Biomancer update, your review.

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Re: Biomancer update, your review.

Unread post by Glistam »

I think I could only justify about half of those spells. Ilusions, magic force fields, dimension manipulation, none of those things really seem to thematically fit with the Biomancer. Anything dealign with plant life, nature, animals, or earth I could see. I also generally don't allow fan created content in my games, so the "net created" spells I would just disallow by default.

I would edit the additional spell list as follows:

Level One - None
Level Two - Cleanse (6), Throwing of Stones (5)
Level Three - Create Wood (10/20), Light Healing (6)
Level Four - None
Level Five - Influence the Beast (12), Instill Knowledge (15), Lifeblast (15), Sustain (12)
Level Six - Create Water (15), Fortify Against Disease (15), Sheltering Force (20)
Level Seven - Heal Self (20)
Lever Eight - Greater Healing (30)
Level Nine - Desiccate the Supernatural (50), Purge Self (70), Tame Beast (60)
Level Ten - Purge Other (100), Restore Limb (80), Super-Healing (70)
Level Eleven - None
Level Twelve - Ironwood (Varies; 50 Minimum)
Level Thirteen - None
Level Fourteen - None
Level Fifteen - None

Obviously with a couple of exceptions the majority of the allowed spells are healing spells, which might tend to force a specialization upon the character that isn't intended. I would really need to revisit the entire spell list to see if there's anythign extra I would suggest adding that wasn't in your initial list. Sheltering force is kept in for thematic reasons, but being a "force" type magic and not related to plant life, nature, animals, or earth I could just as easily see it being excluded along with the rest of them.

Ideally though, I could see a lot of the magic listed above as not quite right since they are about living in harmony, and spells like cleanse, purge, and sustain among others are about existing despite the conditions around you, instead of existing with the conditions around you.

I didn't even examine the upgraded magical items, I feelt eh magical items they have available to them are just fine.

I'll admit it's been a while since I've really examined the biomancer with any scrutiny, so my thoughts and interpretations may be a bit off.
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