One of my friends from my old group was thinking of doing a gladiator game in the Atlantis arena, and I was thinking about trying it out here. The problem is that the way he was planning to run it we would have eventually based a regular campaign around it, and therefore needed to do PC creation with that in mind. I was planning to have it a "2 Men Enter, 1 Man Leaves" sort of game. This means that PC creation would be longer than what I would like for this sort of game.
Here's my ideas so far:
1 = Just about any OCC/RCC/PCC and/or combination of would be allowed, though matches would be kept within the same level of power (no dragons against vagabonds for example Though later I might start doing stuff like a team of mecha units vs dragons). Basiclly SDC vs SDC, and MDC vs MDC. This is also why I posted this here and not in the Rifts forum as HU, PFRPG, NB, RT, and even Rifter PCs are allowed. I'm thinking of following the Quasi-Legal Thread's ideas as far as who can be what.
2 = There is a total level cap of 30 in place. So if your a 15th level diabolist, and switch over to temporal wizard, then that OCC's level can only go as high as 15. But if at level 8 you decide to switch again to dedicated martial artist, then that level can't be more than 7 (15 + 8 + 7 = 30).
3 = Have skill selection focused on combat skills (physical, WPs, piloting if required, ect). This should help keep PC creation time to a minimum, as skill selection is what usually takes the most time.
That's what I got so far, and now I have some stuff I'm stuck on...
4 = Spells. Psychics are easy to figure out as they level up, they always gain a set amount per level. Mages on the other hand can also learn new spells in addition to gaining new ones as they level up. I'm really not sure as to exactly how many spells would be a fair amount for a player to start with.
5 = Tech, equipment, weapons, & armor. Same as #4, although tech is usually easier to figure out. However, at what level should I begin allowing PCs to have really powerful stuff like rune weapons?
I think that about covers it for now. Anybody got some input?
Gladiator Campagin
Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones