Swarm Lord O.C.C.
Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
Swarm Lord O.C.C.
This one was really difficult to get balanced. At first it seems ridiculously powerful, but when you dig in it should be equivalent to most Splicers characters. If I'm wrong let me know. I really would love brutal commentary on this one. I like this character and I want to get it perfect.
Swarm Lord O.C.C.
The Bio-Technology of the Resistance may sometimes seem alien and strange, but it was designed to mimic the inorganic technology of old. Organic rifles and melee weapons looked and worked like their mechanical equivalents, and Host Armor and War Mounts were modeled after the robot vehicles and power armor that the humans were comfortable with. It helped them quickly adapt to this bizarre new technology when the Nanobot Plague rendered their previous armaments useless. Subsequent generations that grew up with Bio-Technology saw it as perfectly normal, and the mechanical-like designs became standard templates used by all Great Houses throughout the Resistance. Some Librarians, however, have experimented with designs that take the idea of “living weaponry” to the next level.
One such design is known as Hive Armor. This bulky suit of armor is similar to standard Host Armor except it has a large insect hive mounted on its back. From this honey-combed mound, the suit can produce a seemingly endless supply of powerful Bio-Tech bugs called Hive Insects that the pilot directs as weapons. These living rounds possess a rudimentary intelligence that allows them to track down their prey like tiny cruise missiles. Each individual bug is capable of inflicting considerable damage for its small size, but the true power of this suit becomes apparent when the pilot unleashes their insects in large swarms. The devastating swarms released by even one suit of Hive Armor can ravage a small platoon of robots.
These experimental suits of Host Armor are piloted by a special breed of warrior known as Swarm Lords. The hive can produce hundreds of insects, but it is not large enough to house them all. This means that the majority of the bugs are constantly crawling all across the surface of the armor. This is the major reason why Hive Armor has only achieved limited popularity among the Resistance. Most humans cannot stand being near these suits, much less wear one. The writhing mass of insects covering the armor is a truly disturbing sight, and Hive Armor (like all Host Armor) passes all physical sensation experienced by the armor through to the pilot. This means that anyone wearing Hive Armor constantly feels as though hundreds of insects are crawling over every inch of his or her bare skin. Experiencing this sensation for even a few minutes can drive the most strong-willed person insane, so pilots need to adapt to the feeling before they can even hope to command Hive Insects.
Swarm Lords endure a tortuous six month training regiment in order to prepare them to don their Hive Armor. They spend every waking moment covered in insects. They begin their training handling just a few at a time, and then slowly add more and more bugs until they can sit naked in a pile of thousands of insects without thinking twice. In time, they not only learn to tolerate the feeling, they learn to love it. This is another reason why Swarm Lords are not very common among the Resistance. Most people simply find them creepy, which does not inspire many to follow in their footsteps. Of course, these same people will gladly fight at the side of these powerful warriors.
Swarm Lords can strengthen their armor with the standard Bio-Enhancements available for Host Armor, but the real power comes from the various types of insects they grow within the hive on their back. Hive Armor can house multiple types of insects simultaneously. All the bugs recognize the other species as part of the same hive, and they all work together to protect their queen, the Hive Armor pilot. They patrol the area in search of danger (robots), attack any man or machine that threatens the armor, and destroy any target the pilot commands. The hive looks like a low profile turtle shell on younger suits, but as the armor matures, the hive grows into an enormous mound. It eventually grows so large that the Hive Armor must lean forward in order to support the weight. This hunch-backed stature slows the armor down somewhat, but most Swarm Lords gladly trade the decreased mobility for the increased payload of powerful Bio-Tech Hive Insects.
Alignment: Any, but typically good or selfish.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q.: 13, M.E.: 14, and P.S.: 14 or higher.
Attribute Bonuses: +1 to I.Q., +1D6 to M.E., and +2D4 to P.S.
O.C.C. Bonuses: +2 to save vs. insanity, and +6 to save vs. horror factor.
Base S.D.C.: 50, plus any from Physical skills.
Common Skills: Standard.
O.C.C. Skill Program: Basic Military (+20%), Athletics (+10%), Bio-Technology (+10%), and Infantryman (+10%) or Man-Hunter (+10%).
Elective Skills: Select any one Wilderness Skill and three Electives from the following list at first level. Select another two Elective Skills at levels 2, 4, 8, and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5%)
Domestic: Any (+10%)
Espionage: Any (+5%)
Medical: First Aid only.
Military: Any (+5%)
Physical: Any
Rogue: Gambling and Find Contraband only.
Science: Any (+5%)
Technical: Any
Transportation: Any, except Pilot Wing Packs.
Wilderness Survival: Any (+10%)
W.P.s: Any
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select four Secondary Skills at level one and one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not receive any special O.C.C. bonuses.
Swarm Lord Hive Armor: The Swarm Lord receives an experimental Host Armor design known as Hive Armor, the Bio-Tech equivalent of living power armor, brimming with weapons, Bio-Enhancements, and a special organic hive that continuously spawns powerful Bio-Tech insects. The Swarm Lord is genetically bonded to one specific Hive Armor.
Step One: Standard for Host Armor, except for the following changes: M.D.C. of the Hive is 2D6x10+30, speed and leaping ability is reduced by 15 percent, and weight is increased by 4D4x10 lbs.
Step Two: Determining Metabolism. Hive Armor is always a Lithovore. All aspects are identical for normal Host Armor, except that Hive Armor must consume twice the usual amount of minerals each day. This is necessary to sustain the various types of metal-eating insects that grow within the hive.
Step Three: Available Bio-Energy points for the Swarm Lord is M.E. attribute number, +P.E. attribute number, +1D4x10 points, plus an additional 20 points for the Lithovore metabolism. These Bio-E points can be used to purchase Bio-Enhancements from any category except Ranged Bio-Weapons. In addition, the Swarm Lord starts with 5D4x10 Bio-E points that are used to purchase Hive Insects for the character’s personal swarm. Each level of advancement, starting with level two, the Swarm Lord gets an additional 1D6 Bio-E to add to the capabilities of the actual Host Armor, and 4D10 Bio-E points to be used to strengthen the hive. These Bio-E points can be spent as soon as they are acquired or saved and combined with points from subsequent levels of experience.
If the Swarm Lord’s Hive Armor is destroyed, another will be bonded to him. It will only have the most basic Bio-Enhancements, but it will have 5D4x10 Bio-E points available to purchase Hive Insects. Swarm Lords are just too rare, and the Resistance does not want to squander their training.
Step Four: Biological Enhancements, Weapons, and Hive Insects. Bio-E points allocated for Bio-Enhancements and Hive Insects must be spent separately. Selections can be made from any of the categories, except Ranged Bio-Weapons. The energies of the suit are dedicated to manufacturing Hive Insects, and trying to create ammunition for other Bio-Weapons proves to be just too much for the suit (and the pilot) to handle. Besides, Swarm Lords consider their Hive Insects to be far superior weapons to any Bio-Weapon available for “lesser” suits of Host Armor, so they do not see this as a limitation at all.
Special Hive Armor Bonuses: +6 on initiative and the pilot cannot be surprised from behind, +1 to strike and parry, and +5 to Horror Factor. The hundreds of insects crawling all across the Hive Armor also offer a limited amount of defensive protection. Area effect weapons like rail gun bursts, grenades, and missiles as well as impact weapons like fists, clubs, and blades will have to first get through the thick layer of insects in order to damage the armor beneath. When these types of weapons strike the armor, the damage inflicted is only half. The other half of the damage is soaked up by the Hive Insects crawling on the surface. The bugs may blunt the effect, but they suffer the consequences. Every time this layer of bugs absorbs damage for the armor, a number of insects equal to one quarter of the total damage inflicted are killed. Precision weapons like lasers, particle beam blasts, and even single rail gun rounds may hit one or two bugs, but the majority of the damage will travel through to the armor. Flame thrower weapons inflict major damage to the Hive Insects. In this case, take the total amount of damage inflicted and divide it in half. One half of the amount damages the armor, and the other half represents how many insects were destroyed.
In addition to physically shielding the armor, Hive Insects will also attack anything that threatens the Hive Armor. Any robot, drone, animal, or even human that attacks the Hive Armor in hand-to-hand combat will be assaulted by 2D4 Hive Insects every time the opponent successfully strikes the armor (just select the most abundant insect in the character’s personal swarm in order to determine damage) .
Hive Insect Generation: The organic hive constantly spawns new Hive Insects to replace bugs that die in combat or from old age. The amount of insects the hive can create is proportional to the total size of the character’s personal swarm. For every 200 insects in the swarm, the hive can generate 2D6 new insects every 10 minutes.
Penalties: As the character adds more insects to his swarm, the organic hive mounted on the armor grows larger as well. For every 200 insects, add another 4D6 M.D.C. to the hive and 50 pounds to the weight of the armor. The increased weight decreases speed and leaping ability by 10 percent. For every 400 insects, the Swarm Lord suffers additional penalties of -2 to parry and dodge. Once the swarm reaches 800 insects, the hive becomes so heavy it forces the Hive Armor to hunch forward in order to support the weight. When the armor is forced to assume this posture, all penalties from increasing the size of the swarm are doubled. At this point, most Swarm Lords enhance their Hive Armor with Elongated Arms in order to keep the suit more stable (future penalties are not doubled, they increase at the standard rate).
Standard Equipment: Military fatigues, dress clothing, survival knife, utility belt, first-aid kit, Face Wrap, tinted goggles, hatchet for cutting wood, one light or heavy Bio-Weapon of choice and one weapon for each W.P. with appropriate ammunition for heavy combat, tent, knapsack, backpack, two water skins, two week supply of emergency food rations, and some personal items.
Money: Has 1D6x100 credits in precious metals, relics or trade items, as well as 6D6x10 in available credits. Money can be spent now on additional equipment or saved for later.
The Upside: You control a massive army of hundreds of intelligent Bio-Tech weapons. Despite their size, these tiny little insects pack tremendous destructive power. They allow you to take on dozens of opponents single-handedly and prevail.
The Downside: Your hive may be strong, but it dramatically slows down your Hive Armor. The buzzing insects constantly whirling around your armor also makes stealth impossible. For all the Hive Armor’s strength, it is nearly worthless once all the Hive Insects are exhausted, so you need to be careful not to exhaust your Bio-Tech insects too quickly or you will be a sitting duck for the Machine. Furthermore, most people find the massive swarm of insects crawling across your armor creepy; the rest find it absolutely terrifying. Few people can tolerate being near you, but they generally make an exception in battle. Of course, after the day is won, they go right back to politely avoiding you.
Hive Insects
The true power of the Swarm Lord lies in his loyal army of Bio-Tech insects. There are eight types of Hive Insects that the character can choose from in order to build his personal swarm. The different species work together in perfect harmony and view each other as members of the same hive. This lets Swarm Lords add insects of every type to their swarm if they choose to do so.
Each Bio-Tech insect is surprisingly powerful on its own, but their true power is revealed when they combine their attacks as large swarms. A single Swarm Lord can devastate a platoon of robots in minutes, but he must be careful not to exhaust his supply of insects too quickly. Most Hive Insects quickly die after attacking a target (or on impact), plus they were designed to have limited lifespans. Hive Insects only live for 48 hours before they die and dissolve into sludge. This is a safety measure built into their genetic code to ensure Hive Insects never grow out of control and threaten the environment. When they are nearing the end of their lives, the bugs will crawl back into the hive so their remains can feed the rest of the swarm. This prevents the Swarm Lord from leaving a trail of dead bugs everywhere he goes, and it helps nourish the hive. The organic hive constantly spawns new insects to replace lost bugs, but this takes time.
