3D Spaceship Reference art

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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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el magico -- darklorddc wrote:So eventually, when I have like nothing else to do for some hours, perhaps I'll actually load every single hallway, room and section right into the body of the ship, make the outer hull transparent, and create the coolest deck plan...ever...

I still need to create sets for the crew quarters, mess, the gun turret interior, and all the connecting hallways...and try to make sure I have all the other little rooms here and there that a ship would have, like a machine shop, storage, and space for the engines and everything...it's a lot of work and I have a 10-month old...
It didn't occur to me that I could do the whole thing until I scaled up that model last night to full size.

..I can't wait to see it. I've had varied results myself; The Sorbin Shuttle Interior shot I think is the best I've done; that's actually the interior overlayed on a black render of the exterior.

-Mike <8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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you know, i really dislike how anytime the splugorth get some technological thing, it's listed as being kittani.

IIRC, the Kittani were rescued by Splynncryth, so they shouldn't be all that common outside his holdings. and the Splugorth are slavers, so other splugorth should have other technologically adept races under their tentacles.

shoot, maybe those "men-rall" beings the Megaversal legion relies on have cousins that were conquered by the splugorth. and there are plenty of human worlds in the 3 galaxies that the splugorth could enslave, and we know humans can get pretty advanced technology in the 3G's.
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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gadrin wrote:Question for Madman on his Corellian Maintenance Shuttle how big is that ramp and cargo section on the last picture ?

I want to know if I can fit something like the Iron Maiden APC-10 (Rifts Mercenaries, p111-112) in there ? The APCs dimensions are at the top of pg 112.

I've got a pair of Tandori mercenaries that I'm prepping that shuttle for and they need an off-road vehicle :D

BTW -- you don't have a floorplan of the shuttle handy ? One of your cut-away specials :-D


Sorry I didn't see this earlier, I'll see if I can find the files take a look. I was working on an interior, don't know whether I finished or not.

..Off hand I'd say, no, not enough room for an Iron Maiden; The bay on the top opens to reveal a crane arm that can access materials in the bottom bay, for use in repairs and maintenance of Corellian Cruisers; the base of the ramp is too close to the front landing gear to drive a vehicle up into it; here's a link to a scale shot; this is from the adventure in which we first used the ship; I built the ship and did the basic render while we were playing, in about two hours, and went back the next day to do the cockpit and insert it into the image via photoshop. See how the man at the base of the ramp is dodging? that's too small for an APC to go up; I'll try to post the other images today, and maybe a couple that would be more suited for your groups uses.

-Mike <8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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you want something like this then? That's far too small for an Iron Maiden; I'm working up a new ship that would have the room for one, but really it's too big a vehicle (about the size of a big camper) to put in a "shuttle". You'd need a full sized cargo vessel for that..

Here's what I'm working on that would fit an Iron Maiden, but like I said, too big to be a shuttle.

-Mike <8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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glitterboy2098 wrote:you know, i really dislike how anytime the splugorth get some technological thing, it's listed as being kittani.

IIRC, the Kittani were rescued by Splynncryth, so they shouldn't be all that common outside his holdings. and the Splugorth are slavers, so other splugorth should have other technologically adept races under their tentacles.

shoot, maybe those "men-rall" beings the Megaversal legion relies on have cousins that were conquered by the splugorth. and there are plenty of human worlds in the 3 galaxies that the splugorth could enslave, and we know humans can get pretty advanced technology in the 3G's.

..Now see, this seemed like a total non-sequitor until I realized you were responding to the secondary discussion going on here with DLDC...

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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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gadrin wrote:Looks like the Iron Maiden would fill This one up completely, or maybe overhang it just a bit. Pretty close at 11x25'.

What I can do is change the scale slightly of the Corellian Shuttle to accomodate it, say by 10% to 15% so that it's
not overwhelming and still can be useful to carry things (not just the Iron Maiden).

