Mechanoid Player Characters

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Unread post by Colonel Wolfe »

I've always thought the "Skill Packages" were Kinda ingrown in the Mechinoid Mind... Thou Variation is Possible, they were more Genetically Programmed with the Skills.

Mutants would be an Interesting Idea, Purposful Mutation by a AbM Brain as an Experiment to see if the Mechinoids could "Evolve" further....
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Unread post by Capt. Meschievitz »

I like using AbM Mechanoids, you get alot of play with those cats...
after 20 odd years of the same character time has come......
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Unread post by Jesterzzn »

Are you going to allow your players to roll em up, or just give them a pre rolled Mechy?
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Unread post by R Ditto »

nemogbr wrote:I had them either keeping their old bodies.

Shemarrian bodies to appear more human

Anyone have a thought of making them similar to the Star Trek's Trill?

I always thought that becoming a symbiote bonded to a human would do wonders for their personality.

Considering their origins, I doubt the Mechanoids be be anywhere near small enough to pull off some of those things.
They are nowhere near being anything like a symbiote IMO, at least not without some modification/alteration of some sort, and some sort of motivation or really good reason for them to make such changes.

The majority of the Mechanoids have bodies that are nowhere near as small as a human body. Only the Seeker appears ot be small, but even it's cyborg is several foot in size, and it isn't even equipped with much.
This makes me think that even a "small" mechanoid might be around the size of at least a watermelon. Considering how big the Shemarrians are, I could possibly see one being as a borg body for a smaller mechanoid, with the mechanoid taking up much of the torso space.
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Re: Mechanoid Player Characters

Unread post by NMI »

Notice that the "humanoid" forces amongst the Mechanoids are robots, not Mechanoids/cyborgs.
I dont think a true Mechanoid would allow itself to be attached to a humanoid frame like those of the Shermarrian.
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