Swarm Lords communicate with their insects through a neurological connection formed when the bugs’ feet are in contact with the Hive Armor. Their simplistic and alien minds can only communicate basic ideas like danger is near or the direction of a target, but this is often more than enough. The hundreds of Hive Insects crawling all across the armor make it impossible for anyone to sneak up on a Swarm Lord, and they can send out scores of insects in all directions to scout out trouble. The bugs cannot communicate the type of threat or number of opponents, but they can lead their Swarm Lord master right to the target or warn him which direction to avoid. Another major limitation is that Hive Insects can only identify robotic adversaries. They cannot distinguish between Waste Crawlers and other humans from the Resistance, and they cannot tell the difference between loyal War Mounts and the deadly alien predators released by the Gaia personality. This significant limitation is why they will never replace Gorehounds or Black Talon War Hawks as scouts.
Unless stated otherwise, all Hive Insects are roughly two-inches long and possess thick chitinous armor like a beetle or cockroach. Beneath their armored shells are four insect wings that allow them to fly at impressive speeds. Their compound eyes give them a good field of vision, but the range is average at best (although they can see into the ultraviolet range). All Hive Insects are Lithovores which means they eat pure minerals and metallic alloys (of course, the Nanobot Plague quickly kills these bugs after they consume metal). They were designed to find the taste of metal delicious and the taste of organic material repulsive. Even if commanded to eat a living target, Hive Insects will only take small bites before the repellant taste forces them to break off their attack. This is another safety measure built into the insects to ensure they never become a danger to humans. Hive Insects mainly eat a mineral rich paste secreted within the hive or the remains of other Hive Insects that have died of old age. This is more than enough to sustain the entire hive indefinitely, so it is unnecessary for the bugs to seek additional food from external sources. The only time they consume anything else is when they are attacking robotic targets.
Rules for Swarm Attacks
Swarm Lords telepathically direct their insects through a neurological connection formed between the skin of their Hive Armor and the feet of their insects. This means that once the Hive Insects break contact with the armor, the pilot can no longer communicate with them in any way. The bugs will follow the last command issued by the Swarm Lord to the best of their ability, but if they cannot complete their mission, they will return to the hive for further instructions. Communicating with so many minds at once (even such simple and primitive minds) requires a great deal of concentration. The character must spend one melee action for every 20 Hive Insects that he issues a command. So if a Swarm Lord wanted to launch a swarm of 100 insects, it would cost 5 melee attacks. The character can also choose to launch smaller swarms at multiple targets. In this case, each swarm also counts as one melee attack (even if all the swarms total less than 20 insects).
Swarm attacks are nearly impossible to evade unless the target is able to move faster than the flight speed of the Hive Insects. If the target cannot travel faster than the swarm, then it can only dodge the attack if it rolls a natural 18 or higher. If the target is faster than the swarm, then the Swarm Lord must make a strike roll. Each swarm attack (no matter how large) only requires one roll to strike. Either the entire swarm reaches its target, or the entire swarm misses. However, if the swarm does initially miss its target, it will continue to track down its target until the insects finally succeed or the target retreats out of visual range (1200 feet). The target can continue to dodge the swarm, but the persistent little insects will never give up until their prey falls. Actually, they do not even stop when this happens. The Hive Insects will continue to attack the fallen robot until they expend all their energy and die or they finally succumb to the Nanobot Plague. The swarm has two attacks per melee as it continuously tries to track down its prey. The only bonuses that apply are the strike bonuses listed under each individual Hive Insect. If the target does escape, then the swarm will return to the hive for new instructions.
The only way to completely dodge a swarm attack is to either flee out of visual range (1200 feet) or destroy the swarm. Unfortunately, unless the target has a flame thrower or some other area effect weapon, this is a very difficult proposition. Firing into the swarm with a precision weapon like a laser only has a small chance of hitting more than a few insects. Anyone attempting to do this must roll an 18 or higher (with strike bonuses). However, on a successful strike, the attacker only succeeds in destroying 1D4 insects (even if the swarm contained hundreds of bugs). To make a significant dent in a swarm requires a flame thrower or some other kind of area effect weapon. Grenades and missiles work if the swarm has landed on an object, but it is impossible (or at least extremely difficult) to strike the swarm with these types of weapons when they are airborne. When attacking the swarm with a flame thrower (or similar weapon), roll to strike as normal. The swarm will perform evasive maneuvers when it is assaulted by rolling to dodge the attack (include bonuses listed under each insect, high roll wins). The swarm cannot completely dodge an attack, but it can reduce the number of insects that are lost. On a successful strike, roll damage for that weapon as normal, but now this number represents how many insects were destroyed. If the swarm successfully dodges the attack, this just means that the number lost is only half. For example, an Incinerator Robot fires its plasma napalm launcher at an approaching swarm of 20 Locusts. It rolls a 14 which means the strike is successful. However, the swarm also rolls a 14 (with bonuses) which means the dodge was also successful (ties always go to the defender). The robot then rolls 3D6 to determine damage. It rolls a 12, which would normally mean 12 of the bugs are fried in midair, but since the swarm was able to evade the attack, only 6 of the insects are destroyed and the remaining 14 reach their target and begin to feast on the combat robot.
Obviously, swarms that have suffered losses will also lose some of their destructive potential. To calculate damage inflicted by a weakened swarm, roll damage as normal, and then reduce the damage by the equivalent ratio. The reduction ratios should be calculated by quarters (one quarter, half, and three quarters; always round down). Of course, if the swarm is reduced to a few insects, just use logic and calculate damage based on each individual bug.
Types of Hive Insects
Swarm Lords generally have a mixture of all types of Hive Insects within their personal swarms. They are primarily designed for combat, but creative Swarm Lords have discovered many inventive uses for their bugs. Below is a list of all the different types of Hive Insects available to the Swarm Lord.
Locusts were the first Hive Insects designed by the Librarians. These small armored beetles were modeled after the ravenous grubs used in Bore Cannons. The Librarians hoped to create flying versions of these powerful living rounds that were intelligent enough to seek out and destroy robotic adversaries on their own. They may require the direction of a Swarm Lord, but they are still incredibly effective weapons. These vicious bugs are like flying piranhas. They can consume several times their size in metal before they burst from overeating or are killed by the Nanobot Plague. Their destructive power makes them the preferred Hive Insects of most Swarm Lords.
M.D.C. of each Insect: 2 each.
Flight Speed: 80 mph.
Bonuses: +5 to strike and +3 to dodge.
Color: Light brown with dark green accents.
Mega-Damage from a Single Insect: 1D4 per melee round for 1D4 melees.
Additional Abilities: None.
Mega-Damage from a Swarm Attack:
• A swarm of 20 Locusts inflict 5D8 per melee round for 1D6 melees.
• A swarm of 40 Locusts inflict 8D8 per melee round for 1D6 melees.
• A swarm of 60 Locusts inflict 5D8+20 per melee round for 2D4 melees.
• A swarm of 80 Locusts inflict 6D8+30 per melee round for 2D4 melees.
• A swarm of 100 Locusts inflict 7D8+40 per melee round for 2D4 melees.
• Every additional 20 Locusts added to a swarm adds one additional melee round to the duration of damage.
Additional Swarm Effects: None.
Bio-E Cost: 35 points for every 50 Locusts.
• Regurgitation: Locusts can be enhanced with a reflex that forces them to regurgitate periodically when they consume metallic alloys. This allows the voracious bugs to actually eat longer before they finally gorge to death. Increase the duration that damage is inflicted by 50 percent. In other words, 1D4 melees becomes 1D4+2 melee rounds, 1D6 melees becomes 1D6+3 melee rounds, and 2D4 melees becomes 3D4 melees.
Bio-E Cost: 20 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Acidic Regurgitation: Once Locusts receive the Regurgitation Bio-Enhancement, they can be further modified so that when they do regurgitate, they disgorge a powerful acid. The acid is incredibly damaging to inorganic material, but nearly harmless to humans (no damage at all, just mild skin irritation). This increases the damage done by a Locust (or Locust swarm) by 50 percent.
Bio-E Cost: 20 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: Regurgitation.
• Enhanced Flight Speed: Locusts can receive larger, more powerful wings that allow them to achieve much greater flight speeds. Increase flight speed to 120 mph.
Bonuses: +1 to strike and +1 to dodge.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
Fire Flies
These fat little bugs are about one inch longer than the average Hive Insect and nearly twice as fat. They can perform multiple functions, but their main role is to act as miniature, self-guided plasma grenades. Fire Flies are able to generate a small amount of super-heated plasma within their abdomens. They can douse or ignite their internal fires at will and can even control the intensity. When lit, this bright orange flame can illuminate a three-foot area around the bug. The internal plasma furnace also gives off a good deal of heat, but the heat resistant carapace that each fly possesses limits the amount of heat released. They feel warm to the touch, but they can still be safely handled by an unarmored human. Many Swarm Lords like to use Fire Flies to confound the Thermographic Optics used by the Machine. One Fire Fly appears as a three-foot wide blotch on a thermal imager that is roughly the same temperature as a human being, and multiple insects can create a heat screen that makes these advanced optics almost useless. While Fire Flies make excellent lanterns and radiators, their true purpose is combat. Once these Hive Insects chase down and land on their prey, they overload their internal plasma furnaces and detonate. The tiny six-inch explosion from a lone bug inflicts decent damage, but when Fire Flies combine their power in swarms, they are utterly devastating.
M.D.C. of each Insect: 3 each.
Flight Speed: 60 mph.
Bonuses: +3 to strike and +3 to dodge.
Color: Black with bright orange highlights.
Mega-Damage from a Single Insect: 2D4
Additional Abilities: Each Fire Fly can light a three-foot area and can also radiate temperatures up to 120 degrees within the same three-foot area. Resistant to heat and fire (takes half damage).
Mega-Damage from a Swarm Attack:
• A swarm of 20 Fire Flies inflict 6D10 to a 10-foot area
• A swarm of 40 Fire Flies inflict 8D10+10 to a 15-foot area
• A swarm of 60 Fire Flies inflict 10D10+20 to a 20-foot area
• A swarm of 80 Fire Flies inflict 10D10+50 to a 25-foot area
• A swarm of 100 Fire Flies inflict 10D10+100 to a 30-foot area
• Every additional 20 Fire Flies added to a swarm adds an additional 5 feet to the blast area.
Additional Swarm Effects: Every 20 Fire Flies creates a thermal “blind spot” that covers a 100-foot area. Robots relying on these sensors will be unable to accurately target the swarm (-4 to strike the swarm) or see anything beyond it. The light from their internal plasma furnaces illuminates the same 100-foot area for every 20 Fire Flies. Swarms of Fire Flies are resistant to flame weapons (only half the normal amount of insects are destroyed on a successful strike).
Bio-E Cost: 40 points for every 50 Fire Flies.
• Increased Intensity: Fire Flies can have their internal plasma furnace Bio-Enhanced so that it burns much hotter. Damage is increased by 50 percent, as is the area that the bugs can illuminate and heat. Each Fire Fly can now radiate temperatures up to 150 degrees.
Bio-E Cost: 30 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Enhanced Flight Speed: Fire Flies can receive larger, more powerful wings that allow them to achieve much greater flight speeds. Increase flight speed to 80 mph.
Bonuses: +1 to strike.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
Lightning Bugs
Much like Fire Flies, Lighting Bugs are capable of generating intense energies within their abdomens. Unlike Fire Flies which create high-intensity plasma, Lightning Bugs generate a powerful electrical charge. Once they make contact with their target, they release this charge as a powerful blast that fries the delicate circuitry of the Machine’s legions (along with the Lightning Bug). Most robots created by N.E.X.U.S. have multiple redundant systems and self-repair subroutines that quickly reroute or repair damaged systems, so these effects are only temporary. This electrical discharge does little damage compared to some other Hive Insects, but it is more than enough to temporarily stun most opponents. Lightning bugs are a faster than the average Hive Insect which allows them to catch and stun difficult prey, so that the slower Hive Insects can take them down. Single insects can only stun smaller robots, but swarms of Lightning Bugs can combine their electrical attacks to overwhelm large targets (penalties and damage are identical for robotic and organic targets). Also much like Fire Flies, Lighting Bugs can generate a bright light that can illuminate a four-foot area.
M.D.C. of each Insect: 2 each.