I like these, and can spec one up to Phase World numbers. It's close to the IM in size
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwerer_P ... 3%A4hwagen


..Once again, you couldn't have a shuttle that could carry a 25ft long APC; shuttles are by their definition smaller than that (sci-fi definition, not rl). The one I'm working on is designed around a cargo bay that's big enough for an IM with a bit of room to spare; that's just massive. Anything small enough to be a shuttle and carry that would be nothing but cargobay.

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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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okay, here's one that is bare minimum to carry that apc; pretty much no room in the primary cargo bay except for the APC; upper deck has some space behind the cockpit though, so if you want to put something else in,there's room.

-Mike <8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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..on a roll, how about this one?

-Mike <8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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well, aside from replacing the upper cargo bay with a power plant, looks good.

-Mike <8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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..no, a wireframe would be too dirty, as there's no removing the parts that are inside eachother; each component is more than you see, and the wireframe would be a mess for it.

-Mike <8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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..I still haven't found the original files; I'll keep looking in my vast free-time. I only put in 15 hours at work today.

-Mike <8[
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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el magico -- darklorddc wrote:Oh, Madman, nice work on that ship...and I really like what you did with the Dystopian City in that landing pad shot!

..Thanks. I was trying to capture the feel of a Star Wars metropolis while we were playing the game, and had the freebie Dystopia sets, so I threw some in the background for effect. The people were actually Poser 4 lo-res figures, since they were going to be small anyway.

-Mike <8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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..Nice image; have you seen the Facade Packs? Some are at Daz and the others are at Power Fusion 3d...

..Yeah, that's me. I mostly post in the FVCS thread though (incidentally, there's 258 pages of posts there). I've been a member at DAZ since 2003 when V3 came out. You should check out the ArtZone, it's like Myspace for artists, without the hassles of DeviantArt.com.

-Mike <8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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..New ship posted in the Transport category,
The Koo-Ran Transport.

-Mike <8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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..New Fighter in the Fighter Category, Skorpian Fighter

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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Those look fan-freakin'-tastic, Mike. VERY well done! :D
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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el magico -- darklorddc wrote:I'm LOVIN' that fighter.
Been trying to master carrara, and I worked out a new scout ship as a test for the texturing (which was my biggest hurdle).

Here's the Boone-Class Scoutship. It's a pinnace, like the Holstein, and made by the same company.

In space dock

flying over

frm behind


Have you ever worked with Carrara, Mike?

Great... now I have to worry about your ships kicking the figurative backside of my paltry stuff... :erm:

Seriously, great job! :D
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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el magico -- darklorddc wrote:
Have you ever worked with Carrara, Mike?

..Oh no, I'm a total 3D hack; I've done some cursory messing around with Hexagon (and alot of cursing at it), but pretty much all of my stuff is Poser; I use Bryce for better lighting and landscapes, importing my Poser stuff through that annoying D|S, but that's about the extent of my modeling.

-Mike <8[
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Stats! Give me stats to go with these wonderful machines!!!! :lol:
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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I'll be looking forward to seeing those stats too El Magico!
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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..Another new ship in the shuttle category, The Toad Shuttle.

-Mike >8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Thank you very much for these renders, Mike. I think I will use the Rusty Nub in my Star Wars game tonight. I needed a bulk freighter with decent sized engines and obvious weapons but not too much of either. Fun with derelict ships!
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Lord Z wrote:Thank you very much for these renders, Mike. I think I will use the Rusty Nub in my Star Wars game tonight. I needed a bulk freighter with decent sized engines and obvious weapons but not too much of either. Fun with derelict ships!

..It's the Rusty Narb, not Nub; The hybrid Aliens Unlimited/Phase World game I ran had the players in that as their starter ship; I tweaked the AUGG ship rules to account for older tech taking more space on a ship, so players could replace old systems with new and gain space for other stuff, like a brig and expanded crew quarters.

..But they managed to steal a brand new Battleship from a Pirate Fleet, and dubbing it the Stealthy Narb moved on with their adventures...

-Mike <8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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..Another new one, the Rupas Shuttle.

