The best moment you've had in Nightbane

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The best moment you've had in Nightbane

Unread post by Colt47 »

Title says it all. What is your best experience while playing Nightbane? Can be in game our out of game.

Out of all of my experiences playing Nightbane (Which is really only about 2-3 years worth on and off considering all the other ones I play around in) was after running away from the NSB almost every time we encountered them, the GM decided to do a much requested Resident Evil "The Mansion" cross over. We escaped from a small army of NSB into a old mansion and Mirror walked to the Nightlands. Well, it seems the mansion had a security trip measure that only activated in case of a "raid". Our group of four was too small to trip the sensor, but 50+ NSB did the trick nicely. Have to admit, considering how badly we wanted those NSB dead, we didn't think we'd actually feel sorry for em. Especially after we out of game figured out it was a Resident Evil Cross over. They even called for back up from HQ after they encountered their first T-Type Tyrant and lost like 3/4ths of their people in the fight just to take it down.

Basically, after we got forced back to the real world by a rather obnoxiously large army of Hounds and painted the nearby mirrors over, all we found were NSB agent chewy bits, a couple of radios with panicked calls for further reinforcements, and creepy tapping noises from the ceiling. Those creepy tapping noises turned out to be his Home brewed "lickers", and in the good spirit of the game even our groups happy munchkin ran for his freaking life after he found out that fighting only caused more to show up... and more... and even more...

Talking about this makes me want to go and play nightbane again... assuming I find another group for it.
Norbu the Enchanter: Hello friends! What brings you to my shop today?

Big Joe: We need some things enchanted to take a beating...

Norbu: Perhaps you want your weapons enchanted? Or maybe a shield or sword? I can even enchant armor!

Big Joe: We need you to enchant this Liver, this heart, and these kidneys.

Norbu: :shock:
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Re: The best moment you've had in Nightbane

Unread post by Jefffar »

Our team was down on the ropes, running out of HP and SDC badly. The villain was shrugging off our attacks like water (GM never informed, I suspected it was an Avatar though). I do a little number crunching and realize the way its going I've got maybe 3 actions left before my character is turned to paste.

I put all my remaining PPE into Darkwhip and do a Power Attack.

Natural 20

Maxed Damage

The bad guy (and the wall behind him) cease to exist.
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Re: The best moment you've had in Nightbane

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

My char was flying around the buildings, and was coming in for a landing to the balcony of the char's appartment.
Missed the flying roll and did a face plant into the side of the building.
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Re: The best moment you've had in Nightbane

Unread post by Vidynn »

as a GM: the moment the characters transformed for the first time and caught a glimpse of what this game is about during Dark Day.
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Re: The best moment you've had in Nightbane

Unread post by runebeo »

My group took out a police force of 30 Hounds in Bay City Michigan. As we searched the police station for equipment, we found the evidence lockers and cleared them out and sold the drugs & guns to local mob for 6 million bucks, after the trade when down we took them down hard and burn down the building. We never had money problems in our game again.
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Re: The best moment you've had in Nightbane

Unread post by Colt47 »

Jefffar wrote:Our team was down on the ropes, running out of HP and SDC badly. The villain was shrugging off our attacks like water (GM never informed, I suspected it was an Avatar though). I do a little number crunching and realize the way its going I've got maybe 3 actions left before my character is turned to paste.

I put all my remaining PPE into Darkwhip and do a Power Attack.

Natural 20

Maxed Damage

The bad guy (and the wall behind him) cease to exist.

Yup, those moments are always fun. Especially when you are playing with a GM who thinks that custom powers are too powerful and hasn't seen a Dark Whip with over 100 ppe pumped into it. :lol:

I'm assuming your character also had a critical strike on a natural 20, as well.
Norbu the Enchanter: Hello friends! What brings you to my shop today?

Big Joe: We need some things enchanted to take a beating...

Norbu: Perhaps you want your weapons enchanted? Or maybe a shield or sword? I can even enchant armor!

Big Joe: We need you to enchant this Liver, this heart, and these kidneys.

Norbu: :shock:
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Re: The best moment you've had in Nightbane

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

The group was headed to the local Club Freak for information, etc...
We arrived, my character was the only "new" person there.
The Doorman asked to for me to prove myself by showing him my morphus. None is the group has seen it yet either.
My character kept saying, "You sure, you dont want be doing it out here?" They kept asking...

So I roll to change instantly. success.
In the Allyway, they saw this Gignormous Ancient Full Dragon, which screamed Supernatural to any who can sense it.
My character looked down, bent down his neck to within inches of the doorman. The Nightbane doorman failed to save vs HF. The others in the group did too.

Later on, they returned to the club, and there I sat in fascade form taking wise-cracks from others. The group told them to stop it, that my morphus just will not fit inside the club's wall, at all. One thing leads to another, the group and a rivial group is about to fight, I finally turn to them both and tell them to Stop it, or I'll eat them. My group stopped, the other group didnt. My character went to sleep oddly full :wink: :P :D


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Re: The best moment you've had in Nightbane

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Only a third of my players have actually read the nightbane book. They are familar with the system;PFRPG, Rifts, HU etc. and I had them all role up skills as normal. I did a Dark Day campaign were all the PC's lived in the same home and went to the same school. We played some basic school kid issues before Dark Day when the all underwent the change due to certain circumstances not under their control (one was chased by a hound in her school technology block for e.g.).

The best things were 3 fold.

#1 They still have no idea about the setting other than what Ive shown them in this adventure (which is very little - nightlands, hounds, hunters, theyre close to figuring out dopplegangers, the underground, the resistance, that there is a nightlands and theyre contorlled by something called the nightlords, and ofc nightspawn). So for a change Everything isnt "oh right thats a chimera its got *** hit points and does *** damage..."

#2 Their school was taken over by a Priest of night (they dont know what he was) as it was on a ley line nexus. This NPC was referred to as "the attractive man" and I managed to build up a similar fear/curiosity about him as the "cigarette smoking man" in X Files. Im very pleased with that. Btw he failed his Dark Day task (thanks to the PC's and is now a homeless bum again). When the PCs see him again they wont recognise him...

#3 I set in in our home town and our school so every time I pass certain places its like "oh look, thats where Candi had her becoming", "thats were you discovered your best friend was dead" etc..
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Re: The best moment you've had in Nightbane

Unread post by Colt47 »

TechnoGothic wrote:The group was headed to the local Club Freak for information, etc...
We arrived, my character was the only "new" person there.
The Doorman asked to for me to prove myself by showing him my morphus. None is the group has seen it yet either.
My character kept saying, "You sure, you dont want be doing it out here?" They kept asking...

So I roll to change instantly. success.
In the Allyway, they saw this Gignormous Ancient Full Dragon, which screamed Supernatural to any who can sense it.
My character looked down, bent down his neck to within inches of the doorman. The Nightbane doorman failed to save vs HF. The others in the group did too.

Later on, they returned to the club, and there I sat in fascade form taking wise-cracks from others. The group told them to stop it, that my morphus just will not fit inside the club's wall, at all. One thing leads to another, the group and a rivial group is about to fight, I finally turn to them both and tell them to Stop it, or I'll eat them. My group stopped, the other group didnt. My character went to sleep oddly full :wink: :P :D

Yeah, one of my other characters kind of fits that bill. A 18 foot tall feminine mass of tenticles. At least she could technically squeeze into just about any location. The problem is that still doesn't leave a lot of moving room for regularly sized characters. Also have to watch out due to her strength. She has nearly as much strength as Herakles: Supernatural strength of 72. A simple stretch inside most structures exerts about 1800lbs of force. :-(
Norbu the Enchanter: Hello friends! What brings you to my shop today?

Big Joe: We need some things enchanted to take a beating...

Norbu: Perhaps you want your weapons enchanted? Or maybe a shield or sword? I can even enchant armor!

Big Joe: We need you to enchant this Liver, this heart, and these kidneys.

Norbu: :shock:
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Re: The best moment you've had in Nightbane

Unread post by Hadeshorn »

Gee, I don't even know where to begin.

In the last NB campaign I played in, I was an Astral Lord and one of the other players was a Nightbane Sorcererer (not sure if thats the exact title but you get the point.) The GM allowed us to start with him having invested PPE into helping create my Astral Realm so I had plenty of juice to make it all kinds of fun.

At one point in the campaign, we had to break into a very minor Nightprince's apartment in Chicago and get some information. We learned, during a recon excercise that the building was full of the scorpion dudes along with some other nasties. To create a distraction, I thought it would be a good idea to steal a bunch of cattle from a ranch out west, hide them in my Astral Realm and then stampede them through the 30th floor of the building where the apartment/office was. When that didn't work out so well, I moved the portal from the pasture in my realm to smack dab in the middle of the active volcano and poured lava in behind the cattle. The ensuing chaos resulted in lava catching the cattle on fire and both flaming cattle and lava pouring out of the building and into the street below.
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Re: The best moment you've had in Nightbane

Unread post by Rockwolf66 »

The First in game appearance of Margarita Lopez...

Nekira's group was right about to get into a big fight and this hot latina shows up with an M-79 and a vest load of grenades. Needless to say she spent the fight blowing up anything that looked even remotly like a nightlord pawn.

Thankfully the M-79 wasn't perminantly enchanted at the time.
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Re: The best moment you've had in Nightbane

Unread post by Misfit KotLD »

El Magico's NB game at OH 07. Warwolf's character is hanging by a rope over a great subterranean cavern that had a pair of machine gun toting MiBs at the bottom. "Great, I'm a pinata."
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Re: The best moment you've had in Nightbane

Unread post by Specter »

Was playing a very strong 'Bane, who was trying to protect a church from men in black types. They were all shooting at me so I shadow slid through them and picked up the van they had arrived in which apparenly still had a few men in black in it. And, I tossed it into them... but the van kept going... into the church, through the church, and when the gas tank exploded... well I suddenly didn't have a church to protect.
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