Flight Speed: 140 mph.
Bonuses: +6 to strike and +5 to dodge.
Color: Bright blue with white highlights.
Mega-Damage from a Single Insect: 1 point, plus any target with 30 M.D.C. or less is stunned for 1D4 melees. Stunned targets are -1 attack per melee, -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce speed by 25 percent.
Additional Abilities: Each Lightning Bug can light a four-foot area. Resistant to electricity (takes half damage).
Mega-Damage from a Swarm Attack:
• A swarm of 20 Lightning Bugs inflict 3D4, plus any target with 180 M.D.C. or less is stunned for 1D4+1 melees. Stunned targets are -1 attack per melee, -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce speed by 30 percent.
• A swarm of 40 Lightning Bugs inflict 5D4, plus any target with 250 M.D.C. or less is stunned for 1D4+2 melees. Stunned targets are -1 attack per melee, -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce speed by 35 percent.
• A swarm of 60 Lightning Bugs inflict 4D8, plus any target with 400 M.D.C. or less is stunned for 1D6+1 melees. Stunned targets are -2 attacks per melee, -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce speed by 40 percent.
• A swarm of 80 Lightning Bugs inflict 5D8, plus any target with 600 M.D.C. or less is stunned for 1D6+2 melees. Stunned targets are -2 attacks per melee, -3 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce speed by 50 percent.
• A swarm of 100 Lightning Bugs inflict 6D8, plus any target with 900 M.D.C. or less is stunned for 2D4+2 melees. Stunned targets are -3 attacks per melee, -3 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce speed by 60 percent.
• Every additional 20 Lightning Bugs added to a swarm means it is capable of affecting an additional 300 M.D.C. of the target.
Additional Swarm Effects: The light from their abdomens can illuminate a 150-foot area for every 20 Lightning Bugs. Swarms of Lightning Bugs are resistant to electrical weapons (only half the normal amount of insects are destroyed on a successful strike).
Bio-E Cost: 30 points for every 50 Lightning Bugs.
• Ranged Discharge: Lightning Bugs can be Bio-Enhanced so that their powerful electrical discharge can be delivered at a distance. The range is limited to a few feet, but it makes it much more difficult for targets to evade their attacks. Opponents are -4 to dodge the swarm.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• High-Intensity Discharge: Lightning Bugs can be further Bio-Enhanced in order to dramatically increase the power of their electrical discharge. Damage, stun penalties, and duration are all doubled.
Bio-E Cost: 25 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: Ranged Discharge.
• Enhanced Flight Speed: Lightning Bugs can receive larger, more powerful wings that allow them to achieve much greater flight speeds. Increase flight speed to 200 mph.
Bonuses: +1 to strike and +1 to dodge.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
Stingers are shaped a little bit different than normal Hive Insects. The hard carapace covering the insect’s back comes to a single hard point above its head. This razor sharp spike is actually a hollow tube that allows the Stinger to inject its target with a powerful organic acid. The acid is incredibly damaging to metallic alloys and inorganic materials, but is relatively harmless to living tissue (no damage, just mild skin irritation). The acid acts like the insect’s blood, so this complete disgorging of all the bug’s vital fluids is always fatal. The acidic blood is also the reason why Stingers are more likely to inflict damage. Even if the target swats and kills scores of bugs before they can inject their stinger, their blood will still eat away at their prey.
M.D.C. of each Insect: 2 each.
Flight Speed: 70 mph.
Bonuses: +5 to strike and +3 to dodge.
Color: Bright yellow with black stripes like a hornet.
Mega-Damage from a Single Insect: 1D6 per melee round for 2 melees.
Additional Abilities: None.
Mega-Damage from a Swarm Attack:
• A swarm of 20 Stingers inflict 4D8+2 per melee round for 1D4+2 melees.
• A swarm of 40 Stingers inflict 6D8+6 per melee round for 1D4+2 melees.
• A swarm of 60 Stingers inflict 4D8+15 per melee round for 1D6+2 melees.
• A swarm of 80 Stingers inflict 5D8+25 per melee round for 1D6+2 melees.
• A swarm of 100 Stingers inflict 6D8+35 per melee round for 1D6+2 melees.
• Every additional 20 Stingers added to a swarm adds one additional melee round to the duration of damage.
Additional Swarm Effects: None.
Bio-E Cost: 30 points for every 50 Stingers.
• High Frequency Stinger Blade: The sharp spike the Stingers use to inject their acid payload can be Bio-Enhanced with a high-frequency field. This allows the little bugs to stab the injection tube deeper into their target before they release their corrosive liquid. Increase damage inflicted by a Stinger (or a swarm of Stingers) by 50 percent.
Bio-E Cost: 20 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Enhanced Flight Speed: Stingers can receive larger, more powerful wings that allow them to achieve much greater flight speeds. Increase flight speed to 100 mph.
Bonuses: +1 to strike and +1 to dodge.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
Weavers look like two-inch long spiders with wings. Despite their small size, they can create a mega-damage webbing that is strong enough to hold the most powerful opponents. Their sole purpose is to quickly immobilize difficult prey so that it can be dealt with by allies. Just a handful of Weavers can incapacitate a human-sized target in seconds, and large swarms can even disable giant hunter/killer robots like Assault Slayers and Battle Tracks. Lone Weavers are nearly worthless, but swarms of them are incredibly effective. On a successful strike, the swarm begins to wrap the target in super-strong webbing. Larger targets take longer to incapacitate, but once the Weavers begin, it is nearly impossible to stop them. The only way to interrupt the process is to quickly kill the insects with a flame thrower or similar weapon. Of course, this is more likely to destroy the target then free it. These Hive Insects can also quickly weave barriers and seal shut doors, windows, or other access points. Weavers do not perform suicidal attacks like most Hive Insects, but they have no idea when the job is done. They will dutifully continue to apply webbing, even to a fallen opponent, until they eventually die of old age or are individually recollected by the Swarm Lord.
M.D.C. of each Insect: 2 each.
Flight Speed: 70 mph.
Bonuses: +5 to strike and +3 to dodge.
Color: Light brown hair with black accents.
Mega-Damage from a Single Insect: None. Can immobilize a target the size of a cat within 2D4 melee rounds. The webbing dissolves after 2D6 minutes, but Weavers continue to apply new webbing until they eventually die of old age (unless recollected by the Swarm Lord).
Additional Abilities: Can weave a trip wire that is strong enough to trip a target with a Robotic/Splicer P.S. of 20. The webbing can support 400 pounds and has 1 M.D.C. per 10 foot length.
Mega-Damage from a Swarm Attack: Weavers cannot hurt their prey, but they can immobilize them. Targets with a P.S. less than those listed below will eventually be incapacitated at the end of the duration (no matter how much they struggle). Targets with a P.S. higher than the listed amount will simply keep breaking new web strands as they are applied. They will never be immobilized, but the act of breaking free does distract the target which means it loses 2 attacks every melee round.
• A swarm of 20 Weavers can immobilize a target with a Robotic/Splicer P.S. of 25. It only takes one melee round for every 200 lbs. of the target. The webbing cocoon has 30 M.D.C.
• A swarm of 40 Weavers can immobilize a target with a Robotic/Splicer P.S. of 35. It only takes one melee round for every 400 lbs. of the target. The webbing cocoon has 50 M.D.C.
• A swarm of 60 Weavers can immobilize a target with a Robotic/Splicer P.S. of 45. It only takes one melee round for every 700 lbs. of the target. The webbing cocoon has 70 M.D.C.
• A swarm of 80 Weavers can immobilize a target with a Robotic/Splicer P.S. of 50. It only takes one melee round for every 1000 lbs. of the target. The webbing cocoon has 90 M.D.C.
• A swarm of 100 Weavers can immobilize a target with a Robotic/Splicer P.S. of 60. It only takes one melee round for every 2000 lbs. of the target. The webbing cocoon has 120 M.D.C.
• Every additional 20 Weavers added to a swarm means it is capable of affecting a target with an additional 5 points of Robotic/Splicer P.S., it increases the amount of weight that can be affected each melee round by 1000 pounds, and it also adds another 20 M.D.C. to the webbing cocoon.
Additional Swarm Effects: Twenty Weavers can seal an entryway shut in only one minute. Every additional 20 insects added to the swarm decrease the time it takes by one melee round. It requires a Robotic/Splicer P.S. of 35 to break the seal or 20 M.D.C. to cut through. Every additional 20 insects increase the P.S. requirement by 5 and the M.D.C. of the seal by 10. For every 20 Weavers in a swarm, they can create a thin web wall that covers a 50-foot area and has 25 M.D.C.
Bio-E Cost: 25 points for every 50 Weavers.
• Speed Weaving: Weavers can receive a Bio-Enhancement that allows them to expel their webbing faster. This means the time it takes to immobilize an opponent is reduced by half. For example, a swarm of 20 Weavers would be able to cocoon 400 lbs. every melee round.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Enhanced Flight Speed: Weavers can receive larger, more powerful wings that allow them to achieve much greater flight speeds. Increase flight speed to 100 mph.
Bonuses: +1 to strike and +1 to dodge.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
Impact Beetles
Impact Beetles are the pinnacle of Hive Insect bio-engineering. These hard-shelled beetles are able to manipulate their internal Bio-Energies in order to create powerful, if somewhat limited, effects. They can either use this energy to project a tiny one square-foot force field, or they can actually propel themselves at super sonic speeds like a living rail gun round. Their destructive power is impressive, but most Swarm Lords prefer to use Impact Beetles for their defensive abilities. Individually, their tiny force fields can only deflect a few points of mega-damage, but swarms of Impact Beetles can create powerful defensive barriers. Impact Beetles are also much more versatile than standard Bio-Force Fields. They can crawl all across the Hive Armor to create a form fitting shield, or they can fly off the suit and create mobile walls or domes. Swarm Lords can even lend their bugs to other humans or Bio-Tech creations in order to provide them with a personal force field. However, most people are uncomfortable with Hive Insects crawling across their skin, and will often panic. Unless the recipients of the bugs roll a 14 or higher to save verses Horror Factor, they will panic and brush off the protective insects. Impact Beetles can also attack targets as swarms, but they project themselves so fast that it makes it difficult for more than a handful to coordinate their assault.
M.D.C. of each Insect: 2 each.
Flight Speed: 60 mph, but can reach speeds of Mach 2 when they are attacking a target.
Bonuses: +6 to strike and +2 to dodge.
Color: Solid black.
Mega-Damage from a Single Insect: 3D6. Maximum effective range is 1500 feet.
Additional Abilities: Each beetle can project a flat, one square-foot force field up to two feet away. The force field has 4 points of M.D.C. and lasts for 3D4+10 minutes. Once the duration elapses, the beetle cannot reactivate a new field for 24 hours. If the field is destroyed in combat, the energy feedback kills the beetle.
Mega-Damage from a Swarm Attack: Only small swarms of Impact Beetles can attempt to strike a single target. A swarm of 10 Impact Beetles inflict 2D6x10, and a swarm of 20 Impact Beetles inflict 5D4x10. Maximum effective range is 1500 feet.
Additional Swarm Effects: Impact Beetles can combine their tiny Bio-Energy barriers into powerful force fields. Every beetle adds 4 points to the total M.D.C. of the energy field. Combat causes a massive energy feedback that kills the insects. One beetle is killed for every 4 points of M.D.C. depleted from the field. The beetles can form a force field of any shape. The size of the field is determined by the number of insects. Each bug can project a one square-foot barrier, so 20 Impact Beetles can create a 20 square-foot force field.
Bio-E Cost: 20 points for every 10 Impact Beetles.
• Increased Accuracy: Impact Beetles can be Bio-Enhanced so that they can better track their prey at high speeds. Double maximum effective range.
Bonuses: +2 to strike
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 10 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Enhanced Projectile Speed: Impact Beetles can also be Bio-Enhanced so that their kinetic attack is much faster and thus, more powerful. Attack speed is increased to Mach 3 and damage is increased by 50 percent.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 10 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
Stink Bugs
Basic Stink Bugs are not designed for combat, but rather their role is to help the Swarm Lord better direct the hive. Each insect is capable of spraying two distinct chemicals up to three feet away. One chemical is a scent marker that helps other Hive Insects (and other Splicers) track down opponents even when they retreat out of visual range. All Hive Insects can track this scent up to half a mile away, and Gorehounds, War Mounts, and suits of Host Armor with Enhanced Senses can track the scent for two miles. This is mainly used when the Swarm Lord wants to ensure a particular opponent is dealt with, or when he wants to secretly follow a target to its home base. The other chemical the Stink Bug can release is called the “recall spray.” When this chemical is sprayed on any Hive Insect, it will immediately stop what it is doing and return to the hive. Each Hive Armor has its own unique recall scent, so there is never any confusion. This chemical is useful for recalling Weavers that have successfully immobilized an opponent and do not realize their job is done, but it is mainly used to order swarms to break off their attack. This can be done for many reasons, but most Swarm Lords do this when it becomes apparent their bugs are unable to catch their prey and are just wasting their time chasing it. Once the Stink Bugs deliver their “message,” they immediately return to the hive. They can spray each chemical three times per 24 hour period, so Swarm Lords generally keep it in reserve until absolutely necessary.
M.D.C. of each Insect: 2 each.
Flight Speed: 100 mph.
Bonuses: +2 to strike and +4 to dodge.
Color: Light green with yellow highlights.
Mega-Damage from a Single Insect: None.
Additional Abilities: Can spray a two-foot radius with either type of chemical. The recall spray will generally affect 1D4 insects. The recall chemical dissipates after one melee round and the scent marker spray dissipates after 4D4 minutes.
Mega-Damage from a Swarm Attack: None.
Additional Swarm Effects: A swarm or 20 Stink Bugs can cover a 100-foot area with either type of chemical. In the case of the recall chemical, this area is large enough to affect 4D10 insects.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 20 Stink Bugs.
Bio-Enhancements: Stink Bugs do not have to limit themselves to just two types of chemicals. By reducing the payload of their other chemical attacks, they can add one additional chemical spray. Stink Bugs with three different chemical sprays can use each type twice per 24 hour period.
• Paralysis Chemical (Minor): Stink Bugs can be enhanced with a chemical that can cause paralysis on contact. The chemical is absorbed through the skin, so gas masks and Face Wraps are ineffective. It only affects unarmored humans and other S.D.C. creatures. Anyone within the area of effect must make a roll to save vs. non-lethal poison of 14 or higher or else by completely paralyzed for 2D6 melee rounds. The chemical dissipates immediately after it is sprayed.
Bio-E Cost: 30 points for every 20 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Paralysis Chemical (Major): The Paralysis Chemical Bio-Enhancement can be further enhanced so that it will affect M.D.C. creatures and even Bio-Tech creations. Anyone within the area of effect must make a roll to save vs. non-lethal poison of 14 or higher or else by completely paralyzed for 2D6 melee rounds. Bio-Tech weapons and devices are also paralyzed by the spray and will not function unless they save vs. non-lethal poison as well. Suits of Host Armor can be paralyzed, but the spray does not pass through to the pilot (although he will likely be trapped inside). The only creatures that are immune to the spray are the Stink Bugs, so they must be careful not to harm any of the other Hive Insects or the Hive Armor. The chemical dissipates immediately after it is sprayed.
Bio-E Cost: 40 points for every 20 insects.
Prerequisite: Paralysis Chemical (Minor).
• Burning Vapors: This is the only enhancement that allows Stink Bugs to actually damage machines. The corrosive spray is destructive to inorganic material, but nearly harmless to living tissue (no damage, just mild skin irritation). The spray inflicts 2D6+3 M.D. every melee round for 1D4 melees. Multiple insects only increase the area affected, but not the damage. The chemical dissipates immediately after it is sprayed.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 20 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Stench Chemical: This noxious chemical spray irritates the eyes and causes the victim to cough and gag. The spray only affects people that are not wearing a gas mask or some other type of environmental helmet. The spray dissipates after 2D6 melees. Any unshielded people or animals within the area of effect will be -4 to strike, parry, and dodge until they leave the toxic cloud.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 20 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Enhanced Flight Speed: Stink Bugs can receive larger, more powerful wings that allow them to achieve much greater flight speeds. Increase flight speed to 140 mph.
Bonuses: +1 to dodge.
Bio-E Cost: 2 points for every 20 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
Spy Flies
All Hive Insects can be used as miniature spies and scouts, but none are better suited to the job than Spy Flies. These tiny bugs are half the size of a normal Hive Insect which makes them even harder to spot than usual, and they possess a mild version of Chameleon Skin that allows them to change colors to match the primary color in the background. Spy Flies are also incredibly fast. They can scout out trouble and deliver the news back to the hive faster than any other Hive Insect. In addition, all Spy Flies possess Enhanced Sight. They can see infrared spotlights used by the Machine and can spot the heat signatures of hidden robots, humans, and animals. Spy Flies are the only Hive Insects that are not released in coherent swarms. Once they leave the hive, they scatter in all directions to search for trouble. Once they spot a robot, they rush back to the hive to warn the Swarm Lord. They cannot communicate the exact nature of a threat, but they are still an excellent resource for sniffing out ambushes and concealments. Their sense of smell is also twice as acute as other Hive Insects. This means Spy Flies can still track the scent marker left by Stink Bugs even when the target moves out of range of the rest of the hive (one mile range).
M.D.C. of each Insect: 1 each.
Flight Speed: 180 mph.
Bonuses: +6 to dodge.
Color: Solid black, but they can change color at will.
Mega-Damage from a Single Insect: None.
Additional Abilities: Enhanced Sight, Enhanced Sense of Smell, and Chameleon Skin.
Mega-Damage from a Swarm Attack: None.
Additional Swarm Effects: Spy Flies provide their Swarm Lord master with the equivalent skills of Detect Ambush and Detect Concealment. 20 Spy Flies provide a base skill of 30% for each or a bonus of +15% to each skill if the Swarm Lord already possessed them. Every additional 20 Spy Flies released into the environment provides a bonus of +15% to both skills. In addition, every 20 Spy Flies scouring the area for trouble gives the Swarm Lord a bonus of +1 on initiative and every 40 Spy Flies provides a bonus of +1 to dodge.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 20 Spy Flies.
• Electromagnetic Vision: Spy Flies can be enhanced with Electromagnetic Vision. This allows the tiny insects to see robots through walls or around corners. In addition, it allows Spy Flies to detect Nex-Androids that are attempting to pass themselves off as human. Range is only five feet, so the Spy Fly usually has to land on the target in order to be sure.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 20 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Enhanced Flight Speed: Spy Flies can receive larger, more powerful wings that allow them to achieve much greater flight speeds. Increase flight speed to 250 mph.
Bonuses: +1 to dodge.
Bio-E Cost: 2 points for every 20 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
Swarm Lord O.C.C.
The Bio-Technology of the Resistance may sometimes seem alien and strange, but it was designed to mimic the inorganic technology of old. Organic rifles and melee weapons looked and worked like their mechanical equivalents, and Host Armor and War Mounts were modeled after the robot vehicles and power armor that the humans were comfortable with. It helped them quickly adapt to this bizarre new technology when the Nanobot Plague rendered their previous armaments useless. Subsequent generations that grew up with Bio-Technology saw it as perfectly normal, and the mechanical-like designs became standard templates used by all Great Houses throughout the Resistance. Some Librarians, however, have experimented with designs that take the idea of “living weaponry” to the next level.
One such design is known as Hive Armor. This bulky suit of armor is similar to standard Host Armor except it has a large insect hive mounted on its back. From this honey-combed mound, the suit can produce a seemingly endless supply of powerful Bio-Tech bugs called Hive Insects that the pilot directs as weapons. These living rounds possess a rudimentary intelligence that allows them to track down their prey like tiny cruise missiles. Each individual bug is capable of inflicting considerable damage for its small size, but the true power of this suit becomes apparent when the pilot unleashes their insects in large swarms. The devastating swarms released by even one suit of Hive Armor can ravage a small platoon of robots.
These experimental suits of Host Armor are piloted by a special breed of warrior known as Swarm Lords. The hive can produce hundreds of insects, but it is not large enough to house them all. This means that the majority of the bugs are constantly crawling all across the surface of the armor. This is the major reason why Hive Armor has only achieved limited popularity among the Resistance. Most humans cannot stand being near these suits, much less wear one. The writhing mass of insects covering the armor is a truly disturbing sight, and Hive Armor (like all Host Armor) passes all physical sensation experienced by the armor through to the pilot. This means that anyone wearing Hive Armor constantly feels as though hundreds of insects are crawling over every inch of his or her bare skin. Experiencing this sensation for even a few minutes can drive the most strong-willed person insane, so pilots need to adapt to the feeling before they can even hope to command Hive Insects.
Swarm Lords endure a tortuous six month training regiment in order to prepare them to don their Hive Armor. They spend every waking moment covered in insects. They begin their training handling just a few at a time, and then slowly add more and more bugs until they can sit naked in a pile of thousands of insects without thinking twice. In time, they not only learn to tolerate the feeling, they learn to love it. This is another reason why Swarm Lords are not very common among the Resistance. Most people simply find them creepy, which does not inspire many to follow in their footsteps. Of course, these same people will gladly fight at the side of these powerful warriors.
Swarm Lords can strengthen their armor with the standard Bio-Enhancements available for Host Armor, but the real power comes from the various types of insects they grow within the hive on their back. Hive Armor can house multiple types of insects simultaneously. All the bugs recognize the other species as part of the same hive, and they all work together to protect their queen, the Hive Armor pilot. They patrol the area in search of danger (robots), attack any man or machine that threatens the armor, and destroy any target the pilot commands. The hive looks like a low profile turtle shell on younger suits, but as the armor matures, the hive grows into an enormous mound. It eventually grows so large that the Hive Armor must lean forward in order to support the weight. This hunch-backed stature slows the armor down somewhat, but most Swarm Lords gladly trade the decreased mobility for the increased payload of powerful Bio-Tech Hive Insects.
Alignment: Any, but typically good or selfish.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q.: 13, M.E.: 14, and P.S.: 14 or higher.
Attribute Bonuses: +1 to I.Q., +1D6 to M.E., and +2D4 to P.S.
O.C.C. Bonuses: +2 to save vs. insanity, and +6 to save vs. horror factor.
Base S.D.C.: 50, plus any from Physical skills.
Common Skills: Standard.
O.C.C. Skill Program: Basic Military (+20%), Athletics (+10%), Bio-Technology (+10%), and Infantryman (+10%) or Man-Hunter (+10%).
Elective Skills: Select any one Wilderness Skill and three Electives from the following list at first level. Select another two Elective Skills at levels 2, 4, 8, and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5%)
Domestic: Any (+10%)
Espionage: Any (+5%)
Medical: First Aid only.
Military: Any (+5%)
Physical: Any
Rogue: Gambling and Find Contraband only.
Science: Any (+5%)
Technical: Any
Transportation: Any, except Pilot Wing Packs.
Wilderness Survival: Any (+10%)
W.P.s: Any
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select four Secondary Skills at level one and one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not receive any special O.C.C. bonuses.
Swarm Lord Hive Armor: The Swarm Lord receives an experimental Host Armor design known as Hive Armor, the Bio-Tech equivalent of living power armor, brimming with weapons, Bio-Enhancements, and a special organic hive that continuously spawns powerful Bio-Tech insects. The Swarm Lord is genetically bonded to one specific Hive Armor.
Step One: Standard for Host Armor, except for the following changes: M.D.C. of the Hive is 2D6x10+30, speed and leaping ability is reduced by 15 percent, and weight is increased by 4D4x10 lbs.
Step Two: Determining Metabolism. Hive Armor is always a Lithovore. All aspects are identical for normal Host Armor, except that Hive Armor must consume twice the usual amount of minerals each day. This is necessary to sustain the various types of metal-eating insects that grow within the hive.