-Mike <8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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el magico -- darklorddc wrote:
MADMANMIKE wrote:..Another new one, the Rupas Shuttle.

-Mike <8]

I could actually see that being designed by the same team that designed the Scorpion Light Fighter. It has the same lines.

Thanks, I hadn't noticed that...

-Mike >8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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..Another new one, The Maw Shuttle, aka "Dumbo".

-Mike <8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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..New again, in the shuttle category, The Blowfish Shuttle.

-Mike <8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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..Well, they do go a long way towards providing scale on bigger ships; the idea that a hull section hundreds of feet long would have no seams is hard to get past; But on smaller ships, I don't think they're necessary. In Poser all the models I have that can use greebles have them as displacement maps, but I usually turn them off as I'm not impressed with their look.

On the modeling end, I'd say a ship model would probably sell better if you included something similar to the above, ie a way to put greebles on if you like them, but I don't consider it necessary.

-Mike <8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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el magico -- darklorddc wrote:
MADMANMIKE wrote:..Well, they do go a long way towards providing scale on bigger ships; the idea that a hull section hundreds of feet long would have no seams is hard to get past; But on smaller ships, I don't think they're necessary. In Poser all the models I have that can use greebles have them as displacement maps, but I usually turn them off as I'm not impressed with their look.

On the modeling end, I'd say a ship model would probably sell better if you included something similar to the above, ie a way to put greebles on if you like them, but I don't consider it necessary.

-Mike <8]

Yeah, I'm along the same lines as you on that. The Parsec/Davo models have them as displacement maps?

That is correct sir, displacement maps; I usually don't use them, but I've seen some remarkable images done with them on the threads at the DAZ Forums, I think it was in the first quarter of the second thread for the FVCS stuff... like this.

-Mike <8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Okay, I've added another ship to the shuttle category, the Stock Light Cargo Runner.

-Mike <8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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And added an image of a bulk passenger variant. More of those to come, probably the pirate version next.

-Mike >8]
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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MADMANMIKE wrote:Okay, I've added another ship to the shuttle category, the Stock Light Cargo Runner.

-Mike <8]

Oh now that looks fantastic. Great job! :D
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Got a new one, Bertha.
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Really cool. Nice choice of background too :ok:
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Thanks. I'm working on some deck plans for it.
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Looks like my forums have crashed, I don't seem to be able to post anything else to them. Here's what I was going to add to the Bertha entry.

Alright, new direction, largely giving up on Poser and switching to D|S... Lower resolution and static lighting for now.

1.- Commons area; kitchen to the right, floor portal to the cargo area to the left, booth seating with a big screen monitor dropping down from the ceiling, several storage lockers around the room; doors at the rear to engineering.

2.- Passageway to the bridge, extra storage and additional seating for four passengers.

3.- Captains Quarters.

4.- Captains head, and storage or possibly hydroponics; will be devided.

5.- Medical. Full life support and diagnostic, and an additional bed for recovery.

6. & 8.- Crew Quarters; will have triple bunks, a locker for each crew member and a desk with computer and entertainment system.

7.- Crew Head; probably include two showers with partitioned dressing space and possibly two toilets the same, not sure there's enough space...

-Mike <8]
Deck Plans WIP
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Been a while! Since my accident on December 8th, and after my two weeks in the Hospital, I've gotten quite a bit of free time. So I've warmed up with a four new ship designs,
The Mantis Transport (still working on the deck plans),
The Commuter Shuttle,
The Aphid Shuttle,
and The Hasker Combat Shuttle
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Re: Free 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Okay Folks it seems that the site hosting my images is no longer doing so, and it's replacement won't host them either. So I'm (only a little) sad to say that the vast majority of the images I've done for this thread are no longer visible (only a little because they mostly represent my learning curve in the art field and generally aren't very good).

Here's a link to my Space Ship gallery at Deviant Art. As time goes by when I get the chance I'll try to add some of the old designs to this gallery, but probably with new renders. Of course, it may be possible that I just do a Spaceship sourcebook instead...

