naval & mecha stats for RPG purposes.
Here is from the updated biography (if you called updated since 2001

In 1993, the first chapter of Roll Call saw its first Internet posting, accompanied by the earliest versions of the Alpha and Cyclone entries, which were based upon the RPG and statistics given on the Gakken toys. Frequent discussion with Peter Walker about some oddities in his statistics and badgering him for more caused the latter to suggest that Pieter write the entries of the mecha appearing in the books himself, and the result was a technical description of virtually every mecha and vessel in the Robotech Universe, recently weighing in at about 750K and 15,000 lines. - uRRG Author section
and lastly ...
Why not think outside the box instead of just clipping in real world events? Seems that with a lack of “documented” RT history, you’d have been free to be creative.
As I said, Genesis Global Civil War is my first attempt to create a fanfic. The article itself was created back in 2004, where it sat on languished on my harddisc & finally re-edited once again when I decided to share it here with the RT RPG fans in 2006.
I do not attempt to be creative with Global Civil War exploits. The recent retcon by RT WS comics regarding 1990s era in RT verse hinted very much follows somewhat similar situation of real-world events in 1990s. Post SDF-1 crashed with Anti Unification League / factions versus UEG sounds much like how real life Al-Qaeda & rogue nations resisted the idea of globalisation.
I simply can't resist the similarities at the time of the writing of that essay, 4 years ago.
- taalismn
- Priest
- Posts: 49005
- Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:19 pm
- Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England
Many paths to the only enriches the worldlines....(Yeah, I've been reading too much of Heinlein's "Number of the Beast")...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
Sorry for bumping the thread. Just a head up for you guys, I'm still alive
Well, for the past year, I get myself a new job, rollin' & thunderin' on with the hectic pace relocating from Borneo to Malaysian Peninsular, gettin' on with life.
However, despite my busy schedule, I managed to complete the long awaited Sentinel series, currently in re-editing process. However, expect next week for the earliest submissions of fan-essays coming your way.
BTW, for newcomers, my works is only to enriched your RT-gaming, thus non-official or canon within RT-verse.
It is just to provide in depth study & familiarisation to RT-RPG gamers with the intricate details of Robotech that often missed out due to plotholes of the amalgamation of 3 anime series into a scifi saga.
See you next week, & newcomers, hardtuned your brain to soak up all the information!

Well, for the past year, I get myself a new job, rollin' & thunderin' on with the hectic pace relocating from Borneo to Malaysian Peninsular, gettin' on with life.
However, despite my busy schedule, I managed to complete the long awaited Sentinel series, currently in re-editing process. However, expect next week for the earliest submissions of fan-essays coming your way.
BTW, for newcomers, my works is only to enriched your RT-gaming, thus non-official or canon within RT-verse.
It is just to provide in depth study & familiarisation to RT-RPG gamers with the intricate details of Robotech that often missed out due to plotholes of the amalgamation of 3 anime series into a scifi saga.
See you next week, & newcomers, hardtuned your brain to soak up all the information!
- taalismn
- Priest
- Posts: 49005
- Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:19 pm
- Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England
Ah...goood to see this thread's return, indeed...
I'll have to dig up my old hard copy of it and pull it together in anticipation of the new material...
I'll have to dig up my old hard copy of it and pull it together in anticipation of the new material...