Step Three: Available Bio-Energy points for the Swarm Lord is M.E. attribute number, +P.E. attribute number, +1D4x10 points, plus an additional 20 points for the Lithovore metabolism. These Bio-E points can be used to purchase Bio-Enhancements from any category except Ranged Bio-Weapons. In addition, the Swarm Lord starts with 5D4x10 Bio-E points that are used to purchase Hive Insects for the character’s personal swarm. Each level of advancement, starting with level two, the Swarm Lord gets an additional 1D6 Bio-E to add to the capabilities of the actual Host Armor, and 4D10 Bio-E points to be used to strengthen the hive. These Bio-E points can be spent as soon as they are acquired or saved and combined with points from subsequent levels of experience.
If the Swarm Lord’s Hive Armor is destroyed, another will be bonded to him. It will only have the most basic Bio-Enhancements, but it will have 5D4x10 Bio-E points available to purchase Hive Insects. Swarm Lords are just too rare, and the Resistance does not want to squander their training.
Step Four: Biological Enhancements, Weapons, and Hive Insects. Bio-E points allocated for Bio-Enhancements and Hive Insects must be spent separately. Selections can be made from any of the categories, except Ranged Bio-Weapons. The energies of the suit are dedicated to manufacturing Hive Insects, and trying to create ammunition for other Bio-Weapons proves to be just too much for the suit (and the pilot) to handle. Besides, Swarm Lords consider their Hive Insects to be far superior weapons to any Bio-Weapon available for “lesser” suits of Host Armor, so they do not see this as a limitation at all.
Special Hive Armor Bonuses: +6 on initiative and the pilot cannot be surprised from behind, +1 to strike and parry, and +5 to Horror Factor. The hundreds of insects crawling all across the Hive Armor also offer a limited amount of defensive protection. Area effect weapons like rail gun bursts, grenades, and missiles as well as impact weapons like fists, clubs, and blades will have to first get through the thick layer of insects in order to damage the armor beneath. When these types of weapons strike the armor, the damage inflicted is only half. The other half of the damage is soaked up by the Hive Insects crawling on the surface. The bugs may blunt the effect, but they suffer the consequences. Every time this layer of bugs absorbs damage for the armor, a number of insects equal to one quarter of the total damage inflicted are killed. Precision weapons like lasers, particle beam blasts, and even single rail gun rounds may hit one or two bugs, but the majority of the damage will travel through to the armor. Flame thrower weapons inflict major damage to the Hive Insects. In this case, take the total amount of damage inflicted and divide it in half. One half of the amount damages the armor, and the other half represents how many insects were destroyed.
In addition to physically shielding the armor, Hive Insects will also attack anything that threatens the Hive Armor. Any robot, drone, animal, or even human that attacks the Hive Armor in hand-to-hand combat will be assaulted by 2D4 Hive Insects every time the opponent successfully strikes the armor (just select the most abundant insect in the character’s personal swarm in order to determine damage) .
Hive Insect Generation: The organic hive constantly spawns new Hive Insects to replace bugs that die in combat or from old age. The amount of insects the hive can create is proportional to the total size of the character’s personal swarm. For every 200 insects in the swarm, the hive can generate 2D6 new insects every 10 minutes.
Penalties: As the character adds more insects to his swarm, the organic hive mounted on the armor grows larger as well. For every 200 insects, add another 4D6 M.D.C. to the hive and 50 pounds to the weight of the armor. The increased weight decreases speed and leaping ability by 10 percent. For every 400 insects, the Swarm Lord suffers additional penalties of -2 to parry and dodge. Once the swarm reaches 800 insects, the hive becomes so heavy it forces the Hive Armor to hunch forward in order to support the weight. When the armor is forced to assume this posture, all penalties from increasing the size of the swarm are doubled. At this point, most Swarm Lords enhance their Hive Armor with Elongated Arms in order to keep the suit more stable (future penalties are not doubled, they increase at the standard rate).
Standard Equipment: Military fatigues, dress clothing, survival knife, utility belt, first-aid kit, Face Wrap, tinted goggles, hatchet for cutting wood, one light or heavy Bio-Weapon of choice and one weapon for each W.P. with appropriate ammunition for heavy combat, tent, knapsack, backpack, two water skins, two week supply of emergency food rations, and some personal items.
Money: Has 1D6x100 credits in precious metals, relics or trade items, as well as 6D6x10 in available credits. Money can be spent now on additional equipment or saved for later.
The Upside: You control a massive army of hundreds of intelligent Bio-Tech weapons. Despite their size, these tiny little insects pack tremendous destructive power. They allow you to take on dozens of opponents single-handedly and prevail.
The Downside: Your hive may be strong, but it dramatically slows down your Hive Armor. The buzzing insects constantly whirling around your armor also makes stealth impossible. For all the Hive Armor’s strength, it is nearly worthless once all the Hive Insects are exhausted, so you need to be careful not to exhaust your Bio-Tech insects too quickly or you will be a sitting duck for the Machine. Furthermore, most people find the massive swarm of insects crawling across your armor creepy; the rest find it absolutely terrifying. Few people can tolerate being near you, but they generally make an exception in battle. Of course, after the day is won, they go right back to politely avoiding you.
Hive Insects
The true power of the Swarm Lord lies in his loyal army of Bio-Tech insects. There are eight types of Hive Insects that the character can choose from in order to build his personal swarm. The different species work together in perfect harmony and view each other as members of the same hive. This lets Swarm Lords add insects of every type to their swarm if they choose to do so.
Each Bio-Tech insect is surprisingly powerful on its own, but their true power is revealed when they combine their attacks as large swarms. A single Swarm Lord can devastate a platoon of robots in minutes, but he must be careful not to exhaust his supply of insects too quickly. Most Hive Insects quickly die after attacking a target (or on impact), plus they were designed to have limited lifespans. Hive Insects only live for 48 hours before they die and dissolve into sludge. This is a safety measure built into their genetic code to ensure Hive Insects never grow out of control and threaten the environment. When they are nearing the end of their lives, the bugs will crawl back into the hive so their remains can feed the rest of the swarm. This prevents the Swarm Lord from leaving a trail of dead bugs everywhere he goes, and it helps nourish the hive. The organic hive constantly spawns new insects to replace lost bugs, but this takes time.
Swarm Lords communicate with their insects through a neurological connection formed when the bugs’ feet are in contact with the Hive Armor. Their simplistic and alien minds can only communicate basic ideas like danger is near or the direction of a target, but this is often more than enough. The hundreds of Hive Insects crawling all across the armor make it impossible for anyone to sneak up on a Swarm Lord, and they can send out scores of insects in all directions to scout out trouble. The bugs cannot communicate the type of threat or number of opponents, but they can lead their Swarm Lord master right to the target or warn him which direction to avoid. Another major limitation is that Hive Insects can only identify robotic adversaries. They cannot distinguish between Waste Crawlers and other humans from the Resistance, and they cannot tell the difference between loyal War Mounts and the deadly alien predators released by the Gaia personality. This significant limitation is why they will never replace Gorehounds or Black Talon War Hawks as scouts.
Unless stated otherwise, all Hive Insects are roughly two-inches long and possess thick chitinous armor like a beetle or cockroach. Beneath their armored shells are four insect wings that allow them to fly at impressive speeds. Their compound eyes give them a good field of vision, but the range is average at best (although they can see into the ultraviolet range). All Hive Insects are Lithovores which means they eat pure minerals and metallic alloys (of course, the Nanobot Plague quickly kills these bugs after they consume metal). They were designed to find the taste of metal delicious and the taste of organic material repulsive. Even if commanded to eat a living target, Hive Insects will only take small bites before the repellant taste forces them to break off their attack. This is another safety measure built into the insects to ensure they never become a danger to humans. Hive Insects mainly eat a mineral rich paste secreted within the hive or the remains of other Hive Insects that have died of old age. This is more than enough to sustain the entire hive indefinitely, so it is unnecessary for the bugs to seek additional food from external sources. The only time they consume anything else is when they are attacking robotic targets.
Rules for Swarm Attacks
Swarm Lords telepathically direct their insects through a neurological connection formed between the skin of their Hive Armor and the feet of their insects. This means that once the Hive Insects break contact with the armor, the pilot can no longer communicate with them in any way. The bugs will follow the last command issued by the Swarm Lord to the best of their ability, but if they cannot complete their mission, they will return to the hive for further instructions. Communicating with so many minds at once (even such simple and primitive minds) requires a great deal of concentration. The character must spend one melee action for every 20 Hive Insects that he issues a command. So if a Swarm Lord wanted to launch a swarm of 100 insects, it would cost 5 melee attacks. The character can also choose to launch smaller swarms at multiple targets. In this case, each swarm also counts as one melee attack (even if all the swarms total less than 20 insects).
Swarm attacks are nearly impossible to evade unless the target is able to move faster than the flight speed of the Hive Insects. If the target cannot travel faster than the swarm, then it can only dodge the attack if it rolls a natural 18 or higher. If the target is faster than the swarm, then the Swarm Lord must make a strike roll. Each swarm attack (no matter how large) only requires one roll to strike. Either the entire swarm reaches its target, or the entire swarm misses. However, if the swarm does initially miss its target, it will continue to track down its target until the insects finally succeed or the target retreats out of visual range (1200 feet). The target can continue to dodge the swarm, but the persistent little insects will never give up until their prey falls. Actually, they do not even stop when this happens. The Hive Insects will continue to attack the fallen robot until they expend all their energy and die or they finally succumb to the Nanobot Plague. The swarm has two attacks per melee as it continuously tries to track down its prey. The only bonuses that apply are the strike bonuses listed under each individual Hive Insect. If the target does escape, then the swarm will return to the hive for new instructions.
The only way to completely dodge a swarm attack is to either flee out of visual range (1200 feet) or destroy the swarm. Unfortunately, unless the target has a flame thrower or some other area effect weapon, this is a very difficult proposition. Firing into the swarm with a precision weapon like a laser only has a small chance of hitting more than a few insects. Anyone attempting to do this must roll an 18 or higher (with strike bonuses). However, on a successful strike, the attacker only succeeds in destroying 1D4 insects (even if the swarm contained hundreds of bugs). To make a significant dent in a swarm requires a flame thrower or some other kind of area effect weapon. Grenades and missiles work if the swarm has landed on an object, but it is impossible (or at least extremely difficult) to strike the swarm with these types of weapons when they are airborne. When attacking the swarm with a flame thrower (or similar weapon), roll to strike as normal. The swarm will perform evasive maneuvers when it is assaulted by rolling to dodge the attack (include bonuses listed under each insect, high roll wins). The swarm cannot completely dodge an attack, but it can reduce the number of insects that are lost. On a successful strike, roll damage for that weapon as normal, but now this number represents how many insects were destroyed. If the swarm successfully dodges the attack, this just means that the number lost is only half. For example, an Incinerator Robot fires its plasma napalm launcher at an approaching swarm of 20 Locusts. It rolls a 14 which means the strike is successful. However, the swarm also rolls a 14 (with bonuses) which means the dodge was also successful (ties always go to the defender). The robot then rolls 3D6 to determine damage. It rolls a 12, which would normally mean 12 of the bugs are fried in midair, but since the swarm was able to evade the attack, only 6 of the insects are destroyed and the remaining 14 reach their target and begin to feast on the combat robot.
Obviously, swarms that have suffered losses will also lose some of their destructive potential. To calculate damage inflicted by a weakened swarm, roll damage as normal, and then reduce the damage by the equivalent ratio. The reduction ratios should be calculated by quarters (one quarter, half, and three quarters; always round down). Of course, if the swarm is reduced to a few insects, just use logic and calculate damage based on each individual bug.
Types of Hive Insects
Swarm Lords generally have a mixture of all types of Hive Insects within their personal swarms. They are primarily designed for combat, but creative Swarm Lords have discovered many inventive uses for their bugs. Below is a list of all the different types of Hive Insects available to the Swarm Lord.