Either way, I'm in the middle of the Palladium Fantasy® RPG Paper Miniatures project, so more ships will have to wait. I will add to the gallery linked above a preview of some Phase World® Paper Miniatures that may become a project too...
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Re: 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Well, some may know that I had a catastrophic hard drive failure a few days ago, losing most of the work I've done in the past six months. My minis project has only seen a slight setback, but the emotional toll wreaks havoc on inspiration, so I've stepped back for a few days..

Instead, I've met a request to do an interior for the Proctor Class Interceptor from Phase World. Six or so years ago since there was no artwork for it. I'm not particularly enamored of the art I did back then, and it wasn't entirely accurate to the listed stats (which I'm even less enamored of). But, someone asked if I'd do the interior, so I set about a slight redesign and interior work. Now I've got four exterior shots, four interior shots (one finished, second in the process and other two planned) and then the full interior deck plan to do.

So, in a couple of days, expect another update and link to the images in my D.A. gallery.
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Re: 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Okay, a series of eight images of the Proctor-Class Long-Range Interceptor HERE. The interior shots aren't my best images, but they get the gist across. Note that the opposite side of the Commons area (image 06) can be seen in the background of the Cargo Bay Interior shot (image 05); somewhat obscured, where the head is on the opposite side you have a large pantry, and where the lockers are on the opposite side is a small kitchenette. The opposite side of the door from the medical cabinet (in image 06) is a refrigeration/microwave/drink dispenser unit.

Behind the medic in the medical bay (image 07) is an additional medical cabinet, medical computer, and floor hatch to the ammunition storage for the grav-cannon under the cockpit. Access to the engines and missile launchers is gained through hatches in the cargo-bay, crawl space only; primary engineering control is where the female Wolfen sits in the Cockpit (image 08). The Rat is at navigation and a secondary pilot's station is off image beside the pilot.

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Re: 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Nice! Want one! Some deck plans would be nice. :)
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Re: 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Bit more "blocky" than I'd have envisaged, but it works. *thumbs up*
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Re: 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Carl Gleba wrote:Nice! Want one! Some deck plans would be nice. :)

I'll get to them.. Unfortunately I can only do about 3 things at once, so it'll have to wait a few days...
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Re: 3D Spaceship Reference art

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The Proctor Deck plan is coming, but meanwhile, here's the Nueblid Freighter.. I think the deck plans for this one will make up for the mediocre renders.. I did do all the backgrounds myself though..
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Re: 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Carl Gleba wrote:Nice! Want one! Some deck plans would be nice. :)

Okay, not entirely a deck plan, but a full view of the interior.. http://fav.me/d5d8apv
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Re: 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Carl Gleba wrote:Nice! Want one! Some deck plans would be nice. :)

Okay, not entirely a deck plan, but a full view of the interior.. http://fav.me/d5d8apv

Exactly what I was looking for. Great sense of scale too :ok:

Great work Mike :-D
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Re: 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Carl Gleba wrote:Nice! Want one! Some deck plans would be nice. :)

Okay, not entirely a deck plan, but a full view of the interior.. http://fav.me/d5d8apv

Whoot! Okay, that works.
reminds me of (going WAAAAAAYYYYYY Back) the olde rulebook for 'Renegade Legion: Interceptor' where the fighters and corvettes were illo'd with interior views. :ok:
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Re: 3D Spaceship Reference art

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Thanks. There's a couple more like that for this one, the Kibawitsi Shuttle..
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Re: 3D Spaceship Reference art

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And now the biggest deck plan project I've started yet, the interior for the Nublid Freighter.. Five decks in the front, cargobay, one deck and shuttle bay in the back.. Here's a screenshot of the first step, laying out the base floors within the body of the ship. Next I'll make a doc for each level, delete the excess and fill in the details.
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Re: 3D Spaceship Reference art

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First deck of the Nueblid Freighter is up now... four to go..

Nueblid Freighter Deck 01
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