ZorValachan wrote:Dog_O_War wrote:ZorValachan wrote:Just do my very first example:
CS civilian and NGR operative. How is that trivial?
For one, it's not basic math, but advanced math - any conversion is infact advanced math because it's algebra.
How it is algebra: Standard time resets the count every 12 hours; that is, every time you count to 12 you start over.
Military time does this every 24 hours instead.
it turns to algebra like so: 1am to 12pm = X. X = +0. 1pm to 12am = Y. Y = +12. This is the conversion from standard to the 24 hour clock.
Germany = G. G = +1 hour from 0.
Coalition = CS. CS = -6 hours from 0.
Just because you
turned it into an equation doesn't make it algebra.
I never said they would mistake it for 9:00AM. But I have seen MANY people think 21:00 is either 8:00PM or 10:00PM, because they are not used to the concept of military time. That puts stress on them and they mess up on their BASIC math.
Adding or subracting that 12 is addition or subtraction. You don't need algebra. You chose to make it an equation. But it doesn't have to be.
Then there was a 7 hour difference.
It's the same as if you took 1+1=2 and decided 1+1=X therefore it is algebra, which is also incorrect. You can do this part with addition or subtraction and not algebra.
Um, yeah. Sure bud - I'm confident that a Mathematician will agree with you that any time 12 = 24 or 9 = 21, there is no algebra involved
ZorValachan wrote:Dog_O_War wrote:For two, it's the easiest conversion on the planet, and the only way to forget it is through sheer incompetence. Though it is algebra, it is easy algebra to the point that most people don't realise that it is algebra (because we already have the entire equation).
That's inconsiderate of all the millions of people who actually cannot do this. Millions? Yes. Quite simply In my travels around the world very few people could remember what time it was where I lived. When we would make times to meet online or for my trips, they gave me their time and I converted, because they often made mistakes.
Again, by this reasoning ALL addition and subtraction is algebra to you.
So the people you know can't add or subtract.
Great - I'm not sure of your point here
Also, I stated that the conversion of standard to military time is the algebra. Please read my post more thoroughly.
And finally, you're stating that millions (we'll say 100mil) can't perform basic math.
That sounds about right, given that the world is 6-7 billion; that's 6-7
thousand million, and out of that around 1.4% can't perform basic math. Personally I'd put the figures a little higher than this, but hey, yours are good too.
ZorValachan wrote:Dog_O_War wrote: This is all irrelivant information, as 21:00 hours is impossible to mistake for 9am in Germany. The only thing that becomes a factor is timezones, and that has nothing to do with math, and everything to do with general world knowledge.
Wrong. world knowledge would tell you 'hmmm they are 7 hours ahead of us' Basic math allows you to subract 7 from their time to get your time.
"World Knowledge" is still not basic math. It tells you part of the equation, but not everyone knows "world knowledge".
Infact most people aren't even aware of the little timezone differences from region to region.
For instance, despite Newfoundland being dead-centre at -4 hours (from 0), the Island of Newfoundland is only at -3.5.
Or that Saskatchewan runs at -6, except that during during daylight savings they're only at -5.
Basic Math didn't tell you any of that - another skill did.
ZorValachan wrote:Dog_O_War wrote:
This is a mis-use of the skill (which I mentioned in the first post I made in the thread - people simply do not know how to use the skill).
Knowing a timezone has nothing to do with a conversion from standard to military time.
I never said that either. But it does afftect when people from 2 different time zones are discussing plans.
you were the one mis-using the skill.
ZorValachan wrote:There were 2 parts. A conversion 'chain'. One of the parts was military to standard time. The other was time zone.
neither needed algebra.
Any time an unknown factor can equal a number, it is algebra.
ZorValachan wrote:21-12 = 9 is not algebra just because you want to write it in the equation 1am to 12pm = X. X = +0. 1pm to 12am = Y. Y = +12.
Is that 12 am or pm?
ZorValachan wrote:and while 9-7 IS easy, there are MANY people who simply get confused when words such as PM or time zone are used. It becomes stressful to them.
Add that to the climax of a plot hinging on getting information to the right person and it is a valid use of a Basic math roll.
I'm sure you will now take this and make up some new equations say its advanced math and that your point is made.
I don't need a new equation; the ones I used to begin with are correct.
You're being hard-headed - pm and am require consideration when converting standard to military. That they are already letters in a numbers equation should've been a big red-flag that algebra is involved.
ZorValachan wrote:Just because you can do it with advanced math, doesn't mean you can't do it with basic math.
Think about that for a minute.
ZorValachan wrote:For all those people who don't have the advanced math skill, you wouldn't let them convert military time ro standard?
Since they know both systems (a 24 hour clock and a 12 hour clock), and this conversion is the easiest on the planet, I'd let it slide. It'd still be governed under advanced math, but the skill already has enough uses that forcing a roll on something trivial (like this) isn't something I'd require.
I'm already about cutting the trivial rolls out (unless a guy really wanted to just roll dice).
ZorValachan wrote:So either you make all your CS grunts take advanced math or they can't tell both their officer and family what time their next leave begins or you go down another path and say 'this is another reason why PB system is broke'
I'd neither say nor enforce either of these.
ZorValachan wrote:I've read too many of your threads. Squirm and twist telling everyone else they are wrong and you are right and when confronted with evidence to the contrary you fall back on PB's system is broke.
If you've actually read
any of "my" threads, you'll also note that I don't put up with direct attacks on any poster, especially myself.