Locusts were the first Hive Insects designed by the Librarians. These small armored beetles were modeled after the ravenous grubs used in Bore Cannons. The Librarians hoped to create flying versions of these powerful living rounds that were intelligent enough to seek out and destroy robotic adversaries on their own. They may require the direction of a Swarm Lord, but they are still incredibly effective weapons. These vicious bugs are like flying piranhas. They can consume several times their size in metal before they burst from overeating or are killed by the Nanobot Plague. Their destructive power makes them the preferred Hive Insects of most Swarm Lords.
M.D.C. of each Insect: 2 each.
Flight Speed: 80 mph.
Bonuses: +5 to strike and +3 to dodge.
Color: Light brown with dark green accents.
Mega-Damage from a Single Insect: 1D4 per melee round for 1D4 melees.
Additional Abilities: None.
Mega-Damage from a Swarm Attack:
• A swarm of 20 Locusts inflict 5D8 per melee round for 1D6 melees.
• A swarm of 40 Locusts inflict 8D8 per melee round for 1D6 melees.
• A swarm of 60 Locusts inflict 5D8+20 per melee round for 2D4 melees.
• A swarm of 80 Locusts inflict 6D8+30 per melee round for 2D4 melees.
• A swarm of 100 Locusts inflict 7D8+40 per melee round for 2D4 melees.
• Every additional 20 Locusts added to a swarm adds one additional melee round to the duration of damage.
Additional Swarm Effects: None.
Bio-E Cost: 35 points for every 50 Locusts.
• Regurgitation: Locusts can be enhanced with a reflex that forces them to regurgitate periodically when they consume metallic alloys. This allows the voracious bugs to actually eat longer before they finally gorge to death. Increase the duration that damage is inflicted by 50 percent. In other words, 1D4 melees becomes 1D4+2 melee rounds, 1D6 melees becomes 1D6+3 melee rounds, and 2D4 melees becomes 3D4 melees.
Bio-E Cost: 20 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Acidic Regurgitation: Once Locusts receive the Regurgitation Bio-Enhancement, they can be further modified so that when they do regurgitate, they disgorge a powerful acid. The acid is incredibly damaging to inorganic material, but nearly harmless to humans (no damage at all, just mild skin irritation). This increases the damage done by a Locust (or Locust swarm) by 50 percent.
Bio-E Cost: 20 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: Regurgitation.
• Enhanced Flight Speed: Locusts can receive larger, more powerful wings that allow them to achieve much greater flight speeds. Increase flight speed to 120 mph.
Bonuses: +1 to strike and +1 to dodge.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
Fire Flies
These fat little bugs are about one inch longer than the average Hive Insect and nearly twice as fat. They can perform multiple functions, but their main role is to act as miniature, self-guided plasma grenades. Fire Flies are able to generate a small amount of super-heated plasma within their abdomens. They can douse or ignite their internal fires at will and can even control the intensity. When lit, this bright orange flame can illuminate a three-foot area around the bug. The internal plasma furnace also gives off a good deal of heat, but the heat resistant carapace that each fly possesses limits the amount of heat released. They feel warm to the touch, but they can still be safely handled by an unarmored human. Many Swarm Lords like to use Fire Flies to confound the Thermographic Optics used by the Machine. One Fire Fly appears as a three-foot wide blotch on a thermal imager that is roughly the same temperature as a human being, and multiple insects can create a heat screen that makes these advanced optics almost useless. While Fire Flies make excellent lanterns and radiators, their true purpose is combat. Once these Hive Insects chase down and land on their prey, they overload their internal plasma furnaces and detonate. The tiny six-inch explosion from a lone bug inflicts decent damage, but when Fire Flies combine their power in swarms, they are utterly devastating.
M.D.C. of each Insect: 3 each.
Flight Speed: 60 mph.
Bonuses: +3 to strike and +3 to dodge.
Color: Black with bright orange highlights.
Mega-Damage from a Single Insect: 2D4
Additional Abilities: Each Fire Fly can light a three-foot area and can also radiate temperatures up to 120 degrees within the same three-foot area. Resistant to heat and fire (takes half damage).
Mega-Damage from a Swarm Attack:
• A swarm of 20 Fire Flies inflict 6D10 to a 10-foot area
• A swarm of 40 Fire Flies inflict 8D10+10 to a 15-foot area
• A swarm of 60 Fire Flies inflict 10D10+20 to a 20-foot area
• A swarm of 80 Fire Flies inflict 10D10+50 to a 25-foot area
• A swarm of 100 Fire Flies inflict 10D10+100 to a 30-foot area
• Every additional 20 Fire Flies added to a swarm adds an additional 5 feet to the blast area.
Additional Swarm Effects: Every 20 Fire Flies creates a thermal “blind spot” that covers a 100-foot area. Robots relying on these sensors will be unable to accurately target the swarm (-4 to strike the swarm) or see anything beyond it. The light from their internal plasma furnaces illuminates the same 100-foot area for every 20 Fire Flies. Swarms of Fire Flies are resistant to flame weapons (only half the normal amount of insects are destroyed on a successful strike).
Bio-E Cost: 40 points for every 50 Fire Flies.
• Increased Intensity: Fire Flies can have their internal plasma furnace Bio-Enhanced so that it burns much hotter. Damage is increased by 50 percent, as is the area that the bugs can illuminate and heat. Each Fire Fly can now radiate temperatures up to 150 degrees.
Bio-E Cost: 30 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Enhanced Flight Speed: Fire Flies can receive larger, more powerful wings that allow them to achieve much greater flight speeds. Increase flight speed to 80 mph.
Bonuses: +1 to strike.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
Lightning Bugs
Much like Fire Flies, Lighting Bugs are capable of generating intense energies within their abdomens. Unlike Fire Flies which create high-intensity plasma, Lightning Bugs generate a powerful electrical charge. Once they make contact with their target, they release this charge as a powerful blast that fries the delicate circuitry of the Machine’s legions (along with the Lightning Bug). Most robots created by N.E.X.U.S. have multiple redundant systems and self-repair subroutines that quickly reroute or repair damaged systems, so these effects are only temporary. This electrical discharge does little damage compared to some other Hive Insects, but it is more than enough to temporarily stun most opponents. Lightning bugs are a faster than the average Hive Insect which allows them to catch and stun difficult prey, so that the slower Hive Insects can take them down. Single insects can only stun smaller robots, but swarms of Lightning Bugs can combine their electrical attacks to overwhelm large targets (penalties and damage are identical for robotic and organic targets). Also much like Fire Flies, Lighting Bugs can generate a bright light that can illuminate a four-foot area.
M.D.C. of each Insect: 2 each.
Flight Speed: 140 mph.
Bonuses: +6 to strike and +5 to dodge.
Color: Bright blue with white highlights.
Mega-Damage from a Single Insect: 1 point, plus any target with 30 M.D.C. or less is stunned for 1D4 melees. Stunned targets are -1 attack per melee, -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce speed by 25 percent.
Additional Abilities: Each Lightning Bug can light a four-foot area. Resistant to electricity (takes half damage).
Mega-Damage from a Swarm Attack:
• A swarm of 20 Lightning Bugs inflict 3D4, plus any target with 180 M.D.C. or less is stunned for 1D4+1 melees. Stunned targets are -1 attack per melee, -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce speed by 30 percent.
• A swarm of 40 Lightning Bugs inflict 5D4, plus any target with 250 M.D.C. or less is stunned for 1D4+2 melees. Stunned targets are -1 attack per melee, -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce speed by 35 percent.
• A swarm of 60 Lightning Bugs inflict 4D8, plus any target with 400 M.D.C. or less is stunned for 1D6+1 melees. Stunned targets are -2 attacks per melee, -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce speed by 40 percent.
• A swarm of 80 Lightning Bugs inflict 5D8, plus any target with 600 M.D.C. or less is stunned for 1D6+2 melees. Stunned targets are -2 attacks per melee, -3 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce speed by 50 percent.
• A swarm of 100 Lightning Bugs inflict 6D8, plus any target with 900 M.D.C. or less is stunned for 2D4+2 melees. Stunned targets are -3 attacks per melee, -3 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce speed by 60 percent.
• Every additional 20 Lightning Bugs added to a swarm means it is capable of affecting an additional 300 M.D.C. of the target.
Additional Swarm Effects: The light from their abdomens can illuminate a 150-foot area for every 20 Lightning Bugs. Swarms of Lightning Bugs are resistant to electrical weapons (only half the normal amount of insects are destroyed on a successful strike).
Bio-E Cost: 30 points for every 50 Lightning Bugs.
• Ranged Discharge: Lightning Bugs can be Bio-Enhanced so that their powerful electrical discharge can be delivered at a distance. The range is limited to a few feet, but it makes it much more difficult for targets to evade their attacks. Opponents are -4 to dodge the swarm.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• High-Intensity Discharge: Lightning Bugs can be further Bio-Enhanced in order to dramatically increase the power of their electrical discharge. Damage, stun penalties, and duration are all doubled.
Bio-E Cost: 25 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: Ranged Discharge.
• Enhanced Flight Speed: Lightning Bugs can receive larger, more powerful wings that allow them to achieve much greater flight speeds. Increase flight speed to 200 mph.
Bonuses: +1 to strike and +1 to dodge.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
Stingers are shaped a little bit different than normal Hive Insects. The hard carapace covering the insect’s back comes to a single hard point above its head. This razor sharp spike is actually a hollow tube that allows the Stinger to inject its target with a powerful organic acid. The acid is incredibly damaging to metallic alloys and inorganic materials, but is relatively harmless to living tissue (no damage, just mild skin irritation). The acid acts like the insect’s blood, so this complete disgorging of all the bug’s vital fluids is always fatal. The acidic blood is also the reason why Stingers are more likely to inflict damage. Even if the target swats and kills scores of bugs before they can inject their stinger, their blood will still eat away at their prey.
M.D.C. of each Insect: 2 each.
Flight Speed: 70 mph.
Bonuses: +5 to strike and +3 to dodge.
Color: Bright yellow with black stripes like a hornet.
Mega-Damage from a Single Insect: 1D6 per melee round for 2 melees.
Additional Abilities: None.
Mega-Damage from a Swarm Attack:
• A swarm of 20 Stingers inflict 4D8+2 per melee round for 1D4+2 melees.
• A swarm of 40 Stingers inflict 6D8+6 per melee round for 1D4+2 melees.
• A swarm of 60 Stingers inflict 4D8+15 per melee round for 1D6+2 melees.
• A swarm of 80 Stingers inflict 5D8+25 per melee round for 1D6+2 melees.
• A swarm of 100 Stingers inflict 6D8+35 per melee round for 1D6+2 melees.
• Every additional 20 Stingers added to a swarm adds one additional melee round to the duration of damage.
Additional Swarm Effects: None.
Bio-E Cost: 30 points for every 50 Stingers.
• High Frequency Stinger Blade: The sharp spike the Stingers use to inject their acid payload can be Bio-Enhanced with a high-frequency field. This allows the little bugs to stab the injection tube deeper into their target before they release their corrosive liquid. Increase damage inflicted by a Stinger (or a swarm of Stingers) by 50 percent.
Bio-E Cost: 20 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Enhanced Flight Speed: Stingers can receive larger, more powerful wings that allow them to achieve much greater flight speeds. Increase flight speed to 100 mph.
Bonuses: +1 to strike and +1 to dodge.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
Weavers look like two-inch long spiders with wings. Despite their small size, they can create a mega-damage webbing that is strong enough to hold the most powerful opponents. Their sole purpose is to quickly immobilize difficult prey so that it can be dealt with by allies. Just a handful of Weavers can incapacitate a human-sized target in seconds, and large swarms can even disable giant hunter/killer robots like Assault Slayers and Battle Tracks. Lone Weavers are nearly worthless, but swarms of them are incredibly effective. On a successful strike, the swarm begins to wrap the target in super-strong webbing. Larger targets take longer to incapacitate, but once the Weavers begin, it is nearly impossible to stop them. The only way to interrupt the process is to quickly kill the insects with a flame thrower or similar weapon. Of course, this is more likely to destroy the target then free it. These Hive Insects can also quickly weave barriers and seal shut doors, windows, or other access points. Weavers do not perform suicidal attacks like most Hive Insects, but they have no idea when the job is done. They will dutifully continue to apply webbing, even to a fallen opponent, until they eventually die of old age or are individually recollected by the Swarm Lord.