"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- Aramanthus
- Monk
- Posts: 18712
- Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:18 am
- Location: Racine, WI
I agree! Glad to hear you are alive and well! Thank you for the update!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
Dear Esteemed Readers,
We're deeply sorry for the continued delays of our publications on Robotecha Encyclopaedia as recent crises continued to affect the known quadrant.
Following the worsening protoculture energy crises, and forced relocation of civilians stationed onboard various Robotech Factory Satellites and bases, RFS Digest's top management has decided to relocate our HQ to Earth, specifically at Neo Tokyo region. Surprisingly, Neo Tokyo was spared destructive TWO destructive Robotech wars due to its Megazone III underground city complex.
Special thanks to our gracious host, the new Prime Minister of United Earth (Reconciliation) Government, His Excellency Dr Daryl Embrey for allowing us to occupy the hastily refurbished former UEG Ministry of Computer Sciences located at Neo Tokyo suburb.
At the moment we're still busy relocating our servers from Moon Base Luna and updating tons of backlog materials waiting to be published.
Thank you for your continuing support to RFS Digest! Our newest edition are expected to be available to all newsstand all over 4th Quadrant & Sol-System, & downloadable online version on Ultra-Net as soon as we can make them available in a couple of weeks time.
Besides, it is great to be back on good ole Earth.
Editorial Team - RFS Digest.
We're deeply sorry for the continued delays of our publications on Robotecha Encyclopaedia as recent crises continued to affect the known quadrant.
Following the worsening protoculture energy crises, and forced relocation of civilians stationed onboard various Robotech Factory Satellites and bases, RFS Digest's top management has decided to relocate our HQ to Earth, specifically at Neo Tokyo region. Surprisingly, Neo Tokyo was spared destructive TWO destructive Robotech wars due to its Megazone III underground city complex.
Special thanks to our gracious host, the new Prime Minister of United Earth (Reconciliation) Government, His Excellency Dr Daryl Embrey for allowing us to occupy the hastily refurbished former UEG Ministry of Computer Sciences located at Neo Tokyo suburb.
At the moment we're still busy relocating our servers from Moon Base Luna and updating tons of backlog materials waiting to be published.
Thank you for your continuing support to RFS Digest! Our newest edition are expected to be available to all newsstand all over 4th Quadrant & Sol-System, & downloadable online version on Ultra-Net as soon as we can make them available in a couple of weeks time.
Besides, it is great to be back on good ole Earth.
Editorial Team - RFS Digest.
OK, not really an update .... but have been dusting the ole files in my harddisc, currently re-editing of all previous essays. For the past 4-5 years I've been outta loop with RT fandom, but with the recent RT Love Live Alive, kinda make me gravitated back to RT-verse.
A lot has happen in my life, currently finishing my part-time degree, being married (yeah, I know), transferring to other department ... and re-connecting with my other passions (Macross-verse to be exact ... and then there's Neon Genesis Evangelion redux, ooooh, the Yamato 2199 and Gundam-verse).
Its good to be back at the very thread I started 8 years ago. Hopefully this time I'm back for good!
A lot has happen in my life, currently finishing my part-time degree, being married (yeah, I know), transferring to other department ... and re-connecting with my other passions (Macross-verse to be exact ... and then there's Neon Genesis Evangelion redux, ooooh, the Yamato 2199 and Gundam-verse).
Its good to be back at the very thread I started 8 years ago. Hopefully this time I'm back for good!
- taalismn
- Priest
- Posts: 49005
- Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:19 pm
- Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England
We've missed you, Protoculture....but well-understand the demands of real life. Congrats on your job transfer and your marriage. 

"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
taalismn wrote:We've missed you, Protoculture....but well-understand the demands of real life. Congrats on your job transfer and your marriage.

Protoculture wrote:OK, not really an update .... but have been dusting the ole files in my harddisc, currently re-editing of all previous essays. For the past 4-5 years I've been outta loop with RT fandom, but with the recent RT Love Live Alive, kinda make me gravitated back to RT-verse.
A lot has happen in my life, currently finishing my part-time degree, being married (yeah, I know), transferring to other department ... and re-connecting with my other passions (Macross-verse to be exact ... and then there's Neon Genesis Evangelion redux, ooooh, the Yamato 2199 and Gundam-verse).
Its good to be back at the very thread I started 8 years ago. Hopefully this time I'm back for good!

- slade the sniper
- Hero
- Posts: 1548
- Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:46 am
- Location: SDF-1, Macross Island
This is fantastic! This is the flavor of fan-fic that I really, really enjoy reading. Thank you 

My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
I am a firm believer that men with guns can solve any problem - Inscriptus
Any system in which the most populated areas have the most political power, creates an incentive for areas that want power to increase their population - Killer Cyborg
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
I am a firm believer that men with guns can solve any problem - Inscriptus
Any system in which the most populated areas have the most political power, creates an incentive for areas that want power to increase their population - Killer Cyborg
- Knight
- Posts: 4098
- Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:02 pm
- Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
- Location: new york
i am humble by your work ROBOTECH: GENESIS series
epic man
epic man
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe