Talavar wrote:you have some character improbably displaced from their home region, or you have your characters turn into globe-trotters, when international travel is supposed to be so difficult in Rifts.
I don't see what the problem is. With a world riddled with dimensional tears in space and time, do you really find it so hard to believe there might be a handful of people stranded on the wrong continent? That's what character history is for, to help explain how that Anti-Monster ended up in Tolkeen, or the Machine Person ended up in Japan for the start of the game.
Also, I don't really see why international travel should be so difficult when there are supersonic nuclear powered vehicles. It's extremely unlikely you'll run into any supernatural threats at 10,000-30,000ft altitude, and if you run into enemy aircraft, just hope they're friendly on the radio or that you're the better dogfighter.
The biggest problem with international travel in Rifts Earth is providing a reason to travel to the location in the first place. Groups don't just pick up and say "Let's go to Russia." Chances are they have never even heard of Russia. However if they meet up with a dying stranded stranger who tells them of a strange land named Russia that he believes to be across the ocean at upper latitudes, and begs them with his dying breath to deliver this canister to Warlord Whatever, then they have a good start.
"But you can't make an omelet without ruthlessly crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning to others." -Order of the Stick #760