M.D.C. of each Insect: 2 each.
Flight Speed: 70 mph.
Bonuses: +5 to strike and +3 to dodge.
Color: Light brown hair with black accents.
Mega-Damage from a Single Insect: None. Can immobilize a target the size of a cat within 2D4 melee rounds. The webbing dissolves after 2D6 minutes, but Weavers continue to apply new webbing until they eventually die of old age (unless recollected by the Swarm Lord).
Additional Abilities: Can weave a trip wire that is strong enough to trip a target with a Robotic/Splicer P.S. of 20. The webbing can support 400 pounds and has 1 M.D.C. per 10 foot length.
Mega-Damage from a Swarm Attack: Weavers cannot hurt their prey, but they can immobilize them. Targets with a P.S. less than those listed below will eventually be incapacitated at the end of the duration (no matter how much they struggle). Targets with a P.S. higher than the listed amount will simply keep breaking new web strands as they are applied. They will never be immobilized, but the act of breaking free does distract the target which means it loses 2 attacks every melee round.
• A swarm of 20 Weavers can immobilize a target with a Robotic/Splicer P.S. of 25. It only takes one melee round for every 200 lbs. of the target. The webbing cocoon has 30 M.D.C.
• A swarm of 40 Weavers can immobilize a target with a Robotic/Splicer P.S. of 35. It only takes one melee round for every 400 lbs. of the target. The webbing cocoon has 50 M.D.C.
• A swarm of 60 Weavers can immobilize a target with a Robotic/Splicer P.S. of 45. It only takes one melee round for every 700 lbs. of the target. The webbing cocoon has 70 M.D.C.
• A swarm of 80 Weavers can immobilize a target with a Robotic/Splicer P.S. of 50. It only takes one melee round for every 1000 lbs. of the target. The webbing cocoon has 90 M.D.C.
• A swarm of 100 Weavers can immobilize a target with a Robotic/Splicer P.S. of 60. It only takes one melee round for every 2000 lbs. of the target. The webbing cocoon has 120 M.D.C.
• Every additional 20 Weavers added to a swarm means it is capable of affecting a target with an additional 5 points of Robotic/Splicer P.S., it increases the amount of weight that can be affected each melee round by 1000 pounds, and it also adds another 20 M.D.C. to the webbing cocoon.
Additional Swarm Effects: Twenty Weavers can seal an entryway shut in only one minute. Every additional 20 insects added to the swarm decrease the time it takes by one melee round. It requires a Robotic/Splicer P.S. of 35 to break the seal or 20 M.D.C. to cut through. Every additional 20 insects increase the P.S. requirement by 5 and the M.D.C. of the seal by 10. For every 20 Weavers in a swarm, they can create a thin web wall that covers a 50-foot area and has 25 M.D.C.
Bio-E Cost: 25 points for every 50 Weavers.
• Speed Weaving: Weavers can receive a Bio-Enhancement that allows them to expel their webbing faster. This means the time it takes to immobilize an opponent is reduced by half. For example, a swarm of 20 Weavers would be able to cocoon 400 lbs. every melee round.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Enhanced Flight Speed: Weavers can receive larger, more powerful wings that allow them to achieve much greater flight speeds. Increase flight speed to 100 mph.
Bonuses: +1 to strike and +1 to dodge.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 50 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
Impact Beetles
Impact Beetles are the pinnacle of Hive Insect bio-engineering. These hard-shelled beetles are able to manipulate their internal Bio-Energies in order to create powerful, if somewhat limited, effects. They can either use this energy to project a tiny one square-foot force field, or they can actually propel themselves at super sonic speeds like a living rail gun round. Their destructive power is impressive, but most Swarm Lords prefer to use Impact Beetles for their defensive abilities. Individually, their tiny force fields can only deflect a few points of mega-damage, but swarms of Impact Beetles can create powerful defensive barriers. Impact Beetles are also much more versatile than standard Bio-Force Fields. They can crawl all across the Hive Armor to create a form fitting shield, or they can fly off the suit and create mobile walls or domes. Swarm Lords can even lend their bugs to other humans or Bio-Tech creations in order to provide them with a personal force field. However, most people are uncomfortable with Hive Insects crawling across their skin, and will often panic. Unless the recipients of the bugs roll a 14 or higher to save verses Horror Factor, they will panic and brush off the protective insects. Impact Beetles can also attack targets as swarms, but they project themselves so fast that it makes it difficult for more than a handful to coordinate their assault.
M.D.C. of each Insect: 2 each.
Flight Speed: 60 mph, but can reach speeds of Mach 2 when they are attacking a target.
Bonuses: +6 to strike and +2 to dodge.
Color: Solid black.
Mega-Damage from a Single Insect: 3D6. Maximum effective range is 1500 feet.
Additional Abilities: Each beetle can project a flat, one square-foot force field up to two feet away. The force field has 4 points of M.D.C. and lasts for 3D4+10 minutes. Once the duration elapses, the beetle cannot reactivate a new field for 24 hours. If the field is destroyed in combat, the energy feedback kills the beetle.
Mega-Damage from a Swarm Attack: Only small swarms of Impact Beetles can attempt to strike a single target. A swarm of 10 Impact Beetles inflict 2D6x10, and a swarm of 20 Impact Beetles inflict 5D4x10. Maximum effective range is 1500 feet.
Additional Swarm Effects: Impact Beetles can combine their tiny Bio-Energy barriers into powerful force fields. Every beetle adds 4 points to the total M.D.C. of the energy field. Combat causes a massive energy feedback that kills the insects. One beetle is killed for every 4 points of M.D.C. depleted from the field. The beetles can form a force field of any shape. The size of the field is determined by the number of insects. Each bug can project a one square-foot barrier, so 20 Impact Beetles can create a 20 square-foot force field.
Bio-E Cost: 20 points for every 10 Impact Beetles.
• Increased Accuracy: Impact Beetles can be Bio-Enhanced so that they can better track their prey at high speeds. Double maximum effective range.
Bonuses: +2 to strike
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 10 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Enhanced Projectile Speed: Impact Beetles can also be Bio-Enhanced so that their kinetic attack is much faster and thus, more powerful. Attack speed is increased to Mach 3 and damage is increased by 50 percent.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 10 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
Stink Bugs
Basic Stink Bugs are not designed for combat, but rather their role is to help the Swarm Lord better direct the hive. Each insect is capable of spraying two distinct chemicals up to three feet away. One chemical is a scent marker that helps other Hive Insects (and other Splicers) track down opponents even when they retreat out of visual range. All Hive Insects can track this scent up to half a mile away, and Gorehounds, War Mounts, and suits of Host Armor with Enhanced Senses can track the scent for two miles. This is mainly used when the Swarm Lord wants to ensure a particular opponent is dealt with, or when he wants to secretly follow a target to its home base. The other chemical the Stink Bug can release is called the “recall spray.” When this chemical is sprayed on any Hive Insect, it will immediately stop what it is doing and return to the hive. Each Hive Armor has its own unique recall scent, so there is never any confusion. This chemical is useful for recalling Weavers that have successfully immobilized an opponent and do not realize their job is done, but it is mainly used to order swarms to break off their attack. This can be done for many reasons, but most Swarm Lords do this when it becomes apparent their bugs are unable to catch their prey and are just wasting their time chasing it. Once the Stink Bugs deliver their “message,” they immediately return to the hive. They can spray each chemical three times per 24 hour period, so Swarm Lords generally keep it in reserve until absolutely necessary.
M.D.C. of each Insect: 2 each.
Flight Speed: 100 mph.
Bonuses: +2 to strike and +4 to dodge.
Color: Light green with yellow highlights.
Mega-Damage from a Single Insect: None.
Additional Abilities: Can spray a two-foot radius with either type of chemical. The recall spray will generally affect 1D4 insects. The recall chemical dissipates after one melee round and the scent marker spray dissipates after 4D4 minutes.
Mega-Damage from a Swarm Attack: None.
Additional Swarm Effects: A swarm or 20 Stink Bugs can cover a 100-foot area with either type of chemical. In the case of the recall chemical, this area is large enough to affect 4D10 insects.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 20 Stink Bugs.
Bio-Enhancements: Stink Bugs do not have to limit themselves to just two types of chemicals. By reducing the payload of their other chemical attacks, they can add one additional chemical spray. Stink Bugs with three different chemical sprays can use each type twice per 24 hour period.
• Paralysis Chemical (Minor): Stink Bugs can be enhanced with a chemical that can cause paralysis on contact. The chemical is absorbed through the skin, so gas masks and Face Wraps are ineffective. It only affects unarmored humans and other S.D.C. creatures. Anyone within the area of effect must make a roll to save vs. non-lethal poison of 14 or higher or else by completely paralyzed for 2D6 melee rounds. The chemical dissipates immediately after it is sprayed.
Bio-E Cost: 30 points for every 20 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Paralysis Chemical (Major): The Paralysis Chemical Bio-Enhancement can be further enhanced so that it will affect M.D.C. creatures and even Bio-Tech creations. Anyone within the area of effect must make a roll to save vs. non-lethal poison of 14 or higher or else by completely paralyzed for 2D6 melee rounds. Bio-Tech weapons and devices are also paralyzed by the spray and will not function unless they save vs. non-lethal poison as well. Suits of Host Armor can be paralyzed, but the spray does not pass through to the pilot (although he will likely be trapped inside). The only creatures that are immune to the spray are the Stink Bugs, so they must be careful not to harm any of the other Hive Insects or the Hive Armor. The chemical dissipates immediately after it is sprayed.
Bio-E Cost: 40 points for every 20 insects.
Prerequisite: Paralysis Chemical (Minor).
• Burning Vapors: This is the only enhancement that allows Stink Bugs to actually damage machines. The corrosive spray is destructive to inorganic material, but nearly harmless to living tissue (no damage, just mild skin irritation). The spray inflicts 2D6+3 M.D. every melee round for 1D4 melees. Multiple insects only increase the area affected, but not the damage. The chemical dissipates immediately after it is sprayed.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 20 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Stench Chemical: This noxious chemical spray irritates the eyes and causes the victim to cough and gag. The spray only affects people that are not wearing a gas mask or some other type of environmental helmet. The spray dissipates after 2D6 melees. Any unshielded people or animals within the area of effect will be -4 to strike, parry, and dodge until they leave the toxic cloud.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 20 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Enhanced Flight Speed: Stink Bugs can receive larger, more powerful wings that allow them to achieve much greater flight speeds. Increase flight speed to 140 mph.
Bonuses: +1 to dodge.
Bio-E Cost: 2 points for every 20 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
Spy Flies
All Hive Insects can be used as miniature spies and scouts, but none are better suited to the job than Spy Flies. These tiny bugs are half the size of a normal Hive Insect which makes them even harder to spot than usual, and they possess a mild version of Chameleon Skin that allows them to change colors to match the primary color in the background. Spy Flies are also incredibly fast. They can scout out trouble and deliver the news back to the hive faster than any other Hive Insect. In addition, all Spy Flies possess Enhanced Sight. They can see infrared spotlights used by the Machine and can spot the heat signatures of hidden robots, humans, and animals. Spy Flies are the only Hive Insects that are not released in coherent swarms. Once they leave the hive, they scatter in all directions to search for trouble. Once they spot a robot, they rush back to the hive to warn the Swarm Lord. They cannot communicate the exact nature of a threat, but they are still an excellent resource for sniffing out ambushes and concealments. Their sense of smell is also twice as acute as other Hive Insects. This means Spy Flies can still track the scent marker left by Stink Bugs even when the target moves out of range of the rest of the hive (one mile range).
