Buying Land in Timiro?

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Re: Buying Land in Timiro?

Unread post by Vidynn »

the first question I would ask is, if it is possible at all to buy land in a a pseudo-feudal country like Timiro. or if it does have to be granted by the King or one of his nobles. do the King and his vassalls really want to give land to a "newcomer", someone who maybe is rich, but obviously not titled?

if the character is such a hero, maybe the best solution would be to let him get a title for his deeds, along with a strip of land in the disputed border area to the Old Kingdom (not in Timiro's heartland, so no harm done to any of the nobles, and giving border land to heroes also serves the cause of fighting the Ogres and other menaces from the Old Kingdom)?

and yes, if he gets lands, he has to pay taxes (and/or provide services, like sending his men to war or to patrol the borders....).
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Re: Buying Land in Timiro?

Unread post by Vidynn »

glad my thoughts inspired you! :ok:
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Re: Buying Land in Timiro?

Unread post by t0m »

i have been gming games in that area for years, and in my world, king gedro III is not opposed to granting land to heroes to keep them close at hand. in fact, he sorta 'collects' book 2 there is basst (i think) which was a failing farming town granted to a very heroic giant, and he turned it into a place of learning. things like this make a kingdom better in the long run, and that is really all the king wants. also, if the king has a stable of heroes living in and around his lands, he can call on them in times of need. as we all (fantasy gamers) know a small group of heroes can be more valuable than a whole army...

in my game your character would be granted an appropriate place for a ranger to retire, but he can expect to receive a magic pigeon from the king if trouble arises...or be charged with training a 'royal' ranger detachment, or just asked for a hand when someone of his skill set is required. in my game the king is known to hang around with heroes and treat them as close friends as well. he used to be one himself actually, and loves to share tales and hear stories of the adventures of younger more active heroes.
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Re: Buying Land in Timiro?

Unread post by Cybermancer »

I've both GMed and played in games where, after adventuring in the Timiro area, fief's were granted by the King. Usually these fief's were in recognition/thanks for actions during the Ogre/Orc uprisings. The fief's themselves were usually located on the borderlands so as to encourage exploration/colonization and to secure those borders. It was usually worked out so that the land generated enough income to pay taxes, pay keep upkeep, maintain a relatively prosperous lifestyle and have a modest stipend/allowance left over for the PC's (100-200gp per month each).

Along with the lands came a knighting ceremony and official title (usually knight).

It always seemed like a suitable reward and didn't really tie the PC's down so they couldn't adventure. Occasionally, these lands and oaths sworn to the king could be used as the hooks for new adventures.

Personally, I would like to see rules for being granted fiefs, buildiing keeps and holding land. Either in a future Palladium supplement or perhaps a Rifter. I suppose they could be set up using the point buy system similar to Agencies and Mercenary armies in other games. Even if it wasn't codified, some guidelines would be nice. Especially for characters in retirement or semi-retirement.
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