M.D.C. of each Insect: 1 each.
Flight Speed: 180 mph.
Bonuses: +6 to dodge.
Color: Solid black, but they can change color at will.
Mega-Damage from a Single Insect: None.
Additional Abilities: Enhanced Sight, Enhanced Sense of Smell, and Chameleon Skin.
Mega-Damage from a Swarm Attack: None.
Additional Swarm Effects: Spy Flies provide their Swarm Lord master with the equivalent skills of Detect Ambush and Detect Concealment. 20 Spy Flies provide a base skill of 30% for each or a bonus of +15% to each skill if the Swarm Lord already possessed them. Every additional 20 Spy Flies released into the environment provides a bonus of +15% to both skills. In addition, every 20 Spy Flies scouring the area for trouble gives the Swarm Lord a bonus of +1 on initiative and every 40 Spy Flies provides a bonus of +1 to dodge.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 20 Spy Flies.
• Electromagnetic Vision: Spy Flies can be enhanced with Electromagnetic Vision. This allows the tiny insects to see robots through walls or around corners. In addition, it allows Spy Flies to detect Nex-Androids that are attempting to pass themselves off as human. Range is only five feet, so the Spy Fly usually has to land on the target in order to be sure.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for every 20 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
• Enhanced Flight Speed: Spy Flies can receive larger, more powerful wings that allow them to achieve much greater flight speeds. Increase flight speed to 250 mph.
Bonuses: +1 to dodge.
Bio-E Cost: 2 points for every 20 insects.
Prerequisite: None.
Last edited by slappy on Thu Apr 21, 2005 12:05 pm, edited 9 times in total.
I hate it when I forget something. I went back and made the change (you'll probably be seeing that edit counter go up a lot). Thank you for pointing that out.
Elongated arms negates the increased penalty. Instead of double the penalites, it just increases at the same rate.
As for the Serpentine Limb, just tack on all the normal bonuses. Make the Hive Armor as freaky as you want it. The only limitation is Ranged Weapons, and perhaps enhancements that go on the back like Organic Thrusters. Of course, you could place the jets somewhere else on the body to get around this problem. Feel free to get creative with the limited amount of enhancement points available.
Elongated arms negates the increased penalty. Instead of double the penalites, it just increases at the same rate.
As for the Serpentine Limb, just tack on all the normal bonuses. Make the Hive Armor as freaky as you want it. The only limitation is Ranged Weapons, and perhaps enhancements that go on the back like Organic Thrusters. Of course, you could place the jets somewhere else on the body to get around this problem. Feel free to get creative with the limited amount of enhancement points available.
- Prince Cherico
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Ayn Rand - Location: california
that OCC was one of the coolest ive seen
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
- D-Bee
- Posts: 26
- Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2003 11:31 pm
Feel free to keep repeating yourself. Knowing that people are appreciating my work is what keeps me writing.
I noticed that the next Rifter is going to publish new War Mounts. I still haven't heard from Wayne Smith if any of them are from me. If none of them are mine, I'll probably be so discouraged I might stop, so here's hoping.![Very Happy :-D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
I noticed that the next Rifter is going to publish new War Mounts. I still haven't heard from Wayne Smith if any of them are from me. If none of them are mine, I'll probably be so discouraged I might stop, so here's hoping.
![Very Happy :-D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
- Dark_Lightning
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Haven't played since it went up but looking at it I'd say you did damned well balancing it. I have every intention of playtesting a few of these and your Siren robots for PC balance checks. Given my group, odds are I'll play the Siren and the other GM will play the Swarmlord though I may be a bastard and play both at once ![Razz :P](./images/smilies/tongue.gif)
![Razz :P](./images/smilies/tongue.gif)
Lord Cherico wrote:that OCC was one of the coolest ive seen
Well it does have a few bugs, but I like it.
![Big Grin :D](./images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.
taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...
taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink...
![Very Happy :-D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.
taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...
taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink...
![Shocked :shock:](./images/smilies/icon_eek.gif)
![Very Happy :-D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
slappy wrote:I don't mean this as a "bump." I just wanted to let anyone know that printed this O.C.C. that I've gone through and made minor changes throughout. Just in case you want the updated version.
Do you remember what you changed?
Could do a short list of them?
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.
taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...
taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink...
![Very Happy :-D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.
taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...
taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink...
![Shocked :shock:](./images/smilies/icon_eek.gif)
![Very Happy :-D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
Honestly I can' even remember. I've edited that post seven times already. Most of it should be cosmetic and grammar changes. The last thing I did was change the speeds of the insects a bit to make them better able to serve their roles and changed the Bio-E cost for Stingers. I suppose that would be the easiest thing to check.
Thank you, slappy.
Any thoughts on ground bugs.
I keep seeing columns of Army ants with their hive/nest in Armored Turtles attacking the machines.
![Confused :?](./images/smilies/help.gif)
![Big Grin :D](./images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
Any thoughts on ground bugs.
I keep seeing columns of Army ants with their hive/nest in Armored Turtles attacking the machines.
![Eek! :eek:](./images/smilies/eek.gif)
![Confused :?](./images/smilies/help.gif)
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.
taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...
taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink...
![Very Happy :-D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.
taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...
taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink...
![Shocked :shock:](./images/smilies/icon_eek.gif)
![Very Happy :-D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
Top notch man! I love this OCC... ![Big Grin :D](./images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
![Big Grin :D](./images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
My dragon juicer died because of magical sock puppets. - ash_wednesday
hell id go on spectors pods- Cherico
keep Specter's ass out of my general area when he fells naked- Rayven
Specter "the poopy pants man"-CyberPaladin85
http://beautifuldiscord.blogspot.com My Poetry/Short Stories I want you to comment!
hell id go on spectors pods- Cherico
keep Specter's ass out of my general area when he fells naked- Rayven
Specter "the poopy pants man"-CyberPaladin85
http://beautifuldiscord.blogspot.com My Poetry/Short Stories I want you to comment!
abtex wrote:Any thoughts on ground bugs.
I keep seeing columns of Army ants with their hive/nest in Armored Turtles attacking the machines.
I thought of doing ground bugs before, but I always found flying insects more terrifying (plus more effective against opponets that run 100 mph). I like your idea though. They'd be like mobile land mines. Very cool.
Some times I am Just slow.
slappy wrote:abtex wrote:Any thoughts on ground bugs.
I keep seeing columns of Army ants with their hive/nest in Armored Turtles attacking the machines.
I thought of doing ground bugs before, but I always found flying insects more terrifying (plus more effective against opponets that run 100 mph). I like your idea though. They'd be like mobile land mines. Very cool.
I finely understand how Ants would make good Land mines.
I was thinking about turning Chigs or other bugs into different types of hand grenades. Then it hit me.
They dig into the ground Machine or other unfriendly unit passes over them. The first ones blow up, then the rest of the ground swarm goes to work. And if no one come back to see them. They die or get up and move somewhere else.
Right or something like that.
Land base Bugs are good defense or ambush elements.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.
taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...
taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink...
![Very Happy :-D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.
taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...
taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink...
![Shocked :shock:](./images/smilies/icon_eek.gif)
![Very Happy :-D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
Whatever doesn't show up in the Rifter will defiantely be posted at The NEXUS POINT
The Phoenix is Coming!
- Aramanthus
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- Location: Racine, WI
Slappy, that is another masterpiece! Thank you for bringing this back from the dead, Dr!Watch out thread necromancy will draw Josh Hilden to their location. He senses thread necromancy.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
Dr. Hellstromme wrote:What can I say... thats a really inventive application of splicer tech.
It surprised me a bit that most 'combat' swarms affect only one target
Question: does some kind of repellent chemical exist against them?
Lot of activity here all of a sudden. Glad someone stumbled on this one again. I always wondered if this needed more clarification. I have it in there, but maybe I need to elaborate.
Every 20 insects counts as one attack. So sending 60 insects at one person counts as 3 attacks. In the alternative, you can simultaneously attack 3 separate people with 20 insects each for 3 attacks (or 20 at one person and 40 at a another).
As for the repellent, none exists so far. These are relatively new creations and they only attack robots. N.E.X.U.S. tends to rely on centuries old, proven designs so she's not that innovative. As they become more common, then counter-measures could develop.
- Aramanthus
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- Aramanthus
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- bigbobsr6000
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I can't tell you enought how really great this stuff is.
![Big Grin :D](./images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
![Okay :ok:](./images/smilies/bigok.gif)
![Cool 8)](./images/smilies/cool.gif)
![Big Grin :D](./images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
Mephisto: You have some morbid fantasies. I like it (okay)
pblackcrow:"If anyone deserves this it's you! (thwak) LOL...All in fun."
Natasha: Bob you're deadly. I like it.
Misfit KotLD: You're Gamer Bi-Polar.
Sanford: Excellent concept, Big Bob!
sasha: I think Bob gets the JUST A GAME award....for life.
Jerell: You sir, are ruthless, and that is why I like you.
pblackcrow:"If anyone deserves this it's you! (thwak) LOL...All in fun."
Natasha: Bob you're deadly. I like it.
Misfit KotLD: You're Gamer Bi-Polar.
Sanford: Excellent concept, Big Bob!
sasha: I think Bob gets the JUST A GAME award....for life.
Jerell: You sir, are ruthless, and that is why I like you.
- Aramanthus
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I know! All of these could and should be put into a book of their own!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
- Aramanthus
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- Princedarkstorm
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
Very deadly !
- Snake Eyes
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
I would like to see everyones work printed in the RIFTER or a second online RIFTER for all their work .
- The Galactus Kid
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
This is such a great class. I really would like to see this in the upcoming project, slappy.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.
Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.
Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you.
ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
- Princedarkstorm
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
The Galactus Kid wrote:This is such a great class. I really would like to see this in the upcoming project, slappy.
Same here !
- Aramanthus
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
There is a lot of potential in this one. It needs to see the light of day as a printed product.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
- Princedarkstorm
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
Very true .
Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
any lazar bugs? ![Question :?:](./images/smilies/icon_question.gif)
![Question :?:](./images/smilies/icon_question.gif)
- Princedarkstorm
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
None that I know of .
- Princedarkstorm
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
Will their be any updates ,Slappy?
- Aramanthus
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
I hope he'll be able to slip some little sneaks peaks into his future gear.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
- Princedarkstorm
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
True .
- Aramanthus
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
I'm always happy too see a tidbit of what is too come.
Any further news for us?
![Big Grin :D](./images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
Just working on it when I can. No real news other than that.
- Princedarkstorm
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
darklon0877 wrote:How about a cool HLS adventure
where our player characters get ambushed by a Swarm Lord of a rival house
on some mission? Where they were sent to retrieve something important or something?
That was a good idea .
- Aramanthus
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
That would be a way to test the OCC to see how it functions in the game. Refine it after each test.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
- Knight
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
WOW like it but how would it look like ?
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
- Aramanthus
- Monk
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- Location: Racine, WI
Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
Anything new on the development on this?
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."
"As you will it, your Grace."
- Princedarkstorm
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
Aramanthus wrote:Anything new on the development on this?
Yes ?! Anything !?
- The Galactus Kid
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
It looks like this is going to be in Rifter #51!!! Hopefully with a full list of swarm insects.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.
Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.
Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you.
ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
- taalismn
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
Congrats! I look foreward to adding another layer of directed biological chaos to the Armies of the Green Revolution.
Egad, and if you get these guys working with the Gardeners....![Shocked :shock:](./images/smilies/icon_eek.gif)
Egad, and if you get these guys working with the Gardeners....
![Shocked :shock:](./images/smilies/icon_eek.gif)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- The Galactus Kid
- Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
- Posts: 8800
- Joined: Tue Jul 20, 2004 4:45 pm
- Location: Working on getting Splicers more support!!!
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Re: Swarm Lord O.C.C.
Yeah, Slappy knocked this one out of the park. Chucks artwork for it is simply amazing too.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.
Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.
Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you.
ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.